Research and analysis

Table 4: ACM remediation progress by sources of funding, 31 December 2022

Updated 19 January 2023
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Category In social fund Not in social fund Private: government funded Private: not government funded
Remediation completed 113 7 58 97
Works complete awaiting building control signoff 18 0 20 9
Remediation started - cladding removed 11 10 10 2
Remediation started 1 0 11 4
Plans in place 0 0 9 3
Responded with intent 0 0 7 0
Remediation plan unclear 0 0 1 1
TOTAL 143 17 116 116
Social Fund: Payments are made as cash grants, and will be payable in two tranches. The government will pay 80% of eligible costs at stage one. Once building owners confirm that they have tendered for the removal and replacement of cladding systems and work has started on site, we will make the first payment. Then we will pay the remaining 20% of eligible costs once building owners have submitted further evidence and confirmed final costs.
Private Sector: The majority of private sector buildings receiving government funding for ACM remediation are funded through the Private Sector Cladding Remediation Fund. Payments from the Private Sector Cladding Remediation Fund will be made as cash grants and will be made on the basis of monthly valuations of work carried out on site, with an appropriate degree of due diligence, mirroring industry standard practice. Following Practical Completion the government will withhold a final payment which will be made on completion of the defects liability period.