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Defra's ministerial meetings, April to June 2022

Updated 29 September 2022
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Minister Date Name of organisation or individual Purpose of meeting
George Eustice 20/04/2022 Food and Drink Federation To discuss supply chain concerns and the conflict in Ukraine.
George Eustice 20/04/2022 National Farmers' Union, National Farmers' Union Cymru, Commercial Farmers Group, LEAF, Livestock Auctioneers Association, Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers, National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs, Tenant Farmers Association, Soil Association, Countryside Land and Business Association, British Egg Industry Council, National Farmers' Union Scotland, National Beef Association, Sustainable Food Trust, National Sheep Association, British Poultry Association, British Agriculture Bureau, Scottish Land and Estates, Ulster Farmers' Union, National Pig Association To discuss challenges facing the farming sector.
George Eustice 20/04/2022 Allied Peak, Institute of Economic Affairs, British Standards Institution To discuss trade standards and exports.
George Eustice 21/04/2022 Blue Marine Foundation, Wildlife and Countryside Link, Marine Conservation Society, Greenpeace UK, Oceana To discuss nature recovery in the marine environment.
George Eustice 26/05/2022 US Dairy Export Council To discuss trade and the dairy industry.
George Eustice 28/04/2022 Scottish Fisherman's Federation To discuss challenges facing the Scottish fishing industry.
George Eustice 28/04/2022 James Hutton Institute To discuss vertical farming, the potato industry, and updates on the work of the institute.
George Eustice 09/05/2022 National Farmers' Union Scotland To discuss seed potatoes, border controls, and seasonal workers.
George Eustice 10/05/2022 Lowland Agricultural Peat Task Force Introductory meeting to discuss the report on how emissions from lowland farmed peatlands can be reduced.
George Eustice 11/05/2022 Associated British Foods, Mars, Nestle in the UK and Ireland, Unilever UK and Ireland, Mondelez, 2 Sisters Food Group, Pladis, Premier Food, PepsiCo UK and Ireland, Food and Drink Federation, Danone UK and Ireland, Kraft Heinz, apetito UK and North America Roundtable with food manufacturers to discuss improving the nation's health.
George Eustice 17/05/2022 Treasury Wine Estates To discuss wine imports.
George Eustice 17/05/2022 National Farmers' Union To discuss challenges facing the farming sector.
George Eustice 25/05/2022 Food and Drink Federation, UK Hospitality, British Retail Consortium, National Farmer's Union To discuss the statement made by the Foreign Secretary relating to Northern Ireland.
George Eustice 09/06/2022 Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Confederation of British Industry, Food and Drink Federation, Kraft Heinz, Gusto Drinks, Young Foodies, UK Hospitality, Bidfood, Asda, National Farmers' Union, British Retail Consortium To discuss food price inflation in the supply chain and industry actions to mitigate.
George Eustice 22/06/2022 Green Alliance, Wildlife and Countrside Link, The Wildlife Trust, Woodland Trust, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, National Trust, The Rivers Trust, Soil Association To discuss future farming schemes.
George Eustice 22/06/2022 Horticulture Trades Association To discuss challenges facing the horticulture sector.
Zac Goldsmith 13/04/2022 Flagship Capital Discussed the Flagship Capital Legacy Fund's goals and identified companies with similar goals.
Zac Goldsmith 14/04/2022 Bezos Earth Fund Discussed existing UK forestry programmes.
Zac Goldsmith 16/05/2022 Gaia Amazonas Foundation Discussed opportunities for collaboration support to indigenous communities in the Amazon region.
Zac Goldsmith 30/05/2022 African Wildlife Foundation Discussed works accross Africa and African conservation leadership.
Zac Goldsmith 10/06/2022 United Nations Convention on Migratory Species Discussed Convention on Migratory Species 10 year strategy.
Zac Goldsmith 10/06/2022 Partnership for Forests Attended the annual partner meeting.
Zac Goldsmith 14/06/2022 Countryside Alliance Discussed hunting amendments to the Kept Animals Bill.
Zac Goldsmith 14/06/2022 Amazon Frontlines Discussed Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities pledge to indigenous people.
Zac Goldsmith 15/06/2022 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Discussed illegal wildlife trade and illegal fishing.
Zac Goldsmith 15/06/2022 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Discussed the Ocean Dialogue.
Zac Goldsmith 20/06/2022 EAT Foundation Discuss the Food Action Now Initiative and UK's ambition on food for COP27.
Zac Goldsmith 21/06/2022 Centre for Nature and Climate Discussed work programme for World Economic Forum Nature Champions
Zac Goldsmith 21/06/2022 International Fund for Agricultural Development Discussed the International Development Strategy.
Zac Goldsmith 22/06/2022 World Economic Forum Attended the Champions for Nature co-chair debrief on Davos.
Zac Goldsmith 23/06/2022 Voices for Asian Elephants Society Discussed elephant welfare in Asia.
Victoria Prentis 05/04/2022 Milton Keynes farmers A roundtable to discuss local farming issues and the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 05/04/2022 Nottinghamshire farmers A farm visit followed by a roundtable to discuss local farming issues and the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 05/04/2022 Nottinghamshire farmers A roundtable to discuss local farming issues and the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 06/04/2022 National Farmers' Union, Tenant Farmers Association, Country Land and Business Association, Countryside Alliance, Yorkshire Water A roundtable to discuss the position of upland farmers during the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 21/04/2022 Brineflow, SkyFld A demonstration of liquid fertiliser spray technology linked with satellites
Victoria Prentis 25/04/2022 Joe Stanley An introductory meeting focused on the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 25/04/2022 Nature Friendly Farming Network A general catch up focused on the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 25/04/2022 East Devon and Tiverton and Honiton farmers A roundtable to discuss local farming issues and the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 25/04/2022 Scottish Whisky Association An introductory meeting with the new CEO, covering issues sustainability, deposit return schemes and free trade agreements
Victoria Prentis 26/04/2022 Angling Trust A discussion of issues affecting recreational fishing, including the blue fin tuna CHART programme
Victoria Prentis 26/04/2022 Sustain, Food Foundation To discuss the Food Strategy in relation to food access and food poverty
Victoria Prentis 26/04/2022 Sim Reaney (University of Durham) To discuss the role of mapping in minimising run-off risk
Victoria Prentis 26/04/2022 National Farmers' Union A regular catch-up with the President of the National Farmers' Union, covering a variety of farming issues. They discussed exports, the Future Faring schemes, food security, animal welfare, retailers and pesticides
Victoria Prentis 27/04/2022 National Farmers' Union A launch event for the National Farmers' Union's report on export promotion
Victoria Prentis 27/04/2022 Bosworth farmers A roundtable to discuss local farming issues and the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 27/04/2022 Wildlife Trust To discuss neoniotinoid pesticides and the agricultural transition.
Victoria Prentis 28/04/2022 Scottish Fishermen's Association To discuss current issues in the fishing industry, including fuel, Coastal State negotiations, and spatial squeeze
Victoria Prentis 03/05/2022 National Beef Association An introductory meeting focused on the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 03/05/2022 Federation of Wholesale Distributors, Booker, Brake, Bidfood, AF Blakemore, Country Range, UK Hospitality, Sysco, Beer and Pub Association A roundtable with the hospitality sector to discuss issues in the pork supply chain
Victoria Prentis 03/05/2022 Henry Dimbleby To discuss procurement, the Food Strategy White Paper, and food poverty
Victoria Prentis 04/05/2022 All Party Parliamentary Group on Shellfish Aquaculture To discuss the status of Pacific Oysters
Victoria Prentis 06/05/2022 Angling Trust To discuss recreational angling and Bluefin Tuna
Victoria Prentis 09/05/2022 All Party Parliamentary Group for the Great South West To discuss the Future Farming Resilience Fund
Victoria Prentis 11/05/2022 Blyth Valley farmers A roundtable to discuss local farming issues and the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 16/05/2022 Welsh Fishermen’s Association - Cymdeithas Pysgotwyr Cymru, National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations, Scottish Fishermen's Federation, Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation, Northern Ireland Fishermen's Federation To discuss fuel and food security in the fishing sector
Victoria Prentis 16/05/2022 Salmon Scotland To discuss the Northern Ireland Protocol and digital solutions
Victoria Prentis 17/05/2022 Trussell Trust To discuss food poverty including data collection and sharing
Victoria Prentis 23/05/2022 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Campaign to Protect Rural England, Green Alliance, National Trust, Wildlife and Countryside Link, Wildlife Trusts A roundtable to discuss the agricultural transition and gather views from environmental charities
Victoria Prentis 23/05/2022 British Potato Trade Association To discuss issues affecting the export of seed potatoes
Victoria Prentis 24/05/2022 Food and Drink Sector Council To discuss issues affecting the food and drink sector, particularly fuel availability
Victoria Prentis 24/05/2022 National Farmers Union A regular catch up with the President of the National Farmers' Union, covering a variety of farming issues. They discussed the Net Zero Working Group, welfare in transport reforms, dairy contracts, labour, pesticides mandatory reporting, the animal health and welfare plan and laying hens
Victoria Prentis 24/05/2022 Rockfish To discuss the promotion of British Seafood
Victoria Prentis 25/05/2022 Scottish Seafood Association To discuss issues with labour in the fish processing industry
Victoria Prentis 26/05/2022 Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Peak District National Park, Fitzwilliam Wentworth Estate A two day event on uplands management and how Defra can work with National Park Authorities, AONBs, NGOs, Agencies, land owners and managers, game keepers, wildlife advisors and research scientists to deliver shared goals for the uplands including the impact of the new farming schemes
Victoria Prentis 27/05/2022 North Yorkshire farmers A roundtable to discuss local farming issues and the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 31/05/2022 Hexham Farmers A roundtable to discuss local farming issues and the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 01/06/2022 The National Farmers Union, British Retail Consortium, Food and Drink Federation and UK Hospitality Regular Defra meeting with stakeholders. Minister Prentis attended for the first half hour. Discussions included the impact of Russia and Ukraine, labour shortages and trade negotiations
Victoria Prentis 01/06/2022 Rushcliffe Agriculture and Rural Affairs Forum A meeting to discuss the agricultural transition and food security
Victoria Prentis 06/06/2022 National Farmers' Union Horticulture Board A meeting convened by the National Farmers' Union to discuss labour shortages in the horticultural sector
Victoria Prentis 07/06/2022 Tenant Farmers Association A quarterly meeting with the CEO, covering issues including the agricultural transition and tenancy agreements.
Victoria Prentis 08/06/2022 Scottish Fishermen's Federation To discuss spatial squeeze and offshore wind
Victoria Prentis 09/06/2022 Lowestoft Fish Market Alliance To discuss issues local to Lowestoft and wider fisheries issues
Victoria Prentis 09/06/2022 Devizes farmers A roundtable event to discuss local farming issues and the agricultural transition
Victoria Prentis 09/06/2022 Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association To discuss promoting British seafood, the Special Area and food labelling
Victoria Prentis 15/06/2022 British Sugar To discuss neonicotinoids and glass houses
Victoria Prentis 20/06/2022 Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board A general catch-up covering issues including the Change programme and the Livestock Information Programme
Rebecca Pow 20/04/2022 Westminster Council, Cathedral Area Residents' Group To discuss flood insurance for mansion blocks
Rebecca Pow 20/04/2022 Hadleigh Heat To discuss constituency group Hadleigh HEAT, who work to help people and businesses in Hadleigh do whatever they can towards reducing global climate change and promoting biodiversity.
Rebecca Pow 21/04/2022 Greenpeace Greenpeace presented Minister Pow with an origami fish sculpture, asking the government to take acton on Ocean recovery
Rebecca Pow 21/04/2022 Blue Marine Foundation, Wildlife and Countryside Link, Marine Conservation Society, Greenpeace UK, Oceana To discuss nature recovery in the marine environment.
Rebecca Pow 26/04/2022 Thames Water, Surrey County Council To discuss the flood risk in Chertsey
Rebecca Pow 28/04/2022 Thames Tideway Tunnel To discuss the progress of the Thames Tideway Tunnel
Rebecca Pow 09/05/2022 Prof. Sir John Lawton to discuss the Making Space for Nature review (2010) and the importance of habitat restoration, creation and connectivity for species recovery.
Rebecca Pow 07/06/2022 Staffordshire Wildlife Trust To discuss how natural flood management is employed in the area
Rebecca Pow 23/05/2022 River Severn Partnership To discuss funding for flood defence measures in Shrewsbury and plans for managing the River Severn
Rebecca Pow 29/05/2022 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds A visit to the RSPB reserve on Flanborough Head in Yorkshire to discuss Seabird conservation
Rebecca Pow 02/06/2022 Country Land and Business Association A speech at the CLA breakfast event at the Bath and West County Show
Rebecca Pow 08/06/2022 Seahorse Environmental Speaking at the Lost Rainforests of Britain Event
Rebecca Pow 15/06/2022 Lawn Tennis Association Launch of the Lawn Tennis Association sustainability plan
Rebecca Pow 17/06/2022 Somerset Water Forum To deliver a speech on the Government's work on water and nutrient neutrality
Rebecca Pow 20/06/2022 Floodplain Meadows Partnership To discuss how to align Government policies and initiatives which relate to floodplains
Rebecca Pow 22/06/2022 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development To discuss commitment to maintaining a strong relationship with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on environmental matters
Richard Benyon 04/04/2022 North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Meeting to discuss the North Wessex Downs' management plan and see a Sparkling Streams Green Recovery Challenge Fund project
Richard Benyon 27/04/2022 Broadway Initiative Meeting to discuss the Financing UK Nature Recovery Coalition’s report
Richard Benyon 03/05/2022 Rewilding Britain, Wildlife and Countryside Link, Campaign for National Parks, The Wildlife Trusts Meeting to discuss the landscapes review
Richard Benyon 04/05/2022 Rural Coalition Meeting to discuss rural policy including rural proofing
Richard Benyon 09/05/2022 ShareAction Meeting to discuss the upcoming roundtable on biodiveristy
Richard Benyon 17/05/2022 ShareAction, Financial Conduct Authority, UKSIF, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, Federated Hermes, WWF, Roundtable to discuss tackling biodiversity loss, ambitions of policymakers and action by the finance sector
Richard Benyon 19/05/2022 Green Alliance Meeting to discuss green finance policy
Richard Benyon 26/05/2022 Fitzwilliam Wentworth Estate, Peak District National Park, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust Lord Benyon attended their two day event on uplands management and how Defra can work with the National Park Authorities, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty's, Non-Govermental Organisations, Agencies, land owners and managers, game keepers, wildlife advisors and research scientists to consider collective aims for the uplands 
Richard Benyon 08/06/2022 Dedham Vale AONB & Stour Valley Partnership, Dedham Vale Society, Colne Stour Countryside Association, Visit to discuss and see the proposed extension of the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Richard Benyon 17/06/2022 Natural England, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, Sport England, NHS England, Avon & Wilshire Partnership, Inner City and East Bristol Locality Partnership, The Natural History Consortium, Nordic Walking Wellness Programme, Wesport, Roundtable to discuss Green Social Prescribing and the impact of test and learn sites
Richard Benyon 21/06/2022 The Ramblers, British Horse Society, British Mountaineering Council, British Canoeing Meeting to discuss access policy and engagement between land owners and land users
Richard Benyon 21/06/2022 Country Land and Business Association Meeting to discuss right to roam policy
Richard Benyon 27/06/2022 World Organisation for Animal Health Introductory meeting to discuss the 89th General Session and global animal health policy
Richard Benyon 30/06/2022 Howden Group Meeting to discuss green finance policy
Jo Churchill 20/04/2022 Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association To discuss how ADBA can offer a solution to dispose food waste.
Jo Churchill 21/04/2022 Innovate UK To discuss the future objectives, plans and opportunities for the agri-tech centres, and frame the upcoming review with a view to helping the centres transform into a vibrant group which can inspire innovation in the sector.
Jo Churchill 21/04/2022 Brineflow Meeting with the leading manufacturer of Nitrasol liquid fertiliser to discuss innovation-based incentives approach to nutrient management while encouraging industry to use technology to solve challenges.
Jo Churchill 03/05/2022 Asthma UK and British Lung foundation Clean Air Roundtable Roundtable to discuss air quality.
Jo Churchill 09/05/2022 Vineet Bhatia To discuss the issue of food waste.
Jo Churchill 04/05/2022 Agri-Innovation Trade Discussion To talk about agri-innovation and how we can communicate what we are doing more effectively.
Jo Churchill 29/06/2022 Anglo American Dinner discussion on fertiliser.