
Accepted values - Reason

Updated 17 October 2023
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Error in centre submitting marks (e.g. incorrect mark submitted for non-examination assessment)
Processing error (e.g. scanning or scaling or grading)
No mark change - grade change due to changes on other component(s)
Error in totalling of marks by original examiner (e.g. examiner did not add up marks correctly)
Error in inputting marks on online marking system by original examiner (e.g. mark incorrectly input)
Marking - unusual candidate response (e.g. candidate response not covered by the mark scheme)
Application of special consideration during post-results (where the component/qualification was also subject to a review of marking)
Error in transferring marks from paper script to exam processing system (e.g. discrepancy between marks on script and marks on exam board system)
Original marking/processing had incorrectly dealt with a candidate rubric error and/or answer in wrong answer space
Work not seen or marked by original examiner
Marking - misapplication of points-based mark scheme
Outcome of malpractice investigation (e.g. mark change due to estimation of marks)
Auto-marking error (e.g. wrong answer key)
Marking - misapplication of levels based mark scheme
Moderation - misapplication of criteria by original moderator (e.g. error by original moderator)
Original marker unable to read candidate response (e.g. illegible handwriting)
Missing script located at review (e.g. original script not marked)