Transparency data
DLUHC: spending over £250, October 2022
Updated 30 March 2023
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Department Family | Entity | Date of Payment | Expense Type | Expense Area | Supplier | Voluntary & Community Sector | SME Class | Sole Trader | D-U-N-S Number | Transaction number | PSPES Level 2 | Narrative | Postal Code | Amount in Sterling | Grant? |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | BCP Council | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318438 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | BH2 6DY | 178,593.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | 228459434 | 2100318439 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | B1 1BB | 177,702.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | 213039763 | 2100318440 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | BSW7 0QB | 175,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | EAST SUSSEX CC | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318441 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | BN7 1UE | 103,551.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | EXETER CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 236473328 | 2100318442 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | EX1 1JW | 133,402.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | LEICESTER CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 228219960 | 2100318443 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | LE1 1FZ | 159,978.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 228646113 | 2100318444 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | L3 1AH | 123,354.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | LONDON BOROUGH OF CAMDEN | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 211651836 | 2100318448 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | WC1H 8NG | 245,694.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | 211241393 | 2100318445 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | M60 2JR | 48,426.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 211183082 | 2100318446 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | PO1 2AR | 58,996.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Cur Grant (Non AEF) to Local Authority | Regeneration | WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 229845706 | 2100318447 | Not set | Respite Room pilot programme | SW1E 6QP | 226,568.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 2100318690 | Not set | Grant for Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Hub payment 2 | SE1 2AA | 490,000.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | NW LEICESTER DC | Not set | Large | Not set | 232605782 | 2300003466 | Not set | Recovery of Community Recovery Grant on 2401142669 | LE67 3FJ | -22,500.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Regeneration | BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN BC | Not set | Large | Not set | 212925606 | 2100318614 | Not set | Support Housing Improvement Programme 2022/23 | BB1 7DY | 110,000.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Regeneration | BLACKPOOL BC | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 228593497 | 2100318613 | Not set | Support Housing Improvement Programme 2022/23 | FY1 1LZ | 308,000.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012114 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NE1 8QH | 9,817.34 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMB AUTH | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012111 | Not set | ERDF grant offset | L3 1FZ | -1,087.41 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMB AUTH | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012112 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | L3 1FZ | 19,151.71 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMB AUTH | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012115 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | L3 1FZ | 180,817.14 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LONDON SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012113 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | SE1 0AA | 52,581.74 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012114 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NE1 8QH | 20,984.54 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | EXP – PURCHASE OF GOODS /SERVICES R & D | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | IFF RESEARCH LTD | Not set | Not set | Not set | 211574041 | 5106288273 | Not set | Community Vaccine Programme | EC3R 6HD | 31,422.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Heads of Profession Training | CFO and Corporate | REVOLUTION EVENTS LTD | Not set | Small | Not set | 237420406 | 5106288261 | Not set | Speaker at IRMS conference | TN2 4AG | 525.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Heads of Profession Training | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | ERNST & YOUNG LLP | Not set | Large | Not set | 221768935 | 5106288277 | Not set | Learning and development for DLUHC on us | SE1 2AF | 17,264.21 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Legal Fees | Regeneration | MILLS & REEVE LLP | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 5106288256 | Not set | Legal work for Compulsory Rental Auctions | EC4R 9AT | 7,240.68 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Miscellaneous Legal Costs | Safer and Greener Buildings | SLAUGHTER & MAY | Not set | Large | Not set | 225772961 | 5106288269 | Not set | Legal advice for "Project Red" | EC1Y 8YY | 195,531.92 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Miscellaneous Legal Costs | Safer and Greener Buildings | SLAUGHTER & MAY | Not set | Large | Not set | 225772961 | 5106288270 | Not set | Legal advice for "Project Red" | EC1Y 8YY | 73,473.07 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Miscellaneous Legal Costs | Safer and Greener Buildings | SLAUGHTER & MAY | Not set | Large | Not set | 225772961 | 5106288271 | Not set | Legal advice for "Project Red" | EC1Y 8YY | 123,836.71 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Professional services | Regeneration | EVERSHEDS | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 5106288266 | Not set | Legal work for Housing Infrastructure Fund | CF10 5BT | 4,974.42 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Publications | CFO and Corporate | HH Associates Limited | Not set | Large | Not set | 770639193 | 5106288262 | Not set | Specialised IT software | KT22 9DF | 8,324.91 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Repayments of LA Grant (Cap) | Regeneration | SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | 236445243 | 2300003462 | Not set | RGF Grant Recovery Reference 2038 Suffolk C.C Sept | IP1 2BX | -1,228.83 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Repayments of Private Sect Grant (Cap) | Regeneration | BRUNTON SHAW UK | Not set | Medium | Not set | Not set | 2300003457 | Not set | RGF Grant Recovery Reference 21c September 2022 in | S80 3ES | -9,868.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Regeneration | LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 232563929 | 5106288274 | Not Addressable | 6 month secondment for a communications professional | SW1P 3HZ | 1,762.90 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Software Licences | CFO and Corporate | PHOENIX SOFTWARE LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 5106288251 | Software | Assistive Software licences Reasonable Adjustments | YO42 1NS | 424.74 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Software Licences | Regeneration | DCLG GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT CARD | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 1000005280 | Software | National Planning Conference | TN37 7GA | 372.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 03/10/2022 | Steady State Service Provision | Safer and Greener Buildings | MILLS & REEVE LLP | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 5106288272 | Business Process Outsourcing Services | Advice on Eligibility criteria for the A | EC4R 9AT | 1,174.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Courier Services | CFO and Corporate | POSTURITE LTD | Not set | Medium | Not set | 216832621 | 5106288304 | Not set | Delivery & Set up | BN26 6SZ | 65.88 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Regeneration | KINGSTON UPON HULL CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | 217553044 | 2100318615 | Not set | Support Housing Improvement Programme 2022/23 | HU1 2AB | 413,000.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | MIDDLESBROUGH BC | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | Not set | 2100318738 | Not set | Grant for Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Hub | TS1 1QP | 184,523.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,117.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,615.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,713.93 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,178.82 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 22,007.86 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,471.42 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,912.38 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,922.59 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 19,015.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,857.09 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,898.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 20,917.90 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,541.10 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,686.86 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,393.26 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,960.17 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,993.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,246.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 61,743.02 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,785.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,122.35 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,924.04 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,682.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,324.92 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,365.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,763.12 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Camberwell and Peckham - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318500 | Not set | CAB80138 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,820.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | DERBY UNIVERSITY | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012119 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | DE22 1GB | 44,425.30 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | DUDLEY METROPOLITAN BC | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012131 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | DY1 1HF | 278,535.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMB AUTH | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012137 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | L3 1FZ | 15,756.62 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012128 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NG2 3NG | 61,709.74 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012133 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NG2 3NG | 43,414.96 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | ROYAL AGRICULTURAL UNI | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012140 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | GL7 6JS | 9,222.75 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | SOLIHULL MBC | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012138 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | B91 3QB | 188,750.23 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | ASTON UNIVERSITY | Not set | Large | Not set | 227749751 | 7700012117 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | B4 7ET | 75,129.40 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | ASTON UNIVERSITY | Not set | Large | Not set | 227749751 | 7700012127 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | B4 7ET | 98,133.08 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | ASTON UNIVERSITY | Not set | Large | Not set | 227749751 | 7700012134 | Not set | ERDF grant offset | B4 7ET | -587.55 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | ASTON UNIVERSITY | Not set | Large | Not set | 227749751 | 7700012142 | Not set | ERDF grant offset | B4 7ET | -621.75 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | CHESTER UNIVERSITY | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012135 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | CH1 4BJ | 61,491.50 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | CITY OF BRADFORD MC | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012122 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | BD1 1NN | 47,114.69 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | DERBY UNIVERSITY | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012119 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | DE22 1GB | 152,063.31 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | DORSET COUNTY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012141 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | DT1 1XJ | 735,225.30 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | FALMOUTH UNIVERSITY | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012126 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | TR10 9FE | 381,513.73 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | Kensa Utilities Limited | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012124 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | TR4 8RJ | 31,707.53 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LEEDS CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012139 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | LS2 8HD | 4,313.02 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LINCOLN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT GROUP | Not set | Small | Not set | Not set | 7700012123 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | LN2 1HA | 53,574.02 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMB AUTH | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012137 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | L3 1FZ | 102,718.15 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012118 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | L69 3BX | 182,742.81 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LONDON SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012120 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | SE1 0AA | 73,201.10 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012116 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NE1 8QH | 49,926.84 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012129 | Not set | ERDF grant offset | NE1 8QH | -3,337.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012121 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NG2 3NG | 13,165.75 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012128 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NG2 3NG | 314.81 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012133 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NG2 3NG | 139,086.58 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | ROYAL AGRICULTURAL UNI | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012140 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | GL7 6JS | 10,497.89 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | SOLIHULL MBC | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012138 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | B91 3QB | 103,218.33 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | UNIVERSITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012136 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | WV1 1LY | 115,539.20 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012130 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | CV34 4SX | 59,655.42 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | YTKO LIMITED | Not set | Small | Not set | Not set | 7700012125 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | CB6 1RA | 24,865.52 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | EXP – PURCHASE OF GOODS /SERVICES R & D | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | ICF CONSULTING LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 5106288320 | Not set | Housing First Pilots Evaliation | EC4M 5SB | 16,872.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Furniture, Fittings and carpets | CFO and Corporate | POSTURITE LTD | Not set | Medium | Not set | 216832621 | 5106288304 | Not set | Ergonomic Chair | BN26 6SZ | 321.33 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Furniture, Fittings and carpets | CFO and Corporate | POSTURITE LTD | Not set | Medium | Not set | 216832621 | 5106288304 | Not set | Footstool | BN26 6SZ | 31.88 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | IT Consultancy | Levelling Up | CABINET OFFICE | Not set | Large | Not set | 232159186 | 5106288312 | Financial | GDS Specialist Resource (Data Architect) | FY5 3TA | 7,700.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Professional services | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | Ralph Appelbaum Associates, Inc. | Not set | Medium | Not set | 232801162 | 5106288319 | Not set | Exhibition Designer Holocaust Memorial | EC1N 7UU | 24,154.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Professional services | Safer and Greener Buildings | MOTT MACDONALD LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 423676980 | 5106288308 | Not set | Provision of Client Side Support Service | BN1 4FY | 28,752.86 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Professional services | Safer and Greener Buildings | MOTT MACDONALD LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 423676980 | 5106288316 | Not set | Provision of Client Side Support Service | BN1 4FY | 2,747.77 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Training | CFO and Corporate | DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 215592186 | 5106288306 | Not set | Civil Service Training | CV1 2WT | 261.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Utilisation of Unfunded Pension Scheme | CFO and Corporate | LONDON PENSIONS FUND AUTHORITY | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 236915880 | 5106288318 | Financial | Pension fund management | SE1 0LL | 418.49 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 04/10/2022 | Web Services | CFO and Corporate | FOREPOINT LIMITED | Not set | Micro | Not set | Not set | 5106288310 | Not set | Northern Powerhouse web hosting | PR5 6EF | 397.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | SHEFFIELD CITY CNCL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 3700169064 | Not set | Accommodation for Ex-Offenders 22/23 | S1 1UJ | -1,000.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,521.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,822.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,754.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,728.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,196.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,693.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,534.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,584.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,609.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,190.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,606.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,980.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,516.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,500.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,645.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,670.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,320.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,692.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,779.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,471.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,930.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,478.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,042.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,454.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,956.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,739.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,500.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 263.34 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 752.69 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 620.03 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 474.85 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 751.88 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 258.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 274.22 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 755.95 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 698.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 564.98 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 664.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 195.03 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 504.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 635.66 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head E2 Superannuation Costs - ROs | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 455.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,530.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,197.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,468.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 12,320.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,948.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 19,110.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,240.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,882.56 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 12,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,308.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 18,200.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 21,099.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,240.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,849.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,280.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 22,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 17,682.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 25,715.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,530.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 19,110.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,950.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 17,155.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,550.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,280.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 16,497.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,700.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 21,630.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,697.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F1 Presiding Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,200.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,755.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,176.83 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,465.02 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,904.09 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,279.99 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,225.87 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,132.85 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,120.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,762.17 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,329.83 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,771.18 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,871.42 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,427.55 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,620.05 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,679.17 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,704.02 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,386.30 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,871.39 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,728.12 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 877.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,238.73 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,754.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,242.49 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,384.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,700.77 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,404.67 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,766.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,224.31 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F10 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,559.64 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,698.05 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,785.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,118.72 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,430.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,553.62 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,874.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,103.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,039.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,596.13 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,199.16 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,246.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,028.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,517.64 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,670.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,161.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,974.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,972.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,120.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,035.58 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,760.06 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,423.77 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,990.66 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,800.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,719.42 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,609.98 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,698.05 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,437.83 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,461.61 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F11 Cost of Printing Ballot Paper | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,380.07 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,100.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,618.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,510.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,104.32 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 23,130.71 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,250.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,067.15 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,071.62 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,900.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,355.84 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 16,965.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 16,676.13 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,310.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,509.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,625.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,820.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,050.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 19,827.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 12,075.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 16,650.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,370.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 16,200.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,500.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 12,750.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 16,660.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,360.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 16,125.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 12,906.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F2 Poll Clerks Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,625.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,120.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,080.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,474.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,015.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,177.54 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,509.58 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 175.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,123.26 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,680.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 609.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,533.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,238.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 967.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,913.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,210.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,100.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,920.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,509.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,250.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,090.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,550.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,750.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 560.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,920.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,073.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,120.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,640.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 193.11 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F3 Supervising Officers Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,920.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,275.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,906.64 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,159.15 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,405.57 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,171.76 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,404.52 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 858.11 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,282.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 90.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,656.85 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,509.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,003.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 183.15 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,021.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,980.45 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,560.90 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,075.57 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,202.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,064.93 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,009.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,097.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,718.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,971.37 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,282.98 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,225.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 782.34 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F5 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,012.05 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,280.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,214.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,580.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,440.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,341.99 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,145.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,560.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,109.85 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,085.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,773.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,578.33 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,020.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,513.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,920.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,990.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,950.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,600.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,760.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,615.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,100.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 540.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,835.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,600.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,390.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,610.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,250.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,407.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F6 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,690.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,685.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,148.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,520.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,608.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 16,333.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 17,195.30 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,230.79 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,738.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,927.11 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,137.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,914.78 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,399.87 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,164.06 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 12,266.84 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,945.07 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,736.39 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,075.43 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 17,440.03 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,414.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,474.26 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,475.66 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,177.22 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,987.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,985.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,714.96 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,987.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,159.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,324.52 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F7 Accom Costs - Perm Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,486.42 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F8 Accom Costs - Temp Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,873.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F8 Accom Costs - Temp Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,864.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F8 Accom Costs - Temp Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,760.74 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F8 Accom Costs - Temp Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,679.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F8 Accom Costs - Temp Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,548.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F8 Accom Costs - Temp Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,960.69 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F8 Accom Costs - Temp Polling | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,962.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,374.52 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,064.49 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,113.19 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,639.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,953.30 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,679.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,431.39 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,408.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,737.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 682.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,225.77 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,253.32 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 697.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,631.21 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,261.34 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,349.87 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,538.06 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,562.64 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,975.96 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,776.67 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,624.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,706.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,310.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,441.93 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,823.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,674.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,101.73 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 728.62 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head F9 Preparation & Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,357.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 590.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 199.02 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,898.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,460.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 700.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,480.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 168.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,150.85 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,011.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,300.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,529.29 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 168.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,361.49 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,225.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 546.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,055.91 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,893.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 232.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 156.04 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 511.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,074.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 194.01 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,450.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,717.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,452.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,678.14 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,051.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 27,942.33 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,647.39 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,231.88 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,120.02 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,987.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,581.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,059.04 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,529.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,452.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,037.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,479.05 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,680.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,755.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,959.31 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,842.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,586.24 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,190.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,292.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,853.24 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,828.55 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,960.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,961.76 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,677.06 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,739.36 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G2 Staff Costs - Opening and | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,537.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G3 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 210.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G3 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 0.90 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G3 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G3 Training | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 30.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G3 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 664.56 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G3 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 44.84 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 17,618.63 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,818.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 18,802.86 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,457.15 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,380.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,187.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 20,278.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,106.17 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,733.16 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,398.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,634.33 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,412.05 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,958.76 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 12,388.21 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,930.53 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,664.36 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,710.69 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,615.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,155.95 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,447.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,825.99 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,869.52 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,707.42 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,756.63 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,716.82 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,353.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,384.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,723.79 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G4 Cost of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,752.54 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,902.81 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,156.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,556.03 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,169.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,908.69 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,337.82 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,496.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,970.14 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,722.94 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,938.58 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,971.77 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,241.13 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,813.07 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,744.59 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,563.03 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,923.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,599.12 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,452.16 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,647.98 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,312.39 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,813.42 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,273.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,058.62 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,795.76 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 17,515.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,142.78 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,163.66 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,360.43 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G5 Postage - Outward | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,842.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,751.71 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,169.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,926.15 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,620.71 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,852.22 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,626.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,345.35 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,582.89 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,301.89 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,795.19 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,074.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,181.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,196.31 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,371.90 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,887.84 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,514.14 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,895.10 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,979.59 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,667.74 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,057.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,226.92 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 825.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,754.54 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,459.76 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,822.39 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,718.88 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,783.88 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,577.04 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G6 Postage - Inward | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,334.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,081.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,105.33 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,500.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,960.17 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 550.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,697.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 51.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,990.82 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 262.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 108.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,858.92 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 108.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,380.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,536.83 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,835.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 765.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G7 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 51.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 750.69 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 712.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,700.64 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,993.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,400.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 224.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 34.87 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 960.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,556.26 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,971.38 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 32.30 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 750.69 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head G8 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 40.14 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 376.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 93.12 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 336.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 150.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 899.99 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 326.84 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,434.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 201.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 150.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 129.95 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 942.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 376.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H1 Staff Costs - Prep & Issue | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 150.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,097.53 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,199.04 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,801.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,375.45 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,541.49 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,405.33 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,613.34 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,327.84 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,399.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,605.49 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,497.18 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,524.23 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,318.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,828.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,133.03 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,260.78 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,049.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,318.22 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,322.07 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,773.71 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,670.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,655.63 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,973.45 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,929.45 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,805.36 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,061.78 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,253.63 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,510.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H3 Costs of Printing & Stationery | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,114.74 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 25,435.47 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 32,790.54 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 28,745.35 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 27,711.47 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 66,366.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 18,723.04 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 32,340.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 23,828.14 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 17,793.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 25,483.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 20,872.95 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 22,990.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 23,534.54 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 18,318.87 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 16,603.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 23,060.21 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 26,287.22 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 22,033.30 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 25,778.77 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 29,564.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 21,605.71 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 28,567.89 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 31,441.69 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 25,252.29 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 20,173.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 24,862.16 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 28,046.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 28,251.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head H4 Postage or Delivery | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,429.37 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 12,096.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,580.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,731.14 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,126.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,226.24 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,600.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,336.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,601.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,680.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,520.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,742.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,287.99 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,490.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,183.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,600.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,095.97 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,028.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 13,675.93 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,450.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,400.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,220.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,700.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,520.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,130.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,380.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 11,952.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,611.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,280.96 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I1 Counting Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,360.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,312.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,673.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,162.21 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,186.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 7,589.93 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,037.47 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,809.94 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,996.78 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,731.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,722.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,979.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,889.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,653.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,223.65 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,902.47 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,316.90 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,142.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,660.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,920.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,870.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,551.37 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,400.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,293.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,727.26 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,265.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,469.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,047.74 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,470.62 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I2 Supervising Count Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,875.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 262.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 557.89 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 647.95 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 629.38 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 149.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 475.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 236.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 263.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 357.30 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 396.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I3 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 48.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 410.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 480.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,634.42 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 482.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 335.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 520.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 774.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 120.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 630.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 181.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,880.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 460.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 570.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,081.88 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 390.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I4 Training | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 518.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,832.10 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 305.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,267.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,726.66 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 15,876.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,007.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,707.63 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,575.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,268.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,392.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,926.87 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,310.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 305.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,104.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,007.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,964.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,360.68 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,310.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,540.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,252.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,858.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,547.41 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,841.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,606.27 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,002.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 14,832.05 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,656.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,686.23 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I5 Accommodation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,268.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,968.82 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 253.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 434.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,635.74 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,814.62 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 262.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 498.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 411.96 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 69.63 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,265.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,541.33 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 253.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,756.65 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 332.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,305.45 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 335.34 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,577.32 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 47.98 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,902.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 597.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 28.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 392.81 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,598.84 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,968.82 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 421.23 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 159.36 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I6 Equipment Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 412.02 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 26.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,614.98 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 375.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 264.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,640.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,500.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 26.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 638.55 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,980.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,519.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 608.52 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 80.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,400.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I7 Transport Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 87.22 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 322.92 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 244.84 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,741.82 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,324.92 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 185.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 224.04 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 292.67 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 957.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,168.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 322.92 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 185.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 142.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 357.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,168.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 540.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 391.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 200.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 178.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 131.52 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 178.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head I8 Security Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 513.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,015.65 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,788.74 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,679.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Beaconsfield - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318529 | Not set | CAB80046 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,585.10 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,490.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 472.10 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,350.77 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,673.15 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,792.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,414.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 812.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,813.56 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,650.65 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 9,679.99 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 472.11 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,376.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,077.74 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 10,006.23 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,980.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,704.78 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 300.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,222.08 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 649.22 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 5,846.25 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,930.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,015.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,471.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 6,482.66 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J1 General Clerical Staff Pay | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,942.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J2 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 234.28 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J2 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 75.81 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J2 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 71.85 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J2 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 234.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J2 Travel and Subsistence | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 75.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 475.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 562.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 447.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,763.12 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,797.15 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 600.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,132.44 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 215.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 600.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,725.49 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 798.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 538.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Lincoln - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318539 | Not set | CAB80454 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,861.15 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | North Devon - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318541 | Not set | CAB80539 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 960.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 153.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 798.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,745.23 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 576.52 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,775.04 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 153.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 770.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 475.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 154.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J3 Costs of Providing Training | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 215.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Altrincham & Sale West - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318503 | Not set | CAB80012 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,355.45 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,080.29 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Bermondsey & Old Southwark - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318530 | Not set | CAB80050 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,820.70 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,798.54 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Broxbourne - Eastern | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318535 | Not set | CAB80124 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,514.85 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,856.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,256.26 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Henley - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318531 | Not set | CAB80375 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,822.23 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Hereford & Sth H'fordshire - WMids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318545 | Not set | CAB80376 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,346.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,370.61 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | North Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318507 | Not set | CAB80540 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 42.75 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | North Herefordshire - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318544 | Not set | CAB80551 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 8,346.47 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Nuneaton - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318538 | Not set | CAB80587 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 727.15 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,786.66 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 857.90 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,693.89 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | South Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318505 | Not set | CAB80710 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 41.20 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 414.96 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Stretford and Urmston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318502 | Not set | CAB80776 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,355.33 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | West Dorset - South West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318504 | Not set | CAB80866 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 45.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Worthing West - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318542 | Not set | CAB80908 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 155.71 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J4 Materials and Services | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,856.51 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ashfield - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318550 | Not set | CAB80020 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 460.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 200.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Cannock Chase - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318501 | Not set | CAB80143 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 135.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 36.54 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 200.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Ochil & South Perthshire - Scot | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318543 | Not set | CAB80590 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 574.04 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Preston - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318534 | Not set | CAB80623 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 194.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Rugby - West Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318533 | Not set | CAB80658 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 419.32 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Sittingbourne & Sheppey - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318551 | Not set | CAB80697 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 70.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J5 RROs Nomination Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Staffordshire Moorl&s - West Mids | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318546 | Not set | CAB80760 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 306.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J6 Translation (Wales only) | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 40.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J6 Translation (Wales only) | Union, Elections and Places | Clwyd South - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318548 | Not set | CAB80188 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 65.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J6 Translation (Wales only) | Union, Elections and Places | Wrexham - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318547 | Not set | CAB80909 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 65.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J7 Staff Superannuation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 368.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J7 Staff Superannuation Costs | Union, Elections and Places | Montgomeryshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318532 | Not set | CAB80510 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 368.60 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J8 Legal Advice (RROs Only) | Union, Elections and Places | Arundel & South Downs - SE | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318537 | Not set | CAB80019 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 206.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J8 Legal Advice (RROs Only) | Union, Elections and Places | Darlington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318536 | Not set | CAB80217 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 1,039.48 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Head J8 Legal Advice (RROs Only) | Union, Elections and Places | Horsham - South East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318549 | Not set | CAB80391 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 214.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Elections - Holiday Cancellation Claim | Union, Elections and Places | Brecon and Radnorshire - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318540 | Not set | CAB80102 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 181.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | EAST MIDLANDS CHAMBER(DNL) | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012145 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | S41 8ND | 4,245.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | GM BUSINESS SUPPORT LTD | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012143 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | M1 5JW | 40,557.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | LEICESTER CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012148 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | LE1 1FZ | 49,607.62 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Capital | Regeneration | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012149 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NG2 3NG | 15,284.16 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | EAST MIDLANDS CHAMBER(DNL) | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012145 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | S41 8ND | 38,532.30 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | GM BUSINESS SUPPORT LTD | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012143 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | M1 5JW | 102,763.49 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | GM BUSINESS SUPPORT LTD | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012146 | Not set | ERDF grant offset | M1 5JW | -50,410.91 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | LEICESTER CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012148 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | LE1 1FZ | 221,883.70 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | MEDILINK EAST MIDLANDS | Not set | Small | Not set | Not set | 7700012144 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NG1 1GF | 42,790.53 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 7700012149 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | NG2 3NG | 15,819.97 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | ERDF Work in Progress – Resource | Regeneration | UNIVERSITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 7700012147 | Not set | ERDF grant payment | WV1 1LY | 52,099.74 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Grant in Aid to NDPBs (non budget) | Regeneration | REGULATOR OF SOCIAL HOUSING | Not set | Medium | Not set | Not set | 2100318622 | Not set | Grant in Aid to RSH | M1 4BT | 779,000.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | IT - Service Contracts | Union, Elections and Places | IDOX SOFTWARE LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 423692610 | 5106288341 | Not set | EMS Software Upgrade | G1 3RS | 132,213.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | IT - Software Maintenance | Safer and Greener Buildings | AECOM LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 214127604 | 5106288325 | IT Managed / Outsourced Services | SBEM software validation services | AL1 3ER | 5,302.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | IT - Software Maintenance | Safer and Greener Buildings | AECOM LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 214127604 | 5106288326 | IT Managed / Outsourced Services | SBEM software validation services | AL1 3ER | 5,075.50 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Legal Fees | CFO and Corporate | GOVERNMENT LEGAL DEPARTMENT | Not set | Public Bodies | Not set | 215580680 | 5106288342 | Not set | Legal Advice | SW1H 9GL | 35,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Printing | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | STATIONERY OFFICE LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 779375633 | 5106288348 | Not set | Statutory Instruments | W1F 8PR | 174.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Printing | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | STATIONERY OFFICE LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 779375633 | 5106288349 | Not set | Statutory Instruments | W1F 8PR | 174.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Printing | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | STATIONERY OFFICE LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 779375633 | 5106288350 | Not set | Statutory Instruments | W1F 8PR | 174.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Professional services | Safer and Greener Buildings | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | Not set | Large | Not set | 896495033 | 5106288339 | Not set | Convention Groups | WD25 9XX | 3,228.40 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Professional services | Safer and Greener Buildings | Kaizen Partnership Ltd | Not set | Micro | Not set | 220045335 | 5106288346 | Not set | Engagement Support Grenfell Site and Programme | NW1 9AT | 29,565.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Publications | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | STATIONERY OFFICE LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 779375633 | 5106288348 | Not set | Statutory Instrument Non-Vat | W1F 8PR | 305.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Publications | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | STATIONERY OFFICE LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 779375633 | 5106288349 | Not set | Statutory Instrument Non-Vat | W1F 8PR | 305.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Publications | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | STATIONERY OFFICE LTD | Not set | Large | Not set | 779375633 | 5106288350 | Not set | Statutory Instrument Non-Vat | W1F 8PR | 305.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Steady State Service Provision | Regeneration | MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIV | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 5106288338 | Business Process Outsourcing Services | Creation of High Streets Task Force | M15 6BH | 606,405.36 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Subscriptions to organisations | CFO and Corporate | DCLG GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT CARD | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 1000005282 | Not set | First Aid Course - Hemel Hempstead Office | TN37 7GA | 358.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Training | CFO and Corporate | ERNST & YOUNG LLP | Not set | Large | Not set | 221768935 | 5106288357 | Not set | Civil Service Training | SE1 2AF | 1,720.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Training | CFO and Corporate | KPMG LLP (CSL) | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 5106288179 | Not set | Civil Service Training | E14 5GL | -6,325.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Training | CFO and Corporate | KPMG LLP (CSL) | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 5106288295 | Not set | Civil Service Training | E14 5GL | 4,239.80 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Training | CFO and Corporate | KPMG LLP (CSL) | Not set | Large | Not set | Not set | 5106288356 | Not set | Civil Service Training | E14 5GL | 16,129.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Training | CFO and Corporate | The CV Bee | Not set | Micro | Not set | 227392969 | 5106288354 | Not set | Civil Service Training | WA14 4UD | 350.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 05/10/2022 | Web Services | CFO and Corporate | DESTINATION CMS LTD | Not set | Small | Not set | Not set | 5106288328 | Not set | Great British High streets web hosting | EX4 3SR | 360.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Cap Grants to Private Sector Companies | Safer and Greener Buildings | Homestead Csl Ltd | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 3700174842 | Not set | Grant payable by the Exchequer | FY8 1SB | 9,105.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Cap Grants to Private Sector Companies | Safer and Greener Buildings | Y & Y MANAGEMENT | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 3700174841 | Not set | Grant payable by the Exchequer | N16 6DB | 80,520.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Capital Grants to Private Sect Non Profit | Regeneration | LEIGH BUILDING PRESERVATION TRUST | Yes | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318827 | Not set | Community Ownership Fund 21 006 | WN7 2TW | 60,000.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Capital Grants to Private Sect Non Profit | Regeneration | Newnham on Severn CBS LTD | Not set | Micro | Not set | Not set | 2100318828 | Not set | Community Ownership Fund 21 031 | GL14 1BU | 209,500.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Capital Grants to Private Sect Non Profit | Regeneration | Old Forge Community Benefit Society | Yes | Micro | Not set | Not set | 2100318826 | Not set | Community Ownership Fund 21 021 | PH41 4PL | 13,184.39 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Safer and Greener Buildings | Just Solutions 123 | Not set | Micro | Not set | Not set | 5106288429 | Not set | Memorial Commission Community Engagemen | W11 1DJ | 1,300.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | CFO and Corporate | NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318830 | Not set | Local Digital Fund | NE1 8QH | 348,000.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Local Govnmnt Resilience and Communities | CHURCH URBAN FUND | Not set | Small | Not set | 396728263 | 2100318834 | Not set | To deliver the Near Neighbours programme | SW1P 3AZ | 350,000.00 | Yes |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Ashton-under-Lyne - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318639 | Not set | CAB80022 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,254.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Bethnal Green and Bow - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318701 | Not set | CAB80053 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,139.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Bishop Auckland - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318569 | Not set | CAB80069 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,254.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Blackpool North & Cleveleys - NW | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318781 | Not set | CAB80075 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,076.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Bridgend - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318700 | Not set | CAB80109 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,990.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Broxtowe - East Midlands | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318618 | Not set | CAB80125 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,559.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | City of Durham - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318568 | Not set | CAB80182 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,421.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Croydon Central - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318558 | Not set | CAB80210 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,849.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Croydon North - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318619 | Not set | CAB80209 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,206.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Croydon South - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318559 | Not set | CAB80211 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 4,016.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Cynon Valley - Wales | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318706 | Not set | CAB80214 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 2,500.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Denton and Reddish - North West | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318640 | Not set | CAB80222 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,162.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Dundee East - Scotland | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318783 | Not set | CAB80922 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,167.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Dundee West - Scotland | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318784 | Not set | CAB80245 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,012.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Easington - North East | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318567 | Not set | CAB80254 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,000.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Edmonton - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318632 | Not set | CAB80286 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,159.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Enfield North - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318617 | Not set | CAB80292 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,292.00 | Not set |
Housing, Communities & Local Government | DLUHC | 06/10/2022 | Elections - Head E1 Returning Officers Services | Union, Elections and Places | Enfield, Southgate - London | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 2100318634 | Not set | CAB80293 GE19 Final Settlement | Not set | 3,132.00 | Not set |