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New Year Honours 2022 Overseas and International List: Order of the Bath and Order of the British Empire
Updated 31 December 2021
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Level | Award | Name | Job title | Short citation |
Order of the Bath (Commander) | CB | Adrian Philip BIRD | Director, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Dame Commander) | DBE | Flora Jane DUFFY OBE | Triathlete | For services to Sport in Bermuda |
Order of the British Empire (Commander) | CBE | Dr Kai Hung LEE | Founder, The Lee Kai Hung Foundation. | For services to Education and Cultural Exchange between the UK and China |
Order of the British Empire (Commander) | CBE | Robert Adrian STRINGER | Chairman, Sony Music Group and Chief Executive Officer, Sony Music Entertainment. | For services to UK creative industries, to social justice and to charity |
Order of the British Empire (Commander) | CBE | Bernard John TAUPIN | Lyricist. | For services to Music |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr Aisha Nicole ANDREWIN | Chief Medical Officer, Anguilla. | For services to Public Health in Anguilla |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Peter William BURNETT | Chair of the British Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong. | For services to the British Business Community in Hong Kong |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr Mary Ann CUSACK | Paediatrician, Love the One charity, India. | For services to Healthcare and Child Welfare in India |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Martin Patrick DUFFY | Lead Negotiator, Trade Agreements and Capability, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to Trade and Development |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Richard ETHERINGTON | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Julia Elisabeth Frances FALCONER | Senior Forest Policy Adviser, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to the Environment |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Martha Essandoah FREEMAN | Lately Political Adviser and Head of Regional Office for the European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia. | For services to Conflict Resolution in the South Caucasus |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Michael John GIFFORD | lately HM Ambassador, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Rebecca Ann HARRIS | Deputy Director, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Robin Frances HART | Senior Programme Director, Wilton Park. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Susan HEATH | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Patrick Godfrey Hungerford HOLDICH | Head of Research Analysts, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr Saleemul HUQ | Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development. | For services to combatting International Climate Change |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr Melanie Jane IVARSSON | Senior Vice President, Chief Development Officer, Moderna, United States of America. | For services to Public Health during COVID-19 |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr Asyia KAZMI | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. | For services to Education, particularly Girls’ Education |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Paul Richard Peter KILLWORTH | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Felicity Jane Gordon KIRKWOOD | Chair, British Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina. | For services to the British Hospital Buenos Aires and to the British Community |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr David KONN | Mission Lead, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr Nigel Stuart LOCKYER | Director, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. | For services to Science and UK/US relations |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Professor Alan LOWDON | Professor in Practice, Durham University and Director, Strategic Development, National Offshore Wind Institute, Bristol Community College, Massachusetts, United States of America. | For services to UK/US Offshore Wind Collaboration |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | John Bickford De Vismes MARTIN ST. VALERY | Chair, Market Entry Solutions - JacksonMSV and Chair, British Business Group of Dubai & Northern Emirates. | For services to UK businesses in the United Arab Emirates |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | James Douglas McALPINE | Deputy Development Director, British High Commission Dhaka, Bangladesh. | For services to International Development |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Gavin Bruce McGILLIVRAY | Development Director, Official Development Assistance, British High Commission, New Delhi, India. | For services to International Development |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Richard Harry MIDDLETON | Chair, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. | For services to the Commonwealth and to Higher Education |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr Catherine Lucy MORRIS | Paediatrician, Love the One charity, India. | For services to Healthcare and Child Welfare in India |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr Dipti PATEL | Chief Medical Officer, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to Government officials and their families and to British nationals overseas |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Adam Rhodri PILE | Deputy Director, Head of Caribbean and Southern Oceans Department, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to the British Overseas Territories |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Professor Lauge Neiman Skovgaard POULSEN | Professor of International Relations and Law, University College London. | For services to UK Trade Policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Merwyn Foster Lyte ROGERS | Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Anguilla. | For Public Service and services to Public Health and Healthcare in Anguilla |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Professor Pauline Margaret ROSE | Professor of International Education and Director of Research for Equitable Access and Learning Centre, University of Cambridge. | For services to International Girls’ Education |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Neil Robert SCOTLAND | Senior Forestry Adviser, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to the Environment |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Nicola Jane STEWART | UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, The Hague. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Dr Antony STOKES LVO | HM Ambassador Havana, Cuba. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Professor Simon WAIN-HOBSON | Head, Molecular Retrovirology, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France. | For services to Virology |
Order of the British Empire (Officer) | OBE | Andrew David WHALLEY | Global Chairman, Grimshaw Architects. | For services to Architecture and to Environmental sustainability |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Stephen William ATHERTON | Retired Headmaster. | For services to British Education and Culture in Greece |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Andrew John BAILEY | Former Chair, Leonard Cheshire Disability Home in Portugal. | For services to Disability Charities |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Poppy BAKER | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Professor Lorand BARTELS | Professor of International Law, University of Cambridge. | For services to UK Trade Policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Yasmin BATLIWALA | Chief Executive, Advocates for International Development. | For services to Human Rights, the Rule of Law and to International Development |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Dr. Keith Michael BORIEN | Chief Executive Officer, The Borien Educational Foundation for Southern Africa. | For services to schools in rural areas of the Eastern Cape, South Africa |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Dr. Richard James BURGESS | President and Chief Executive Officer, American Association of Independent Music. | For services to Music |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Maria João CARRAPATO | Chair, Oporto British School, Portugal. | For services to British Education in Portugal |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Deborah Louise CHILCOTT | Assistant Private Secretary to the UK Ambassador to the European Union, Brussels, Belgium. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Clark John CHITTENDEN | lately Director, Trade Policy Coordination, British Embassy Mexico City, Mexico. | For services to UK/Mexico trade relations |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | The Reverend John Howard CHINCHEN | Archbishop of Hong Kong’s Chaplain for International Ministry. | For services to the British Community in Hong Kong. |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Susanna COLE | Teacher. | For services to children and the community in Kikambala, Kenya and to the Parkinson’s Society |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Sarah CROFT | Lead Negotiator, International Agreements, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to UK Trade overseas |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Hazel Patricia CUMBO | Chief Executive, Gibraltar Courts Service. | For services to Justice in Gibraltar |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Kenneth Ronald DUNN | Chair of Africa’s Gift Ltd. | For services to development and local communities in Lesotho and sub-Saharan Africa |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Daniel Liam EDGE | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Allison FISHER | Professional Billiard Player. | For services to Sport |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Dr. Joseph FRONCIONI | Orthopaedic Surgeon. | For services to Road Safety in Bermuda |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | John Philip HARE | De-mining Technical Director, Falkland Islands. | For services to the Falkland Islands Demining Programme |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Charles Dale HARRISON | Head of Treaty Section, Legal Directorate, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | James HOLLOW | Japan President, Fabric Inc. and lately Chair of the Board of Trustees, The British School, Tokyo, Japan. | For services to Education and the wider community in Japan |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Stuart HOLROYD | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Alastair James IRVING | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Kevin Thomas KERRIGAN | Senior Automotive Adviser. | For services to the UK Automotive industry in the United States of America |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Dr. Michael MACKENZIE | Consultant in General Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Daeyang Luke Missionary Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi. | For services to Health in Malawi |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | William Henderson McATEER | Historian. | For services to Seychelles history. |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Marigay McKEE | Managing partner, Fernbrook Capital LLC and Founder, MM Luxe Consulting, New York, United States of America. | For services to British retail overseas |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Manohar Narindas MELWANI | Tailor, Hong Kong. | For services to Business and Charity in Hong Kong |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Lloyd MILEN | British Consul General for Andorra, Aragon, Balearic Islands and Catalonia, British Consulate General, Barcelona, Spain. | For services to British nationals in Spain and to the UK in North East Spain. |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Angus William Reed MILLER | Prosperity Lead, Horn of Africa, Economic Development, British Office Hargeisa, Somaliland. | For services to International Development in Somaliland |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Katherine Fiona MITCHELL | Executive Director, GBx global. | For services to British Entrepreneurs Overseas |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Jeremy MORGAN QC | Vice Chair, British in Europe. | For services to British nationals in Italy and the European Union |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Professor Ian Elliot MURDOCH | Consultant Ophthalmologist. | For services to Health in Western Africa |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Nicola NICOLAUS | lately Regional Director of Science and Innovation, South East Asia, British High Commission Singapore. | For services to UK Science and Innovation overseas |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Thomas Robert PEMBER-FINN | Second Secretary Human Rights, British Embassy Beijing, China. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Jane Ellen PHELAN | Account Director, Crown Agents. | For services to Public Health during COVID-19 |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Lucille Dell SEYMOUR BEM | retired Cayman Islands Government official. | For services to Sport, Education and the people of Grand Cayman and the Cayman Islands |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Elizabeth SIMPSON | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Sharon Karen SMITH | retired Deputy Clerk, the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly. | For Public Service to the Cayman Islands |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Christopher James SYER | President of the Malaysian British Society. | For services to UK/Malaysia relations and to the British Community in Egypt and Saudi Arabia |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Melvyn Lewis TENNANT | Founder/Director of the Oracabessa Bay Sea Turtle Project and Lead Warden, Jamaica. | For services to Marine Conservation in Jamaica |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Vanessa Elizabeth THOMAS-WILLIAMS | Nursery Officer, Terrestrial Conservation/Environment, Natural Resources and Planning Portfolio Directorate, St Helena. | For services to Conservation in St Helena |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Ben Robert THOMSON | Honorary Consul, Chiang Mai, Thailand. | For services to British nationals overseas |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Amanda Susan THURSFIELD | Director, Non-Catholic Cemetery for foreigners, Rome, Italy. | For services to the Bereaved in Italy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Pamela TWISSELL-CROSS | District Community Support Coordinator, Royal British Legion, Spain (district north). | For services to British nationals overseas |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Alexandra UTKUCU | Vice Consul, British Consulate General Istanbul, Turkey. | For services to British nationals overseas |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Philip Graham WALL | Co-founder and Trustee, We See Hope and founding Director, Signify Ltd. | For services to vulnerable children in sub-Saharan Africa |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Wendy Susan WALL | Co-founder and Trustee, We See Hope. | For services to vulnerable children in sub-Saharan Africa |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Charlotte Emily WILLIAMS | Head, Foreign and Security Policy, British High Commission Canberra, Australia. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire (Member) | MBE | Cheryl WILLIAMS | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Graeme William BAXTER | Golf artist/publisher. | For services to Golf and to Tourism in Scotland |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Darren Peter CLARK | First Secretary, Operational Delivery Manager, British Embassy Yangon, Myanmar. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Natalie Claire COLEMAN | Director, National Gallery of the Cayman Islands. | For services to Arts and Culture in the Cayman Islands and wider region |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Bianca COLLINS | Desk Officer, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Angela Joy FRENCH | Former Chair, The Women’s Royal Voluntary Service, Portugal. | For services to Charity in Portugal |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Michael Peter GROVES | Member of the Cyprus Residency Support Group. | For services to the British Community in Cyprus |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Pamela Irene GROVES | Member of the Cyprus Residency Support Group. | For services to the British Community in Cyprus |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Alexandra Mary HENNESSY | Diary Manager to the Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Sandra Elizabeth MAY | Pro-Consul, British Embassy Tehran, Iran. | For services to British nationals overseas |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Dominic Crosby Rollo MYERS | lately Chief Executive Officer, Enhance Group and Chairman of the Board, British School, Sultanate of Oman. | For services to British Education in Oman |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Susan OWENS | Corporate Services Manager, Miami Consulate General, Florida, United States of America. | For services to the British Consulate General in Miami |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Pamela PARKER | Personal Assistant to HM Ambassador, British Embassy Berlin, Germany. | For services to UK/Germany relations |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Helen Elizabeth PRICE | Charity Volunteer, Hopeful Hearts Guangzhou, China. | For services to Charity in China |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Natasha Helen RUSCHEINSKI | Founder, PAW BVI, British Virgin Islands. | For services to Animal Welfare |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Lewis Sebastian STAGNETTO | Science Teacher, Gibraltar. | For services to the Marine Environment in Gibraltar |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Caroline Rosemary TOPHAM | Desk Officer, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Brian WARING | Team Leader, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Bryn Owen WILLIAMS | Desk Officer, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. | For services to British foreign policy |
Order of the British Empire | BEM | Shirley Ann WRIGGLESWORTH | Welfare Officer/co-ordinator, The British Association of the Alpes Maritimes and the Var. | For services to British Community in South-East France |