FOI release
DfT: FOI and EIR disclosure log, June 2023
Updated 25 January 2024
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RefNo | RequestOutcome | Summary | DateResponded |
F0022129 | Fully met | All correspondence in relation to the decision to appoint the University of Westminster to carry out the independent review to include emails, whatsapps, text messages, minutes from meetings. | 01/06/2023 |
F0022367 | Fully met | How many non-disclosure agreements have been concluded between the Department and: a) current staff members b) former staff members, since 2020 c) current and former staff members, since 2020 | 02/06/2023 |
F0022296 | Partially refused | Please supply the bidding forms and the points received clearly showing who got what points based on their bid. I want the application form for the bid as well as the sheet which points are given to bidders. | 05/06/2023 |
F0022316 | Fully met | A copy of its Document Retention Policy. | 05/06/2023 |
F0022333 | Met but some info not held | The communications from which ministers that explicitly instructed Active Travel England to exclude any Low Traffic Neighbourhood schemes and the reasons given for the exclusion. | 06/06/2023 |
F0022249 | Met but some info not held | Demographic information on rail penalty fares. | 06/06/2023 |
F0022181 | Fully met | Copy of the A435 Norton-Lenchwick Bypass Environmental Statement. | 07/06/2023 |
F0022319 | Partially refused | To understand the rational behind dropping the bonus payment and replacing it with a recognition payment and how this is valid. | 07/06/2023 |
F0022362 | Partially refused | Copies of all correspondence in your Department's possession in what ever form it was transmitted that relates to the Secretary of State's decision made on 11 May 2023 to extend the temporary closure of Footpath 49 Havant. | 07/06/2023 |
F0022253 | Partially refused | Updates provided to Ministers between 1st Jan & 12 Apr 23 re: the condition of Nuneham Viaduct and Network Rail's stabilisation work. Correspondence from DfT to Network Rail & Great Western between 3rd Apr and 12 Apr 23. | 07/06/2023 |
F0022342 | Partially refused | Information regarding O365 Licencing. | 07/06/2023 |
F0022317 | Fully met | Has DfT conducted an assessment of our vehicle infrastructure & its capacity to withstand the additional weight when all vehicles are EVs or hybrids, in particular all bridges? | 08/06/2023 |
F0022357 | Fully met | I am looking for MAIB (equivalent reports that are pre-1999. Do these reports still exist, are they in the public domain and if so, where can I find them? | 08/06/2023 |
F0022310 | Met but some info not held | To know whether any studies have been carried out into whether speed cameras achieve their stated purpose of reducing road accidents. | 08/06/2023 |
F0022330 | Fully met | Information on contracts awarded to ITO World by the Department for Transport. | 09/06/2023 |
F0022331 | Fully met | Information on contracts awarded to KPMG by the Department for Transport in relation to analytics or Bus Open Data Services contracts. | 09/06/2023 |
F0022327 | Fully met | Information regarding some potential call-off contracts awarded by the Department for Transport and details of he framework agreements they were awarded from. | 12/06/2023 |
F0022047 | Fully met | Information on your inspection of skills, and capacity of Nottinghamshire County Council and VIA in terms of your remit. | 14/06/2023 |
E0022363 | Partially refused | The application for consideration of wet corn fibre feedstock under the RTFO which led to the qualification of this feedstock as eligible for receiving double the number of RTFCs. | 14/06/2023 |
F0022365 | Fully met | Information regarding employee grade, pay and amendments. | 14/06/2023 |
F0022339 | Partially refused | Information relating to the authority's current Multi-Functional Devices and printing/scanning services contract(s). | 14/06/2023 |
F0022352 | Partially refused | Please provide all legislation relating to restrictions on flying with liquids including lotions and creams in carry on luggage leaving Heathrow airport to mainland Europe. | 15/06/2023 |
F0022229 | Met but some info not held | Various questions surrounding permanent hires and general recruitment | 15/06/2023 |
E0022244 | Fully met | Regarding DfT consultation on Targeting net zero -next steps for the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation. Provide a list of names of organisations that submitted responses to questions on Recycled Carbon Fuels. Provide copies of the responses. | 16/06/2023 |
F0022325 | Fully met | Copies of your department’s current policies on remote working and flexible working. | 16/06/2023 |
F0022358 | Fully met | Any insights or conclusions derived from your comprehensive investigation... specifically in understanding the root cause of the tragic capsizing. Question is in relation to Wheelyboat III (1470/2022) | 16/06/2023 |
F0022338 | Fully met | Information Regarding News Story Millions of people to benefit from £200 million to improve walking and cycling routes. | 16/06/2023 |
F0022374 | Fully met | Requesting policy including procurement, asset management, corporate credit card and expenses policy. | 16/06/2023 |
E0022370 | Fully met | A copy of the agenda and minutes of any meetings of the Aircraft Noise Monitoring Committee (ANMAC) held since 03 December 2021. | 16/06/2023 |
F0022385 | Fully met | Information regarding the use of chatGPT/AI in the department. | 16/06/2023 |
F0022379 | Fully met | Information regarding the events to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II last year that cost the public an estimated £161.7m. | 19/06/2023 |
F0022391 | Fully met | Total costs incurred by the department in support of the State Funeral of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II between 16/09/2022 - 20/09/2022. | 19/06/2023 |
F0022373 | Fully met | details of the number of T Level industry placements that have been provided in the following academic years (August-July. | 20/06/2023 |
F0022397 | Fully met | Copy of investigation report into Isbjornen II grounding | 20/06/2023 |
F0022398 | Fully met | Copy of report into Misty Blue incident in 2019 | 20/06/2023 |
F0022416 | Fully met | Information regarding social media management tools. | 20/06/2023 |
F0022341 | Fully met | How much the department has spent on the Great British Railways Transition Team from its formation to date. | 21/06/2023 |
F0022384 | Fully met | Projection of change in HGV GHG emissions, distance driven and gCO2/km from current policy compared to 1990. | 21/06/2023 |
F0022427 | Fully met | Information regarding the number of refurbished tech purchased for department employees. | 23/06/2023 |
E0022377 | Fully met | Copy of the report DfT has asked consultancy Arup to do, which has “develop[ed] recommendations on how to better assess and control [brake and tyre wear] emissions which will persist after a transition to zero tailpipe emission vehicles” | 23/06/2023 |
F0022386 | Fully met | How much money has the Department spent on scraping data from Twitter since 28 October 2022? | 23/06/2023 |
F0022369 | Met but some info not held | The estimate - provided to or calculated by the DfT - of the cost of reinstating the hard shoulder on existing smart motorways. | 23/06/2023 |
F0022185 | Partially refused | All of the emails mentioning 'Doncaster Sheffield Airport' which were sent to The Peel Group staff at a director level in 2022. | 23/06/2023 |
F0022372 | Fully met | Following on from FOI F0021722 dated 02/12/22. Can we provide the same data again but between the last request 03/11/22 and now. | 26/06/2023 |
F0022382 | Fully met | The number of staff, number of active vehicles, and running costs, all over the last 2 available financial years for comparison of the government car service. | 26/06/2023 |
E0022383 | Partially refused | How many policy professionals in the department have a work remit focused on responding to the challenge of climate change adaptation and mitigation? | 26/06/2023 |
F0022344 | Fully met | In relation to a request for Crown Consent, the Royal Household, or any person acting for it or on its behalf. | 27/06/2023 |
F0022414 | Partially refused | IT related questions including security software's used. | 27/06/2023 |
F0022353 | Partially refused | Documents and correspondence relating to the All Parliamentary Party Group for Cycling and Walking meeting that took place in March. | 27/06/2023 |
F0022376 | Fully met | About photographers used by the department in and spending. | 28/06/2023 |
F0022411 | Fully met | Information regarding departmental Carers’ Champion and support staff who wish to set up and run a carers’ network. | 29/06/2023 |
F0022381 | Met but some info not held | Data on passenger train miles operated. | 29/06/2023 |
F0022405 | Met but some info not held | Information from DfT in relation to its plan to reduce “unnecessary train announcements”. | 29/06/2023 |
F0022392 | Partially refused | Internal correspondence between Department for Transport officials regarding the allocation of sites for the trials of noise detecting traffic cameras. | 30/06/2023 |
F0022422 | Fully met | How much of the money DfT allocated to improve roadside facilities for HGV drivers have been allocated? | 30/06/2023 |
F0022406 | Partially refused | Information regarding the number of staff working in DfT. | 30/06/2023 |