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DHSC: workforce management information December 2021

Updated 11 February 2022
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Year Month Organisation name Organisation type Main, parent or sponsoring department: Payroll staff; AO/AA; Headcount Payroll staff; AO/AA; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; EO; Headcount Payroll staff; EO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Headcount Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Headcount Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SCS; Headcount Payroll staff; SCS; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Headcount Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Total; Headcount Payroll staff; Total; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Agency Staff; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Agency Staff; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Interim managers; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Interim managers; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Specialist Contractors; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Specialist Contractors; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Consultants/consultancy; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Consultants/consultancy; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Total; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Total; Full-time equivalent Grand Total (workforce numbers); Headcount Grand Total (workforce numbers); Full-time equivalent Payroll staff costs; Salary Payroll staff costs; Allowances Payroll staff costs; Non-consolidated performance payments Payroll staff costs; Overtime Payroll staff costs; Employer pension contributions Payroll staff costs; Employer national insurance contributions Payroll staff costs; Total paybill Non-Payroll staff costs; Contingent labour: agency staff, interim managers and specialist contractors Non-Payroll staff costs; Consultants/consultancy Non-Payroll staff costs; Total staff costs Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs
2021 December Department of Health and Social Care (excl agencies) Ministerial Department Department of Health and Social Care 24 23.52 405 393.72 1282 1254.71 1268 1224.11 229 221.69 53 51.91 3,261 3,170 152 150.76 Not set Not set 18 17.2 71 71 241 239 3,502 3,409 £12,146,381.60 £43,532.17 £121,410.00 £114,964.79 £3,298,020.53 £1,468,533.70 £17,192,842.79 £3,466,142.00 Not set £3,466,142.00 £20,658,984.79
2021 December Care Quality Commission Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Department of Health and Social Care 214 183.21 417 391.25 1948 1852.86 534 504.06 175 154.55 10 7.2 3,298 3,093 20 20 8 8 10 10 Not set Not set 38 38 3,336 3,131 £10,956,716.00 £108,376.00 Not set £73,098.00 £1,410,971.00 £1,177,348.00 £13,726,509.00 £179,278.00 Not set £179,278.00 £13,905,787.00
2021 December Health & Social Care Information Centre Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Department of Health and Social Care 31 30.44 467 437.75 903 872.13 1312 1268.41 193 182.25 Not set Not set 2,906 2,791 570 496.7 511 435 0 0 Not set Not set 1081 931.7 3,987 3,723 £11,866,064.84 £554,533.52 Not set £19,069.79 £2,319,658.03 £1,417,868.54 £16,177,194.72 £8,807,392.00 Not set £8,807,392.00 £24,984,586.72
2021 December Health Education England Special Health Authority Department of Health and Social Care 95 88.45 831 779.27 813 773.79 791 749.48 1140 414.27 Not set Not set 3,670 2,805 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 0 0 3,670 2,805 £11,710,924.01 £16,271.08 Not set £2,287.33 £1,422,086.29 £1,210,743.23 £14,362,311.94 Not set Not set £0.00 £14,362,311.94
2021 December Health Research Authority Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Department of Health and Social Care 1 1 101 96.07 117 112.66 53 51.07 5 5 Not set Not set 277 266 1 0.92 6 4.96 Not set Not set Not set Not set 7 5.88 284 272 £865,155.65 Not set Not set £3,895.95 £113,957.10 £89,149.86 £1,072,158.56 £125,820.00 Not set £125,820.00 £1,197,978.56
2021 December Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Department of Health and Social Care 0 0 23 22.2 37 35 8 7.4 4 3.5 0 0 72 68 1 1 0 0 5 5 0 0 6 6 78 74 £244,890.00 Not set Not set Not set £69,204.00 £27,520.00 £341,614.00 Not set Not set £0.00 £341,614.00
2021 December Human Tissue Authority Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Department of Health and Social Care 1 1 5 5 29 29 8 7.81 2 2 Not set Not set 45 45 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 0 0 45 45 £177,443.94 £0.00 £0.00 £234.52 £23,444.03 £19,994.21 £221,116.70 £63,916.00 Not set £63,916.00 £285,032.70
2021 December Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Executive Agency Department of Health and Social Care 48 47.01 180 173.98 479 471.08 429 412.4 148 131.8 0 0 1,284 1,236 66 66 5 4.37 22 22 0 0 93 92.37 1,377 1,329 £5,033,943.64 £5,589.20 £42,550.00 £27,324.95 £1,353,367.88 £568,956.38 £7,031,732.05 £3,401,517.75 Not set £3,401,517.75 £10,433,249.80
2021 December Monitor Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Department of Health and Social Care 0 0 0 0 5 4.59 13 12.8 57 54.98 7 7.04 82 79 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 0 0 82 79 £676,455.29 £2,910.00 £0.00 £0.00 £195,569.18 £83,929.84 £958,864.31 -£4,143.98 Not set -£4,143.98 £954,720.33
2021 December National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Department of Health and Social Care 10 9.29 99 93.41 291 276.97 280 267.67 77 70.98 Not set Not set 757 718 3 2.16 2 2 5 4.95 12 11.83 22 20.94 779 739 £3,090,564.20 £2,262.15 £0.00 £1,259.88 £574,149.03 £350,088.10 £4,018,323.36 £83,019.00 Not set £83,019.00 £4,101,342.36
2021 December NHS Blood & Transplant Special Health Authority Department of Health and Social Care 1995 1605.17 1227 1123.44 1722 1582.67 625 610.24 66 65.6 52 48.68 5,687 5,036 69 69 15 15 41 41 0 0 125 125 5,812 5,161 £15,011,737.85 £856,396.56 £0.00 £402,154.72 £2,090,747.17 £1,673,949.35 £20,034,985.65 £1,287,694.00 Not set £1,287,694.00 £21,322,679.65
2021 December NHS Business Services Authority Special Health Authority Department of Health and Social Care 1713 1534.95 868 826.7 608 594.89 312 297.56 35 35 Not set Not set 3,536 3,289 103 103 Not set Not set Not set Not set 21 21 124 124 3,660 3,413 £8,011,291.45 £8,884.52 Not set £147,382.14 £547,900.09 £759,420.95 £9,474,879.15 £398,865.00 Not set £398,865.00 £9,873,744.15
2021 December NHS England Special Health Authority Department of Health and Social Care 89 78.19 1262 1183.59 2332 2231.43 4066 3892.47 1730 1568.27 171 111.63 9,650 9,066 150 125.29 78 40.67 0 0 0 0 228 165.96344 9,878 9,232 £43,568,539.36 £11,044.02 £0.00 £0.00 £5,564,998.89 £4,973,020.84 £54,117,603.11 Not set Not set £0.00 £54,117,603.11
2021 December NHS Litigation Authority Special Health Authority Department of Health and Social Care 6 5.4 86 82.27 197 190.38 224 211.39 9 9 0 0 522 498 21 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 21 543 519 £1,926,807.98 £204,451.29 £0.00 £745.36 £256,474.72 £232,531.23 £2,621,010.58 Not set Not set £0.00 £2,621,010.58
2021 December NHS Trust Development Authority Special Health Authority Department of Health and Social Care 3 2.6 109 104.57 244 236.93 704 675.12 501 473.42 22 8.3 1,583 1,501 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 0 0 1,583 1,501 £8,181,660.13 £376,937.93 £0.00 £5,718.40 £1,062,999.62 £1,010,346.02 £10,637,662.10 -£33,257.00 Not set -£33,257.00 £10,604,405.10
2021 December UK Health Security Agency Executive Agency Department of Health and Social Care 786 688.61 969 911.23 2877 2701.37 1769 1696.35 412 371.99 7 7 6,820 6,377 1180 1179 306 303 1671 1654 1611 1496 4768 4632 11,588 11,009 £25,302,469.82 £666,967.72 £1,080.45 £1,045,745.32 £5,547,999.36 £2,606,341.39 £35,170,604.06 Not set Not set £0.00 £35,170,604.06