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Cabinet Office ministerial meetings, July to September 2021

Updated 28 January 2022
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Minister Date Name of organisation or individual Purpose of meeting
Nicholas True 07/09/2021 Mayor of Tees Valley Leader of Darlington Borough Council Nigel Clifford, Deputy Chair, Geospatial Commission Northern Powergrid Northumbrian Water Group Northern Gas Networks Openreach Sunderland City Council Quality Manager, BP Barry Hatton, Director of Asset Management Atkins Mark Ewen, Divisional General Manager Mott MacDonald Civil engineer Ministerial Site Visit to Darlington including; Roundtable with industry stakeholders, Ben Houchen (Mayor of Tees Valley) and Councillor Heather Scott OBE (Leader of Darlington Borough Council); and Site visit to Northumbrian Water Group Sewage Replacement Scheme, Mayfair Road, Darlington
Theodore Agnew 01/07/2021 Lloyds Bank Foundation To discuss social value in public procurement
Theodore Agnew 03/07/2021 Sainsbury's To discuss EU Exit process
Theodore Agnew 05/07/2021 Association of International Courier & Express Services, DHL, Charles Kendall, United Parcel Service, Customs Clearance Ltd To discuss EU Exit process
Theodore Agnew 05/07/2021 Lancashire Enterprise Partnership To discuss the Places for Growth Programme
Theodore Agnew 13/07/2021 Asda To discuss EU Exit process
Theodore Agnew 20/07/2021 Europa Worldwide Group To discuss EU Exit process
Theodore Agnew 22/09/2021 REPL Group, SGS S.A., Deloitte, Ontech Solutions Ltd To discuss EU Exit process
Theodore Agnew 23/09/2021 MultiFreight Ltd, WiseTech Global, Honeycourt Ltd.,Rosslyn Analytics, Customs Support Group B.V.,SAP, AEB, Forward Solutions, The Descartes Systems Group INC,. To discuss EU Exit process
Alok Sharma 07/07/2021 Non Government Organisations' roundtable in Antigua and Barbuda: Halo Foundation; Environmental Awareness Group; Antigua and Barbuda Marine Ecosystems Protected Area; Global Environment Facility Fund; To understand local groups’ work and concerns about local climate change and environmental issues; to encourage and support these groups to start engagement with the government of Antigua and Barbuda ahead of COP26.
Alok Sharma 12/07/2021 COP26 Business Leaders: Scottish Power; Salesforce; Klabin; Hitachi Powergrids; Diageo; CGI Inc; Legal and General; National Grid; Unilever; Dalmia Cement; Ingka Group; Scottish and Southern Energy plc; WeMeanBusiness Coalition; asics; To secure member support towards the G20 and becoming early signatories to a public letter ahead of the G20 urging ambitious action from governments and business, to follow this group’s letter to the B7; to secure commitment from members to instruct their country level CEOs/Directors/Boards in G20 countries to take action and support advocacy ahead of the G20, where generate commitment from members to publicly advocate for Paris Agreement aligned commitments from all state and non-state actors, ahead of major climate event milestones in 2021; to celebrate specific actions members have taken within their sectors
Alok Sharma 29/07/2021 BE Riyadh Climate Communications Campaign Partners- Academic, Business, Government and Civil Society stakeholders: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Clean Energy Business Council; National Centre for Vegetation Cover; Community Jameel; Schneider Electric; Naqaa Sustainability Solutions; Dar al Uloom University; Saudi Green Building Forum; Hani Al Zahrani To engage with key contributors, influencers and stakeholders from BE Riyadh’s COP26 Comms campaign; to outline the challenge we face from climate change, the significance of COP26 and action needed from both state and non-state actors alike in order to keep 1.5 in reach.
Alok Sharma 30/07/2021 Climate Crisis Advisory Group To brief the COP26 President Designate on the activities of the Centre for Climate Repair for COP26
Alok Sharma 30/07/2021 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Green Alliance, Christian Aid,Catholic Agency for Overseas Development To discuss COP26 objectives with UK Civil Society Organisation Heads
Alok Sharma 02/08/2021 Indigenous, Youth and Grassroots Leaders: Mayor of La Guardia; Anacleto Peña Supayabe, Cacique General CICOL; Iberoamerican Network of Youth for Climate Action,Urban Indigenous Youth, and Afro descendant Environmental Youth; To discuss climate change priorities with Indigenous Peoples, youth representatives and grassroots leaders in Bolivia.
Alok Sharma 03/08/2021 Civil Society Representatives: Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development; Coalition Brazil Climate, Forests, and Agriculture; National Coordination of Quilombola Black Rural Communities ; Brazil's Indigenous People Articulation ; National Council of Extractivist Populations ; Climate Observatory; Arapyaú Institute; Institute for Climate and Society To discuss how Civil Society in Brazil is advancing climate action and how they can work with the Presidency to achieve COP26 objectives.
Alok Sharma 03/08/2021 Chief Executive Officers, Governors and Mayors in Brazil Event to celebrate Brazilian businesses, states and other actors signing up to the Race to Zero and to discuss the action they are taking to fulfil these commitments
Alok Sharma 10/08/2021 Tufts University, ARM-Harith Instrastructure Investment Ltd., United Nations Development Programme, Children's Investment Fund Foundation Participation in the public launch of the Voluntary Carbon Market Initiative alongside board members.
Alok Sharma 12/08/2021 Bloomberg Philanthropies Discussion on the real world impacts of climate change and matters relating to India ahead of the COP President Designate's trip in August
Alok Sharma 14/08/2021 Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change Discussion on South African and India in relation to COP
Alok Sharma 16/08/2021 Macquarie To discuss Presidency priorities for finance.
Alok Sharma 16/08/2021 Climate policy influencers and think tanks: Centre for Science and Environment; Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations; Integrated Research and Action for Development; Nitin Desai Discussion with leading climate policy influencers and think tanks to understand Indian government’s current thinking on climate ambitions
Alok Sharma 17/08/2021 CEO Roundtable: Claro Energy Private Limited; Chakr Innovation; Eversource Capital; GreenCell Mobility; EverEnviro Resource Management; Krimanshi Technologies Discussion with leading clean tech Chief Executives/Chief Operating Officers in what is driving their growth and their expectations from COP26
Alok Sharma 18/08/2021 Confederation of Indian Industry National Council Discussion with the CII National Council about COP26 and what Indian industry can do.
Alok Sharma 31/08/2021 Elders To discuss Presidency priorities and how the Elders can best coordinate their advocacy efforts to support the Presidency
Alok Sharma 01/09/2021 African Development Bank To discuss Presidency finance priorities with multilateral development bank Heads.
Alok Sharma 01/09/2021 World Bank To discuss Presidency finance priorities with multilateral development bank Heads.
Alok Sharma 02/09/2021 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development To discuss Presidency finance priorities with multilateral development bank Heads.
Alok Sharma 02/09/2021 World Bank To discuss Presidency finance priorities with multilateral development bank Heads.
Alok Sharma 03/09/2021 Asian Development Bank To discuss Presidency finance priorities with multilateral development bank Heads.
Alok Sharma 07/09/2021 National Energy Administration of China To discuss acceleration of China's ambition on coal and and facilitate international cooperation on the global energy transition.
Alok Sharma 07/09/2021 People's Bank of China Meeting to seek greater ambition from the central bank governor in support of COP26 finance objectives, particularly phasing out overseas coal investment.
Alok Sharma 07/09/2021 UK Businesses in China: Arup East Asia; British Chamber of Commerce; Confederation of British Industry, China NE and SE Asia; China-Britain Business Council; Deloitte; Development Reimagined; Economist Group China; HSBC China; IHG China To discuss their role in China’s decarbonisation pathway, how UK PLC can support COP objectives, and the wider business environment, including the opportunities and challenges of the market.
Alok Sharma 09/09/2021 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank To discuss Presidency finance priorities with multilateral development bank Heads.
Alok Sharma 09/09/2021 TATA To understand key drivers behind Tata taking business action; ask the organisation to consider signing up the Tata Group to race to zero; to understand what the organistion is doing to encourage further action across their sector; encourage TATA to take further action and secure an agreement for a public statement calling for businesses and government to take more action
Alok Sharma 09/09/2021 Rockerfeller Institute To discuss the Presidency Energy priorities.
Alok Sharma 15/09/2021 Global University To discuss forthcoming COP26 summit with Vice Chancellors of Global Higher Education Institutions.
Alok Sharma 17/09/2021 HRH The Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) Roundtable with the Multilateral Development Banks To discuss Presidency priorities for finance.
Alok Sharma 21/09/2021 FullCycle To discuss Presidency finance priorities.
Alok Sharma 24/09/2021 World Bank To discuss Presidency finance priorities with multi lateral development bank Heads.
Alok Sharma 24/09/2021 International Monetary Fund To discuss Presidency finance priorities.
Alok Sharma 25/09/2021 Sustainable Development Capital To discuss Presidency finance priorities.
Alok Sharma 25/09/2021 Triple Point Capital To discuss Presidency finance priorities.
Alok Sharma 28/09/2021 Macquarie Discussion on climate finance.
Alok Sharma 28/09/2021 Friends of Paris Agreement High-Level Dialogue to discuss how international climate diplomacy and governance can help to reach success at COP26.
Alok Sharma 28/09/2021 European Investment Bank To discuss Presidency finance priorities with multilateral development bank Heads.
Alok Sharma 28/09/2021 Stanley Johnson To discuss Presidency priorities of nature and biodiversity.
Leo Docherty 28/09/2021 Scottish Veterans Commissioner To meet with Scottish Veterans Commissioner
Leo Docherty 16/09/2021 The US Defence Attaché Introductory meeting and to discuss an upcoming veterans trip to Washington, D.C.
Leo Docherty 15/09/2021 The Poppy Factory To visit the factory and a boardroom discussion on The Poppy Factory’s employment support to veterans with health conditions
Leo Docherty 13/09/2021 Mitie To discuss Mitie's support for veterans
Leo Docherty 07/09/2021 Royal British Legion The first of biannual meetings as requested by the Royal British Legion
Leo Docherty 19/07/2021 King's College London (KCL) Quarterly VIP Briefing To discuss studies into veterans' mental health
Nigel Adams Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Oliver Dowden Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
David Frost 05/07/2021 Energy UK To discuss stakeholder experiences of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement
David Frost 07/07/2021 Trades Union Congress To discuss the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, and the Northern Ireland Protocol
David Frost 13/07/2021 Federation of Small Businesses To discuss industry experiences of EU exit and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement
David Frost 15/07/2021 Make UK, Logistics UK, Confederation of British Industry, British Chambers of Commerce, Federation of Small Businesses, Institute of Directors Regular meeting of the Brexit Business Taskforce to discuss experiences of EU exit
David Frost 23/07/2021 Manfreight Limited To discuss industry experiences of the Northern Ireland Protocol
David Frost 23/09/2021 Northern Ireland Office, Confederation of British Industry Northern Ireland, Federation of Small Businesses, Institute of Directors Northern Ireland, Manufacturing Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Retail Consortium, Dairy Council Northern Ireland, Logistics UK, Ulster Farmers' Union, Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association, Agricultural Industries Federation, Hospitality Ulster, Mineral Products Association Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Grain Association, Northern Ireland Meat Exporters Association, Retail Northern Ireland, Road Haulage Association To discuss industry experiences of the Northern Ireland Protocol
David Frost 29/09/2021 Make UK, Bion Limited, EMS Physio Limited, Olympus Technologies Limited, Babcock International Group Plc, Schneider Electric SE, BAMUK Group Limited, Durham Duplex, World Feeds Limited, British Aerosol Manufacturers Association, British Pump Manufacturers Association, Lush Retail Limited, Autocraft Drivetrain Solutions Limited, Manufacturing Technologies Association, Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, Leonardo UK Limited Roundtable to discuss industry experiences of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement
Michael Gove 06/09/2021 Tony Blair To discuss Afghanistan and COVID
Michael Gove 13/09/2021 Ian Katz, Director of Prgrammes, Channel 4 To discuss Channel 4 privatisation
Stephen Barclay 23/09/2021 British Retail Consortium To discuss supply chains
Stephen Barclay 24/09/2021 Confederation of British Industry To discuss supply chains
Penny Mordaunt 07/09/2021 Oxford University Future of Humanity Institute and Cambridge University Centre for Study of Existential Risk To discuss the UK's resilience strategy
Chloe Smith 07/07/2021 Stonewall Introductory meeting
Chloe Smith 14/07/2021 Broadland and South Norfolk District Councils To discuss elections
Chloe Smith 22/07/2021 Centre For Policy Studies To discuss the Lost Learning report
Chloe Smith 03/08/2021 Jim Fitzpatrick To discuss elections
Chloe Smith 03/08/2021 Age UK, Centre for Aging Better, Alzheimer's Society To discuss the Elections Bill
Chloe Smith 05/08/2021 Association of Electoral Administrators To discuss elections
Chloe Smith 05/08/2021 LGBT Foundation, Equality Network, Scottish Trans Alliance, LGBT Youth Scotland, Diverse Cymru To discuss the Elections Bill
Chloe Smith 12/08/2021 Women's Aid To discuss the Elections Bill
Chloe Smith 12/08/2021 Tower Hamlets visit To visit polling station in Weavers Ward
Chloe Smith 17/08/2021 RNID, Leonard Cheshire, Mencap, Mind, RNIB, Disability Rights UK, Scope, United Response, Deaf Scotland, Inclusion Scotland, Disability Wales, Thomas Pocklington Trust To discuss the Elections Bill
Chloe Smith 18/08/2021 Friends, Families and Travellers, Operation Black Vote, Patchwork Foundation, Roma Support Group, Traveller Movement, BEMIS (Scotland), Race Council Cymru To discuss the Elections Bill
Chloe Smith 19/08/2021 Bond, ACEVO, Small Charities Coalition, The Foundation for Social Improvement, National Council for Volutnatry Organisations To discuss the Elections Bill
Julia Lopez 14/09/2021 Global government forum To discuss the Civil Service Data Challenge longlist