TQ Reviews of Marking and Moderation - file format
Updated 17 October 2023
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Name | Description | Position | Validation Regular Expression | Description of Regular Expression / Accepted values |
ReportingDate | Date the file was due to be submitted to Ofqual regardless of when it was actually uploaded (this date will be made available by Ofqual) | 1 | ^ (0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [/](0[1-9]|1[012])[/] (20)\d\d $ or ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | The date in the following format: day (2 digits), forward slash, month (2 digits), forward slash, year (4 digits), or: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) |
AssessmentSeries | Assessment series data relates to, for example June 2023 | 2 | ^(June)([][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])$ | Full month name and year of Assessment series for example June 2023 |
AwardingOrganisation | Acronym of the awarding organisation | 3 | ^.{1,100}$ | A valid AO Acronym. 1 to 100 characters accepted Note: value must be consistent within the file. |
QualificationNumber | Unique identifier for the TQ as it appears in Ofqual’s Register of Regulated qualifications | 4 | ^.{1,10}$ | Valid Qualification Number. 1 to 10 characters accepted |
ComponentCode | Unique identifier for the component which the assessment relates to (assigned by the awarding organisation) | 5 | ^.{1,10}$ | 1 to 10 characters |
SubComponentType | TQ sub-component which the assessment falls under (Core Exam, Core Project, Occupational Specialism) | 6 | ^(Core Exam|Core Project|Occupational Specialism)$ | Accepted values: • Core Exam • Core Project • Occupational Specialism |
AssessmentCode | Unique identifier for the assessment (assigned by the awarding organisation) | 7 | ^.{1,10}$ | 1 to 10 characters |
ULN | Unique Learner Number | 8 | ^.{0000000001,9999999999}$ | A numeric value between 0000000001 and 9999999999 |
UCI | Unique Candidate Identifier | 9 | ^.{1,13}$ | A valid Unique Candidate Identifier Note: enter -2 if not available |
UKPRN | UK Provider Reference Number | 10 | ^.{10000000,99999999}$ | A numeric value between 10000000 and 99999999 |
NCN | Centre ID – National Centre Number | 11 | ^\d{1,5}$ | Up to 5-digit integer Note: enter -2 if not available |
OriginalAssessmentRawMark | Original Assessment Raw Mark | 12 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
PostReviewAssessmentRawMark | Post-Review Assessment Raw Mark | 13 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
OriginalAssessmentUMSMark | Original Assessment UMS Mark | 14 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
PostReviewAssessmentUMSMark | Post-Review Assessment UMS Mark | 15 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
OriginalSubComponentRawMark | Original Sub-component Raw Mark | 16 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
PostReviewSubComponentRawMark | Post-Review Sub-component Raw Mark | 17 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
OriginalSubComponentUMSMark | Original Sub-component UMS Mark | 18 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
PostReviewSubComponentUMSMark | Post-Review Sub-component UMS Mark | 19 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
OriginalComponentRawMark | Original component Raw Mark | 20 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
PostReviewComponentRawMark | Post-Review component Raw Mark | 21 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
OriginalComponentUMSMark | Original component UMS Mark | 22 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
PostReviewComponentUMSMark | Post-Review component UMS Mark | 23 | ^\d{1,3}$ | Number between 0 and 999 allowing decimals Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
OriginalAssessmentGrade | Original Assessment Grade | 24 | ^(A*|A|B|C|D|E|Q|U|X|Distinction|Merit|Pass|-2)$ | Accepted values: • A* • A • B • C • D • E • U • Distinction • Merit • Pass Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
PostReviewAssessmentGrade | Post-Review Assessment Grade | 25 | ^(A*|A|B|C|D|E|Q|U|X|Distinction|Merit|Pass|-2)$ | Accepted values: • A* • A • B • C • D • E • U • Distinction • Merit • Pass Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
OriginalSubComponentGrade | Original Sub-Component Grade | 26 | ^(A*|A|B|C|D|E|Q|U|X|Distinction|Merit|Pass|-2)$ | Accepted values: • A* • A • B • C • D • E • U • Distinction • Merit • Pass Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
PostReviewSubComponentGrade | Post-Review Sub-Component Grade | 27 | ^(A*|A|B|C|D|E|Q|U|X|Distinction|Merit|Pass|-2)$ | Accepted values: • A* • A • B • C • D • E • U • Distinction • Merit • Pass Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
OriginalComponentGrade | Original Component Grade | 28 | ^(A*|A|B|C|D|E|Q|U|X|Distinction|Merit|Pass|-2)$ | Accepted values: • A* • A • B • C • D • E • U • Distinction • Merit • Pass Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
PostReviewComponentGrade | Post-Review Component Grade | 29 | ^(A*|A|B|C|D|E|Q|U|X|Distinction|Merit|Pass|-2)$ | Accepted values: • A* • A • B • C • D • E • U • Distinction • Merit • Pass Note: enter -2 if not applicable |
TypeOfReview | Type of review | 30 | ^(Administrative Error Review|Review of Marking|Review of Moderation)$ | Accepted values: • Administrative Error Review • Review of Marking • Review of Moderation |
Reason | Information provided to centres to explain a change in marks | 31 | ^(Work not seen or marked by original examiner|Error in totalling of marks by original examiner (e.g. examiner did not add up marks correctly)|Error in transferring marks from paper script to exam processing system (e.g. discrepancy between marks on script and marks on exam board system)|Error in inputting marks on online marking system by original examiner (e.g. mark incorrectly input)|Error in centre submitting marks (e.g. incorrect mark submitted for non-examination assessment)|Original marking/processing had incorrectly dealt with a candidate rubric error and/or answer in wrong answer space.|Original marker unable to read candidate response (e.g. illegible handwriting)| Application of special consideration during post-results (where the component/qualification was also subject to a review of marking) |Missing script located at review (e.g. original script not marked).|Processing error (e.g. scanning scaling grading)|Auto-marking error (e.g. wrong answer key)|Outcome of malpractice investigation (e.g. mark change due to estimation of marks)|Marking – misapplication of levels based mark scheme|Marking – misapplication of points-based mark scheme|Marking – unusual candidate response (e.g. candidate response not covered by the mark scheme)|Moderation – misapplication of criteria by original moderator (e.g. error by original moderator)|No mark change – grade change due to changes on other component(s)|Note: enter -2 if not applicable)$ | Accepted values: • Work not seen or marked by original examiner • Error in totalling of marks by original examiner (e.g. examiner did not add up marks correctly) • Error in transferring marks from paper script to exam processing system (e.g. discrepancy between marks on script and marks on exam board system) • Error in inputting marks on online marking system by original examiner (e.g. mark incorrectly input) • Error in centre submitting marks (e.g. incorrect mark submitted for non-examination assessment) • Original marking/processing had incorrectly dealt with a candidate rubric error and/or answer in wrong answer space. • Original marker unable to read candidate response (e.g. illegible handwriting) • Application of special consideration during post-results (where the component/qualification was also subject to a review of marking) • Missing script located at review (e.g. original script not marked). Processing error (e.g. scanning scaling grading) • Auto-marking error (e.g. wrong answer key) • Outcome of malpractice investigation (e.g. mark change due to estimation of marks) • Marking – misapplication of levels based mark scheme • Marking – misapplication of points-based mark scheme • Marking – unusual candidate response (e.g. candidate response not covered by the mark scheme) • Moderation – misapplication of criteria by original moderator (e.g. error by original moderator) • No mark change – grade change due to changes on other component(s) |
DateReceived | Date when the review request was received or date when the moderator received the sample | 32 | ^ (0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [/](0[1-9]|1[012])[/] (20)\d\d $ or^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | The date in the following format: day (2 digits), forward slash, month (2 digits), forward slash, year (4 digits), or: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) |
DateCompleted | Date review is completed | 33 | ^ (0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) [/](0[1-9]|1[012])[/] (20)\d\d $ or^(20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ | The date in the following format: day (2 digits), forward slash, month (2 digits), forward slash, year (4 digits), or: year (4 digits), a dash, month (2 digits), a dash, day (2 digits) |
CompletedWithinDeadline | Whether or not the review was completed within the deadline | 34 | ^(Yes|No|TBD)$ | Accepted values: • Yes • No • TBD |