Transparency data
Department for Education and executive agency spend over £500 by ePCS: July 2022
Updated 31 August 2023
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Department family | Entity | Date | Supplier | Amount | Expense Description |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 30/06/2022 | WWW.ICO.ORG.UK | 2900 | DATA PROTECTION FEE RENEWAL FOR 22-23 |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 01/07/2022 | LOGIT.IO | 540.95 | LOGIT-FIVE SERVICES WITHIN SERVICE DELIVERY DIVISION - DD - APPROVAL - JULY INVOICE |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 05/07/2022 | LOGIT.IO | 774.54 | LOGIT TWD SUBSCRIPTION |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 05/07/2022 | POSTURITE LTD | 1800.6 | WORKPLACE ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATION FOR 3 DfE EMPLOYEES |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 07/07/2022 | CONNECTIX LTD | 2117.9 | SERVER CABINETS |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 07/07/2022 | MARTINSPEED LTD | 956.4 | REMOVAL AND RE-INSTALLATION OF ART FROM SANCTUARY BUILDINGS |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 07/07/2022 | WP-HARLOW PRINTING | 573.6 | PRINTED GOODS – INTERNAL CAMPAIGN |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 07/07/2022 | POSTURITE LTD | 990.07 | WORKPLACE ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATION FOR 1 DfE EMPLOYEE |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 07/07/2022 | BROWSERSTACK.COM | 516.33 | 470-21 BROWSERSTACK (ORIG 035-21) 10166 CONTACT 1 DfE EMPLOYEE, APPROVER 1 DfE EMPLOYEE |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 11/07/2022 | GITHUB | 996.72 | GITHUB PROVIDED BY DIG TOOLS SUPPORT TEAM |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 12/07/2022 | POSTURITE LTD | 714.6 | WORKPLACE ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATION FOR 1 DfE EMPLOYEE |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 13/07/2022 | WWW.QA.COM | 3187.92 | MANAGING SUCCESSFUL PROGRAMMES: 5TH EDITION (MSP) FOUNDATION 3 DAY COURSE FOR TWO DFE OFFICIAL. |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 14/07/2022 | LOGIT.IO | 552.98 | LOGIT TWD SUBSCRIPTION |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 15/07/2022 | EB FOUNDATION IN CONT | 954 | EXTERNAL TRAINING COURSE - FOUNDATION IN CONTENT DESIGN (2 DAYS) |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 15/07/2022 | POSTURITE LTD | 964.98 | WORKPLACE ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATION FOR 1 DfE EMPLOYEE |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 19/07/2022 | WORDPRESS U638H2J1N5 | 2024.56 | RENEWAL FOR OPPS AREAS DOMAINS AND SITE PLANS |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 19/07/2022 | WORDPRESS KXAXDBHR8V | 75.9 | RENEWAL FOR OPPS AREAS DOMAINS AND SITE PLANS |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 20/07/2022 | TEAMVIEWER GMBH | 896.4 | SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM SUBSCRIPTION |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 20/07/2022 | STATUSCAKE BUS YEARLY | 585.79 | SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE WEBSITE MONITORING |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 21/07/2022 | THE MARKET RESEARCH SO | 1554 | EXTERNAL TRAINING COURSE - ESSENTIALS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 21/07/2022 | WORDPRESS ZHAEY59U2T | 783 | RENEWAL FOR OPPS AREAS DOMAINS AND SITE PLANS |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 22/07/2022 | POSTURITE LTD | 798.85 | WORKPLACE ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATION FOR 1 DfE EMPLOYEE |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 25/07/2022 | EB SDINGOV 2022 | 610.98 | SERVICE DESIGN IN GOVERNMENT TRAINING COURSE FOR 1 DfE EMPLOYEE. APPROVED BY 1 DfE EMPLOYEE 22/7/22 |
Department for Education | Department for Education | 27/07/2022 | WWW.BALLICOM.CO.UK | 1980 | 111-22 PURCHASE OF 300 MINI DISPLAY PORT CABLES (NOT VAT RECLAIMABLE) |
Department for Education | Education Skills Fuinding Agency | 10/07/2022 | JETBRAINS | 1572.46 | RE-SHARPER LICENCES FOR DEVELOPERS IN THE APPRENTICESHIP SERVICE. |
Department for Education | Education Skills Fuinding Agency | 15/07/2022 | FORFRONT LTD | 736.77 | MONTHLY PAYMENT FOR E-SHOT, EMAIL MARKETING SYSTEM FOR ESFA CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS TEAM. |
Department for Education | Located | 22/07/2022 | SMARTSURVEY | 864 | ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP TO SMART SURVEY |