
Court martial results from the military court centres: January 2010 to April 2015

Updated 14 August 2024
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All verdicts map sequentially back to the relevant charge. Where the finding is the same on all charges the result will show either Guilty or Not Guilty.
Rank Service Trial Court Sentencing Date Charge (s) Finding Sentence Not set
Signaller Army Colchester 07-Jan-10 2 x Battery, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm 1 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty Admonished Not set
Colonel Army Sennelager 08-Jan-10 5 x Obtaining a money transfer by deception, 6 x Fraud, 1 x Forgery, 1 x Making a false entry in an official document 11 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty 6 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 13-Jan-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Signaller Army Colchester 13-Jan-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 21-Jan-10 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Not Guilty, Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 22-Jan-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Sergeant Army Sennelager 27-Jan-10 1 x Attempted sexual assault, 1 x Drunkenness Not Guilty, Guilty £1400 fine Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 01-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention, suspended sentence of 120 days detention passed down at Court Martial on 29 July 2008 to also be served which means in total 240 days detention to be served, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 02-Feb-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 02-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Fusilier Army Catterick 04-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 3 months detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 04-Feb-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 04-Feb-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 189 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 04-Feb-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Signaller Army Catterick 09-Feb-10 4 x Making an indecent photograph of a child Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 3 year Service Community Order with a supervision requirement and to participate in a Sex Offender Treatment Programme, disqualified from working with children, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Colchester 11-Feb-10 1 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty £750 fine Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 11-Feb-10 8 x Fraud Guilty 6 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Bulford 11-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 17-Feb-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 80 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 17-Feb-10 5 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 140 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 18-Feb-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 15 months detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 18-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 19-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 19-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 85 days detention Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 22-Feb-10 1 x Battery Guilty £200 fine, £400 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Catterick 22-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Aldergrove 25-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Desertion Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 25-Feb-10 1 x Damaging property, 1 x Affray Not Guilty, Guilty 6 months detention, €190 Service Compensation Order Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 25-Feb-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months 15 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Aldergrove 25-Feb-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 25-Feb-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 70 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Colchester 25-Feb-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 25-Feb-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Conduct to the prejudice of good order Discontinued, Guilty £1500 fine Not set
Private Army Catterick 26-Feb-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 26-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 26-Feb-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 20 days detention to run consecutively to the suspended sentence passed down at Court Martial on 18 December 2009 Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 01-Mar-10 1 x Driving a mechanically propelled vehicle without due care and attention Guilty €50 fine Not set
Trooper Army Catterick 02-Mar-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 03-Mar-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 03-Mar-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 04-Mar-10 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 90 days detention, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Sennelager 04-Mar-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 100 days detention, 60 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 10-Mar-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 15-Mar-10 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 11 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Bulford 16-Mar-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 17-Mar-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 18 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 17-Mar-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 18-Mar-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 18-Mar-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 19-Mar-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 25-Mar-10 1 x Altering a document with intent to deceive, 2 x Using a motor vehicle without insurance, 1 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty Reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Sennelager 25-Mar-10 9 x Fraud Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Sergeant Army Sennelager 25-Mar-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Catterick 25-Mar-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Discontinued Not set Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 12-Apr-10 1 x Sending a malicious communication Guilty £200 fine Not set
Private Army Sennelager 12-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 12-Apr-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 12-Apr-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Air Engineering Technician Royal Navy Portsmouth 13-Apr-10 2 x Damage to Service property Guilty £396.31 Service Compensation Order, 30 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Private Army Sennelager 13-Apr-10 1 x Drunkenness Guilty £375 fine Not set
Master Civilian Sennelager 13-Apr-10 1 x Battery, 1 x Using violence to a person whose duty it is to apprehend him Guilty 12 month Conditional Discharge Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 13-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 13-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Medical Assistant Royal Navy Portsmouth 14-Apr-10 1 x Sale by retail of a medicinal product not on the general sales list Not Guilty Not set Not set
Gunner Army Sennelager 14-Apr-10 1 x Affray Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 14-Apr-10 3 x Making an indecent photograph of a child Guilty 4 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 7 years, disqualified from working with children Not set
Private Army Colchester 14-Apr-10 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 1 year 3 months imprisonment Not set
Gunner Army Catterick 15-Apr-10 15 x Fraud Guilty 35 days detention suspended for 9 months, £75 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 19-Apr-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 20-Apr-10 1 x Violent disorder, 1 x Fighting Not Guilty, Guilty 90 day detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Sennelager 20-Apr-10 1 x Violent disorder, 1 x Fighting Not Guilty, Guilty 90 day detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 20-Apr-10 1 x Violent disorder, 1 x Fighting Not Guilty, Guilty 90 day detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 20-Apr-10 1 x Violent disorder, 1 x Fighting Not Guilty, Guilty 90 day detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 20-Apr-10 1 x Violent disorder, 1 x Fighting Not Guilty, Guilty 90 day detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Medical Assistant Royal Navy Portsmouth 20-Apr-10 1 x Drunkenness, 1 x Conduct to the prejudice of good order and Naval discipline Guilty 28 days detention Not set
Able Seaman Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) First Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 20-Apr-10 1 x Assisting an offender Guilty 60 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Able Seaman Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) First Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 20-Apr-10 1 x Possessing a Class A during Guilty 12 months Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 120 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Gunner Army Bulford 20-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Gunner Army Bulford 20-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 21-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 21-Apr-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 21-Apr-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Naval Airman (Air Handling) Royal Navy Portsmouth 22-Apr-10 1 x Insubordination language Guilty £650.30 fine Not set
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army Colchester 22-Apr-10 1 x Theft, 1 x Fraud Guilty 12 months imprisonment, £3847.22 Service Compensation Order, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sergeant Army Colchester 22-Apr-10 1 x Theft, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Reduced to the ranks, 11 months detention, £1655 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 23-Apr-10 2 x Disobedience to Standing Orders, 1 x Conduct to the prejudice and good order of military discipline Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 23-Apr-10 1 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel kind Guilty Severe Reprimand Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 26-Apr-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 9 months detention, reduced to the rank of Private Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 26-Apr-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 9 months detention, reduced to the rank of Private Not set
Sergeant Army Colchester 26-Apr-10 3 x Fraud Guilty 3 months imprisonment suspended for 12 months, 12 month Service Compensation Order 160 hours Not set
Guardsman Army Bulford 26-Apr-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Rifleman Army Aldergrove 27-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 3 months Not set
Signaller Army Colchester 27-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave, 3 x Fraud Guilty 11 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 27-Apr-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 27-Apr-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 27-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £250 fine Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 27-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Catterick 28-Apr-10 1 x Voyeurism Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Aldergrove 28-Apr-10 1 x Battery, 1 x Absence Without Leave Not Guilty, Guilty 57 days detention suspended for 6 months Not set
Private Army Colchester 28-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 28-Apr-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 180 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 29-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 29-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Corporal Army Colchester 29-Apr-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 8 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare) Royal Navy Portsmouth 30-Apr-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 2 x Perverting the course of justice 1 x Guilty, 1 x Discontinued, 2 x Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Ex-Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 30-Apr-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Perverting the course of justice Not Guilty, Discontinued, Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 30-Apr-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 X Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty, Discontinued Not set Not set
Ex-Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 30-Apr-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 X Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty, Discontinued Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Catterick 03-May-10 1 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 04-May-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Battery Guilty 3 months detention suspended for 12 months, £750 Service Compensation Order Not set
Sapper Army Bulford 04-May-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Catterick 05-May-10 6 x Fraud Guilty 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Catterick 06-May-10 3 x Fraud Guilty 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Signaller Army Sennelager 07-May-10 1 x Burglary Guilty 4 months detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 07-May-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Catterick 07-May-10 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty 100 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 07-May-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty £750 fine, £350 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 10-May-10 1 x Affray, 1 x Battery Not Guilty, Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 10-May-10 1 x Affray, 1 x Battery Not Guilty, Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 10-May-10 1 x Affray, 1 x Battery Not Guilty, Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 10-May-10 1 x Affray, 1 x Battery Not Guilty, Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 10-May-10 4 x Fraud Guilty 60 days detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 10-May-10 1 x Battery Guilty £150 fine, £150 Service Compensation Order Not set
Petty Officer Logistician (Catering Services) (Preparation) Royal Navy Portsmouth 10-May-10 4 x Ill treatment of persons of an inferior rank, 1 x Conduct to the prejudice of naval discipline Guilty £1500 fine Not set
Private Army Catterick 10-May-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 2 year Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 250 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Rifleman Army Catterick 10-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Absolute discharge Not set
Private Army Catterick 11-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 135 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 11-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 12-May-10 1 x Misapplying Service property, 1 x Damaging Service property Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 12-May-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 12-May-10 6 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 12-May-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 13-May-10 1 x Damaging property, 1 x Offering violence to a person whose duty it is to apprehend him Guilty, Not Guilty £650 fine, £1853.29 Service Compensation Order Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Cyprus 13-May-10 1 x Handling stolen goods Guilty £1500 fine, £119 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 13-May-10 1 x Battery Guilty 60 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Catterick 13-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 13-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Kingsman Army Cyprus 13-May-10 2 x Failing to ensure the welfare of an animal Guilty £200 fine, disqualified from owning a dog, keeping a dog, participating in keeping a dog for a period of 10 years Not set
Kingsman Army Cyprus 13-May-10 2 x Failing to ensure the welfare of an animal Guilty £100 fine, disqualified from owning a dog, keeping a dog, participating in keeping a dog for a period of 10 years Not set
Trooper Army Catterick 13-May-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 105 days detention Not set
Kingsman Army Cyprus 13-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Sergeant Army Sennelager 14-May-10 1 x Damaging property, 1 x Drunkenness Guilty £500 fine Not set
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army Bulford 17-May-10 3 x Theft, 7 x Fraud Guilty 12 months imprisonment, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, £28918.01 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 17-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 17-May-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 17-May-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 17-May-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 2 x Intimidation Guilty 8 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Sennelager 17-May-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 17-May-10 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 17-May-10 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 18-May-10 1 x Using disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer Guilty £500 fine Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 18-May-10 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Unlawful wounding Not Guilty, Guilty 18 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 18-May-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 12 months Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 180 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Trooper Army Catterick 18-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 180 days detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 18-May-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 18-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Sapper Army Catterick 19-May-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 months Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 275 hours Not set
Able Seaman Logistician (Catering Service) (Preparation) Royal Navy Portsmouth 19-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Able Seaman (Communication Information Systems) (Submarine) Royal Navy Portsmouth 19-May-10 1 x Failure to attend for duty, 1 x Unfitness though alcohol Guilty £600 fine Not set
Gunner Army Bulford 19-May-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Leading Seaman (Communication Information Systems) Royal Navy Portsmouth 20-May-10 1 x Fraud, 1 x Theft Not Guilty, Guilty £2000 fine Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) First Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 20-May-10 1 x Disobedience to a lawful command, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 20 days detention suspended for 4 months Not set
Private Army Bulford 20-May-10 3 x Sexual Assault Guilty 8 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Private Army Sennelager 20-May-10 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command Guilty 6 days stoppage of leave Not set
Sergeant Army Sennelager 20-May-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Able Seaman (Marine Warfare) Royal Navy Portsmouth 20-May-10 2 x Wilful disobedience, 2 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Conduct prejudicial to the good order and service discipline Guilty 60 days detention suspended for 4 months Not set
Rifleman Army Bulford 20-May-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Petty Office Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering Submarine) Royal Navy Portsmouth 20-May-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention, reduced to the rank of Able Seaman Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering Submarine) First Class Not set
Leading Seaman (Above Water Warfare) Royal Navy Portsmouth 21-May-10 1 x Fraud Guilty Disrated to Able Seaman (Above Water Warfare) First Class, £4009.60 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 24-May-10 1 x Theft Guilty £850 fine Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 24-May-10 1 x Theft Guilty £850 fine Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 24-May-10 1 x Battery Guilty 80 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Sennelager 24-May-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 24-May-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 24-May-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Fusilier Army Sennelager 24-May-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 24-May-10 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Army Bulford 24-May-10 1 x Battery Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal Not set
Rifleman Army Aldergrove 24-May-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 12 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army Aldergrove 24-May-10 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Royal Air Force Bulford 25-May-10 2 x Fraud Guilty Reduced to the rank of Senior Aircraftman, 150 days detention Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Bulford 25-May-10 1 x Theft Guilty 120 days detention, £541.14 Service Compensation Order Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Bulford 25-May-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty £1500 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 26-May-10 1 x Sexual Assault, 2 x Criminal damage 1 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty 40 days detention, Service Compensation Orders totalling £550 Not set
Ex-Sergeant Army Bulford 26-May-10 4 x Indecent Assault, 1 x Rape, 2 x Making an indecent photograph of a child, 1 x Indecency with a child Guilty 6 years imprisonment, disqualified from working with children, Sexual Offences Prevention Order, placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 26-May-10 1 x Violent Disorder, 1 x Affray, 1 x Disorderly behaviour 2 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty £400 fine Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 26-May-10 1 x Violent Disorder, 1 x Affray, 1 x Using violence to a person whose duty it is to apprehend him, 1 x Fear or provocation of violence, 1 x Fear of violence 3 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty £600 fine Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 26-May-10 1 x Violent disorder, 1 x Affray, 1 x Causing harassment, alarm or distress, 1 x Using violence to a person whose duty it is to apprehend him, 2 x Intentional harassment, alarm or distress, 1 x Using violence to a person whose duty it is to apprehend him 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty £2000 fine Not set
Gunner Army Bulford 28-May-10 1 x Affray, 1 x Causing fear or provocation of violence Not Guilty, Guilty £650 fine Not set
Gunner Army Bulford 28-May-10 1 x Affray, 1 x Causing fear or provocation of violence Not Guilty, Guilty £650 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 02-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 140 days detention Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 03-Jun-10 2 x Battery Guilty, Not Guilty £700 fine Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 03-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 50 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 03-Jun-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Warrant Officer Class 1 Army Bulford 04-Jun-10 3 x Theft, 3 x Forgery, 2 x Fraud Guilty 12 months detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, £200 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 04-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Lieutenant Royal Navy Portsmouth 07-Jun-10 3 x Battery, 1 x Criminal Damage Guilty Forfeit his seniority as a Lieutenant from 1 September 2007, £59.99 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Royal Marines Portsmouth 08-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Reduced to the rank of Marine Not set
Rifleman Army Bulford 08-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Petty Officer Marine Engineering Mechanic (Mechanical) Royal Navy Portsmouth 08-Jun-10 3 x Battery 1 x Guilty, 2 x Not Guilty £500 fine Not set
Trooper Army Bulford 08-Jun-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 09-Jun-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Guilty 11½ months detention, £6000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Fusilier Army Bulford 09-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 10-Jun-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 10-Jun-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 10-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Cyprus 11-Jun-10 2 x Battery Guilty 7 months detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Mrs Civilian Cyprus 14-Jun-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 2 year Conditional Discharge, £350 Service Compensation Order Not set
Kingsman Army Cyprus 14-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 30 days detention reduced at Variation Proceedings held in Catterick on 30 June 2010 to 20 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 15-Jun-10 1 x Attempted rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Craftsman Army Bulford 15-Jun-10 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Fighting Not Guilty, Guilty 30 days Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Gunner Army Catterick 16-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 36 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 16-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 88 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Medical Assistant Second Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 17-Jun-10 1 x Assault by penetration Guilty 12 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 17-Jun-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 18-Jun-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Leading Seaman (Communication Information Systems) Royal Navy Portsmouth 19-Jun-10 1 x Fraud Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 21-Jun-10 1 x Making a false entry in an official document, 1 x Negligently performing a duty Not Guilty, Guilty £200 fine Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 22-Jun-10 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 2 years detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 22-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 23-Jun-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Guilty £250 fine, £1500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 24-Jun-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Colchester 24-Jun-10 5 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 210 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 24-Jun-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 10 months 14 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 24-Jun-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Ex-Private Army Bulford 25-Jun-10 4 x Fraud 3 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 15 months imprisonment Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 25-Jun-10 1 x Theft, 1 x Fraud Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Army Bulford 25-Jun-10 5 x Fraud Guilty £716.80 Service Compensation Order, reduced to the ranks, 12 months Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 200 hours Not set
Able Seaman (Marine Warfare) Second Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 28-Jun-10 1 x Harassment Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Acting Chief Petty Officer Air Engineering Technician (Mechanical) Royal Navy Portsmouth 28-Jun-10 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty Reduction to the rank of Petty Officer Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 29-Jun-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Trooper Army Catterick 30-Jun-10 1 x Racially aggravated assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 01-Jul-10 2 x Assault by penetration Guilty 6 years imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely Not set
Ex-Able Seaman Logistician (Catering Service) (Delivery) Royal Navy Portsmouth 02-Jul-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Guilty 12 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 02-Jul-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months, £600 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Catterick 05-Jul-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 6 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 150 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 05-Jul-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £800 fine Not set
Gunner Army Catterick 05-Jul-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 36 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 06-Jul-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ranger Army Catterick 06-Jul-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 4 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, 2 year Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 100 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Kingsman Army Catterick 06-Jul-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 180 days detention Not set
Kingsman Army Catterick 06-Jul-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 180 days detention Not set
Kingsman Army Catterick 06-Jul-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 180 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 07-Jul-10 6 x Fraud, 1 x Theft Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 07-Jul-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 07-Jul-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 45 days detention Not set
Bombardier Army Colchester 08-Jul-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention, reduced to the rank of Lance Bombardier Not set
Private Army Colchester 08-Jul-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Corporal Army Colchester 12-Jul-10 3 x Battery 1 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty £400 fine, £100 Service Compensation Order Not set
Colour Sergeant Army Bulford 15-Jul-10 4 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty Reduced to the rank of Private Not set
Ex-Guardsman Army Bulford 16-Jul-10 1 x Assault by penetration Guilty 3 years imprisonment, placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 16-Jul-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Common Assault, 1 x Damaging property Guilty 9 months detention, reduced to the ranks £1606.29 Service Compensation Order Not set
Mister Civilian Sennelager 16-Jul-10 1 x Theft Guilty Conditional discharge for 12 months, £166.67 Service Compensation Order Not set
Gunner Army Bulford 16-Jul-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Ex-Corporal Army Catterick 19-Jul-10 4 x Fraud Guilty 4 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, 2 year Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 200 hours, £1376.23 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 19-Jul-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 19-Jul-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 70 days detention Not set
Staff Sergeant Army Sennelager 20-Jul-10 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Colchester 20-Jul-10 1 x Desertion, 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 15 months 10 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 20-Jul-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Lance Bombardier Army Sennelager 21-Jul-10 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 21-Jul-10 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 21-Jul-10 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 21-Jul-10 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty £200 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 21-Jul-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 21-Jul-10 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty 11 months detention, £1000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 21-Jul-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 30 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Sergeant Army Sennelager 26-Jul-10 1 x Theft Guilty Severe Reprimand Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 26-Jul-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 27-Jul-10 1 x Using a false instrument Guilty Reprimand Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Colchester 28-Jul-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 29-Jul-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 9 months detention, £750 Service Compensation Order Not set
Air Craftsman Royal Air Force Colchester 29-Jul-10 1 x Making threats to kill, 1 x Battery, 1 x using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour, 1 x Battery 1 x Not 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty £250 fine Not set
Sergeant Royal Air Force Colchester 29-Jul-10 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Royal Air Force Colchester 29-Jul-10 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set Not set
Gunner Army Catterick 02-Aug-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 11 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Fusilier Army Catterick 02-Aug-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 12 months detention Not set
Kingsman Army Catterick 03-Aug-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 03-Aug-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm with intent Not Guilty Not set Not set
Kingsman Army Catterick 03-Aug-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Ex-Warrant Officer Class 2 Army Bulford 04-Aug-10 8 x Making an indecent photograph of a child Guilty 36 month Service Community Order with a requirement to attend the Sex Offender Treatment Programme Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 05-Aug-10 4 x Battery, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm 2 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty 135 days detention, reduced to the rank of Private Not set
Private Army Bulford 05-Aug-10 2 x Sexual Assault Guilty 6 months detention, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Sapper Army Bulford 05-Aug-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Highlander Army Colchester 16-Aug-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 96 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 16-Aug-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 150 days detention, reduced to the ranks, £1250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 18-Aug-10 3 x Using violence to his superior officer, 1 x Using threatening language to his superior officer, 1 x Disobeying a lawful command, 1 x Using insubordinate language to his superior officer, 1 x Absence Without Leave 3 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Ranger Army Colchester 18-Aug-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 18-Aug-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 19-Aug-10 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Not Guilty, Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 19-Aug-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 180 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 31-Aug-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 06-Sep-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 12 months detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 06-Sep-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Mistress Civilian Sennelager 06-Sep-10 Not set Discontinued Not set Not set
Guardsman Army Bulford 06-Sep-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Kingsman Army Catterick 06-Sep-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Captain Army Sennelager 07-Sep-10 1 x Fighting Guilty Severe Reprimand Not set
Private Army Sennelager 07-Sep-10 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set Not set
Colonel Army Bulford 07-Sep-10 1 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty £1500 fine Not set
Signaller Army Catterick 07-Sep-10 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty £350 fine, 9 days Restriction of Privileges Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 07-Sep-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 09-Sep-10 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 10-Sep-10 2 x Sexual activity with a child family member, 1 x Attempted rape of a child, 1 x Sexual activity with a family member, 2 x Inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, 1 x Sexual activity with a child Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 10-Sep-10 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 10-Sep-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 160 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 13-Sep-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 6 months detention, £600 Service Compensation Order Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 13-Sep-10 1 x Contravention to Standing Orders Guilty £600 fine, £252 Service Compensation Order Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 13-Sep-10 1 x Failure to provide a specimen, 1 x Using violence towards an authorised person who orders him into arrest, 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 120 days detention with a recommendation that BFG driving permit is withdrawn for 12 months Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 15-Sep-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 16-Sep-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Private Army Bulford 17-Sep-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Robbery Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 150 hours Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 17-Sep-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Colchester 17-Sep-10 1 x Tampering with an official document, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Colchester 17-Sep-10 4 x Fraud Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Corporal Army Catterick 20-Sep-10 4 x Battery 1 x Not Guilty, 3 x Guilty 6 months detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 20-Sep-10 1 x Damaging property Guilty 28 days detention, £49.48 Service Compensation Order Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 20-Sep-10 2 x Battery Guilty 28 days detention, £200 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 20-Sep-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £1200 fine, reduced to the ranks Not set
Leading Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 21-Sep-10 1 x Leaving a duty, 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty £500 fine Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 22-Sep-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Warrant Officer Class 1 (Medial Assistant) Royal Navy Portsmouth 23-Sep-10 1 x Ill treatment of a subordinate Guilty Reduced to the rank of Petty Officer (Medical Assistant) Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 23-Sep-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 23-Sep-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £180 fine Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 24-Sep-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 9 months detention, reduced to the ranks, £200 Service Compensation Order Not set
Guardsman Army Bulford 24-Sep-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 24-Sep-10 5 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Leading Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 27-Sep-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Able Seaman (Sea) Royal Navy Portsmouth 27-Sep-10 2 x Wilful disobedience, 2 x Insubordination, 2 x Absence Without Leave, 2 x Using disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer, 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 120 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Leading Seaman (Electronic Warfare) Royal Navy Portsmouth 28-Sep-10 1 x Being knowingly concerned in the fraudulent attempt at evasion of duty payable on the importation of goods, 1 x Being knowingly concerned in the taking of any steps with a view to the fraudulent evasion of duty of excise payable on goods Not Guilty, Guilty 60 days detention suspended for 12 months, disrated, recovered cigarettes to be returned to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs to be destroyed Not set
Able Seaman Logistician (Catering Service) (Delivery) Royal Navy Portsmouth 28-Sep-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 42 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Sennelager 29-Sep-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 29-Sep-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Able Seaman (Sea) Royal Navy Portsmouth 29-Sep-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Group Captain Royal Air Force Colchester 29-Sep-10 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty £1500 fine Not set
Able Seaman Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) First Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 29-Sep-10 1 x Battery Guilty £750 fine, recommendation that he loses Good Conduct Badge Not set
Colour Sergeant Royal Navy Portsmouth 29-Sep-10 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour, 1 x Battery, 1 x Sexual assault Guilty Admonished Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 29-Sep-10 2 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 21 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Flight Lieutenant Royal Air Force Colchester 30-Sep-10 1 x Fraud Discontinued Trial discontinued in the interests of public justice Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 30-Sep-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 18 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army Bulford 07-Oct-10 2 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Bulford 07-Oct-10 1 x Battery Guilty Admonished Not set
Ranger Army Catterick 11-Oct-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 11-Oct-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 210 days detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 13-Oct-10 1 x Malingering Guilty 1 year 6 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Fusilier Army Catterick 13-Oct-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Catterick 13-Oct-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Battery Discontinued Not set Not set
Miss Civilian Sennelager 14-Oct-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 12 months Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 40 hours Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 14-Oct-10 1 x Attempted rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Fusilier Army Catterick 14-Oct-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 14-Oct-10 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 months detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 14-Oct-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Colonel Army Colchester 15-Oct-10 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty £800 fine Not set
Craftsman Army Bulford 15-Oct-10 2 x Sexual Assault 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 6 months imprisonment suspended for 5 years, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, placed on the Sex Offenders Register Not set
Leading Aircraftman Royal Air Force Bulford 15-Oct-10 9 x Fraud Guilty £1438 Service Compensation Order, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sergeant Royal Air Force Bulford 15-Oct-10 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty £1800 fine, Severe Reprimand Not set
Private Army Sennelager 15-Oct-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 18-Oct-10 1 x Dishonestly obtaining electronic communications services Guilty 60 days detention, £1389.98 Service Compensation Order Not set
Air Trooper Army Sennelager 18-Oct-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 2 x Battery 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 6 months detention, £100 Service Compensation Order Not set
Master Civilian Sennelager 18-Oct-10 1 x Criminal Damage Guilty Conditional discharge for 2 years Not set
Private Army Colchester 19-Oct-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 180 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 19-Oct-10 1 x Theft Guilty 6 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, £1200 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 19-Oct-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 19-Oct-10 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty Admonished Not set
Private Army Sennelager 20-Oct-10 2 x Battery, 1 x Disobedience to Standing Orders, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Using Violence to a person whose duty it was to apprehend him, 1 x Offering violence to a person whose duty it was to apprehend him 2 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 10 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Warrant Officer Class 1 Royal Marines Portsmouth 20-Oct-10 1 x Battery Guilty Severe Reprimand, £800 fine Not set
Signaller Army Sennelager 20-Oct-10 1 x Affray Guilty £500 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 20-Oct-10 6 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Failing to attend for a duty 6 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 210 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 21-Oct-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 19 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Leading Seaman (Electronic Warfare) Royal Navy Portsmouth 22-Oct-10 2 x Theft 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty £1000 fine, £10 Service Compensation Order Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 22-Oct-10 1 x Affray, 1 x Making off without payment 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty £500 fine Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 22-Oct-10 7 x Fraud 1 x Not Guilty, 6 x Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 240 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Signaller Army Sennelager 25-Oct-10 1 x Assault by penetration, 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Leading Regulator Royal Navy Portsmouth 25-Oct-10 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set Not set
Leading Marine Engineering Artificer Royal Navy Portsmouth 25-Oct-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 26-Oct-10 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Unlawful wounding 1 x Not Guilty, 6 x Guilty 45 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 26-Oct-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 10 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Catterick 26-Oct-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Bombardier Army Bulford 27-Oct-10 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs, 1 x Battery 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty £200 fine Not set
Craftsman Army Bulford 27-Oct-10 12 x Making an indecent photograph of a child, 2 x Possession of an extreme pornographic image Guilty 6 months detention, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Private Army Bulford 27-Oct-10 2 x Fraud 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 28-Oct-10 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour, 1 x Battery, 1 x Sexual assault 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty Reduced to the rank of Private, £100 Service Compensation Order Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 28-Oct-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 6 months detention suspended for 12 months, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Sergeant Army Catterick 28-Oct-10 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x False imprisonment, 2 x Threat to kill, 1 x Putting a person in fear of violence 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 2 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 8 years imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, reduced to the ranks Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 29-Oct-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Sennelager 03-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 03-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Royal Air Force Catterick 03-Nov-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Guardsman Army Bulford 08-Nov-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £500 fine Not set
Craftsman Army Colchester 09-Nov-10 1 x Battery, 1 x Rape, 2 x Battery, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 2 x Rape 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 2 x Guilty 7 years imprisonment, dismissed with disgrace from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 10-Nov-10 1 x Supplying a controlled Class C drug, 4 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty 30 days detention Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 10-Nov-10 2 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty £250 fine Not set
Private Army Bulford 10-Nov-10 2 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 11-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Using violence to a person whose duty it is to apprehend him Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Colchester 11-Nov-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 11-Nov-10 4 x Fraud Guilty 150 days detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Bulford 11-Nov-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 18 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Catterick 15-Nov-10 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty 90 days detention, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Master Civilian Sennelager 15-Nov-10 1 x Causing fear or provocation of violence Guilty Conditional discharge for 2 years Not set
Highlander Army Catterick 16-Nov-10 1 x Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty Admonished Not set
Private Army Sennelager 16-Nov-10 1 x Desertion, 2 x Absence Without Leave 1 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty 7½ months detention Not set
Sergeant Army Colchester 16-Nov-10 4 x Fraud Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal, £750 Service Compensation Order Not set
Trainee Guardsman Army Catterick 16-Nov-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 240 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 16-Nov-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 16-Nov-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 50 days detention Not set
Able Seaman Logistician (Catering Service) (Delivery) Royal Navy Portsmouth 17-Nov-10 1 x False imprisonment, 1 x Sexual assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 17-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Catterick 17-Nov-10 1 x Possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear Guilty 11 months detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Ex-Private Army Catterick 17-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty £250 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 17-Nov-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 100 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 17-Nov-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 17-Nov-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 100 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 18-Nov-10 1 x Attempted murder, 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm with intent, 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 18-Nov-10 1 x Attempted murder, 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm with intent, 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Able Seaman (Sea) Second Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 18-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 18-Nov-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 19-Nov-10 6 x Exposure 5 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 160 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, carry out a Sexual Offenders Programme within the next 3 years, to undergo a Supervision Requirement for 3 years, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 19-Nov-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 4 months Not set
Private Army Catterick 22-Nov-10 5 x Making an indecent picture of a child Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 3 year Service Community Order with the following requirements: supervision for the whole period; attendance on Community Sex Offender Group work Programme; Sexual Offences Prevention Order; Not to use the internet except by means of a device which allows instant access to the browsing history; no contact with any child under the age of 16 save in a public place unless such contact is supervised; this order is for 5 years Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Second Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 22-Nov-10 1 x Arson Guilty 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Bombardier Army Sennelager 22-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 22-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 23-Nov-10 2 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty 35 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 23-Nov-10 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 23-Nov-10 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Ranger Army Colchester 23-Nov-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 21 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 23-Nov-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 24-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 25-Nov-10 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty 11½ months detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Sennelager 25-Nov-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) First Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 25-Nov-10 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command, 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty £100 fine Not set
Private Army Sennelager 25-Nov-10 2 x Battery Guilty 60 days detention suspended for 12 months, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 25-Nov-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 50 days detention Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 26-Nov-10 1 x Driving a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration above the prescribed limit Guilty 60 days detention, recommendation that BFG driving permit is forfeited for a further 10 months Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 26-Nov-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 16 months detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 26-Nov-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Able Seaman Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 26-Nov-10 3 x Absence Without Leave 2 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 10 days detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 30-Nov-10 2 x Damaging property 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty £100 fine, £2364.30 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 01-Dec-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 18 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army Catterick 02-Dec-10 2 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Unlawful wounding 2 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 9 months detention suspended for 12 months, £2500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Craftsman Army Bulford 02-Dec-10 4 x Manufacturing an offensive weapon Guilty £300 fine, forfeiture and destruction of the offensive weapons Not set
Private Army Sennelager 03-Dec-10 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty 9 months detention suspended for 12 months, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 03-Dec-10 1 x Battery, 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 03-Dec-10 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 03-Dec-10 1 x Intentionally encouraging or assisting an offence Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 03-Dec-10 1 x Fraud Guilty Reduced to the ranks Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 03-Dec-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 06-Dec-10 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 06-Dec-10 2 x Contravention of Standing Orders 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty £75 fine Not set
Private Army Catterick 07-Dec-10 1 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Desertion Guilty 12 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 08-Dec-10 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Unlawful wounding Not Guilty Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Bulford 08-Dec-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty £850 fine, £350 Service Compensation Order Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Bulford 08-Dec-10 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty £50 fine Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 08-Dec-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 16 weeks detention Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 10-Dec-10 1 x Sexual assault of a child, 1 x Sexual activity with a child, 1 x Exposure Guilty 10 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years, Not set
Private Army Sennelager 10-Dec-10 1 x Desertion Guilty 10 months detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Catterick 13-Dec-10 1 x Damaging Property Guilty £500 fine, £700 Service Compensation Order Not set
Bombardier Army Bulford 13-Dec-10 1 x Unlawful wounding Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 13-Dec-10 1 x Battery, 1 x Making a threat to kill Guilty 15 months detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 13-Dec-10 1 x Damaging property Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Catterick 13-Dec-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention suspended for 12 months, reduced to the ranks Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 13-Dec-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 13-Dec-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Catterick 14-Dec-10 1 x Affray Guilty 75 days detention with 60 days of the 90 days detention suspended on 31 March 2009 activated, totalling 135 days detention Not set
Leading Logistician (Steward) Royal Navy Portsmouth 14-Dec-10 9 x Fraud, 1 x Theft 8 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Able Seaman (Sea) Second Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 14-Dec-10 1 x Assault by beating Guilty £250 fine Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 14-Dec-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 14-Dec-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 100 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 14-Dec-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 15-Dec-10 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 18 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Bombardier Army Catterick 15-Dec-10 1 x Drunkenness, 1 x Disobedience to Standing Orders 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty £500 fine Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 15-Dec-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) First Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 15-Dec-10 1 x Causing fear of provocation of violence Guilty £200 fine Not set
Mr Civilian Portsmouth 15-Dec-10 1 x Causing fear of provocation of violence Guilty £200 fine Not set
Corporal Army Catterick 15-Dec-10 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline Guilty Admonished Not set
Lance Corporal Army Catterick 15-Dec-10 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline Guilty Admonished Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 15-Dec-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 100 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 15-Dec-10 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 45 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 15-Dec-10 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 100 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 16-Dec-10 1 x Attempted grievous bodily harm with intent, (alternative) 1 x Attempted Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 8 months detention, reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 16-Dec-10 1 x Battery Guilty 60 days detention suspended for 12 months, reduced to the ranks, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Captain Army Bulford 16-Dec-10 2 x Possessing an indecent photograph of a child, 4 x Distributing an indecent photograph of a child Guilty 16 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 16-Dec-10 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 16-Dec-10 1 x Misconduct on Operations Guilty 45 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Bulford 17-Dec-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Bulford 17-Dec-10 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 80 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sergeant Army Sennelager 10-Jan-11 1 x Battery Guilty 60 days detention suspended for 12 months, reduced to the ranks, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 10-Jan-11 1 x Desertion Guilty 20 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 11-Jan-11 1 x Battery, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Captain Army Colchester 11-Jan-11 2 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty £2500 fine Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 11-Jan-11 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty £400 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 11-Jan-11 1 x Battery Guilty 40 days detention suspended for 6 months Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 11-Jan-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Medical Assistant Royal Navy Portsmouth 12-Jan-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Bulford 12-Jan-11 11 x Possession of an indecent photograph of a child, 1 x Possession of an extreme pornographic image Not Guilty Not set Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 12-Jan-11 1 x Aggravated vehicle taking, 1 x Contravention to Standing Orders, 1 x Taking a vehicle without consent 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty 150 days detention, recommendation that BFG license is withdrawn for a further 14 months Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 12-Jan-11 1 x Taking a vehicle without consent Guilty £650 fine Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 12-Jan-11 1 x Desertion, 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 18 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Sennelager 13-Jan-11 1 x Criminal damage Guilty €2257.79 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Royal Marines Portsmouth 13-Jan-11 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind, 1 x Battery, 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and Service discipline Guilty 60 days detention, reduced to the ranks, £300 Service Compensation Order Not set
Marine Royal Marines Portsmouth 13-Jan-11 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind, 1 x Battery Guilty 45 days detention, £200 Service Compensation Order Not set
Able Seaman Engineering Technician (Weapons Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 13-Jan-11 4 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Disobedience to a lawful command Guilty 75 days detention Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 14-Jan-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Battery 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty Overseas Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 100 hours Not set
Ex-Private Army Catterick 17-Jan-11 7 x Fraud Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with a supervision requirement for the whole period Not set
Corporal Royal Air Force Bulford 17-Jan-11 1 x Unlawfully inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 3 x Causing Bodily Harm 1 x Not Guilty, 2 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 6 months detention, reduced to the rank of Senior Aircraftman Not set
Private Army Colchester 18-Jan-11 1 x Battery Guilty 28 days detention suspended for 9 months, £100 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Catterick 19-Jan-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Admonished Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 20-Jan-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 20-Jan-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 100 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Catterick 21-Jan-11 12 x Fraud 4 x Guilty, 8 x Not Guilty 6 months detention, £469.72 Service Compensation Order Not set
Air Craftsman Royal Air Force Bulford 21-Jan-11 4 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention, £1449.03 Service Compensation Order Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 21-Jan-11 1 x Behaving in a threatening or provocative manner likely to cause a disturbance, intending, or being aware, that this behaviour may be threatening or provocative Guilty 7 days Restriction of Privileges Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 21-Jan-11 3 x Contravention of Standing Orders 2 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 12 month Conditional Discharge Not set
Rifleman Army Bulford 24-Jan-11 1 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Desertion Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Leading Seaman (Seaman) Royal Navy Portsmouth 24-Jan-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Damage to Service property Guilty 9 months detention suspended for 12 months, disrated to Able Seaman (Seaman), deprived first and second good conduct badges Not set
Colour Sergeant Army Bulford 25-Jan-11 2 x Battery Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Private Army Sennelager 26-Jan-11 5 x Misapplying public or service property, 4 x Making a false entry in an official document, 2 x Tampering with an official document, 1 x Failing to make an entry in an official document 1 x Guilty 4 x Not Guilty, 4 x Not Guilty, 2 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty Admonished, £250 fine Not set
Craftsman Army Bulford 26-Jan-11 1 x Aggravated vehicle taking Guilty 30 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 28-Jan-11 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty 11 months detention, £2500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 28-Jan-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty Reduced to the ranks Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 28-Jan-11 2 x Sexual Assault Guilty 9 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 31-Jan-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Admonished Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 31-Jan-11 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 01-Feb-11 1 x Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer Guilty £500 fine Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 01-Feb-11 2 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Gunner Army Sennelager 02-Feb-11 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Unlawful wounding 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 6 months detention, £5000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Signaller Army Bulford 02-Feb-11 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 8 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 60 days detention handed down at a previous Courts Martial to be activated and served consecutively, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 02-Feb-11 3 x Criminal Damage, 1 x Using violence towards an authorised person who has a duty to apprehend Guilty 90 days detention, 3 x Service Compensation Orders totalling £6198.97 Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 03-Feb-11 1 x Misconduct on Operations Guilty 7 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Bulford 03-Feb-11 1 x Misconduct on Operations Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 03-Feb-11 1 x Misconduct on Operations Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Gunner Army Catterick 04-Feb-11 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Affray, 1 x Resisting a Constable, 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 190 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Sennelager 04-Feb-11 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Gunner Army Bulford 04-Feb-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Ex-Gunner Army Catterick 07-Feb-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 6 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, 12 months Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 200 hours, attendance on the Thinking Skills Programme for a minimum of 22 days Not set
Private Army Bulford 07-Feb-11 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Guilty 10 months detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 07-Feb-11 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Private Army Sennelager 07-Feb-11 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 07-Feb-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 30 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Colchester 07-Feb-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 07-Feb-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 80 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 07-Feb-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 75 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 08-Feb-11 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 51 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 08-Feb-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Major Army Bulford 09-Feb-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Colchester 09-Feb-11 5 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 130 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 09-Feb-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 140 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Colchester 09-Feb-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 160 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 10-Feb-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Bulford 10-Feb-11 1 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Sergeant Army Bulford 10-Feb-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 11-Feb-11 1 x Unlawful possession of ammunition, 1 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel kind, 1 x Damaging property 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty 8 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, £1024.32 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 14-Feb-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £2000 fine, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Staff Sergeant Army Sennelager 15-Feb-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 17-Feb-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 210 days detention Not set
Mr Civilian Sennelager 17-Feb-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Mr Civilian Sennelager 17-Feb-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Battery 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty Conditional Discharge for 2 years Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 17-Feb-11 2 x Desertion, 2 x Absence Without Leave 2 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty 195 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Sennelager 17-Feb-11 1 x Battery, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 196 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Sennelager 17-Feb-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 112 days detention Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 17-Feb-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Bound over to keep the peace in the sum of £250 for 12 months Not set
Private Army Colchester 17-Feb-11 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 17-Feb-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 17-Feb-11 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 17-Feb-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 210 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 17-Feb-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 18-Feb-11 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Battery Guilty 10 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 18-Feb-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 3 months detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 18-Feb-11 1 x Desertion Guilty 22 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 18-Feb-11 1 x Desertion Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 240 hours, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 21-Feb-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Catterick 21-Feb-11 1 x Theft, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention, £1960 Service Compensation Order, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Colchester 21-Feb-11 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 21-Feb-11 5 x Fraud Guilty 6 months detention, £4555.73 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 22-Feb-11 1 x Theft Guilty 6 months detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Colchester 22-Feb-11 1 x Theft Guilty 7 months detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 22-Feb-11 1 x Theft Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 180 hours, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 22-Feb-11 1 x Theft Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Sergeant Army Catterick 22-Feb-11 1 x Harassment Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal Not set
Private Army Catterick 22-Feb-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 30 days detention suspended for 3 months Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 23-Feb-11 1 x Theft Guilty 120 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Colchester 23-Feb-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 160 days detention Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 23-Feb-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Sergeant Army Sennelager 24-Feb-11 3 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 24-Feb-11 2 x Battery Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Colchester 24-Feb-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 160 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 24-Feb-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 55 days detention Not set
Leading Seaman (Communication Information Systems) Royal Navy Portsmouth 28-Feb-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty £900 fine Not set
Mr Civilian Sennelager 28-Feb-11 2 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty £100 fine Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 28-Feb-11 2 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty £100 fine Not set
Lance Bombardier Army Bulford 01-Mar-11 1 x Failing to attend for a duty Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Army Bulford 01-Mar-11 1 x Failing to attend for a duty Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 01-Mar-11 2 x Battery, 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol 2 x to remain on file, 1 x Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 01-Mar-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 100 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Sennelager 01-Mar-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 168 days detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 02-Mar-11 1 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 02-Mar-11 3 x Fraud 1 x Guilty, 2 x Not Guilty 120 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 02-Mar-11 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 x Battery 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty £1300 fine, £200 Service Compensation Order Not set
Leading Marine Engineering Artificer Royal Navy Portsmouth 02-Mar-11 3 x False Accounting, 10 x Fraud by false representation Guilty 30 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Petty Officer Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) (Submarine) Royal Navy Portsmouth 02-Mar-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £1900 fine, Reprimand, lose Good Conduct Badge Not set
Private Army Colchester 02-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 140 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 02-Mar-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 95 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 02-Mar-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 30 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 02-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 02-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Bulford 03-Mar-11 1 x Fraud Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 03-Mar-11 1 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 03-Mar-11 1 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 03-Mar-11 2 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention, £6990 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Sennelager 03-Mar-11 11 x Fraud 6 x Guilty, 5 x Not Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 03-Mar-11 4 x Fraud 2 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 03-Mar-11 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs, 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour, 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command, 1 x Using violence against a superior officer Guilty 60 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Petty Officer Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 03-Mar-11 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders Guilty £100 fine Not set
Leading Seaman (Sea) Royal Navy Portsmouth 03-Mar-11 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders Guilty £50 fine Not set
Leading Seaman (Above Water Warfare) Royal Navy Portsmouth 03-Mar-11 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders Guilty £50 fine Not set
Private Army Sennelager 03-Mar-11 1 x Theft, 8 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service £9898.79 Service Compensation Order Not set
Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) (Submarines) Royal Navy Portsmouth 03-Mar-11 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs, 1 x Battery 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty £500 fine Not set
Private Army Sennelager 04-Mar-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Battery Guilty 60 days detention, £200 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Sennelager 04-Mar-11 1 x Battery Guilty 90 days detention, £200 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 04-Mar-11 2 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 04-Mar-11 5 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 80 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 07-Mar-11 2 x Desertion 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 10 months detention Not set
Bombardier Army Bulford 09-Mar-11 1 x Racially aggravated public order offence Guilty 30 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Lance Bombardier Army Bulford 09/03/2011 1 x Racially aggravated public order offence Guilty 30 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 14-Mar-11 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sapper Army Bulford 14-Mar-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 14-Mar-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 14-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Sergeant Army Cyprus 15-Mar-11 7 x Ill treating a soldier Not Guilty Not set Not set
Mr Civilian Sennelager 15-Mar-11 2 x Battery 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 2 years Service Community Order with a supervision requirement, to attend the Controlling Anger and Learning to Manage It course for up to 24 days Not set
Private Army Colchester 15-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 80 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 15-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 140 days detention Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 16-Mar-11 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 180 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 16-Mar-11 1 x Battery Guilty 90 days detention, £300 Service Compensation Order Not set
Gunner Army Sennelager 16-Mar-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty £500 fine, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 16-Mar-11 5 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 220 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 16-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 28 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Sennelager 16-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 17-Mar-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 230 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 17-Mar-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Colchester 21-Mar-11 1 x Racially aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress, 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 183 days detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 21-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 240 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Trooper Army Catterick 21-Mar-11 10 x Fraud Guilty £1979.76 Service Compensation Order, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Able Seaman (Communication Information Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 21-Mar-11 1 x Malingering Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 21-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 22-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 200 days detention Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 22-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 95 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 22-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 160 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Catterick 22-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Colchester 22-Mar-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 210 days detention Not set
Staff Sergeant Army Bulford 23-Mar-11 12 x Fraud 8 x Not Guilty, 4 x Guilty 4 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, 2 year Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 60 hours, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, £1365.85 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 23-Mar-11 4 x Causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in a sexual activity, 1 x Attempted rape of a child under 13, 2 x Engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child, 1 x Assault of a child under 13 by penetration Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 23-Mar-11 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Air Engineering Technician Royal Navy Portsmouth 23-Mar-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Bulford 23-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 23-Mar-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 24-Mar-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 10 months detention, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 24-Mar-11 1 x Unfitness through alcohol, 2 x Battery Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Marine Royal Marines Portsmouth 24-Mar-11 3 x Battery 1 x Not Guilty, 2 x Guilty 30 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 24-Mar-11 1 x Battery Guilty 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order. £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 28-Mar-11 1 x Theft, 2 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention, £1445 Service Compensation Order Not set
Mr Civilian Sennelager 28-Mar-11 1 x Battery Guilty 12 month Overseas Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 80 hours, £300 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 28-Mar-11 1 x Battery Guilty £100 fine Not set
Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Second Class Royal Navy Portsmouth 28-Mar-11 1 x Failing to attend for a duty Guilty £300 fine Not set
Gunner Army Catterick 29-Mar-11 2 x Possession of an indecent photograph of a child Guilty 3 year Service Community Order with a requirement to be supervised and attend any Sex Offenders Programmes as required, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, Sex Offenders Prevention Order for 10 years, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Private Army Catterick 30-Mar-11 1 x Affray Guilty £2000 fine, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Engineering Technician (Weapons Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 31-Mar-11 2 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 01-Apr-11 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour Guilty 30 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 06-Apr-11 1 x Sexual Assault, 1 x Battery 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty £1000 fine, reprimand Not set
Kingsman Army Bulford 07-Apr-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 07-Apr-11 1 x Harassment, alarm or distress Guilty 12 month conditional discharge Not set
Rifleman Army Bulford 07-Apr-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 11-Apr-11 1 x Causing death by dangerous driving, 1 x Causing death by careless and inconsiderate driving 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 15 months detention, recommendation that BFG driving permit and FMT600 are withdrawn for 18 months and BFG driving test is resat before the permit is restored Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 11-Apr-11 1 x Desertion, 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 2 years detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Corporal Army Catterick 12-Apr-11 2 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty £650 fine Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 12-Apr-11 7 x Contravention of Standing Orders, 1 x Tampering with an official document, 1 x Making a false official record Guilty Reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Sennelager 12-Apr-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty £500 fine Not set
Signaller Army Catterick 12-Apr-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Fusilier Army Catterick 12-Apr-11 1 x Desertion Guilty 20 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Sennelager 12-Apr-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 12-Apr-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 12-Apr-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 12-Apr-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 12-Apr-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Craftsman Army Colchester 12-Apr-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 21 days detention Not set
Ex-Craftsman Army Bulford 13-Apr-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Catterick 13-Apr-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Catterick 13-Apr-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 13-Apr-11 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty £2500 fine, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 13-Apr-11 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Guilty 11 months and 3 weeks detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Bulford 13-Apr-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 13-Apr-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 13-Apr-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Fusilier Army Catterick 14-Apr-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Marine Royal Marines Portsmouth 14-Apr-11 8 x Fraud 6 x Guilty, 2 x Not Guilty 60 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, £866.91 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 14-Apr-11 2 x Contravention of Standing Orders, 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty 8 months detention, recommendation that BFG driving permit is withdrawn for a period of 3 years Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 14-Apr-11 1 x Theft Guilty £2000 fine, €25 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 14-Apr-11 1 x Theft Guilty £2000 fine, €25 Service Compensation Order Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 14-Apr-11 1 x Battery Guilty £650 fine Not set
Private Army Sennelager 14-Apr-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 14-Apr-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 14-Apr-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 97 days detention suspended for 9 months Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 15-Apr-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 5 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 15-Apr-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 15-Apr-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 05-May-11 2 x Fraud Guilty 90 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Bulford 05-May-11 6 x Fraud Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 05-May-11 1 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 05-May-11 3 x Fraud Guilty 75 days detention Not set
Ex-Private Army Catterick 05-May-11 1 x Rape, 1 x Indecent assault on a female, 1 x Gross indecency with a child 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty 2 years 4 months imprisonment, Indefinite Sexual Offences Prevention Order, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 05-May-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 05-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Gunner Army Catterick 05-May-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 months Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 300 hours Not set
Private Army Colchester 05-May-11 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 30 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 06-May-11 1 x Unlawful possession of a controlled drug Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Regulating Petty Officer Royal Navy Portsmouth 06-May-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 06-May-11 1 x Causing fear or provoking violence, 1 x ill treatment of subordinates Not Guilty, Guilty £1500 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 06-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 120 hours, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 06-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Corporal Royal Air Force Colchester 09-May-11 1 x Fraud, 1 x Disobedience to Standing Orders Guilty 120 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Medical Assistant Royal Navy Portsmouth 09-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 18 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 09-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 42 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 10-May-11 3 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Escaping from lawful custody Guilty £600 fine, 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 10-May-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 180 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 10-May-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 11-May-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 11-May-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Chief Petty Officer Engineering Technician (Weapons Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 11-May-11 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set
Drummer Army Colchester 11-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 70 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 11-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Reduced to the ranks, 150 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 11-May-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 12-May-11 1 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel or indecent kind Guilty £1500 fine Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 12-May-11 1 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel or indecent kind Guilty £1500 fine Not set
Signaller Army Bulford 12-May-11 1 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel or indecent kind Guilty £1500 fine Not set
Leading Seaman (Communication Information Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 12-May-11 3 x Disobedience to a lawful command 2 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty Disrated to Able Seaman (Communication Information Specialist) Not set
Leading Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Royal Navy Portsmouth 12-May-11 3 x Disobedience to a lawful command 2 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty Disrated to Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Not set
Private Army Bulford 13-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Knowingly giving false answers during the enlistment procedure Guilty Admonished Not set
Kingsman Army Catterick 16-May-11 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty £1000 fine Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 16-May-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Bombardier Army Bulford 16-May-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 16-May-11 7 x Fraud Guilty 9 months detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 16-May-11 1 x Battery Discontinued Not set Not set
Private Army Colchester 16-May-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months 14 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 17-May-11 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 18-May-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty £2000 fine, £750 Service Compensation Order Not set
Sergeant Army Sennelager 19-May-11 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty Severe Reprimand, £4000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 19-May-11 1 x Battery Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 20-May-11 1 x Theft Guilty £500 fine Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 20-May-11 1 x Theft Guilty £500 fine Not set
Fusilier Army Sennelager 20-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 20-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Squadron Leader Royal Air Force Bulford 23-May-11 5 x Fraud, 2 x Forgery Guilty 6 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, £6043.68 Service Compensation Order Not set
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army Colchester 24-May-11 3 x Fraud Guilty £800 fine, £166.81 Service Compensation Order Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 24-May-11 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 220 days detention, £600 Service Compensation Order Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 24-May-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 140 days detention, £400 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 25-May-11 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 167 days detention Not set
Private Army Bulford 25-May-11 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Catterick 25-May-11 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind, 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 9 months detention, 5 year Sexual Offences Prevention Order, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years, £1000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 25-May-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Sennelager 26-May-11 2 x Wounding with intent, 2 x Unlawful wounding, 2 x Absence Without Leave 1 x Guilty, 1 x No verdict, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 6 years imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service £1000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 26-May-11 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty 15 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Catterick 26-May-11 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 1 year 8 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years Not set
Private Army Colchester 26-May-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 11 months detention, £750 Service Compensation Order Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 26-May-11 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 210 days detention Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 27-May-11 1 x Damaging property Guilty 28 days detention, £2460.73 Service Compensation Order Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 27-May-11 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty 42 days detention, £1000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Sennelager 27-May-11 1 x Criminal damage Guilty £350 fine Not set
Private Army Sennelager 27-May-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 02-Jun-11 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set Not set
Leading Airman (Aircraft Handler) Royal Navy Portsmouth 02-Jun-11 1 x Battery Guilty £1100 fine Not set
Private Army Bulford 03-Jun-11 13 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention, £5100 Service Compensation Order Not set
Guardsman Army Bulford 03-Jun-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 05-Jun-11 2 x Battery Guilty 28 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 06-Jun-11 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Fusilier Army Sennelager 06-Jun-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Rifleman Army Catterick 06-Jun-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Ex-Guardsman Army Bulford 08-Jun-11 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty, Guilty 1 year 6 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Ex-Warrant Officer Class 2 Army Bulford 08-Jun-11 6 x Indecent Assault Guilty 2 years 6 months imprisonment, Indefinite Sexual Offences Prevention Order, placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely Not set
Private Army Sennelager 08-Jun-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty £1000 fine, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Fusilier Army Bulford 09-Jun-11 1 x Possessing prohibited ammunition, 1 x Possessing a component part of a firearm, 1 x Possessing component parts of a prohibited weapon, 2 x Possessing ammunition, 1 x Acquiring military stores Guilty 8 months imprisonment Not set
Private Army Colchester 09-Jun-11 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 12 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 09-Jun-11 1 x Sexual Assault, 1 x Damaging property Guilty 12 months 45 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 09-Jun-11 9 x Fraud Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 09-Jun-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Logistician (Steward) Royal Navy Portsmouth 09-Jun-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Sub Lieutenant Royal Navy Portsmouth 09-Jun-11 1 x Damaging or loss of public or service property or property belonging to another person Guilty Forfeiture of all seniority in present rank Not set
Lance Sergeant Army Bulford 10-Jun-11 3 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and Service discipline Guilty £1010 fine Not set
Signaller Army Bulford 10-Jun-11 1 x Racially aggravated battery Guilty 150 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Rifleman Army Bulford 10-Jun-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 10-Jun-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 100 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 13-Jun-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 90 days detention, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 13-Jun-11 2 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 13-Jun-11 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty £1000 fine, £132.51 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Sennelager 13-Jun-11 1 x Criminal damage, 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty 60 days detention, £535.52 Service Compensation Order Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force Bulford 15-Jun-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Royal Air Force Catterick 15-Jun-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders, 1 x Damaging or loss of public or service property 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty Severe reprimand, £1250 fine, £1228.97 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 15-Jun-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 15-Jun-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 150 days detention suspended for 12 months, £1000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Sennelager 15-Jun-11 1 x Battery Guilty 42 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 15-Jun-11 1 x Battery Guilty 120 days detention, £300 Service Compensation Order Not set
Master Civilian Sennelager 16-Jun-11 1 x Using violence towards an authorised person who orders him into arrest, 1 x Using threatening behaviour whilst in custody Guilty £300 fine, £100 Service Compensation Order Not set
Air Trooper Army Colchester 16-Jun-11 1 x Battery, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Ranger Army Colchester 16-Jun-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 6 months Not set
Private Army Colchester 16-Jun-11 5 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 38 days detention Not set
Corporal Army Catterick 20-Jun-11 1 x Theft, 1 x Handling stolen goods 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty Reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army Catterick 20-Jun-11 2 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind, 1 x Battery Guilty 8 months detention Not set
Ex-Private Army Catterick 21-Jun-11 1 x Using violence towards an authorised person Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Catterick 21-Jun-11 1 x Obstructing a Service Policeman Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sergeant Army Colchester 21-Jun-11 1 x Theft, 1 x Fraud, 2 x Using a false instrument Guilty £130 Service Compensation Order, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 21-Jun-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 5 months detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 21-Jun-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Kingsman Army Catterick 22-Jun-11 2 x Causing bodily harm Guilty £500 fine, 2 Service Compensation Orders totalling £500 Not set
Trooper Army Catterick 22-Jun-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Fined £18250.Sentence varied by Judge Advocate Camp on 2 August 2011 to a fine of £2500 Not set
Private Army Colchester 23-Jun-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Sergeant Army Colchester 24-Jun-11 1 x Battery Guilty £1500 fine, Severe Reprimand, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 26-Jun-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 25 days detention suspended for 3 months Not set
Private Army Bulford 27-Jun-11 4 x Fraud 3 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 150 hours, £600 Service Compensation Order Not set
Ex-Private Army Catterick 27-Jun-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Ex-Private Army Catterick 27-Jun-11 1 x Burglary Guilty dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 250 hours as directed. 25 April 2013 - courts Martial Centre Sentence revoked by North Staffordshire Magistrates Court for failure to comply with the requirements of the Community Order. Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 27-Jun-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 28-Jun-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Unlawful wounding 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 11 months detention, £1000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Petty Officer (Air Engineering Technician) Royal Navy Portsmouth 28-Jun-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Staff Sergeant Army Sennelager 28-Jun-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Gunner Army Catterick 28-Jun-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Chief Petty Officer (Above Water Warfare) Royal Navy Portsmouth 29-Jun-11 1 x Battery, 1 x Misconduct through alcohol 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty Severe reprimand £1000 fine Not set
Lance Bombardier Army Sennelager 29-Jun-11 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Unlawful wounding Not Guilty Not set Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 30-Jun-11 3 x Theft, 3 x Fraud Guilty 12 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Fusilier Army Catterick 30-Jun-11 12 x Theft 6 x Guilty 6 x Not Guilty 90 days detention, £70 Service Compensation Order Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 30-Jun-11 2 x Criminal damage Guilty £263.16 Service Compensation Order Not set
Gunner Army Catterick 30-Jun-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Not Guilty, Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service , 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 240 hours Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 30-Jun-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 1 month imprisonment to be served consecutively to the sentence of 12 months imprisonment Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 30-Jun-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 1 month imprisonment to be served consecutively to the sentence imprisonment already being served Not set
Lance Sergeant Army Bulford 04-Jul-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal, £350 Service Compensation Order Not set
Signaller Army Colchester 04-Jul-11 1 x Desertion Guilty 12 months detention Not set
Leading Medical Assistant Royal Navy Portsmouth 05-Jul-11 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command Guilty Reduced to the rank of Able Seaman, 7 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 05-Jul-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Affray 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty £750 fine Not set
Staff Sergeant Army Sennelager 05-Jul-11 1 x Battery, 1 x Damaging property Not Guilty Not set Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 05-Jul-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 6 months, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 05-Jul-11 1 x Using threatening behaviour Guilty Reprimand Not set
Private Army Colchester 05-Jul-11 1 x Desertion Guilty 22 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Sennelager 06-Jul-11 2 x Damaging property, 1 x Theft, 1 x Attempted arson 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 6 months detention, £2250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Gunner Army Sennelager 06-Jul-11 1 x Fear or provocation of violence Guilty £400 fine Not set
Private Army Colchester 07-Jul-11 1 x Offering to supply a controlled drug Guilty 14 months detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 07-Jul-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 07-Jul-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 113 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 08-Jul-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Affray 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty £750 fine Not set
Gunner Army Bulford 11-Jul-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months 7 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 11-Jul-11 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty £200 fine, £3000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 11-Jul-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 75 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 13-Jul-11 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Gunner Army Sennelager 13-Jul-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 13-Jul-11 6 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 120 hours Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 13-Jul-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 14-Jul-11 1 x Theft Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 14-Jul-11 1 x Theft Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 14-Jul-11 1 x Theft Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 14-Jul-11 1 x Theft Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 14-Jul-11 1 x Theft Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 14-Jul-11 1 x Theft Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 14-Jul-11 2 x Fraud Guilty 140 days detention Not set
Master Civilian Sennelager 14-Jul-11 1 x Burglary Not Guilty Not set Not set
Corporal Royal Air Force Bulford 15-Jul-11 1 x Perverting the course of justice Guilty 12 months detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Corporal Royal Air Force Bulford 15-Jul-11 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty Reduced to the ranks Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 15-Jul-11 2 x Making a threat to kill, 7 x Rape, 1 x False imprisonment, 1 x Committing an offence with intent to commit a sexual offence 2 x Guilty, 7 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 10 years imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely Not set
Ex-Sapper Army Bulford 15-Jul-11 1 x Affray Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 80 hours Not set
Lance Sergeant Army Bulford 15-Jul-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 12 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 240 hours Not set
Fusilier Army Sennelager 15-Jul-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Not set Not set
Sapper Army Bulford 18-Jul-11 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 30 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Ex-Trooper Army Colchester 18-Jul-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 100 hours, £600 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Catterick 18-Jul-11 1 x Unlawful possession of a controlled drug Guilty £250 fine Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 18-Jul-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 19-Jul-11 4 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention, reduced to the ranks, £1488 Service Compensation Order Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 19-Jul-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave Not Guilty, Guilty 7 months 15 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 19-Jul-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Corporal Army Bulford 20-Jul-11 1 x Possessing an indecent photograph of a child, 5 x Making an indecent photograph of a child, 1 x Possessing an extreme pornographic image Guilty 3 year Service Community Order with a requirement to be supervised and attend an Internet Sex Offenders Programme, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 20-Jul-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 8 months detention, reduced to the ranks, £1000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 20-Jul-11 1 x Affray Guilty Reduced to the ranks, 120 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 22-Jul-11 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 22-Jul-11 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Guilty 6 months detention suspended for 12 months, reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 22-Jul-11 1 x Affray Guilty 10 months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 22-Jul-11 1 x Damaging property Guilty 28 days detention suspended for 12 months, £219.30 Service Compensation Order. 19 July 2012 Sentences of 28 days detention activated. Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 22-Jul-11 1 x Damaging property Guilty 28 days detention suspended for 12 months, £67.76 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 25-Jul-11 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty Reduced to the ranks, 15 months detention, £1000 Service Compensation Order Not set
Corporal Army Catterick 25-Jul-11 1 x Aggravated vehicle taking Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal, 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Ex-Signaller Army Catterick 25-Jul-11 1 x Possessing a controlled drug, 1 x Supplying a controlled drug to another Guilty 12 months imprisonment Not set
Fusilier Army Catterick 25-Jul-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Highlander Army Sennelager 26-Jul-11 1 x Battery, 1 x Wounding with intent, 1 x Unlawful wounding, 1 x Taking revenge, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty 28 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 26-Jul-11 1 x Affray Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 26-Jul-11 1 x Affray Guilty £300 fine Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 26-Jul-11 1 x Affray Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Guardsman Army Catterick 26-Jul-11 1 x Affray Guilty 90 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Kingsman Army Catterick 26-Jul-11 1 x Affray Guilty £300 fine Not set
Private Army Catterick 26/07/2011 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Catterick 27-Jul-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 240 hours Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 27-Jul-11 1 x Careless or inconsiderate driving Guilty £250 fine, recommendation that BFG licence is removed for one month Not set
Private Army Catterick 27-Jul-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £600 fine, the suspended sentence is not activated and continues to run Not set
Trainee Guardsman Army Catterick 27-Jul-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Leading Hand (Chef) Royal Navy Portsmouth 27-Jul-11 9 x Fraud Guilty 60 days detention suspended for 12 months, disrated to Able Rate (Chef), £1034.78 Service Compensation Order Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 27-Jul-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 28 days detention Not set
Sapper Army Bulford 28-Jul-11 1 x Attempted wounding with intent, 1 x Affray, 1 x Absence Without Leave 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty 210 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 28-Jul-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £400 fine Not set
Private Army Sennelager 28-Jul-11 1 x Battery Guilty £250 fine Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 28-Jul-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Staff Sergeant Army Bulford 29-Jul-11 8 x Theft Guilty 2 years imprisonment, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service £18327.70 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 29-Jul-11 1 x Desertion Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Able Seaman (Communication Information Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 02-Aug-11 1 X Disobedience to a lawful command Not Guilty Not set Not set
Commander Royal Navy Portsmouth 05-Aug-11 10 x Fraud 4 x Not Guilty, 6 x Guilty 6 months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service £52999.40 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 06-Aug-11 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 2 x Battery 2 x Guilty, 2 x Not Guilty 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 120 hours, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Sennelager 08-Aug-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 100 hours Not set
Private Army Colchester 08-Aug-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 08-Aug-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Kingsman Army Colchester 09-Aug-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention, Suspended sentence of 120 days detention awarded at Court Martial on 23 February 2010 to be activated. Total sentence 10 months detention Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 09-Aug-11 1 X Causing death by dangerous driving Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 4 years imprisonment Not set
Private Army Colchester 09-Aug-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Colchester 10-Aug-11 1 x Desertion Guilty Fined £2000, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 10-Aug-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 9 months detention Not set
Ranger Army Colchester 11-Aug-11 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty 16 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 11-Aug-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention. Suspended sentence of 120 days detention activated to run concurrently. Total of 120 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 11-Aug-11 4 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 10 months detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 05-Sep-11 2 x Battery, 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Proceedings Stayed Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 05-Sep-11 1 x Battery Guilty £750 fine, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 05-Sep-11 2 x Battery Discontinued Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 07-Sep-11 4 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Bulford 07-Sep-11 2 x Fraud Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 07-Sep-11 1 x Battery Guilty 60 days detention, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army Colchester 07-Sep-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Catterick 07-Sep-11 1 x Desertion Guilty 2 years detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Trooper Army Catterick 07-Sep-11 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 240 hours Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 07-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave, 1 x Desertion Guilty 9 months 10 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Colchester 09-Sep-11 3 x Theft 1 x Guilty, 2 x Not Guilty £750 fine Not set
Senior Aircraftsman Royal Air Force Bulford 09-Sep-11 2 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Not Guilty Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftsman Royal Air Force Bulford 09-Sep-11 2 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Bulford 09-Sep-11 1 x Fraud Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Sennelager 12-Sep-11 1 x Unlawful wounding Not Guilty Not set Not set
Private Army Colchester 14-Sep-11 1 x Battery Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Senior Aircraftsman Royal Air Force Bulford 14-Sep-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Signaller Army Sennelager 15-Sep-11 1 x Passing counterfeit notes Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 15-Sep-11 2 x Battery Guilty 120 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, £200 Service Compensation Order Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 15-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 15-Sep-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Engineering Technician (Weapons Engineer) (Submarine) Royal Navy Portsmouth 15-Sep-11 1 Disobedience to a lawful command, 1 x Failure to attend for a duty Guilty 30 Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Private Army Bulford 16-Sep-11 3 x Fraud Guilty 150 days detention, £1468.82 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 16-Sep-11 2 x Absence Without Leave, 2 x Theft Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 180 hours Not set
Private Army Colchester 16-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 260 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 16-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Private Army Sennelager 16-Sep-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 16-Sep-11 2 x Burglary Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 180 hours Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 19-Sep-11 1 x Affray Guilty 6 months detention suspended for 12 months £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Staff Sergeant Army Catterick 19-Sep-11 1 x Theft Guilty 18 months detention, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Corporal Army Sennelager 19-Sep-11 1 x Dangerous driving, 1 x Driving when under influence of drink or drugs 1 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal, 9 months detention, recommendation that BFG licence and FMT600 are surrendered for 16 months Not set
Gunner Army Sennelager 19-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Corporal Army Colchester 21-Sep-11 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set Not set
Mrs Civilian Sennelager 22-Sep-11 1 x Battery Guilty 2 year Conditional discharge Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 22-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Craftsman Army Sennelager 22-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Sergeant Royal Air Force Bulford 23-Sep-11 2 x Sexual assault Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal, 90 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 23-Sep-11 1 x Battery Guilty 42 days detention, reduced to the ranks Not set
Sapper Army Bulford 23-Sep-11 1 x Criminal Damage Guilty £1000 fine, £723 Service Compensation Order Not set
Lance Bombardier Army Bulford 23-Sep-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty Reprimand Not set
Master Civilian Sennelager 25-Sep-11 Not set Discontinued Not set Not set
Private Army Bulford 26-Sep-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Private Army Bulford 26-Sep-11 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 26-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 110 days detention Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 26-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Private Army Colchester 26-Sep-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months detention Not set
Sergeant Army Sennelager 27-Sep-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 6 months detention, reduced to the rank of Corporal, £500 Service Compensation Order Not set
Private Army Colchester 27-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Sapper Army Colchester 27-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 6 months 15 days detention Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 28-Sep-11 1 x Battery Guilty £1000 fine, £250 Service Compensation Order Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 28-Sep-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Guilty 180 days detention, £350 Service Compensation Order Not set
Staff Sergeant Army Catterick 28-Sep-11 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army Sennelager 28-Sep-11 2 x Battery Guilty Reduced to the ranks Not set
Private Army Catterick 28-Sep-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 90 days detention Not set
Engineering Technician (Weapons Engineering) (Submarine) Royal Navy Portsmouth 28-Sep-11 2 x Sexual Assault, 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour, 1 x Battery, 1 x Causing harassment, alarm and distress 2 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 30 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set
Lance Corporal Army Bulford 30-Sep-11 1 x Theft Guilty 9 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years, 2 year Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 180 hours, reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Sapper Army Sennelager 03-Oct-11 1 x Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of justice Not Guilty Not set Not set
Gunner Army Colchester 03-Oct-11 1 x Desertion, 1 x Absence Without Leave 1 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty 130 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 05-Oct-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Fusilier Army Colchester 05-Oct-11 1 x Desertion Guilty 12 months detention Not set
Air Trooper Army Sennelager 06-Oct-11 1 x Racially aggravated harassment, alarm or distress Not Guilty Not set Not set
Staff Sergeant Army Sennelager 07-Oct-11 1 x Battery Guilty £750 fine Not set
Sapper Army Bulford 07-Oct-11 1 x Using threatening behaviour Guilty 80 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Gunner Army Bulford 07-Oct-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 60 days detention Not set
Signaller Army Bulford 07-Oct-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Petty Officer (Communication Information Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 07-Oct-11 5 x Ill treatment of a subordinate Not Guilty Not set Not set
Leading Seaman (Communication Information Specialist) Royal Navy Portsmouth 07-Oct-11 8 x Ill treatment of a subordinate 4 x Guilty, 4 x Not Guilty Disrated to the rank of Able Seaman, Severe Reprimand Not set
Private Army Sennelager 10-Oct-11 1 x Battery Guilty 30 days detention, Suspended sentence of 60 days to be activated and served consecutively. Total of 90 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Sennelager 10-Oct-11 1 x Possessing a controlled drug Guilty 90 days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set
Trooper Army Sennelager 10-Oct-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 150 days detention Not set
Private Army Catterick 10-Oct-11 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm Not Guilty Not set Not set
Ex-Air Engineering Technician Royal Navy Portsmouth 10-Oct-11 1 x Failure to attend, 1 x Disrespectful behaviour, 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty £800 fine Not set
Junior Soldier Army Catterick 11-Oct-11 1 x Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm Guilty 6 months detention suspended for 12 months Not set
Private Army Catterick 11-Oct-11 3 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 210 days detention Not set
Guardsman Army Colchester 11-Oct-11 5 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 225 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 11-Oct-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 130 days detention Not set
Rifleman Army Colchester 11-Oct-11 1 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 140 days detention Not set
Private Army Colchester 11-Oct-11 2 x Absence Without Leave Guilty 120 days detention Not set
Able Seaman (Warfare Specialist) (Sensors Submarines) Royal Navy Portsmouth 11-Oct-11 2 x Theft Not Guilty Not set Not set