Transparency data

DfT's exceptions to spending controls April to June 2022

Updated 27 October 2022
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Q1 22/23
Owning Dept/ALB Department Case Name Value (£) (excluding VAT) Approval date Control Not set Not set Not set
DFT Rail Transformation Programme - Strategic Change Delivery Partner £14,968,000 24/06/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT HS2 Phase 1 - Interchange Station £315,300,000 14/06/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT Specialist Technical and Commercial Advisory for Rail and Other Transport Systems (STAR Three) £600,000,000 21/04/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT ITCF Investment paper - Approval to Award £1,000,000,000 21/04/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT Outbound Mail Exception report 2 £21,200,000 01/04/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT National Travel Survey £24,000,000 29/04/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT Manual Traffic Counts £32,000,000 19/04/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT Provision of an Emergency Towage Vessel (ETV) Managed Service in the North/North-West of Scotland. £25,260,000 28/06/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT CHARM Re-Hosting Full Business Case £25,968,437 24/06/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT Debt Collection Services Outline Business Case £12,000,000 09/06/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DFT Network Rail - Integrated Facilities Management (Hard and Soft Services) £739,000,000 08/06/2022 Commercial Not set Not set Not set
DfT HS2 Ltd. £2,428,000 17/05/2022 Advertising and Marketing Not set Not set Not set
DfT It's Everyone's Journey £750,000 01/06/2022 Advertising and Marketing Not set Not set Not set
DfT Northern Ireland E10 campaign £185,000 20/06/2022 Advertising and Marketing Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Owning Dept/ALB Department Civil Service Grade equivalent (Head count)* Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Not set AA/AO EO HEO SEO Grade 6/7 SCS Unknown
DFT Not set Not set Not set 1 2 1 64
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
* As departments are not obliged to include civil service grade equivalents, and some positions do not have civil service grade equivalents, some cases will be marked 'Unknown' Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set