Transparency data
Defra's ePCS spending over £500 for February 2023
Updated 28 July 2023
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Entity | GL Date | Merchant name | Amount | Description |
DEFRA | 06/02/2023 | INTER GLOBE AIR TR | 2,687.00 | Internal flights Audit team in India |
DEFRA | 08/02/2023 | MIRO.COM | 1,227.78 | Miro for the design community. RealtimeBoard Inc. dba - Miro annual subscription. |
DEFRA | 08/02/2023 | FIGMA ANNUAL RENEWAL | 778.26 | Figma for the design community. Professional FigJam design seats (annual) Nov 9, 2022 – Nov 9, 2023 |
DEFRA | 09/02/2023 | WWW.JOHNLEWIS.COM | 1,398.00 | 2 x Dishwashers required to replace broken units on site at Alchemy - required for welfare purposes |
DEFRA | 13/02/2023 | LECTERN-S.CO.UK | 1,963.20 | Lectern for new Ministerial Media Room |
DEFRA | 14/02/2023 | SETON | 573.56 | Replacement defibrillator pads for Cambray & Tonbridge |
DEFRA | 16/02/2023 | PAYPAL NET-STORE | 1,953.54 | 600 Cat 6 Patch leads for Lancaster House Comms Room |
DEFRA | 19/02/2023 | CURRYS ONLINE | 1,108.00 | 3 x Fridges for Neville House |
DEFRA | 19/02/2023 | GSUITE_DEFRA.NET | 885.5 | Required by GSuite business users. Originally purchased via GPC in the business, agreed with DEFRA Tools Authority transferred to IT Asset Management to manage the renewal and portal |
DEFRA | 20/02/2023 | UNIVERSITY OF KEELE | 1,240.00 | Staff training: Approved university modules: Statistical Data Analytics And Databases Design & Programming |
DEFRA | 20/02/2023 | IN FEEDLY, INC | 4,591.31 | Annual subscription for FEEDLY horizon scanning tool, used as core tool for Digital Data Technology Sservice - Technology Innovation horizon scanning work. |
DEFRA | 20/02/2023 | J A JACKSON | 522 | Skip Hire for office clearout |
DEFRA | 20/02/2023 | WWW.TOTALID.CO.UK | 543.74 | Printing Cards for ID Badges |
DEFRA | 20/02/2023 | JACKSON SKIPS | 522 | Skip Hire for office renovations |
DEFRA | 20/02/2023 | PAYPAL NET-STORE | 2,199.99 | Cat6 Patch cables for Lancaster House Project |
DEFRA | 21/02/2023 | ARGOS LTD | 578.94 | Replacement dishwasher and fridge to replace faulty ones at Goldcrest House |
APHA | 08/02/2023 | WWW.FCPATH.ORG | 620 | 1x Staff RCVS Annual Membership Fee |
APHA | 10/02/2023 | LOCAL TOILET HIRE R/T | 1,920.00 | 20 x Portaloos |
APHA | 14/02/2023 | LOCAL TOILET HIRE R/T | 2,496.00 | 20 x Porta Loo |
CCW | 15/02/2023 | WESTMINSTER FORUM PROJ | 624 | 2 delegate places at Westminster Legal Policy Forum Seminar |
CEFAS | 06/12/2022 | SOLOMON KITANO HOTEL L | 1,100.98 | Accommodation for one person for eight nights in the Solomon Islands to support the Ocean Country Partnership Programme. Booking not able to be made via current Travel Provider. |
CEFAS | 14/12/2022 | WWW.ONDERWATERHUIS.NL | 934.48 | Four deep water GoPro housings for survey work. |
CEFAS | 19/12/2022 | UNMANNEDTECH | 732.94 | One Emlid RS Plus GPS Unit for survey positioning to support fieldwork. |
CEFAS | 03/01/2023 | AIR T VEL | 1,867.46 | Return economy flights for three people from Tahiti to Gambier to carry out fieldwork to support the Blue Belt Programme. Booking not able to be made via current Travel Provider. |
CEFAS | 09/01/2023 | AIR T VEL | 629.16 | Return economy flights for one person from Tahiti to Gambier to carry out fieldwork to support the Blue Belt Programme. Booking not able to be made via current Travel Provider. |
CEFAS | 29/01/2023 | DOCKER:INV-63D6EBEF-01 | 1,601.43 | One Docker software licence purchase used by Applied Technology Developers at Cefas. |
CEFAS | 30/01/2023 | WWW.JOHNLEWIS.COM | 898 | Two iPhone SE's used to support staff travelling to countries of concern. Purchase not able to be made via existing contracting arrangements as devices are required to be independent of Cefas network. |
CEFAS | 31/01/2023 | ECONOMIST EVENTS | 779.65 | Attendance fees for one person to attend the 10th Annual World Ocean Summit and Expo 2023 three day event in Lisbon, Portugal |
CEFAS | 31/01/2023 | BC PAVCO/ VCC / BCP | 1,317.89 | Conferencing and event management services including venue hire at IMPAC5 (Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress) conference in Vancouver to support the Blue Belt programme. |
CEFAS | 02/02/2023 | VIRGIN ATLANTIC | 845 | Charge for additional luggage on flight to Gambier to transport equipment being used on surveys to support the BlueBelt Programme. |
CEFAS | 03/02/2023 | VT FRET LOCAL | 681.24 | Charge for additional luggage on flight to Gambier to transport equipment being used on surveys to support the BlueBelt Programme. |
CEFAS | 06/02/2023 | BELIZE HUB | 1,630.99 | Accommodation for three people for six nights in Belize to support Ocean Country Partnership Programme. Booking not able to be made via current Travel Provider. |
CEFAS | 07/02/2023 | WH Smith Heathrow T4 S | 1,170.98 | Purchase of two Go Pro's and supporting accessories to support the Ocean Country Partnership Programme used by the Wayamba University to specifcally support Mangrove Restoration Project. |
CEFAS | 07/02/2023 | QATAR AIRWAYS COMPANY W.L.L. (QATAR AIR) | 697 | Charge for additional luggage on flight to Sri Lanka to transport equipment being donated to Sri Lankan institutes to support the Ocean Country Partnership Programme delivery. |
CEFAS | 07/02/2023 | UA AQUAPATH LAB | 1,331.59 | Histology proficiency testing. |
CEFAS | 07/02/2023 | WWW.JOHNLEWIS.COM | 898 | Two iPhone SE's used to support staff travelling to countries of concern. Purchase not able to be made via existing contracting arrangements as devices are required to be independent of Cefas network. |
CEFAS | 09/02/2023 | ICENTA CONTROLS LTD | 4,161.02 | Four flow meters and four flow controllers used to calibrate part of the Ocean Acidification system in the Experimental Facility at the Cefas Weymouth Laboratory. |
CEFAS | 10/02/2023 | Mol Eelco Wallaart B.V | 656.5 | Two syringe filters for used to sample water during tank studies at the Cefas Weymouth Laboratory. |
CEFAS | 10/02/2023 | HTTPS://STCW-TRAINING- | 749 | Five day training course for one person on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping. |
CEFAS | 10/02/2023 | DLHONLINE.CO.UK | 3692.4 | Purchase of one galvanised lifting davit crane including shipping and handling to support egg sampling fieldwork supporting the Blue Belt Programme. |
CEFAS | 14/02/2023 | TAJ CLUB RECEPTION | 632.61 | Vehicle hire to attend different locations in Sri Lanka to support the projects being delivered as part of the Ocean Country Partnership Programme. |
CEFAS | 18/02/2023 | SIX SEASONS HOTEL LTD. | 639.3 | Selection of tea, coffee and lunch for 30 delegates whilst hosting a meeting with the Director General of Department of Fisheries for Bangladesh. |
CEFAS | 20/02/2023 | JECKELLS | 1050 | Purchase of one life raft required for fieldwork in St. Helena to support the Blue Belt Programme. |
CEFAS | 20/02/2023 | AINSCOUGH TRAINING SER | 1,374.00 | Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment training course for one person for five days requested by the Health and Safety Team, Cefas Lowestoft Laboratory. |
CEFAS | 20/02/2023 | CAR RENTAL | 761.97 | Monthly vehicle leasing cost to support staff member working in Kuwait delivering the the UK-Gulf Marine Environment Partnership programme. |
CEFAS | 22/02/2023 | LABCOLD LIMITED | 2,183.40 | Lab cold fridge freezer and pharmacy fridge to replace current laboratory fridge and fridge freezer. |
CEFAS | 23/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 936.9 | 60 Samsung Lithium batteries purchased for six hydrophones to be used on the Ocean Country Partnership Programme. |
CEFAS | 23/02/2023 | FARNELL | 1,149.31 | Electronic components to build new EDC RFID wands (Electronic Data Capture Radio Frequency Identification.) |
CEFAS | 24/02/2023 | AMZNMktplace | 781.66 | 17 Samsung Evo Plus microSD memory cards or six hydrophones to be used on the Ocean Partnership Programme. |
CEFAS | 24/02/2023 | SETAC EUROPE | 771.71 | Attendance fees for one person to attend SETAC ( Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 33rd Annual Meeting in Belgium. Booking not able to be made via current Travel Provider. |
CEFAS | 24/02/2023 | FARNELL | 906.59 | Electronic components to build new EDC RFID wands (Electronic Data Capture Radio Frequency Identification.) |
CEFAS | 24/02/2023 | GITHUB | 624.02 | 168 software development licenses for one year- monthly cost for February 2023. |
CEFAS | 24/02/2023 | DIGICERT INC. | 658 | One GeoTrust certificate purchased for services Cefas host for internal and external customers 24/02/2023-24/02/2024. |
CEFAS | 25/02/2023 | DIGICERT INC. | 658 | One GeoTrust certificate purchased for services Cefas host for internal and external customers 23/02/2023-023/02/2024. |
CEFAS | 27/02/2023 | SETAC EUROPE | 887.1 | Attendance and Congress dinner fees for one person to attend SETAC ( Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 33rd Annual Meeting in Belgium. |
CEFAS | 27/02/2023 | AMZNMktplace | 922.99 | Purchase of 20 Samsung memory cards for use in scientific sound traps. |
CEFAS | 27/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 1078.81 | Items purchased to support Welsh Acoustic Marine Mammal Survey project. Items purchased are for five soundtraps that will be used to capture noise levels. |
CEFAS | 28/02/2023 | SETAC EUROPE | 887.1 | Registration fees for one person to attend SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 33rd Annual Meeting in Dublin for five days. (This price is an in person full meeting and membership combination including a congress dinner.) |
KEW | 01/02/2023 | UK CAA APPLY ONLINE | 1,820.00 | Fees to CAA for application to fly drones with extended line of sight in the UK |
KEW | 02/02/2023 | CLOUD XQ553L | 1,345.05 | Google cloud services for Kew science |
KEW | 03/02/2023 | ETHIOPIANAIR0712136950042 | 1,163.01 | 1x Staff return flights to Madagascar/Kew Madagascar Office (KMCC) for critical meetings/workshops with project staff/collaborators/consortium and with Kew line managed staff based in KMCC |
KEW | 03/02/2023 | AWS EMEA | 816.54 | Amazon Web Hosting - DNS for Kew and Wakehurst |
KEW | 06/02/2023 | OPODO | 947.22 | Indonesia internal flights (Jakarta to Manokwari) for Utteridge & Trethowan; TIPAs project funded. |
KEW | 06/02/2023 | FACEBK 5TNJNMPXX2 | 700 | Wakehurst Facebook advertising |
KEW | 06/02/2023 | AVIS RENT A CAR | 615.4 | Hire car for fieldtrip for 1 week for 2 Kew staff |
KEW | 06/02/2023 | Crombie Lockwood NZ | 603.26 | Additional transit insurance for loan of artworks from artist based in New Zealand |
KEW | 08/02/2023 | IGC 2023 XXV IGC CONG | 557.78 | XXV International Grassland Congress 2023 registration fee |
KEW | 08/02/2023 | IGC 2023 XXV IGC CONG | 557.78 | XXV International Grassland Congress 2023 registration fee |
KEW | 13/02/2023 | FACEBK 9ZFGEN7YX2 | 700 | Wakehurst Facebook advertising |
KEW | 16/02/2023 | LOQATE | 600 | Postcode lookup tool used for customer facing websites. |
KEW | 21/02/2023 | WWW.MAJESTIC.CO.UK | 1,600.42 | Refreshment/reception drinks for the major Kew hosted external 2-day conference (110+ attendees each day): 'Avoiding plant blindness in conservation and 30x30 commitments: Measures of plant biodiversity, bioresource, the need for plant based prioritisation in policy and practice'. Paid for by project funds |
KEW | 24/02/2023 | RBG KEW ENTERPRISES LT | 1,650.00 | Induction materials from Kew shop |
KEW | 24/02/2023 | FACEBK ZL5DNMPYX2 | 700 | Wakehurst Facebook advertising |
KEW | 28/02/2023 | NHBS LTD | 531.74 | Moth trap and associated batteries |
RPA | 24/02/2023 | J HUGGINS & SON LTD | 568.7 | Historic invoice for damage to hire car windscreen. |
MMO | 19/02/2023 | SP NEBULA UK | 1,019.97 | video conference equipment for RFG hybrid hubs. |
MMO | 19/02/2023 | SP OWL LABS UK | 3,147.00 | video conference equipment for RFG hybrid hubs. |
JNCC | 08/02/2023 | Land Tours LLC | 564.28 | Car Hire - Ocean County Partnership Programme (OCCP) x 2 staff members x 3 external delegates travel for the meetings held in Accra with Ministers, NGOs and Academia throughout the week as well as one day field trip to the Volta Region of Ghana, Ghana’s capital. The payment covered the use of the hire car across the week and included a driver. |
JNCC | 08/02/2023 | SQ Ocean and Coastal | 583.2 | 3 x job advertisement for Marine Data Specialist post |
JNCC | 13/02/2023 | Park Inn by Radisson | 735 | Conference facilities for Intercultural Training 25 January 2023 for 25 attendees |
JNCC | 16/02/2023 | SETAC EUROPE | 646.87 | Conference registration Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting 30 April- 4 May 2023 x 1 staff member |
JNCC | 22/02/2023 | Graham Tiso Ltd | 580.05 | Personal Protection Equipment for field work |
JNCC | 23/02/2023 | Bishops Gate Hotel | 508.2 | Depoist to secure accommodation booking for Joint Committee Meeting 6-8 June 2023 Londonerry, Northern Ireland |
JNCC | 23/02/2023 | Sixt Ltd | 763.58 | Car Hire in Turks and Caicos Islands 18/2-1/3/2023 x 3 staff members. Part of a visit to develop the K4 Marine Protected Area Condition Indicator |
JNCC | 27/02/2023 | SETAC EUROPE | 644.61 | Conference registration Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting 30 April- 4 May 2023 x 1 staff member |
JNCC | 28/02/2023 | SETAC EUROPE | 645.99 | Conference registration Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting 30 April- 4 May 2023 x 1 staff member |
NE | 01/02/2023 | ROYAL SEVEN STARS | 1154.5 | Meeting room for eleven people for two days and bed and breakfast accommodation for eleven people for one night for Catchment Sensitive Farming meeting - 8-9 December 2022 |
NE | 01/02/2023 | EDEN PROJECT | 730 | Staff training and subsistence for eleven people for one day for Catchment Sensitive Farming meeting - 26 January 2023 |
NE | 02/02/2023 | PAYPAL WEB SALES | 720 | Lunch for 80 people for one day for Farming and Environment event - 8 December 2022 |
NE | 03/02/2023 | WWW.FGINSIGHT.COM | 1234.8 | Online and in print job advertisement for six Catchment Sensitive Farming posts - 20 January-3 February 2023 |
NE | 03/02/2023 | CLASSBENTO 99EBCXBHY | 540 | Staff training for 41 people for one day for Wellbeing training - 9 February 2023 |
NE | 06/02/2023 | HEATHWOOD NURSERIES LIMITED | 1718.1 | Hedge planting materials for Mottey Meadows National Nature Reserve |
NE | 06/02/2023 | CIPD IMPACTFUL AND EF | 1402.5 | Staff training for three people for three days for Learning and Development training - 6-8 March 2023 |
NE | 06/02/2023 | THE CHILTERNS FOX | 540 | Bed and breakfast accommodation for five people for one night for senior staff development training - 30 November 2022 |
NE | 06/02/2023 | FIRECHECK SERVICES | 697.92 | Service of fire extinguishers at Cotswold Commons and Beech Woods National Nature Reserve |
NE | 06/02/2023 | WWW.HARPER-ADAMS.AC.UK | 1457.5 | Staff training and subsistence for one person for five days and bed and breakfast accommodation for four nights for Soil and Water training course - 20-24 February 2023 |
NE | 06/02/2023 | WILDCARE LTD | 538.8 | Storage for monitoring equipment for Moor House Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve |
NE | 06/02/2023 | PARK INN BY RADISSON | 750 | Meeting room with refreshments for 12 people for three days for National Operations meeting - 17-19 January 2023 |
NE | 06/02/2023 | UK EVALUATION SOCIETY | 600 | Membership for eleven people for one year for UK Evaluation Society - November 2022-November 2023 |
NE | 07/02/2023 | AMAZON.CO.UK RS0H501W5 | 545 | Monitoring equipment for Ainsdale Sand Dunes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 07/02/2023 | PAYPAL WILDSERVICE | 1720 | Two bat acoustic recorders for call analysis |
NE | 07/02/2023 | FR JONES AND SON | 1400.63 | Protective clothing for four people for the Somerset Group National Nature Reserves |
NE | 07/02/2023 | LINGS HARLESTON SHOP | 1232 | Service and repair of reserve vehicle for Bure Marshes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 07/02/2023 | PAYPAL TITLEYSCIEN | 2125.2 | Upgrade of bat static detectors for use on notification surveys and bat projects |
NE | 07/02/2023 | THE MYERSBRIGGS COMPANY | 712.8 | Staff training for 12 people for one day for Team Development training - 24 January 2023 |
NE | 07/02/2023 | SRUC | 1500 | Staff training in modules (practical and online) for one person for Ecological Surveying - August 2022-August 2023 |
NE | 08/02/2023 | NORTH LAKES HOTEL | 524.85 | Dinner, bed and breakfast accommodation for one person for four nights to attend Public Inquiry - 10-13 January 2023 |
NE | 08/02/2023 | CONCEPT13 LORAWAN SENS | 970.8 | Weather monitoring equipment for Kingcombe National Nature Reserve |
NE | 08/02/2023 | ALLIOT TECHNOLOGIES | 658.8 | Weather monitoring equipment for Kingcombe National Nature Reserve |
NE | 08/02/2023 | RICS SUBS UK CYBS | 539 | Annual membership fee for Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) |
NE | 08/02/2023 | MOLE VALLEY FARMERS | 772.62 | Fencing equipment for East Dartmoor National Nature Reserve |
NE | 08/02/2023 | CR WILLCOCKS & CO | 832.45 | Servicing or equipment for East Dartmoor National Nature Reserve |
NE | 08/02/2023 | WEBRAND 4 YOU | 996 | 250 branded dog bandanas for externally funded Dynamic Dunescapes project as part of Sefton dog walker engagement |
NE | 08/02/2023 | WWW.KPMG.CO.UK | 1501.2 | Online staff training for 16 people for 90 minute session for Team Strength training - 31 January 2023 |
NE | 08/02/2023 | THE ARDEN HOTEL LTD | 1225.7 | Part payment for bed and breakfast accommodation, evening meal and meeting room for 14 people for two nights for Health and Safety meeting - 6-7 December 2022 |
NE | 09/02/2023 | WWW.TYSONSRIGGERS.CO.UK | 584.4 | Marine waterproof protective clothing for three people and boat equipment for Scolt Island National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/02/2023 | EB HERPETOFAUNA WORKERS MEETING | 570 | Attendance for three people for two days at Herpetofauna Workers Meeting 2023 - 4-5 February 2023 |
NE | 09/02/2023 | AIRBNB HMSTRDMY4W | 584.71 | Accommodation for eight people for three nights for marine intertidal surveying - 7-10 November 2022 |
NE | 09/02/2023 | OFF ROAD MASTERS LIMITED | 742.2 | Staff training for three people for one day for Four Wheel Driving training - 9 March 2023 |
NE | 09/02/2023 | GREENBARNES.CO.UK | 1520.48 | Noticeboard for Ainsdale Sand Dunes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/02/2023 | RYETEC INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT LTD | 658.12 | Repair of machinery for Ainsdale Sand Dunes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/02/2023 | BTO SERVICES LTD | 514 | Rings for Manx shearwater monitoring on Lundy Island Site of Special Scientific Interest |
NE | 09/02/2023 | WWW.ALARMING.CO.UK | 533.28 | Security alarm maintenance for North Solent National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/02/2023 | NORFOLK MARINE | 951.49 | Repair of boat equipment for Bure Marshes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/02/2023 | BUXTONS LTD | 684.01 | Protective clothing for two people for Aqualate Mere National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/02/2023 | OLIVER CROMWELL HOTEL | 2100 | Bed and breakfast accommodation for 15 people for three nights for Peatland Team meeting - 26-28 September 2022 |
NE | 09/02/2023 | SPEEDY FUELS LIMITED | 1194 | Inspection and servicing of bowser at Ainsdale Sand Dunes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/02/2023 | SPEEDY FUELS LIMITED | 1836 | Diesel for bowser at Ainsdale Sand Dunes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/02/2023 | CITYSPRINT UK LIMITED | 719.32 | Courier to transport Water Quality Monitoring device for servicing ready for LIFE R4ever Kent project |
NE | 09/02/2023 | M A GRIGG AGRICULTURAL | 856 | Eight bridle gates for The Lizard National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/02/2023 | SP BLUETTIPOWER-UK | 3656 | Payment for mobile power source for use on Northumberland coast |
NE | 09/02/2023 | HILL HOLT WOOD | 506 | Equipment for Connecting People with Nature project at Hill Holt Wood |
NE | 10/02/2023 | GOPRO.COM | 1224.85 | Equipment for monitoring Grey Seals in Cornwall to inform on SSSI condition and enforcement casework |
NE | 10/02/2023 | SEAL RESEARCH TRUST | 2500 | Report which collates ten years of mobile species data on North Cornwall coast |
NE | 10/02/2023 | WWW.PLANNING.CO | 802.2 | Planning application fee for new building at Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserve |
NE | 10/02/2023 | WWW.OFFICEFURNITUREONLINE | 706.8 | Office furniture for Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserve |
NE | 10/02/2023 | OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITY | 2000 | Contribution to Masters qualification for one person |
NE | 10/02/2023 | ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR | 792.24 | Hire car repairs |
NE | 10/02/2023 | RICS SUBS UK CYBS | 539 | Annual membership fee for Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) |
NE | 10/02/2023 | SP BCT OUTDOORS LIMITED | 1825 | Marquee tent for National Nature Reserve Festival events at Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserve |
NE | 10/02/2023 | TORNE VALLEY LTD | 927 | Equipment for Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve |
NE | 10/02/2023 | IMPAC5-GC | 956.83 | Attendance for one person for seven days for IMPAC5 conference - 3-9 February 2023 |
NE | 10/02/2023 | SETTLE COAL CO LTD | 739.32 | Equipment and materials for Ingleborough National Nature Reserve |
NE | 10/02/2023 | THE KNOWLEDGE ACADEMY | 1614 | Online staff training for one person for five days for Enterprise and Solution Architecture course - 27 February-3 March 2023 |
NE | 10/02/2023 | AIRBNB HMEQRRSSZS | 701.65 | Accommodation for six people for three nights for marine intertidal surveying - 6-9 March 2023 |
NE | 10/02/2023 | AIRBNB HM8FXMQJYT | 795.2 | Accommodation for six people for three nights for marine intertidal surveying - 6-9 March 2023 |
NE | 10/02/2023 | LAKES FIRST AID | 1104 | Staff training for ten people for two days for Outdoor First Aid - 30 November-1 December 2022 |
NE | 10/02/2023 | THE UAV ACADEMY LTD | 750 | Online training for one person for 12 months for Drone Pilot training - 26 January 2023-26 January 2024 |
NE | 10/02/2023 | GOVNET EVENTS | 1422 | Online training for three people for one day for Neurodiverse training - 25 January 2023 |
NE | 13/02/2023 | RICS SUBS UK CYBS | 539 | Annual membership fee for Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) |
NE | 13/02/2023 | ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR | 564.65 | Hire car repairs |
NE | 13/02/2023 | CLIFTON CAMERAS LTD | 1199 | Monitoring equipment for surveys for Species Recovery Project |
NE | 13/02/2023 | MEALS FARM | 1150 | Bed and breakfast accommodation for three people for five nights for Long Term Monitoring at Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe National Nature Reserve - 3-8 July 2022 |
NE | 13/02/2023 | HOTEL ON BOOKING.COM | 625 | Bed and breakfast accommodation for three people for five nights for Long Term Monitoring at Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe National Nature Reserve - 3-8 July 2022 |
NE | 13/02/2023 | AHVLA | 624.6 | Storage of DNA sequence data in large files on Scientific Computing Environment |
NE | 13/02/2023 | JESSOPS | 1890.1 | Monitoring equipment for LIFE Moor Space project |
NE | 13/02/2023 | SUMUP LAUGHOLOGY | 1921.8 | Staff training for 60 people for one day for East Midlands Team Building workshop - 13 December 2022 |
NE | 14/02/2023 | PEAK WASTE RECYCLING LTD | 793.2 | Skip hire for eight weeks for Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve |
NE | 14/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE & SONS | 968.83 | Repair of machinery for Lullington Heath National Nature Reserve |
NE | 14/02/2023 | M CHANNON COUNTRY STORE | 600.6 | Fencing materials for Lullington Heath National Nature Reserve |
NE | 15/02/2023 | MORTON TRAINING LIMITED | 1420.8 | Staff training for three people each for two separate days for All Terrain Vehicle training - 15 and 23 December 2023 |
NE | 15/02/2023 | CLASSBENTO 99B84FAS6 | 650 | Staff training for 12 people for one day for Operations Team Wellbeing training - 27 January 2023 |
NE | 15/02/2023 | WWW.KPMG.CO.UK | 1501.2 | Online staff training for 16 people for one half day for module 1 Team Strength training - 18 January 2023 |
NE | 15/02/2023 | WWW.KPMG.CO.UK | 1501.2 | Online staff training for 16 people for one half day for module 2 Team Strength training - 19 January 2023 |
NE | 16/02/2023 | BRIANTS OF RISBOROUGH | 657.2 | Fencing materials for Aston Rowant National Nature Reserve |
NE | 16/02/2023 | AGRIGLAZE LTD | 798 | Repair of reserve vehicle for Suffolk Coast National Nature Reserves |
NE | 16/02/2023 | WWW.ANGLEPS.COM | 820.5 | Moth traps for surveys for Suffolk Coast National Nature Reserves |
NE | 19/02/2023 | OTHREE LIMITED | 940 | Part payment for dry suit for NE Dive team monitoring work |
NE | 19/02/2023 | NEWTON TRAILER CENTRE | 1083.6 | Servicing of three trailers for North Cumbria National Nature Reserves |
NE | 19/02/2023 | WWW.KERNOWFARMANDEQUIN | 1458.36 | Veterinary care for livestock at Goss Moor National Nature Reserve |
NE | 19/02/2023 | SQ VANILLA BLUE CATERING | 736.5 | Working lunches for 45 people for two days for Operations Leadership meeting - 10-11 January 2023 |
NE | 19/02/2023 | CALDERS | 597.66 | Meeting room with lunch for ten people and refreshments for 20 people for one day for Operations Leadership meeting - 12 January 2023 |
NE | 19/02/2023 | THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANCIENT BUILDINGS | 885 | Staff training for one person for five days for Repair of Old Buildings training - 22-26 May 2023 |
NE | 19/02/2023 | THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANCIENT BUILDINGS | 885 | Staff training for one person for five days for Repair of Old Buildings training - 22-26 May 2023 |
NE | 19/02/2023 | THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANCIENT BUILDINGS | 885 | Staff training for one person for five days for Repair of Old Buildings training - 22-26 May 2023 |
NE | 20/02/2023 | THE CROWN | 577.33 | Dinner for 26 people for one night for Birds Team and Chief Scientists staff meeting - 25 January 2023 |
NE | 20/02/2023 | ADT LEEDS CC | 1051.34 | Repair of security alarm for Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve |
NE | 20/02/2023 | ADT LEEDS CC | 637.57 | Repair of security alarm for Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve |
NE | 20/02/2023 | CHEVIOT TREES LTD | 2472.96 | 1120 tree protection tubes for LIFE in the Ravines project at Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve |
NE | 20/02/2023 | CHEVIOT TREES LIMITED | 1319.52 | 1520 trees for LIFE in the Ravines project at Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve |
NE | 20/02/2023 | PLANTHIREKENT.COM | 900 | Hire of wellbeing unit for Wye National Nature Reserve |
NE | 20/02/2023 | HUGGG PURCHASE | 1500 | Reward and recognition for 80 people |
NE | 20/02/2023 | AIRBNB HMKJXWMYQB | 689.95 | Accommodation for six people for three nights for marine surveying - 6-9 March 2023 |
NE | 20/02/2023 | COMMERCIAL DRONE TRAINING | 690 | Staff training for one person for five days (two online) for Drone Pilot training - 10-11, 16, 29 November and 12 December 2022 |
NE | 21/02/2023 | AIRBNB HMNCF9Y9SN | 1824.29 | Accommodation for four people for 13 nights for Fal and Helford Maerl Survey - 10-22 September 2023 |
NE | 21/02/2023 | AIRBNB HM5HMJ4J3N | 1941.22 | Accommodation for four people for 13 nights for Fal and Helford Maerl Survey - 10-22 September 2023 |
NE | 21/02/2023 | WWW.MY.CHUBB.CO.UK | 841.83 | Fire extinguisher service for Lower Penrose Veor Farm at Goss Moor National Nature Reserve |
NE | 21/02/2023 | TRURO TRACTORS LTD | 753.35 | Repair of equipment for Goss Moor National Nature Reserve |
NE | 21/02/2023 | CARTOGRAPHER | 600 | Online staff training for one person for six weeks for Cartography River Assessment training - 6 February-17 March 2023 |
NE | 22/02/2023 | WWW.KPMG.CO.UK | 1869.6 | Online staff training for one person for five days for Project Managing training - 6-10 March 2023 |
NE | 23/02/2023 | HARELAW SAWMILL OFFICE | 1099.7 | Fencing materials for Castle Eden Dene National Nature Reserve |
NE | 24/02/2023 | MCVEIGH PARKER (CAMBRIDGE) | 620.38 | Replacement gates for Barnack Hills and Holes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 24/02/2023 | S W MACHINERY HIRE LTD | 624 | Hire of digger for clearing livestock waste at Parsonage Down National Nature Reserve |
NE | 24/02/2023 | SETON | 527.59 | Storage cabinet for Parsonage Down National Nature Reserve |
NE | 27/02/2023 | GROUPE VOYAGES QUEBEC | 644.1 | Part payment for accommodation for one person for ten nights to attend COP15 event in Montreal - 9-19 December 2022 |
NE | 27/02/2023 | GROUPE VOYAGES QUEBEC | 1834.4 | Part payment for accommodation for one person for ten nights to attend COP15 event in Montreal - 9-19 December 2022 |
NE | 27/02/2023 | JAMES CARGO SERVICES LIMITED | 1288.1 | Part payment of transport of ten Hen Harriers from France to UK quarantine facility |
NE | 27/02/2023 | CENTREWIRE | 1672.2 | Four gates and fittings for Aqualate Mere National Nature Reserve |
NE | 27/02/2023 | MEDISAVE | 1567.19 | Defibrillator for Dersingham Bog National Nature Reserve |
EA | 28/02/2023 | 1ST ACCESS | 540 | 5x integrator open shackle padlocks for restricting access to meadow lane labs asset |
EA | 28/02/2023 | 1ST ACCESS | 1468.38 | 15x21a padlocks for use by Nottingham Field Team on access doors, gates etc. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | 3B TRAINING LTD | 2550 | Training course for ALT - IOSH Leading Safely Course being delivered by training provider in person 4/4/23 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | 485 MANCHESTER TRAFFOR | 2437.12 | annual service and repair of depot light plant & tools to comply with PUWER - Multiple tool stocks |
EA | 28/02/2023 | 485 MANCHESTER TRAFFOR | 1743.6 | annual service and repair of depot light plant & tools to comply with PUWER - Multiple tool stocks |
EA | 28/02/2023 | 485 MANCHESTER TRAFFOR | 834.35 | annual service and repair of depot light plant & tools to comply with PUWER - Multiple tool stocks |
EA | 28/02/2023 | 4SIGHT SOLUTIONS L | 630 | DISC personality assessments for whole team, 7 people. Used for team building following recent recruitment to 3 posts. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ABLE INSTRUMENTS | 2283.16 | Requirement for atex rated camera, |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ABLE INSTRUMENTS | 2298 | Intrinsically safe camera |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ACLAND PLANT HIRE LTD | 504 | Machine Plant Hire for incident response at Loe Bar Helston, need to expose and open a culvert to reduce flooding and help protect the public of Helston from flooding |
EA | 28/02/2023 | AIR PRODUCTS | 554 | Rental of special gas cylinders on site at NLS Starcross for the month of December 2022. 19 cylinders held on site |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Air Water Fish Ltd | 1825.82 | 2 heavy duty water tanks for the ENS Hydrogen Peroxide incident response trailers. These tanks will hold the required safety water for the operation. For use in fisheries incident response work. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | | 768 | Venturis for fisheries incident response |
EA | 28/02/2023 | | 4700 | Venturi aeration Units for Incident Response |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ALLBATTERIES UK LTD | 1204.08 | replacement batteries for outstations and head torch for technicians |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ALPHAGEO UK | 900 | Training course for 4 persons use of Sniffer system for Drone UAS |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ALSFORD TIMBER LTD | 1392.77 | Timber for step repairs on assets |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Amazon Web Services | 701.92 | Amazon Web Services Monthly Data Communications Charges for EA Telemetry |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Amazon Web Services | 568.2 | Amazon Web Services Monthly Data Communications Charges for EA Telemetry |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Amazon Web Services | 546.58 | Amazon Web Services Monthly Data Communications Charges for EA Telemetry |
EA | 28/02/2023 | AMZNMktplace | 659 | Mobile power bank for use undertaking H&T work such as site installs, upgrades at remote riverside locations without power or during incident response work. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | AMZNMKTPLACE AMAZON.CO | 684.8 | 60 lights for invertebrate sample analysis |
EA | 28/02/2023 | APEX HYDRAULICS LTD | 2772 | Multiple order of Hydraulic oil filters |
EA | 28/02/2023 | APEX HYDRAULICS LTD | 2354.4 | 6 x Hydraulic Oil Filters B400-010L |
EA | 28/02/2023 | AQUATIC CHALKS LTD | 3379.2 | Incident response equipment for L&N Area Fisheries response. 4 air pumps and tank diffusers.7 Aquatic Services steel band 2" Venturi. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ARB & GROUNDS EQUIPMEN | 530.29 | Annual servicing of 4x brush cutters, |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ARTHUR IBBETT LTD | 2400 | New lawn mower for lock top maintenance The mower has Low HAVs and is fitted with bushes to prevent engine damage by foreign objects deposited on grass. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ASH SAFETY | 506.99 | Additional fittings required to operate Manhole Lifter |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ASHBY PARK | 5000 | Supply of fish for Net Zero research project trials at Denver Sluice. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ASHE ALARMS LTD | 3528 | These CEN 5 padlocks are a minimum technical requirement for our strategically important assets. We have 12 such assets in Rother and Romney. These padlocks are to replace the low security ones on each security gate at these sites. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ASSET MANAGEMENT ACADE | 678 | External training course to complete Institute of Asset Management Certificate. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ASTUTIS | 750 | Training course for associate IEMA certification |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ATLASSIAN | 916.11 | Atlassian Computer software purchased every month for the EA business to use for the IT solution project. This is a platform to create and manage work tickets for the project. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ATLASSIAN | 3100.97 | Annual Jira licence fee for service management & standard users. Jan 16, 2023 - Jan 16, 2024 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | AVENA GROUP | 648 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | AWS EMEA | 1944.52 | Monthly charge (Dec) for could archive of Geomatics data backup |
EA | 28/02/2023 | AWS EMEA | 1336.76 | Amazon Web Services Monthly Data Communications Charges for Telemetry Support Centre |
EA | 28/02/2023 | AWS EMEA | 1260.59 | Amazon Web Services Monthly Data Communications Charges for Telemetry Support Centre |
EA | 28/02/2023 | AWS EMEA | 1254.65 | Amazon Web Services Monthly Data Communications Charges for Telemetry Support Centre |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BAC/EE SPORTS & SOCIAL | 1850.84 | Electrics rewire & security Cameras for Info Hub centre at BAC/EE Association |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BAC/EE SPORTS & SOCIAL | 1200 | Building Rental for PSR FRMS |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BAC/EE SPORTS & SOCIAL | 600 | Building Rental for PSR FRMS |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BACK IN ACTION | 2724 | 2x ergonomic high rise chairs for use in lab |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BATTERY MEGASTORE | 1829.3 | Batteries and chargers for uninterruptable power supplies at H&T river flow and rainfall monitoring sites. This is to increase resilience and data quality at key flood warning and forecasting sites as well as improve efficiency. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BATTERY MEGASTORE | 639 | Batteries and chargers for uninterruptable power supplies at H&T river flow and rainfall monitoring sites. This is to increase resilience and data quality at key flood warning and forecasting sites as well as improve efficiency. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BATTERYSTATION.CO.UK | 549.17 | Replacement Battery's for telemetry Network |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 777.59 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 776.4 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 755.81 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 737.7 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 715.31 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 655.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 655.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 655.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 655.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 567.6 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 508.79 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1728 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1098.11 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1038 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1032.11 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1080 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 781.19 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 697.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 697.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 673.31 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 655.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 655.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 655.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 531.6 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BIFFA WASTE | 2610.3 | Disposal of liquid hydrogen peroxide (Oxyjet) - Chichester Office. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BIFFA WASTE SERVICES L | 914.64 | Tolgus depot Hired Biffa skips empty return monthly accounts for general waste and timber |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BIGDUG LIMITED | 1291.45 | Work bench, garage drawer cabinet, vice. For Chelmsford depot workshop. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BLACK ROOSTER | 561.6 | network promotional materials |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BLAZEMETER INC. | 562.71 | Purchase of testing software licence for 1 month for Check for flooding |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BOC GASES | 596.38 | Annual service and replacement where needed of four oxygen regulators |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BOC GASES | 896.04 | Annual rental charges for 6 size Y oxygen cylinders stored at Riccall and Pickering depots |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BOCONLINE.CO.UK | 896.04 | Rental charge for oxygen cylinders for use in fish surveys |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BORDER TRAILERS | 2280 | UCKA accredited pipe stand for Hereford flood defences |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BORDER TRAILERS | 642 | special build fence panel for ASDA Hereford site PSRA |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BRE ACADEMY | 2520 | CEEQUAL training for team members x2. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BRE ACADEMY | 1320 | BREEAM Infrastructure Projects (CEEQUAL) Assessor - 28th Feb - 1st Mar 2023 @ Watford classroom - for 1 team member |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BRITISH HARDWOOD T | 1268.4 | Hedge plants for Short Ferry mitigation projects. Plants for the Lower Witham qty 1,100 with bamboo canes. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BRITISH RED CROSS SOCI | 1836 | first aid training for confined space team |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BRITISH RED CROSS SOCI | 594 | Emergency First Aid at Work training for West Malling based employees |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BRITISH RED CROSS SOCI | 792 | Emergency First Aid at Work Training for Canterbury based employees |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Brookridge Timber Limi | 2072.52 | Timber for Somerset Levels & Moors Incident. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Brookridge Timber Limi | 990 | Timber for Somerset Levels & Moors Incident. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Brookridge Timber Limi | 568.8 | Timber for Somerset Levels & Moors Incident. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Brookridge Timber Limi | 1608 | 40 number of 150mm x 150mm x 2.4m timber Posts (for emergency Jenga blocking on a pump collapse) Incident response. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BRUNEL UNIVERSITY | 4230.15 | Brunel university Flood and Coastal engineering invoice. Engineering students accommodation and subsistence |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BRUNEL UNIVERSITY | 3732.48 | Brunel university Flood and Coastal engineering invoice for engineering students accommodation and subsistence. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BUXTONS LTD | 662.84 | Operational equipment for trimming up works around Warwickshire. including; Silky ARB Zubat 330 SW Saw, Stihl Braces Black , Chainsaw Glove |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BYWATER TRAINING LTD | 3009.77 | Lead Environmental Auditor residential 5 day training course for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BYWATER TRAINING LTD | 3009.76 | IEMA,CQI & IRCA Certified ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BYWATER TRAINING LTD | 3009.76 | IEMA,CQI & IRCA Certified ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BYWATER TRAINING LTD | 2863.25 | Audit Training for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | BYWATER TRAINING LTD | 2863.2 | Audit Training for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1257.6 | 2 day hire of venue for training event Vivid Insights Day in Leeds (Park Plaza) for 10 people on day 1 and 20 people day 2 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1228.8 | 2 day hire of venue for training event Vivid Insights Day in Leeds (Park Plaza) for 10 people on day 1 and 20 people day 2 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 3686.4 | AP Department day for 80-90 people including lunch and refreshments |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1050.01 | Cancellation Charge due to EA industrial action |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1150.15 | Cancellation Charge due to train strikes |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1128.04 | Cancellation Charge due to train strikes |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 905.21 | Cancellation Charge due to train strikes |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 559.15 | Cancellation Charge due to train strikes |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 4300.8 | Venue hire and catering for the 30 people attending IDS Team meeting in Bristol. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 3272.9 | External workshop including room hire and catering for 35 people attending a Chemicals and climate change workshop on a DDR |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1953.79 | 60 people on a DDR attending a meeting at Newark Showground on 24.05.2022. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1290.24 | 2 day use of mtg room for 18 members of project team, including external guest for the M365 enhancement Project. Suitable EA accommodation was not available |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1277.95 | Combined waste teams meeting for 40 people . Meeting for 5 waste teams , networking, improve working together , training and health and safety and wellbeing. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1213.44 | 1 day hire of venue for training event Vivid Insights Day in Leeds (Park Plaza) for 29 people |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1076.74 | MPPD Team Meeting - Strategy & Improvement team meeting in London. Day Delegate 15 people meeting room hire, refreshments, LCD Projector & Screen & Flipchart |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 4498.43 | Venue hire for internal whole Water Strategy & Partnerships team day in Bristol - 52 attendees, lunch and refreshments provided plus use of microphone, PA system, 2 screens and projectors. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 890.88 | Venue hire for 15 people for 1-day Agriculture, Risk & Evaluation team meeting in London, including tea, coffee and lunch. No suitable internal meeting space available. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1617.92 | Venue booking - University of Birmingham - for National Catchment Engineer Community face to face meeting |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1843.2 | SBT Away Day June 14th & 15th - University College Birmingham; 30 delegates, lunch x30 both days |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1059.84 | Room Hire for a meeting of the Levee Safety Partnership on 13th October 2022.Included lunch for 20 people. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 798.72 | Room hire and catering costs for National Infrastructure Readiness Workshop, Millennium Point, Birmingham 1 December 22 Tea/Coffee x2 servings -Light snacks (Biscuits/Pastries on arrival with refreshments)Lunch. Water for 25 people |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1114.11 | Overnight accommodation in Stafford for 16 staff in Area Leadership Team on 7th December for a 2 day meeting |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1464.32 | Offsite meeting room and catering for WLB Department Day, 40pax |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 589.92 | Meeting Room hire for the Ecology, Ecosystems and Geomorphology team meeting in Birmingham |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1290.24 | Meeting room for Risk Assessment team meeting in Birmingham for 30 EA staff |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1053.7 | Meeting accommodation, PMO & Programme Mgrs. workshop, Bristol 22/11/22, |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 603.14 | Locally approved NEBOSH training |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 583.68 | Joint team meeting in Birmingham |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 1505.28 | External venue booking for joint Installations quarterly meeting and technical training session. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 2897.82 | Cancellation Fees for venue hire due to train strikes |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 2019.33 | Accommodation, venue hire and catering for 13 Grad Engineers to attend Presentations Skills, Birmingham 1 Dec |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 933.89 | 2 day hire of meeting room for group training course (13 attendees from EA plus trainer) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS | 580.1 | Lunch and refreshments for 70 attendees (EA/external stakeholders) at the London Surface Water Strategy and Vision Workshop held in London. Meeting room was complimentary. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CALDERS AND GRANDIDGE | 558.49 | New Gates River Welland Catchment FCRM Field Operations |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CAMPBELL ASSOCIATE | 614.4 | UKAS calibration of sound level meter and field calibrator |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CANFORD AUDIO PLC | 2400 | 1 x Neal triple-CD deck interview under caution recorder required for Area use - stored at Dragonfly House in evidence store |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CANON EUROPA NV | 2589.99 | 1 x Canon EF 100-400mm lens required for waste crime investigation work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CASTLE GREEN HOTEL | 2330.38 | Departmental meeting...80 staff plus lunch |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CCTV KITS | 1027.36 | CCTV cameras for Calcot gauging station |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CHARLES H HILL LIMITED | 886.98 | Forestry PPE, Lopping Shears, Zubat Saw & Spare Blades, Hayauchi Extendable Saw & spare blades all for 2 new starters for when they carrying out bushing work. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CHARTERED INST OF | 1176 | Fee paid to CIWM for Introduction to the Management of Wastes training course. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF | 700 | Exam fee for Chartered Inst. of Internal Auditors |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CHARTWELL-LEARN.CO | 2940 | Online influencing training provided externally through Chartwell |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CITYSPRINT UK LIMITED | 664.33 | courier of old equipment to xylem ltd |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CITYSPRINT UK LIMITED | 1275.59 | Courier expense for carriage of invertebrate samples to APEM |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CJK PACKAGING LTD | 516 | White Jerricans with Caps for NLS Starcross |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CLARKES OF WALSHAM LIM | 538.09 | Purchase of 4 x 1.500 metre wide wooden gates and hinge sets. For replacing damaged and rotten gates on the tidal river ouse. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CLASSIC TECHNOLOGY LIM | 3340.1 | Druck pressure sensors and accessories |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CLEMS SKIP YARD | 522 | Grab lorry hire for the removal of weed from Benacre pumping station weed bund. If not removed this will cause failure of pumping operations and possible flooding to properties upstream. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CLIFTON CAMERAS LT | 3298 | x2 lens for fisheries/EA PR camera. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CLIFTON CAMERAS LT | 3999 | New camera for fisheries/EA PR projects. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CMC PARTNERSHIP | 2988 | 2 day online Instructor Led Change Management Certification Programme for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Coaching Development | 3660 | 2nd instalment of Developing Mastery in Coaching training which includes training and supervision fees. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | COLLINGS BRTHERS A | 3334.8 | 1 x lawnmower/1 x battery chainsaw/1 x battery brush cutter/2 x Bristle attachments and 1 x hedge trimmer attachments - all tools for Operational use - major update on tools to replenish out of date stock |
EA | 28/02/2023 | COLLINS NETS LTD | 1689.6 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | COLLINS NETS LTD | 2720.1 | Operational equipment - fyke-nets - for national fish eradication - |
EA | 28/02/2023 | COMMISSIONAIR.CO.UK | 705.6 | Payment for monthly aerial photos of Salisbury River Park project. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Compressors limited | 611.73 | Service and inspection of 2 compressors at Calverton Fish Farm |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CONTACT | 4008 | 1 pair of long forks for moving 24" pump pipework stillages and equipment used for National incident response depot. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CRAIGLANDS | 2676.3 | Hotel cost overnight stay for 35 delegates at NEAS North tech training session. Room per night was slightly over hotel ceiling rate, but was deemed met the needs of the event best and offered best VFM. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CRAIGLANDS | 875 | Day rate for 35 delegates for NEAS North tech training session 6/12 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CRAIGLANDS | 850 | Day rate for 34 delegates for NEAS North tech training session |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CRANFIELD MANGMT D | 8384.93 | Project Leadership Programme 17 January 2023 for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CRS BUILDING SUPPLIES | 3570 | Materials: The 0-4mm Coarse Yellow sand loose in 20 tonne lorry loads |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CRS BUILDING SUPPLIES | 1848 | Materials: 0-4mm Coarse Yellow sand loose in 20 tonne lorry loads - |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CRS BUILDING SUPPLIES | 2610 | Course sand used for 10,000 sand bags at Bradney Depot Incident Response |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CRS BUILDING SUPPLIES | 2610 | Course sand used for 10,000 sand bags at Bradney Depot Incident Response |
EA | 28/02/2023 | CRS BUILDING SUPPLIES | 3936 | 80 x 0 - 4mm coarse yellow sand |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DACHSER LTD | 518.58 | Fees - customs admin, import VAT for importing pH solutions from the EU. These solutions are used for calibrating equipment before deployment to the field. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DARCY PRODUCTS LTD | 1624.35 | Oil absorbents for clyst depot and pennygilliam |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DENNIS BARNFIELD L | 780 | Equipment and materials |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DESIGN PRINT DIGITAL | 890.4 | 1000 wild flower seed packets for giveaways at skills London event November 2022 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DICK LEIGH CHAINSAW SP | 618.83 | equipment for use with chainsaws plus first aid kits |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DNASTAR, INC. | 3625.51 | Licence required for bioinformatic analysis in response to national monitoring and cat 1 and 2 IR |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DORMAR PRODUCTS | 1210.2 | Weed rakes |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DORMAR PRODUCTS | 1362 | Incident response kit consisting of poles and multiple attachments X2 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DORSET CNCL CARD PAY | 1190 | Listed Building work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DUNMOW GROUP - VT 2 | 510 | Payment for removal and disposal of hazardous waste/ wee waste from leewick depot. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | DUNSTON HALL | 1160 | Balance to 2 day ALT Away Day (conference fees, lunch and refreshments) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Duracell Direct UK | 1998.38 | Batteries used to power ESNET telemetry units that upload water quality data to an online cloud. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | E FARADAY | 2183.03 | install of electric charge point for our all electric welfare Van |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EARTHLINE LTD | 936 | Waste/Bridge removal via grab lorry for Fish pass project at Eynsham |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Easy Load Limited | 504 | Accumulated Rubbish collected from Trash Screens |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EB ARE YOU READY FOR | 648 | Payment for 3 of my team members to attend UK Irrigation Association event " Are you ready for the next Drought?" taking place on the 1st March 2023. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ECH SHEAR | 750.3 | 803 type 2 base aggregate for new Mills dam access improvement works |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ELECTRO SOUTH WEST | 3083.18 | Equipment and tools - SLAM Incident 2023. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ELECTRO SOUTH WEST | 3083.18 | Equipment - Incident 2023. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EML LEARNING LTD. | 888 | Econometrics training for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ENDECOTTS LTD | 1266 | Sieves for groundwater ecology sample processing - for Area teams 2023/24 survey work. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EPC The Hawkhills | 3471 | BCI good Practice Guidelines 3 day training course and Crisis and Continuity Planes 2 day course for 1 person includes exam |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EPC The Hawkhills | 1653 | Emergency Planning College Course booking: Debriefing Emergencies & Exercises, 13/02/2023. 3 people including1 overnight B&B |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EposNow | 1260 | EposNow Software Licence for River Thames Lock site Tills for customer registration payments. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EposNow | 1305 | EposNow Monthly Standard Support Licence. For River Thames Lock site Tills for registration sales. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EQUIPE TRAINING | 600 | Geotechnical training for 1 person recommended by E&B team on Earthworks and Slope Stability - two full day sessions. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERIKS IND SERVICES | 2610.14 | 2x B400-75-L oil filters Thames Barrier power Packs |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE & SONS | 952.8 | Stihl FS461C brush cutter/strimmer EA asset No 2749 purchased to replace older models that becoming unreliable and beyond economical repair. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE & SONS | 952.8 | Stihl FS461C brush cutter/strimmer EA asset No 2748 purchased to replace older models that becoming unreliable and beyond economical repair. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE & SONS | 952.8 | Stihl FS461C brush cutter/strimmer EA asset No 2747 purchased to replace older models that becoming unreliable and beyond economical repair. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE & SONS | 1754.1 | Servicing and repair costs to half the small tools at Pevensey depot. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE / SONS | 847.56 | Replacement chainsaw new for old with improved carbon and HAV levels offering better operator protection in line with PUWER regulations |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE / SONS | 696.36 | purchase of chainsaw for team member for course and assessment course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE / SONS | 980.26 | purchase of 3x new batteries for use with battery tools and charger for team |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE / SONS | 521.16 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE POWER | 1327.13 | battery chainsaw Husqvarna with two battery's and charger for use in the Romney catchment area and to comply to the carbon neutral by 2030 also the Hav vibrations are lower than a petrol chainsaw so its better for the operator to use |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ERNEST DOE/SONS | 659.59 | 2x Husqvarna bli 300 batteries for power tools . |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EUROFINS CHEMTEST LIMI | 1200.19 | trommel fines sampling as part of national work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EUROFINS CHEMTEST LIMI | 826.58 | trommel fines sampling as part of national work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EUROFINS CHEMTEST LIMI | 750.12 | trommel fines sampling as part of national work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EUROFINS CHEMTEST LIMI | 750.12 | trommel fines sampling as part of national work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | EUROFINS CHEMTEST LIMI | 750.12 | trommel fines sampling as part of national work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FARNELL | 549 | Security camera system replacement for Short Ferry depot |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FARNELL | 833.04 | Multi Test Meter for Maintenance team |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FARNELL | 568.73 | 51x connectors for rain[e] rain gauge to outstation interface boxes. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FASTPACK LTD | 998.4 | approximately 600 stainless steel channel nut fittings for attaching gauge plates to backing boards for team central and south use for gauge board replacement and repair |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FENTONS OF BOURNE | 1859.91 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FFX LTD FOLKESTONE | 620.34 | pur chase of new replacement angle grinders and batteries and chargers for use in Romney catchment area |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FR JONES AND SON | 908.15 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FREEDOM FIRE | 1371.96 | Maintenance and monitoring of Fire Alarm systems, Till, Brant and Witham Washlands |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FUEL CELL SYSTEMS LTD | 661.2 | 5 boxes of EFOY Fuel Cell Methanol to run monitoring stations |
EA | 28/02/2023 | FUZION 4 LIMITED | 1425.25 | 16 Union padlocks which are keyed alike for use on Rother field team access gates, pump stations and other E.A. assets and equipment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GAMBLE PLANT | 1764 | 3 skips emptied and their loan charge for having on site for over 4 weeks at Egmere Depot from Gamble plant of Fakenham |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GARDNER AND SCARDIFIEL | 667.05 | Makita 18v twin set Drill & Impact tool used on sites to fix and maintain assets. Makita Brushless Circ/saw 18v bare, Makita Battery 5amp and DeWalt blades for cutting wood and ply sheets on site to repair assets. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GEMINI DATA LOGGERS (U | 962.34 | Temperature logger QA & Calibration for Climate change monitoring (24 units) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GOLDCLIFF GARDEN CENTR | 1624.35 | Trees for compensation habitat project in Lewes |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GOVERNMENT EVENTS | 1656 | Speaking with impact course for 4 people |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GOVNET EVENTS | 534 | Emerging leadership training course fee |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN BUSINESS CENTRE | 1554 | 5-day IEMA Certified Lead Environmental Auditor Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN RECYCLING LIMITE | 738 | Replace 12yard skip at Chelmsford. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREEN RECYCLING LIMITE | 738 | Purchased: replacement of skips at Chelmsford . |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREENHAM TRADING LTD | 1124.62 | Stores stock replenishment of janitorial items. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREENHAM TRADING LTD | 658.67 | Stores janitorial stock replenishment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREENSTRIPE GARDEN MAC | 506.81 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GREENSTRIPE GARDEN MAC | 1209.6 | Husqvarna lawn mower for cutting grass at our assets .Mablethorpe depot |
EA | 28/02/2023 | GRS (BAGGING) LIMITED | 530.16 | C28/35 CEMI 10 WRA S3 O Concrete used on the New Mills Dam Access construction project to improve access to the site allowing for quicker response times. It is a reinforced concrete mix that is best suited to moderately exposed conditions |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HACH LANGE LTD | 1695.6 | Formazin solution used to make calibration solutions for turbidity probes that are put in water quality sondes. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HALLS POWER EQUIPMENT | 676 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 1931.5 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 4009 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 1628.95 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 1573.5 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 1360 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 983.5 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 601.5 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 600 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAPPY LTD | 2700 | Credibility in the Workplace Training for Stakeholder, Engagement, Communications and Networks Team. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAYNES AGRICULTURAL LT | 1017.6 | 1x replacement Petrol Chainsaw with 24" bar, replacing stolen equipment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HAYNES AGRICULTURAL LT | 932.4 | 1x replacement Petrol Brush cutter, replacing stolen equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HBH WOOLACOTTS | 729.98 | Purchase of a new TV - computer screen monitor, used by Field team operatives and staff member in the Launceston Depot mess room for training purposes, hazard manager viewing for prolonged heavy rain fall events and monitor trash screen |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HEALTH&SAFETY LAB | 1300 | Training for 2 x officers |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HEALTH&SAFETY LAB | 650 | HSE Managing Ageing Assets ? Creeping Changes, Data Trending and Experience from Incidents: course booked for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HEALTH&SAFETY LAB | 650 | HSE Managing Ageing Assets ? Creeping Changes, Data Trending and Experience from Incidents: 1person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HEALTH&SAFETY LAB | 650 | HSE Managing Ageing Assets ? Creeping Changes, Data Trending and Experience from Incidents |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HEALTH&SAFETY LAB | 1950 | Aged Plant Training for team members x 3 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HENRY PUMPS | 1951.2 | replacement pumps for Boroughbridge |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HETLEYS UK LTD | 1563.6 | Payment for various items as granted from Access to Work. A claim will be submitted to AtW for their share of these costs to be paid to the EA, |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HG HIREBASE GAINSBOROU | 540 | Hire deposit for Barrow used for Depot Works |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HH GLOBAL | 1373.64 | Payment to send Poole Farm Letters |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HH GLOBAL | 2389.92 | Leaflet printing and postage for resident information for Holderness Drain scheme |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HH GLOBAL | 4984.9 | Gazeboes purchased for teams in project areas to be able to engage outdoors |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Hilti (Gt. Britain) Lt | 814.2 | 240 Bluetooth tags for tools |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Hilton | 1104 | Hire of meeting room, lunch, refreshments for SEELT away day |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HIMAN AND COMPANY | 1209.6 | East Midlands Area Leicester depot purchase of 12x Yale 21a padlocks for securing assets and structures for public safety |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HOLIDAY INN KENSINGTON | 540 | Hotel while staying away for Flood Ex for the week. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HONEY BROS | 640.8 | 1x replacement Petrol Chainsaw, replacing stolen equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HONEY BROTHERS LTD | 1358.3 | East Midlands Area Leicester depot purchase of 2 x petrol powered hedge cutters for tree & bush work, |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HOO HOOTSUITE INC | 1025.28 | Data input coordination tool |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HOWDENS - HEXHAM D939 | 4033.94 | Kitchen for Kielder cottage |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HOWDENS - HEXHAM D939 | 3759.11 | Kitchen for Kielder cottage |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HOWDENS - HEXHAM D939 | 889.27 | 4 tile effect backboards for both kitchens at Kielder with adhesive and sealer strips |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HP INC HP.COM STORE UK | 2829.6 | Mobile Workstation with i7 & Wolf Pro Security |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HUMBERBRIDGE.CO.UK | 1000 | Top up on Humber bridge tag account for South Ferriby vehicles |
EA | 28/02/2023 | HYDRATECH ENGINEERING | 1389.8 | 2 x hydraulic Oil Filters R928045454 TB Power Pack Filters. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | I2 ANALYTICAL LTD | 846 | ENV Sampling and Analysis |
EA | 28/02/2023 | I2 ANALYTICAL LTD | 834 | ENV Sampling and Analysis |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ICE EVENTS | 678 | Registration fee (early bird and presenter discount) for attending and presenting ICE Breakwaters conference 25-27 April 2023 in Portsmouth |
EA | 28/02/2023 | IET SERVICES LTD | 2898 | Venue hire and food for Wider ETA team meeting and Managers meeting (2 days) 48 people |
EA | 28/02/2023 | IET SERVICES LTD | 1224.99 | Permitting Installations Team Strategic Planning meeting. Venue costs for 2 day meet at Austin Court Birmingham. 17 people on day 1 and 15 on day 2. Costs include refreshments, lunches, and flip chart. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ILX GROUP PLC | 4485.01 | Prince 2 Agile training - Foundation and Practitioners courses. Development of the Business-like team in government project management methodology. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ILX GROUP PLC | 4485.01 | Prince 2 Agile training - Foundation and Practitioners courses. Development of the Business-like team in government project management methodology. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ILX GROUP PLC | 2319.4 | Payment for Prince 2 Foundation and Practitioner Project Management course and exams for 6-10 March 2023 for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ILX GROUP PLC | 2612.35 | Payment for external Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) Course for four team members. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ILX GROUP PLC | 785.88 | Course fee for employee to attend managing successful programmes training |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ILX GROUP PLC | 3867.6 | AGile PM training for two team members EA reduced rate for public sector workers. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | IMPACT TEST EQUIPMENT | 656.82 | New sieves for lab |
EA | 28/02/2023 | INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE | 1364.39 | 96 screen wash for EA badged vehicles based at Kettering Depot carrying out Field works on Flood Critical and Navigation structures across LNA |
EA | 28/02/2023 | INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE | 1291.81 | 96 x De-Icer for EA badged vehicles based at Kettering Depot carrying out Field works on Flood Critical and Navigation structures across LNA |
EA | 28/02/2023 | INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE | 813.4 | 24 tubs of hand wipes |
EA | 28/02/2023 | INTERFOCUS LIMITED | 505.93 | 16 pairs of fine dissecting forceps for invertebrate identification |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ITS - | 659.97 | TOOLS FOR WORK |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ITS - | 563.95 | Dewalt Fast Battery Charger x 1 and FLEXVOLT Battery's x 3 for concrete vibrator, use for repairs on assets with in the Mablethorpe catchment area |
EA | 28/02/2023 | IWM HMS BELFAST | 636 | additional fees for equipment hire and refreshments for additional attendees as part of externally hosted workshop |
EA | 28/02/2023 | J GARD & SONS | 778.8 | 10x 8x4 12mm common ply. 15x 2.4m 4x4 posts. 40x 3.6m 38x88 fencing rails. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | JAFCO TOOLS LIMITED | 502.56 | Incident response hand tools for the Chichester Field team to clear weed screens and other operational assets within the Chichester Catchment area. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | JAGUAR LAND ROVER | 2198.08 | Payment of old outstanding invoice for X76 training on 02-May-2017 with Jaguar Land Rover - 2 delegates in KSL. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | JBA CONSULTING | 4860 | Training for six members of staff in Reservoir Hydraulics and Hydrology - part of the Reservoir Supervising Engineers Development Programme which is aimed at increasing our number of Reservoir Supervising Engineers in the EA |
EA | 28/02/2023 | JBA CONSULTING | 1632 | Four places on the Survey for River Models training provided by JBA Consulting on 18th January 2023. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | JenCo Electrical Ltd | 1807.19 | repairs to four cranes and replacement lamp post LED at Simmons Quay |
EA | 28/02/2023 | JenCo Electrical Ltd | 2832 | 1 replacement crane 110v hoist x 10m with top hook suspension and chain bag for Simmons Quay, Rye |
EA | 28/02/2023 | JEWSON LTD | 811.44 | Bulk bags of sand for bank repair on River Parrett. Incident |
EA | 28/02/2023 | JEWSON LTD | 645.12 | 80 bags of postcrete for use on scheme maintenance |
EA | 28/02/2023 | JOHN A. STEPHENS LIMIT | 540.29 | 12 sheets of FSC plywood for board matting for movement of tracked machinery |
EA | 28/02/2023 | K sarbutts ta dine in | 816 | Catering providers for the KSL Area Induction day convened at the St Mary's Platts Memorial Village Hall on 20th January 11 - 4pm. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Kaneka Eurogentec S.A | 770.8 | Hydrolysis probes for norovirus qPCR testing (GI and GII multiplex assay) as part of the PathSafe norovirus in wastewater project work. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | KEELA INTERNATIONAL LT | 818.4 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | KEESYSTEMSL | 1851.93 | Steel fixings to build railings for public safety around assets |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Kingspan Water Energ | 1281.6 | Tank Store with bund for H202 or PCS |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Kingspan Water Energ | 879.6 | New steel bunded fuel storage container for Allington Lock. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | KIWA LTD | 1396.44 | Testing of silt samples from river dredging's for transport and disposal from river conveyance desilting works |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LAMBERHURST ENGINEER L | 747.26 | Chainsaw boots and tools for tree course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LANCASTER UNIVERSITY | 1340 | Module 1 MSc in Flood and Coastal Risk Management |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LANTERN RENTAL SER | 900 | Payment made for the hire of grab lorry and driver service to clear waste stored at our satellite depot Newman's compound and taken to waste transfer site in Barking managing our areas waste exemption limits maintaining our compliance |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LAWN AND POWER LIMITED | 514.5 | Generator for incident response equipment (refund provided as out of stock) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LIMI | 1684.8 | consumables required for cat 1 and cat 2 virology IR |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LIMI | 546 | consumables required for cat 1 and cat 2 virology IR |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LINCOLN SECURITY LTD | 731.56 | upgraded building locks at Gibraltar point sluice to new L3 keys |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LINCOLN SECURITY LTD | 1635.6 | 6 Abloy keys cut to NR3 standard. 10 Padlocks cut to L4 standard with different shanks - part of transfer to new operational padlocks and 25 Abloy keys cut to L4 standard for new suite. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LINCOLN SECURITY LTD | 4443.48 | 40 x Abloy pad locks for replacing the old nr6 pad lock suite ,for structures gates and sea doors at Mablethorpe depot |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LINCOLN SECURITY LTD | 1045.73 | 20 x Abloy Keys cut to Level 3 and 6 x Padlocks cut to Level 5 - All new padlocks and keys part of roll over to new locking system. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LITTLEWOOD FENCING LTD | 3360 | 200 100mmx100m 3m posts used to mark the edge of our concrete road in Normans bay |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LOCKWOODHUME OFFICE E | 1117.2 | Ergonomic Lab Stool |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LONGMOOR FARM ENTERPRI | 1260.55 | Second batch of tool servicing chainsaws ,pole saws ,strimmer, hedge cutter |
EA | 28/02/2023 | LONGMOOR FARM ENTERPRI | 1988.52 | 6 monthly servicing and inspection of chainsaws, hedge cutters, pole saws and brush cutter |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MACHINE MART LTD | 508.74 | Two pumps bought for eradication work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MACHINE MART LTD | 669.59 | Pressure washer for cleaning vehicles and plant etc |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MACHINE MART WEB | 2554 | incident response equipment for L&N Area Fisheries Incident response . 5 pumps to be stored at Nene House Depot. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MACHINE MART WEB | 767.99 | 2 heavy duty storage boxes for the ENS Hydrogen Peroxide incident response trailer. These boxes will store the H2O2 delivery equipment, pumps and safety equipment. For use in fisheries incident response work. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MANTSBRITE LIMITED | 3190 | Operational equipment - ROV unit for macrophyte survey innovation NCEA project |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MARY WARD HOUSE LTD | 720 | AEM L&W network meeting for 12 people |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MARY WARD HOUSE LTD | 562 | Full day meeting room hire in London, incl. projector for a training session for HNL's Leadership Development Programme. Total cost is for 11 attendees, delegates and trainers and includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS | 597.6 | Replacement measurement computer cables for ones damaged and vandalised while undertaking measurements for the ongoing lugg weirs FBG project. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MERIDIAN SECURITY SYST | 1728 | Padlocks for site access security |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MERIDIAN SECURITY SYST | 1726.56 | 12 x Union Brass Padlock (50mm) keyed alike to 206 and 12 x Union Brass Padlock (50mm) keyed alike to 428. For operational sites in the Upper Hull and Lower Hull and Humber catchments. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MERLINLINK LIMITED | 1389.6 | We commissioned a local metal fabricator to fabricate 12 metal T-bar keys so we could operate the EA owned penstock structures. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | METEOR COMMUNICATIONS | 604.56 | Repair of Winter Gardens PS Web Cam and solar Panel, solar panel upgrade plus increased security measures. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | METEOR COMMUNICATIONS | 854.64 | NSB, Zouch, KWR, Incident Camera repairs |
EA | 28/02/2023 | METPREP LTD | 2468.4 | Microscope camera for lab work and training |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MILLENIUM POINT | 3169.2 | Venue hire for internal whole Water Management & Investment team day - 90 attendees, lunch and refreshments provided plus use of microphone, screen and projector, 3 flipcharts. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MILLENIUM POINT | 1580.04 | Meeting at Millennium Point Birmingham for 38 delegates including refreshments, lunch and projector etc to give hybrid functionality |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MOLE VALLEY FARMERS | 2130.77 | Wood blocks for pumps at Northmoor and Curry moor during Somerset Levels flooding incident. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MOLE VALLEY FARMERS | 505.8 | Multi wire posts used to mark flooded road during major Incident |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MORRIS LUBRICANTS | 817.44 | Frankwell and Ironbridge barrier maintenance.8 x 12, Surface conditioner.4 x 12, ProMD44 X 12, Semi synthetic chain oil |
EA | 28/02/2023 | MYPD.CO.UK | 2142 | CMI Level 5 Management and Leadership face-to-face training run by 'MyPD' course in November 2022. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Mytum Selby | 942 | Transport of and disposal of hazardous waste from a pollution incident - 1x haulage charge; 1x charge for spill kit disposal booms; 1x charge for consignment note |
EA | 28/02/2023 | N/A | 864.8 | Purchase of pelicases as housings for telemetry installations |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NATUREMETRICS | 4677.75 | Purchase of 14 aquatic eDNA sampling kits, inclusive of analysis service. Biological monitoring project associated with statutory condition assessment of the Dartmoor Special Area of Conservation (European protected site). |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NAVICO | 4759.66 | Update to National Fisheries Services 'Biobase' licence for an additional two years. This software platform provides unique habitat mapping on bathymetry, vegetation and bed type to support evidence-based fisheries management. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NBS LTD (T/A NBS) | 1205.91 | NBS Chorus Pro contract software to support existing landscape contract administration carried out in my team. Software allows contract sharing between EA client and suppliers. Required industry standard. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NETILION.ENDRESS.COM | 533.64 | Annual subscription for Endress & Hauser's Netilion cloud system for connection of our network of smart radar water level sensors |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NHBS Ltd | 1273.11 | Weather writers, hand nets, binoculars, hand lenses for field work activities |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NHBS Ltd | 532.19 | Monitoring nets |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NHBS Ltd | 1372.85 | Field work operational equipment 1Binoculars, ranging poles, weather writers, hand lens, calipers, rucksacks |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NHBS Ltd | 554.03 | Crayfish traps for invasive species surveys and forceps for sample sorting |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NIGHTSEARCHER LTD | 1006.7 | 8x Flashlight, 8x Headtorch, 600 Lumen Work light, Rechargeable Work light - 1200lm required by Wadebridge Depot to allow Field Team Members to safely undertake incident response work and regular maintenance work in dark conditions |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NIKON.CO.UK | 538.8 | 40x objective for Nikon compound microscope |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NORTHERN COMPONENTS LT | 1121.28 | 2 x 50kg Red EP2 Complex Grease |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NORTHERN DIVER (INTNL) | 786 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NORTHUMBERLAND CC CRD | 5624.28 | Non-Domestic Rates (Business Rates) for Reiver Sports Building at Bridge End, Hexham - Overdue balance |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Novotel Hotels | 2150 | Venue hire and all catering and equipment for a meeting for 50 staff in Governance and Engagement in Reading. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Novotel Hotels | 912 | LIFE14 IPE/UK/000027 RBMP-NWRBD UK - Natural Course - F1 - 2 day venue hire, refreshments and catering for Mission on 11th & 12th January 2023 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | NPL NEW PIG LTD | 1405.3 | new transfer pump required for Thames Barrier back up generators |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ONLINE JOB ADS INDEED | 501.99 | Online enhanced recruitment advertising service - due to need to fill business critical roles |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ONLINE JOB ADS INDEED | 500.98 | Online enhanced recruitment advertising service - due to need to fill business critical roles |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ONLINE JOB ADS INDEED | 500.23 | Online enhanced recruitment advertising service - due to need to fill business critical roles |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ONLINE JOB ADS INDEED | 500.08 | Online enhanced recruitment advertising service - due to need to fill business critical roles |
EA | 28/02/2023 | OTT HYDROMETRY LTD | 1187.95 | 3 x ground water level dippers for field work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Otter Watersports | 900 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Otter Watersports | 900 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | OXON FASTENING SYSTEMS | 688.8 | Power winders for weirs |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL AQUADAM EUR | 4885.84 | yearly inspection/maintenance on national stock of aqua dams |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL BUYITDIRECT | 4187.75 | Telemetry Server Hardware to enable migration to DDS in Microsoft Azure (DDTS Project) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL CAMBRIDGEEX | 4350 | Becoming and Strengths Finder Coach' training from for 9 staff in coaching skills. 2 x days virtual training and 9x45 coaching. Provided as part of EA Coaching Service programme working with the Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Network. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL INSTITUTION | 594 | Job advert for senior electrical engineer post, on IET jobs board |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL LIGO ELEC | 591.8 | 95 binoculars for RHS surveys |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL MADSUPPLIES | 599.94 | Racking for storage shed at Northampton Marina |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL MMSMICROSCO | 661.2 | Ring Lights |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL PCWAREHOUSE | 1599.96 | Purchase of2x Toughbook CF-20s for team members to undertake day job. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL PPSTUBOT1 | 1194.6 | deposit to start the waterways E -Newsletter. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL PPSTUBOT1 | 1528.8 | deposit payment for the Great Ouse river maps and printing costs. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL PPSTUBOT1 | 4908 | 50% deposit payment for artwork alterations and printing of 1000 waterway maps Rivers Ancholme, Welland, Glen, Black Sluice |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL PPSTUBOT1 | 526.8 | 50% deposit for updating the 12 panel DL leaflet and printing costs. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL RRC | 1071 | 3x tickets for the annual River Restoration Conference for 3 members of the Env Programme Team |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL SHIELD GREE | 1037.38 | Shelter for outdoor IMS sample store |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL TECTO LTD | 3240 | High risk confined spaces training for 5 people on 8th November 2022 offsite over 3 days in Gravesend. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PAYPAL UKPUMPSUPPL | 1347.5 | Converting all pumps, piping to snap lock so that all equipment is one type |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PLEASANT VIEW GM | 1542 | Set up and drain football pitches created at Archbishop Temple School, Preston as mitigation for the loss of playing pitches during construction of the Preston and South Ribble Flood Risk Management Scheme. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PORTABLE OFFICES | 754 | Rental expenses for ALB |
EA | 28/02/2023 | POSTURITE LTD | 676.8 | Ergonomic Lab Stool - Amazone Balance High with Lumbar Support |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PREECE BURFORD (BI) LT | 897.72 | Padlocks for site security |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PRESTON MONT F/CNT | 785 | deposit for macrophyte training course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PRIORY ROOMS BULL | 1461.6 | Meeting room hire for 28 people. Installations joint team meeting. Aqua house is fully booked |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PRODUCTPLAN.COM | 506.49 | Product Plan |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PROPERTY ELITE | 900 | External APC support package purchased on behalf of APC candidate to assist with their APC submission and qualifying as a chartered surveyor. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Public Health England | 1780 | Rad Protection Training Scheme course for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Public Health England | 2113.2 | Annual Calibration of radiation safety equipment as required by legislation |
EA | 28/02/2023 | PUMP SUPPLIES LTD | 1601.1 | Equipment - SLAM Incident 2023. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | QA.COM | 1914 | Online eLearning TAP course to support role in the training team for Incident Management. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | QA.COM | 1914 | Online eLearning TAP course for 1 person in the training team for Incident Management. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | R F SOLUTIONS LTD | 765.37 | Wall mounted 3g aerials for converting H&T sites to m2m comms as part of FoNT project |
EA | 28/02/2023 | R SLEEP LTD | 2550 | Armorgard FSC3 FlamStor Cabinet fuel storage cabinet required by Wadebridge Depot to safely store fuel required for use with plant and machinery such as handheld strimmer's to maintain flood risk areas to reduce flooding in the vicinity |
EA | 28/02/2023 | R SLEEP LTD | 2550 | Armogard FSC3 FlamStor Fuel storage cabinet required by Tolgus Depot to safely house fuel kept at the depot for use with plant and machinery such as hand held strimmer's required for use in flood risk areas to reduce flooding in the vicinity |
EA | 28/02/2023 | R SLEEP LTD | 865.06 | 2x Wheelbarrow, 8x Stihl Fuel Motomix, 4x Stihl Fuel Moto4Plus, 6x Oregon 3mm Flexiblade Line for use involving Grass Strimmer's to power machines, cut grass with replacement blades and transport it elsewhere to reduce flood risk |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RADIO STRUCTURES LTD | 871.89 | High gain booster aerials to install at low signal hydrometric sites for conversion to m2m comms |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RADIODETECTION LTD | 565.18 | Cat and Genie service and repair |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RAP INDUSTRIES LTD | 3297.6 | Printing for the 1953 anniversary nomadic panels and pull ups. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | READING WEST SF CONNEC | 561.57 | Fuel for EA Lorry WU68 ONO. Allstar fuel card not working. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RECRUITMENT EVENTS CO. | 3613.9 | 30x tickets for REC Fest talent acquisition conference in July 2023 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | REDFUNNEL.CO.UK | 1000 | Isle of Wight Ferry fare top-up. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RICS SUBS UK CYBS | 539 | RICS 2023 Membership Subscription |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RICS SUBS UK CYBS | 539 | RICS 2023 Membership Subscription |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RICS SUBS UK CYBS | 539 | RICS 2023 Membership Subscription |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RICS SUBS UK CYBS | 539 | RICS 2023 Membership Subscription |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RICS SUBS UK CYBS | 539 | RICS 2023 Membership Subscription |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 1024.64 | tools for new starter |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 3462.12 | surge barriers for Rain-e installations |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 1207.32 | stainless steel conduit for install of water level meter in fire tank |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 636.37 | Solar Panels for future improvements at Gauging Stations and Flood Warning sites |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 524.15 | Outstation modular upgrade equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 814.1 | network signal analyser for 2G 3G & 4G. for use on telemetry outstations and positioning of antennas |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 745.73 | Enclosures, fixings and tools for site installations on monitoring sites |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 1001.9 | electrical components |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 666.96 | Booster aerials for problem comms sites, cutters, lithium batteries to power flood warning stations, connectors, enclosures. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 928.94 | Batteries for telemetry outstations to provide back-up power, and for ADCP gauging equipment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 609.49 | Antennas batteries and ethernet switch for use at Heaton Mill for the NIVUS TOF upgrade project. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 586.08 | 3 splitters for Dartford barrier tide gauge |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 563.57 | 2way radios to replace existing set which had expired |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 519.46 | 12v deep cycle battery for Newbridge river flow gauge |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RS COMPONENTS | 1540.08 | 10 x Solar Panels and Regulators for use in Telemetry installations. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RTC GROUNDCARE LIMITED | 1474.99 | Lawn flite Pro 553HWS-PRO lawn mower for grass cutting navigation sites on the river Nene |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RTPI | 660 | Course booking for 2 x team members for the Planning for Non Planners course run by the Royal Institute of Town Planning. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RTPI | 660 | Course booking for 2 x team members for the Planning for Non Planners course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | RVS Engineering Ltd | 2183.04 | initial payment for access ladder to allow safe access to Environment Agency flow gauge equipment for contractors and safe access for EA staff to riverside for flow gauging. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SAFE FENCE | 3179.88 | ten security blocks @£199.99 to stop 4x4 wrecking the seawall |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SAFE.CO.UK | 629.03 | Chemicals stored cabinet for in the lab at Spalding. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Salisbury Garden Machi | 954.83 | Strimmer's and chainsaw servicing costs |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SALT AND GRIT SOLUTION | 4878.43 | Two Bulk Bags Salt grit and 40 - 25 Kilo Bags of Prills for snow and ice de-icing |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SAM TURNER AND SONS LT | 724.42 | Pole saw and sundries purchased for colleague for use on the River Gt Ouse for maintenance. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SAM TURNER AND SONS LT | 557.59 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SERVERS DIRECT | 634.96 | Telemetry Server Hardware to enable migration to DDS in Microsoft Azure (DDTS Project) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SETON | 706.93 | 3x sets of asset tags for identifying and keeping inventory of field ops tools and equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SHEILDS | 870 | Venue hire for all installations training - technical development session |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SHELL RETFORD | 523.34 | White diesel in fuel bowser for Neathome works. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SHELL RETFORD | 1139 | White diesel in fuel bowser for Kiveton Incident. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SHELL RETFORD | 941.4 | White diesel in fuel bowser for Kiveton Incident. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SHELL RETFORD | 632 | White diesel in fuel bowser for Kiveton Incident. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SHIILLINGFORD BRIDGE H | 800 | Emergency alternate accommodation re Benson lock house |
EA | 28/02/2023 | 420 | 1075 | Steamers (five) used for sterilisation of filtration funnels for standard bacteriological membrane filtration work (e.g. bathing season bacterial counts). |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Showlite Limited | 618 | 3 day Electricity supply for event stand at Skills London careers fair November 2022 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SIBBONS (ALRESFORD) LI | 1177.8 | purchase of rescue chainsaw |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SIBBONS (ALRESFORD) LI | 678 | purchase of petrol disk cutter |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SIBBONS (ALRESFORD) LI | 839.88 | purchase of 2x replacement petrol strimmer's / brush cutters |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SILVERTON AGGREGATES L | 907.56 | Purchase of type1 sub base materials, payment for recyclable soil away/muck away from leewick depot. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SIRCULALTD D&I LEADERS | 842.4 | Empowering Employee Networks Conference 2023 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SKEYETRAIN.CO.UK | 1990.01 | Two mini drones for the drone pilots in NEA |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SKEYETRAIN.CO.UK | 718.8 | Training for new pilot identified |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SM GROUP EUROPE LTD | 852.98 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SOLOGIC | 954 | RCA Analyst Level training course for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SOUTH WEST LAKES LIMIT | 981.82 | SWRFCC Committee meeting, including programme consent and local levy vote. Day delegate rate x 30 attendees (including car parking) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP ARKTIS STORE | 545 | replacement Artiks thermal kit |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP JACKERY UK LTD | 1055.97 | Portable rechargeable power supply units for use in fisheries incident response work for powering aeration, lights and pumps . |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP JACKERY UK LTD | 1013.84 | Portable rechargeable power supply unit (large) for use in fisheries incident response work for powering aeration, lights and pumps . |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP KAT EUROPE (OLLYSKI | 1429.18 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP MILITARYKIT.COM | 1077 | Nut and bolt storage on site at Northmoor Pumps - SLAM incident 2023. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP RIGGING UK | 2850.9 | New capstan winch and accessories for field team |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP SAM TURNER & SONS | 504.82 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP SAM TURNER & SONS | 919 | 1 x Honda EU10I Portable generator. This is to replace a similar generator that could not be economically repaired from the Clyst Honiton depot. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP STERNER UK | 3725.52 | Pumps for incident response to fishery's. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP STERNER UK | 980.4 | Oxygen meters for loan to angling clubs |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP STORKSOLUTIONS | 903 | 12 x plastic rainfall measuring tubes |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SP STREET SOLUTIONS | 839.79 | 20 x chapter 8 orange barrier for use at Frankwell flood barrier site to replace old damaged barrier. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SPEEDEL LTD | 745.02 | Dedicated courier service to transport delicate fish farming equipment to the supplier in Scotland for repair. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SPOTTED PENGUIN | 1799.96 | 4x Office tables, 1x office table, 3x office chairs. To replace the old tables and chairs at Chelmsford depot |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SPRINT ENGINEERING&LUB | 2008.01 | 2 x 208l Barrels Castrol Monograde 30 Diesel engine oil. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SQ 8T1CONNECTIONS LTD | 2020.8 | Subscription Renewal for Motorola Wave Radios for use in FCRM Ops Field teams for construction site people/plant interactions and for communications during periods of flooding/incident response |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SQ FOSTER FABRICATION | 4555.2 | Supply and install bow top railings to culvert outfall at Thacka Beck Flood Storage Basin H&S and public safety reasons. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SQ MEDITATION & YOGA | 507.5 | Course of sessions for HSW of all Estates Teams |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SQ MEDITATION & YOGA | 507.5 | Course of sessions for HSW of all Estates teams |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SQ MIG ANGLIA LIMITED | 1249.32 | Norfolk and Suffolk MEICA Field Team Haddiscoe- Annual servicing (including supply of consumables) of 1x MIG welder, 2x Arc welders and 2x gas cutting sets- required to comply with statutory requirements |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SQ OXFORD SEATING | 1416 | Lab chairs |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SQ VINYLGRAPHICSSOUTH | 508.74 | RainE decals - Rain[e] national standard equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | STANDBANNER LIMITED | 1254.84 | 2x branded TV stands for use at events and exhibitions such as skills London and big bang fair and 1x strip of magnets (to repair pop up stands) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | STIBBS HAULAGE LIMITED | 2520 | x60 MOT Type one stone - The stone purchased from Stibbs was used in a compound at Lea Marston to level and improve the ground condition for an area to be used for skip storage at a later date. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | STIBBS HAULAGE LIMITED | 2520 | The stone purchased from Stibbs was used in a compound at Lea Marston to level and improve the ground condition for an area to be used for skip storage at a later date. x60 Type One Stone |
EA | 28/02/2023 | STIBBS HAULAGE LIMITED | 4968 | stone/sand |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SumUp BSN | 652.16 | Tools for 2 new starters including, Hand saws, Hammers, Screwdriver sets, Insulated spades & shovels, Pliers set, Wrecking bars, Tape measures, Adjustable Spanner, Tool bag & LED head torches. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SumUp CWR Plant hire | 5000 | Type 1 MOT aggregate supplied for Jacobs access track located at Middle Stoke. The sea wall access track was in need of major restoration to improve the safe access to the Jacobs structure and flood defence. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SumUp CWR Plant hire | 1909.44 | Replenishment of Type 1 for Denton access track. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SumUp CWR Plant hire | 2314.12 | Jacobs outfall access track repairs. type one material to reinstate track. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SumUp Forestheath En | 948 | Non-framework contractor workshop engineering services for Fence bridge Sluices repair. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SumUp Forestheath En | 792 | Non-framework contractor workshop engineering services for Fence bridge Sluices repair. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | SUNSHINE SOLAR LTD | 1790.72 | 3 x Wind Turbines & Regulators for use in Telemetry installations. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | T H WIGGANS IRONMONGER | 907.09 | 10 keyed pad locks for various locations on the Kendal flood alleviation scheme |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TAYNA LTD | 717.73 | batteries for sites |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TAYNA LTD | 991.02 | batteries for outstation |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TBS TOOLS | 1136.4 | The purchase of 16b padlocks for use throughout Thames area |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TBS TOOLS | 599.88 | The purchase of 16b padlocks for the sampling and collection team for use in the Thames area |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TETRA SCENE OF CRIME | 502.2 | Exhibits Bags stored within the MIR for the use of NES Investigators |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THAMES SELF STORAGE | 750 | Container in Rochester used to store survey equipment for Thames Guardian CSV for August, September and October. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THAMESIDE LIFTING LIMI | 504 | Health and safety - a davit point for which we no longer held original paperwork was tested to confirm the safe working load. Cost for a specialist contractor to attend, carry out the testing and provide certification complying with LOLER. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THAMESIDE LIFTING LIMI | 1590 | 4x Tractel Blocfor with 6mtr shock pads used for fall arrest systems when working from height. These are issued to four operatives so are readily available at any time. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE CASTLE AT EDGEHILL | 570 | 2 nights hotel rooms for 2 people to attend training |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE COMMON PURPOSE CHA | 3360 | Spring to Autumn leadership development programme for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE HAMMERMAN EQUIPMEN | 3978.34 | Supply of 48 number 4m long EcoZ plastic piles to support landowners undertaking minor works on seawalls in accordance with the collaboration agreement |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE KNOWLEDGE ACADEMY | 4449.16 | Microsoft Excel VBA and Macro Training x 2 for Flood Resilience and wider EMD, |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE METAL STORE | 784.56 | Purchase of key clamp/tube clamp fittings for handrail construction/repairs. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE REGEN CENTRE | 605 | Training venue fee for LTM Leadership training course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE STORE ROOM | 559.2 | Hire of storage for contents of garage blocked due to flood scheme construction |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE STORE ROOM | 559.2 | Hire of storage for contents of garage blocked due to flood scheme construction |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE WESLEY | 580 | Meeting room for SA team meeting. London. 1 day (10am - 4pm), tea, coffee and sandwich lunch for 10 people. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE WESLEY | 1740 | Conference venue - for bi annual face to face. Regulated Industry Network (National network, E&B, National and local operations) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THE WISHINGWELL | 532.5 | Accommodation for 6 candidates attending LTM training course in Riccall |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THINK PRODUCTIVE | 3920.59 | Ninja training around personal and work efficiencies wrt hybrid working, WLB Department Day for 40 pax |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THOMAS TELFORD LIMIT | 640.92 | Earthworks training for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | THRIIVER LIMITED | 768 | Payment for Strategy Coaching (4 x 2hr sessions) s granted from Access to Work. A claim will be submitted to AtW for these costs to be paid to the EA, |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TITAN CONTAINERS | 3738 | 20' shipping container for storage of incident response equipment in national principle depot. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TOOLSTATION - BEVERLEY | 550.99 | Power tools for general |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TORNE VALLEY LTD | 627.82 | UC4 Post Sawn 1.8x125 FS1122 x 12, Rail 3.6x38x87 x 15, Post Mix Bag x 70, Velocity Screws 6.0 x 1, Lynch Pin x 2 |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TOTAL LOCKOUT | 4752.96 | Power Winder for operation of Penton Hook Lock whilst weir controls are red carded. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TOTAL LOCKOUT | 526.8 | Adaptor for Rotork actuator |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TRACTORGUARD | 738 | Safety equipment for tractor flailing operations. (Guards for glass windows) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TRADE SKILLS 4 U LTD | 2021 | NVQ 3 training for electrical team member |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TRAVIS PERKINS | 567.95 | plywood sheets, wooden pegs, screws and string line for shuttering. this is to enable concrete steps to be made on site for safe access to structure. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TRECARNE QUARRY LTD | 514.8 | Purchase of 5 ton of walling stone, all used to construct the new flood bank retaining wall at Boscastle Flood bank stabilization works |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TURNEY GROUP | 2417.76 | Garden equipment , |
EA | 28/02/2023 | TURNEY GROUP | 1473.13 | 1 x electric lawn mower and 1 x leaf blower both for use at Sandford. This included chargers and batteries. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ULTIMATE BUSINESS FINA | 3044.23 | Security Guards to oversee and monitor our site during incident response. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ULTIMATE BUSINESS FINA | 4566.35 | Security company employed to maintain site security at Dog Lane Bewdley during the recent Barrier deployment. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BIR | 1451.18 | Room hire and refreshments for MPPD leadership team 2 day meeting in Birmingham |
EA | 28/02/2023 | UPS LTD SHIPPING FEES | 601.06 | Bridgwater ACC: Shipping and import tax for Voltaic order |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VANESSENTIALS.CO.UK | 1082.71 | East Midlands area field teams. Two roof racks to fit Toyota Hilux vehicles. Required for replacements after the old units became unsuitable for the type of work. T |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VARICON AQUA LTD | 2641.39 | Artemia Cysts for hatching live food for the first feeds of fish larvae at Calverton fish farm. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VARICON AQUA LTD | 2641.39 | Artemia Cysts for first feed of lavae at Calverton fish farm, using magnetic technology to reduce the use of chemicals. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VEGA CONTROLS LTD | 2531.48 | Vegapuls radar level sensors for use in Telemetry installations. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VEGA CONTROLS LTD | 2252.52 | Surface water radars |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VEGA CONTROLS LTD | 4433.04 | Radars for H&T |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VEGA CONTROLS LTD | 2812.75 | radar units |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VEGA CONTROLS LTD | 4434.24 | Purchase x6 C21 VEGA Bluetooth radars for distribution in SSD HIOW area. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VEGA CONTROLS LTD | 3402.72 | Level sensing equipment for North and South Fire Water Tanks |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VEGA CONTROLS LTD | 2531.48 | 3 x Vegapuls radar level sensors for use in Telemetry installations. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VEGA CONTROLS LTD | 1825.2 | 2 x vega radar level monitoring devices and control box for replacing old and broken equipment at butts drain pumping station, used to control pump operation. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | VOLTAIC SYSTEMS | 2787.52 | Bridgwater ACC: Solar Panels for NB-IoT work |
EA | 28/02/2023 | W J GREEN LIMITED | 538.41 | purchase of chainsaw maintenance equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WARDSFLEX LIMITED | 1478.95 | Specialist extra long rakes to clear Trash Screens |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WATERFRONT CONFERENCE | 4692.24 | Payment for attendance of 14 Area members of staff to the NSIP planning conference |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WATERFRONT CONFERENCE | 538.8 | INT: payment for the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects Forum 2023 at The Waterfront, London. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WESTON GARDEN MACH | 562.97 | tree works equipment for training - Nylon line, Voyager 50 bag, rocker rope grab pulley & 16mm rope tag line, 2 x 12 mm steel lock safe, mounted first Aid pack, 3 x karabiners, 1/2" rigging line. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WHISPER PUMPS LTD-DOM | 2388.48 | 2 new lubrication pumps for pump house water transfer scheme. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WHITLINGHAM OUTDOOR ED | 885 | Norfolk and Suffolk Field MEICA Haddiscoe- RYA Powerboat Level 2 training, for 3x persons. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WILSON HALL LTD | 3865.09 | Pipe work and fittings for the installation of a water inlet system for outside ponds at Calverton fish farm. Including 9 x Valves - 200m of mdpe pipe - 8 x equal T - 1x 90 elbow - 50 x inserts. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WINCHESTER GARDEN MACH | 549.52 | Chainsaw boots, chain saw gloves , forestry first aid kid and chainsaw sharpening set for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WORKING PLANET PAYMENT | 597.6 | 2 adverts on the website for Water Resources posts in IEP Team (DCIS) |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WORKPLACE PRODUCTS | 4397.44 | storage cabinets for equipment and lockers for team members to improve the depot .at Mablethorpe depot |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WORLD OF WATER | 700 | Rod licence funded project to purchase lilies to provide habitat enhancements for angling in a Stillwater fishery in Worcester. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WSM CREDIT CONTROL | 1101.8 | Tolgus depot Hired Suez skips empty return |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WSM CREDIT CONTROL | 644.65 | Collection + disposal + skip hire re. removal of abandoned boat from EA-owned Burghfield Weir |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW KELVINPOWERTOOLS C | 704 | New pump for Draycott depot. 2inch high pressure pump for hose attachments. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ABBEYACCESS.CO | 4190 | Water pumps to run Venturi aerators for incident response |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.AQMESH.COM | 761.35 | Service and repair of gazomat methane analyser |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 847.58 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 806.17 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 802.03 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 716.51 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 683.05 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 682.57 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 666.54 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 665.54 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 546.58 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 543.54 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 532.84 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 519 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 2083.2 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 2036.88 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1919.17 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1571.14 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1570.01 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1372.2 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1294.27 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1075.1 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 2997.36 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 2997.36 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1748.41 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1548.25 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1198.78 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1057.98 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 794.53 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 784.5 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 749.52 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 737.52 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 719.9 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 616.32 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 616.32 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 595 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 553.76 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 510.74 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 503.39 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 501.77 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.B-C-TRAINING.COM | 630 | BCI Introduction to Business Continuity (Live Online) course for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.BSIGROUP.COM | 1854 | External Training - Business Continuity Lead Implementer Course run by the BSI |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.CANFORD.CO.UK | 1848 | Purchase of a audio recorder in order to record suspect interviews. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.CROMWELL.CO.UK | 623.38 | Purchase of van tool vault, van lock and chain for vehicle security, purchase of heater for workshop container leewick depot. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.CROMWELL.CO.UK | 970.8 | equipment storage cabinet to improve the depot .at Mablethorpe depot |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.DMMCLIMBING.COM | 1038 | 5 days RRO training course for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.DMMCLIMBING.COM | 1022.4 | Purchase of additional equipment for the safe use of the procured vortex equipment. Purchase included power shock cord, pulleys and stretcher bridle. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.EXCEL-LONDON.C | 718.8 | Wi-Fi connection for skills London event stand to run engagement activities and gather feedback |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.FIBREGRID.COM | 1377.6 | anti slip matting for Brampton sluice |
EA | 28/02/2023 | | 585.87 | Ultra-fine forceps for invertebrate dissection |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.FIRSTFENCE.CO.UK | 3473.66 | 1 metal gate for Benson's walkway |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.FISHER.CO.UK | 2322.48 | Bacteriological growth media and supplements for use during PathSafe project pilot study, river water. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.GREEN-TECH.CO.UK | 668.4 | Supply of 60cm x 40mm NexGen Spiral Guards NH and 400 wooden canes to match for a FCRM project on the River Trent to replace damaged hedgerow. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.HAMMOND-DRYSUITS.C | 3202.8 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.HAMMOND-DRYSUITS.C | 2774.2 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.HSSTOOLHIRE.CO.UK | 798.04 | 2" pumps for the ENS Hydrogen Peroxide incident response trailer. These pumps will deliver the H2O2 to the water during fisheries incident response work. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.HSSTOOLHIRE.CO.UK | 709.44 | 1" pumps for incident response resilience (fisheries). These pumps will help us to fill tanks and relocate fish in the event of an incident where fish are at risk of death by a natural event or pollution |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.ICO.ORG.UK | 2900 | Annual fee paid to ICO under The Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018 Tier 3 payment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.INPD.CO.UK | 3264 | leadership management training course for 2 people |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.JOHN NORRIS.CO.UK | 2801.81 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.JOHNLEWIS.COM | 539.94 | Purchase of 6 x iPad gen 7 protective case cover, covers will increase the longevity of the iPad. All Ipads are used in the field while undertaking routine and incident works which increase risk of damage |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.LETSRECYCLE.COM | 3816 | brokers team external adverts |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.LUMLEYDESIGNS.CO.U | 1010 | cast iron signs for lock chamber which they are needed for various lock site along the R Thames |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.MACKENGINEERING.CO | 560.1 | MEICA Activities - Material Replacement |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.MGF.LTD.UK | 990 | Dumpy bag lifters - SLAM incident 2023. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.MGF.LTD.UK | 504 | Bulk bay lifter for Bradney Principle Depot. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.MPSURVEY.CO.UK | 1557.6 | Leica SmartNet Licence. This is an annual subscription service which provides real-time corrections to a survey-grade GPS unit allowing it to achieve accuracies in the region of 30mm.Vital for surveying using our GPS equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.OFCOM.ORG.UK | 1016.4 | Radio licences for TTD and associated gates |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.OFFICEBOFFINS.CO.U | 1382.04 | Lockers to store PPE for team. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.PHOENIXHSC.CO.UK | 1434 | NEBOSH Diploma Course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.PITA.CO.UK | 1428 | Corporate membership of Paper Industry Technical Association. This provides access for all relevant EA staff working in regulating the paper sector to technical materials, training provision etc. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.QA.COM | 1140 | This is the 'learning evaluation' course for one person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.QA.COM | 1914 | This is the 'e-learning design' course for one person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.QA.COM | 1838.52 | Internal: Agile Product Owner Training for Environment Monitoring and Planning workstream 2 Product Owner. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.QA.COM | 1838.52 | Internal: Agile Product Owner Training for Environment Monitoring and Planning workstream 1 Product Owner. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.QA.COM | 1838.52 | Internal: Agile Product Owner Training for Environment Monitoring and Planning workstream 3 Product Owner. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.QA.COM | 558.6 | A Microsoft Excel Intermediate training course for 1 person |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.REACTEC.COM | 2811.83 | Reactec HAVS equipment for West Hants Team |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.REACTEC.COM | 2820 | annual HAVS reporting suite charges |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.REACTEC.COM | 1318.66 | 6 x Havs Modules, replacements for old/faulty units. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.SAFETYLIFTINGEAR.C | 929.84 | Weight Angel Mobile Weight Anchor |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.SCREWFIX.COM | 639.71 | Ratchet Straps - SLAM Incident 2023. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.SCREWFIX.COM | 679.99 | A new tool kit for an LTM member to carry out various PSRA and maintenance work on lock sites and out in the field, this kit is to replace any old tools and batteries that too old or have failed an inspection under PUWER. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.SCREWFIX.COM | 799.98 | 2 x positive input ventilation systems for harbour property |
EA | 28/02/2023 | www.STL | 570 | 1 x place on Presentation Skills course (in person). |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.THEIRM.ORG | 1194 | Risk Management training course at the Institute of Risk Management. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.THEIRM.ORG | 1194 | Fundamentals of Risk Management 2 day course |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.WARDSFLEX.CO.UK | 523.03 | Long handled drag fork |
EA | 28/02/2023 | WWW.WILMINGTON.CO. | 2400 | Conflict Resolution course run by Bond Solon for Voluntary Bailiff Service delegates. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | XL DISPLAYS LTD | 2308.8 | area outreach kits - event/outreach equipment for areas to use when engaging with future talent / potential applicants at events. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | XL DISPLAYS LTD | 2308.8 | area outreach kits - event/outreach equipment for areas to use when engaging with future talent / potential applicants at events. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | XL DISPLAYS LTD | 2308.8 | area outreach kits - event/outreach equipment for areas to use when engaging with future talent / potential applicants at events. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | XL DISPLAYS LTD | 2308.8 | area outreach kits - event/outreach equipment for areas to use when engaging with future talent / potential applicants at events. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | YORK SURVEY SUPPLY | 1545 | Service of Suparules |
EA | 28/02/2023 | YORK SURVEY SUPPLY | 630 | cable height meters annual service |
EA | 28/02/2023 | YORKSURVEY.CO.UK | 1191.31 | Rangefinders for River Habitat Surveys for NCEA work. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ Electrafish Lt | 648 | Quarterly testing of electro fishing kit at Bradney Depot |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ Electrafish Lt | 648 | Quarterly testing of electro fishing kit at Blandford Depot |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ Electrafish Lt | 828 | Inspection and repairs for Essex and Norfolk Electric fishing equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ Electrafish Lt | 648 | Electric fishing testing at Tewksbury |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ Electrafish Lt | 648 | Electric fishing equipment testing Jan 2023. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ ELECTRO FISHIN | 775.5 | Shrewsbury E/F kit servicing |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ ELECTRO FISHIN | 560.7 | servicing for electro fishing equipment |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ ELECTRO FISHIN | 556.5 | invoice for Electric fishing equipment safety testing |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ F.R. JONES & S | 916.92 | pole saw and harness |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ Pizza A Legna | 570 | Working lunch and drinks provision for 50 delegates at MPPD SW Hub Cascade and team face to face meeting. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ RIGHTWAY SERVI | 1324.39 | Works to install new instrumentation and telemetry at Thorney Mill, Middelney weir, Bradford on Tone Weir, Frenchweir & Longaller weir for BTB fish pass design. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ RIGHTWAY SERVI | 3545.1 | Work to restore telemetry sites in incident to improve system performance. 4 days (2 at Weekend) plus mileage & accommodation. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ RIGHTWAY SERVI | 2263.68 | Reactive repairs and servicing to 11x cameras in the Wessex area. Enabling works for commissioning of Elton Road Bristol telemetry. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | Zettle_ RIGHTWAY SERVI | 1380.43 | Commission of telemetry and webcam at Trinity Gate Screen, Bridgwater. |
EA | 28/02/2023 | ZORO UK | 699.99 | Turbidity meter for testing turbidity when sonar surveying |