Transparency data
Defra's ePCS spending over £500 for August 2022
Updated 29 June 2023
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Entity | GL Date | Merchant name | Amount | Description |
DEFRA | 08/08/2022 | BLAZEMETER INC. | 534.97 | Urgent license requirement: Only available to purchase via payment card. Required by software developers to perform software testing. |
DEFRA | 08/08/2022 | WWW.AVANTIGAS.COM | 733.75 | Delivery of 1043 litres of Liquid Petroleum Gas for the provision of Hot Water and Heating for Owston Ferry Depot. |
DEFRA | 09/08/2022 | PADDLE.NET EASYRETRO | 600 | Urgent license requirement: Only available to purchase via payment card. Required by software developers to perform software testing. |
DEFRA | 10/08/2022 | BARBICAN CENTRE MOTO | 810 | 45 Standard tickets for staff for “Our Time on Earth” on Wednesday 13 July 2022 at 10:45 in Curve Gallery |
DEFRA | 11/08/2022 | DIGITAL ID | 575.1 | Security Cards: The spend is for new ID cards, they are required by all employees so they comply with our security guidance. |
DEFRA | 12/08/2022 | NETWORKING-STORE | 1247.75 | IT cables to re-patch the IT cabinets at Lutra. Cage nuts and bolts for IT cabinet Works. |
DEFRA | 15/08/2022 | XMA LTD | 815.44 | Print cartridges for plan plotter at EA Chelmsford Office |
DEFRA | 15/08/2022 | WORLDCONGRESSSOIL | 1800 | Attendance of staff at the World Soils Congress. |
DEFRA | 16/08/2022 | CURRYS ONLINE | 718.99 | Computer and Software for access control system at Lutra House which is not supported by the Defra Network |
DEFRA | 16/08/2022 | JACKSON SKIPS | 522 | Skip needed for waste for project |
DEFRA | 18/08/2022 | ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR | 543.79 | Van hired for UK AP event, NE NRN event, Royal Welsh set up, Great Yorkshire Show and Aston Rowant event |
DEFRA | 24/08/2022 | SLACK T73HZJ85R | 2830.1 | Slack communications tool utilised across the Major Projects function - March 2022 invoice |
DEFRA | 24/08/2022 | BLAZEMETER INC. | 560.62 | Software to allow load testing and performance checks on new applications created in digital delivery |
DEFRA | 24/08/2022 | BROWSERSTACK.COM | 2589.21 | Software to provide a cloud platform for the testing of webites/applications to allow real-world testing capabilities |
DEFRA | 24/08/2022 | SLACK T73HZJ85R | 2834.24 | Slack communications tool utilised across the Major Projects function - July 2022 invoice |
DEFRA | 24/08/2022 | BROWSERSTACK.COM | 2531.15 | Software to provides a cloud platform for the testing of webites/applications to allow real-world testing capabilities |
DEFRA | 24/08/2022 | DROPBOX | 777.6 | Software for storage of digital assets |
DEFRA | 30/08/2022 | GSUITE_DEFRA.NET | 894.42 | Urgent license requirement: Only available to purchase via payment card. Required by software developers to perform software testing. |
DEFRA | 30/08/2022 | GSUITE_DEFRA.NET | 1081 | Urgent license requirement: Only available to purchase via payment card. Required by software developers to perform software testing. |
CCW | 15/08/2022 | SMARTSHEET INC. | 960 | Smartsheet Subscription Service Business Plan for five licensed users for the period 16 July 2022 to 15 July 2023 |
CCW | 15/08/2022 | MIRO.COM | 826.17 | Realtimeboard Business Subscription for the period 8 July 2022 to 8 July 2023 for online whiteboard and visual collaboration platform |
CEFAS | 03/08/2022 | Hotel at | 864.9 | Accommodation for one person for four nights in Spain to attend a conference. |
CEFAS | 04/08/2022 | Hotel at | 745.27 | Accommodation for two people for six nights in Dorchester to support freshwater fish sampling survey. |
CEFAS | 08/08/2022 | MANUTAN UK | 1080 | Meeting room furniture- Five meeting tables, eight black stacking chairs. |
CEFAS | 11/08/2022 | Frontiers Media SA | 2517.53 | Journal publication fee. |
CEFAS | 13/08/2022 | CAMBRIDGE SUITES HOTEL | 791.19 | Accommodation for one person for five nights in Nova Scotia, Canada to attend the International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. |
CEFAS | 16/08/2022 | WWW.FORCE4.CO.UK | 3305.35 | Purchase of 12 Garmin GPSMAP Handheld GPS devices. |
CEFAS | 22/08/2022 | QG GHANA HOTEL HOLDING | 2034.83 | Accommodation for two people for five nights in Ghana to support OCPP and host workshop. |
CEFAS | 23/08/2022 | MS HOTELMAYFAIR | 650 | Accommodation for one person for two nights in Copenhagen to attend a workshop on 'Good practices related to national action plasn on marine litter and plastic pollution.' |
CEFAS | 24/08/2022 | QG GHANA HOTEL HOLDING | 2020.68 | Conference room to host a workshop 50 people all day. Included coffee and team and snacks |
CEFAS | 24/08/2022 | GITHUB | 590.39 | High computing scientific software. Monthly charge. |
CEFAS | 25/08/2022 | PAYPAL IOLIGHT LTD | 1800 | One compact inverted microscope to be used on fieldwork. |
CEFAS | 30/08/2022 | ALAN COOK REMOVALS | 1315 | Remaining 50% payment for removal services to support staff relocation to Kuwait. |
CEFAS | 31/08/2022 | W L BUSSELL & CO | 801.6 | Repairs to flagpole on site at Weymouth Laboratory. |
CEFAS | 31/08/2022 | YPS THE OLD POST OFFIC | 3354 | Accommodation for four people for nine nights in Kent to support a vessel sampling survey. |
JNCC | 02/08/2022 | CIWEM | 1320 | 10 attendees made up of 4 JNCC staff member and 6 external delegates OSPAR Benthic Habitats Expert Group Meeting from 03/05/2022 to 04/05/2022 |
JNCC | 04/08/2022 | BOTANICAL PAPERWORKS | 642.8 | Social Cues Seed Paper Wristbands Long - 300 red, 300 yellow, 300 green - 900 total for JNCC Staff conference |
JNCC | 16/08/2022 | ANDY'S RENT A CAR | 546.87 | Car Hire Darwin+ Coral Conservation in the Overseas Territories Workshop Grand Cayman |
JNCC | 22/08/2022 | ADMIRAL'S INN | 638.97 | 3 staff members accommodation emergency additional nights |
JNCC | 22/08/2022 | RSTUDIO PBC | 2839.03 | R Studio Software |
JNCC | 23/08/2022 | EVERYTHING BRANDED | 1068.12 | 300 x Branded notebooks/pens for JNCC staff conference packs |
JNCC | 24/08/2022 | IMPAC5-GC | 811.39 | x 1 staff member to attend Conference 5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress |
JNCC | 24/08/2022 | IMPAC5-GC | 811.39 | x 1 staff member to attend Conference 5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress |
JNCC | 24/08/2022 | SCHOOLBADGESTORE | 918 | Coloured badges for the JNCC Staff Conference in Newcastle 29/09/2022. |
JNCC | 24/08/2022 | WESTIN HOTEL FRONT DES | 1402.26 | 1 x staff member accommodation and subsistence 16-22/08/2022 to Darwin+ Coral Conservation in the Overseas Territories Workshop Grand Cayman |
JNCC | 29/08/2022 | ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES (KLM) | 622.42 | 1 x staff member to attend African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Agreement Meeting of the Parties 8, Budapest, Hungary |
JNCC | 29/08/2022 | AVIS | 752.3 | 5 day car hire x 3 staff members Turks and Caicos Islands workshop |
KEW | 01/08/2022 | LOQATE | 600 | Postcode lookup tool used for customer facing websites. |
KEW | 02/08/2022 | CLOUD DBLQ5T | 1367.7 | Payment for the Google Cloud Platform, storage and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Kew Science |
KEW | 08/08/2022 | FACEBK 75M4KGKYX2 | 700 | Advertising for Glow Wild, Summer Family, and Nourish events |
KEW | 11/08/2022 | ARGOS LTD | 964.93 | 9 x Global Positioning System watches for Wellbeing Research |
KEW | 16/08/2022 | FACEBK S5C32GFYX2 | 700 | Advertising for Glow Wild, Summer Family, and Nourish events |
KEW | 18/08/2022 | Jessops | 543.98 | Project Camera for Kew Bolivia project |
KEW | 19/08/2022 | AIR EUROPA LINEAS AEREAS | 1612.18 | Return flight Bente Klitgaard to Santa Cruz Bolivia September 2022. |
KEW | 19/08/2022 | AHI.ORG.UK | 1016 | Association of Heritage Interpretation Conference fees - 3 attendees |
KEW | 25/08/2022 | FACEBK FQWGXGBYX2 | 700 | Advertising for Glow Wild, Summer Family, and Nourish events |
KEW | 26/08/2022 | REALLY USEFUL PROD | 657.72 | Plastic boxes, black - for storage of silica dried plant tissue samples |
KEW | 31/08/2022 | BUNNYFOOT LIMITED | 594 | Digital innovation training for Junior Product Manager. |
MMO | 25/08/2022 | L2E790300043U UKVI | 536 | Sponsorship licence |
VMD | 24/08/2022 | COZYROC | 1052.75 | Annual licence for COZYROC SSIS for IT |
VMD | 24/08/2022 | HPRA | 766.27 | Training - PIC/S Seminar Ireland 2022 registration for 1 delegate (AP) |
VMD | 24/08/2022 | HPRA | 766.27 | Training - PIC/S Seminar Ireland 2022 registration for 1 delegate (MC) |
VMD | 24/08/2022 | HPRA | 941.41 | Training - PIC/S Seminar Ireland 2022 registration for 1 delegate (JT) |
VMD | 24/08/2022 | K.I.T. Group GmbH | 520.58 | Training - XVIth International Congress of Toxicology for 1 delegate |
VMD | 24/08/2022 | Marriott Hotel, Accra | 1503.76 | O/S hotel accommodation and services for 1 person |
APHA | 02/08/2022 | Airbnb | 609 | x1 staff accommodation for an Academic Conference attendance in Madrid, Spain . |
APHA | 10/08/2022 | CATERING APPLIANCE SUP | 2096 | Urgent purchase of refrigerators for temporary storage of diagnostic samples prior to dispatch to APHA laboratories for the detection of notifiable diseases in animals |
APHA | 10/08/2022 | CATERING APPLIANCE SUP | 2096 | Urgent purchase of refrigerators for temporary storage of diagnostic samples prior to dispatch to APHA laboratories for the detection of notifiable diseases in animals |
APHA | 10/08/2022 | CATERING APPLIANCE SUP | 2096 | Urgent purchase of refrigerators for temporary storage of diagnostic samples prior to dispatch to APHA laboratories for the detection of notifiable diseases in animals |
APHA | 10/08/2022 | CATERING APPLIANCE SUP | 2096 | Urgent purchase of refrigerators for temporary storage of diagnostic samples prior to dispatch to APHA laboratories for the detection of notifiable diseases in animals |
APHA | 10/08/2022 | TRELLO.COM ATLASSIAN | 1509.57 | Annual fee for Trello Premium with 15 user(s) for the period 18 May 2022 to 18 May 2023. |
APHA | 10/08/2022 | ISIRV LTD | 650 | 1 x staff member to attend – ISIRV Conference on 28.06.2022 |
APHA | 10/08/2022 | ISIRV LTD | 525 | 1 x staff member for ISIRV Conference registration – on 27.06.2022 |
APHA | 10/08/2022 | ISIRV LTD | 525 | 1 x staff member for ISIRV Conference registration on 24.06.2022 |
APHA | 10/08/2022 | ISIRV LTD | 525 | 1 x staff member to attend ISIRV Conference on 27.06.2022 |
APHA | 11/08/2022 | WWW.RAYTRADEUK.CO.UK | 787 | Stock item: purchase of pithing rods for stock at the Weybridge warehouse |
APHA | 11/08/2022 | AIRBNB HMCY5DQYFF | 1684 | The expenses were to pay for accommodation booked locally through AirBnB. We used the same accommodation each time and approx. 10-12 staff were accommodated at different times over the period. |
APHA | 11/08/2022 | AIRBNB HM9ZQ9R9FE | 1403 | The expenses were to pay for accommodation booked locally through AirBnB. We used the same accommodation each time and approx. 10-12 staff were accommodated at different times over the period. |
APHA | 11/08/2022 | AIRBNB HMDXPBZ8FS | 1123 | The expenses were to pay for accommodation booked locally through AirBnB. We used the same accommodation each time and approx. 10-12 staff were accommodated at different times over the period. |
APHA | 11/08/2022 | AIRBNB HMARQMWNRA | 1123 | The expenses were to pay for accommodation booked locally through AirBnB. We used the same accommodation each time and approx. 10-12 staff were accommodated at different times over the period. |
APHA | 15/08/2022 | WWW.PETSATHOME.COM | 1795 | Purchase of 9 x FERPLAST Atlas 80 Professional Dog Carriers |
APHA | 15/08/2022 | MBOVIS22 COMMITTEE | 663 | Payment for one staff inscription to the the M Bovis 2022 conference in Galway Ireland for 4 nights. |
APHA | 24/08/2022 | The Barrington Hotel | 1063 | Hotel accommodation for one staff for Conference attendance in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. |
APHA | 30/08/2022 | The Peabody Hotel | 888 | Hotel cost for CEIRR annual meeting in Memphis, Tennessee. |
APHA | 30/08/2022 | Northlink Ferries | 574 | Shetland Ferry travel 18.08.2022 and return on 20.08.2022 |
NE | 01/08/2022 | JAMES PRINT AND DESIGN | 2000 | Part payment for printing of 10,000 information leaflets for Castle Eden Dene National Nature Reserve |
NE | 01/08/2022 | CARRS BILLINGTON SPENNYMOOR | 611.54 | Servicing of machinery for Castle Eden Dene National Nature Reserve |
NE | 01/08/2022 | ILLUMINA CAMBR.E-COM | 868 | Equipment for DNA Seahorse Project |
NE | 02/08/2022 | GRIT AGENCY | 587.76 | Supporting costs for website to inform on restoration of Hoveton Great Broad |
NE | 02/08/2022 | PAYPAL GEORGIA2W | 1220 | Mobile mural of the Hoveton Wetlands for public engagement at the Royal Norfolk Show and visiting school parties at the Hoveton Nature Trail |
NE | 03/08/2022 | WWW.RAU.AC.UK | 850 | Staff training for one person for five days for Chainsaw course - 12-17 September 2022 |
NE | 03/08/2022 | SNOWS BUSINESS FORMS LTD | 1420 | Second class postage of letters to land owners for Calshot to Gosport and Gosport to Portsmouth stretches of England Coast Path |
NE | 03/08/2022 | WWW.ACTNOW.ORG.UK | 538.8 | Staff training for one person for one day on Freedom of Information training - 22 September 2022 |
NE | 03/08/2022 | WWW.PHS.CO.UK | 521.08 | Sanitary bin service for Suffolk Coast National Nature Reserves |
NE | 03/08/2022 | NHBS LTD | 1322.23 | Scientific equipment for the Suffolk Coast National Nature Reserves |
NE | 03/08/2022 | BUSHWEAR | 1215.4 | Monitoring equipment for the Suffolk Coast National Nature Reserves |
NE | 03/08/2022 | AMZNMKTPLACE AMAZON.CO | 1114.55 | Four shelters for schools visit event at Benacre National Nature Reserve - 25 May 2022 |
NE | 03/08/2022 | GO OUTDOORS | 721 | Four shelters for schools visit event at Benacre National Nature Reserve - 25 May 2022 |
NE | 03/08/2022 | MORGANTRAININGSERVICES | 1460 | Staff training for two people for three days for Tree Chainsaw work - 28 July-1 August 2022 |
NE | 03/08/2022 | GMCIUK | 2247 | Part payment for carbon dioxide monitors for National Nature Reserves |
NE | 03/08/2022 | WWW.GALATENT.CO.UK | 540.97 | Small marquee tent for Catchment Sensitive Farming stand at agricultural shows |
NE | 03/08/2022 | ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR | 711.2 | Hire car repairs |
NE | 03/08/2022 | GMCIUK | 3445.6 | Payment for carbon dioxide monitors for National Nature Reserves |
NE | 04/08/2022 | IN FOCUS LONDON COLNEY | 849 | Monitoring equipment for the LIFE Wader project at Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve |
NE | 04/08/2022 | CAMLAB LTD | 2421.6 | Equipment for Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve |
NE | 04/08/2022 | KNAPHILL PRINT COMPANY LTD | 1348 | 5000 leaflets printed to promote Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANGS) |
NE | 04/08/2022 | KNAPHILL PRINT COMPANY LTD | 1026 | 18 A1 vinyl posters and 6 A2 vinyl posters for public engagement events; 1000 individually numbered double sided forms; and 6 A4 laminated posters for Thames Basin Heath dog event |
NE | 04/08/2022 | DELAMERE FOREST CAFE | 578.85 | Staff training and subsistence for 22 people for one day for Specialist Services meeting - 7 April 2022 |
NE | 04/08/2022 | MIGRATE TECHNOLOGY LTD | 944.09 | Locater tags for Guillemots at Flamborough and Filey coast Special Protection Area |
NE | 04/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS | 1071.54 | Specialist office equipment and furniture for specific health and safety requirements |
NE | 07/08/2022 | SUMUP SIMON WHALLEY | 1690 | Online training for one person for total of ten hours plus four hours supervision for Coaching course |
NE | 07/08/2022 | THE WALLINGFORD TEAROOM | 1157.75 | Refreshments for Festival event at Aston Rowant National Nature Reserve - 7 September 2022 |
NE | 07/08/2022 | EXPLORE 4X4 | 710.4 | Refresher training for three people for one day for All Terrestrial Vehicle use - 7 September 2022 |
NE | 07/08/2022 | WORKING PLANET PAYMENT | 718.8 | Online job advertisement for four posts for five weeks during June and July 2022 |
NE | 07/08/2022 | KEYLINE | 2406 | Part payment for materials for Worlds End Wetland restoration scheme at Fenns, Whixall and Bettisfield Mosses National Nature Reserve |
NE | 07/08/2022 | BRITISH ECOL SOCIETY | 760 | Attendance at British Ecological Society conference for three people for four days - 18-21 December 2022 |
NE | 08/08/2022 | CARADON TOOL/PLANT | 720 | Hire of office unit at Golitha Falls National Nature Reserve |
NE | 08/08/2022 | MOLE VALLEY FARMERS | 804.67 | Fencing materials for Golitha Falls National Nature Reserve |
NE | 08/08/2022 | AIRBNB HMPDPZ2X39 | 943.13 | Accommodation for one person for six nights for Masters Residential week - 24 September-1 October 2022 |
NE | 09/08/2022 | ROOTS AND SHOOTS | 1131 | Staff training and subsistence for 23 people for one day for Species Recovery meeting - 7 June 2022 |
NE | 09/08/2022 | ELLIOTTUK.COM | 1962.4 | Staff welfare unit for Moss Side Farm, Manchester Mosslands Proposed National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/08/2022 | HOLIDAY PAYMENT AVR | 1879 | Accommodation for eight people for three nights for fieldwork - 4-7 July 2022 |
NE | 09/08/2022 | PEACEFUL PETS LIMITED | 660 | Disposal of bird carcasses for Scolt Head Island National Nature Reserve |
NE | 09/08/2022 | DOUBLETREE YORK | 985 | Staff training and subsistence plus evening working dinner for 22 people for one day for Transformation meeting - 28 June 2022 |
NE | 09/08/2022 | SQ BANDSHOP SOUND & L | 1742 | Video filming and sound system provision of Natural England event for 55 people - 21 July 2022 |
NE | 10/08/2022 | M J ABBOTT | 686.18 | Repair of pump for livestock water supply at Pewsey Downs National Nature Reserve |
NE | 10/08/2022 | WWW.WEST-NORFOLK.GOV.UK | 828.52 | Waste removal annual contract for Wolferton National Nature Reserve base |
NE | 10/08/2022 | NORFOLK MARINE | 2089.99 | Part payment for boat accessories for Bure Marshes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 10/08/2022 | WWW.GARSTONVETS.CO.UK | 656.23 | Veterinary care for livestock at Parsonage Down National Nature Reserve |
NE | 11/08/2022 | BRISTOL MARITIME ACAD. | 1650 | Staff training for six people for two days for Water First Responder training - 16-17 August 2022 |
NE | 11/08/2022 | WWW.KPMG.CO.UK | 1647.6 | Staff training for seven people for three days for First Aid at Work training - 3-5 October 2022 |
NE | 11/08/2022 | ILX GROUP PLC | 1416 | Exam fees for four people for Project Management online course |
NE | 12/08/2022 | SYDENHAMS LTD | 552.96 | Materials for construction of Hen Harrier aviaries for Southern Hen Harrier Reintroduction Project |
NE | 12/08/2022 | GARDENING NATURALLY | 542.97 | Materials for construction of Hen Harrier aviaries for Southern Hen Harrier Reintroduction Project |
NE | 12/08/2022 | OTHREE LIMITED | 1000 | Part payment for dry suit for NE Dive team monitoring work |
NE | 12/08/2022 | KLARNA | 727 | Equipment for Ingleborough National Nature Reserve |
NE | 12/08/2022 | U-DRIVE LIMITED | 582.58 | Minibus hire for 12 people for three days for journey from Salisbury to Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve and return as part of their work - 3-5 May 2022 |
NE | 14/08/2022 | WWW.HANNAINSTRUMENTS.CO.UK | 788.22 | Equipment for water quality testing at Woodwalton Fen National Nature Reserve |
NE | 15/08/2022 | BATTLEFIELD MACHINERY | 808.5 | Repairs to reserve vehicle at Aqualate Mere National Nature Reserve |
NE | 15/08/2022 | BTO SERVICES LTD | 954 | Staff training for three people for two half days for Nightjar Tagging - 23-24 August 2022 |
NE | 15/08/2022 | MEDIKIT FIRST AID SUPPLIES | 683.03 | First Aid and emergency supplies for Wyre Forest and Moccas Park National Nature Reserves |
NE | 15/08/2022 | SP SERVICES UK LTD | 768.96 | First Aid and emergency supplies for Wyre Forest and Moccas Park National Nature Reserves |
NE | 16/08/2022 | UNIVERSITY OF EXETER | 1200 | Part-time PhD tuition for one person - 2022-23 |
NE | 17/08/2022 | AGROVISTA UK LTD | 1099.14 | Herbicide for Dersingham Bog National Nature Reserve |
NE | 17/08/2022 | LOWE MAINTENANCE | 840 | Staff training for three people for one day plus assessment for All Terrain Vehicle use - 18 July 2022 |
NE | 17/08/2022 | LOWE MAINTENANCE | 1080 | Staff refresher training for six people for one day for All Terrain Vehicle use - 21 June 2022 |
NE | 17/08/2022 | LOOS 2 GO LTD | 624 | Temporary toilets for Festival Day at Horn Park Quarry National Nature Reserve - 31 July 2022 |
NE | 18/08/2022 | THE UAV ACADEMY LTD | 1166.4 | Online staff training for two people for two days for Drone Flying - dates not set |
NE | 18/08/2022 | PROGREEN WEED CONTROL | 800.34 | Herbicide for Stiperstones National Nature Reserve |
NE | 18/08/2022 | NORFOLK MARINE | 2985.37 | Payment for boat accessories for Bure Marshes National Nature Reserve |
NE | 21/08/2022 | BHG MARINE LTD | 895 | Service of equipment for North Solent National Nature Reserve |
NE | 21/08/2022 | LAND SKILLS | 955.63 | Staff training for two people for two days for Tree Inspection training - 27-28 July 2022 |
NE | 21/08/2022 | MORTON TRAINING LIMITED | 558 | Staff training for one person for one day for Tree Felling and Processing - 24 August 2022 |
NE | 22/08/2022 | WWW.FORCE4.CO.UK | 1115.8 | Three personal locator beacons for use at Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve |
NE | 22/08/2022 | B & B TRACTORS | 1141.48 | Service of reserve vehicle for Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve |
NE | 22/08/2022 | PEAK WASTE RECYCLING LTD | 540 | Hire of waste skip for Derbyshire Dales National Nature Reserve |
NE | 22/08/2022 | REDACTIVE PUBLISHING | 1314 | Online job advertisement for one post for four weeks from 1 July 2022 |
NE | 23/08/2022 | KEYLINE | 2006.4 | Part payment for materials for Worlds End Wetland restoration scheme at Fenns, Whixall and Bettisfield Mosses National Nature Reserve |
NE | 23/08/2022 | AMAZON.CO.UK 2Y3V54Z74 | 930 | Reward and recognition for 11 people |
NE | 23/08/2022 | ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR | 2363.79 | Hire car repairs |
NE | 23/08/2022 | ORDNANCE SURVEY LEISURE | 991.98 | Two geographic positioning devices for lone working |
NE | 23/08/2022 | CAWOOD SCIENTIFIC LTD | 1102.61 | Laboratory analysis of soil samples from Parsonage Down National Nature Reserve |
NE | 23/08/2022 | CAWOOD SCIENTIFIC LTD | 1247.69 | Laboratory analysis of soil samples from Winterbourne Down National Nature Reserve |
NE | 24/08/2022 | HTTPS://STORE.LINCOLN. | 1065 | Staff training for one person for five days for Soils and Water training - 11-12, 25-26 November and 9 December 2022 |
NE | 25/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS | 1051.2 | Specialist office equipment and furniture for specific health and safety requirements |
NE | 25/08/2022 | YORKSURVEY.CO.UK | 518.4 | Survey equipment for Thursley National Nature Reserve |
NE | 30/08/2022 | SFL MOBILE RADIO LIMITED | 959.98 | Communication devices for when using chainsaws |
NE | 30/08/2022 | BEST4SYSTEMS | 542.4 | Communication devices for when using chainsaws |
NE | 30/08/2022 | BUXTONS | 756 | Protective clothing for seven people |
EA | 31/08/2022 | 1 SPATIAL | 720 | Feature Manipulation Engine training for 1 person. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | 2 START TRAINING | 3208 | C+E LGV vocational lorry driver training for 1 person. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | 460 ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE | 525.82 | Servicing of generators and pumps at Costessey depot |
EA | 31/08/2022 | 5763 WEMBLEY | 1002.24 | Portable air conditioning unit hired for Kings Meadow House server room during extreme hot weather and permanent cooling system issues. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | A & M DEFENCE | 3044.06 | Capstan winch, storage box, stein rope, and a rope bag. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Abbey Hotel Front Desk | 3120 | Overnight accommodation for 27 people whilst attending Defra Group Fleet Services all staff meeting. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ACB NORTH | 828 | Jet wash repair/maintenance |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ACCESS CAMERAS | 2709.3 | Inspection camera required to carry out culvert inspections eliminating confined space work. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ACELIFTAWAY.CO.UK | 6408 | Disposal of beach timber which was removed from Climping beach because of end of life and for Public safety |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ALTHON LTD | 1938 | Althon 200mm flap valve and 400mm flap valve, replacing flaps at outfalls for Halford Drive. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ALTITUDESAFE.CO.UK | 720 | Confined space equipment servicing |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Amazon Web Services | 502.81 | Monthly service charges for telemetry connects. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AMF Services | 579.41 | Stihl MSA 160C Inspection and Repair/Husqvarna 346XP Inspection and Repair/Stihl HT131 Pole saw Inspection and repair/Husqvarna 556 XPG Inspection and Repair |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AMZNMktplace | 817.88 | 3 personal locator beacons for use when working alone |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AMZNMktplace | 902.74 | Camera, camera mount, disto, micro sd card and tripod for high flow surface velocity trial. Equipment to be used with 7m telescopic pole to record videos of river and convert to flow. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AMZNMktplace | 519.49 | Dell DA310 usb-c adapters |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AMZNMktplace | 769.91 | New cameras for new team members |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AMZNMktplace | 519.2 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AMZNMKTPLACE AMAZON.CO | 1498 | Submersible, harsh environment cctv cameras (3) for monitoring newly constructed eel passes on Agency riverine structures. This to prove the correct functionality of the installations |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Andrew Symons ltd | 2250 | 3 inch pump 2 x 2 inch water pumps with attachments for incident response to replace broken ones beyond economical repair |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Andrew Symons ltd | 972 | Water pump and attachments to replace diesel pump in community flood box in Bradford |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ANGLIA HANDLING SERVIC | 540 | Safety inspection of Parkeston Pumping Station |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ANGLO AMERICAN OIL COM | 981.72 | Aspen 2FRT-2stroke petrol for use with chainsaws/clearing saws/power cutters/hedge trimmers 54 x 5L cans held at Mablethorpe depot Lincolnshire catchment Donna Nook to Gibraltar Point |
EA | 31/08/2022 | APT SECURITY SYSTEMS L | 1378.92 | Replacement barrier arm for Allington Lock car park |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AQUATIC BIOTECHNOLOGY | 2055.49 | Zooplankton nets for marine Natural Capital Ecosystem Assessment pelagic monitoring programme. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ARB & GROUNDS EQUIPMEN | 2556.36 | 162 x 5 LTR Bottles of 2 stroke & 4 Stroke Aspen petrol for the mowing and cutting machines at the Trent side Depot fuel stores. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 1058.98 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 521.54 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 606.88 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 2668.88 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 714.66 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 501.48 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 738.9 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 632.14 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 1569.84 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 1094.88 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 689.06 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 1039.97 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 521.51 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 570.06 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 685.07 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 707.83 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (AHPP) | 830.04 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (SAP) | 954.01 | 3 gas monitors purchased for Solent and South Downs Area to ensure officers are complaint with health and safety when visiting farms. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (SAP) | 1251.84 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (SAP) | 1359.36 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (SAP) | 5437.44 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Arco Limited (SAP) | 679.68 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ASHE ALARMS LTD | 3110 | supply and installation of new point to point system for cctv at harbour sites |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ATLASSIAN | 933.14 | Jira cloud software |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AWS EMEA | 1583.45 | Monthly charge for cloud storage for data archive backup of Geomatics data. Charge for June22. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | AWS EMEA | 1516.34 | Monthly charge for cloud storage for data archive backup of Geomatics data. Charge for May 22. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | B & Q 1319 | 847.67 | new kitchen for mess room |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BAC/EE SOCIAL AND SPOR | 600 | Site compound rent |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BAC/EE SOCIAL AND SPOR | 1200 | Site compound rent |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BATA FUEL | 4551.6 | Emergency fuel for depot as the national contract has run out. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BATA FUEL | 4815 | Fuel required for flooding response and regular maintenance activities, |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1618.32 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1012.8 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1040.4 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 658.32 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1898.64 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 658.32 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1164 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 678.72 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1051.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1051.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 787.44 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1800 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 850.32 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 616.39 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1312.32 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 780 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1171.2 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1350.72 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 1647.1 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BENNETT WORKPLACE SOLU | 570 | Ergonomic equipment for member of staff following workplace health assessment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BIFFA WASTE SERVICES L | 583.98 | Collection and Delivery of 6.1 cu m open skip - general waste |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BLAMPHAYNE SAWMILL LTD | 571.97 | Fencing for Ottery St Mary Flood Defence Scheme |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BOSTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 564.04 | Business rates |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BP MOTO BRIDGEWATER S | 999.19 | Fuel for the weed cutting machines on the River Yeo. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BRE ACADEMY | 1260 | CEEQUAL Assessor Training course for 1 person in the NEAS north west team. Two day virtual course and exam included in fee. Assessor accreditation is required to help deliver the capital FCRM programme. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BROCKHOLES ENTERPRISES | 1491.5 | Venue for North West RFCC meeting - 70 delegates - EA and external |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BRYAN HADDOW LTD | 2814.24 | Fabrication costs for Asset repairs at Windermere and Foxfield |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BSI STANDARDS LTD | 699 | Payment for 2 BSI documents needed for legal work on EPR amendments. BS 805 and BS5930. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BT BUSINESS BILL | 1066.8 | Quarterly charge for 100MB broadband at Rivers House, Bath for Geomatics network. Charge for May to July 22. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BUXTONS LTD | 526.34 | Power tool maintenance; x5 power tools |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BUXTONS LTD | 1535.08 | Servicing and repairs of 8 power tools. Including chainsaws used for tree works; HUSQVARNA 560XP, 535IXP, HUSQ525IB, HUSQVARNA535RXT, HUSQVARANA530IPTS, |
EA | 31/08/2022 | BUXTONS LTD | 1394.9 | Servicing of power tools; Husqvarna 226HD60S, HUSQ 525IB, HUSQVARNA 560XP, HUSQT535IXP, and spare parts and accessories including power tool blades x11 |
EA | 31/08/2022 | C B SKIPS | 588 | Disposal of mixed municipal waste and replacement skip |
EA | 31/08/2022 | C B SKIPS | 588 | Disposal of mixed municipal waste and replacement skip |
EA | 31/08/2022 | C J COX LTD | 2653.54 | Supply and fit new link arms |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 844.8 | 1 day hire of 2 rooms for 10 people, including lunch and refreshments, for a future incident response meeting in Birmingham. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 3925.7 | 1 day room hire for 110 people, including lunch and refreshments, for a regulated industry training day. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 588.8 | 1 day room hire for 15 people, including lunch and refreshments, for a food and drink sector meeting in Birmingham. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1270.64 | 1 day room hire for 20 people, including lunch and refreshments, for a department meeting. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1234.94 | 1 day room hire for 25 people, including lunch and refreshments, for a framework renewals business needs workshop in Birmingham. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1024 | 1 day room hire for 25 people, including lunch and refreshments, for a water quality team meeting in Birmingham. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1683.46 | 1 day room hire for 30 people, including lunch, refreshments and equipment, for an asset management leadership team meeting. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1921.02 | 1 day room hire for 40 people, including lunch and refreshments, for a health, safety and wellbeing professional development conference. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1222.66 | 1 day room hire for 50 people, including lunch and refreshments, for an integrated water management framework stakeholder event in Milton Keynes |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1689.6 | 1 day room hire for 55 people, including lunch and refreshments, for an East Midlands area leadership team meeting. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 989.18 | Birmingham Conference and Events Centre booked for one and half days for an internal Knowledge Transfer meeting for 6 people including overnight stay |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1398.26 | External Technical Skills Resilience mtg, representatives from a range of Professional Institutes, aim is to promote the role of UK institutes with the Dutch and USA flood engineers so exposure to the IMechE facilities was important |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 750.18 | Meeting room hire for two days (28th/29th June 2022) - RI Leadership and Installations wide team meeting |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1394.69 | Payment for Jury's Inn room hire, audio and technical equipment hire and refreshments for PMO day 30.3.22 in Birmingham for 38 attendees |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 1044.48 | Venue booking for 40 delegates attending the Chief Operating Officer Executive Manager conference in Birmingham. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALDERS | 2376 | Venue hire for Nuclear Regulator recruitment interviews. 4x rooms over 2 days with lunch for interviewers x8 and tea for candidates |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CALOR | 2815.9 | Approximately 3300litres of LPG gas. Used for the production of hot water in the on-site fish hatchery. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CAMBRIDGESHIRE HYDRAUL | 1948.2 | Hydraulic flow meters for Colne Barrier Hydraulic system. needed to diagnose pressure and flow issues with gates and manifolds |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CARE SIGNS | 508.2 | purchase of signage to comply with psra legislation in Romney catchment area |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Central Construction S | 4538.16 | 68.67ton of limestone rip-rap @ £66/ton for flood defence asset maintenance works and channel side repair project. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CENTREWIRE | 1171.2 | 2x Bristol Gates (metal vehicle + pedestrian access gate) for fencing requirements on EA owned land at West Stockwith Pumping Station. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CERTEX LIFTING LTD | 874.13 | Wire ropes, turnbuckles and shackles for Boxted Mill. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CHESTER PRIDE | 600 | EDI - event payment for the EA's attendance at the Chester Pride Event. To promote inclusivity. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CIWEM | 2664.6 | CIWEM fees for conference services at Flood & Coast in Telford in June |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CIWEM | 2664.6 | CIWEM fees for conference services at Flood & Coast in Telford in June |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CLEARWAY ENVIRONMENTAL | 634.8 | Drains had CCTV and cleared of tree roots to assist the flow of water |
EA | 31/08/2022 | COLD LINK LIMITED | 756.12 | Payment for air conditioning repairs to aebi mower, new air con compressor, re-gas of system and system check. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | COLLECT A WAY | 540 | Hire of general waste skips and exchange and one wood only skip |
EA | 31/08/2022 | COLLINS NETS LTD | 1536 | Purchase a dry suit and waders for a new starter. Required for the role. Specialist waders and dry suit with safety boots attached, complete with carry bag for proper storage and repair kit for future wear and tear. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CONTAINERS DIRECT | 4274 | East Midlands area Leicester depot purchase of new fully bunded pollution waste store for the safe storage of waste prior to collection by waste management contractor |
EA | 31/08/2022 | COPTRZ LTD | 3976.2 | Drone purchase and drone pilot training package for Warren Gregory. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | COUNTY LIFTING SERVICE | 3672 | Boat Movement with Lorry and Crane from Kettering Yard to Crowland Bridge Slipway for Weed boat on 15/06/22 - FCRM Field Operations |
EA | 31/08/2022 | COUNTY LIFTING SERVICE | 4212 | transport and delivery and crane lift of weed harvester |
EA | 31/08/2022 | COUNTY LIFTING SERVICE | 1429.2 | Trifor Winch for Vehicle used at Perio Lock to unjam Pointing Doors |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CROWNE PLAZA BIRMINGHA | 3217 | Day delegate charge for 13 staff from our Installations Leadership Team, and overnight accommodation for 11 staff, attending a 2 day meeting a Crowne Plaza Birmingham. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CSG Ltd Waste Serv | 704.4 | To pay for a tanker to visit our depot in Chichester to remove waste water from our washdown bay. The washdown bay is used for cleaning of plant and Bio-security. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | CST TRAINING LTD | 540 | 5 day site health and safety management training course for 1 person. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | D AND E ROBERTS | 1214.76 | 2 waste barges were full of green waste (trees) for PSRA work that was carried out on penton hook island, both waste barges had to also be empty so they can have their yearly inspection carried out |
EA | 31/08/2022 | D AND E ROBERTS | 612 | Collection of fly tipped waste from London trash screens |
EA | 31/08/2022 | D44 STORE LIMITED | 1823.93 | 6 x tractor slings and 6 x 8.5t shackles for Woodmill winching operation |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DA HARRISON | 1700.52 | 13.5m3 ready mix concrete with fibre for Cattle pen base installation at Lochinvar Flood Storage Basin, Longtown as part of the reservoir improvements project |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DALMAHOY HOTEL | 750 | Week accommodation for one person to attend NASCO meeting as UK Delegate in Edinburgh, Scotland. Venue was selected by NASCO |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DALMAHOY HOTEL | 774 | Week accommodation for one person to attend NASCO meeting as UK Delegate in Edinburgh, Scotland. Venue was selected by NASCO and delegates given a discounted rate. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DATA ACADEMY LTD | 2154 | Driver training for category C+E and associated exam fees for driving large vehicle for incident response |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DAVID MUSSON FENCING | 1159.94 | Timber and gates and gate furniture for fence repairs in Little Eaton and at Shardlow Pumping station |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DEPARTMENT OF WORKING | 1103.62 | 2 days support for Robotic Process Automation from Cabinet Office CoE |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DEPARTMENT OF WORKING | 551.81 | Day support for Robotic Process Automation from Cabinet Office CoE |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DEPARTMENT OF WORKING | 551.81 | Day support for Robotic Process Automation from Cabinet Office CoE |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DEVON COURT HOTEL | 864.55 | Exmouth Flood Alleviation Scheme. Works prevented a resident accessing her flat over the period of a week. Alternative accommodation provided in a local hotel. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DORMAR PRODUCTS | 1607.4 | Operational equipment to remove blockages |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DRAINAGE SUPERSTORE | 1333.5 | 1 x Resilient Seat 200mm Double Flanged Clockwise Closed Wedge Gate Valve, 1 resilient Seat 300mm Double Flanged Clockwise Closed Wedge Gate Valve, 2 x MaxiFit 250mm Coupling for 266mm to 295mm |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DRAINAGE SUPERSTORE | 522.85 | Resilient Seat 250mm gate valve (refunded in later line as out of stock) |
EA | 31/08/2022 | DUNSTON HALL | 2608 | Two day leadership event for 23 people. Included room hire and refreshments for two days and 1 night accommodation for 16 people. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | EA_GPC_PROGRAM | 835.8 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | EBIS-HSE | 570 | Waste duty of care legislation and waste code update training |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ELECTRO GEAR LTD | 504 | Service and calibration of pressure sensor calibrators, multimeters and survey levels used across East Anglia Hydrometric network. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ELIOR@WARRINGTON WOLVE | 2244.77 | 1 day room hire for a Climate Change Trading and Regulatory Services department team meeting. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | EMORSGATE SEEDS | 4420 | Wildflower seeds for capital scheme remediation |
EA | 31/08/2022 | EposNow | 905 | EposNow software subscription for River Thames locks, for point of sale terminals for visitor registrations payments. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ERG FACILITIES LIM | 1080 | CCTV survey of cable duct |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ERG FACILITIES LIMITED | 590.4 | CCTV survey of cable duct |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ERIKS IND SERVICES | 1932.66 | 2 HC9601 FCT hydraulic oil filters for Thames Barrier. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ERIKS IND SERVICES | 976.61 | 4 x B200-10-L Hydraulic oil filters for Thames Barrier operating machinery |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ERIKS IND SERVICES | 2424.96 | Replacement coupling for Hemingford sluice as original coupling has become worn and had excessive play when operating. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ERNEST DOE & SONS | 555.76 | 4x strimmer heads, 2 rolls of strimmer cord, 4 packs of towels, 2x 5ltrs Round Up Pro pesticide spray and red line marker paint used for cutting grass and maintaining the grass on EA structures in the Thameside area. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ERNEST DOE & SONS | 1704 | Stihl FS461 petrol strimmer purchased to cut grass on EA structures and to replace older strimmer's that have become beyond economical repair. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ERNEST DOE / SONS | 761.93 | 12 Calor gas bottles for use with Stour catchment incident response water pumps. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ESS SAFEFORCE | 528 | Hire of confined space safety equipment used for annual culvert inspections. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Exeter Trophyman Ltd | 670 | Bespoke permanent marking and identification of laboratory glassware |
EA | 31/08/2022 | F H BRUNDLE | 1975.2 | 20 welded mesh panels (2in x 2in x 10g)with 6mm diameter rod frame and galvanised after fabrication for public safety works on Boulters weir structure. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | F R FLETCHER & SON | 3746.41 | Fabricate 6 mesh infill panels (2in x 2in), 5 pairs stainless steel angle cleats, and 9 bridge infill panels for 2 bridges. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | FOWLER HIRE & SALES LT | 1344 | Hire of Cat and Genny for operational work carried out on flood defence sites in Dorset. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | FOWLER HIRE & SALES LT | 972 | Hire of tracked loader and auger attachment for maintenance work of flood defence systems in Dorset. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | FOWLER HIRE & SALES LT | 1701.48 | Hire of tracked loader and auger attachment for maintenance work of flood defence systems in Dorset. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | FR Jones and Son | 866.99 | Specialist batteries for power tools as replacements for old batteries at end of service life |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Gainsborough Floor Cov | 1470 | Supply and fit heavy duty tiles to staircase |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GALLAGHER AGGREGATES L | 2518.8 | 20 tonnes ragstone for seawall repairs in the Swale area. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GAMBLE PLANT | 1266 | Emptying of 2 mixed waste and 1 green waste skips for North Norfolk field team from Egmere depot |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GAUDIO LIMITED | 1664 | Not set |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GCD SECURITY (LOCK | 568.8 | Caversham Lock CCTV repair |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GECKOHEADGEAR | 1002.12 | 2 jetting helmets for field team use |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GENEIOUS.COM | 714.43 | Licence for two users for Geneious nucleic acid sequence analysis software, used for PCR assay design for molecular biological testing, including for the Covid-19 wastewater work. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GLASDON U K LTD | 847.33 | Bench for Upware lock |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GLOUCESTER LOCKSMITHS | 951.9 | A3 padlocks for Gloucestershire flood risk management sites such as pump stations, outfalls, compounds and gates |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GRAINGER TUBOLT | 1654.96 | 12 galvanised mesh panels (2in x 2in x 10g), plus various sizes of galvanised interclamp tubing for urgent repair to Kempston Fence which had been vandalised. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GRAINGER TUBOLT | 2541.29 | Key clamp railing and fittings for public safety works at Keebles twin sluice at Brantham. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GREENAWAY AMENITY LTD | 650 | 20 cans Ecoflex pesticide, and service of 2 xtendy lances used for spraying invasive species. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GREENAWAY AMENITY LTD | 1590 | Servicing of spraying equipment and herbicide |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GREENSTRIPE GARDEN MAC | 1359.62 | Husqvarna Brush cutters to replace existing equipment. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GREENSTRIPE GARDEN MAC | 1723.49 | Replacement of 2 brush cutters to replace old equipment used for maintaining assets. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | GREENWORLD EQUIPME | 1196.94 | Specialist repair of shaft on power harrow/seeder combo unit. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 1261 | Dry suit with chainsaw boots for 1 operative to work in water. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HAMMOND DRYSUITS | 851 | Dry suit for conducting bathing water work |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNC | 2750 | Development control and legal fees relating to a S278 legal agreement to carry out highway works as part of the Romsey Flood Alleviation Scheme. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Hayes Machinery | 1185.9 | Half pallet of Aspen 2 and Aspen 4 fuel for grass cutting. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HEWARD AND DEAN | 559.14 | 2 x Grease Gun, 1 x Combi Spanner Set, 1 x Bolster and Chisel set, 2 x Club Hammer, 6 Rolls of 50mm x 30metre Haz Tape, 8 Rolls Gaffa Tape, 6 Rolls Black Insulating Tape, 10 x AA Batteries, 10 x AAA Batteries, 1 Claw Hammer, |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HEXHAM AUCTION MART CO | 692.5 | 1 day room hire, catering and refreshments for 40 people for a flood risk management department day at Hexham |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HH GLOBAL | 741.83 | Amendment of permit application fees for Medium Combustion Plant Directive. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HI TECH AUTO SERVICES | 942 | Hire vehicle whilst badged vehicle was off the road for MOT and repairs |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Hilti (Gt. Britain) Lt | 2199.6 | New breaker for gate fitting |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Hilton Garden Inn | 650.76 | 2 day room hire for 10 people, including lunches and refreshments, for a team meeting. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HISTORIC ENGLAND | 4380 | Enhanced listing review for Bewdley project. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Holiday Inn Bloomsbury | 567.5 | 1 day room hire for 5 people, including lunch and refreshments, for a Women in Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management mentoring programme meeting. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HOMESTEAD COURT HOTEL | 825 | 1 day room hire for 25 people, including lunch and refreshments, for a subprogramme workshop. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HONEY BROTHERS LTD | 731.4 | 10 fiberglass poles used to clear to trash screens. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HTTPS://WWW.CACTUSNAV. | 617.9 | Payment for 2 trickle chargers for use at Ultra Sonic gauging stations in the Thames area |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HURLEY ENGINE SERVICES | 504.12 | Service plus parts for 3 chainsaws |
EA | 31/08/2022 | HYDRAULIC TECH SERVICE | 2484.84 | Refurbishment of 2 x Thames lock gate cylinders, manufacture 4 new rods, two for spares and clean out bores of cylinder, machine new end caps, re seal, reassembly and paint. Fully test to 200bar - 3000psi. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ILX GROUP PLC | 2043.6 | Project management qualification required for role |
EA | 31/08/2022 | IND & MARINE HYDRAULIC | 4447.24 | Navlock Boston maintenance |
EA | 31/08/2022 | INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE | 1385.94 | Cleaning wipes for Depot Workshop to degrease greasy oily components off Flood Critical structures etc, Glass wipes for Kettering Field team |
EA | 31/08/2022 | INDUSTRIAL VALVES | 3377.22 | River flap valves - cast iron x 17 for Barnstaple yeo FDS |
EA | 31/08/2022 | INDUSTRIAL VALVES | 4024.8 | River flap Valves - Co plastic x18 for Barnstaple yeo FDS |
EA | 31/08/2022 | iZ Alex Inman Con | 4800 | Consultancy services for the preparation, facilitation and reporting of a water governance workshop |
EA | 31/08/2022 | iZ Benjamin s Wor | 1368 | Design, build and install counters and cupboards for incident management equipment at the Thames Barrier. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | iZ Electrafish Lt | 648 | Electric fishing equipment testing July 2022 |
EA | 31/08/2022 | iZ Electrafish Lt | 768 | Testing for Norfolk and Essex Electric fishing kit |
EA | 31/08/2022 | iZ Monty s Mobile | 540 | Sunbury equipment service |
EA | 31/08/2022 | iZ Port Training | 3090 | 18 month correspondence training course leading to a professionally recognised and Government approved qualification /certification for 1 person. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | iZ RIGHTWAY SERVI | 1541.39 | Eel pump replacements at Tellisford and Midford by NICEIC MEICA approved electrical contractor. This was in response to their failure which was classed as a cat 1 incident under current eel pass guidelines. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | iZ RIGHTWAY SERVI | 874.8 | Fit out and installation of temporary telemetry and webcam at Bishops Hull flow station to facilitate future site works. Western Power site liaison included on same day. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | iZ RIGHTWAY SERVI | 1718.65 | NICEIC MEICA approved electrical contractor to fit out kiosk at Ladyfield, Chippenham with DB, circuits, telemetry and radar. Also included liaison with meter engineer and complete testing. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | JEWSON LOUGHBROUGH | 2618.3 | Terram type matting and concrete edgings required for Frisby Spillway repair |
EA | 31/08/2022 | JEWSON LTD | 776.5 | Insulation ply 2440x1220 for a new telemetry hut at gwills Cornwall gauging station that house telemetry equipment to monitor the water levels to protect the public from flooding |
EA | 31/08/2022 | JKS UK LTD | 502.26 | Service of 5 Husqvarna pole saws and chain saws |
EA | 31/08/2022 | JOHN BOURNE AND CO LTD | 4200 | 10 x 20t loads of clay for the repair of the flood wall at bush Wall Maytham farm. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | JOHN BOURNE AND CO LTD | 3360 | 8 x 20t loads of Clay for bank repair works at Bush wall, Maytham |
EA | 31/08/2022 | JOHN BOURNE AND CO LTD | 4200 | Clay for bank repairs |
EA | 31/08/2022 | K INTERNATIONAL LTD | 974.4 | 3 different audio suspect interview recordings transcribed into digital word form |
EA | 31/08/2022 | K INTERNATIONAL LTD | 528 | Transcript interview |
EA | 31/08/2022 | K INTERNATIONAL LTD | 572.52 | Translation of German document into English |
EA | 31/08/2022 | KABA LTD | 672.04 | Purchase of Herts & North London Area Master Keys for distribution to field teams and other employees. Total of 28 Keys. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | KEESYSTEMSL | 985.82 | Aluminium poles for use in the assembly of solar frameworks and equipment stands for mounting and power supply of real time water quality monitoring equipment. £500 exceeded to save money on delivery charge |
EA | 31/08/2022 | KEYLINE | 1848 | Geo Grid for construction site .Ewsters Ramp. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | KINGS ARMS OTTERTON | 592.88 | Evening meal for 27 as part of the Promoting Adaptation to Changing Coasts project the Environment Agency hosted a 2 day meeting with international partners |
EA | 31/08/2022 | KOREC | 1566 | Annual Licence for GPS correction service - necessary for survey grade accuracy. Trimble VRS Now RTK Limited Annual Subscription. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | L AND K GROUP PLC | 2898 | Plant Hire |
EA | 31/08/2022 | LANCASTER UNIVERSITY | 1102.8 | 3 people attending 3 day British Hydrological Society Annual Conference including dinner one night |
EA | 31/08/2022 | LANTERN RENTAL SER | 900 | Lorry to clear debris from Newman's depot |
EA | 31/08/2022 | LANTERN RENTAL SER | 900 | Lorry to clear debris from Newman's depot |
EA | 31/08/2022 | LC VEHICLE HIRE | 1800 | 2 weeks hire of HGV |
EA | 31/08/2022 | LC VEHICLE HIRE | 4368 | vehicle hire for incident response and maintenance works |
EA | 31/08/2022 | LIFE TECHNOLOGIES LIMI | 604.8 | Consumable required to extract and test DNA and RNA. Used for IR, monitoring for INNS, notifiable and cat 2 diseases and species |
EA | 31/08/2022 | LINCOLN SECURITY LTD | 4289.22 | Change over of padlocks from old suite to new, for the depot and storage compound, including keys for tenants/farmers within system 078. Quantity 35 padlocks and 35 keys. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | LONGMOOR FARM ENTERPRI | 727.94 | Tools serviced |
EA | 31/08/2022 | LONGMOOR FARM ENTERPRI | 950.62 | Tools serviced |
EA | 31/08/2022 | M CHANNON COUNTRY STOR | 703.16 | purchase of gates for Romney catchment to comply with psra legislation |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MA ELECTRICAL WHOLESAL | 528 | LED Lighting Upgrade for East haven Tidal Flood Barrier |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MA ELECTRICAL WHOLESAL | 1607.76 | LED Lighting Upgrade for East haven Tidal Flood Barrier x24 |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MACDONALD BURLINGTON | 744 | Future Farming Workshop (Internal/Board) for 9 people |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MACDONALD BURLINGTON | 650 | One day room hire for twelve people, including lunch and refreshments, for an asset management strategy meeting in Birmingham. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MACHINE MART WEB | 730.64 | Purchase of x2 new submersible pumps, new 110v transformer and new 110v extension cable in readiness for incident response |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MAGSUBCRIPTIONS COM | 880 | Digital subscription (1 year) to Farms Weekly Magazine for EAN Agricultural Technical Group |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MANCHESTER FLUID SYSTE | 3253.87 | Swagelok fittings. Quantity 370 items. 1/4 and 1/8 inch sizing. Stainless Steel and Teflon. Unions, tee unions, reducing unions, ferrule sets, nuts, plugs and caps. Required for air monitoring equipment and sample lines |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MANOMANO | 862.13 | 1 x Armor Gard - COSHH Hazardous Floor cupboard (350x315x700), 1 x Medi kit Eye Wash Station, 1 x BLUETTI Portable Solar Generator 700W/537Wh |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MBL SEMINARS | 648 | Renewal of annual season ticket with MBL |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MERCURE HOTEL BRIDGWAT | 1115 | Hotel conference room & lunch booked via Calder for Polder2Cs UK visit for 30 UK & oversea partners. Room used for 4.5 hr workshop and presentations + lunch + flipchart + snacks & drink for long afternoon site tour & travel to base hotel |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MFG PODIMORE | 990 | Fuel for the weed cutting machines on the River Yeo. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MOLE VALLEY FARMERS | 521.04 | Tools purchased for new starter in Tone team. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MR SIGNS LTD | 1414.32 | Health & Safety signs with posts and fittings for Tail Sluice |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MRS TRAINING AND RESCU | 2280 | Hire of specialist confined space drone for surveying Daykin Road Reservoir Penstock Chamber. Drone used to survey FCRM asset without having to undertake man entry. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | MRS TRAINING AND RESCU | 2280 | Hire of Specialist Confined space drone to survey under Worksop Shopping centre. Drone used to avoid using man entry too survey the confined space. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | NHBS Ltd | 1999.76 | 20 Bat Boxes for mitigation of tree removal recommended by ecologist |
EA | 31/08/2022 | NIGHTSEARCHER LTD | 906 | 10 rechargeable torches / 10 rechargeable head torches and 10 spare batteries all for incident response use |
EA | 31/08/2022 | NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL | 1182.83 | Road Closures - Highways - Winey Footpath BR8 |
EA | 31/08/2022 | NORTHERN POWERTOOLS & | 504 | 3 Battery air blowers and 3 batteries |
EA | 31/08/2022 | NOTTINGHAM ELECTRI | 507.76 | Gearbox overhaul kit for Boxted Mill. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Novotel Hotels | 715 | 1 day room hire for 40 people, including food and refreshments, for the York flood alleviation scheme opening ceremony celebration. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Novotel Hotels | 515 | lunch / meeting room and IT provision for attendees visit to Foss Barrier and attendees of community of practice meeting. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | OMS | 630 | IOSH risk management training course |
EA | 31/08/2022 | OPTIMA STAINLESS LIMIT | 700.48 | metal for multiple ongoing projects |
EA | 31/08/2022 | OTT HYDROMETRY LTD | 4586.72 | Shaft encoders for boreholes and surface water sites |
EA | 31/08/2022 | P R AND B P HART L | 1788 | Kee Klamp fencing repairs on both sides of bridge over the river Sowe at Stoneleigh Gauging Station required after failed PSRA inspection. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | P R AND B P HART L | 3444 | Pallasade gates |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PALL PROCESS FILTRATIO | 2459.4 | Filtration instrument for eDNA. Used for INNS and Cat 2 parasite surveillance. Essential to IR and monitoring programmes |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PANKS PUMPS | 762.6 | Pramac E3250 duels fuelled generator for incident response and powering 110V tools on site. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PARKER BUILDING SUPPLI | 857.87 | pallet of cement, pallet of sand, pallet of concrete blocks, wall ties and wall tie starter pack for the repair of highknock twin pipes decommissioning project. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Part on Tools Limited | 1188.72 | 20 sheets 0f Mesh fencing required for Horstead Mill revamp works. Purchased from Part on Tools Birmingham as cheapest price available |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PAYPAL BRITISHDAMS | 630 | Attendance at BDS conference, necessary CPD for Panel Engineer to attend sessions and site visits. In Nottingham 14-16 September 2022. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PAYPAL BRITISHDAMS | 670 | Attendance at the BDS Bi-Annual Conference - essential CPD for developing Reservoir Supervising Engineers |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PAYPAL BRITISHDAMS | 645 | Attending British Dam Society conference to gain insight into how the Balm forth review will impact the Reservoirs industry |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PAYPAL BRITISHDAMS | 645 | British Dam Society Conference Fees |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PAYPAL BRITISHDAMS | 630 | British Dam Society Conference Fees |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PAYPAL BRITISHDAMS | 670 | British Dam Society Conference Fees |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PAYPAL CORRCHILLED | 1366.8 | Back-up fridge for Rivers House Annex Samplers Lab. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PAYPAL PPSTUBOT1 | 958.8 | A new display and stand and leaflet holders for future events. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PAYPAL PPSTUBOT1 | 1752 | Production of 500 x Printed long handle tote bags for Waterways Festivals 2022/2023. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PCR BIOSYSTEMS LTD | 954 | Reagents required for cat 1 and cat 2 virology IR |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PHILLIPS ANIMAL HE | 1746 | hand gates for public right of way access |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PIRTEK DOCKLANDS | 558.68 | Hydraulic Hose assembly KGV North Wedge. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | POLARCOOL REFRIGERATIO | 934.56 | Fault finding and New compressor fitted to water sampling industrial fridge |
EA | 31/08/2022 | POLARCOOL REFRIGERATIO | 982.8 | Repair and maintenance Samples refrigerator Iceni House Ipswich |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PP INVESTIGATO | 2099.99 | 2 day residential Nationwide Analysts Investigators Conference for 3 EA Crime Analysts providing latest guidance and support and development specifically for Law Enforcement agencies in the Waste Industry. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PP SURVEYREPAI | 598.8 | Surveying equipment servicing |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PRESTON LOCKS LTD | 3325.2 | 100 padlocks for use on Lancashire and Cumbria assets |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PTP | 1440 | Senior Leadership course booked for 4 TLs; reduced fee negotiated with training provider |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Public Health England | 1056 | Annual Calibration as required by legislation of equipment needed for H&S |
EA | 31/08/2022 | PULSAR PROCESS MSMNT L | 2265.12 | Replacement Pulsar pump controller for Willop pumping station. Unit faulty and sent to manufacturer, if manufacturers fault cost will be refunded. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Q1TUM LTD | 1620 | Power Tool Safety training for 16 members of S/W and N/E Yorkshire H&T field teams, in order to carry out field work without health and safety incidents. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | R W GREEN LIMITED | 1728 | Watering and maintenance of new trees |
EA | 31/08/2022 | REALLY USEFUL PROD | 568.04 | plastic storage boxes for equipment at Tansy Banks H&T workshop |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Rileys Ices | 625 | Catering for event to showcase the great work of our teams and to Launch the Living Walls at our Warrington office. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ROBERT H CRAWFORD AND | 572.04 | Aspen fuel for small tools |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ROBINS OF HERSTMONCEUX | 1728 | Four twenty ton loads topsoil for the River Ouse bank repairs |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ROBINS OF HERSTMONCEUX | 864 | Topsoil for river bank repairs on the Glynde reach river |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RON SMITH AND CO LIMIT | 625 | Purchase of new pedestrian mower for maintained of assets to cut down on ops vibration due to the use of strimmer's |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RONTEC KINGSHAM | 742.69 | white diesel for bowser |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RONTEC KINGSHAM | 990 | white diesel for bowser |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ROPESDIRECT.CO.UK | 706.8 | Mooring rope for EA vessels various |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RS COMPONENTS | 1049 | 10 x 9V Battery connectors, 10 x Inline fuse holders, 10 x 10A fuses, 10 x vent glands, 2 x vents, 20 x cable plugs, 20 x cable sockets, 5 x enclosures, 20 x cable glands. For monitoring equipment wiring and connection. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RS COMPONENTS | 550.32 | 5 clamp meters |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RS COMPONENTS | 759.08 | 6 Antenna, , 80 D Cells, AA batteries, Hydraulic couplers for testing/maintenance of telemetry sites |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RS COMPONENTS | 590.21 | 6 x Dial Gauge Indicators4 x Magnetic base stands |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RS COMPONENTS | 1517.05 | core cable for site installation at Maidenhead |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RS COMPONENTS | 629.33 | LED Lighting Upgrade for East haven Tidal Flood Barrier x 4 |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RS COMPONENTS | 1012.68 | materials to replace faulty items on the strain gauge units |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RS COMPONENTS | 1244.9 | Process Meter needed to calibrate the hydrometry equipment (the outstations and 4-20mA pressure sensors). |
EA | 31/08/2022 | RSTUDIO PBC | 906.69 | External server for national app subscription |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SAFETY KLEEN UK LTD | 1231.66 | Specialist hazardous waste removal and specialist hazardous waste plant servicing |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SEAGRAVE NURSERIES LTD | 813.96 | 51 x Photinia Red Robin 80-100cm High |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SEBA HYDROMETRIE GMBH | 807.74 | Borehole water dippers used for monitoring groundwater levels for water resource monitoring. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SEDDONS PLANT AND ENGI | 2749.99 | Two new Lawn Mowers for the Navigation team |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SEPD PLC | 674.02 | Payment to Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks for disconnection of supply to swimming pool gate kiosk, prior to demolition, as part of the Salisbury River Park project. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SEVEN INSTITUTE | 2760 | Insights Discovery training for FCRM team |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SEVENOAKS MOWERS L | 966.74 | 1x Husqvarna 522HD70 battery hedge trimmer 1xHusqvarna 535iRX battery strimmer 2x Power 2 fuel |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SHELL ROMNEY MARSH | 531 | white diesel for hired tractor and flail in the Romney catchment area |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SJ ANDREW AND SONS LTD | 689.35 | Various Kee Klamp fittings and length of steel tubing. All used to form safety hand step hand rail, on the river channel access steps at the newly improved river level gauge on the River Kensey Newport Cornwall |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCI | 1413.6 | Cost of room hire and catering for 7 people and overnight accommodation for 6 people to attend 2 day L&W Management Team Meeting |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SOUTHERN COUNTIES ENGI | 2120.98 | Fabricate 18 fence post brackets and paint for maintenance work in Dorset |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SP ABINGTON DEC | 507.02 | Paint for line marking of Lock sides under PSRA |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SP AM ACADEMY | 814.8 | Asset Management Certificate |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SP BEST4SAFETY | 763.2 | communication headset for new starter. to allow clear communication with the team when working around chainsaws/chippers. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SP EV CHARGERS DIREC | 517 | 1 x type 2 to type 2 (22kw) charge cable ,1x type 2 to type 2 (7kw) charge cable , 1 x type 2 to type 1 (7kw) charge cable |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SP SERVICES UK LTD | 726.59 | Forestry Trauma first aid kits |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SP UKRATCHETSTRAPS | 563.82 | 50 Ratchet straps needed as part of National temporary barrier deployment exercise at Newcastle Quayside. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SPRINT ENGINEERING&LUB | 532.68 | 4 x 18KG tubs Shell Gadus Grease |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SQ AGRICULTURAL AND F | 982.78 | Advertising for Agricultural Regulation Inspection Officer |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SQ ELVEYS-CANOE.CO.UK | 1750 | 5 day hire for 10 tandem canoes plus paddling equipment for environmental leave days litter picking on the River Medway |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SQ INDIGO BUSINESS SE | 1050 | 2 day training 'Think on Your Feet' training for one person .To improve ability to structure answers logically when speaking at public stakeholder events |
EA | 31/08/2022 | ST JOHN AMBULANCE | 792 | Appointed aider course for two people |
EA | 31/08/2022 | STARTSAFETY.UK | 706.12 | 6x Roll Up Grass,Tree,Hedge Cutting Signs-Men At Work Folding Sign 6x Grass Cutting Roll Up Supplementary Plate Only, for use within Lincs catchment Donna Nook to Gibraltar Point |
EA | 31/08/2022 | STARTSAFETY.UK | 922.31 | road signs for traffic management |
EA | 31/08/2022 | STIBBS HAULAGE LIMITED | 1440 | stillages |
EA | 31/08/2022 | STOREY S FIELD COMMUNI | 656.78 | Payment for room and catering for the April Anglian Great Ouse RFCC meeting |
EA | 31/08/2022 | STUART J. DAWS | 532.75 | repairs to mowers and strimmer's for Romney field team to deliver annual maintained programme |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SUEZ RECYCLING&RECOVER | 1630.52 | Suez skip recycling, for Northfleet Depot. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SumUp County Town Ag | 686.7 | 40x posts and box of 100 screws for maintenance work in Dorset |
EA | 31/08/2022 | Sunstore | 636.28 | Site Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SURVITEC.COM | 826.56 | 20m Throw Bags x 20 for Operational Vehicles and Personal Kit and 4 x Re Arming Packs for Life Jackets. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SURVITEC.COM | 4057.09 | Swift water rescue buoyancy aid, & crew fit automatic harness, throw bags for Northfleet field team. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SWALE BUILDERS SUPPLIE | 678.28 | 12 bulk bags of road stone, 6 bags of post Crete and 1 shovel |
EA | 31/08/2022 | SYON MEDIA | 714 | Advertising for role on CIWEM website |
EA | 31/08/2022 | T H WHITE VT | 1218 | 1x set of Pallet Tines for Robo Mower, Tines are essential for temporary barrier deployment exercise at Newcastle Quayside. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | T H WHITE VT | 2779.73 | Replacement remote for spider mower |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TABLEFORM LTD | 3204 | Two new adjustable desks for the lab |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TATE FENCING LIMITED | 1016.36 | fencing materials for the repair to hexden access gates |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TATE FENCING LIMITED | 808.75 | Fencing materials to repair a asset |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TECHNOLOG LTD | 684 | USB to telemetry logger wires for use across all H&T team |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TESCO PFS 3887 | 1211.09 | 614 litres of white diesel for grass cutting machinery |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TEST METER GROUP LTD. | 1432.68 | Megger Multifunctional Tester with socket adapter, electrode testing stakes and cables. This tester is used to perform the various electrical tests on EA sites and is required when carrying out maintenance of all our electrical systems. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THAMES WATER WEB | 985.79 | Local Authority searches for Land at Marsh Lane Boston, Linc s (ref VW/6459) |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THAMES WATER WEB | 516.2 | Search for Property Law Instruction - Todmorden |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THAMES WATER WEB | 898.22 | Searches for Land To The West Of Monty's Farm, Norton Fitzwarren,` |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE BLUE BALL INN | 692.8 | PACCo Project All Partner Meeting in July 2022 in Exeter as required by our legal Partnership Agreement. Evening meal 050722 for 30 people provided by EA as the Lead Partner in the Project |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE BROADS AUTH | 543.84 | Annual Tolls for Broads vessels. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE CLARENDON ROYAL HO | 617.5 | Accommodation for 2 people for 4 nights whilst undertaking marine survey's |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE CONVEYOR SHOP | 644.74 | Rubber mats for low loader. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE COUNTY HOTEL | 900 | External Venue for Team Leader training to allow internal incident exercise to use meeting room at Tyneside House. 30 staff attended from across the Northern Hub, central city location to ease public transport |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE MONTAGUE | 585 | L&W AEM Network Meeting - EA Operational network meeting, face-to-face in LONDON - conferencing and catering fees for 1 day. 13 attendees including AD sponsor. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE PUBLIC SPEAKING CO | 540 | 2 day public speaking and confidence building training course for 1 person. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE SIGN MAN | 904.08 | purchase of signs for areas in Colne catchment 15 signs in total |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE STORE ROOM | 1032 | Storage required as garage cannot be accessed during flood scheme works |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE TIMBER GROUP | 502.85 | 47x150 mm Softwood Timber For Replacement Water Level Control Boards Pevensey Area |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE WESLEY | 580 | conference room hire for team meeting of drought team and security of supply team face to face meeting in London |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE WHITE HART HOT | 4675 | 5 nights accommodation& 25 breakfasts at Whitehart Inn, for 11 students on the flood and coastal engineering programme. This is part of Summer School training at HR Wallingford using the negotiated rates at the Whitehart Inn. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE WHITE HART HOT | 598 | Summer School dinner 19 people (students staff) longstanding agreement with hotel, £2 above rate due to price increases.(cheaper alternatives not poss) also included is late booking for attending student. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THE WHITE HART HOT | 567 | Summer School dinner for 18 people (students and staff) longstanding agreement with hotel, £2 above rate due to pricing increase. (cheaper alternatives would have involved additional travel and raised overall expenses) |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THEFLOWGROUP.CO.UK | 2874 | Newsletter print and distribution PSR x 4000 |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THOMAS TELFORD LIMIT | 1394 | Engineering and construction contract management books to help the team who are managing contracts |
EA | 31/08/2022 | THOMAS TELFORD LIMIT | 588 | Online training course- 2 Day "Earthworks - Theory & Practice" for 1 person |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TIPTREE BUILDING S | 1368 | Supply of 300 bags of post Crete concrete mix to landowners to undertake minor repairs on seawalls in accordance with singed collaboration agreement |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TOOLSTATION UK | 567.2 | 20 - 5L Cans of Barrettine Wood Protective Treatment, for treating the timber fencing around the EA Structures to prolong the life of the timber. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TORNE VALLEY LTD | 2686.18 | Fencing for construction project at Ewsters |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TOTAL LOCKOUT | 915.54 | 1 x training day on site. 1 x Telescopic T Key and conical socket |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TRAVIS PERKINS | 1020 | 1 x Paramount gate 1.8 x 1.2 for use on Structure/defence Mablethorpe catchment Donna Nook to Gibraltar Point |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TRAVIS PERKINS | 876.96 | 30 lengths of 63x225mmx2m timber which will be used at Boulters lock to replace old heavy timber which is now rotting away, these boards are to retain water levels during the summer months |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TRAVIS PERKINS | 543.04 | Equipment and tools to maintain asset |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TREADLIGHT FORESTRY | 2052 | Winch and accessories for Winsford depot. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TRUCKSTOP HAWKES | 652.8 | New tarpaulin sheets for EA trailers; x1 dipped mesh net 380cmx165cmx86cm. x2 19oz pvc sheet 320cmx350cm |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TRURO TRACTORS LTD | 1213.6 | 2stroke hand tools repair |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TRUVELO UK LTD | 715.2 | Calibration of two speed detection devices requested by team leader. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | TSW TRAINING LTD | 598.8 | IOSH health and safety training |
EA | 31/08/2022 | UK INSPECTION CAMERA | 1099 | 7m telescopic camera pole for High flow surface velocity trial. 7m telescopic pole to hold camera and obtain videos of river surface which is then converted to flow. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | UKSEALANTS.CO.UK | 1077.6 | 1 sikaflex pro 3purform 600ml concrete grey 2 sikaflex proform concrete grey |
EA | 31/08/2022 | UKSEALANTS.CO.UK | 1063.8 | 2 X sik`aflex pro purform 600ml concrete grey 4 sika primer |
EA | 31/08/2022 | UKSEALANTS.CO.UK | 707.4 | 3x sikaflex primer box of 40 sikaflex and 2 application guns |
EA | 31/08/2022 | UNITED WELDING SUPPLIE | 537 | Welding Grinding Mask for Protection whilst Team Member Welds |
EA | 31/08/2022 | UNITED WELDING SUPPLIE | 537 | Welding Grinding Mask for Protection whilst Team Member Welds |
EA | 31/08/2022 | VAN WALT AGRICULTURAL | 600 | Payment for a trainer from Van Walt to train staff on the use of a new groundwater pump and associated generator. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | VEGA CONTROLS LTD | 3064.9 | 4No. Vega 4-20mA C21 radar units for monitoring water levels at 4 different locations |
EA | 31/08/2022 | VEOLIA ES UK LTD | 767.12 | waste taken from becton Bunny |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WAITROSE.COM | 667.45 | HNL Area Welcome day. Buffet for 100 people including soft drinks |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WEALD OF KENT | 2058 | One day conference for 54 people on a DDR |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WEBSITE (UK 3D SECURE) | 1899.12 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WEBSITE (UK 3D SECURE) | 626.82 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WEIGHING-NET | 743.88 | Load Cell indicator for measuring weights |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WELLINGTONE | 1434 | 3 day Agile for Project Management professionals training course and exam fee |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WELLINGTONE | 1434 | 3 day Agile for Project Management professionals training course and exam fee |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WELLINGTONE | 1434 | 3 day Agile for Project Management professionals training course and exam fee |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WELLINGTONE | 1434 | 3 day Agile for Project Management professionals training course and exam fee |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WELLINGTONE | 1434 | 3 day Agile for Project Management professionals training course and exam fee |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WELLINGTONE | 1434 | 3 day Agile for Project Management professionals training course and exam fee |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WESTON GARDEN MACH | 537.96 | Telescopic lances, 12V sealed lead acid battery, solo backpack sprayer, spray tube carbon for weed control |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WHEAL JANE SERVICES LT | 4626.72 | Removal of desilt from Pentewan, to reduce flooding in the area, material silt/shingle to wheal jane waste disposal |
EA | 31/08/2022 | | 734.4 | 3 year Anglian Waterways website |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WORKING PLANET PAYMENT | 718.8 | Advert for 3 Area Beaver Specialist roles |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WP-IEE EVENTS | 894 | IET Cyber Security for industrial control systems - two day conference 8 & 9 September 2022. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WROXALL.COM | 1860 | IM&R Leadership Team building meeting at Wroxall Abbey for 5th & 6th July to include IMPB meeting from venue |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.ALLNATIONS.AC. | 1313.5 | 1 day room hire for 100 people, including refreshments, for a Hertfordshire and North London operations team training day. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.AQMESH.COM | 780 | Calibration of gas laser. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 1361.16 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 504.5 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.ARCO.CO.UK | 504.5 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.BRITSAFE.ORG | 750 | Mates in Mind online mental health training for Area Field Teams on 7 June 2022. Training made available Area wide. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.BROADS.CO.UK | 603 | Hire of boat for fish hydroacoustic surveys on the Norfolk Broads |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.BURLINGTON-UNI | 3495.72 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.CEF.CO.UK | 525.36 | 2 Cabinets for Tre Brownbridge Blackadon Rain gauge Works |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.CIWEM.ORG | 534 | Registration fee, 3 days at Flood & coast conference, Telford |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.COPTRZ.COM | 3976.2 | Purchase of one drone and drone pilot training package. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.FIRSTFENCE.CO.UK | 548.34 | 1 panel of metal railing with post and fittings |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.FIRSTFENCE.CO.UK | 3036.24 | 50 Herus fence panels and 50 herus fence feet and 100 herus fence clamps |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.FISHER.CO.UK | 581.23 | Benthic pots to be used for survey work |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.FWI.CO.UK | 3158.4 | 2 adverts for the Agriculture Regulatory Inspection Officer roles in Thames Area and Wessex Area |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.HOWARTH-TIMBER.CO. | 2895.48 | 50 Timber Posts, 200 Rails and 60 Bags of Postfix for Bozeat, Northants Fencing works |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.LISTERWILDER.CO.UK | 541.07 | This is a 6 month inspection of small tools for the Cotswold and Vale catchment, this includes parts and labour: service of 1x petrol chainsaws, 1x long handle hedge cutter these are used by field teams to carry out annual maintenance. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.LISTERWILDER.CO.UK | 1449.37 | This is a 6 month inspection of small tools for the Cotswold and Vale catchment, this includes parts and labour: service of 1x petrol chainsaws, 2x Pole saws, 4x petrol hedge cutters and 1x petrol Strimmer/brush cutter & 1x battery chainsaw |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.MARINESUPERSTORE.C | 719.84 | 3 x Emergency GPS beacon devices for bathing water sampling. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.MARINESUPERSTORE.C | 529.94 | Personal Protective Equipment |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.MORTONBOATS-ONLINE | 1628.4 | 2 new dry suits and repair to 1 dry suit |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.PARKERSTEEL.CO.UK | 853.92 | 40 lengths of 10 mm steel round to make ground pins for holding down geotextile for bank building job |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.PARKERSTEEL.CO.UK | 3904.33 | 40 x6.4 meter lengths of handrailing tube and 100 key clamp fittings for public safety works on Dymchurch sea wall to be erected by the Romney field team to replace damaged hand railing on the steps leading to the beach |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.PHOENIXHSC.CO.UK | 1614 | NEBOSH certificate training course for Ops Manager. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.PRINTERLAND.CO | 672.01 | Purchase of printer & consumables outside of MYIT due to vessel requirements |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.PUMPSALESDIRECT.CO | 856.8 | Spare sump pumps for the TWA transfer scheme |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.REACTEC.COM | 2294.42 | 3 hav wear 4 bay docking stations with USB connections |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.REACTEC.COM | 777.29 | HAVwear mobile unit |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.REACTEC.COM | 883.1 | Replacement Havwear units required by operatives to monitor their daily use when using hand held powered tools. To help prevent Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.SACKMAKER.COM | 710.64 | 210 filled black heavy duty sandbags |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.WATSONFUELS.CO.UK | 3808.8 | 2,000 LTS of white diesel for the Silverdale flood bank project. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.WATSONFUELS.CO.UK | 3415.92 | Fuel for construction plant |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.WATSONFUELS.CO.UK | 3637.96 | Fuel for plant and equipment for construction |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.WATSONFUELS.CO.UK | 2896 | White diesel for machines, |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WWW.WATSONFUELS.CO.UK | 2896.37 | White diesel for machines, |
EA | 31/08/2022 | WYMARK LTD | 547.99 | 2 x 12.5kg tubs Bio-Rope lube |
EA | 31/08/2022 | XYLEM ANALYTICS UK LTD | 657.6 | Purchase additional batteries for a gauging craft to allow for more frequent use and to replace old failing batteries. |
EA | 31/08/2022 | YOUNGS | 2387.74 | Public Rambler gates x6 |
EA | 31/08/2022 | YOUR NRG LTD | 4980.8 | Fuel delivery to Bull Hassocks PS |
EA | 31/08/2022 | YOUR NRG LTD | 4980.8 | Fuel delivery to Bull Hassocks PS |
EA | 31/08/2022 | YOUR NRG LTD | 4599.6 | White diesel for machines, |
EA | 31/08/2022 | YOUR NRG LTD | 4599.6 | White diesel for machines, |
EA | 31/08/2022 | YOUR NRG LTD | 4599.6 | White diesel for machines, |
EA | 31/08/2022 | YOUR NRG LTD | 4599.6 | White diesel for machines, |
EA | 31/08/2022 | YOUR NRG LTD | 4980.8 | White diesel for machines, |