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England: Universal Credit Local Housing Allowance monthly rates 2022 to 2023
Updated 31 January 2022
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Ashford | £338.93 | £625.02 | £730.00 | £899.99 | £1,129.98 |
Aylesbury | £341.49 | £674.99 | £800.00 | £1,049.98 | £1,399.99 |
Barnsley | £267.23 | £365.00 | £399.98 | £475.02 | £645.01 |
Barrow-in-Furness | £353.49 | £376.04 | £445.00 | £550.02 | £725.00 |
Basingstoke | £341.49 | £695.02 | £824.99 | £950.00 | £1,249.99 |
Bath | £459.81 | £725.00 | £850.02 | £995.02 | £1,750.00 |
Bedford | £345.75 | £575.01 | £725.00 | £875.00 | £1,150.01 |
Birmingham | £291.13 | £524.99 | £625.02 | £674.99 | £850.02 |
Black Country | £261.50 | £398.98 | £510.00 | £594.99 | £749.99 |
Blackwater Valley | £375.86 | £700.02 | £875.00 | £1,100.00 | £1,450.01 |
Bolton and Bury | £290.00 | £394.98 | £480.02 | £594.99 | £800.00 |
Bournemouth | £332.41 | £598.51 | £759.98 | £950.00 | £1,249.99 |
Bradford and South Dales | £296.78 | £350.01 | £449.99 | £524.99 | £614.98 |
Brighton and Hove | £430.00 | £800.00 | £1,000.01 | £1,199.98 | £1,694.99 |
Bristol | £391.51 | £695.02 | £824.99 | £950.00 | £1,324.99 |
Bury St Edmunds | £360.00 | £524.99 | £650.00 | £800.00 | £1,199.98 |
Cambridge | £421.49 | £775.02 | £850.02 | £950.00 | £1,300.01 |
Canterbury | £341.49 | £594.99 | £795.00 | £974.98 | £1,249.99 |
Central Greater Manchester | £328.07 | £599.99 | £650.00 | £725.00 | £950.00 |
Central Lancs | £288.96 | £394.98 | £500.01 | £575.01 | £795.00 |
Central London | £669.99 | £1,283.96 | £1,589.99 | £1,920.00 | £2,579.98 |
Central Norfolk and Norwich | £360.00 | £495.01 | £599.99 | £710.01 | £950.00 |
Chelmsford | £391.51 | £650.00 | £795.00 | £984.98 | £1,295.01 |
Cheltenham | £341.49 | £550.02 | £695.02 | £850.02 | £1,194.98 |
Cherwell Valley | £339.00 | £650.00 | £775.02 | £899.99 | £1,297.51 |
Chesterfield | £242.25 | £389.99 | £449.99 | £550.02 | £725.00 |
Chichester | £341.49 | £650.00 | £824.99 | £995.02 | £1,349.98 |
Chilterns | £389.99 | £749.99 | £974.98 | £1,249.99 | £1,650.02 |
Colchester | £309.99 | £524.99 | £689.98 | £850.02 | £1,100.00 |
Coventry | £336.76 | £490.01 | £575.01 | £674.99 | £875.00 |
Crawley and Reigate | £441.52 | £749.99 | £950.00 | £1,199.98 | £1,549.99 |
Darlington | £288.96 | £330.89 | £399.98 | £495.01 | £660.00 |
Derby | £273.01 | £394.98 | £500.01 | £594.99 | £795.00 |
Doncaster | £267.23 | £374.99 | £440.00 | £485.02 | £655.00 |
Dover-Shepway | £282.44 | £435.00 | £575.01 | £749.99 | £899.99 |
Durham | £282.44 | £324.98 | £379.99 | £449.99 | £609.98 |
East Cheshire | £360.00 | £495.01 | £599.99 | £824.99 | £1,300.01 |
East Lancs | £279.18 | £369.35 | £425.01 | £499.70 | £695.02 |
East Thames Valley | £449.99 | £800.00 | £1,000.01 | £1,274.98 | £1,600.00 |
Eastbourne | £325.07 | £599.99 | £764.98 | £899.99 | £1,199.98 |
Eastern Staffordshire | £291.48 | £425.01 | £524.99 | £625.02 | £795.00 |
Exeter | £420.01 | £570.01 | £679.99 | £824.99 | £1,100.00 |
Fylde Coast | £282.44 | £369.35 | £498.01 | £575.01 | £651.79 |
Gloucester | £341.49 | £449.99 | £599.99 | £749.99 | £950.00 |
Grantham and Newark | £369.35 | £374.99 | £485.02 | £575.01 | £795.00 |
Greater Liverpool | £283.53 | £399.98 | £469.98 | £524.99 | £677.86 |
Grimsby | £272.66 | £334.58 | £430.00 | £449.99 | £619.98 |
Guildford | £490.01 | £850.02 | £1,100.00 | £1,375.01 | £1,800.01 |
Halifax | £306.34 | £374.99 | £449.99 | £524.99 | £650.00 |
Harlow and Stortford | £332.41 | £720.01 | £899.99 | £1,124.98 | £1,300.01 |
Harrogate | £325.89 | £524.99 | £665.00 | £795.00 | £1,070.01 |
Herefordshire | £336.95 | £425.01 | £550.02 | £679.99 | £894.99 |
High Weald | £435.00 | £695.02 | £899.99 | £1,129.98 | £1,500.02 |
Hull and East Riding | £304.17 | £347.62 | £399.98 | £475.02 | £599.99 |
Huntingdon | £285.00 | £565.01 | £700.02 | £824.99 | £1,100.00 |
Inner East London | £593.13 | £1,283.96 | £1,589.99 | £1,920.00 | £2,544.98 |
Inner North London | £640.01 | £1,283.96 | £1,589.99 | £1,920.00 | £2,579.98 |
Inner South East London | £516.52 | £1,150.01 | £1,349.98 | £1,675.00 | £2,199.99 |
Inner South West London | £508.00 | £1,283.96 | £1,549.99 | £1,920.00 | £2,579.98 |
Inner West London | £625.02 | £1,208.02 | £1,474.99 | £1,920.00 | £2,320.01 |
Ipswich | £309.99 | £490.01 | £609.98 | £715.01 | £894.99 |
Isle of Wight | £310.68 | £449.99 | £575.01 | £725.00 | £894.99 |
Kendal | £295.48 | £495.01 | £599.99 | £725.00 | £850.02 |
Kernow West | £351.83 | £495.01 | £625.02 | £735.00 | £925.01 |
Kings Lynn | £285.00 | £449.99 | £575.01 | £674.99 | £850.02 |
Kirklees | £245.51 | £369.35 | £449.99 | £550.02 | £705.01 |
Lancaster | £305.25 | £420.01 | £524.99 | £599.99 | £700.02 |
Leeds | £287.48 | £524.99 | £594.99 | £700.02 | £899.99 |
Leicester | £338.93 | £449.99 | £565.01 | £674.99 | £894.99 |
Lincoln | £287.87 | £425.01 | £510.00 | £575.01 | £749.99 |
Lincolnshire Fens | £288.96 | £435.00 | £575.01 | £650.00 | £749.99 |
Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth | £354.14 | £399.76 | £505.00 | £550.02 | £725.00 |
Luton | £341.49 | £625.02 | £775.02 | £974.98 | £1,150.01 |
Maidstone | £386.07 | £650.00 | £814.99 | £974.98 | £1,249.99 |
Medway and Swale | £316.51 | £594.99 | £749.99 | £850.02 | £1,199.98 |
Mendip | £325.89 | £485.02 | £625.02 | £780.01 | £1,000.01 |
Mid and East Devon | £367.17 | £449.99 | £594.99 | £725.00 | £899.99 |
Mid and West Dorset | £347.62 | £519.99 | £650.00 | £795.00 | £1,049.98 |
Mid Staffs | £291.48 | £425.01 | £550.02 | £650.00 | £850.02 |
Milton Keynes | £304.17 | £650.00 | £824.99 | £974.98 | £1,300.01 |
Newbury | £341.49 | £674.99 | £837.50 | £1,049.98 | £1,399.99 |
North Cheshire | £288.96 | £425.01 | £500.01 | £594.99 | £875.00 |
North Cornwall and Devon Borders | £304.17 | £425.01 | £534.99 | £650.00 | £800.00 |
North Cumbria | £295.48 | £350.01 | £425.01 | £524.99 | £674.99 |
North Devon | £300.00 | £425.01 | £550.02 | £650.00 | £795.00 |
North Nottingham | £288.96 | £350.01 | £449.99 | £475.02 | £674.99 |
North West Kent | £386.07 | £674.99 | £850.02 | £1,049.98 | £1,300.01 |
North West London | £491.49 | £1,000.01 | £1,249.99 | £1,549.99 | £1,849.99 |
Northampton | £388.90 | £550.02 | £695.02 | £800.00 | £1,020.00 |
Northants Central | £347.62 | £475.02 | £599.99 | £695.02 | £894.99 |
Northumberland | £321.11 | £340.01 | £394.98 | £475.02 | £700.02 |
Nottingham | £350.01 | £469.98 | £550.02 | £625.02 | £800.00 |
Oldham and Rochdale | £288.48 | £394.98 | £451.25 | £550.02 | £695.02 |
Outer East London | £491.49 | £1,049.98 | £1,300.01 | £1,549.99 | £1,800.01 |
Outer North East London | £441.52 | £899.99 | £1,150.01 | £1,375.01 | £1,730.01 |
Outer North London | £491.49 | £1,069.97 | £1,300.01 | £1,600.00 | £1,900.00 |
Outer South East London | £449.99 | £894.99 | £1,100.00 | £1,300.01 | £1,600.00 |
Outer South London | £449.99 | £875.00 | £1,100.00 | £1,375.01 | £1,735.01 |
Outer South West London | £508.00 | £1,049.98 | £1,324.99 | £1,600.00 | £2,149.98 |
Outer West London | £500.01 | £925.01 | £1,175.00 | £1,399.99 | £1,650.02 |
Oxford | £516.52 | £775.02 | £912.50 | £1,100.00 | £1,585.01 |
Peaks and Dales | £304.99 | £424.51 | £524.99 | £625.02 | £749.99 |
Peterborough | £285.00 | £480.02 | £594.99 | £695.02 | £899.99 |
Plymouth | £319.38 | £449.99 | £585.00 | £695.02 | £850.02 |
Portsmouth | £342.45 | £585.00 | £725.00 | £875.00 | £1,199.98 |
Reading | £389.99 | £795.00 | £950.00 | £1,150.01 | £1,549.99 |
Richmond and Hambleton | £325.89 | £399.98 | £500.01 | £594.99 | £749.99 |
Rotherham | £267.23 | £374.99 | £425.01 | £480.02 | £684.98 |
Rugby and East | £366.52 | £524.99 | £640.01 | £749.99 | £995.02 |
Salisbury | £361.09 | £575.01 | £725.00 | £850.02 | £1,100.00 |
Scarborough | £284.61 | £374.99 | £485.02 | £560.01 | £650.00 |
Scunthorpe | £243.33 | £324.98 | £449.99 | £485.02 | £594.99 |
Sheffield | £285.00 | £475.02 | £524.99 | £575.01 | £814.99 |
Shropshire | £325.89 | £399.98 | £524.99 | £625.02 | £795.00 |
Solihull | £371.52 | £575.01 | £725.00 | £875.00 | £1,199.98 |
South Cheshire | £260.71 | £394.98 | £495.01 | £594.99 | £824.99 |
South Devon | £282.44 | £449.99 | £599.99 | £730.00 | £899.99 |
South East Herts | £356.48 | £749.99 | £925.01 | £1,199.98 | £1,399.99 |
South West Essex | £333.02 | £700.02 | £875.00 | £1,075.01 | £1,332.49 |
South West Herts | £416.49 | £800.00 | £1,000.01 | £1,300.01 | £1,699.99 |
Southampton | £336.50 | £594.99 | £775.02 | £925.01 | £1,199.98 |
Southend | £321.50 | £599.99 | £795.00 | £1,000.01 | £1,300.01 |
Southern Greater Manchester | £359.83 | £524.99 | £650.00 | £749.99 | £1,100.00 |
Southport | £332.41 | £408.45 | £539.98 | £665.00 | £824.99 |
St Helens | £282.44 | £374.99 | £440.00 | £550.02 | £744.99 |
Staffordshire North | £264.84 | £374.99 | £425.01 | £550.02 | £744.99 |
Stevenage and North Herts | £341.49 | £674.99 | £850.02 | £1,049.98 | £1,300.01 |
Sunderland | £275.92 | £389.99 | £434.52 | £495.01 | £643.88 |
Sussex East | £324.98 | £500.01 | £650.00 | £850.02 | £1,000.01 |
Swindon | £341.49 | £550.02 | £660.00 | £795.00 | £1,000.01 |
Tameside and Glossop | £286.09 | £399.98 | £495.01 | £594.99 | £749.99 |
Taunton and West Somerset | £367.17 | £449.99 | £594.99 | £715.01 | £899.99 |
Teesside | £282.44 | £374.99 | £433.00 | £499.70 | £674.99 |
Thanet | £300.00 | £475.02 | £650.00 | £800.00 | £950.00 |
Tyneside | £304.99 | £425.01 | £475.02 | £550.02 | £795.00 |
Wakefield | £267.23 | £394.98 | £475.02 | £524.99 | £749.99 |
Walton | £476.72 | £850.02 | £1,100.00 | £1,349.98 | £1,769.99 |
Warwickshire South | £371.52 | £625.02 | £749.99 | £899.99 | £1,199.98 |
West Cheshire | £318.29 | £449.99 | £550.02 | £650.00 | £894.99 |
West Cumbria | £295.48 | £350.01 | £420.01 | £495.01 | £599.99 |
West Pennine | £303.34 | £350.01 | £389.99 | £449.99 | £650.00 |
West Wiltshire | £341.49 | £519.99 | £650.00 | £795.00 | £1,000.01 |
Weston-Super-Mare | £430.42 | £475.02 | £599.99 | £749.99 | £925.01 |
Wigan | £266.49 | £350.01 | £449.99 | £499.01 | £674.99 |
Winchester | £362.83 | £725.00 | £860.01 | £1,100.00 | £1,600.00 |
Wirral | £239.08 | £374.99 | £449.99 | £550.02 | £725.00 |
Wolds and Coast | £301.45 | £360.00 | £452.49 | £529.99 | £599.99 |
Worcester North | £288.96 | £440.00 | £550.61 | £650.00 | £850.02 |
Worcester South | £366.17 | £500.01 | £625.02 | £749.99 | £950.00 |
Worthing | £310.68 | £625.02 | £800.00 | £969.99 | £1,249.99 |
Yeovil | £334.58 | £440.00 | £575.01 | £725.00 | £925.01 |
York | £325.89 | £544.98 | £650.00 | £725.00 | £1,049.98 |