
Algorithmic Transparency Standard v1.1

Updated 2 December 2021
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Reference number from the word template attribute (an asterisk indicates a multi-value field) name tier category type description required
Not set name Name Tier 1 Overview UTF-8 string The attribute 'name' is the colloquial name used to identify the algorithmic tool. TRUE
Not set description Description Tier 1 Overview UTF-8 string The attribute 'description' is a description to give a basic overview of the purpose of the algorithmic tool. It should include: - how the algorithmic tool is used - why the algorithmic tool is being used TRUE
Not set website URL of the website Tier 1 Overview URL The attribute 'website' is the URL reference to a page with further information about the algorithmic tool and its use. This facilitates users searching more in-depth information about the practical use or technical details.This could, for instance, be a local government page, a link to a GitHub repository or a departmental landing page with additional information. FALSE
Not set contact_email Contact email Tier 1 Owner and responsibility UTF-8 string The attribute 'contact_email' is the email address of the organisation, team or contact person for this entry. TRUE
1.1 organisation Organisation/ department Tier 2 Owner and responsibility UTF-8 string The attribute 'organisation' is the full name of the organisation, department or public sector body that carries responsibility for use of the algorithmic tool. For example, 'Department for Transport'. TRUE
1.2 team Team Tier 2 Owner and responsibility UTF-8 string The attribute 'team' is the full name of the team that carries responsibility for use of the algorithmic tool. Not set
1.3 senior_responsible_owner Senior responsible owner Tier 2 Owner and responsibility UTF-8 string The attribute 'senior_responsible_owner' is the role title of the senior responsible owner for the algorithmic tool. Not set
1.4 external_supplier* Supplier or developer of the algorithmic tool Tier 2 Owner and responsibility UTF-8 string The attribute 'supplier' gives the name of any external organisation or person that has been contracted to develop the whole or parts of or the algorithmic tool. TRUE
1.5 external_supplier_identifier* External supplier identifier Tier 2 Owner and responsibility UTF-8 string The attribute 'external_supplier_identifier' gives, if available, the Companies House number of the external organisation that has been contracted to develop the whole or parts of or the algorithmic tool. You can get a company's Companies House number by finding company informationor using the Companies House API FALSE
1.6 external_supplier_role* External supplier role Tier 2 Owner and responsibility UTF-8 string The attribute 'external_supplier_role' gives a short description of the role the external supplier assumed with regards to the development of the algorithmic tool. TRUE
1.7 data_access_terms* Terms of access to data for external supplier Tier 2 Owner and responsibility UTF-8 string The attribute 'data_access_terms' details the terms of access to (government) data applied to the external supplier. Not set
2.1 scope Scope Tier 2 Description UTF-8 string The attribute 'scope' describes the purpose of the tool in terms of what it's been designed for and what it's not been designed for. This can include a list of potential purposes that the tool was not designed to fulfil but which could constitute possible common misconceptions in the future. TRUE
2.2 benefit Benefit Tier 2 Description UTF-8 string The attribute 'benefit' describes the key benefits that the algorithmic tool is expected to deliver, and an expanded justification on why the tool is being used. TRUE
2.3 alternatives_considered Alternatives considered Tier 2 Description UTF-8 string The attribute 'alternatives_considered' details, where applicable, a list of non-algorithmic alternatives considered, or a description of how the decision process was conducted previously. Not set
2.4 model_type Type of model Tier 2 Description UTF-8 string The attribute 'model_type' indicates which types of methods or models the algorithm is using. For example expert system, deep neural network and so on. TRUE
2.5 frequency_usage Frequency of usage Tier 2 Description UTF-8 string The attribute 'frequency_usage' gives information on how regularly the algorithmic tool is being used. For example the number of decisions made per month, the number of citizens interacting with the tool, and so on. Not set
2.6 phase Phase Tier 2 Description UTF-8 string The attribute 'phase' indicates in which of the following stages or phases the tool is currently situated: - idea - design - development - production - retired This field includes date and time stamps of creation and any updates. TRUE
2.7 maintenance Maintenance Tier 2 Description UTF-8 string The attribute 'maintenance' gives details on the maintenance schedule and frequency of any reviews. For example, specific details on when and how a person reviews or checks the automated decision. Not set
2.8 system_architecture System architecture Tier 2 Description URL The attribute 'system_architecture' is the URL reference to documentation about the system architecture. For example, a link to a GitHub repository image or additional documentation about the system architecture. Not set
3.1 process_integration Process integration Tier 2 Oversight UTF-8 string The attribute 'process_integration' explains how the algorithmic tool is integrated into the decision-making process and what influence the algorithmic tool has on the decision-making process. It gives a more detailed and extensive description of the wider decision-making process into which the algorithmic tool is embedded. Not set
3.2 provided_information Provided information Tier 2 Oversight UTF-8 string The attribute 'provided information” details how much and what information the algorithmic tool provides to the decision maker. Not set
3.3 human_decisions Human decisions Tier 2 Oversight UTF-8 string The attribute 'human_decisions' describes the decisions that people take in the overall process, including human review options. TRUE
3.4 required_training Required training Tier 2 Oversight UTF-8 string The attribute 'required_training' details the required training those deploying or using the algorithmic tool must undertake, if applicable; For example, the person responsible for the management of the tool had to complete data science training. Not set
3.5 appeals_and_review Appeals and review Tier 2 Oversight UTF-8 string The attribute 'appeals_and_review' details the mechanisms that are in place for review or appeal of the decision available to the general public. TRUE
4.1 source_data_name* Source data name Tier 2 Information on data UTF-8 string The attribute 'source_data_name' gives, if applicable, the name of the datasets used. TRUE
4.2 source_data_description* Source data Tier 2 Information on data UTF-8 string The attribute 'source_data' gives an overview of the data used to train and run the algorithmic tool. It will also specify whether data is used for training, testing, or operating. It should include which categories of data - for example 'age' or 'address' - which were used to train the model and which are used as input data for making a prediction. TRUE
4.3 source_data_url* Source data URL Tier 2 Information on data URL The attribute 'source_data_url' provides a URL to the dataset wherever possible. FALSE
4.4 data_collection* Data collection Tier 2 Information on data UTF-8 string The attribute 'data_collection' gives information on the data collection process, including the original purpose of data collection. TRUE
4.5 data_sharing_agreements* Data sharing agreements Tier 2 Information on data UTF-8 string The attribute 'data_sharing_agreements' provides further information on data sharing agreements in place. TRUE
4.6 data_access_and_storage* Data access and storage Tier 2 Information on data UTF-8 string The attribute 'data_access_and_storage' details on who has or will have access to this data, how long it's stored, under what circumstances and by whom. TRUE
5.1 impact_assessment_name* Impact assessment name Tier 2 Risk mitigation and impact assessment UTF-8 string The attribute 'impact_assessment_name' is a name and a short overview of the impact assessment conducted. TRUE
5.2 impact_assessment_description* Impact assessment description Tier 2 Risk mitigation and impact assessment UTF-8 string The attribute 'impact_assessment_description' is a description of the impact assessments conducted. Not set
5.3 impact_assessment_date* Impact assessment date Tier 2 Risk mitigation and impact assessment UTF-8 string The attribute 'impact_assessment_date' is a date of when the impact assessment was conducted. Not set
5.4 impact_assessment_link* Impact assessment link Tier 2 Risk mitigation and impact assessment UTF-8 string The attribute 'impact_assessment_link' is a link to the impact assessment. Not set
5.5 risk_name* Risk name Tier 2 Risk mitigation and impact assessment UTF-8 string The attribute 'risk_name' is an overview of the common risks for the algorithmic tool. TRUE
5.6 risk_description* Risk description Tier 2 Risk mitigation and impact assessment UTF-8 string The attribute 'risk_description' is a description of the risks identified under 'risk_name'. Not set
5.7 risk_mitigation* Risk mitigation Tier 2 Risk mitigation and impact assessment UTF-8 string The attribute 'risk mitigation' is an overview of how the risks have been mitigated. Not set