Transparency data
Defence Infrastructure Organisation senior, as of June 2021
Updated 9 March 2022
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Post Unique Reference | Name | Grade (or equivalent) | Job Title | Job/Team Function | Parent Department | Organisation | Unit | Contact Phone | Contact E-mail | Reports to Senior Post | Salary Cost of Reports (£) | FTE | Actual Pay Floor (£) | Actual Pay Ceiling (£) | Professional/Occupational Group | Notes |
206170 | Graham Dalton | SCS3 | Chief Executive | Accountable to the Permanent Secretary and the designated budget holder of DIO, the Chief Executive is responsible for the delivery of coherent and affordable solutions to meet Defence needs through the provision of an effective, efficient, safe, legal and sustainable infrastructure and the delivery of running cost reductions and exploration of commercialisation opportunities. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | XX | 163,520,572 | 1 | 200,000 | 204,999 | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
136627 | Richard McKinney | SCS2 | Director Regional Delivery | Accountable to the Chief Operating Officer for the delivery of all aspects of all Regional Delivery | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206178 | 0 | 1 | 110,000 | 114,999 | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
206175 | Kate Harrison | SCS2 | Chief Financial Officer | Accountable to the Chief Executive for all finance-related matters across DIO. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206170 | 0 | 1 | 125,000 | 129,999 | Finance | Not set |
206178 | David Brewer | SCS2 | Chief Operating Officer | Accountable to the Chief Executive, the COO is responsible for the provision of a coherent and informed whole estate picture of the operations programme and service delivery across DIO. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206170 | 0 | 1 | 145,000 | 149,999 | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
206179 | David Marsh | SCS2 | Director Major Programmes and Projects | Accountable to the Chief Operating Officer for service delivery across the Defence Estate (UK and overseas) and for delivering agreed and funded total facilities management services and estate improvement through a variety of contractual arrangements. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206178 | 0 | 1 | 105,000 | 109,999 | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set |
206677 | Lucy Bogue | SCS2 | Director Corporate Services | Accountable to the Chief Executive for the private office and secretariat function. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206170 | 0 | 1 | 105,000 | 109,999 | Operational Delivery | Not set |
262862 | David Bowden | SCS2 | Director Accommodation | Accountable to the Chief Executive for the delivery of Service Family Accommodation (SFA) and Single Living Accommodation (SLA). | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206170 | 0 | 1 | 110,000 | 114,999 | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
214664 | David Poole | SCS2 | Director Commercial | Accountable to the Chief Executive for the efficient and effective conduct of the DIO commercial function and for all DIO contractual arrangements. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206170 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Procurement | Member of the Government Commercial Function. |
195343 | Maj Gen Robert Walton-Knight | OF-7 | Director Strategy and Plans | Accountable to the Chief Executive for ensuring that the entirety of the operational requirement for the command environments is captured, tested, planned for and programmed, and for steering strategy/policy in the context of the effective utilisation, rationalisation and commercialisation of Defence Infrastructure. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206170 | 0 | 1 | 120,000 | 124,999 | Military | Not set |
26652 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Financial Operations | Accountable to the Chief Financial Officer for all aspects of financial planning and reporting. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206175 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Finance | Not set |
199353 | N/D | SCS1 | Chief Digital Officer | Accountable to the Chief Financial Officer for the DIO's Operating Model, ensuring it is the most effective and efficient organisation design commensurate with delivering world class infrastructure services. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206175 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Information Technology | Not set |
237366 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Customer Finance | Accountable to the Chief Financial Officer for all customer finance issues. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206175 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Finance | Not set |
237368 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Financial Accounting | Accountable to the Chief Financial Officer for all aspects of financial accounting. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206175 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Finance | Not set |
27238 | N/D | SCS1 | MPP Programme Director UK Strategic Command | Accountable to Director Major Programmes and Projects (MPP) for the management of property, infrastructure and related services across the Defence Estate, optimising investment and enabling military capability, and for the delivery of all routine and basing infrastructure capital investment programmes and associated projects. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206179 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set |
228703 | N/D | SCS1 | MPP Programme Director Air | Accountable to Director Major Programmes and Projects (MPP) for providing oversight and direction for the Air Directorate and United States Visiting Forces. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206179 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set |
206184 | N/D | SCS1 | MPP Programme Director Army | Accountable to Director Major Programmes and Projects (MPP) for ensuring the entirety of the operational requirement for the command environments is captured, tested, planned for and programmed, and for steering strategy/policy in the context of the effective utilisation, rationalisation and commercialisation of Defence infrastructure. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206179 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set |
209924 | N/D | SCS1 | MPP Programme Director Navy | Accountable to Director Major Programmes and Projects (MPP) for providing oversight and direction for the Clyde Infrastructure Project. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206179 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set |
190042 | N/D | SCS1 | MPP Programme Director Delivery Continuity Team | Accountable to Director Major Programmes and Projects (MPP) for identifying the most cost effective mix of contract models for estate solutions to meet the future needs of Defence and for the procurement and transition of service delivery from current contracts to new contracts. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206179 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set |
253147 | N/D | SCS1 | MPP Programme Director Portfolio Office and Defence Estate Optimisation | Accountable to Director Major Programmes and Projects (MPP) for providing oversight of and direction for the Portfolio Management Office and the Defence Estate Optimisation project. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206179 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set |
126455 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Delivery Support Team | Accountable to the Chief Operating Officer for managing relationships with key users and suppliers in order to ensure performance is optimised. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206178 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
184198 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Unarmed Guarding | Accountable to the Chief Operating Officer for the MOD Guard Service (MGS) whose role is to provide unarmed guarding and access control services to MOD sites across the UK. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206178 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Operational Delivery | Not set |
214640 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Estates | Accountable to the Chief Operating Officer for providing oversight and direction for the Defence Estate. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206178 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
200819 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Technical Services | Accountable to the Chief Operating Officer for providing direct support to the Service Delivery and Major Programmes and Projects Directors. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206178 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set |
201428 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Transformation and Change | Accountable to Director Corporate Services for the DIO's transformation and change programme. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206677 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set |
206171 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Corporate Communications | Accountable to Director Corporate Services for the overall strategy for engagement and communication with the DIO stakeholder community. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206677 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Communications | Not set |
206172 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Corporate Governance | Accountable to Director Corporate Services for providing the business assurance and risk management function for DIO. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206677 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Internal Audit | Not set |
198403 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Estate Strategy | Accountable to Director Strategy and Plans for delivering a strategy that determines the right-sized, fit-for-purpose and affordable infrastructure to support the delivery of Future Force 2020 and for a plan that reflects the new structures of command environments. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 195343 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
195497 | N/D | OF-6 | Head Customer Support Team | Accountable to Director Strategy and Plans for the mangement of the Customer Support Team. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 195343 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Military | Not set |
206205 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Data Analytics and Insight | Accountable to Director Strategy and Plans for the effective management and analysis of data and data requirements across DIO. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 195343 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) | Not set |
228731 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Regional Delivery Central and United States Visiting Forces | Accountable to Director Regional Delivery for managing the delivery of Facilities Management (FM) contracts within the Central Region and for United States Visiting Forces. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 136627 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
228736 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Regional Delivery South West | Accountable to Director Regional Delivery for managing the delivery of Facilities Management (FM) contracts within the South West Region. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 136627 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
228737 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Regional Delivery South East and Private Finance Initiative | Accountable to Director Regional Delivery for managing the delivery of Facilities Management (FM) contracts within the South East Region, including Infrastructure PFIs. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 136627 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
228738 | N/D | SCS1 | Head Regional Delivery Scotland and Northern Ireland | Accountable to Director Regional Delivery for managing the delivery of Facilities Management (FM) contracts within the Scotland and Northern Ireland Regions. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 136627 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Property and Asset Management | Not set |
152073 | N/D | OF-6 | Head Regional Delivery Overseas and Defence Training Estate | Accountable to Director Regional Delivery for the delivery of the Training Service across the training estate worldwide, training for force elements at readiness and for contingent operations, the safe management and control of DIO ranges and training areas, and for managing relationships with key MOD users, other government department users, suppliers and wider non-MOD stakeholders. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 136627 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Military | Not set |
231382 | N/D | SCS1 | Commercial Head Overseas, Sensitive Projects and Enabling Services | Accountable to Director Commercial for all overseas, sensitive projects and enabling services commercial issues. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 214664 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Procurement | Member of the Government Commercial Function. |
231383 | N/D | SCS1 | Commercial Head Programme | Accountable to Director Commercial for all commercial programmes. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 214664 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Procurement | Member of the Government Commercial Function. |
231385 | N/D | SCS1 | Commercial Head Plan/Govern | Accountable to Director Commercial for all commercial planning and governance issues. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 214664 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Procurement | Member of the Government Commercial Function. |
231782 | N/D | SCS1 | Commercial Head Regional | Accountable to Director Commercial for all commercial regional issues. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 214664 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Procurement | Member of the Government Commercial Function. |
237452 | N/D | SCS1 | Head People Team | Accountable to the Chief Executive for all aspects of manpower and skills planning, resourcing, leadership development, performance management, recognition and reward, employee relations, staff engagement and equality and diversity. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 206170 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Human Resources | Not set |
68937 | N/D | OF-6 | Head Accommodation | Accountable to Director Accommodation for the delivery of Service Family Accommodation (SFA) and Single Living Accommodation (SLA) in terms of the provision of effective and comprehensive planned and response maintenance services, accommodation allocation, management of moves, delivery of the SFA improvement and upgrade programme and the provision of substitute accommodation where no suitable SFA or SLA is available. | Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence | Defence Infrastructure Organisation | 07989 140989 | | 262862 | 0 | 1 | N/A | N/A | Military | Not set |