Transparency data

NIO Senior Officials Meetings: Oct - Dec 2021

Updated 31 March 2022
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Name (Permanent Secretary Only) Date Person or organisation that meeting was with Purpose of meeting
Madeleine Alessandri 2021-10-09 Ancient Order of Hibernians Meeting with US-Irish Stakeholders to discuss issues around the Protocol and legacy
Madeleine Alessandri 2021-10-13 British American Business Association Meeting to promote NI as a destination to do business and invest in.
Madeleine Alessandri 2021-10-18 The Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Meeting to discuss the UK Government's proposals on legacy
Madeleine Alessandri 2021-11-01 The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland Meeting to discuss the NI Centenary, the NI Protocol and other NI issues
Madeleine Alessandri 2021-11-01 Queens University Belfast Meeting to discuss Levelling Up in NI and how to support a thriving NI economy
Madeleine Alessandri 2021-11-09 UUP Regular engagement to meet political parties in NI to discuss political stability and issues affecting the electorate
Madeleine Alessandri 2021-12-13 SDLP Regular engagement to meet political parties in NI to discuss political stability and issues affecting the electorate
Madeleine Alessandri 2021-12-14 Methodist Church leaders Meeting to discuss a range of issues including UK Government legacy proposals
Madeleine Alessandri 2021-12-15 Derry City Chamber of Commerce Meeting to discuss economic opportunities in Derry/Londonderry