Transparency data
December 2021 spend data
Updated 9 February 2023
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Department family | Entity | Date | Expense type | Expense area | Supplier | Transaction number | Amount | Description |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU | P2CBWSDAS202122 | £2,728,806.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Infrastructure Services - Hosting | CGI IT UK LTD | GB014070353 | £767,394.61 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Recruitment costs | Recruitment & Resourcing | TMP UK LTD | 217261 | £62,508.00 | Recruitment of staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | Recruitment & Resourcing | SSCL SHARED SERVICES CONNECTED LTD | 100027098 | £25,385.08 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | SSCL SHARED SERVICES CONNECTED LTD | 100027052 | £35,111.47 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | Child Funeral Fund | SSCL SHARED SERVICES CONNECTED LTD | 100026835 | £36,340.84 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | AMS | CGI IT UK LTD | GB014070357 | £1,537,168.62 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - LICENCES | SSCL Programme | SSCL SHARED SERVICES CONNECTED LTD | 100027055 | £487,799.47 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - Print | XEROX U K LTD | 900214535 | £190,619.66 | Reprographics and printing services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 01/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - TELECOMS - Payphones | Infrastructure Services - Networks | BT PAYPHONES | AI5506/163 | £32,306.40 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - Management fee | MoJ Estates Cluster | CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD | GB3002-CI-21-12461 | £66,743.08 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - OFFICE CLEANING | FFM Home Office - Reactive | OCS GROUP UK LTD | 5000469229 | £150,264.36 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - OFFICE CLEANING | FFM HMPPS | OCS GROUP UK LTD | 5000469228 | £537,985.14 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - Pension advice & administration | Financial Reporting & Control | XPS ADMINISTRATION LTD | A10619 | £72,000.00 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Recruitment costs | Recruitment & Resourcing | TMP UK LTD | 217265 | £353,450.25 | Recruitment of staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Staff Health and Safety | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | HEALTH MANAGEMENT LTD | INV533048 | £29,896.94 | Staff occupational health services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | SSCL Programme | BLUE BORDER LTD | MOJ_OCT_2021-001 | £40,440.00 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584377376 | £63,647.28 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | HMPPS Digital - Probation | NEC SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS UK LTD - PREVIOUSLY I2N LTD | 91454286 | £141,690.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Home Office - Reactive | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10273452 | £127,146.34 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10273453 | £308,155.02 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM DIT | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10273456 | £343,945.07 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 02/12/21 | IA - POA & AUC - COST - ADDITIONS | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | NORTHHIGHLAND UK LTD | CINV-2021-09912 | £194,640.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 03/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Legal Services Policy | TECH NATION GROUP LTD | MOJTechNationGRANTPAYMENTSEPTEMBER2021 | £63,510.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 03/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - CATERING & HOSPITALITY - Events and Conferences | Leadership, Talent & Capability | CALDER CONFERENCES LTD | 427903 | £143,774.65 | Staff training learning and development |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 03/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM HMPPS | INTERSERVE (FACILITIES MANAGEMENT)LTD | 230507/92390427 | £110,878.69 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 03/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | SSCL SHARED SERVICES CONNECTED LTD | 100026639 | £59,353.06 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 03/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | HMPPS Digital - Prisons | N HARRIS COMPUTER CORPORATION | SJCXT0000044 | £145,042.39 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 03/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10273596 | £149,095.80 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 03/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM DIT | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10273457 | £318,396.91 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 03/12/21 | EXP - SHORT-TERM CONTRACT & AGENCY STAFF - FULL COST - Clerical and Admin | Consolidated Invoice | BROOK STREET UK LTD | 202130406734 | £35,450.01 | Agency staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | HERTS AREA RAPE CRISIS & SEXUAL ABUSE CENTRE | P2-RSASF-21/22-027 | £25,279.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | HULL RAPE CRISIS | P2-RSASF-21/22-028 | £27,710.50 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | CHESTER SEXUAL VIOLENCE SUPPORT SERVICE (CSVSS) | P2-RSASF-21/22-009 | £30,721.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | AYLESBURY VALE & MILTON KEYNES SEXUAL ASSAULT & ABUSE SUPPORT SERVICE | P2-RSASF-21/22-003 | £30,967.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | FAMILY MATTERS | P2-RSASF-21/22-017 | £43,797.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | ROTHERHAM WOMEN'S COUNSELLING SERVICE | P3-RSASF-21/22-049 | £44,257.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | BASIS YORKSHIRE LTD | P2-RSASF-21/22-005 | £52,129.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | SUPPORT AFTER RAPE AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE LEEDS (SARSVL) | P2-RSASF-21/22-064 | £65,805.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | RAPE & SEXUAL ABUSE SUPPORT SERVICE SOUTH BUCKINGHAMSHIRE | P3-RSASF-21/22-083 | £69,676.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | TRAFFORD RAPE CRISIS (TRC) | P2-RSASF-21/22-073 | £74,602.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE SUPPORT CENTRE NORTH WALES (RASASC NORTH WALES) | P3-RSASF-21/22-044 | £82,736.00 | Grants to voluntary public and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | SOMERSET AND AVON RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE SUPPORT (SARSAS) | P2-RSASF-21/22-059 | £87,740.00 | Grants to voluntary public and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | SOMERSET AND AVON RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE SUPPORT (SARSAS) | P2-RSASF-21/22-060 | £87,740.00 | Grants to voluntary public and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | WRASAC CORNWALL | P2-RSASF-21/22-072 | £88,600.00 | Grants to voluntary public and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | WOMENS COUNSELLING AND THERAPY SERVICE | P2-RSASF-21/22-078 | £94,622.00 | Grants to voluntary public and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | ROSA | P3-RSASF-21/22-048 | £100,799.50 | Grants to voluntary public and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | STARS DORSET RAPE CRISIS SEXUAL TRAUMA & RECOVERY SERVICES | P3-RSASF-21/22-056 | £101,926.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | LIFECENTRE | P3-RSASF-21/22-032 | £111,186.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE SUPPORT CENTRE - CHESHIRE & MERSEYSIDE | P3-RSASF-21/22-043 | £114,731.50 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | SURVIVORS MANCHESTER | P3-RSASF-21/22-067 | £117,732.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | THE GREEN HOUSE BRISTOL | P3-RSASF-21/22-070 | £126,802.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | BLACK COUNTRY WOMENS AID | P3-RSASF-21/22-007 | £165,810.50 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM HMPPS | INTERSERVE (FACILITIES MANAGEMENT)LTD | 230507/92393678 | £48,417.80 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Judicial Pension Scheme Programme | XPS ADMINISTRATION LTD | A10621 | £46,419.79 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Judicial Pension Scheme Programme | XPS ADMINISTRATION LTD | A10622 | £185,395.03 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Office of the Accountant General | NATIONAL SAVINGS & INVESTMENTS | 700629 | £372,375.33 | Professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OFFICE RELATED - Reprographics | Performance and Account | XEROX U K LTD | 900215428 | £53,980.85 | Reprographics and printing services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Judicial Books, Newspapers and Stationery | Judicial Office - Programme | THOMSON REUTERS | 6144885927 | £34,111.00 | Judicial publications |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - RAIL TRAVEL | GPC Billback | CORPORATE TRAVEL MANAGEMENT NORTH LTD | 14832 | £107,791.28 | Staff travel and subsistence costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - LICENCES | Infrastructure Services - Networks | TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD | 2326512 | £539,070.34 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | INTERSERVE (FACILITIES MANAGEMENT)LTD | 230507/92386877 | £2,471,507.47 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 06/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Infrastructure Services - Hosting | CROWN HOSTING DATA CENTRES LTD | 13513 | £187,763.35 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 07/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Facilities Management | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378267 | £36,446.40 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 07/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | VICTIM SUPPORT | P2-MOJ-2021-COVIDVSSF | £108,274.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 07/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - LICENCES | Service Operations | TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD | 2330818 | £180,249.96 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 07/12/21 | IA - SOFTWARE LICENCES - COST - ADDITIONS | CTO Tech Debt | MADE TECH LTD | INV002272 | £211,974.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 07/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | THROUGH TECHNOLOGY LTD | MOJ-07-037 | £31,274.40 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 07/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | THROUGH TECHNOLOGY LTD | MOJ-07-034 | £37,186.80 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 07/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | THROUGH TECHNOLOGY LTD | MOJ-07-038 | £158,395.02 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 07/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | THROUGH TECHNOLOGY LTD | 07412683710 | £176,814.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 07/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | THROUGH TECHNOLOGY LTD | MOJ-07-035 | £234,078.60 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 08/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014756 | £41,421.55 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 08/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | NEW DAWN NEW DAY LTD | GS-WCS2021-NEWDAWNNEWDAY | £48,007.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 08/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | CYFANNOL WOMENS AID | GS-WCS2021-CYFANNOLWOMENSAID | £48,867.88 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 08/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | BRIGHTON WOMENS CENTRE | GS-WCS-2021-BRIGHTONWOMENSCENTRE | £58,493.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 08/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | YSS | GS-WCS-2021-YSS | £75,000.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 08/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | WORKING CHANCE | GS-WCS2021-WORKINGCHANCE | £100,000.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 08/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - TELECOMS - Charges/Rental - mobile | Infrastructure Services - Mobile Telephony | EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE LTD | 01287335682 | £38,812.19 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 08/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM DfE | OCS GROUP UK LTD | 5000471324 | £68,363.05 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 08/12/21 | IA - SOFTWARE LICENCES - COST - ADDITIONS | Projects - Common Technology Services | THROUGH TECHNOLOGY LTD | MOJ-06-032 | £334,946.70 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - CATERING & HOSPITALITY - Events and Conferences | Vulnerability Policy | WORLD CONGRESS ON ADULT CAPACITY 2022 | FCJP/WCAC001/2021 | £50,000.00 | Payment to voluntary, public and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | Exp - Purchase Of Goods/Services - Consultancy | REDACTED | GLUE REPLY | IN118712 | £27,109.20 | Consultancy and professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - END USER SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE - Desktops | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378079 | £976,926.37 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - END USER SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE - Laptops | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378075 | £96,944.64 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - END USER SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE - Laptops | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378045 | £362,783.14 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Infrastructure Services - NICTS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378086 | £68,318.42 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378054 | £152,205.46 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Southern House (Croydon) | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY GPA | 00000001/13565 | £103,920.22 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Southern House (Croydon) | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY GPA | 00000001/13563 | £122,428.71 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | 10 South Colonnade - Canary Wharf | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY GPA | 00000001/12126 | £123,029.75 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | 10 South Colonnade - Canary Wharf | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY GPA | 00000001/13502 | £1,156,065.58 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OFFICE RELATED - Purchase of Machinery and Equipment (not capitalised) | Facilities Management | SENATOR INTERNATIONAL LTD | S01701057 | £29,521.76 | Equipment furniture fixtures and fittings |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OFFICE RELATED - Purchase of Machinery and Equipment (not capitalised) | Home Office | SENATOR INTERNATIONAL LTD | S01705000 | £46,521.60 | Equipment furniture fixtures and fittings |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Judicial Books, Newspapers and Stationery | Judicial Office - Programme | COUNCIL OF LAW REPORTING | 10225 | £42,111.55 | Judicial publications |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Reward and Recognition | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | XEXEC LTD | 48115 | £125,000.00 | Staff reward and recognition payments |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | Finance Projects and Service Management | HAMPSHIRE CONSTABULARY | 3680019200 | £51,390.00 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | Public Cloud Hosting | Q-SOLUTION LTD | INV-0482 | £75,427.34 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - NICTS | ENTSERV UK LTD | 0000000109 | £990,240.54 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 09/12/21 | IA - POA & AUC - COST - ADDITIONS | Projects - Common Technology Services | MADE TECH LTD | INV002268 | £112,188.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM Client unit and shared costs | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10273741 | £127,339.12 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Southern House (Croydon) | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY GPA | 00000001/13564 | £26,312.73 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Albany House | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY GPA | 00000001/13501 | £47,520.88 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Albany House | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY GPA | 00000001/13500 | £181,543.83 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Clive House | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY GPA | 00000001/13499 | £267,171.65 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Judicial Books, Newspapers and Stationery | Judicial Office - Programme | THOMSON REUTERS | 6145030690 | £33,274.80 | Judicial publications |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Recruitment costs | Recruitment & Resourcing | TMP UK LTD | 220057 | £33,600.96 | Recruitment of staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | SSCL Programme | SSCL (SHARED SERVICES CONNECTED LTD) | 100027054 | £119,063.04 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | Recruitment & Resourcing | SSCL (SHARED SERVICES CONNECTED LTD) | 100027070 | £322,213.25 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT | Projects (Prisons) - Probation | THE DEXTROUS WEB T/A DXW | 6237 | £52,110.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT | Projects (Prisons) - Probation | THE DEXTROUS WEB T/A DXW | 6236 | £53,310.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT | Projects (Prisons) - Probation | THE DEXTROUS WEB T/A DXW | 6238 | £55,290.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT | HMPPS Digital - Probation | ZAIZI LTD | INV-096593 | £58,038.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | HMPPS Digital - Prisons | UNILINK SOFTWARE LTD | 10192 | £223,239.09 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378661 | £32,871.50 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378085 | £34,146.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378092 | £34,535.34 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378039 | £35,191.69 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378036 | £39,715.44 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584379043 | £48,000.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378082 | £69,345.49 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584378046 | £332,408.47 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | HMPPS Digital - Tech Debt | FARSIGHT CONSULTING LTD | INV-1533 | £503,372.40 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Home Office - Reactive | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10273450 | £1,128,560.80 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10273451 | £1,337,553.46 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 10/12/21 | EXP - SHORT-TERM CONTRACT & AGENCY STAFF - FULL COST - Clerical and Admin | Consolidated Invoice | BROOK STREET UK LTD | 202130418446 | £38,425.24 | Agency staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Storage services | Knowledge & Records | RESTORE RECORDS MANAGEMENT | 1206528 | £78,455.57 | Record storage costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Storage services | Knowledge & Records | RESTORE RECORDS MANAGEMENT | 1206548 | £97,823.20 | Record storage costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - Pension advice & administration | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | HEALTH HR UK LTD | 0000000017 | £89,640.00 | Professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED | Workforce Experience and People Insight | CSL KPMG LLP | 5502330522 | £74,835.55 | Professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - RAIL TRAVEL | GPC Billback | CORPORATE TRAVEL MANAGEMENT NORTH LTD | 14949 | £89,421.87 | Staff travel and subsistence costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT | HMPPS Digital - Probation | ADROC LTD | INV-2971 | £285,662.40 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT | HMPPS Digital - Probation | ADROC LTD | INV-3127 | £285,662.40 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | Service Operations | TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD | 2331410 | £88,995.07 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | HMPPS Digital - Probation | HOME OFFICE | 2587772 | £442,176.28 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Home Office - Reactive | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10274498 | £181,689.73 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 13/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Home Office - Reactive | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10274499 | £780,986.60 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - Management fee | FFM Client unit and shared costs | KELLOGG BROWN ROOT LTD | 2111MOJ189 | £203,580.98 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - Management fee | FFM Client unit and shared costs | KELLOGG BROWN ROOT LTD | 2111MOJ191 | £333,577.87 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - Management fee | FFM Client unit and shared costs | KELLOGG BROWN ROOT LTD | 2111MOJ192 | £452,188.97 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - OFFICE CLEANING | FFM HMPPS | SODEXO LTD | 9900627765 | £153,845.19 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - OFFICE CLEANING | Southern House (Croydon) | OCS GROUP UK LTD | 5000471567 | £2,744,375.97 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Public Cloud Hosting | AMAZON WEB SERVICES EMEA SARL UK BRANCH | EUINGB21-3715843 | £57,523.44 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - IT MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE - Exit Management | Projects (Prisons) - ICT | BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC | AI5506/169 | £111,913.54 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014771 | £31,211.40 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014765 | £32,931.60 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014772 | £39,349.16 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 373320 | £42,404.64 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 373316 | £272,247.12 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | VODAFONE LIMITED | 373311 | £31,229.52 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014759 | £41,149.12 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014753 | £105,251.41 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014760 | £139,911.92 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | VODAFONE LIMITED | 373309 | £147,406.67 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | VODAFONE LIMITED | 373312 | £584,754.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | VODAFONE LIMITED | 373151 | £1,275,919.80 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | HMPPS Digital - Prisons | UNILINK SOFTWARE LTD | 10167 | £60,815.46 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584379426 | £37,053.04 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - Print | XEROX U K LTD | 900215737 | £107,641.15 | Reprographics and printing services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - Print | XEROX U K LTD | 900215497 | £148,667.21 | Reprographics and printing services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - TELECOMS - DATA COMMUNICATIONS | Projects - Non-Service Line | BT PAYPHONES | AI5506/171 | £49,179.53 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - TELECOMS - Maintenance - non-mobile | Projects (Prisons) - ICT | BT GLOBAL SERVICES | AI5506/166 | £218,215.56 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Home Office - Reactive | OCS GROUP UK LTD | 5000471545 | £28,934.30 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 14/12/21 | PPE - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS | Projects (Prisons) - ICT | BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC | AI5506/170 | £131,975.21 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | CA - PREPAYMENTS (NON-PFI) - Rates Prepayment Control | MoJ Headquarters | CITY OF WESTMINSTER | 403598465/2021-22-DEC-21 | £594,953.00 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - Professional works advice/services | Performance and Account | WT PARTNERSHIP | 57427 | £34,303.20 | Consultancy and professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - Professional works advice/services | Performance and Account | WT PARTNERSHIP | 57704 | £42,103.20 | Consultancy and professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM HMPPS | INTERSERVE (FACILITIES MANAGEMENT)LTD | 230507/92399735 | £178,887.66 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Platforms & Architecture | TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD | 2331407 | £242,247.60 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OFFICE RELATED - POSTAGE | Facilities Management | PITNEY BOWES LTD | BI620345 | £33,642.79 | Postal services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Home Office - Reactive | OCS GROUP UK LTD | 5000471631 | £28,170.28 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Home Office - Reactive | OCS GROUP UK LTD | 5000471632 | £900,049.76 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM MoJ HQ | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10274999 | £941,804.39 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 15/12/21 | IA - POA & AUC - COST - ADDITIONS | Projects - Common Technology Services | MADE TECH LTD | INV002223 | £110,434.72 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT | Family Grants and other programme | OFSTED | FCJ/OFSTED002/2002 | £44,000.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR DORSET | P3-CLVS-21/22-09 | £593,357.00 | Grant payments to Police and Crime Commissioners |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR GLOUCESTERSHIRE | P3-CLVS-21/22-13 | £609,788.00 | Grant payments to Police and Crime Commissioners |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR DYFED POWYS | P3-CLVS-21/22-11 | £617,339.00 | Grant payments to Police and Crime Commissioners |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | WILTSHIRE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER | P3-CLVS-21/22-42 | £641,320.00 | Grant payments to Police and Crime Commissioners |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | SUFFOLK POLICE AUTHORITY | P3-CLVS-21/22-34 | £681,553.00 | Grant payments to Police and Crime Commissioners |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | WARWICKSHIRE POLICE & CRIME COMMISSIONER | P3-CLVS-21/22-38 | £698,269.00 | Grant payments to Police and Crime Commissioners |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | PCC FOR CAMBRIDGESHIRE | P3-CLVS-21/22-03 | £741,355.00 | Grant payments to Police and Crime Commissioners |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR NORTH WALES | P3-CLVS-21/22-26 | £876,786.00 | Grant payments to Police and Crime Commissioners |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | THE CHIEF CONSTABLE OF STAFFORDSHIRE POLICE | P3-CLVS-21/22-33 | £909,155.00 | Grant payments to Police and Crime Commissioners |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - CATERING & HOSPITALITY - Events and Conferences | Judicial Office - Programme | CALDER CONFERENCES LTD | 427502 | £30,812.80 | Judicial training and conferences |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM Home Office - Reactive | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275122 | £79,654.27 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM Client unit and shared costs | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275123 | £471,401.32 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014758 | £57,112.55 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Internal Audit & Assurance | HM TREASURY | 43988 | £795,527.40 | Audit services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Intermediary Cost | Civil Justice & Law Division | THE SOCIETY OF MEDIATORS | INV-1260 | £31,296.00 | Professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - RAIL TRAVEL | GPC Billback | CORPORATE TRAVEL MANAGEMENT NORTH LTD | 14966 | £93,777.77 | Staff travel and subsistence costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT | HMPPS Digital - Probation | TEN10 SOLUTIONS LTD | 3119792 | £35,388.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | Projects (Prisons) - ICT | UNILINK TECHNOLOGY SERVICES | 10202 | £34,004.56 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - SECURITY | REDACTED | CABINET OFFICE | 3812663 | £87,816.00 | Offender and probation related services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP-PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES-OTHER PROF SERVICES-COMMERCIAL&CONTRACT MANAGMNT | Business Management - BAU | CABINET OFFICE | 3813010 | £59,200.00 | Staff training learning and development |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 16/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - OGD FUNDING CONTRIBUTIONS (OUTWARDS) | Chief People Officer Group Office | CABINET OFFICE | 3812816 | £548,925.00 | Inward secondment costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 17/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - CATERING & HOSPITALITY - Events and Conferences | Judicial Office - Programme | CALDER CONFERENCES LTD | 429333 | £48,228.00 | Judicial training and conferences |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 17/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM Home Office - Reactive | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275282 | £334,335.32 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 17/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | AVMI KINLY LTD | BILL000057005 | £79,310.16 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 17/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - LICENCES | HMPPS Digital - Prisons | SAS SOFTWARE LTD | 2101645 | £763,887.60 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 17/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - Probation | EQUAL EXPERTS UK LTD | INV-9724 | £233,208.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 17/12/21 | EXP - SHORT-TERM CONTRACT & AGENCY STAFF - FULL COST - Clerical and Admin | Consolidated Invoice | BROOK STREET UK LTD | 202130431847 | £37,640.60 | Agency staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | GLOUCESTERSHIRE RAPE & SEXUAL ABUSE CENTRE (GRASAC) | P2-RSASF-21/22-021 | £45,877.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | MID WALES RAPE SUPPORT CENTRE | P3-RSASF-21/22-036 | £46,740.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | SEXUAL & DOMESTIC ABUSE & RAPE ADVICE CENTRE (SARAC) | P2-RSASF-21/22-054 | £65,765.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | NEW PATHWAYS | P2-RSASF-21/22-037 | £68,434.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | TYNESIDE RAPE CRISES CENTRE | P2-RSASF-21/22-022 | £69,676.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | REVIVAL - WILTSHIRE RASAC | P2-RSASF-21/22-047 | £85,159.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | SUFFOLK RAPE CRISIS | P2-RSASF-21/22-082 | £88,600.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | TYNESIDE RAPE CRISES CENTRE | P2-RSASF-21/22-077 | £92,901.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | SUE LAMBERT TRUST | P3-RSASF-21/22-062 | £112,830.50 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | TRUST HOUSE READING | P3-RSASF-21/22-076 | £113,798.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | NEW PATHWAYS | P3-RSASF-21/22-038 | £150,527.50 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | Victim, Witness & CJS Delivery | TRUST HOUSE LANCASHIRE | P3-RSASF-21/22-074 | £158,640.50 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - OFFICE CLEANING | 5 WELLINGTON PLACE -LEEDS | SODEXO LTD | 9900631223 | £2,244,983.64 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Projects - CTS Tech Debt | ENTSERV UK LTD | 0000000106 | £72,868.68 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | MoJ Headquarters | LAND SECURITIES PROPERTIES LTD | 6063857A | £4,267,953.75 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Prison Leavers Project | CHANGE GROW LIVE | LLIF/1121/CGLC | £36,188.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Prison Leavers Project | BOUNCE BACK FOUNDATION | LLIF/1121/BB | £40,483.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - LICENCES | Public Cloud Hosting | TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD | 2329258 | £27,109.22 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Public Cloud Hosting | EGRESS SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES LTD | INVUK20904 | £234,600.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 20/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT | Business Management - BAU | CABINET OFFICE | 3813211 | £218,353.00 | Inward secondment costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - Building Fees and Professional Services | Financial Reporting, Transactions & Gov | VALUATION OFFICE AGENCY | 25000050922021 | £60,960.00 | Professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - Building Fees and Professional Services | Financial Reporting, Transactions & Gov | VALUATION OFFICE AGENCY | 25000050942021 | £63,720.00 | Professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Staff Health and Safety | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | OH ASSIST LTD | 0071030997A | £32,526.00 | Staff occupational health services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Staff Health and Safety | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | OH ASSIST LTD | 0071031223A | £36,381.00 | Staff occupational health services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Staff Health and Safety | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | OH ASSIST LTD | 0071030995A | £88,770.92 | Staff occupational health services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Staff Health and Safety | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | OH ASSIST LTD | 0071030996A | £229,786.34 | Staff occupational health services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Staff Health and Safety | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | OH ASSIST LTD | 0071031222A | £303,681.78 | Staff occupational health services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | HMPPS Digital - Prisons | N HARRIS COMPUTER CORPORATION | SJCT00000060 | £136,878.96 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | SSCL Programme | LIBERATA UK LTD | 119897RI | £216,252.78 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275745 | £59,812.57 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275753 | £217,998.65 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275754 | £283,101.10 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | IA - SOFTWARE LICENCES - COST - ADDITIONS | CTO Tech Debt | MADE TECH LTD | INV002185 | £179,259.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 21/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | THROUGH TECHNOLOGY LTD | MOJ-07-040 | £114,211.20 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | Exp - Purchase Of Goods/Services - Consultancy | Criminal Justice Policy | PA CONSULTING SERVICES LTD | 0000013681 | £54,840.00 | Consultancy and professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - END USER SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE - Desktops | Infrastructure Services - NICTS | ENTSERV UK LTD | 0000000116 | £31,527.74 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014768 | £33,856.03 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - NICTS | ENTSERV UK LTD | 6110776 | £91,027.39 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - Pension advice & administration | Financial Reporting & Control | GOVERNMENT ACTUARYS DEPARTMENT GAD | SINV/00033547 | £25,642.75 | Professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - Pension advice & administration | Financial Reporting & Control | GOVERNMENT ACTUARYS DEPARTMENT GAD | SINV/00033549 | £45,006.10 | Professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - Pension advice & administration | Financial Reporting & Control | GOVERNMENT ACTUARYS DEPARTMENT GAD | SINV/00033546 | £60,093.82 | Professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Staff Health and Safety | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | OH ASSIST LTD | 0071031225A | £44,912.00 | Staff occupational health services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Staff Health and Safety | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | OH ASSIST LTD | 0071031022A | £46,566.21 | Staff occupational health services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | SSCL Programme | BLUE BORDER LTD | MOJV2021-001 | £40,440.00 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | SSCL Programme | SSCL SHARED SERVICES CONNECTED LTD | 100027298 | £3,150,141.54 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | D & T LAA Digital | CAPGEMINI UK PLC | 2600110297563 | £110,848.80 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - LICENCES | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | ENTRUST EUROPE LTD | 740001906 | £39,925.91 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - LICENCES | HMPPS Digital - Probation | NEC SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS UK LTD - PREVIOUSLY I2N LTD | 91455217 | £82,299.60 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - LICENCES | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | ENTRUST EUROPE LTD | 740805743 | £183,323.81 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380548 | £66,338.82 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | NIMBUS DIGITAL & TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS LTD | INV-0000011030 | £614,012.40 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - NICTS | ENTSERV UK LTD | 0000000114 | £673,502.33 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - TELECOMS - Charges/Rental-non mobile | Infrastructure Services - Mobile Telephony | BT PLC | VP55875770M036X& | £25,478.25 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - TELECOMS - Charges/Rental-non mobile | Infrastructure Services - Mobile Telephony | BT PLC | VP23075770M04001 | £55,624.89 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - TELECOMS - Charges/Rental-non mobile | Infrastructure Services - Mobile Telephony | BT PLC | VP02875770M038Z2 | £61,833.42 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Judges Lodgings | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275752 | £37,841.46 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275771 | £45,791.20 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Home Office - Reactive | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275749 | £96,423.64 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM DIT | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275748 | £227,426.36 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275751 | £231,116.24 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM DIT | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275747 | £245,675.05 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 22/12/21 | PPE - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - Computers | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | CDW LTD | PSINV03390532 | £100,696.20 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - CURRENT GRANTS TO PRIVATE SECTOR - NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING H'HOLD | LawTech | TECH NATION GROUP LTD | MOJTECHNATIONGRANTPAYMENTOCTOBER2021 | £53,203.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Infrastructure Services - Hosting | CGI IT UK LTD | GB014072219 | £751,824.41 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Public Cloud Hosting | AMAZON WEB SERVICES EMEA SARL UK BRANCH | EUINGB21-3724174 | £762,330.24 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Resettlement | Prison Policy- Programme | ST MUNGO'S | SUN/10009067 | £30,576.14 | Offender and probation related services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Recruitment costs | Recruitment & Resourcing | MANNING GOTTLIEB OMD | E33218 | £105,483.19 | Recruitment of staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Reward and Recognition | MoJ People Services, Policy & Reward | EDENRED | 01021163 | £241,080.00 | Staff reward and recognition payments |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | IMA Onboarding Project | SSCL SHARED SERVICES CONNECTED LTD | 100023799 | £364,802.73 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | Infrastructure Services - Networks | 6POINT6 CLOUD GATEWAY LTD | 628 | £62,800.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - LICENCES | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | ENTSERV UK LTD | 0000000107 | £50,954.40 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Projects - CTS Tech Debt | SMARTSOURCING LTD | TSPS-5704 | £27,612.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Projects - CTS Tech Debt | SMARTSOURCING LTD | TSPS-5705 | £147,162.60 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 23/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | Q-SOLUTION LTD | INV-0484 | £211,560.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | Exp - Purchase Of Goods/Services - Consultancy | Performance and Account | FAITHFUL & GOULD | 21045819 | £59,600.64 | Consultancy and professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - END USER SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE - Laptops | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380449 | £96,944.64 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014779 | £45,601.62 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4014766 | £46,299.13 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 4007097 | £137,525.64 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks WAN/LAN | Infrastructure Services - Networks | BT PAYPHONES | AI5506/172 | £47,121.49 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NON-PO INVOICES PENDING REALLOCATION | Southern House (Croydon) | CROYDON COUNCIL | 70203894/MAR-2020 | £74,480.00 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | CLEAN BREAK THEATRE CO | WCS-GS2021-CLEANBREAK | £51,735.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | TOGETHER WOMEN PROJECTS (YORKSHIRE & HUMBERSIDE) | GS-WCS2021-TOGETHERWOMENPROJECT | £82,000.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | WOMEN IN PRISON | GS-WCS2021-WOMENINPRISON | £90,000.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | THE NELSON TRUST | GS-WCS2021-NELSONTRUST | £140,000.00 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - Pension advice & administration | Financial Reporting & Control | XPS ADMINISTRATION LTD | A10888 | £72,000.00 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Recruitment costs | Recruitment & Resourcing | TMP UK LTD | 222738 | £52,680.00 | Recruitment of staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Recruitment costs | Recruitment & Resourcing | TMP UK LTD | 221583 | £63,275.40 | Recruitment of staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - PERSONNEL RELATED - Recruitment costs | Recruitment & Resourcing | TMP UK LTD | 222739 | £76,440.00 | Recruitment of staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - RAIL TRAVEL | GPC Billback | CORPORATE TRAVEL MANAGEMENT NORTH LTD | 15001 | £31,674.07 | Staff travel and subsistence costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SHARED SERVICES OUTSOURCING | MoJ Shared Services Programme Admin | BLUE BORDER LTD | MOJ_3GEN_NOV_2021-001 | £142,260.00 | Outsourced shared services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380420 | £35,191.69 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380414 | £39,715.44 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380554 | £42,772.80 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | HMPPS Digital - Probation | NEC SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS UK LTD - PREVIOUSLY I2N LTD | 91455400 | £141,690.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Projects - CTS Tech Debt | DELOITTE LLP | 8002292495 | £312,000.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | EXP - SHORT-TERM CONTRACT & AGENCY STAFF - FULL COST - Clerical and Admin | Consolidated Invoice | BROOK STREET UK LTD | 202130443529 | £35,015.93 | Agency staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | IA - POA & AUC - COST - ADDITIONS | Projects - Common Technology Services | CGI IT UK LTD | GB014071920 | £108,907.33 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | IA - POA & AUC - COST - ADDITIONS | Projects - Common Technology Services | CGI IT UK LTD | GB014071913 | £138,295.67 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 24/12/21 | IA - POA & AUC - COST - ADDITIONS | Projects - Common Technology Services | CGI IT UK LTD | GB014071924 | £150,514.67 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - OFFICE CLEANING | FFM HMPPS | OCS GROUP UK LTD | 5000472251 | £451,751.53 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | Exp - Purchase Of Goods/Services - Consultancy | Project Delivery | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 997538 | £273,780.00 | Consultancy and professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | Exp - Purchase Of Goods/Services - Consultancy | Project Delivery | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 997509 | £300,382.50 | Consultancy and professional services |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - END USER SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE - Desktops | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380460 | £976,926.37 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - END USER SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE - Laptops | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380427 | £362,783.14 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380439 | £152,205.46 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 373314 | £615,175.46 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Grants to voluntary and community service organisations | Community Interventions Prog | WISH | GS-WCS2021-WISH | £63,754.71 | Grants to voluntary public private and third sector organisations |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380431 | £332,408.47 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM Home Office - Reactive | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275757 | £501,424.71 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275738 | £1,276,073.59 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 29/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES -ACCOMM & BLDNG MGMT - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS | FFM HMPPS | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10275750 | £3,562,683.08 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ACCOMMODATION & BLDNG MANAGEMENT - Management fee | MoJ Estates Cluster | CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LTD | G83002-CI-21-13493 | £84,000.00 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM HMPPS | INTERSERVE (FACILITIES MANAGEMENT)LTD | 230507/92405655 | £64,688.14 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM HMPPS | INTERSERVE (FACILITIES MANAGEMENT)LTD | 230507/92409761 | £123,847.67 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - ELECTRICITY | FFM Client unit and shared costs | KIER FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 10276354 | £147,718.27 | Property related charges |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Public Cloud Hosting | AUTOMATION LOGIC LTD | INV002512 | £42,858.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Public Cloud Hosting | AUTOMATION LOGIC LTD | INV002511 | £65,784.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Public Cloud Hosting | AUTOMATION LOGIC LTD | INV002508 | £66,192.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Public Cloud Hosting | AUTOMATION LOGIC LTD | INV002509 | £73,452.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - HOSTING - Hosting | Public Cloud Hosting | AUTOMATION LOGIC LTD | INV002510 | £141,713.63 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Judicial Books, Newspapers and Stationery | Judicial Office - Programme | THOMSON REUTERS | 6145535511 | £27,822.60 | Judicial publications |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | PPE - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - Computers | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 5584380669 | £27,600.28 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | PPE - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - Computers | Infrastructure Services - EUCS | SOFTCAT PLC | INV03284231 | £5,646,069.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | CDW LTD | PSINV03370211 | £40,920.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | CDW LTD | PSINV03391086 | £63,989.52 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | CDW LTD | PSINV03388437 | £131,868.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 30/12/21 | PPE - POA & AUC (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS - OTHER | Projects (Prisons) - PTTP Replacement | CDW LTD | PSINV03364495 | £412,920.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 31/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - NETWORKING - Networks VVI | Infrastructure Services - Voice & Video | VODAFONE LIMITED | 373313 | £865,240.96 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 31/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - OTHER - Judicial Books, Newspapers and Stationery | Judicial Office - Programme | LEXISNEXIS UK | I0311351Z | £55,974.57 | Judicial publications |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 31/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | HMPPS Digital - Tech Debt | FARSIGHT CONSULTING LTD | INV-1579 | £536,598.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 31/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - SUPPORT - OTHER | Infrastructure Services - NICTS | ENTSERV UK LTD | 0000000115 | £1,057,572.26 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 31/12/21 | EXP - PURCHASE OF GOODS/SERVICES - TELECOMS - Payphones | Infrastructure Services - Networks | BT PAYPHONES | AI5506/173 | £39,780.00 | Information technology related costs |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 31/12/21 | EXP - SHORT-TERM CONTRACT & AGENCY STAFF - FULL COST - Clerical and Admin | Consolidated Invoice | BROOK STREET UK LTD | 202130455763 | £31,833.45 | Agency staff |
MoJ | MoJ HQ | 31/12/21 | PPE - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (OWNED) - COST - ADDITIONS | Projects (Prisons) - ICT | BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC | AI5506/176 | £49,331.20 | Information technology related costs |