
Court martial results from the military court centres: January to December 2020

Updated 14 February 2025
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Ref. Rank Service Unit Trial Court Sentencing Date Charge(s) Act Charged Under Finding Overall Sentence
4676 Lieutenant Colonel Army RDG Catterick 21-Oct-20 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4801 Major Army 170 Engr Regt Catterick 14-Oct-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 03 Not Guilty Not set
4728 Lieutenant Colonel Army DSEME Lyneham Bulford 04-Dec-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 03 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and subject to Service Community Order of 12 months with an unpaid work requirement of 60 hours unpaid work.
4927 Major Army 16 Med Regt Catterick 02-Jul-20 1 x Negligently performing a duty s15(2) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimand and £1,000 fine.
5055 Sergeant Army HQ Intelligence Training Group Bulford 27-Aug-20 1 x Contravention of standing orders s13(1) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimanded and £400 fine.
4870 Warrant Officer Class 2 Army Army Training Unit North Catterick 12-Aug-20 1 x Sexual assault s3 SOA 2003 Not Guilty Not set
5062 Staff Sergeant Army 106 Regt RA Bulford 25-Nov-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty Reduction in rank to Corporal.
4735 Sergeant Army 13 AA Regt RLC Catterick 30-Jul-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Not Guilty Not set
4994 Staff Sergeant Army 104 Regt RA Bulford 29-Sep-20 Ch 1: Using violence against a superior officer. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol Ch 1: s11(4) AFA 06. Ch 2: s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Ch 1: Not Guilty* Ch 2: Guilty Not set
4606 Sergeant Army JITG Bulford 19-Oct-20 1 x Voyeurism s67(3) SOA 2003 Guilty 6 Months imprisonment.
4547 Sergeant Army 158 Regt RLC Bulford 30-Jan-20 1 x Sexual assault s3(1) SOA 03 Not Guilty Not set
4828 Warrant Officer Class 1 Army RG ARITC Bulford 25-Sep-20 Ch 1, 5 & 6: Fraud. Ch 3, & 4: Failure to perform a duty. Ch 1, 5 & 6: s1 Fraud Act 2006. Ch 3 & 4: s15(c) AFA 2006 Guilty Service Community Order with 125 days unpaid work requirement, 10 days Rehabilition and Activity Requirement, to serve concurrent on each charge.
4447 Sergeant Army 42 Engr Regt Catterick 24-Jun-20 Ch 1: Assault by penetration. Ch 2: Sexual Assault Ch 1: s2(1) SOA 2003. Ch 2: s3(1) SOA 2003 Ch 1: Not Guilty*. Ch 2: Guilty 12 Months detention and reduced to the rank of Corporal.
4306 Warrant Officer Class 2 Army HQ 2 MED BDE Catterick 15-Jan-20 Ch 1: Making a false record. Ch 2 & 3: Illtreatment of a subordinate Ch 1: s18(1) AFA 06. Ch 2 & 3: s22(1) AFA 06. Guilty £1,500 Fine and reduced to the rank of Staff Sergeant.
4831 Bombadier Army 16 Regt RA Bulford 15-Sep-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 2003 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, reduced to the ranks and 100 days detention.
4482 4558 Warrant Officer Class 2 Army RAF Lossiemouth Catterick 26-Jun-20 Case 1: Ch 1 to Ch 7: Misapplying Service Property. Case 2: Ch 1: Forgery. Ch 2: Fraud Case 1: s25(1) AFA 06. Case 2: Ch 1: s1 Forgery and Counterfeity Act 1981. Ch 2: s1 Fraud Act 2006 Guilty Case 1: Reprimand. Case 2: 21 Months detention.
4861 Warrant Officer Class 2 Army 33 Engineer Regiment Catterick 09-Apr-20 Ch 4: Failing to perform a duty s15(1)(c) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4861 Warrant Officer Class 1 Army 35 Engineer Regiment Catterick 09-Apr-20 Ch 4: Failing to perform a duty s15(1)(c) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4393 Corporal Army 22 Sig Regt Bulford 20-Jul-20 Ch 10 & 13: Failing to perform a duty s15(1)(c) AFA 06 Discontinued Not set
5141 Corporal Army 29 Regt RLC Bulford 06-Nov-20 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline s19(1) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimand and £2,500 fine.
4843 Warrant Officer Class 2 Army 3 PARA Catterick 20-Oct-20 5 x Fraud s1 Fraud Act 2006 Guilty 2 Years detention, reduced to the rank of Corporal and £8,699 in Service Compensation Orders.
4798 Warrant Officer Class 1 Army 4 AND HQ NE Bulford 09-Jul-20 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2-4: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 1: s3 SOA 03. Ch 2-4: s20 AFA 06 Guilty 14 Months detention, suspended for 18 months. Reduction in rank to Warrant Officer Class 2 and £1,000 in Service Compensation Orders.
4585 Warrant Officer Class 2 Army 7 Regt RLC Catterick 11-Feb-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988. Not Guilty Not set
4782 Serjeant Army 5 Rifles Bulford 22-Jan-20 1 x Fraud s1 Fraud Act 2006 Guilty Severly reprimanded and pay a £52.34 Service Compensation Order.
4613 Lance Sergeant Army 1 Coldstream Guards Bulford 05-Oct-20 2 x Religiously aggravated harassment, alarm or distress. s31(1) (c) Crime and Disorder Act 1988 Guilty Reduction in rank to Guardsman
4240 Corporal Army 1 Rifles Bulford 16-Jan-20 Ch 1: Negligently preforming a duty. Ch 2: Making a false record. Ch 1: s15(2) AFA 06. Ch 2: s18(1) AFA 06. Guilty Reprimanded and £8,343.98 in a Service Compensation Order.
4758 Ex-Lance Corporal Army 13 AA Regt Catterick 22-Jan-20 4 x Fraud s1 & s4 Fraud Act 2006 Guilty 12 Months Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement. £314 Service Compensation Order.
4975 Sergeant Army 1 Sig Regt Bulford 24-Jul-20 1 x Fraud s1 Fraud Act 2006 Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for 2 years and reduced in rank to Corporal.
4813 Corporal Army 1 Yorks Bulford 09-Jun-20 1 x Conduct prejudicial of good order and Service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4691 Staff Sergeant Army 6 Regt RLC Catterick 28-Jul-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 30 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Sergeant.
4712 Staff Sergeant Army 19 Regt RA Bulford 17-Jan-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty £800 Fine.
4545 Sergeant Army 3 Regt AAC Catterick 30-Oct-20 Ch 1, 2 & 3: Ill treatment of a subordinate. Ch 4 & 5: Battery Ch 1, 2 & 3: s22 AFA 06. Ch 4 & 5: s39 CJA 1988 Guilty £2,311.26 Fine
4679 Warrant Officer Class 2 Army 5 Med Regt Catterick 31-Jan-20 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline s19 AFA 06 Guilty Reduced to the rank of Staff Sergeant.
5161 Corporal Army 6 Bn REME Bulford 12-Nov-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty 60 Days detention.
4884 Ranger Army 1 Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment Bulford 06-Mar-20 1 x Desertion s37(1) Army Act 1955 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with 200 hours unpaid work requirement.
4622 Sergeant Army 3 Regt REWW Bulford 17-Jan-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3 SOA 2003 Not Guilty Not set
4560 Corporal Army 4 Bn REME Bulford 28-Jan-20 Ch 2: Common Assault. Ch 3: Contravention of Standing Orders. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s13(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty. £500 Fine.
5037 Staff Sergeant Army DLS Bulford 26-Aug-20 2 x Battery. s39 Criminal Justice Act 1988. Guilty Reduced to the rank of Sergeant and 30 days detention.
4379 Sergeant Army 2 Scots Catterick 20-Jun-20 1 x Sexual Assault. s3 of SOA 03 Discontinued Not set
5004 Corporal Army 3 Regt RLC Bulford 14-Sep-20 1 x Fraud s1 Fraud Act 2006 Guilty 45 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal.
4560 Sergeant Army 1 Regiment RLC Bulford 28-Jan-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 3: Contravention of Standing Orders. Ch 4: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Ch 1: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s13(1) AFA 06. Ch 4: s21(1) AFA 06. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 3 & 4: Guilty. £1,000 Fine.
5033ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Warrant Officer Class 2 Army 16 Air Assault Bde Catterick 18-Nov-20 Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 1 & 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s47 OAPA 1861. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. Reduction in rank to Staff Sergeant and £1,000 Service Compensation Order.
5182 Private Army 1 Yorks Bulford 06-Nov-20 1 x Desertion s37(1) Army Act 1955 Guilty Dimissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4836 Corporal Army 4 Regt RA Catterick 13-Mar-20 Ch 1: Possession of firearms. Ch 2: Possession of ammunition. Ch 1: s1(1)(a) Firearms Act 1968. Ch 2: s1(1)(b) Firearms Act 1968. Guilty £2,2026.50 Fine.
4763 Sergeant Army Dems Trg Regt Catterick 14-Sep-20 Ch 1: Negligently performing a duty s15(2) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4861 Sergeant Army 33 Engineer Regiment Catterick 09-Apr-20 Ch 4: Failing to perform a duty s15(1)(c) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4812 Staff Sergeant Army 9 Regt RLC Bulford 05-Mar-20 1 x Contravention of standing orders s13 AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4172 Lance Corporal Army 1 Armd Med Regt Bulford 05-Jun-20 Ch 1 to 3: Battery. s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
4172 Lance Corporal Army 1 Armd Med Regt Bulford 05-Jun-20 Ch 1 to 3: Battery. s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
4591 Sergeant Army 2 Yorks Catterick 31-Jan-20 1 x Unlawful Wounding s20 OAPA 1861 Not Guilty Not set
4765 Lance Corporal Army 1 R Irish Catterick 31-Jan-20 1 x Desertion s8(2)(a) AFA 06 Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4545 Corporal Army 2 Rifles Catterick 30-Oct-20 Ch 1, 2 & 3: Ill treatment of a subordinate. Ch 4: Battery. Ch 1-3: s22 AFA 06. Ch 4: s39 CJA 1988 Guilty £1,352.54 Fine
5151 Corporal Army 4 Bn REME Bulford 13-Nov-20 2 x Harassment s2 Protection from Harassment Act 1997 Guilty 60 Days detention, reduction in rank to Lance Corporal and subject to a restraining order.
4156 Private Army 2 R Anglian Bulford 24-Sep-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: ABH. Ch 3: Battery. Ch 4: ABH. Ch 5: Battery. Ch 6 & 7: Cruelty to a person under 16. Ch 1, 3 & 5: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 2 & 4: s47 OAPA 1861. Ch 6 & 7: s1(1) Children and Young Persons Act 1933. Ch 1,2,4 & 6: Guilty. Ch 3, 5 & 7: Not Guilty. 12 Months detention, £1,500 Service Compensation Order to be paid within 12 months and subject to a restraining order until further notice.
4880 Corporal Army 4 Scots Catterick 17-Jun-20 1 x Using force against a sentry s14(1) AFA 2006 Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for 3 months and reduction in rank to Lance Corporal.
4766 ex-Lance Corporal Army Royal Signals Bulford 19-Jun-20 Ch 1: Possession of a prohibited weapon. Ch 2: Conduct prejudical to good order and Service Discipline. Ch 1: s5(1)(a) Firearms Act 1968. Ch 2: s19(1) AFA 06. Guilty 10 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years and a Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for up to 40 days.
4802 Bombadier Army 3 RHA Catterick 13-Feb-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
5049 Sergeant Army 6 Regt RLC Catterick 22-Oct-20 2 x Theft s1(1) Theft Act 1968 Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 4 Months detention suspended for 12 months, reduction in rank to Corporal and £50 Service Compensation Order.
4641 Lance Corporal Army 1 MWD Regt, 105 Sqn Catterick 03-Mar-20 1 x Sexual Assault by penetration s2(1) SOA 2003 Not Guilty Not set
4861 Corporal Army 33 Engineer Regiment Catterick 15-Apr-20 Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4609 Lance Corporal Army 1 PWRR Bulford 03-Feb-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty £150 Fine
4842 Lance Corporal Army A Coy 2 Rifles Catterick 04-Dec-20 Ch 1: GHB with intent. Ch 2: GBH. Ch 1: s18 OAPA 1861. Ch 2: s20 OAPA 1861. Ch 1: Not Guilty*. Ch 2: Guilty. 18 Months detention, reduction in rank to Lance Corporal and £500 Service Compensation Order to be paid by 1 Feb 21.
4861 Lance Corporal Army 35 Engineer Regiment Catterick 26-Aug-20 Ch 1 & 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4393 Corporal Army 22 Sig Regt Bulford 20-Jul-20 Ch 1 to 3: Disgraceful Conduct of an indecent kind s23(1) AFA 06 Discontinued Not set
4749 Lance Sergeant Army 1 Scots Guards Bulford 03-Mar-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 1: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 2: s13(1) AFA 06. Guilty Reprimand and £400 fine to be paid within 28 days.
4710 Sergeant Army 9 Regt RLC Bulford 05-Mar-20 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: s47 OAPA 1861. Ch 2: 39 CJA 1988. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. £100 Service Compsation Order and £900 fine.
4685 Sergeant Army 4 Scots Catterick 31-Jan-20 Ch 1: GBH. Ch 4: Battery. Ch 1: s20 OAPA 1861. Ch 4: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 1: Not Guilty* Ch 2: Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for 2 years.
5067 Flight Lieutenant Royal Air Force RAF Benson Catterick 16-Nov-20 Ch 1 to 3: Possession of indecent photographs of children. Ch 4: Possession of extreme images Ch 1 to 3: s160 CJA 1988. Ch 4: s63 Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008. Guilty 18 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4973 Lance Corporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 31-Jul-20 Ch 1: Theft. Ch 2 & 3: Fraud Ch 1: s1(1) Theft Act 1968. Ch 2 & 3: s2 Fraud Act 2006. Guilty 2 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the ranks.
4947 Gunner Army 26 Regt RA Bulford 18-Mar-20 1 x Desertion s8(2)(a) AFA 06 Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4215 Lance Corporal Army 1 RRF Bulford 25-Aug-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861. Guilty 7 Months detention, reduced to the rank of Fusilier and £500 Service Compensation Order.
4751 Lance Corporal Army 1 RRF Bulford 06-Nov-20 1 x GBH s20 OAPA 1861 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 12 months detention.
4900 Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Sutherland Bulford 07-Aug-20 3 x Threatening behaviour s21(2) AFA 06 Guilty £1,500 Fine.
4742 Corporal Army RDG Catterick 02-Feb-20 Ch 1: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 2: ABH. Ch 1: s19(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s47 OAPA 1861. Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal, 6 months detention and £800 Service Compensation Order.
5075 Lance Corporal Army 5 Rifles Bulford 19-Oct-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty Suspended sentence of 90 days detention imposed in Nov 2019 to be activated in full. Reduced to the ranks.
4699 Lance Corporal Army 2 Yorks Catterick 07-Sep-20 Ch 1: GBH s20 OAPA 1861 Guilty 22 Months detention.
4915 Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Odiham Catterick 15-Oct-20 3 x Fraud s1 Fraud Act 2006 Guilty 18 Months detention.
4861 Corporal Army 35 Engineer Regiment Catterick 09-Apr-20 Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4496 Corporal Royal Air Force TSW Catterick 31-Mar-20 1 x Damage or loss of service property s24 AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4528 Corporal Army 2 CS REME Catterick 29-Jan-20 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 4: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1: s47 OAPA 1861. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s13(1) AFA 06. Ch 4: s19(1) 06. Not Guilty Not set
4755 Corporal Army 9 RLC Catterick 20-Mar-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty 140 Days detention, reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal and a £100 Service Compensation Order.
4805 Corporal Army QDG Catterick 19-May-20 Ch 2 & 3: Battery Not set Discontinued Not set
4731 Corporal Army ATR(P) Bulford 15-Oct-20 11 x Ill treatment of a subordinate s22(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4721 Corporal Army 1 PWRR Cyprus 11-Jun-20 1 x Negligently performing a duty s15(2) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4976 Lance Corporal Army 24 Commando Engineer Regiment Bulford 07-Dec-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Discontinued Not set
5110 Marine Royal Navy HMS Nelson Bulford 16-Oct-20 Ch 1- 4: Voyeurism. Ch 5: Failing to preform a duty. Ch 1-4: s67(3) SOA 03. Ch 5: s15(1)(c) AFA 06 Guilty 120 Days detention and reduction in rank to Marine.
4951 Gunner Army 26 Regt RA Bulford 20-Nov-20 Ch 1 to 6: Battery. Ch 7: ABH Ch 1 to 6: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 7: s47 OAPA 1861. Ch 1, 4, 6 & 7: Guilty. Ch 2, 3, 5: Not Guilty 8 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4639 Lance Bombadier Army 26 Regt RA Bulford 19-Jun-20 2 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty Reduced to the ranks.
4952 Corporal Army 36 Engineer Regiment Catterick 01-Jul-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty £1395.60 Fine and £100 Service Compensation Order.
4861 Corporal Army 33 Engineer Regiment Catterick 09-Apr-20 Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4992 Corporal Royal Navy BFIOT Bulford 15-Sep-20 Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: Misconduct through alcohol Ch 1 & 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4874 Corporal Army 32 Signal Regiment Catterick 02-Nov-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty Reduction in rank to Lance Corporal and £150 Service Compensation Order.
4610 Marine Royal Navy DCO Log Regt Bulford 14-Feb-20 Ch 1: Fraud by false representation. Ch 2 & 3: Misapplying or wasting public property. Ch 1: s1 Fraud Act 2006. Ch 2 & 3: s25(1) AFA 06. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty £350 Fine and £1,064.21 in Service Compensation Orders.
4835 Corporal Army 1 Regt RLC Bulford 20-Oct-20 2 x Sexual Assault s3 SOA 2003 Not Guilty Not set
4805 Corporal Army QDG Catterick 19-May-20 Ch 1: Battery Not set Discontinued Not set
3782 Lance Corporal Army 159 Regt RLC Catterick 27-Jan-20 Ch 1: Assault by Penetration. Ch 2: Sexual Assault. Ch 1: s2(1) SOA 2003. Ch 2: s3(1) SOA 2003. Guilty 4 Years imprisonment, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4646 Sergeant Army JFC Naples Catterick 17-Jun-20 Ch 1: Threatening behaviour. Ch 2: Conduct predjudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1: s4 Public Order Act 1896. Ch 2: s19(1) AFA 2006 Not Guilty* Not set
4501 Fusilier Army 2 Scots Catterick 21-Jan-20 1 x Affray s3(1) Public Order Act 1986. Guilty 6 Months detention.
4640 Captain Army Scots DG Catterick 17-Jul-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 2003 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service
4545 Bombadier Army 12 Regt RA Catterick 30-Oct-20 Ch 1, 2 & 3: Ill treatment of a subordinate Ch 1-3: s22 AFA 06. Ch 4: s39 CJA 1988 Guilty Reprimand
4461 Flight Lieutenant Royal Air Force RAF Scampton Catterick 02-Mar-20 Ch 1: Theft. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1: s1(1) Theft Act 1968. Ch 2: s19 AFA 06 Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 : Guilty Admonishment.
4756 Corporal Army 7 Bn REME Catterick 31-Jan-20 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Disobedience of a lawful command. Ch 1: s20(1)(b) AFA 06. Ch 2: s12(1) AFA 06. Guilty £1,197.56 Fine.
4711 Major Army RA GTT Bulford 12-Aug-20 1 x Rape s1 SOA 2003 Not Guilty Not set
4624 Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Leeming Catterick 02-Mar-20 2 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty 45 Days detention, suspended for 9 months.
4887 Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Coningsby Catterick 16-Jul-20 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline s19(1) AFA 06 Guilty 40 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and £100 Service Compensation Order.
4729 Flight Lieutenant Royal Air Force RAFC Cranwell Catterick 24-Feb-20 Ch 1: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 2: Negligently performing a duty. Ch 1: s13(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s15(2) AFA 06. Guilty £1,000 Fine and a reprimand.
4861 Corporal Army 33 Engineer Regiment Catterick 28-Aug-20 Ch 1: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 2: Threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Ch 1 & 3: s19(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s21(2) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4635 Lance Corporal Army 1 Grenadier Guards Bulford 22-Jan-20 1 x Harrassment s1(1) and 2 Protection from Harassment Act 1997 Guilty 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and a 12 month Service restraining order.
4582 Corporal Army 7 Regt RLC Catterick 19-May-20 1 x Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer Not set Not Guilty* Not set
4644 Corporal Army 6 Bn REME Bulford 27-Feb-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Sexual assualt. Ch 1: s39(1) CJA 1988. Ch 2: s3(1) SOA 2003. Guilty 150 Days detention, reduction in rank to Craftsman and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4778 Private Army 1 PWRR Bulford 10-Mar-20 Ch 1: Threats to kill. Ch 2, 4 & 5: Battery. Ch 3 & 6: Criminal damage. Ch 7: AWOL Ch 1: OAPA 1861. Ch 2, 4 & 5: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3 & 6: s1(1) Criminal Justice Act 1971. Ch 7: s9(1) AFA 06 Ch 1 & 7: Not Guilty*. Ch 2-6: Guilty 60 Days detention.
4861 Corporal Army 35 Engineer Regiment Catterick 15-Apr-20 Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4846 Sergeant Army The Armour Centre, RA Bulford 10-Jul-20 Ch 1 to Ch 3: Battery. Ch 4: Threatening behaviour. Ch 5: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 1-3: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 4: s21(2) AFA 06. Ch 5: s20 AFA 06. Ch 1-4: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty £2,000 Fine and reprimanded.
4948 Bombadier Army 32 Regt RA Bulford 06-Nov-20 Ch 1: Wounding with intent. Ch 2: Unlawful Wounding. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 4: Battery. Ch 5: Misconduct towards a superiour officer Ch 1: s18 OAPA 1861. Ch 2: s20 OAPA 1861. Ch 3: s47 OAPA 1861. Ch 4: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 5: s11 AFA 06 Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2-5: Guilty 2 Years detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4740 Corporal Army BATUS Workshop Catterick 13-Oct-20 1 x Rape s1 SOA 03 Not Guilty 5 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
5084 Corporal Army 66 WKS GP RE Catterick 28-Oct-20 Ch 1: Voyeurism. Ch 2: Sexual assault Ch 1: s67(1) SOA 2003. Ch 2: s3(1) SOA 2003 Not Guilty Not set
4858 Leading Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 29-Jun-20 1 x Fraud s1 Fraud Act 2003 Guilty Disrated to Engineering Technician, 150 days detention, suspended for 2 years.
4809 Corporal Army 1 Lancs Catterick 15-Jul-20 Ch 1: Threatening behaviour. Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders. Ch1: s21(2) AFA. Ch 2: s13(1) AFA Guilty Reduction in rank to Lance Corporal and 45 days detention.
5122 Signaller Army 3 UK Div Catterick 06-Aug-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 10 Days detention.
4691 Corporal Army 6 Regt RLC Catterick 28-Jul-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 30 Days detention
5242 Lance Corporal Army 1 PWRR Bulford 07-Dec-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty Reprimand
4545 Corporal Army 1 R Irish Catterick 30-Oct-20 Ch 1, 2 & 3: Ill treatment of a subordinate. Ch 4: Battery Ch 1-3: s22 AFA 06. Ch 4: s39 CJA 1988 Guilty £1,334.30 Fine
5131 Fusilier Army 2 Scots Catterick 20-Aug-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 12 Months detention
4627 Highlander Army 4 Scots Catterick 19-Feb-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 2003 Not Guilty Not set
4982 Lance Sergeant Army 3 Para Catterick 07-Aug-20 1 x Using force against a person on guard duty s14(1) AFA 2006 Guilty 6 Months detention suspended for 12 months and reduced in rank to Lance Corporal
4580 Captain Army HQ JITG TDD Bulford 24-Jan-20 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Assault by penetration Ch 1: s3(1) SOA 2003. Ch 2: s2(1) SOA 2003. Guilty 15 Months imprisonment, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years.
4750 Sergeant Army 4 Scots Catterick 20-Nov-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Not Guilty* Not set
4995 Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh Bulford 16-Oct-20 1 x GBH s20 Offences Against the Persons Act 1861. Guilty 9 Months detention and £800 Service Compensation Order.
4841 Corporal Army 25 Training Regiment Royal Logistics Corps Bulford 25-Feb-20 Ill-treatment of a subordinate. c22(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4861 Corporal Army 35 Engineer Regiment Catterick 09-Apr-20 Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4861 Lance Corporal Army 35 Engineer Regiment Catterick 09-Apr-20 Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
5094 Able Seaman Royal Navy Mine Counter Measures Bulford 13-Nov-20 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: s47 OAPA. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Guilty 10 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4763 Sergeant Army Dems Trg Regt Catterick 14-Sep-20 Ch 2: Negligently performing a duty s15(2) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4393 Lance Corporal Army 22 Sig Regt Bulford 15-Oct-20 Ch 9 & 11: Battery s39 CJA 1988 Ch 9: Not Guilty. Ch 11: Guilty 12 Months conditional discharge.
4743 Leading Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Nelson Bulford 18-Mar-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 2003 Not Guilty Not set
5202 Corporal Army 1 Mercian Catterick 04-Dec-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and service discipline. Ch 1: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 2: s19(1) AFA 06 Guilty £2,581.04 Fine.
4795 Lance Corporal Army 4 GS Med Regt Bulford 04-Dec-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 03 Guilty 9 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4695 Corporal Army ATR(P) Bulford 13-Mar-20 1 x Attempting to commit an offence s1(1) Criminal Attempts Act 1981. Guilty 9 Months imprisonment; subject to a sexual harm prevention order for 5 years; sex offenders register for 10 years.
4744 Lance Corporal Army 10 Sig Regt Catterick 22-Jan-20 Ch 1 & 2: Making a false record. Ch 3: Fraud. Ch 4: Making a false record. Ch 1 & 2: s18(1) AFA 06. Ch 3: s4 Fraud Act 2006. Ch 4: s18(1) AFA 06 Guilty 6 Months detention and reduced to the ranks.
4393 Corporal Army 22 Sig Regt Bulford 20-Jul-20 Ch 1: Disgraceful Conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 12: Failing to perform a duty. Ch 1: s23(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s15(1)(c) AFA 06 Discontinued Not set
5082 Lance Bombadier Army 3 RHA Catterick 24-Sep-20 Ch 1 to 3: Sexual assault. Ch 4: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 1 to 3: s3(1) SOA 03. Ch 4: s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 80 Days detention and £200 Service Compensation Order.
5042 Lance Corporal Army Light Dragoons Catterick 19-Oct-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
4768 Sapper Army 32 Engr Regt Catterick 08-Oct-20 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline s19(1) AFA 06 Guilty 30 Days detention.
4849 Corporal Army 2 Royal Anglian Catterick 02-Jul-20 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Using force against a person on guard. Ch 1: s20(1)(b) AFA 06. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s14(1)(a) AFA 06 Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 6 months and reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal.
4752 Trooper Army Light Dragoons Catterick 15-Jun-20 2 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 150 Days detention
4974 Musician Army WG Band Bulford 30-Jul-20 1 x Attempting sexual communication with a child s1(1) Criminal Attempts Act 1981 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. Service Community Order for 2 years and required to complete a Horizon Programme of 27 days; Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for up to 10 days and 80 hours unpaid work requirement.
4693 Lance Corporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 21-Jan-20 1 x Contravention of standing orders s13(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4532 Corporal Army 1 ITB Catterick 21-Jan-20 1 x Ill treatment of a subordinate s22 AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4553 Lance Corporal Army 4 MI Bn Bulford 30-Sep-20 1 x Sending an electronic communication with intent to cause distress or anxiety. s1(1) Malicious Communications Act 1988 Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 6 months.
4829 Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Waddington Catterick 18-Jun-20 Ch 1, 2 & 3: Attempting to cause or incite a child to engage in sexual activity with a child. Ch 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8: Attempting to sexually communicate with a child. s1 Criminal Attempts Act 1981 Guilty 12 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4908 Lance Corporal Army 29 Regt RLC Bulford 29-Jul-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Discontinued Not set
4926 Bombadier Army 5 Regt RA Catterick 07-Aug-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 6 Months imprisonment, suspended 12 months. 120 hours unpaid work requirement to be completed within 12 months. Reduced in rank to Lance Bombardier. £2,000 Service Compensation Order.
5028 Lieutenant Army 5 Regt RA Catterick 02-Nov-20 1 x Negligently allowing the loss of service property. s24(a) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimand, £700 fine and £482.46 Service Compensation Order.
4816 Leading Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 20-Feb-20 1 x Conduct prejudicial of good order and Service discipline. s19 AFA 06. Guilty Reprimand and £2,539.92 Service Compensation Order,
5078 Lance Corporal Army 3 RGR Bulford 26-Oct-20 1 x Rape s1(1) Criminal Attempts Act 1981 Guilty 5 Years and 6 months imprisonment, reduced to the rank of Riflemen and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4861 Sapper Army 35 Engineer Regiment Catterick 09-Apr-20 Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4832 Marine Royal Navy RMR Scotland Bulford 06-Aug-20 Ch 1: Using disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer. Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: s11(2) AFA 06. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
5052 Lance Bombadier Army 19 RA Bulford 13-Oct-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 4 Months detention and reduced to the ranks.
4934 5038 Guardsman Army 1 Scots Guards Bulford 10-Sep-20 Case 1: 3 x Battery. Case 2: Ch 1: Taking a conveyance without authority. Ch 2: Aggravated vehicle taking. Case 1: s39 CJA 1988. Case 2: S12 Theft Act 1968 Guilty Case 1: 60 Days detention. Case 2: 40 Days detention and £315.87 Service Compensation Order.
4859 Highlander Army 4 Scots Catterick 27-Feb-20 3 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 120 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
5259 Craftsman Army 13 AA SP Regt RLC Catterick 03-Dec-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 6 Months detention.
4979 Corporal Royal Navy Commando Training Centre Royal Marines Bulford 04-Sep-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty Admonishment
4381 4769 Rifleman Army 2 Rifles Catterick 13-Mar-20 Case 1: 1 x ABH. Case 2: 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Case 1: s47 OAPA 1861. Case 2: s21(a) AFA 06 Guilty Case 1: 90 Days detention, suspended for 18 months and £100 Service Compensation Order. Sentence to be served concurrent with case 2. Case 2: 30 Days detention, suspended for 18 months.
5010 Private Army 3 Med Regt Catterick 22-Sep-20 1 x Contravention of standing orders s13(1) AFA 06 Guilty 70 Days detention.
5102 Ex-Lance Corporal Army 3 PARA Catterick 15-Oct-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty 180 hours Community Order and £100 Service Compensation Order.
4581 Lance Corporal Army 7 Para RHA Catterick 18-Jun-20 1 x Criminal Damage s1(1) Criminal Damage Act 1971 Not Guilty* Not set
4861 Lance Corporal Army 35 Engineer Regiment Catterick 09-Apr-20 Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4924 Private Army DSHT DMS Whittington Bulford 09-Mar-20 1 x Desertion s8(2)(a) AFA 06 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and £1,000 fine.
4601 Guardsman Army 1 IG Bulford 13-Jan-20 1 x Theft s1(1) Theft Act 1968 Guilty 6 Months detention and £30 Service Compensation Order.
4781 Ex-Private Army 6 Regt RLC Catterick 18-Feb-20 Ch 1:Using threatening abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Ch 2: Damaging property Ch 1: s21(2) AFA 06. Ch 2: s1(1) CDA 1971 Guilty £400 Fine.
4675 Private Army 2 Mercian Catterick 22-Jun-20 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Threatening behaviour. Ch 3: Criminal Damage. Ch 4: AWOL. Ch 1: s3(1) Public Order Act 1986. Ch 2: s21(2) AFA 06. Ch 3: s1(1) Criminal damage act 1971. Ch 4: 9(1) AFA 06. Guilty 18 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4888 Lance Corporal Army 3 Regt ATC, Pirbright Bulford 24-Jul-20 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind s23(1) AFA 06 Guilty Reduced to the ranks and 90 days detention.
4892 Lance Corporal Army 2 Para Catterick 02-Jul-20 1 x Racially aggravated intentional harrassment s32(1)(a) Crime and Disorder Act 1998. Guilty £500 Service Compensation Order, 60 Days detention and reduction in rank to Private.
4393 Lance Corporal Army 22 Sig Regt Bulford 20-Jul-20 Ch 4 & 5: Disgraceful Conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 11: Battery. Ch 4 & 5: s23(1) AFA 06. Ch 11: s39 CJA 1988. Discontinued Not set
5023 Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Honington Catterick 19-Nov-20 Ch 1: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 2: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour . Ch 1: s13(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s21(2) AFA 06 Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty* £1,350 Fine.
4885 Warfare Specialist Royal Navy HMS Excellent Bulford 04-Jun-20 2 x Misconduct towards a Superior Officer s11(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4736 Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Coningsby Catterick 27-Oct-20 1 x ABH. s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 150 Days detention and £1,000 Service Compensation Order.
4861 Lance Corporal Army 33 Engineer Regiment Catterick 15-Apr-20 Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4393 Signaller Army 22 Sig Regt Bulford 20-Jul-20 Ch 6 to 8: Disgraceful Conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 11: Battery. Ch 6 & 8: s23(1) AFA 06. Ch 11: s39 CJA 1988. Discontinued Not set
4785 Leading Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Sultan Bulford 10-Mar-20 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: s47 OAPA 1861. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. Disrated to Able Seaman, 90 days detention and £500 Service Compensation Order.
4718 Lance Corporal Army Royal Lancers Catterick 04-Mar-20 Ch 1 & 3: ABH Ch 2: Battery Ch 1 & 3: s47 OAPA 1861. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty. 120 Day detention.
4842 Lance Corporal Army A Coy 2 Rifles Catterick 04-Dec-20 Ch 1: GHB with intent. Ch 2: GBH. Ch 1: s18 OAPA 1861. Ch 2: s20 OAPA 1861. Ch 1: Not Guilty*. Ch 2: Guilty. 18 Months detention, reduction in rank to Rifleman and £500 Service Compensation Order.
4989 Lance Corporal Army 1 Welsh Guards Bulford 08-Dec-20 Ch 1-4: Rape. Ch 5 & 6: Controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship. Ch 7: ABH. Ch 1-4: s1(1) SOA 03. Ch 5 & 6: s76(1) & (11) Serious Crime Act 2015. Ch 7: s47 OAPA 1861. Not Guilty Not set
4655 Lance Corporal Army 5 Rifles Bulford 10-Mar-20 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Using violence whilst in custody. Ch 1: s20(1)(b) AFA 06. Ch 2: s29(2) AFA 06 Guilty £300 Service Compensation Orders, reduced to the ranks and 90 days detention, suspended for 12 months.
4938 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Raleigh Bulford 06-Aug-20 Ch 1 - 6: Disobedience of a lawful command. Ch 7 & 8: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1-6: s12(1) AFA 06. Ch 6-7: s19(10) AFA 06 Guilty 10 Months detention, suspended for two years
4918 Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Cosford Catterick 06-Jul-20 1 x Racially aggravated intentional harassment s31(1)(c) Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Guilty £380 Fine
4643 Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force HQBF Gibraltar Catterick 28-Feb-20 Ch 1: Using threatening,abusive,insulting or provocative behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress. Ch 2: Disorderly behaviour Ch 1: s4a Public Disorder Act 1986. Ch 2: s5 Public Order Act 1998 Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. Severe reprimand and £2,000 fine.
4696 Lance Corporal Army 2 CS Bn REME Catterick 31-Jan-20 1 x Fraud s1 Fraud Act 2006 Not Guilty Not set
4581 Lance Corporal Army 3 Para Catterick 18 Jun 20 (Ch 1 & 2) and 10 Jul 20 (Ch 5) Ch 1: Criminal Damage. Ch 2: Witness intimidation. Ch 5: Intending to pervert the course of Justice. Ch 1: s1(1) Criminal Damage Act 1971. Ch 2: s51(1) Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. Ch 5: s42 AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
5030 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Sultan Bulford 18-Sep-20 Ch 1: Attempted voyeurism. Ch 2: Voyeurism. Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1: s1(1) Criminal Attempts Act 1981. Ch 2: s67(3) SOA 03. Ch 3: s19 AFA 06. Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty. Disrated and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service with disgrace; 8 months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years; subject to a Service Community Order with a 100 hours unpaid work requirement within the next 2 years and to attend a sex offending programme of 36 sessions.
4806 Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Wittering Catterick 21-Jul-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 03 Not Guilty Not set
4844 Flight Lieutenant Royal Air Force RAF HIGH WYCOMBE Catterick 17-Jun-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty £2,414.79 Fine and £150 Service Compensation Order.
4409 Sapper Army 23 Para Engr Regt Catterick 20-Mar-20 Ch 1: Evaision of fares. Ch 2: AWOL. Ch 1: s5(3) Regulation of Railways 1889. Ch 2: s9(1) AFA 06 Ch 1: Not Guilty* Ch 2: Guilty 120 Days detention.
5108 Leading Seaman Royal Navy HMS Albion Bulford 08-Dec-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Not Guilty Not set
4821 Corporal Royal Air Force JSSU Digby Catterick 01-Dec-20 Ch 1 & 2: Battery. s39 CJA 1988 Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. 45 Days detention and reduction in rank to Lance Corporal.
4581 Private Army 1 Coldstream Guards Catterick 10-Jul-20 2 x Criminal Damage s1(1) Criminal Damage Act 1971 Guilty 4 Months detention, reduced in rank to Private and £850 Service Compensation Order.
4839 Lance Corporal Army 1 Armoured Medical Regiment Bulford 13-Jul-20 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 1: s3(1) SOA 2003. Ch 2: s23 AFA 06 Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. 60 Days detention.
5127 Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 18-Sep-20 2 x Conduct prejudical to good order and service discipline. s19(1) AFA 06 Guilty £1,456.98
4814 4830 Private Army 3 Para Catterick 13-Aug-20 Case 1: 2 x Theft. Case 2: Ch 1 to Ch 4: Offering to supply a controlled drug. Case 1: s42 AFA 2006. Case 2: s4(3)(a) of Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Case 1: Ch 1: Guilty Ch 2: Not Guilty*. Case 2: Guilty 10 Months detention.
4027 Private Army 2 Mercian Catterick 06-Aug-20 2 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, subject to a Service Community Order for 12 months with a curfew requirement.
4932 Corporal Royal Air Force MOD A Block Catterick 17-Jul-20 Ch 1, 2 & 3: Offering to supply a controlled drug. Ch 4, 5 & 6: Fraud by false representation. Ch 1-3: s4(3)(a) Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Ch 4-6: s1 Fraud Act 2006. Guilty 10 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
5034 Lance Corporal Army 13 AA Sp Regt RLC Catterick 26-Nov-20 1 x Racially aggravated harassment, alarm or distress s3(1)(c) Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Not Guilty* Not set
4612 Fusilier Army 1 RRF Bulford 06-Feb-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4933 Private Army 3 Scots Bulford 15-Jul-20 5 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's service.
4905 Guardsman Army 1 Irish Guards Bulford 09-Jul-20 1 x Desertion s8(2)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 12 Months detention.
5172 Lance Corporal Army 1 MWD Regt Catterick 26-Nov-20 1 x Attempted theft. s1(1) Criminal Attempts Act 1981 Guilty 120 Days detention and reduction in rank to Private.
4707 Lieutenant Army The Queen's Own Yeomanry Catterick 17-Aug-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20 AFA 06 Guilty Loss of seniority in of Lieutenant for 18 months.
4804 Private Army 3 Med Regt Bulford 07-Jul-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3 SOA 03 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesy's Service, reduced to the ranks and 8 months detention.
4864 Gunner Army 1 RHA Bulford 25-Sep-20 Ch 1 & 2: Attempting to sexually communicate with a child. Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1 & 2: s1 Criminal Attempts Act 1981. Ch 3: s19 AFA 06 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 3 year Service Community Order, to attend an accredited sex offenders programme, attend up to 20 Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement days and complete 150 hours unpaid work requirement within 2 years.
4786 Lance Corporal Army 2 Para Catterick 16-Mar-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 90 Days detention.
5065 Private Army 6 Regt RLC Catterick 23-Oct-20 1 x ABH. s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 100 Days detention and £1,000 Service Compensation Order.
4939 Lance Corporal Army 2 Scots Bulford 20-Mar-20 Ch 1: AWOL. Ch 2 to 4: Failing to attend a duty. Ch 1: s9(1) AFA 06. Ch 2 - 4: s15(1)(a) AFA 06 Guilty 90 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Fusilier.
4919 Private Army 1 Regt RLC Bulford 03-Nov-20 1 X Threatening behaviour s21(2) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4515 4625 Lance Corporal Army 4 RMP Bulford 11-Mar-20 Case 1: Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2: Unfitnes or misconduct through alcohol or drugs. Case 2: 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Case 1: Ch 1: s21(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s20 AFA 06. Case 2: s19(1) AFA 06 Case 1: Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. Case 2: Guilty Case 1: £1,300 Fine and £200 Service Compensation Order. Case 2: £500 Fine.
4815 Warfare Specialist Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 25-Jun-20 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: s20(1)(b) AFA 06. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty* £240 Fine and £300 Service Compensation Order.
4530 Ex-Private Army 4 Log Sp Regt Catterick 11-Feb-20 2 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. 12 Month Community Order with 60 hours unpaid work requirement.
5024 Private Army 1 PWRR Catterick 24-Sep-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 2003 Guilty 10 Months detention
4848 Private Army 158 Regiment The Royal Logistics Corps Catterick 04-Mar-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty £1,097.46 Fine and £250 Service Community Order.
4853 Trooper Army KRH Bulford 22-Jan-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 9 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
5058 Marine Royal Navy 42 CDO RM Bulford 16-Sep-20 1 x Fighting s21(1) AFA 06. Guilty 2 Months detention.
4788 Private Army 6 Regt RLC Catterick 09-Mar-20 1 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 2003 Guilty 80 Days detention.
4771 Trooper Army HCR Bulford 16-Jan-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 150 Days detention and pay £600 Service Compensation Order.
5048 Ex-Private Army 4 Regt RLC Bulford 26-Aug-20 Ch 1 & 2: Blackmail. Ch 3: Disclosing private sexual photographs. Ch 1 & 2: s21 Theft Act 1968. Ch 3: s33 Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015. Guilty 3 Years and 4 months imprisonment.
4891 Trooper Army Scots DG Catterick 27-Jul-20 Ch 1: Racially aggravated harassment, alarm or distress. Ch 2 & 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1; s31(1)(c) Crime and Disorder Act 1983 Ch 2 & 3: s19(1) AFA 06. Guilty 8 Months detention.
5149 Trooper Army QRH Bulford 25-Nov-20 1 x GBH s20 Offences Against the Persons Act 1861. Guilty 12 Months detention.
4701 Private Army 2 Para Catterick 22-Jan-20 Ch 1: Threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Ch 2: Making a false official record Ch 1: s21(2) AFA 06. Ch 2: s18(1) AFA 06 Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement.
4637 Signaller Army 3 Sig Regt Bulford 05-Feb-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Threatening behaviour Ch 1: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 2: s21(2): AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4878 Fusilier Army 1 RRF Bulford 20-Feb-20 2 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty Dimissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4783 Lance Corporal Army 1 RMP Catterick 03-Jul-20 Ch 1: Damaging service property. Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 1: s24(2) AFA 06. Ch 2: s13 AFA 06 Guilty £2,000 Service Compensation Order and 60 months detention, suspended for 6 months.
4930 Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Catterick 23-Jun-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 120 Days detention.
5210 Private Army 1 Royal Irish (1 ITB) Catterick 25-Nov-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 8 Months detention.
4833 Rifleman Army 1 Rifles Catterick 06-Aug-20 1 x Desertion s8(2)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 2 Years detention
4705 Lance Corporal Army 2 R Anglian Bulford 18-Mar-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty 60 Days detention.
4709 Private Army 2 Para Catterick 21-Jan-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 50 Days detention.
4413 Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Catterick 08-Jul-20 1 x Failure to provide a sample of urine s305(3) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4940 Private Army 3 Para Bulford 20-Mar-20 4 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 120 Days detention.
4774 Marine Royal Navy CDO Log Regt, RM Bulford 26-Jun-20 1 x Rape s1 SOA 03 Not Guilty Not set
4551 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Duncan Bulford 24-Jan-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 150 Days detention at £250 Service Compensation Order.
4912 Lance Corporal Army 30 Sig Regt Catterick 27-Jul-20 1 x Racially aggravated intentional harassment s31(1)(b) Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Guilty 80 Days detention.
4913 Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Medway Bulford 29-Jun-20 Ch: 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: Racially aggravated use of words. Ch 1 & 2: s93 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s31(1)(c) Crime and Disorder Act 1988. Guilty 60 Days Service Supervision Order.
4834 Signaller Army 11 Sig Regt Bulford 21-Feb-20 1 x Fighting s21(1) AFA 06 Guilty Admonished
5053 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS GRIMSBY Bulford 16-Oct-20 2 x Sexual communication with a child s15a(1) SOA 03 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 2 year Service Community Order with a requirement to attend an accredited sexual offending groupwork programme for not more than 90 days.
4955 Craftsman Army 6 Armd Bn REME Catterick 16-Jun-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 120 Days detention.
4837 Private Army 3 Close Support Battalion REME Bulford 07-Feb-20 2 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 24 Days detention.
5132 Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Catterick 02-Nov-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months.
4587 Second Lieutenant Army 3 PWRR Bulford 28-Jan-20 Ch 1 & Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 4: Battery. Ch 5: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 1 & 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s47 OAPA 1861. Ch 4: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 5: s20(1)(b) AFA 06. Ch 1-4: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty Severe Reprimand; £2300.00 Fine and £150.00 Service Compensation Order
5115 Rifleman Army 5 Rifles Bulford 23-Sep-20 Ch 1: Possession of a prohibited weapon. Ch 2: Possession of ammunition. Ch 1: s5(1)(b) Firearms Act 1968. Ch 2: s1(1)(a) Firearms Act 1968. Guilty £1,100 Fine.
5119 Fusilier Army 2Bn Royal Regiment FSC Catterick 23-Sep-20 1 x Fighting. s21(1) AFA 06. Guilty 30 Days detention, suspended for 18 months.
5164 Lance Corporal Army 4 AAC Catterick 26-Nov-20 1 x GBH s20 Offences Against the Persons Act 1861. Guilty 14 Months detention, reduction in rank to Craftsman and £1,500 Service Compensation Order.
4702 Gunner Army 5 Regt RA Catterick 12-Feb-20 1 x Burglary s9(1)(b) Theft Act 1968 Not Guilty Not set
4584 Private Army 2 Mercian Catterick 19-Feb-20 2 x Offering to supply a controlled drug s4(3)(a) Misuse of drugs act 1971 Guilty 18 Months detention.
4755 Craftsman Army 2 CS Bn REME Catterick 20-Mar-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty 140 Days detention and £100 Service Compensation Order.
4873 Craftsman Army 6 CS BN REME Bulford 31-Jan-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 36 Days detention.
4871 Fusilier Army 1 RRF Bulford 18-Jun-20 2 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 8 Months detention.
5017 Lance Corporal Army 2 Lancs Catterick 21-Sep-20 Ch 1: Using force against a sentry. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 1: s14 AFA 06. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s13(1) AFA 06 Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months, £306.20 fine and reduction in rank to Private.
5213 Guardsman Army 1 Royal Irish (1 IG) Bulford 13-Nov-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 120 Days detention.
5119 Private Army 2 Bn Royal Highland Fusiliers Catterick 23-Sep-20 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Fighting. Ch 1: s47 OAPA. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s21(1) AFA 06. Guilty 8 Months detention, plus activation of a previous suspended sentence (30 days) imposed Feb 2019.
4727 Private Army 1 R Anglian Bulford 17-Jan-20 2 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
4990 Private Army 2 R Anglian Bulford 24-Sep-20 1 x Possessing a controlled drug s5(2) Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Guilty Service Community Order with 120 days unpaid work requirement, 6 days Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4608 Air Engineering Technician Royal Navy RNAS Yeovilton Bulford 12-Feb-20 Ch 1: Unfitness through alcohol. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: ABH Ch 1: s20(1)(b) AFA 06. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s47 OAPA 1861. Not Guilty Not set
4847 Lance Corporal Army The Queens Own Yeomanry Catterick 10-Dec-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the rank of Trooper.
4767 Private Army 1 MWD Regt Catterick 30-Nov-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Gulity 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. £150 Service Compensation Order.
4921 Able Seaman Royal Navy 820 Naval Air SQN Bulford 24-Jun-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 100 Days detention and £1,000 Service Compensation Order.
5165 Gunner Army 7 Para Catterick 26-Nov-20 1 x Offering to supply psychoactive substance s5(2) Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 Guilty 60 Days detention.
4726 Private Army 2 R Anglian Catterick 05-Aug-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Harrassment. Ch 3: Disgraceful conduct Ch 1: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 2: s2(1) Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Ch 3: s23(1) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
5160 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Raleigh Bulford 25-Nov-20 Ch 1: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Threatening behaviour. Ch 1: s13 AFA 06. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 3: s21(2) AFA 06. Guilty 60 Days Service Suspension and Punishment Order.
4803 Gunner Royal Navy 29 Commando Regt RA Bulford 26-Feb-20 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Theft Ch 1: s20(1)(b) AFA 06. Ch 2: s1(1) Theft Act 1968. Guilty 150 Days detention.
4895 Ex-Craftsman Army 8 Bn REME Bulford 11-Mar-20 Ch 1: Contravention of Standing Orders. s13 AFA 06. Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement.
4872 Fusilier Army 2 Scots Bulford 16-Mar-20 2 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 6 Months detention.
4543 Ex-Private Army DST(L) Catterick 23-Jan-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Criminal Damage Ch 1: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 2: s1(1) Criminal Damage Act 1971 Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. £200 Fine and £100 Service Compensation Order.
4794 Ex-Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Raleigh Bulford 20-Feb-20 Ch 1: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 2, 3 & 4: Contravention of standing orders Ch 1: s23(1) AFA 06 (touched bottom). Ch 2-4: s13(1) AFA 06. Guilty 12 Months Service Community Order with upto 10 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and 60 hours unpaid work requirement.
4759 Private Army 2 R Anglian Catterick 04-Feb-20 Ch 1: Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty 30 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order.
5077 Fusilier Army 1 RRF Bulford 26-Aug-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 120 Days detention.
5054 Craftsman Army 3 Bn REME Bulford 28-Jul-20 Ch 1: Criminal damage. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 1: s1(1) Criminal Damage Act 1971. Ch 2: s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 2 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and £1,600 Service Compensation Order. Suspended sentence activated 15 Mar 21.
4807 Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Shawbury Catterick 12-Jun-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Not set Discontinued Not set
4928 Fusilier Army 2 Scots Catterick 21-Aug-20 1 x GBH s20 Offences Against the Persons Act 1861. Guilty 12 Months detention and £1,700 Service Compensation Order.
4706 4715 Ex-Private Army 2 Mercian Cyprus 22-Jun-20 Ch 1: Criminal damage. Ch 2: Affray. Ch 3: AWOL Ch 1: s1(1) Criminal Damage Act 1971. Ch 2: s3(1) Public Order Act 1986. Ch 3: s9(1) AFA 06. Guilty Service Community Order with 175 hours unpaid work requirement,
5118 Private Army 2 Mercian Catterick 23-Oct-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. 12 Months service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement and 20 Rehabilition Activity Requirement days.
4879 Fusilier Army ITC 2 ITB Catterick 16-Jun-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 12 Months Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement and a Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for no less than 10 days. Dismissed from Her Majesy's Serivce.
5226 Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 03-Dec-20 3 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement, to be completed within the next 12 months. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4549 Private Army DCPG Bulford 14-Jan-20 1 x Sexual assault s3(1) SOA 03 Not Guilty Not set
4889 2nd Lieutenant Army 4 Mercian Catterick 06-Nov-20 Ch 1 - 4: Sexual assault. Ch 5: Attempted Sexual assault. Ch 1 - 4: s3(1) SOA 03. Ch 5: s1(1) Criminal Attempts Act 1981 Ch 1-4: Guilty. Ch 5: Not guilty. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 100 hours unpaid work requirement.
5045 Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 14-Aug-20 3 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 150 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
4342 Air Craftsman Royal Air Force DCAE Cosford Catterick 25-Sep-20 2 x Rape s1(1) SOA 03 Not Guilty Not set
4390 Aircraftman Royal Air Force DCAE Cosford Catterick 22-Jan-20 Ch 1: Rape s1(1) SOA 03 Not Guilty Not set
5051 Private Army 2 Para Catterick 22-Sep-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 30 Days detention.
4834 Signaller Army 11 Sig Regt Bulford 21-Feb-20 1 x Fighting s21(1) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimand
5051 Private Army 3 Para Catterick 22-Sep-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty 30 Days detention.
4978 Sub Lieutenant Royal Navy HMS Collingwood Bulford 23-Jun-20 1 x Theft s1(1) Theft Act 1968 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
5058 Marine Royal Navy 42 CDO RM Bulford 16-Sep-20 Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2 : Battery Ch 1: s21(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s39 Criminal Justice Act 1988. Guilty 6 Months detention.
4390 Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Halton Catterick 22-Jan-20 Ch 2: Rape s1(1) SOA 03 Not Guilty Not set
5040 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Queen Elizabeth Bulford 16-Sep-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol or drugs. Ch 1: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 2: s20(1)(a) AFA 06 Guilty 4 Months detention, suspended for 2 years.
4914 Private Army 3 Para Catterick 06-Oct-20 1 x ABH s37 OAPA 1861. Guilty 120 Days detention and £1,000 Service Compensation Order.
4834 Signaller Army 11 Sig Regt Bulford 21-Feb-20 1 x Fighting s21(1) AFA 06 Guilty Admonished.
4667 Trooper Army RAC TR Bulford 17-Jun-20 Ch 1: Racially aggrevated harrassment. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1: s32(1)(a) Crime and Disorder Act 1998. Ch 2: s19(1) AFA 06. Guilty 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. 180 Hours unpaid work requirement to be completed within 12 months and up to 25 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.
5018 Private Army RACTR Catterick 27-Jul-20 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. s23(1) AFA 06 Guilty 40 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
4686 Signaller Army 11 (RSS) Regt Blandford Catterick 25-Jun-20 2 x Attempted administration of a noxious substance s1(1) Criminal Attempts Act 1981 Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. 10 Months detention.
5019 Ex-Private Army 2 ITB Catterick 15-Jul-20 Ch 2: Fighting s21(1) AFA 06. Guilty £398.93 Fine
4799 Ex- Kingsman Army ITC 2 ITB Catterick 10-Dec-20 3 x Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of public justice. s42 AFA 2006 Not Guilty Not set
4827 Highlander Army 4 Scots Catterick 28-Feb-20 3 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 160 Days detention.
5019 Private Army 2 ITB Catterick 15-Jul-20 Ch 1: Fighting s21(1) AFA 06. Guilty £398.93 Fine
5154 Private Army 1 Royal Irish Catterick 08-Sep-20 1 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 9 months.
4770 Trooper Army QRH Bulford 04-Mar-20 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour s21(1) AFA 06 Guilty 150 Days detention.
4686 Private Army DMS Whittington Catterick 21-Feb-20 2 x Offering to supply a controlled drug s4(3)© Misuse of drugs acr 1971 Guilty 12 Months detention.
4845 Guardsman Army 7 Coldstream Guards Bulford 23-Jun-20 Ch 2, 3 & 4: Battery s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
4834 Signaller Army 11 Sig Regt Bulford 21-Feb-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty Admonished
4845 Private Army 1 PWRR Bulford 23-Jun-20 Ch 3 & 4: Battery s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
4845 Rifleman Army 5 Bn, Rifles Bulford 23-Jun-20 Ch 3 & 4: Battery s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
4834 Signaller Army 11 Sig Regt Bulford 21-Feb-20 1 x Fighting s21(1) AFA 06 Guilty Admonished
4845 Gunner Army 14 Regt RA Bulford 23-Jun-20 Ch 1: Disgraceful conduct of the indecent kind. Ch 2, 3 & 4: Battery Ch 1: s23(1) AFA 06. Ch 2-4: s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
5116 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Neptune Catterick 17-Sep-20 1 x Fraud s1 Fraud Act 2006 Guilty 4 Months detention.
5070 Rifleman Army 5 Rifles Bulford 28-Aug-20 Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2: AWOL Ch 1: s1 Fraud Act 2006. Ch 2: s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 150 Days detention and £19.98 Service Compensation Order.
5104 Ex-Private Army 25 Regt RLC Catterick 18-Sep-20 1 x Possession of drugs s5(2) Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Guilty 12 Months conditional discharge.
4911 Kingsman Army 1 ITB Catterick 26-Aug-20 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: ABH Ch 1: s39 Criminal Justice Act 1988. Ch 2: s47 OAPA 1861. Guilty 8 Months detention and £800 Service Compensation Order.
4993 Signaller Army 11 Sig Regt Catterick 15-Jun-20 Ch 1: AWOL. Ch 2: Faliure to perform a duty. Ch 1: s9(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s15(1)(c) AFA 06 Guilty 80 Days detention
5237 Aircraftman Royal Air Force MOD St Athan Catterick 03-Dec-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty £390.95 Fine.
4793 Private Army DST (L) Catterick 17-Feb-20 Ch 1: Threatening behaviour. Ch 2: Damaging service property , Ch 1: s21(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s24(1) AFA 06. Guilty 180 Days detention.
5130 Private Army 1 Yorks Bulford 21-Oct-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for 9 months.
4760 Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Halton Catterick 19-Nov-20 Ch 4: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Ch 5: Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service discipline Ch 4: s23 AFA 06. Ch 5: s19 AFA 06 Discontinued Not set
5175 Private Army 3 RLC Bulford 25-Nov-20 1 x Fighting s21(1) AFA 06. Guilty £200 Fine.
5047 Air Trooper Army 2 Trg Regt AAC Bulford 06-Nov-20 1 x Sexual assault s3 SOA 2003 Guilty 6 Months detention.
4789 Private Army 1 ITB Catterick 04-Mar-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty 12 Days restriction of privileges.
4714 Ex-Private Army 2 ITB Catterick 22-Jan-20 2 x Threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour s21(2) AFA 06 Guilty 12 Month Community Order with upto 30 days Rehablilitation and Activity Requirements.
4760 Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Halton Catterick 19-Nov-20 Ch 6, 7 & 8: Conduct prejudial to good order and service discipline s19 AFA 06 Discontinued Not set
4760 Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Halton Catterick 23-Nov-20 1 x Harassment s2 Protection from Harassment Act 1997 Guilty 40 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
5125 Trooper Army HCMR Bulford 12-Aug-20 2 x AWOL s9(1) AFA 06 Guilty 60 Days detention.
5079 Gunner Army 14 Regt RA Bulford 27-Aug-20 Ch 1: Assault by penetration. Ch 2: Attempted rape. Ch 3: Sexual assault. Ch 4: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 1: s2(1) SOA 03. Ch 2: s1(1) Criminal Attempts Act 1981. Ch 3: s3(1) SOA 03. Ch 4: s13 AFA 06. Guilty 10 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
5112 Private Army AFC (H) Catterick 09-Oct-20 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: s47 OAPA. Ch 2: s39 CJA 1988. Guilty 90 Days detention and £5,000 Service Compensation Order.
5066 Private Army 1 ITB Catterick 06-Nov-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 8 Months detention.
4687 Wing Commander Royal Air Force MOD Abbey Wood Catterick 04-Dec-20 Ch 1 & 3: Fraud. Ch 2: Using a false instrument Ch 1 & 3: s1 Fraud Act 2006. Ch 2: s3 Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty £3,671.44 Service Compensation Order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4773 Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Catterick 18-Jun-20 2 x Theft s1(1) Theft Act 1968 Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 24 months.
4881 Warrant Officer Royal Air Force RAF Odiham Catterick 04-Dec-20 Ch 1 - 6: Misapplied a Service vehicle. s25(1) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimand and £450 Service Compensation Order
4866 Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Leeming Catterick 02-Dec-20 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline s19(1) AFA 06 Guilty 3 Months detention, suspended for 9 months and reduced in rank to Lance Corporal.
5114 Corporal Army RAF Halton Catterick 16-Nov-20 4 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind s23(1) AFA 06 Guilty 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
4763 Petty Officer Royal Navy Dems Trg Regt Catterick 14-Sep-20 Ch 3: Negligently performing a duty s15(2) AFA 06 Not Guilty* Not set
4733 CPOLOG (STD) Royal Navy URNU Oxford Bulford 02-Sep-20 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol Ch 1: s3(1) SOA 2003. Ch 2: s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Not Guilty Not set
4868 Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 03-Jul-20 4 x Theft s1 Theft Act 1968 Not Guilty Not set
4722 Leading Warfare Specialist Royal Navy HMS Richmond Bulford 26-Jun-20 4 x Sexual Assault s3(1) SOA 2003 Ch 1 - 3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty 9 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. SOR 5 years.
4692 Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Neptune Bulford 19-Feb-20 1 x Causing harassment, alarm or distress. s5 Public Order Act 1986 Guilty £150 Fine.
4855 Petty Officer Royal Air Force HMS Eaglet Bulford 16-Mar-20 1 x Negligently performing a duty s15(2) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimand.
4779 Leading Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Anson Bulford 16-Mar-20 1 x GBH (s20) s20 OAPA 1861 Guilty 10 Months detention, suspended for 2 years. £2,400 Service Compensation Order.
4907 Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Neptune Bulford 24-Jun-20 Ch 1: Missapplying service property. Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 1: s25(1) AFA 06. Ch 2: s13(1) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimand and £1,500 fine.
5000 LWS Royal Navy HMS Collingwood Bulford 07-Aug-20 2 x Fraud s1 Fraud Act 2006 Guilty 120 Days detention and disrated to Leading Hand
4313 Chief Technician Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Catterick 17-Jul-20 1 x Fraudulently evade the duty payable on goods. s170 (1)(a)(ii) Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 Discontinued Court Martial Appeal Court over-turned conviction. Service Prosecuting Authority discontinued case.
4840 Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Vivid Bulford 16-Mar-20 3 x Breach of a Restraining Order. s229(4) AFA 06 Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; 2 years Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement and up to 60 days Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement; 3 month exclusion requirement; restraining order for 5 years or until further notice.
4886 Flight Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Cranwell Catterick 24-Jul-20 3 x Possessing an indecent photograph of a child s160 CJA 1988. Guilty 240 hours unpaid work requirement. Rehabilitation Activity Requirement 30 days to be completed within 24 months.
4304 Ex-Chief Technician Royal Air Force Not set Bulford 09-Jul-20 3 x Indecent Assault on a boy under the age of 16 s15 SOA 1956 Guilty 1 Year imprisonment. (Sentence to run consective to current sentences - making 19 years imprisonment overall).
4597 Ex-Colour Sergeant Army RHF Catterick 26-Feb-20 3 x Indecent assault s14(1) SOA 1956 Guilty 3 Years imprisonment
4797 N/A Army COSU Ops DFRMO Fire Service Catterick 10-Jul-20 1 x ABH s47 OAPA 1861 Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement and £1,000 Compensation Order payable within 12 months.
4172 Mrs Army 1 Armd Med Regt Bulford 05-Jun-20 Ch 4 & 5: Battery. s39 CJA 1988 Not Guilty Not set
4519 N/A Army Defence Humint Unit Bulford 07-Oct-20 Ch 1: Theft. s1(1) Theft Act 1968 Not Guilty Not set
4737 Lance Corporal Army 2 Para Catterick 02-Sep-20 1 x Battery s39 CJA 1988 Guilty Reprimand and £750 fine.
4757 Marine Royal Navy 1 AGRM Bulford 18-Feb-20 Ch 1: Battery, Ch 2: ABH Ch 1: s39 CJA 1988. Ch 2: s47 OAPA 1861. Not Guilty Not set
4643 Corporal Royal Air Force HQBF Gibraltar Catterick 28-Feb-20 Ch 1: Using threatening,abusive,insulting or provocative behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress. Ch 2: Disorderly behaviour Ch 1: s4a Public Disorder Act 1986. Ch 2: s5 Public Order Act 1998 Not Guilty Not set
4643 Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Gibraltar Catterick 28-Feb-20 1 x Racially aggravated intentional alarm, harassement or distress. s4A Public Order Act 1986 & s31 Crime and Disorder Act 1998. Not Guilty Not set
4393 Corporal Army 22 Sig Regt Bulford 20-Jul-20 Ch 14 & 15: Failing to perform a duty s15(1)(c) AFA 06 Discontinued Not set
5193 Sergeant Army 1 QDG Catterick 03-Dec-20 1 x Misapplying service property. s25(1) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimand
5005 Lieutenant Royal Navy HMS Lancaster Bulford 15-Sep-20 1 x Negligently hazarded one of Her Majesty's Ships s31(2) AFA 06 Guilty Severe reprimand and £4,000 fine.
4676 Captain Army RDG LAD REME Catterick 22-Oct-20 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline s19(1) AFA 06 Guilty Reprimand
4776 Commander Royal Navy HMS Nelson Bulford 13-Nov-20 1 x Harrassment s2 Protection from Harassment Act 1997 Not Guilty Not set
4817 N/A N/A N/A Bulford 11-Mar-20 1 x Misconduct through alcohol s20(1)(b) AFA 06 Guilty £600 Fine.
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
358 Individuals CM completed in 2020 Not set * Service Prosecuting Authority offered no evidence against the charge after arraignment. Therefore recorded as a not guilty finding. Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set