
T15 Modified papers file format

Updated 19 March 2021
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Name Description Position Validation Regular Expression Description of Regular Expression
Exam series Exam series data relates to e.g. June 2016 1 ^(January|March|June|November)([ ][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])$ Full month name of exam series and year.
Awarding organisation Name of the awarding organisation 2 ^.{1,100}$ One, to one hundred characters accepted
Reporting date Date the file was due to be submitted regardless of when it was actually uploaded. Format accepted either 103 British/French dd/mm/yyyy, or 120 ODBC canonical yyyy-mm-dd. 3 ^(20)\d\d[-](0[1- 9]|1[012])[-](0[1- 9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ The date in the following format: day (two digits), forward slash, month (two digits), forward slash, year (four digits), or: year (four digits), a dash, month (two digits), a dash, day (two digits).
Qualification Type of qualification e.g. GCSE 4 ^(GCSE|AS|A level)$ One of the following list: GCSE, AS, A level
Country For awarding organisation’s to enter the specific country the data relates to e.g. England, Wales, Northern Ireland. 5 ^(England|Wales|Northern Ireland|Non UK|Other UK Regions)$ England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Non UK, Other UK Regions will be accepted
Total number of modified paper requests Total number of modified paper requests from the awarding organisation 6 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
Total number of candidates granted modified papers Total number of candidates granted modified papers by awarding organisation 7 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
No. of Braille papers & Braille labels granted Total number of Braille question papers and tactile diagrams with Braille labels granted by awarding organisation 8 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
No. of Modified 18 point bold papers granted No. of Modified 18 point bold papers granted by awarding organisation 9 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
No. of Modified 24 point bold papers granted Number of Modified 24 point bold papers granted 10 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
Modified language granted Modified language 11 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
No. of Tactile Diagrams with print labels granted Number of Tactile Diagrams with print labels granted by awarding organisation 12 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
No. of Transcripts of listening test/video granted Number of Transcripts of listening test/video granted by awarding organisation 13 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
No. of Non-interactive electronic QPs granted Number of Noninteractive electronic question papers granted 14 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
Number of other formats granted Total number of other formats granted 15 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted
Total number of discrete modified papers produced Example: If five Braille papers and five A4 18 point bold papers were produced, for the same maths question paper, this would count as two. If there were two maths papers (paper A & B) this would count as four. 16 ^\d{1,5}$ A numeric value between 0 and 99,999 accepted