Official Statistics

NNDR1 consolidated data metadata: 2022 to 2023

Updated 15 March 2023
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Variable Description
netcollect_tot_1 Net rates payable
tpptola Transitional sums due to LA
tppfromla Transitional sums due from LA
costcoll_form Cost of collection for LA, from formula
costcoll_legal Legal costs of collection
costcoll_allow Total allowance for cost of collection
cityoffset City of London offset
disreg_da_2 Amounts retained in respect of Designated Areas
disreg_renew_tot_1 Amounts retained in respect of Renewable Energy Schemes (see Note B)
disreg_renew_ba Renewable Energy amount retained by billing authority
disreg_renew_mpa Renewable Energy amount retained by major precepting authority
disreg_shale_tot_1 Amounts retained in respect of Shale Oil and Gas Sites Schemes (see Note C)
nndrincome Net business rates income
nndrsharepc_cg % of business rates income (CG)
nndrsharepc_ba % of business rates income (BA)
nndrsharepc_mpa % of business rates income (UA)
nndrsharepc_fra % of business rates income (FRA)
nndrsharepc_tot % of business rates income (Total)
nndrshare_cg Gross business rates income (CG)
nndrshare_ba Gross business rates income (BA)
nndrshare_mpa Gross business rates income (UA)
nndrshare_fra Gross business rates income (FRA)
nndrshare_tot Gross business rates income (Total)
nndrcsdeduct_cg Deductions from central share (CG)
nndrcsdeduct_ba Deductions from central share (BA)
nndrcsdeduct_mpa Deductions from central share (UA)
nndrcsdeduct_fra Deductions from central share (FRA)
nndrcsdeduct_tot_1 Deductions from central share (Total)
nri_cg Total business rates income (CG)
nri_ba Total business rates income (BA)
nri_mpa Total business rates income (UA)
nri_fra Total business rates income (FRA)
nri_tot Total business rates income (Total)
costcoll_allow_ba Cost of collection allowance (BA)
costcoll_allow_tot Cost of collection allowance (Total)
disreg_da_ba Amounts retained in respect of Designated Areas (BA)
disreg_da_mpa Amounts retained in respect of Designated Areas (UA)
disreg_da_3 Amounts retained in respect of Designated Areas (Total)
disreg_renew_ba_1 Amounts retained in respect of renewable energy schemes (BA)
disreg_renew_mpa_1 Amounts retained in respect of renewable energy schemes (UA)
disreg_renew_tot_2 Amounts retained in respect of renewable energy schemes (Total)
disreg_shale_ba Amounts retained in respect of Shale oil and gas sites schemes (BA)
disreg_shale_mpa Amounts retained in respect of Shale oil and gas sites schemes (UA)
disreg_shale_fra Amounts retained in respect of Shale oil and gas sites schemes (FRA)
disreg_shale_tot_2 Amounts retained in respect of Shale oil and gas sites schemes (Total)
ezrelief_nonpil_ba Qualifying relief in Designated Areas (BA)
ezrelief_nonpil_mpa Qualifying relief in Designated Areas (UA)
ezrelief_nonpil_fra Qualifying relief in Designated Areas (FRA)
ezrelief_nonpil_tot_1 Qualifying relief in Designated Areas (Total)
cityoffset_ba City of London Offset (BA)
cityoffset_tot City of London Offset (Total)
portbristol_ba Relief in respect of Port of Bristol hereditament (BA)
portbristol_tot_1 Relief in respect of Port of Bristol hereditament (Total)
surpdef_cg Estimated Surplus/Deficit at end of 2020-21 (CG)
surpdef_ba Estimated Surplus/Deficit at end of 2020-22 (BA)
surpdef_mpa Estimated Surplus/Deficit at end of 2020-23 (UA)
surpdef_fra Estimated Surplus/Deficit at end of 2020-24 (FRA)
surpdef_tot Estimated Surplus/Deficit at end of 2020-25 (Total)
totdue_cg Total amount due to authority (CG)
totdue_ba Total amount due to authority (BA)
totdue_mpa Total amount due to authority (UA)
totdue_fra Total amount due to authority (FRA)
totdue_tot Total amount due to authority (Total)
s31_sbrrmcap_ba Cost of cap on small business rates multipliers (BA)
s31_sbrrmcap_mpa Cost of cap on small business rates multipliers (UA)
s31_sbrrmcap_fra Cost of cap on small business rates multipliers (FRA)
s31_sbrrmcap_tot Cost of cap on small business rates multipliers (Total)
s31_sbrrdouble_ba Cost of doubling SBRR & threshold changes (BA)
s31_sbrrdouble_mpa Cost of doubling SBRR & threshold changes (UA)
s31_sbrrdouble_fra Cost of doubling SBRR & threshold changes (FRA)
s31_sbrrdouble_tot Cost of doubling SBRR & threshold changes (Total)
s31_sbrrloss_ba Additional compensation for loss of supplementary multipler income (BA)
s31_sbrrloss_mpa Additional compensation for loss of supplementary multipler income (UA)
s31_sbrrloss_fra Additional compensation for loss of supplementary multipler income (FRA)
s31_sbrrloss_tot Additional compensation for loss of supplementary multipler income (Total)
s31_sbrrfirst_ba Cost to authorities of maintaining relief on "first" property (BA)
s31_sbrrfirst_mpa Cost to authorities of maintaining relief on "first" property (UA)
s31_sbrrfirst_fra Cost to authorities of maintaining relief on "first" property (FRA)
s31_sbrrfirst_tot Cost to authorities of maintaining relief on "first" property (Total)
s31_rural_ba Cost to authorities of providing 100% rural rate relief (BA)
s31_rural_mpa Cost to authorities of providing 100% rural rate relief (UA)
s31_rural_fra Cost to authorities of providing 100% rural rate relief (FRA)
s31_rural_tot Cost to authorities of providing 100% rural rate relief (Total)
s31_smlsupp_ba Cost to authorities of providing relief in support of small businesses and in lieu of transitional relief in 2022-23 (BA)
s31_smlsupp_mpa Cost to authorities of providing relief in support of small businesses and in lieu of transitional relief in 2022-23 (UA)
s31_smlsupp_fra Cost to authorities of providing relief in support of small businesses and in lieu of transitional relief in 2022-23 (FRA)
s31_smlsupp_tot Cost to authorities of providing relief in support of small businesses and in lieu of transitional relief in 2022-23 (Total)
s31_ezr100pil_ba Cost to authorities of providing relief for 100% pilots (BA)
s31_ezr100pil_mpa Cost to authorities of providing relief for 100% pilots (UA)
s31_ezr100pil_fra Cost to authorities of providing relief for 100% pilots (FRA)
s31_ezr100pil_tot Cost to authorities of providing relief for 100% pilots (Total)
s31_localnews_ba Cost to authorities of providing local newspaper relief (BA)
s31_localnews_mpa Cost to authorities of providing local newspaper relief (UA)
s31_localnews_fra Cost to authorities of providing local newspaper relief (FRA)
s31_localnews_tot Cost to authorities of providing local newspaper relief (Total)
s31_publictoil_ba Cost to authorities of providing public lavatories relief (BA)
s31_publictoil_mpa Cost to authorities of providing public lavatories relief (UA)
s31_publictoil_fra Cost to authorities of providing public lavatories relief (FRA)
s31_publictoil_tot Cost to authorities of providing public lavatories relief (Total)
s31_rhl_ba Cost to authorities of providing retail, hospitality and leisure relief (BA)
s31_rhl_mpa Cost to authorities of providing retail, hospitality and leisure relief (UA)
s31_rhl_fra Cost to authorities of providing retail, hospitality and leisure relief (FRA)
s31_rhl_tot Cost to authorities of providing retail, hospitality and leisure relief (Total)
s31_total_ba Amount of Section 31 grant due (BA)
s31_total_mpa Amount of Section 31 grant due (UA)
s31_total_fra Amount of Section 31 grant due (FRA)
s31_total_tot Amount of Section 31 grant due (Total)
rvdate Date for the rateable values
totrv_baa Total rateable value of hereditaments (BA)
totrv_da Total rateable value of hereditaments (DA)
totrv_tot Total rateable value of hereditaments (Total)
sbrmultiple Small business rating multiplier
grsrate_baa Gross rates (RV * Multiplier) (BA)
grsrate_da Gross rates (RV * Multiplier) (DA)
grsrate_estgrow_baa Estimated growth/decline in gross rates (BA)
grsrate_estgrow_da Estimated growth/decline in gross rates (DA)
grsrate_fcast_baa Forecast gross rates payable (BA)
grsrate_fcast_da Forecast gross rates payable (DA)
grsrate_fcast_tot Forecast gross rates payable (Total)
transarr_fgone_baa Revenue foregone because increases in rates have been deferred (BA)
transarr_fgone_da Revenue foregone because increases in rates have been deferred (DA)
transarr_fgone_tot Revenue foregone because increases in rates have been deferred (Total)
transarr_inc_baa Additional income received because reductions in rates have been deferred (BA)
transarr_inc_da Additional income received because reductions in rates have been deferred (DA)
transarr_inc_tot Additional income received because reductions in rates have been deferred (Total)
transarr_netcost_baa Net cost of transitional arrangements (BA)
transarr_netcost_da Net cost of transitional arrangements (DA)
transarr_estgrow_baa Changes as a result of estimated growth / decline in cost of transitional arrangements (BA)
transarr_estgrow_da Changes as a result of estimated growth / decline in cost of transitional arrangements (DA)
transarr_fcast_baa Forecast net cost of transitional arrangements (BA)
transarr_fcast_da Forecast net cost of transitional arrangements (DA)
transarr_fcast_tot Forecast net cost of transitional arrangements (Total)
tpp_tot_baa Sum due to/from authority for transitional arrangements (BA)
tpp_tot_da Sum due to/from authority for transitional arrangements (DA)
tpp_tot_tot Sum due to/from authority for transitional arrangements (Total)
sbrr_fcastpy_baa Forecast of small business rates relief to be provided (BA)
sbrr_fcastpy_da Forecast of small business rates relief to be provided (DA)
sbrr_fcastpy_tot Forecast of small business rates relief to be provided (Total)
sbrrsecprop_baa SBRR of which relief on existing properties where a 2nd property is occupied (BA)
sbrrsecprop_da SBRR of which relief on existing properties where a 2nd property is occupied (DA)
sbrrsecprop_tot SBRR of which relief on existing properties where a 2nd property is occupied (Total)
sbrr_addyield_baa Additional yield from the small business supplement (BA)
sbrr_addyield_da Additional yield from the small business supplement (DA)
sbrr_addyield_tot Additional yield from the small business supplement (Total)
sbrr_netcost_baa Net cost of small business rate relief (BA)
sbrr_netcost_da Net cost of small business rate relief (DA)
sbrr_netcost_tot Net cost of small business rate relief (Total)
mr_charity_baa Forecast of mandatory charity relief to be provided (BA)
mr_charity_da Forecast of mandatory charity relief to be provided (DA)
mr_charity_tot Forecast of mandatory charity relief to be provided (Total)
mr_casc_baa Forecast of mandatory community amateur sport club relief to be provided (BA)
mr_casc_da Forecast of mandatory community amateur sport club relief to be provided (DA)
mr_casc_tot Forecast of mandatory community amateur sport club relief to be provided (Total)
mr_rural_baa Forecast of mandatory rural relief to be provided (BA)
mr_rural_da Forecast of mandatory rural relief to be provided (DA)
mr_rural_tot Forecast of mandatory rural relief to be provided (Total)
mr_toilets_baa Forecast of public lavatories relief to be provided (BA)
mr_toilets_da Forecast of public lavatories relief to be provided (DA)
mr_toilets_tot Forecast of public lavatories relief to be provided (Total)
mr_tot_baa Forecast of total mandatory reliefs to be provided (BA)
mr_tot_da Forecast of total mandatory reliefs to be provided (DA)
mr_estgrow_baa Changes as a result of estimated growth/decline in mandatory relief (BA)
mr_estgrow_da Changes as a result of estimated growth/decline in mandatory relief (DA)
mr_fcast_baa Net forecast of total mandatory reliefs to be provided (BA)
mr_fcast_da Net forecast of total mandatory reliefs to be provided (DA)
mr_fcast_tot Net forecast of total mandatory reliefs to be provided (Total)
partocc_baa Forecast of part occupation relief to be provided (BA)
partocc_da Forecast of part occupation relief to be provided (DA)
partocc_tot Forecast of part occupation relief to be provided (Total)
empty_baa Forecast of empty property relief to be provided (BA)
empty_da Forecast of empty property relief to be provided (DA)
empty_tot Forecast of empty property relief to be provided (Total)
emptytot_baa Forecast of total unoccupied relief to be provided (BA)
emptytot_da Forecast of total unoccupied relief to be provided (DA)
emptytot_estgrow_baa Changes as a result of estimated growth/decline in unoccupied relief (BA)
emptytot_estgrow_da Changes as a result of estimated growth/decline in unoccupied relief (DA)
emptytot_fcast_baa Net forecast of total unoccupied relief to be provided (BA)
emptytot_fcast_da Net forecast of total unoccupied relief to be provided (DA)
emptytot_fcast_tot Net forecast of total unoccupied relief to be provided (Total)
dr_charity_baa Forecast of discretionary charity relief to be provided (BA)
dr_charity_da Forecast of discretionary charity relief to be provided (DA)
dr_charity_tot Forecast of discretionary charity relief to be provided (Total)
dr_nonprof_baa Forecast of non-profit relief to be provided (BA)
dr_nonprof_da Forecast of non-profit relief to be provided (DA)
dr_nonprof_tot Forecast of non-profit relief to be provided (Total)
dr_casc_baa Forecast of discretionary community amateur sport club relief to be provided (BA)
dr_casc_da Forecast of discretionary community amateur sport club relief to be provided (DA)
dr_casc_tot Forecast of discretionary community amateur sport club relief to be provided (Total)
dr_rshop_baa Forecast of discretionary rural shop relief to be provided (BA)
dr_rshop_da Forecast of discretionary rural shop relief to be provided (DA)
dr_rshop_tot Forecast of discretionary rural shop relief to be provided (Total)
dr_smlrural_baa Forecast of small rural business relief to be provided (BA)
dr_smlrural_da Forecast of small rural business relief to be provided (DA)
dr_smlrural_tot Forecast of small rural business relief to be provided (Total)
dr_other_baa Forecast of other discretionary relief to be provided (BA)
dr_other_da Forecast of other discretionary relief to be provided (DA)
dr_other_tot Forecast of other discretionary relief to be provided (Total)
ezcasea Forecast of relief given to Case A hereditaments (DA)
ezcaseb Forecast of relief given to Case B hereditaments (BA)
ezfreeports Forecast of relief given to freeports (BA in 22-23, DA in future years)
dr_tot_baa Forecast of discretionary relief to be provided (BA)
dr_tot_da Forecast of discretionary relief to be provided (DA)
dr_estgrow_baa Changes as a result of estimated growth/decline in discretionary relief (BA)
dr_estgrow_da Changes as a result of estimated growth/decline in discretionary relief (DA)
dr_fcast_baa Net forecast of discretionary relief to be provided (BA)
dr_fcast_da Net forecast of discretionary relief to be provided (DA)
dr_fcast_tot Net forecast of discretionary relief to be provided (Total)
ruralplus_baa Forecast of section 31 rural relief to be provided (BA)
ruralplus_da Forecast of section 31 rural relief to be provided (DA)
ruralplus_tot Forecast of section 31 rural relief to be provided (Total)
smlsup_baa Forecast of support for small business relief to be provided (BA)
smlsup_da Forecast of support for small business relief to be provided (DA)
smlsup_tot Forecast of support for small business relief to be provided (Total)
localnews_baa Forecast of local newspaper relief to be provided (BA)
localnews_da Forecast of local newspaper relief to be provided (DA)
localnews_tot Forecast of local newspaper relief to be provided (Total)
drs31_rhl_baa Forecast of retail, hospitality and leisure relief to be provided (BA)
drs31_rhl_da Forecast of retail, hospitality and leisure relief to be provided (DA)
drs31_rhl_tot Forecast of retail, hospitality and leisure relief to be provided (Total)
drs31_tot_baa Forecast of section 31 reliefs to be provided (BA)
drs31_tot_da Forecast of section 31 reliefs to be provided (DA)
drs31_estgrow_baa Changes as a result of estimated growth/decline in Section 31 discretionary relief (BA)
drs31_estgrow_da Changes as a result of estimated growth/decline in Section 31 discretionary relief (DA)
drs31_fcast_baa Net forecast of section 31 reliefs to be provided (BA)
drs31_fcast_da Net forecast of section 31 reliefs to be provided (DA)
drs31_fcast_tot Net forecast of section 31 reliefs to be provided (Total)
netrates_baa Forecast of net rates payable (BA)
netrates_da Forecast of net rates payable (DA)
netrates_tot Forecast of net rates payable (Total)
netrates_baa_1 Net rates payable (BA)
netrates_da_1 Net rates payable (DA)
netrates_tot_1 Net rates payable (Total)
loss_baddebt_baa Forecast loss from bad debts (BA)
loss_baddebt_da_1 Forecast loss from bad debts (DA)
loss_baddebt_tot Forecast loss from bad debts (Total)
loss_repay_baa Forecast loss from repayments (BA)
loss_repay_da_1 Forecast loss from repayments (DA)
loss_repay_tot Forecast loss from repayments (Total)
netcollect_baa Net rates minus losses (BA)
netcollect_da_1 Net rates minus losses (DA)
netcollect_tot Net rates minus losses (Total)
disreg_renew_baa Retained for renewable energy (BA)
disreg_renew_da_1 Retained for renewable energy (DA)
disreg_renew_tot Retained for renewable energy (Total)
disreg_shale_baa Retained for shale oil and gas schemes (BA)
disreg_shale_da_1 Retained for shale oil and gas schemes (DA)
disreg_shale_tot Retained for shale oil and gas schemes (Total)
tpp_tot_da_1 Transitional Protection Payment (DA)
disreg_base_da_1 Total baseline (DA)
disreg_da_1 Total Disregarded Amounts (DA)
disreg_tot Total Disregarded Amounts
ezrelief_pil_baa Qualifying relief in designated areas (100% pilots) (BA)
ezrelief_pil_da Qualifying relief in designated areas (100% pilots) (DA)
ezrelief_pil_tot Qualifying relief in designated areas (100% pilots) (Total)
ezrelief_nonpil_baa Qualifying relief in designated areas (non-100% pilots) (BA)
ezrelief_nonpil_da Qualifying relief in designated areas (non-100% pilots) (DA)
ezrelief_nonpil_tot Qualifying relief in designated areas (non-100% pilots) (Total)
portbristol_baa Amount in respect of Port of Bristol (BA)
portbristol_tot Amount in respect of Port of Bristol (Total)
nndrcsdeduct_baa Total business rates deductions (BA)
nndrcsdeduct_da Total business rates deductions (DA)
nndrcsdeduct_tot Total business rates deductions (Total)
openbal Opening balance on collection fund
credit_br Business rates credited and charged to the Collection Fund
credit_writeoff Sums written off in excess of the allowance for non-collection
credit_noncoll Changes to the allowance for non-collection
credit_appeal Amounts charged against the provision for alteration of lists and appeals following RV list changes
credit_appealchng Changes to the provision for alteration of lists and appeals
credit_tot Total business rates credits and charges
credit_tpprecv Transitional protection payments received
credit_reconcil Transfers/payments to the Collection Fund for end-year reconciliations
credit_pydeficit Transfers/payments into the Collection Fund in respect of a previous year's deficit
credit_othertot Total Other Credits
charge_tpp Transitional protection payments made
charge_cshare Payments made, or to be made, to the Secretary of State in respect of the central share
charge_mpainc Payments made, or to be made to, major precepting authorities in respect of business rates income
charge_genfund Transfers made, or to be made, to the billing authority's General Fund in respect of business rates income
charge_disreg Transfers made, or to be made, to the billing authority's General Fund or precepting authority in respected of disregarded amounts
charge_reconcil Transfers/payments from the Collection Fund for end-year reconciliations
charge_pysurp Transfers/payments made from the Collection Fund in respect of a previous year's surplus
charge_tot Total Other Charges
adj_3yr Adjustment for 3 year spread
surpdef Closing balance on collection fund
3yr_priorshare_cg_p4 % for distribution of prior year surplus/deficit
3yr_priorshare_ba_p4 % for distribution of prior year surplus/deficit
3yr_priorshare_mpa_p4 % for distribution of prior year surplus/deficit
3yr_priorshare_fra_p4 % for distribution of prior year surplus/deficit
3yr_priorshare_tot_p4 % for distribution of prior year surplus/deficit
3yr_prioryear_cg_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit (CG)
3yr_prioryear_ba_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit (BA)
3yr_prioryear_mpa_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit (UA)
3yr_prioryear_fra_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit (FRA)
3yr_prioryear_tot_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit (Total)
3yr_spread_cg_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which deferred to 2023/24 (CG)
3yr_spread_ba_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which deferred to 2023/24 (BA)
3yr_spread_mpa_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which deferred to 2023/24 (UA)
3yr_spread_fra_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which deferred to 2023/24 (FRA)
3yr_spread_tot_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which deferred to 2023/24 (Total)
3yr_prioryear_notspread_cg_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which owed in year (CG)
3yr_prioryear_notspread_ba_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which owed in year (BA)
3yr_prioryear_notspread_mpa_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which owed in year (UA)
3yr_prioryear_notspread_fra_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which owed in year (FRA)
3yr_prioryear_notspread_tot_p4 Prior year surplus/deficit of which owed in year (Total)
3yr_currentshare_cg_p4 % for distribution of in-year surplus/deficit (CG)
3yr_currentshare_ba_p4 % for distribution of in-year surplus/deficit (BA)
3yr_currentshare_mpa_p4 % for distribution of in-year surplus/deficit (UA)
3yr_currentshare_fra_p4 % for distribution of in-year surplus/deficit (FRA)
3yr_currentshare_tot_p4 % for distribution of in-year surplus/deficit (Total)
3yr_currentyear_cg_p4 In-year surplus/deficit (CG)
3yr_currentyear_ba_p4 In-year surplus/deficit (BA)
3yr_currentyear_mpa_p4 In-year surplus/deficit (UA)
3yr_currentyear_fra_p4 In-year surplus/deficit (FRA)
3yr_currentyear_tot_p4 In-year surplus/deficit (Total)
3yr_tot_cg_p4 Total collection fund closing balance (CG)
3yr_tot_ba_p4 Total collection fund closing balance (BA)
3yr_tot_mpa_p4 Total collection fund closing balance (UA)
3yr_tot_fra_p4 Total collection fund closing balance (FRA)
3yr_tot_tot_p4 Total collection fund closing balance (Total)
py_surplus_check Check for comment: There is a difference between the value in Line 10 and the estimated deficit on the collection fund in respect of financial year 2019-20, as reported on the 2020-21 NNDR1 form. Please check and provide comments if true.
py_deficit_check Check for comment: There is a difference between the value in Line 18 and the estimated surplus on the collection fund in respect of financial year 2019-20, as reported on the 2020-21 NNDR1 form. Please check and provide comments if true
collectionfund_check Check for comment: There are errors in the calculations in this form. Have you overwritten some of the pre-filled calculations? Please check.
part4_check_comments Any comments in response to warning messages
3yr_inyearbal Estimated surplus/deficit excluding adjustment for 3 year spend
3yr_prioryearbal Prior year surplus/deficit
3yr_pyaddback Amount added back in prior year for 3 year spread
3yr_excepbal Exceptional balance
3yr_adjcalc Amount to be added to surplus/deficit calculation as "adjustment for 3 year spread"
3yr_surdef Surplus/deficit to be apportioned
3yr_pyspread 3 year spread amount in previous year
3yr_spreadshare_cg % for distribution of spread amount (CG)
3yr_spreadshare_ba % for distribution of spread amount (BA)
3yr_spreadshare_mpa % for distribution of spread amount (UA)
3yr_spreadshare_fra % for distribution of spread amount (FRA)
3yr_spreadshare_tot % for distribution of spread amount (Total)
hdit_mr_charity Number of hereditaments that were being granted charitable relief
hdit_mr_casc Number of hereditaments that were being granted Community Amateur Sports Clubs relief
hdit_mr_rshops Number of hereditaments that were being granted rural general stores, post offices, public houses, petrol filling stations and food shops relief
hdit_mr_telecoms Number of hereditaments that were being granted telecoms relief
hdit_mr_toilets Number of hereditaments that were being granted public lavatories relief
hdit_mr_partocc Number of hereditaments that were being granted partly occupied premises relief
hdit_mr_empty Number of hereditaments that were being granted empty property relief
hdit_mr_emptyind Hereditaments granted empty propert relief that are classed as "industrial property" above the exemption threshold
hdit_mr_emptylisted Hereditaments granted empty propert relief that have "listed building status"
hdit_mr_emptycasc Hereditaments granted empty propert relief that are "Community Amateur Sports Clubs"
hdit_mr_emptycharity Hereditaments granted empty propert relief that are "charities"
hdit_mr_emptyoth Hereditaments granted empty propert relief where the hereditament is empty and not included in categories i to iv
hdit_mr_emptyabove Hereditaments granted empty propert relief that are classed as "non-industrial" above the exemption threshold
hdit_dr_charity Number of hereditaments that were being granted charitable relief
hdit_dr_nonprof Number of hereditaments that were being granted non-profit making bodies' relief
hdit_dr_casc Number of hereditaments that were being granted Community Amateur Sports Clubs relief
hdit_dr_rshops Number of hereditaments that were being granted rural shops, post offices, public houses, petrol filling stations and food shops relief
hdit_dr_othrural Number of hereditaments that were being granted other small rural businesses relief
hdit_dr_ez Number of hereditaments within Enterprise Zones being granted discounts
hdit_dr_s47 Number of hereditaments subject to a S47 local discount
hdit_s31_ruralplus Number of hereditaments receiving Rural Rate Relief
hdit_s31_localnews Number of hereditaments receiving Local Newspaper Relief
hdit_s31_smlsup Number of hereditaments receiving Supporting Small Business Relief
hdit_mr_retaildisc Number of hereditaments that were being granted expanded retail discount
hdit_mr_nursery Number of hereditaments that were being granted nursery relief
hdit_sbrr_supp Number of hereditaments contributing to the small business rate relief scheme by paying the additional supplement
hdit_sbrr_disc Number of hereditaments that receive a discount from the small business rate relief scheme
hdit_sbrr_discmax Hereditaments with a rateable value between £0 and £12,000 receiving the maximum discount from SBRR
hdit_sbrr_discslide Hereditaments with a rateable value between £12,001 and £15,000 receiving the discount on a sliding scale from SBRR
hdit_sbrr_multp Number of hereditaments that pay only the small business rate multiplier and are not granted a discount
value_empty Estimated value of empty property relief to be granted
value_emptyind Empty property relief to be given - industrial property above the exemption threshold
value_emptylisted Empty property relief to be given - listed building status
value_emptycasc Empty property relief to be given - Community Amateur Sports Clubs
value_emptycharity Empty property relief to be given - charities
value_emptyoth Empty property relief to be given where the hereditament is empty and is not included in categories i to iv
value_emptyabove Empty property relief to be given - "non-industrial" above the exemption threshold
value_sbrr The cost of small business rate relief for properties within the billing authority area
value_sbrr_discmax Cost of hereditaments with a rateable value between £0 and £12,000 that will receive the full discount from SBRR
value_sbrr_discslide Cost of hereditaments with a rateable value between £12,001 and £15,000 that will receive the discount on a sliding scale from SBRR
suppdate Date of latest information taken into account when calculating the figures on the supplementary form
suppnotes Notes on supplementary info