Transparency data
DVLA spending over £500 on an ePCS from March 2023
Updated 25 April 2023
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Department | Transaction amount | Supplier name (as on statement) | Comments (additional context) |
DfT | £650.00 | IPO | Registration renewal |
DfT | £650.00 | IPO | Registration renewal |
DfT | £935.64 | TTS Group | IT hardware |
DfT | £1,596.00 | SQL Bits | Attendance at conference for 2 member of staff over 2 days |
DfT | £749.90 | Screwfix | Office supplies |
DfT | £540.00 | Pride Cymru | Attendance at event for 1 member of staff over 2 days |
DfT | £1,560.00 | BonBon | Staff event for 165 staff over 1 day |
DfT | £1,120.62 | TTS Group | IT hardware |
DfT | £809.86 | TTS Group | IT hardware |
DfT | £1,630.80 | | Office supplies |
DfT | £750.00 | Coventry University | Training for 1 member of staff over 1 year |
DfT | £504.00 | TestMeter | IT hardware |
DfT | £1,382.41 | Really Useful Box | Office supplies |
DfT | £542.33 | TTS Group | IT hardware |