Transparency data

Cabinet Office headcount and payroll data for July 2023

Updated 24 June 2024
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Year Month Organisation name Organisation type Main, parent or sponsoring department: Payroll staff; AO/AA; Headcount Payroll staff; AO/AA; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; EO; Headcount Payroll staff; EO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Headcount Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Headcount Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SCS; Headcount Payroll staff; SCS; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Headcount Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Total; Headcount Payroll staff; Total; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Admin and Clerical; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Admin and Clerical; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Interim Managers & Specialist Contractors & Medical; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Interim Managers & Specialist Contractors & Medical; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Other Contingent labour; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Other Contingent labour; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Total Contingent labour: Headcount Non-payroll staff; Total Contingent labour: Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Consultancy; Number of Contracts Grand Total (workforce numbers); Headcount Grand Total (workforce numbers); Full-time equivalent Payroll staff costs; Salary Payroll staff costs; Allowances Payroll staff costs; Non-consolidated performance payments Payroll staff costs; Overtime Payroll staff costs; Employer pension contributions Payroll staff costs; Employer national insurance contributions Payroll staff costs; Total paybill Non-Payroll staff costs; Contingent labour Non-Payroll staff costs; Consultancy Non-Payroll staff costs; Total staff costs Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs
2023 July Cabinet Office Ministerial Department Cabinet Office 421 388.81 734 704.74 2016 1969.92 3122 3056.58 355 349.73 2170 2156.12 8,818 8,626 63 58.86 509 480.57 0 0 572 539 20 9,390 9,165 £46,963,343.37 £1,291,893.75 £8,090,733.52 £289,442.75 £8,612,905.13 £6,891,097.28 £72,139,415.80 £5,723,197.10 £1,328,323.96 £7,051,521.06 £79,190,936.86
2023 July Civil Service Commission Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Cabinet Office 1 0.6 3 3 5 4.6 6 5.59 1 1 0 0 16 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 15 £82,366.47 £2,361.86 £0.00 £0.00 £18,296.91 £10,018.87 £113,044.11 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £113,044.11
2023 July Crown Commercial Service Executive Agency Cabinet Office 17 17 96 89.3 427 408.55 182 175.42 23 22.56 0 0 745 713 0 0 26 25.86 0 0 26 26 1 771 739 £2,498,815.87 £70,448.69 £4,899.61 £746.67 £687,108.75 £278,463.06 £3,540,482.65 £325,718.81 £162,318.91 £488,037.72 £4,028,520.37
2023 July Government Property Agency Executive Agency Cabinet Office 3 2.89 23 21.1 133 130.84 204 200.72 30 29.11 0 0 393 385 85 83.6 0 0 0 0 85 84 7 478 468 £2,127,102.00 £140,062.00 £0.00 £0.00 £445,885.00 £272,759.00 £2,985,808.00 £1,907,535.49 £67,804.73 £1,975,340.22 £4,961,148.22
2023 July Equality and Human Rights Commission Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Cabinet Office 1 1 14 13.56 127 119.48 74 67.92 10 9.6 0 0 226 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 226 212 £1,099,975.00 £9,550.00 £0.00 £0.00 £225,155.00 £129,195.00 £1,463,875.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,463,875.00