
Template 2 - Candidate level cash-in data

Updated 16 April 2024
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Name Description Position Validation Regular Expression Description of Regular Expression
ExamSeries Exam series data relates to Exam series for template 2 should relate to the series the candidate certificates in, for the current academic year. 1 ^(June|Novem ber)([ ][0- 9][0-9][0- 9][0-9])$ Full month name of exam series and year.
ReportingDate Date the file was due to be submitted regardless of when it was actually uploaded. Format accepted 120 ODBC canonical yyyy-mm-dd. 2 ^(20)\d\d[- ](0[1- 9]|1[012])[- ](0[1- 9]|[12][0- 9]|3[01])$ The date in the following format: year (four digits), a dash, month (two digits), a dash, day (two digits).
AwardingOrganisation Name of the awarding organisation 3 ^.{1,100}$ One, to one hundred characters accepted
QAN Qualification Accreditation Number e.g. 123/1234/1 4 ^.{1,10}$ One, to ten characters accepted
QualificationLevel Level of qualification, for example GCSE 5 ^(GCSE|AS|A level|Projec t L3)$ One of the following list: GCSE, AS, A level, Project L3.
CertificationCode Entry or option code to which candidates certificate 6 ^.{1,7}$ One, to seven characters accepted
SpecificationCode Specification code also known as Subject Award Code and Cash-in Code 7 ^.{1,7}$ One, to seven characters accepted
SpecificationTitle Specification title also known as subject title 8 ^.{1,150}$ One, to one hundred and fifty characters accepted
CentreNo NCN number of centre at time of certification 9 ^.{1,5}$ One, to five characters accepted
PartialAbsence To indicate a partial absence 10 ^(1|0|-2)$ Enter 1 to flag a partial absence, otherwise enter 0. -2 accepted if not available
CentreCandidateNumber Candidate number as supplied by the centre 12 ^.{1,10}$ One to ten characters accepted
UniqueCandidateIdentifier Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) 13 ^.{1,14}$ One to fourteen characters accepted -2 accepted if not available
ULN Unique learner number 14 ^.{1,10}$ One to ten characters accepted -2 accepted if not available
FirstName Candidate’s first name If middle name cannot be separated from first name please provide both names in the FirstName field and leave the MiddleNames field blank. 15 ^.{0,150}$ Zero, to one hundred and fifty characters accepted. Name fields can be left blank for Project L3, AS and A level.
MiddleNames Candidate’s middle names 16 ^.{0,150}$ Up to one hundred and fifty characters accepted. Name fields can be left blank for Project L3, AS and A level.
Surname Candidate’s surname 17 ^.{0,50}$ Zero to fifty characters accepted Name fields can be left blank for Project L3, AS and A level.
Gender To indicate candidate’s gender 18 ^(M|F|-2)$ Accepted values: M, F -2 accepted if unknown
DOB To indicate candidate’s date of birth. Format accepted 120 ODBC canonical yyyy-mm-dd. 19 ^(20)\d\d[- ](0[1- 9]|1[012])[- ](0[1- 9]|[12][0- 9]|3[01])$ Date in the following format: year (four digits), a dash, month (two digits), a dash, day (two digits) 2999-12-31 accepted if DOB unknown.
SubjectLevelGrade Subject grade 20 ^(A*|A|B|C|D |E|U|X|Q|1|2 |3|4|5|6|7|8 |9|1-1|2- 1|2-2|3-2|3- 3|4-3|4-4|5- 4|5-5|6-5|6- 6|7-6|7-7|8- 7|8-8|9-8|9- 9|-2)$ One of the following list: A*, A, B, C, D, E, U, X, Q, 9 to 1, 9-9 to 1-1. -2 accepted for unknown value.
SubjectLevelUniformMark Subject level uniform mark total (not for reformed qualifications). 21 ^\d{1,4}$ A numeric value between 0 and 9999 accepted. -2 accepted for qualifications that do not use UMS.
SubjectLevelScaledMark Subject level scaled mark. This is the total mark for the candidate after scaling/weighting has been applied – applicable for reformed qualifications and any qualification that doesn’t use uniform mark. 22 ^\d{1,3}$ A numeric value between 0 and 999 accepted. -2 accepted for qualifications that use UMS.
PrivateCandidate To indicate if the candidate is a private candidate 23 ^(1|0|-2)$ Enter 1 to flag a private candidate, otherwise enter 0. -2 accepted if not available/ unknown