FOI release
DfT: FOI and EIR disclosure log, April 2022
Updated 26 January 2023
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RefNo | RequestOutcome | Summary | DateResponded |
F0020960 | Fully met | Information about zero emission vehicle grants. | 29-04-2022 |
F0021020 | Partially refused | Minutes of any meetings that were held and written correspondence with the successful areas. | 29-04-2022 |
F0021003 | Partially refused | Signed and sealed copy of the Untraced Drivers Agreement dated 28th February 2017 between the Motor Insurers Bureau and the Secretary of State for Transport. | 28-04-2022 |
F0020973 | Partially refused | Copy of the signed and sealed Uninsured Drivers Agreement 3rd July 2015 between the Motor Insurers Bureau and the Secretary of State. | 28-04-2022 |
F0020920 | Partially refused | Information held by your organisation regarding the advice the DfT provided to Government ( including BEIS )in respect of EGNOS on the grounds of safety and economic benefit to the UK. | 28-04-2022 |
F0020964 | Fully met | A copy of any correspondence or application by Manchester City Council for Road Markings and Signs in relation to a Bus Lane on Oxford Road in Manchester and a copy of any response by dft. | 26-04-2022 |
F0020962 | Fully met | The number of employees taking more than seven days of absence . | 26-04-2022 |
F0020993 | Fully met | Problems introducing South Western Railway's class 701 'Arterio' trains | 26-04-2022 |
F0021043 | Fully met | Request for air accident reports on Vickers Viscount Aircraft from the 1960's G-ATFN - 9/8/66 G-AVIZ - 3/5/67 G-AMOL - 20/7/65 | 26-04-2022 |
F0020500 | Met but some info not held | How much DfT spent on the development of HS2 Eastern leg and Northern Powerhouse Rail since the start of the project including all technical works, consultation, development, surveys and compensation etc | 26-04-2022 |
F0020958 | Partially refused | Was Govia's fine for wrongly withholding money on the Southeastern Railways franchise considered in the decision to grant the management contract that starts on 1st April 2022 to continue running the Thameslink, Southern and Great Northern franchise? | 26-04-2022 |
F0020970 | Fully met | Request the number of fatal accidents that have occurred over the last 20 years due to defective brakes on HGVs 7.5t to 44t GVW. | 25-04-2022 |
F0020977 | Fully met | Copy of all correspondence between the secretary of state and P&O Ferries. | 22-04-2022 |
F0020989 | Fully met | Regarding the Department for Transport's position on the Major Road Network (MRN) / Large Local Major (LLM) programme. | 22-04-2022 |
F0020956 | Partially refused | Provide the recent list of flexi-tickets sales and respective discounts on an Anytime Day Return for the 300 routes that have been extrapolated for impact assessments. | 22-04-2022 |
F0020984 | Fully met | All (government) guidance advising against non-essential travel during the period from October 2020 - May 2021. | 21-04-2022 |
F0021015 | Fully met | Long term (2025 to 2050/2080) forecasts of UK GDP used in DfT's Aviation Forecasting model and sourced from the OBR in October 2021. These are cited in the recent Jet Zero consultation. | 21-04-2022 |
F0020992 | Met but some info not held | Information regarding chatbots. | 21-04-2022 |
F0021016 | Partially refused | Seeking journey distance for the mentioned vehicles. | 21-04-2022 |
F0020940 | Fully met | All of the correspondance that has occured between the DfT and Reading Borough council regarding "The Forbury (East-West Section) (West bound Bus Lane)" . | 20-04-2022 |
F0020945 | Fully met | Furnish me with the criteria you require to process applications for 'wildlife slow' road signage. | 20-04-2022 |
F0020889 | Partially refused | Requesting copies of these emails: “RE: Draft Email to Stakeholders” “FW Drones Response Version” “Drones ANO Amendment – Legal advice on risk” | 20-04-2022 |
F0020934 | Fully met | Marine accident statistics with focus on classification of accidents associated with lifeboats and launching systems. | 19-04-2022 |
F0020959 | Fully met | (Project) Lead organisation. Project Summary. Value (£'s) of Grant award. | 19-04-2022 |
F0020943 | Fully met | To ascertain if Transdev Yorkshire Coastliner (PB0001873) are claiming funding via the BSOG scheme for their open top service in York. | 14-04-2022 |
F0020777 | Partially refused | Please provide any and all reports, briefings, meetings minutes and other correspondence relating to airports' views on the airport slot usage threshold. | 14-04-2022 |
F0020952 | Met but some info not held | Clearly and precisely how much is spent on UK roads as a percentage of our GDP? | 13-04-2022 |
F0020975 | Partially refused | Copies of all correspondence between DfT and Northumberland County Council. | 11-04-2022 |
F0019794 | Partially refused | Compulsory Purchase Orders submitted to DfT for confirmation. Provide copies of all DfT decisions (and Inspectors reports) on such Orders from 2012 to date, where the decision was made following an inquiry or after an exchange of written representations. | 08-04-2022 |
F0020969 | Fully met | A copy of the letter to the Office of Rail and Road "We have written to the Office of Rail and Road & sent copies of the letter to the train and freight operating companies and Network Rail, to alert ORR and the railway industry …." | 08-04-2022 |
F0020926 | Fully met | How many were recorded as having entered the headquarters building on the following days? | 07-04-2022 |
F0020929 | Fully met | What amount (in £) did the DfT receive in respect of the 288,494 Dart Charge pre-paid accounts closed in the year to 31 March 2020? | 06-04-2022 |
E0020942 | Fully met | Request a copy of the letters regarding this funding sent between Mr Kaczynski and Baroness Vere. | 06-04-2022 |
F0020912 | Fully met | Has the DfT acted on any recommendations of the Transport Select Committee report into pavement parking. Copies of any internal correspondence if recommendations have not been acted upon. | 05-04-2022 |
F0020954 | Fully met | Requesting the record about document redaction in detail. | 05-04-2022 |
F0020966 | Partially refused | Insurances: Details of person responsible for arranging & administering insurances. Classes of commercial insurance procured? renewals? Annually spend? Current insurance broker/advisor. Last reviewed/tendered? When services expire? extension? | 04-04-2022 |
F0020938 | Fully met | The number of meetings, and the minutes of any meetings, held between Microsoft and the Department for Transport in 2020 that directly led to the provision of Microsoft Teams. | 01-04-2022 |