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BEIS pipeline register, April 2022

Updated 29 April 2022
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REF No: Business Area Commercial Strategy Title Short Description Value Spend Category Procurement Start Date Original Contract Title Procurement Sourcing Route Contract Start Date Contract End Date
ID Business Area Nature of Procurement Title of Project Project Description Est Project Value Spend Category Project Launch Date Original Contract Title Proposed Sourcing Route Agreement Start Date Agreement End Date
29 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Coal Liabilities - Provision of Legal Support, Advice and Claims Handling Services Legal assistance for coal-related health compensation claims. Re-procurement of existing contract held by CMS. £27,000,000 Prof Services - Other 18/01/2021 Coal Liabilities - Provision of Legal Support, Advice and Claims Handling Services Find A Tender Competition 02/01/2023 01/01/2029
46 Net Zero Buildings & Industry Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) UK ETS PMRV Contract To deliver an IT system that facilitates the permitting, monitoring, reporting and verification of UK Green House Gas emissions in line with relevant legislation, as well as maintenance and support of the system & optional additional development services £3,780,826 ICT 31/07/2025 UK ETS PMRV Contract Find A Tender Competition 27/01/2026 28/01/2032
53 Net Zero Strategy & International Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Climate Ambition Support Alliance (CASA) 2 Support for climate negotiators to access and influence international climate change negotiations. Grant management programme and technical support. £8,000,000 Prof Services - Other 25/04/2022 Climate Ambition Support Alliance (CASA) Find A Tender Competition 01/10/2022 01/10/2025
60 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Legal advisory services for the New Nuclear Energy project Provision of legal advice in support of the next UK new nuclear projects at Wylfa Newydd, Moorside, Sizewell and Bradwell over the medium term. £10,000,000 Prof Services - Other 26/06/2023 Legal advisory services for the New Nuclear Energy project Framework 23/12/2023 31/01/2030
98 Energy & Security New Requirement RIMNET Monitor Network Maintenance of the existing nuclear radiation monitoring system including asset refresh and replacement. The service is currently delivered through an MOU with The Met Office, who manage the current supplier. The tender aims to procure a supplier under a new contract, managed by BEIS, which will mitigate against the current dependencies on the supplier and deliver best value and performance. £13,000,000 ICT 01/10/2021 Not set Find A Tender Competition 01/08/2023 31/07/2028
107 Corporate Services Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) End User Compute Managed Service Technical assistance for end users £6,629,832 ICT 02/10/2022 End User Compute Managed Service Framework 31/03/2023 29/03/2025
108 Corporate Services Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Operational Support (ServiceOps) Managed Service Operational assistance as required throughout life of system £7,952,952 ICT 02/10/2022 Operational Support (ServiceOps) Managed Service Framework 31/03/2023 29/03/2025
120 Corporate Services Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Networks, Telephony and Infrastructure Managed Service The provision of a Managed Service for Operational Support for Networks, Telephony & Infrastructure £2,626,464 ICT 02/10/2022 Networks, Telephony and Infrastructure Managed Service Framework 31/03/2023 29/03/2025
124 Net Zero Buildings & Industry Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) UK ETS Registry Contract design, build, test and onboard a registry for a UK ETS Also includes 5 years of hosting support and an optional call off to link the UK ETS registry to the EU ETS registry £4,600,000 ICT 06/01/2026 UK ETS Registry Contract Find A Tender Competition 05/07/2026 05/07/2033
154 Energy & Security New Requirement Future Pipeline Advisory Requirements - Across SZC & Wider Nuclear March 22 - ensure that the advisory requirements in SZC team (Technical, Legal and Financial) align with broader strategies for sourcing - alongside the Ask for the funds such as FNEF, Fuel and NNL. 02.09.21 - Initial outlines have been covered. More detail will now be needed post spending review to shape this up - circa £3-£5m estimate Considerable amount of advisory service capability will be required to build (SMR, AMR and Large Scale Nuclear) a financial model, advise on regulations, construction, legals and contract award etc. This service will be the initial stages in supporting the construction of the first SMR in the UK under the committee being led by Rolls Royce £10,000,000 Prof Services - CCL 01/08/2022 Not set Framework 01/08/2022 31/07/2025
241 Energy & Security New Requirement Future Systems Operator - Corporate Finance Advisory Finance advisory services to support the negotiations for the future structure of the National Grid Electricity Systems Operator (ESO). £2,000,000 Prof Services - Other 30/04/2021 Not set Framework 01/05/2022 01/10/2022
261 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Provision of Project Management for the Maintenance of Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), including the provision of a new SEA to support Offshore Energy Licensing/ Leasing Rounds Project Management for the Maintenance of Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), including the provision of a new SEA, to support Offshore Energy Licensing Rounds to the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy £5,750,000 Prof Services - Other 02/10/2022 Provision of Project Management for the Maintenance of Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), including the provision of a new SEA to support Offshore Energy Licensing/ Leasing Rounds Find A Tender Competition 31/03/2023 29/03/2028
263 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Purchasing, Distribution and Administration of Solid Fuel Benefits to Former BCC Employees under the National Concessionary Fuel Scheme Agreements Distribution of solid fuel entitlements (coal) to eligible employees of British Coal Corporation £22,000,000 Prof Services - Other 29/09/2024 Purchasing, Distribution and Administration of Solid Fuel Benefits to Former BCC Employees under the National Concessionary Fuel Scheme Agreements Find A Tender Competition 28/03/2025 27/03/2030
268 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Administration and Delivery of Benefit Services for Former BCC Employees under the National Concessionary Fuel Scheme Agreements Management of Concessionary Fuel Entitlements £10,650,000 Prof Services - Other 02/10/2022 Administration and Delivery of Benefit Services for Former BCC Employees under the National Concessionary Fuel Scheme Agreements Find A Tender Competition 31/03/2023 29/03/2033
271 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Provision of Legal Support, Advice and Claims Handling Services Legal Assistance for Coal Health Compensation Claims £19,770,000 Prof Services - Other 01/02/2022 Provision of Legal Support, Advice and Claims Handling Services Find A Tender Competition 31/07/2022 30/07/2033
273 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) CLU Records Management Coal Health Claim Records Archiving / Management £28,000,000 Prof Services - Other 03/12/2023 CLU Records Management Find A Tender Competition 31/05/2024 31/05/2039
307 Market Frameworks Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Provision of Gas and Electricity Meter Testing Services Testing the accuracy of disputed gas and electricity meters This is a statutory services £4,000,000 Not Common Goods & Services 01/06/2028 Provision of Gas and Electricity Meter Testing Services OJEU Competition 28/11/2028 28/11/2037
389 Net Zero Buildings & Industry Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) CHP Quality Assurance Programme Contract to deliver the CHPQA - Certification programme, email and telephone enquiry service In compliance with the EED Article 14, ensure CHP support is targetted to efficient CHP plant £2,750,000 Prof Services - Other 05/07/2022 CHP Quality Assurance Programme OJEU Competition 01/01/2023 01/01/2028
407 Corporate Services Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Z Scaler Internet and Private Access Provision of Z Scaler Internet and Private Access licences £2,421,640 ICT 04/03/2023 Z Scaler Internet and Private Access Framework 31/08/2023 30/08/2027
412 Net Zero Strategy & International New Requirement Heat Pump Ready: Stream 2b - Developing Technology and Tools Stream 2 (a and b) of the 65m Heat Pump Ready programme. This is a priority NZIP innovation programme to support the Government’s 10 Point Plan ambition of deploying 600,000 heat pumps per year by 2028. The proposed ‘Heat Pump Ready’ (HPR) programme will address key deployment barriers, including: consumer acceptability, technology performance and cost, home suitability, network suitability; installation quality and availability of financing options £2,000,000 Research 01/02/2023 Not set Find A Tender Competition 01/05/2023 01/05/2024
461 Energy & Security New Requirement Legal Advisory Requirements - Nuclear Delivery Vehicle A new company is being proposed to help UK Govt manage Nuclear projects from end to end, in a similar fashion to how EDF manage projects. From concept, governance, funding, design, construction, operations and de-commisioning. Company to be set up in UK to build this supply chain & delivery model -previous UK scenarios have failed, this is to learn from those (eg Wylfa) £3,000,000 Prof Services - CCL 28/03/2022 Not set Framework 01/09/2022 31/03/2025
481 Corporate Services Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) L7 Senior Economist Master's Apprenticeship Contract for delivery of the Level 7 Senior Economist Master’s Apprenticeship Programme (EMAP) which will be available to Civil Service and wider Public Sector organisations £8,000,000 Learning and Dev 01/03/2022 Not set TBC 01/09/2022 02/09/2024
491 Net Zero Strategy & International New Requirement Flex innovation - Inclusive Smart Solutions research into smart solutions and engagement with vulnerable customers - part of Wave 2 for Flex Innovation £2,750,000 Research 01/05/2022 Not set Find A Tender Competition 01/07/2022 31/03/2024
516 Net Zero Strategy & International New Requirement Flex Innovation - Flex Unlocked calculating whole system flexibility and DSM (previously called flexibility markets) £7,500,000 Research 01/05/2022 Not set Find A Tender Competition 01/06/2022 31/03/2025
520 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) NERIMNET AMS Management of the application to monitor nuclear environment £8,000,000 ICT 12/06/2026 NERIMNET AMS Framework 09/12/2026 08/12/2031
533 Net Zero Buildings & Industry New Requirement Delivery Partner (SHDF 2.1/2.3 & HUG 2.2) Delivery Partner to support with the delivery of SHDF wave 2.1 and 2.2 and Hug 2.2. £46,000,000 Prof Services - Other 27/07/2022 Not set Find A Tender Competition 07/12/2022 06/12/2026
536 Net Zero Strategy & International New Requirement Industrial Hydrogen Accelerator end to end industrial fuel switching for hydrogen - grant programme 10 mil per project with 10 mil match funding 2 streams - stream 1 (feasibility 3-6m and demo 2 years); stream 2 (2 and 1/2 years) Stream 1A: A grant funding competition for feasibility studies to launch in April 2022. Studies launch in July 22 and run for 6 months until year end 22. Stream 1B: A grant funding competition for demonstration projects, open to projects who have completed feasibility studies in stream 1A. Competition to launch end 2022 and projects to run March 2023 to March 2025. Stream 2: A single phase grant funded demonstration project running for the full duration - April 2022 (programme launch) until 31 March 2025. £25,000,000 Research 25/04/2022 Not set SBRI Competition 01/06/2022 31/03/2025
555 Net Zero Strategy & International New Requirement Flex Innovation - iDSR Stream 4 contract stream Design, Testing and Demonstration 2 lots - lab testing and demonstration to also include demonstration phase £4,000,000 Research 20/01/2022 Not set Find A Tender Competition 18/05/2022 31/03/2024
599 Net Zero Buildings & Industry New Requirement NABERS (PEERS) - Digital Development (Beta Stage) To generate a rating, a digital platform will be developed (This is the Beta Stage following on from (597) Discovery & Alpha Stage). This will enable the user to engage with the scheme through, allow assessors to submit data to the scheme administrator, and to calculate a rating. £2,500,000 ICT 03/10/2022 Not set Framework 03/10/2023 03/10/2025
619 Net Zero Strategy & International Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Climate Services for a Net-Zero Resilient World CS-N0W Delivering policy-relevant climate information to BEIS teams to support them towards delivering UK Net Zero, building climate resilience in the UK, and increasing global ambition on climate change. £4,980,000 Research 02/10/2024 Climate Services for a Net-Zero Resilient World CS-N0W Find A Tender Competition 31/03/2025 16/12/2028
782 Corporate Services Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Market Research Qualitative & quantitative research to gather insight on audiences and measure impact of communications £3,000,000 Research 01/06/2022 Market Research & Tracking Framework 01/09/2022 01/09/2025
800 Net Zero Buildings & Industry New Requirement Mini-Cluster Industrial Decarbonisation Plans Technical support with a business case with grant delivery (as well as general Commercial advice on fund design and delivery). £8,500,000 Prof Services - Other 04/04/2022 Not set Framework 01/04/2023 31/03/2025
820 Net Zero Strategy & International New Requirement UK Greenhouse gas Inventory improvement programme Services to deliver scientific, technical & digital improvements to the Greenhouse Gas Inventory System: - Scientific/technical services which would take existing inventory methodologies and – using the latest available science – update these to improve the transparency, accuracy and completeness. - Technical/digital services to ensure methodologies in the inventory system use state-of-the-art software and existing software systems can be upgraded where needed - Programme management, to ensure that the services commissioned through this contract are delivered on time, to quality and delivery risks are identified and managed £3,000,000 Research 05/05/2022 Not set Find A Tender Competition 05/07/2022 31/03/2025
824 Net Zero Strategy & International New Requirement AMR Demo - Phase 1 The aim of the Programme is to demonstrate that HTGRs can produce high temperature heat which could be used for low-carbon hydrogen production and process heat for industrial and domestic, as well as cost-competitive electricity generation, in time for any potential commercial AMRs to support Net Zero by 2050. £2,500,000 Research 16/02/2022 Not set SBRI Competition 01/07/2022 28/02/2023
825 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Financial Advisory Services for New Nuclear A re-procurement for the Financial Advisory Services is required since no further variation will be permitted according to PCR 2015 Reg 72. A further competition via a CCS Framework will be undertaken. BEIS Commercial to commence plans to re-procure from end of April 2022. Current contract ends 20/12/2022. £6,500,000 Prof Services - Other 10/01/2022 Financial advisory services for the New Nuclear Energy projects Framework 21/12/2022 20/12/2026
828 Net Zero Buildings & Industry New Requirement Financial experts on due diligence for hydrogen projects assessment and negotiations Hydrogen Business Model Financial experts to undertake due diligence for hydrogen projects assessment and negotiations. Hydrogen Business Model £5,000,000 Prof Services - Other 31/03/2022 Not set Framework 01/07/2022 30/06/2024
836 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Legal Advisory Services for New Nuclear An UK above the threshold procurement through either Open/Restricted procedure will be undertaken for Commercial Legal advice to the SZC project – a critical enabler to the financing / technical / policy and investment workstreams of this complex and fast paced project. High level procurement plan will be put in place and shared with the policy team by end April 2022. £15,000,000 Prof Services - Other 25/04/2022 Not set Find A Tender Competition 21/12/2023 20/12/2027
842 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Technical advisory services for Sizewell C Commence re- procurement of the Technical advisory services from mid April 2022 Current contract ends 19/12/2022 with no further extension permitted. Run competition via MCF 3 Framework £5,000,000 Prof Services - Other 11/04/2022 Technical advisory services for the New Nuclear Energy projects Framework 20/12/2022 19/12/2026
854 Energy & Security Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) CCUS - Reprocurement of legal services Appointment of Legal Advisers to support the ongoing work of the CCUS Programme £18,000,000 Prof Services - CCL 21/04/2022 Not set Framework 25/07/2022 24/07/2026
1019 Corporate Services Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Creative Design Services Agency providing creative design services for all campaigns £4,500,000 Communications 25/08/2025 Creative Design Services Framework 21/02/2026 20/02/2030
prj_35 Net Zero Buildings & Industry New requirement Hydrogen Heating ST Phase 2 Projects To procure the necessary skills and expertise to support in undertaking the Modelling Specification & Oversight, Assessment and Independent Research stages for Hydrogen Heating Programme. Expected to cover up to 7 projects. £3,000,000 Technical Services 11/04/2022 Not set Dynamic Purchasing Systems 01/06/2022 01/11/2024
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