Research and analysis
ScotRail compliance matrix
Updated 12 January 2023
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Class 153/1 PRM NTSN 2021 Compliance Matrix | |||
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Formation | Class 153/1 + 15X Compliant unit | Not set | Compliance Achieved |
Operator | ScotRail | Not set | Dispensation Required |
Issue | Issue 1 | Not set | Non-Compliance Accepted |
Not set | Not set | Not set | N/A |
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Clause No. | Clause extracted from standard under review | Commentary / Evidence of compliance | Compliance Status |
4.2.2 | Rolling Stock Subsystem | Not set | Not set | | Seats | Not set | Not set | | General | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Handholds or vertical handrails or other items that can be used for personal stability, whilst using the aisle, shall be provided on all aisle-side seats unless the seat, when in the upright position, is within 200 mm of: | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | — The back of another seat facing in the opposite direction which is fitted with a handhold or a vertical handrail or other items that can be used for personal stability — A handrail or a partition. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 2 | Handholds or other items that can be used for personal stability shall be positioned at a height of between 800 mm and 1 200 mm above the floor, measured from the centre of the usable part of the handhold, shall not protrude into the clearway and shall contrast with the seat. | Drawings ATC-2224020, ATC-2223991 and ATC2223995, show the height of the seatback grabs and the dimensions of the cycle rack grab poles in compliant locations. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | ASR-20-001-002 Cl153 interior colour contrast assessment shows contrast. | Not set | Paragraph 3 | In seating areas with fixed longitudinal seats, handrails shall be used for personal stability. These hand-rails shall be at a maximum distance of 2 000 mm apart, shall be positioned at a height of between 800 mm and 1 200 mm above the floor and shall contrast with the vehicle interior surroundings. | No Longitudinal Seating | N/A | Paragraph 4 | The handholds or other items shall not have sharp edges. | Existing seat back handholds have no sharp edges. Grab poles are round in cross section. | Compliance Achieved | | Priority seats | Not set | Not set | | General | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Not less than 10 per cent of the seats by fixed trainset or individual vehicle, and by class shall be designated as priority seats for the use of persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility. | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 2 | The priority seats and vehicles containing them shall be identified by signs complying with appendix N. It shall be stated that other passengers shall make such seats available to those who are eligible to use them when required. | Interior labelling drawing ATC-2224242 | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 3 | The priority seats shall be located within the passenger saloon and in close proximity to external doors. In double deck vehicles or trainsets, priority seats can be present on both decks. | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 4 | The level of equipment fitted to the priority seats shall, as a minimum, be the same as that fitted to general seats of the same type. | The priority seats are airline style and have seat back tables. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Not set | Paragraph 5 | When seats of a certain type are fitted with armrests, priority seats of the same type shall be fitted with movable armrests. This excludes armrests placed along the vehicle body side or along a partition wall in case of compartments. The movable armrest shall move into a position in line with the seat back cushion to enable unrestricted access to the seat or to any adjacent priority seats. | Priority Seating is of the same type and is fitted with the same equipment as the standard seating. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 6 | Priority seats shall not be tip-up seats. | No Tip up seats fitted | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 7 | Each priority seat and the space available to its user shall comply with the figures H1 to H4 from Appendix H. | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 8 | The whole useful sitting surface of the priority seat shall be a minimum of 450 mm wide (see figure H1). | Seat design exceeds minimum requirement. Actual = 470mm | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 9 | The top of each priority seat cushion shall be between 430 and 500 mm above floor level at the front edge of the seat. | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 10 | The clear headroom above each seat shall be at least 1,680 mm from floor level, except on double-decker trains on which luggage racks are provided above the seats. In such case reduced headroom of 1 520 mm is permitted for priority seats underneath the luggage racks, provided that at least 50 % of priority seats maintain headroom of 1 680 mm. | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 11 | Where reclining seats are fitted, the dimensions shall be measured when the seats are in their fully upright position. | No reclining seats fitted | N/A | | Uni-directional seats | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Where uni-directional priority seats are provided, the clearance in front of each seat shall comply with figure H2. | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 2 | The distance between the front surface of the seat back and the vertical plane through the rearmost part of the seat in front shall be a minimum of 680 mm, noting that the required seat pitch shall be measured from the centre of the seat 70 mm above where the cushion meets the back support. | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 3 | There shall also be a clear space between the front edge of the seat cushion and the same vertical plane for the seat in front of a minimum of 230 mm. | Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved | | Facing seats arrangement | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Where facing priority seats are provided, the distance between the front edges of the seat cushions shall be a minimum of 600 mm (See figure H3). Such distance shall be maintained even if one of the facing seats is not a priority seat. | No facing priority seat fitted | N/A | Paragraph 2 | Where facing priority seats are equipped with a table, there shall be a minimum clear horizontal distance between the front edge of the seat cushion and the leading edge of the table of at least 230 mm (See figure H4). | No facing priority seat fitted | N/A |
Not set | When one of the facing seats is not a priority seat, its distance to the table can be reduced provided that the distance between the front edges of the seat cushions remains 600 mm. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Sidewall mounted tables which length does not extend over the centre line of the window seat do not need to be considered for conformity with this paragraph. | Not set | Not set | | Wheelchair spaces | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | According to the length of the unit, excluding the locomotive or power head, there shall be in that unit not less than the number of accessible wheelchair spaces shown in the following table: | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces. | Dispensation Required |
Not set | Unit length Number of wheelchair spaces by unit: | Not set | Not set |
Not set | • Less than 30 m - 1 wheelchair space | Not set | Not set |
Not set | • 30 to 205 metres - 2 wheelchair spaces | Not set | Not set |
Not set | • More than 205 to 300 metres - 3 wheelchair spaces | Not set | Not set |
Not set | • More than 300 metres - 4 wheelchair spaces | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 2 | To ensure stability, the wheelchair space shall be designed for the wheelchair to be positioned either facing or back to the direction of travel. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces. | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 3 | Over the full length of the wheelchair space the width shall be 700 mm from floor level to a minimum height of 1 450 mm with an additional 50 mm width to give clearance for hands on each side that is adjacent to any obstacle that will inhibit clearance for the wheelchair users hands (e.g. wall or structure) from a height of 400 mm to 800 mm above floor level (if one side of the wheelchair is adjacent to the aisle there is no additional 50 mm requirement for that side of the wheelchair as it is already free space). | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces. | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 4 | The minimum distance in the longitudinal plane between the back of the wheelchair space and the next surface shall be in accordance with Appendix I, figures I1 to I3. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 5 | There shall be no obstruction of the designated space between the floor and the ceiling of the vehicle other than an overhead luggage rack, a horizontal handrail in accordance with the requirements of point attached to the wall or ceiling of the vehicle, or a table. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and | Dispensation Required |
Not set | Not set | Wheelchair spaces | Not set | Paragraph 6 | The back of the wheelchair space shall be a structure or other acceptable fitting of at least 700 mm wide. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and | Dispensation Required |
Not set | The height of the structure, or fitting, shall be capable of preventing a wheelchair that has been positioned with its back against the structure or fitting, from tipping over backwards. | Wheelchair spaces | Not set | Paragraph 7 | Tip-up seats may be installed in the wheelchair space but, when in the stowed position, shall not encroach on the dimensional requirements of the wheelchair space. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 8 | It is not allowed to install any permanent equipment such as bicycle hooks or ski racks into the wheel-chair space or directly in front of it. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 9 | At least one seat shall be available either adjacent to or facing to each of the wheelchair spaces for a companion to travel with the wheelchair user. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and | Dispensation Required |
Not set | This seat shall offer the same level of comfort as the other passenger seats, and may also be situated on the opposing side of the aisle. | Wheelchair spaces | Not set | Paragraph 10 | On trains with a design speed higher than 250 km/h excepting double deck trains, it shall be possible for a wheelchair user occupying a wheelchair space to transfer onto a passenger seat that shall be equipped with a movable armrest. | Vehicles cannot travel at speeds in excess of 250 km/h | N/A |
Not set | Such transfer is made by the wheelchair user in autonomy. In that case, it is allowed that the companion seat is shifted to another row. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | This requirement is applicable up to the number of wheelchair spaces per unit specified in table 5. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 11 | The wheelchair space shall be fitted with a call for aid device that shall, in the event of danger, provide to a wheelchair user the possibility to inform a person who can take appropriate action. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 12 | The call for aid device shall be placed within the comfortable reach range of the person using the wheelchair as shown in Appendix L, figure L1. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 13 | The call for aid device shall not be placed within a narrow recess which prevents immediate intentional palm operation but can be protected from unintentional use. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 14 | The interface of the call for aid device shall be as defined in point | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 15 | A sign conforming to appendix N shall be placed immediately next to, or in the wheelchair space so as to identify the space as the wheelchair space. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | | Doors | Not set | Not set | | General | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | These requirements apply only to doors providing access to another public part of the train, with the exclusion of toilet doors. | Information only | N/A | Paragraph 2 | To latch or unlatch a manually operated door, for use by the public, the control device shall be operable by the palm of the hand exerting a force not exceeding 20 N. | No manually operated doors for public use | N/A | Paragraph 3 | Door controls, whether manual, pushbuttons or other devices, shall contrast with the surface on which they are mounted. | Exterior doors are fitted with PRM compliant EAO door controls which have a yellow button on a brushed stainless steel panel. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Interior doors have a RAL1023 yellow bezel on a brushed stainless steel panel. | Not set | Paragraph 4 | Their interface with passengers shall comply with the specifications of point | See | N/A | Paragraph 5 | If both open and closed door control devices are fitted one above the other, the top device shall always be the open control. | New exterior door buttons installed, ATC-C12214259 | Non-Compliance Accepted |
Not set | Not set | Interior door control buttons are currently such that the open button is lower. This is to allow compliance with reg and has previously been an acceptable non-compliance ( | Not set |
Not set | Not set | iva-rail-north-accessibility-compliancedispensation) | Not set | | Exterior doors | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | All exterior passenger doorways shall have a minimum clear useable width of 800 mm when open. | Number 1 Door opening meets minimum requirements. Actual = 820mm | Dispensation Required |
Not set | Not set | Number 2 Door opening does not meet minimum requirements. Actual = 780mm | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 2 | On trains with a design speed lower than 250 km/h, wheelchair access doors offering a level access as defined in point 2.3 shall have a minimum clear useable width of 1 000 mm when open. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 3 | All exterior passenger doorways shall be marked on the outside in a way that gives a contrast to the vehicle body-side surrounding them. | External livery drawing – ATC-2223236 | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 4 | The designated wheelchair exterior accessible doorways shall be the closest doorways to the designated wheelchair spaces. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 5 | The doors to be used for wheelchair access shall be clearly labelled with a sign in accordance with appendix N. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 6 | From the inside of the vehicle the position of external doorways shall clearly be marked by use of contrasted adjacent flooring. | ASR-20-001-001 issue 1 Cl153 Tourist Train Colour Specification shows the adjacent flooring contrast | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 7 | When a door is released for opening a signal shall be given that is clearly audible and visible to persons inside and outside the train. This alert signal shall last for a minimum of five seconds unless the door is operated, in which case it may cease after 3 seconds. | Door sounders fitted iaw AT/MP2161 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Installation of compliant door sounders on Class 150, 153, 156 and 158 DMUs which has already been assessed for compliance with PRM TSI and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER03 Concept design passenger | Not set |
Not set | Not set | door push buttons and sounders and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER06 Installation of PRM compliant door sounders on ASR class 153. | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 8 | When a door is automatically or remotely opened by the driver or other member of the train crew, the alert signal shall last for a minimum 3 seconds from the moment that the door starts to open. | Door sounders fitted iaw AT/MP2161 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Installation of compliant door sounders on Class 150, 153, 156 and 158 DMUs which has already been assessed for compliance with PRM TSI and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER03 Concept design passenger | Not set |
Not set | Not set | door push buttons and sounders and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER06 Installation of PRM compliant door sounders on ASR class 153. | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 9 | When a door that is automatically or remotely closed, is about to operate, an audible and visible alert signal shall be given to persons inside and outside the train. The alert signal shall start a minimum of 2 seconds before the door starts to close and shall continue while the door is closing. | Door sounders fitted iaw AT/MP2161 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Installation of compliant door sounders on Class 150, 153, 156 and 158 DMUs which has already been assessed for compliance with PRM TSI and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER03 Concept design passenger | Not set |
Not set | Not set | door push buttons and sounders and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER06 Installation of PRM compliant door sounders on ASR class 153. | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 10 | The sound source for door alert signals shall be located in the area local to the control device or, if there is no such control device, adjacent to the doorway. | Door sounders fitted iaw AT/MP2161 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Installation of compliant door sounders on Class 150, 153, 156 and 158 DMUs which has already been assessed for compliance with PRM TSI and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER03 Concept design passenger | Not set |
Not set | Not set | door push buttons and sounders and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER06 Installation of PRM compliant door sounders on ASR class 153. | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 11 | The visible signal shall be visible from inside and outside the train and shall be located such that it minimises the opportunity for it to be obscured by passengers located in the vestibule. | Door sounders fitted iaw AT/MP2161 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Installation of compliant door sounders on Class 150, 153, 156 and 158 DMUs which has already been assessed for compliance with PRM TSI and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER03 Concept design passenger | Not set |
Not set | Not set | door push buttons and sounders and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER06 Installation of PRM compliant door sounders on ASR class 153. | Not set |
Not set | Not set | The internal door button has an illuminated pushbutton. | Not set | Paragraph 12 | Passenger doors audible alert signals shall be according to the specification in appendix G. | Door sounders fitted iaw AT/MP2161 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Installation of compliant door sounders on Class 150, 153, 156 and 158 DMUs which has already been assessed for compliance with PRM TSI and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER03 Concept design passenger | Not set |
Not set | Not set | door push buttons and sounders and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER06 Installation of PRM compliant door sounders on ASR class 153. | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 13 | The method of door activation shall be by train crew, semiautomatic (i.e. passenger pushbutton operation) or automatic. | Passenger pushbutton operation | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 14 | The door control shall be located either next to or on the door leaf. | The position of the exterior buttons has not changed and AT/MP2161 which has already been assessed for compliance with this regulation. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 15 | The centre of exterior door opening control, operable from the platform, shall be not less than 800 mm and not more than 1 200 mm measured vertically above platforms, for all platforms for which the train is designed. If the train is designed for a single platform height, the centre of exterior door opening control shall be not less than 800 mm and not more than 1 100 mm measured vertically above that platform height. | Door buttons fitted iaw AT/MP2161 Installation of compliant door sounders on Class 150, 153, 156 and 158 DMUs which has already been assessed for compliance with PRM TSI and PBE19-001-ER03 Concept design passenger | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | door push buttons and sounders and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | PBE19-001-ER06 Installation of PRM compliant door sounders on ASR class 153. | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Gauging modification compliance SNCLSN0179695 C001 for raising ride height by 20mm | Not set | Paragraph 16 | The centre of internal door opening control for the exterior door shall be not less than 800 mm and not more than 1 100 mm measured vertically above the vehicle floor level. | The current height of the open button is 1080mm above floor level. | Compliance Achieved | | Interior doors | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Internal automatic and semi-automatic doors shall incorporate devices that prevent passengers becoming trapped during operation of the doors. | No automatic or semi-automatic internal passenger doors fitted | N/A | Paragraph 2 | Interior doors that are made available for wheelchair users shall have a minimum clear useable width of 800 mm. | Only internal door fitted if for the toilet, which is not compliant. | N/A |
Not set | Not set | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Wheelchair spaces | Not set | Paragraph 3 | The force required to open or close a manual door shall not exceed 60 N. | Toilet Door open and close force is compliant. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 4 | The centre of interior door controls shall be not less than 800 mm and not more than 1 100 mm measured vertically above the vehicle floor level. | Toilet Door handle is compliant | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 5 | Automatic inter-vehicle connecting doors shall operate either synchronously as a pair, or the second door shall automatically detect the person moving towards it and open. | No automatic inter-vehicle connecting doors fitted | N/A | Paragraph 6 | If more than 75 % of a door's surface is made of a transparent material, it shall be clearly marked with visual indicators. | No transparent internal passenger doors fitted | N/A | | Lighting | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Minimum values of average illuminance in the passenger areas shall be according to point 4.1.2 of the specification referenced in Appendix A, index 6. Requirements relative to the uniformity of these values are not applicable for conformity with this TSI. | The scope of the modifications has not changed the lighting in the vehicle and no assessment of the illuminance has been made. | Compliance Achieved | | Toilets | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | When toilets are fitted in a train, a universal toilet shall be provided accessible from the wheelchair space. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 2 | The standard toilet shall be compliant with the requirements of points and | See and | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 3 | The universal toilet shall be compliant with the requirements of points and | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 4 | When toilets are fitted in a train a baby nappy changing facility shall be provided. If separate nursery facilities are not provided or if separate nursery facilities are provided but are not accessible to a wheel-chair user, a table shall be incorporated within the universal toilets. It shall be compliant with the requirements of point | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and | N/A |
Not set | Not set | Wheelchair spaces | Not set | | Clearways | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | From the vehicle entrance, the section of the clearway shall be as follows: | All sizes greater than minimum envelope sizes in J1, Seating Layout drawing, ATC-2224020. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | — through the vehicles according to figure J1 of Appendix J, | J2 and J3 are not applicable to this single car unit. | Not set |
Not set | — between connecting vehicles of a single trainset, according to figure J2 of Appendix J, | Not set | |
Not set | — to and from wheelchair accessible doors, wheelchair spaces and wheelchair accessible areas including sleeping accommodation and universal toilets if provided, according to figure J3 of Appendix J. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 2 | The minimum height requirement does not need to be verified in: | Information only | N/A |
Not set | — all areas of double-deck vehicles, | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — gangways and door areas of single deck vehicles, In those areas, reduced headroom is accepted as a consequence of structural constraints (gauge, physical space). | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 3 | A turning space, with a minimum diameter of 1 500 mm, shall be provided adjacent to the wheelchair space and in other locations where wheelchairs are supposed to turn 180o. The wheelchair space may be part of the turning circle. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 4 | If a change in direction is required for a wheelchair user, the clearway width of both corridors shall be in accordance to table K1 of Appendix K. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | | Customer Information | Not set | Not set | | General | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | The following information shall be provided: | Interior labelling drawing ATC-2224242, exterior | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | — Safety Information and safety instructions | labelling drawing ATC 2224023 | Not set |
Not set | — Audible safety instructions coupled with visible signals in case of emergency | A PIS system has been installed, ref PBE19-001ER02 | Not set |
Not set | — Warning, prohibition and mandatory actions signs | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Information concerning the route of the train, including information about delays and unplanned stops, | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Information concerning the location of on-board facilities | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 2 | Visual information shall contrast with its background. | Interior labelling drawing, ATC-2224242 and exterior labelling drawing ATC 2224023 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 3 | The typeface used for texts shall be easily readable. | Interior labelling drawing, ATC-2224242 and exterior labelling drawing ATC 2224023 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 4 | Time information presented in digits shall be in the 24 h system | TrainFX PIS system installed. | Compliance Achieved | | Signage, pictograms and tactile information | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | All safety, warning, mandatory action and prohibition signs shall include pictograms and shall be designed according to the specification referenced in Appendix A, index 7. | Interior labelling drawing, ATC-2224242 and exterior labelling drawing ATC 2224023 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 2 | There shall be no more than five pictograms, together with a directional arrow, indicating a single direction placed adjacent to each other at a single location. | Interior labelling drawing, ATC-2224242 and exterior labelling drawing ATC 2224023 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 3 | The following specific pictograms shall be fitted with the | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required |
Not set | wheelchair symbol in accordance with appendix N: | Information will not be directional as 156/158 could be coupled at either end. | Not set |
Not set | — Directional information for wheelchair accessible amenities — Indication of the wheelchair accessible door location outside the train | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Indication of the wheelchair space inside the train | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Indication of the universal toilets | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The symbols can be combined with other symbols (for example: carriage number, toilet, etc.). | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 4 | Where inductive loops are fitted these shall be indicated by a pictogram complying with appendix N. | Inductive loops are not fitted to Class 153, 156 or 158 vehicles | N/A | Paragraph 5 | In universal toilets, where hinged handrails are provided, a pictogram showing the rail in both the stowed and deployed positions shall be provided. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 6 | If a vehicle provides reserved seats then the number or letter of that vehicle (as used in the reservation system) shall be displayed externally on or adjacent to all its access doors. | This coach is specifically a cycle carrying coach and it will be possible to reserve cycle spaces. The external artwork clearly shows that this coach is for bicycles. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | The number or letter shall be displayed in characters not less than 70 mm high and shall be visible when the door is open and closed. | Livery drawing ATC- 2223236 and external labelling drawing ATC-2224023 | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | Paragraph 7 | If seats are identified by numbers or letters, the number or letter of the seat shall be displayed on or adjacent to every seat in characters not less than 12 mm high. | Internal labelling drawing, -. ATC-2224242 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Such numbers and letters shall contrast with their background. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 8 | Tactile information signage shall be fitted in: | Internal labelling drawing - ATC-2224242 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | — Toilets and wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodation, for functional information and call for aid device if appropriate | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Rolling stock, for the open/close button of passenger accessible doors and call for aid devices | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | | Dynamic Visual information | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | The final destination or route shall be displayed on the outside of the train on the platform side adjacent to at least one of the passenger access doors on a minimum of alternate vehicles of the train. | Derogation required | Dispensation Required |
Not set | Not set | Final destination displays are positioned as below: | Not set |
Not set | Not set | #1 Cab end: Driver and #2 Cab end: Guard Side | Not set | Paragraph 2 | Where trains operate in a system, in which dynamic visual information is given on the station platform every 50 m or less, and destination or route information is also provided on the front of the train, it is not mandatory to provide information on the sides of vehicles. | Route information will be displayed on the FF display at each end. There is no intent to provide destination or route information on the side of vehicles. A TrainFX PIS system has been installed, ref PBE19-001-ER02 describes the design. | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 3 | The final destination or route of the train shall be displayed inside each vehicle. | A TrainFX PIS system has been installed, ref PBE19-001-ER02 describes the design. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 4 | The next stop of the train shall be displayed such that it can be read from a minimum of 51 % of passenger seats inside each vehicle including 51 % of the priority seats, and from all wheelchair spaces. | 58% of seated passengers will be able to read the saloon display. This includes all those seated in the Priority seats. PBE19-001-ER02 describes the design. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 5 | This information shall be displayed at least two minutes before arrival at the station concerned. | TrainFX PIS system is programmable by the operator and has been designed to enable this. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | If the next station is less than two minutes planned journey time away, the next station shall be displayed immediately following departure from the previous station. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 6 | The requirement to make the destination and ‘next stop’ information visible from 51 % of passenger seats does not apply to compartment carriages where the compartments have a maximum of 8 seats and are served by an adjacent corridor. | Compartment has more than 8 seats. | N/A |
Not set | However, this information shall be visible to a person standing in a corridor outside a compartment and to a passenger occupying a wheelchair space. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 7 | The information about the next stop may be displayed on the same support as the final destination. | TrainFX PIS system is programmable by the operator and has been designed to enable this. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | However, it shall revert to show the final destination as soon as the train has stopped. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 8 | If the system is automated, it shall be possible to suppress or correct incorrect or misleading information. | TrainFX PIS system is programmable by the operator and has been designed to enable this. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 9 | Internal and external displays shall comply with the requirements of point In this point, the term ‘display’ shall be understood as any support of dynamic information. | TrainFX PIS system is programmable by the operator and has been designed to enable this. | Compliance Achieved | | Dynamic audible information | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | The train shall be fitted with a public address system which shall be used either for routine or emergency announcements by the driver or by another crew member who has specific responsibility for passengers. | A TrainFX PIS system has been installed which allows crew announcements. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 2 | The public address system may operate on a manual, an automated or pre-programmed basis. | TrainFX PIS system is programmable by the operator and has been designed to enable this. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | If the public address system is automated, it shall be possible to suppress, or correct, incorrect or misleading information. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 3 | The public address system shall be capable of announcing the destination and next stop of the train at each stop, or on departure from each stop. | TrainFX PIS system is programmable by the operator and has been designed to enable this. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 4 | The public address system shall be capable of announcing the next stop of the train at least two minutes before the arrival of the train at that stop. | TrainFX PIS system is programmable by the operator and has been designed to enable this. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | If the next station is less than two minutes planned journey time away, the next station shall be announced immediately following departure from the previous station. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 5 | The spoken information shall have a minimum STI-PA level of | PBE19-001-WI54 issue 1 Class 153 Speech | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | 0.45, in accordance with the specification referenced in | Transmission Intelligibility Test (STIPA) | Not set |
Not set | Appendix A, index 5. The public address system shall meet the requirement at all seat locations and wheelchair spaces. | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Email R.Smith/G.Calder 26/1/21 Having reviewed the methodology and results for the STIPA testing of the PA in Class 153 units with the new PA system installed I can confirm that this closes the open issue concerning this data on our report reference Z788/45703/RWS, item | Not set |
Not set | Not set | 8 | Not set |
Not set | Not set | The PA system has been demonstrated with the requirements of the PRM TSI & BS EN6026816:2011 | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | | Height changes | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Internal steps (other than those for external access) shall have a maximum height of 200 mm and a minimum depth of 280 mm, measured at the central axis of the stairs. For double deck trains it is permitted to reduce this value to 270 mm for the stairs accessing the upper deck and the lower deck. | No Internal steps | N/A | Paragraph 2 | As a minimum the first and the last step shall be indicated by a contrasting band with a depth of 45 mm to 55 mm extending the full width of the steps on both the front and the top surfaces of the step nosing. | No Internal steps | N/A | Paragraph 3 | Stairs constituted of more than three steps shall be provided with handrails on both sides and at two levels. The higher handrail shall be positioned at a height of 850 mm to 1 000 mm above floor level. The lower handrail shall be positioned at a height of 500 mm to 750 mm above floor level. | No more than 3 steps fitted | N/A | Paragraph 4 | Stairs constituted of one, two or three steps shall be provided on both sides with a minimum of one handrail or other item that can be used for personal stability. | No steps fitted | N/A | Paragraph 5 | Handrails shall be compliant with point | See | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 6 | No steps are allowed between the vestibule of a wheelchair accessible exterior door, the wheelchair space, a universal sleeping compartment and the universal toilet except for a door threshold strip that shall not exceed 15 mm in height or except in case that a lift is provided to overcome the step. The lift shall comply with the requirements of point | No steps fitted | N/A | Paragraph 7 | For ramps in rolling stock the maximum slope shall not exceed the following values: | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and | N/A |
Not set | Maximum slope for ramps in rolling stock: | Wheelchair spaces | |
Not set | (Paths between the vestibule of a wheelchair accessible exterior door, the wheelchair space, a wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodation and the universal toilet) | Not set | |
Not set | Length of ramp Maximum gradient (degrees) | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Maximum gradient (%) | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Up to 840 mm in single deck carriages 6,84 12 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Up to 840 mm in double deck carriages 8,5 15 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | > 840 mm 3,58 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | 6,25 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Other areas of the train | Not set | Not set |
Not set | > 1 000 mm 6,84 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | 12 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | 600 mm to 1 000 mm 8,5 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | 15 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Less than 600 mm 10,2 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | 18 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Note: These gradients shall be measured when the vehicle is stationary on straight and level track. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | | Handrails | || Paragraph 1 | All handrails fitted to a vehicle shall be round in section with an outside diameter of 30 mm to 40 mm, and shall have a minimum clear distance of 45 mm to any adjacent surface other than its mountings. | ATC-2224010 shows details of poles in cycle area which may be used as handrails. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | ATC- ATC-2224020 identifies handrails throughout vehicle. | Not set | Paragraph 2 | If a handrail is curved, the radius to the inside face of the curve shall be a minimum of 50 mm. | ATC-2224010 shows details of poles in cycle area which may be used as handrails | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 3 | All handrails shall contrast with their background. | ASR-20-001-002 Cl153 interior colour contrast assessment. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 4 | External doorways shall be provided with handrails on both sides, fitted internally as close as practicable to the vehicle outer wall. | ATC-2224020 identifies handrails throughout vehicle. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Exception can be made for one side of the doorway if it is fitted with a device such as an on-board lift. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 5 | Those handrails shall be: | Present Handrails meet requirements. Actual length:0 – 1495mm | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | — Vertical handrails that shall extend from 700 mm to 1 200 mm above the threshold of the first step for all external doorways. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Additional handrails at a height of between 800 mm and 900 mm above the first useable step and parallel with the line of the step nosing for doorways with more than two entrance steps. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 6 | Where the clearway of the gangway is narrower than 1000 mm and longer than 2000 mm there shall be handrails or handholds provided in, or adjacent to, inter-vehicle gangways that are provided for passenger use. | Clearway of the Gangway at its narrowest point is 610mm and is 1500mm long. | N/A |
Not set | Not set | It is assumed the Gangway Clearway extends from the gangway cab front, to the cross alleyway/vestibule. | Not set | Paragraph 7 | Where the clearway of the gangway is wider than or equal to 1 000 mm handrails or handholds shall be provided in the gangway. | No1 End Vestibule Arrangement drawing ATC2223994 | Compliance Achieved | | Wheelchair Accessible sleeping accommodation | Not set | | | When a train is equipped with sleeping accommodation for passengers, it shall provide a vehicle containing at least one wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodation. | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A |
Paragraph 1 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | If there is more than one vehicle with sleeping accommodation for passengers in a train, there shall be not less than two wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodations in the train. | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A |
Paragraph 2 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | If a rail vehicle provides wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodation, the exterior of the relevant vehicle door and the wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodation door shall be marked with a sign in accordance with appendix N. | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A |
Paragraph 3 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | The wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodation internal space shall take in consideration the requirements of point for actions expected from the wheelchair user in the sleeping accommodation. | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A |
Paragraph 4 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | The sleeping accommodation shall be fitted with not less than two call for aid devices that shall when operated, send a signal to a person who can take appropriate action; they need not initiate a communication. | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A |
Paragraph 5 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | The interface of the call for aid devices shall be as defined in point | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A |
Paragraph 6 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | One call for aid device shall be placed not more than 450 mm above the floor, measured vertically from the surface of the floor to the centre of the control. It shall be positioned so that the control can be reached by a person lying on the floor. | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A |
Paragraph 7 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | The other call for aid device shall be not less than 600 mm and not more than 800 mm above the floor measured vertically to the centre of the control. | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A |
Paragraph 8 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | These two call for aid devices shall be located on different vertical surfaces of the sleeping accommodation. | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A |
Paragraph 9 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 10 | The call for aid devices shall be distinct from any other control within the sleeping accommodation, be coloured differently from other control devices and contrast with their background. | No Sleeping Accommodation provided | N/A | | Step position for vehicle access and egress | || | General requirements | || Paragraph 1 | It shall be demonstrated that the point situated in the central position on the nose of the access step of each passenger access door on both sides of a vehicle in working order with new wheels standing centrally on the rails, shall be located inside the surface identified as ‘step location’ on the figure 1. (See P136 of L356) | ScotRail 153 Dynamic and gauging compliance report SNCL-SN0179695-C001 and ASR Class | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | 153 vehicle lift and footstep gauging modification ATMP 2578 | Not set | Paragraph 2 | The values of bq0, ?h, ??+ and ??– depend on the type of platform where the rolling stock is intended to stop. | ASR will provide | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | They shall be as follows: | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — bq0 shall be calculated based on the gauge of the track in which the train is intended to operate in accordance with the specification referenced in Appendix A, index 8. Gauges are defined in chapter of INF TSI. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — ?h, ??+ and ??– are defined in tables 7 — 9. (See P137 of L356) | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 3 | The technical documentation requested in point 4.2.12 of the | ASR will provide | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | LOC&PAS TSI shall include information about the height and offset of the theoretical platform resulting in a vertical gap (??+) of 230 mm and in a horizontal gap (?h) of 200 mm from the point situated in the central position of the nose of the rolling stock's lowest step on a straight level track. | Not set | Not set | | Access/egress steps | || Paragraph 1 | All steps for access and egress shall be slip resistant and shall have an effective clear width as large as the doorway width. | All external passenger doors have been fitted with a slip resistance threshold strip - Bearing Mart Ltd drawing 213408 | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 2 | Internal steps for external access shall have a minimum depth of 240 mm between the vertical edges of the step and a maximum height of 200 mm. | No second step fitted | N/A |
Not set | The height of each step may be increased to a maximum of 230 mm if it can be demonstrated that this achieves a reduction of one in the total number of steps required. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 3 | The rising height of each step shall be equal. | No second step fitted | N/A | Paragraph 4 | As a minimum the first and the last steps shall be indicated by a contrasting band with a depth of 45 mm to 55 mm extending a minimum of 80 % of the width of the steps on the top surface of the step nosing. | All external passenger doors have been fitted with a slip resistance threshold strip which contains a 50mm contrasting band fitted 100% width of the doorway - Bearing Mart Ltd drawing 213408 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | A similar band shall indicate the front surface of the last step when entering the unit. | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 5 | An external access step, fixed or moveable, shall have a maximum height of 230 mm between steps and a minimum depth of 150 mm. | No external access step | N/A | Paragraph 6 | If a step board is fitted and it is an extension of a door sill outside the vehicle, and there is no change in level between the step board and the floor of the vehicle, this shall not be considered to be a step for the purposes of this specification. A minimal drop in level, with a maximum of 60 mm, between the floor surface at door sill and that of the exterior of the vehicle, used to guide and seal the door is also permissible and shall not be considered as a step. | Information only. | N/A | Paragraph 7 | Access to the vestibule of the vehicle shall be achieved with a maximum of 4 steps of which one may be external. | No steps. | N/A | Paragraph 8 | Rolling stock intended to stop, in normal operation, at existing platforms below 380 mm height and having their passenger access doors above bogies need not comply with points (2) and (5) above if it can be demonstrated that this achieves a more even distribution of the steps height. | N/A | |
Not set | Not set | ||
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | | Boarding aids | || | A secure storage system shall be provided to ensure that boarding aids, including portable ramps, do not impinge on a passenger's wheelchair or mobility aid or pose any hazard to passengers in the event of a sudden stop. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A |
Paragraph 1 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | The following types of boarding aids may be present in the rolling stock according to the rules defined in point 4.4.3 | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A |
Paragraph 2 | Not set | Not set | Not set | | Movable step and bridging plate | Not set | | Paragraph 1 | A moveable step is a retractable device integrated into the vehicle lower than the door threshold level, fully automatic and activated in conjunction with the door opening/closing sequences. | Information only | N/A | Paragraph 2 | A bridging plate is a retractable device integrated into the vehicle as close as possible to the door threshold level, fully automatic and activated in conjunction with the door opening/closing sequences. | Information only | N/A | Paragraph 3 | In the case of the movable step or bridging plate extending beyond that permitted by the gauging rules, the train shall be immobilised whilst the step or plate is extended. | No movable step or plate required | N/A | Paragraph 4 | The extension of the moveable step or bridging plate shall be completed before the door opening permits the passengers to cross and conversely, removal of the step or plate may only begin when the door opening no longer permits any crossing of passengers. | No moveable step or plate required | N/A | Paragraph 5 | Movable steps and bridging plates shall comply with the requirements of point | No moveable step or bridging plate required | N/A | | On-board ramp | Not set | | Paragraph 1 | An on-board ramp is a device that is positioned between the vehicle door threshold and the platform. It can be manual, semiautomatic or automatic. | Information only | N/A | Paragraph 2 | On-board ramps shall comply with the requirements of point | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | | On-board lift | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | An on-board lift is a device integrated into the doorway of a vehicle that shall be able to overcome the maximum height difference between the vehicle floor and the station platform where operated. | No lift fitted | N/A | Paragraph 2 | When the lift is in the stowed position the doorway shall have a minimum useable width according to point | No lift fitted | N/A | Paragraph 3 | On-board lifts shall comply with the requirements of point | No lift fitted | N/A |
4.3 | Functional and technical specifications of the interfaces | ||
4.3.2 | Interfaces with rolling stock subsystem | ||
Table 11 | Interface with the rolling stock subsystem: | See 4.2.2 | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | PRM TSI | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Parameter Point | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Rolling Stock subsystem 4.2.2 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | LOC&PAS TSI | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Parameter Point | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Passenger related items 4.2.5 | Not set | Not set |
5 | Interoperability | Not set | Not set |
5.1 | Definition | Not set | Not set |
According to Article 2(f) of Directive 2008/57/EC, ‘interoperability constituents’ means any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem, upon which the interoperability of the rail system depends directly or indirectly. The concept of a ‘constituent’ covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software. | Information only | N/A | |
5.2 | Innovation Solutions | Not set | Not set |
As stated in point 4.1 of this TSI, innovative solutions may require new specifications and/or new assessment methods. These specifications and assessment methods shall be developed by the process described in article 6 of the Regulation. | Information only | N/A | |
5.3 | List and characteristics of constituents | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The interoperability constituents are covered by the relevant provisions of Directive 2008/57/EC and are listed below. | Information only | N/A |
5.3.2 | Rolling stock | Not set | Not set | | Interface of the door control device | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | A door control device shall have visual indication, on or around it when enabled and shall be operable by the palm of the hand exerting a force not greater than 15 N. | EAO series 56 buttons are currently fitted which have an operating force of less than 15 N. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 2 | It shall be identifiable by touch (for example: tactile markings); this identification shall indicate the functionality. | Door button surrounds are moulded with brail writing, specify “Open” and “Close”. | Compliance Achieved | | Standard and universal toilets: common parameters | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | The centre of any door handle, lock or door control device on the exterior or interior of the toilet compartment shall be located at a minimum of 800 mm and a maximum of 1100 mm above the toilet door threshold. | Covered in AC-0028-20, Attestation Certificate for Class 153 toilet. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 2 | A visual and tactile (or audible) indication shall be given inside and outside the toilet to indicate when a door has been locked. | Covered in AC-0028-20, Attestation Certificate for Class 153 toilet. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 3 | Any door control device and other equipment inside the toilet compartment (except for baby nappy change facilities and call for aid devices) shall be operable by exerting a force not exceeding 20 N. | EAO 56 series flush button fitted, ATC-2223171 | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 4 | Any control device, including flushing system, shall contrast with the background surface, and shall be identifiable by touch. | Covered in AC-0028-20, Attestation Certificate for Class 153 toilet. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | BEL-18-001(010) refers. | Not set | Paragraph 5 | Clear, precise information for the operation of any control device shall be provided, making use of pictograms and shall be tactile. | Covered in AC-0028-20, Attestation Certificate for Class 153 toilet. | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 6 | The toilet seat and lid, and any handrails shall contrast with the background. | Covered in AC-0028-20, Attestation Certificate for Class 153 toilet. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Not set | BEL-18-001(010) refers. | Not set | | Standard toilet | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | A standard toilet is not designed to be accessible to a wheelchair user. | N/A | | Paragraph 2 | The minimum door useable width shall be 500 mm. | Present Door width = 560mm | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 3 | A fixed vertical and/or horizontal handrail according to point | Covered in AC-0028-20, Attestation Certificate for Class 153 toilet. | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | shall be provided adjacent to the toilet seat and the wash basin. | Drawing ATC-2223168 refers. | Not set | | Universal toilet | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | A universal toilet is a toilet designed to be used by all passengers including all persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 2 | The area of use of a universal toilet is defined by the method used for its assessment (A or B according to point | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 3 | The toilet access door shall provide a minimum clear useable width of 800 mm. Where the door is automatic or semi- | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and | N/A |
Not set | automatic, it shall be possible to open it partially in order to allow a wheelchair user's assistant to leave and re-enter the toilet module. | Wheelchair spaces | Not set | Paragraph 4 | The exterior of the door shall be marked with a sign in accordance with appendix N | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 5 | There shall be sufficient space inside the toilet compartment to enable a wheelchair as defined in appendix M to be manoeuvred to a position allowing both a lateral and a diagonal transfer of the wheelchair occupant to the toilet seat. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 6 | There shall be a minimum clear space of 700 mm in front of the toilet seat that shall follow the seat profile. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 7 | A horizontal handrail that complies with the requirements of point shall be provided at each side of the toilet seat extending at least to the leading edge of the toilet seat. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 8 | The handrail on the wheelchair accessible side shall be hinged in such a way so as to enable an unobstructed transfer for the wheelchair user to and from the toilet seat. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 9 | The surface of the toilet seat, when lowered, shall be at a height of 450 mm to 500 mm above the floor level. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 10 | All amenities shall be readily accessible to a wheelchair user. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 11 | The toilet cubicle shall be fitted with not less than two call for aid devices that shall, when operated, send a signal to a person who can take appropriate action; they need not initiate a communication. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 12 | The interface of the call for aid devices shall be as defined in point | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 13 | One call for aid device shall be placed not more than 450 mm above the floor, measured vertically from the surface of the floor to the centre of the control. It shall be positioned so that the control can be reached by a person lying on the floor. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 14 | The other call for aid device shall be not less than 800 mm and not more than 1 100 mm above the floor, measured vertically to the centre of the control. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 15 | These two call for aid devices shall be located on different vertical surfaces of the cubicle so that they can be reached from a range of positions. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 16 | The control of the call for aid devices shall be distinct from any other control within the toilet, be coloured differently from other control devices and contrast with their background. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 17 | If a baby nappy changing table is provided, in the lowered position its usable surface shall be between 800 mm and 1 000 mm above floor level. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | | Baby nappy changing table | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | The usable surface of the baby nappy changing table shall be a minimum of 500 mm wide and 700 mm long. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 2 | It shall be designed to prevent a baby from inadvertently sliding off, shall have no sharp edges and shall be able to take a minimum load of 80 kg. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 3 | It shall be possible to put it into the stowed position with only one hand, using a force not exceeding 25 N. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | | Interface of the call for aid device | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | A call for aid device shall: | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and | Dispensation Required |
Not set | Be indicated by a sign having a green or yellow background | Wheelchair spaces | Not set |
Not set | (according to the specification referenced in appendix A, index 10) and a white symbol, representing a bell or a telephone; the sign can be on the button or bezel or on a separate pictogram; | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 2 | Include tactile symbols | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 3 | Emit a visual and audible indication to the user that it has been operated | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 4 | Provide additional operating information if necessary | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required | Paragraph 5 | Be operable by the palm of a person's hand and not require a force exceeding 30 N to operate. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | Dispensation Required |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | | Internal and External Displays | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Each station name (which may be abbreviated), or words of messages, shall be displayed for a minimum of 2 seconds. | TrainFX PIS system is compliant (ref PRM compliance certificate T38935…ENEN-0126 and ENEN-0125). | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 2 | If a scrolling display is used (either horizontal or vertical), each complete word shall be displayed for a minimum of 2 seconds and the horizontal scrolling speed shall not exceed an average of 6 characters per second. | TrainFX PIS system is compliant (ref PRM compliance certificate T38935…ENEN-0126 and ENEN-0125). | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 3 | The typeface used for texts shall be easily readable. | TrainFX PIS system is compliant (ref PRM compliance certificate T38935…ENEN-0126 and ENEN-0125). | Compliance Achieved | Paragraph 4 | Upper Case Letters and numbers used in external displays shall have a minimum height of 70 mm on front displays and 35 mm on side displays. | TrainFX PIS system is compliant (ref PRM compliance certificate T38935… ENEN-0125). | PARTIAL |
Not set | Not set | No side displays. | Not set | Paragraph 5 | Internal displays shall be designed and assessed for an area of use defined by the maximum viewing distance according to the following formula: | TrainFX PIS system has a reading distance of 12800 mm at its minimum font size. (ref PRM compliance certificate T38935…ENEN-0126) | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | Table 13 | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Area of use of the internal displays for rolling stock | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Reading distance / Height of upper case letters and numbers | Not set | Not set |
Not set | < 8 750 mm (reading distance/250) mm | Not set | Not set |
Not set | 8 750 to 10 000 mm 35 mm | Not set | Not set |
Not set | > 10 000 mm (reading distance/285) mm | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | | | Boarding aids: movable steps and bridging plates | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Ramps shall be designed and assessed for an area of use defined by the maximum vertical gap they can overcome within a maximum slope of 18 % | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 2 | Ramps shall withstand a weight of at least 300 kg, placed at the centre of the ramp distributed over an area of 660 mm by 660 mm. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 3 | An access ramp shall be either positioned manually by staff or deployed semi-automatically by mechanical means, operated by staff or by the passenger. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 4 | If the ramp is power operated it shall incorporate a method of manual operation should power fail. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 5 | The ramp surface shall be slip resistant and shall have an effective clear width of a minimum of 760 mm. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 6 | Ramps having a clear width of less than 1 000 mm shall have raised edges on both sides to prevent mobility aid wheels from slipping off. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 7 | The upstands at both ends of the ramp shall be bevelled and shall not be higher than 20 mm. They shall have contrasting hazard warning bands. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 8 | When in use for boarding or alighting, the ramp shall be secured in use so that it is not subject to displacement when loading or unloading. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 9 | A semi-automatic ramp shall be fitted with a device capable of stopping the movement of that step if its front edge comes into contact with anything or person whilst the plate is in movement. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 10 | The ramp shall be provided with self-contrasting markings. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | | Boarding aids: on-board ramps | Not set | Not set | Paragraph 1 | Ramps shall be designed and assessed for an area of use defined by the maximum vertical gap they can overcome within a maximum slope of 18 % | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 2 | Ramps shall withstand a weight of at least 300 kg, placed at the centre of the ramp distributed over an area of 660 mm by 660 mm. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 3 | An access ramp shall be either positioned manually by staff or deployed semi-automatically by mechanical means, operated by staff or by the passenger. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 4 | If the ramp is power operated it shall incorporate a method of manual operation should power fail. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 5 | The ramp surface shall be slip resistant and shall have an effective clear width of a minimum of 760 mm. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 6 | Ramps having a clear width of less than 1 000 mm shall have raised edges on both sides to prevent mobility aid wheels from slipping off. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 7 | The upstands at both ends of the ramp shall be bevelled and shall not be higher than 20 mm. They shall have contrasting hazard warning bands. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 8 | When in use for boarding or alighting, the ramp shall be secured in use so that it is not subject to displacement when loading or unloading. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 9 | A semi-automatic ramp shall be fitted with a device capable of stopping the movement of that step if its front edge comes into contact with anything or person whilst the plate is in movement. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | Paragraph 10 | The ramp shall be provided with self-contrasting markings. | Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and Wheelchair spaces | N/A | | Boarding aids: on-board lifts | Not set | Not set | | Lifts shall be designed and assessed for an area of use defined by the maximum vertical gap they can overcome. | No on-board lifts are fitted | N/A |
Paragraph 1 - 14 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
6 | Assessment of Conformity and/or suitability for use | Not set | Not set |
6.1 | Interoperability constituents | Not set | Not set |
6.1.1 – 6.1.3 | Unit only intended for UK use. Interoperability not required | N/A | |
6.2 | Subsystems | Not set | Not set |
6.2.1 | EC verification (general) | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The EC verification procedures to be applied to the subsystems are described in Article 18 and Annex VI of Directive 2008/57/EC. | Information only | N/A |
Not set | The EC verification procedure shall be performed according to the prescribed modules(s) specified in point 6.2.2 of this TSI. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The approval process and the contents of the assessment shall be defined between the applicant and a notified body according to the requirements defined in this TSI and in conformance with the rules set out in section 7 of this TSI. | Not set | Not set |
6.2.2 | Procedures for EC verification of a subsystem (modules) | Not set | Not set |
Table 16 | Modules for the EC verification of subsystems | Title | N/A |
Module SB EC-type examination | Information only | N/A | |
Not set | Module SD EC verification based on quality management system of the production process | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Module SF EC verification based on product verification | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Module SG EC verification based on unit verification Module SH1 EC verification based on full quality management system plus design examination | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | The applicant shall choose one of the modules or module combinations indicated in table 17. | Not set | Not set |
Table 17 | Combination of modules for the EC verification of subsystems | Title | N/A |
Not set | Subsystem to be assessed: | Assessment modules in relation to Rolling Stock required: | N/A |
Not set | 1. Module SB+SD | 1. Module SB: EC-type examination + Module SD: EC verification based on quality management system of the production process | Not set |
Not set | 2. Module SB+SF | 2. Module SB: EC-type examination + Module SF: EC verification based on product verification | Not set |
Not set | 3. Module SG | 3. Module SH1: EC verification based on | Not set |
Not set | 4. Module SH1 | full quality | Not set |
Not set | Rolling Stock Subsystem: 1,2 & 4 | Not required as vehicle is to be upgraded. | Not set |
Not set | Infrastructure Subsystem: N/A (Not in scope) | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | The characteristics of the subsystem to be assessed during the relevant phases are indicated in appendix E to this TSI, Table E.1 for infrastructure subsystem and Table E.2 for rolling stock subsystem. The applicant shall confirm that each subsystem produced complies with the type. | Not set | Not set |
7.2 | Application of this TSI to existing Infrastructure and Rolling Stock | Not set | Not set |
7.2.1 | Steps of the gradual transition to the target system | Not set | Not set |
Not set | This TSI applies to subsystems when they are renewed or upgraded. | Information only. | N/A |
Not set | This TSI does not apply to renewed or upgraded rolling stock which are subject to a contract already signed or under final phase of tendering procedure at the date of application of this TSI. | Not set | |
Not set | For existing infrastructure and rolling stock, the overarching aim of the TSI is to achieve compliance with the TSI through the identification and progressive elimination of existing obstacles to accessibility. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Member States ensure that inventories of assets are organized and adopt implementation plans in order to achieve the aim of this Regulation. | Not set | Not set |
7.2.3 | Application of this TSI to existing rolling stock | Not set | |
For rolling stock, the conformity with this TSI, for those parts that are renewed or upgraded, shall be as described in appendix F. | Information only | N/A | |
Appendix F | Renewal or upgrade of rolling stock | Not set | |
Where rolling stock is renewed or upgraded, it shall comply with the requirements of this TSI; compliance with the content of this TSI is not mandatory in the following cases: | Information only | N/A | |
Structures | Compliance is not mandatory if the work would require structural alterations to door portals (interior or external), underframes, collision pillars, vehicle bodies, vehicle over-ride protection, or more generally is the work would necessitate re-validation of the vehicle structural integrity. | N/A | |
Seats | Compliance with point with regard to seat back grab handles is only mandatory if the seat structures are renewed or upgraded within an entire vehicle. | N/A | |
Not set | Compliance with point with regard to the dimensions of priority seats and around is only mandatory if the seating layout is altered within an entire train and this can be achieved without reducing the existing capacity of the train. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | In the last circumstance the maximum number of priority seats shall be provided, whilst maintaining existing capacity. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Compliance with requirements regarding headroom above priority seating is not mandatory if the limiting factor is a luggage rack that is not being structurally altered during the renewal or upgrading work. | Not set | Not set |
Wheelchair spaces | The provision of wheelchair spaces is only required when the seating layout is altered within a complete train formation. | N/A | |
Not set | However, if the entrance doorway, or clearways, cannot be modified to enable wheelchair access, a wheelchair space needs not be provided if the seating layout is altered. Wheelchair spaces created in an existing rolling stock are permitted to be arranged according to Appendix I, figure I4. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The provision of call for aid devices at the wheelchair positions is not mandatory if the vehicle does not have an electrical communications system that can be adapted to include such a device. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The provision of a transfer seat is only mandatory when it does not require modifying the layout of an existing wheelchair space. | Not set | Not set |
Exterior doors | Compliance with requirements to define the interior position of external doorways by contrast at floor level is only mandatory when the floor covering is renewed or upgraded. | N/A | |
Not set | Compliance with requirements to provide door opening and closing signals is only mandatory when the door control system is renewed or upgraded. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Full compliance with requirements regarding the position and illumination of door controls is only mandatory when the door control system is renewed or upgraded and when the controls can be re-positioned without alteration to the vehicle structure or door. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | However, in such an event, the renewed or upgraded controls shall be installed as close as possible to the compliant position. | Not set | Not set |
Interior doors | Compliance with the requirements for door control operation operating forces and positioning is only mandatory if the door and door mechanism and/or control is being upgraded or renewed. | N/A | |
Lighting | Compliance with the requirement is not required if it can be established that there is insufficient capacity in the electrical system to support additional load, or that such lighting cannot locally be accommodated without structural alterations (doorways etc.). | N/A | |
Toilets | Provision of a fully compliant universal toilet is only mandatory when existing toilets are being completely renewed or upgraded and a wheelchair space is provided and a compliant universal toilet can be accommodated without structural alteration to the vehicle body. | Standard toilet is to be upgraded to EVAC on Class 153 to be coupled to a Class 156/158, which contains fully PRM compliant UAT and | N/A |
Not set | The provision of call for aid devices in the universal toilet is not mandatory if the vehicle does not have an electrical communications system that can be adapted to include such a device. | Wheelchair spaces | Not set |
Clearways | Compliance with the requirements of point is only mandatory if the seating layout is altered within an entire vehicle and a wheelchair space is being provided. | N/A | |
Not set | Compliance with the requirements for clearways between connecting vehicles is only mandatory if the gangway is being renewed or upgraded. | Not set | Not set |
Information | Compliance with the requirements of point in respect of route information is not mandatory at renewal or upgrade. However, where an automated route information system is installed as part of a renewal or upgrade programme, it shall comply with the requirements of this point. | N/A | |
Not set | Compliance with the other parts of point shall be mandatory whenever signage or interior finishes are renewed or upgraded. | Not set | Not set |
Height Changes | Compliance with the requirements of point is not mandatory at renewal or upgrade, with the exception that a contrasting warning band on step nosings shall be provided when tread surface materials are renewed or upgraded. | ||
Handrails | Compliance with the requirements of point is only mandatory where existing handrails are being renewed or upgraded. | N/A | |
Wheelchair accessible Sleep accommodation | Compliance with the requirement to provide wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodation is only mandatory when existing sleeping accommodation is being renewed or upgraded. The provision of call for aid devices in the wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodation is not mandatory if the vehicle does not have an electrical communications system that can be adapted to include such a device. | N/A | |
Step positions, steps and boarding aids | Compliance with the requirements of points and is not mandatory at renewal or upgrade, with the exception that if moveable steps or other integral boarding aids are fitted, they shall comply with the relevant sub-clauses in this point of the TSI. | N/A | |
Not set | However, if a wheelchair space in accordance with point is created at renewal or upgrade, then it shall be mandatory to provide some form of boarding aid in accordance with point 4.4.3. | Not set | Not set |
Appendix G | Passenger external door audible warnings | ||
Door opening - Characteristics | |||
Not set | A slow pulse multi tone (up to 2 pulses per second) of 2 tones emitted sequential. | See section | Compliance Achieved |
Not set | — Frequencies | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — 2 200 Hz +/– 100 Hz — and: | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — 1 760 Hz +/– 100 Hz | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Sound Pressure level — To be provided by either: | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — an adaptive audible warning device set at 5 dB LAeq min above ambient up to a max of 70 dB LAeq,T (+ 6/– 0) | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — or a non-adaptive device set at 70 dB LAeq,T (+ 6/– 0) | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Internal measurement on the centre point of the vestibule at a height of 1.5 m above the floor level. (T = total duration of the sound event) using measurement array (horizontal and then vertical) and averaged readings. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — External measurement, 1.5 m away from the body side door centreline at 1.5 m above the platform level. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | (T = total duration of the sound event) using measurement array (horizontal) and averaged readings. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Door close - Characteristics | Not set | Not set |
A fast pulsed tone (6-10 pulses per second) | See section | Compliance Achieved | |
Not set | — Frequency | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — 1 900 Hz +/– 100 Hz | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Sound Pressure level | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — To be provided by either:- | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — an adaptive audible warning device set at 5dB LAeq min above ambient up to a max of 70 dB LAeq,T (+ 6/– 0) | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — or a non-adaptive device set at 70 dB LAeq,T (+ 6/– 0)) | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Internal measurement on the centre point of the vestibule at a height of 1.5 m above the floor level. (T = total duration of the sound event) using measurement halo (horizontal and then vertical) and averaged readings. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — External measurement, 15 m away from the body side door centreline at 1.5 m above the platform level. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | (T = total duration of the sound event) using measurement halo (horizontal) and averaged readings. | Not set | Not set |
Internal measurement method for passenger door audible warnings (Open and Close) | Not set | Not set | |
Tests to be carried out in the vestibule using an averaged reading from a multiple microphone array (designed for | Information only | N/A | |
Not set | measuring horn noise in the cab in accordance with Commission Decision 2006/66/EC (1) Noise TSI); the array consists of 8 microphones evenly spaced around a circle of radius 250 mm. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Testing to be carried out with the array arranged horizontally | Not set | Not set |
Not set | (all microphones the same distance above the floor, as shown in Figure G1). The average of the readings from all 8 microphones will be used for the assessment. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | External measurement method for Passenger door audible warnings (Open and Close) | Not set | Not set |
Tests to be carried out using an averaged reading from a multiple microphone array (designed for measuring horn noise in the cab in accordance with 2006/66/EC Noise TSI); the array consists of 8 microphones evenly spaced around a circle of radius 250 mm. | Information only | N/A | |
Not set | — For the external test the assumed platform height should be specific to the route on which the vehicle is designed to be operated (if the operated route covers more than 1 height of platform then the lower height should be used | Not set | Not set |
Not set | i.e. 760 and 550 mm high platforms are on the operated route then the test will be carried out for the lower which would be 550 mm). | Not set | Not set |
Not set | — Testing to be carried out with the array arranged horizontally (all microphones the same distance above the platform) The average of the readings from all 8 microphones will be used for the assessment | Not set | Not set |
Not set | In case an adaptive audible warning device is used, the device shall define the surrounding noise level prior to the warning sequence. A frequency band from 500 Hz up to 5 000 Hz shall be taken in consideration. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Measurements to demonstrate compliance shall be carried out at three door locations on a train. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Note: the door should be fully open for the close test and fully closed for the open test. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Appendix N | PRM Signage | Not set | Not set |
N.1 | Scope | Not set | Not set |
N.2 | Dimensions of Signs | Not set | Not set |
Infrastructure PRM signage dimensions shall be calculated according to the formula: | Interior labelling drawing ATC 2224242 | Compliance Achieved | |
Not set | — Reading distance in mm divided by 250, multiplied by 1.25 = frame size in mm, where a frame is utilised. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The minimum tile size of rolling stock interior PRM signs shall be 60 mm with the exception of signs indicating utilities in the toilets or in the nursery that can be smaller. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The minimum tile size of rolling stock exterior PRM signs shall be 85 mm. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
Not set | Not set | Not set | |
N.3 | Symbols to use on signs | Not set | Not set |
The signs provided for in point shall have a dark blue background and a white symbol. Dark blue shall have a contrast of 0.6 relatively to white. | Interior labelling drawing ATC 2224242 | Compliance Achieved | |
Not set | Where those signs are placed on a dark blue panel, it is allowed to invert the colours of the symbol and the background (i.e. dark blue symbol on a white background). | Not set | Not set |
Not set | International wheelchair sign | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The sign which identifies wheelchair accessible areas shall include a symbol in accordance with the specifications referenced in Appendix A, index 12. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Inductive loop sign | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The sign indicating where inductive loops are fitted shall include a symbol in accordance with the specification referenced in Appendix A, index 13. | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Priority seating sign | Not set | Not set |
Not set | The sign indicating where there are priority seats shall include symbols in accordance with figure N1. | Not set | Not set |