Transparency data
Charity Commission spending over £25,000: March 2023
Updated 7 June 2023
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Departmental Family | Entity | Input Date | Expense Type | Expense Area | Supplier | Transaction No | Amount | Description | Supplier Type | Costc (T) |
Charity Commission | Charity Commission | 20/03/2023 | Building Rents | Finance, Commercial & Estates | Government Property Agency | 00000001/24528 | 108,796.71 | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY (BNP) INV - 00000001/24528 - RENT, RATE, MNGMNT FEE - PETTY FRANCE - 25/03/23-23/06/23 | LARGE | Estates London |
Charity Commission | Charity Commission | 08/03/2023 | Building Rents | Finance, Commercial & Estates | Ministry of Justice | 2334731 | 48,073.00 | MINISTRY OF JUSTICE - INF - 2334731 - 2022/23 Q4 MOTO RECHARGE FOR ACCOMMODATION AT PETTY FRANCE | LARGE | Estates London |
Charity Commission | Charity Commission | 15/03/2023 | Cloud Services | DDAT Operations | Phoenix Software Limited | OP/I962119 | 61,756.85 | PHOENIX - INV- OP/I962119 - AZURE OVERAGE - FEB23 - PO 30000283 | LARGE | Infrastructure |
Charity Commission | Charity Commission | 22/03/2023 | Contract Publicity and Adverti | Strategic Communications and Strategy | MANNING GOTTLIEB | E99551 | 43,113.27 | MANNING GOTTLIEB - INV - E99551 - FACEBOOK & LINKEDIN IRELAND - FEB23 | LARGE | Strategic Communication & Campaigns |
Charity Commission | Charity Commission | 03/01/2023 | Development Implementation | DDAT Operations | INSIGHT | 2100470737 | 47,450.00 | INSIGHT - INV - 2100470737 - MIGRATION OF AWS TO AZURE PHASE 2 x2 | LARGE | PMO-0080 AWS TO AZURE |
Charity Commission | Charity Commission | 08/03/2023 | Development Implementation | DDAT Projects | Placecube Limited | 20190693 | 43,470.00 | PLACECUBE - INV - 20190693 - 50% OF ADDITIONAL PORTAL SCOPE AS PER CNN 8 | LARGE | PMO-0059 Portal Phase 1 |
Charity Commission | Charity Commission | 31/01/2023 | Software Licensing | DDAT Operations | Embridge Consulting (UK) Limited | 13677 | 79,160.04 | EMBRIDGE - INV - 13677 - ANNUAL SaaS LICENCE FEE 23/12/22-22/12/23 | LARGE | SIAM |
Charity Commission | Charity Commission | 22/02/2023 | Software Licensing | DDAT Operations | Salesforce UK Ltd | 25119860 | 79,346.74 | SALESFORCE - INV - 25119860 - MULESOFT 23/02/23-22/02/24 | LARGE | SIAM |