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E-cargo bike local authority project summaries
Updated 22 January 2022
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Local Authority | Number of Bikes & Trailers (combined) | Project Summary | Value (£) | Financial Year |
Harlow and Gilston Garden Town | 4 | The project will purchase four ecargo bikes. Three bikes will facilitate council deliveries, site visits, events, engagement and general operations. The fourth bike will be used by Harlow college for the delivery of laundry between campuses and other ad-hoc duties. This project will reduce the reliance on cars and vans which the council currently uses, whilst improving the wellbeing of staff. Furthermore, it will raise the profile of ecargo bikes and the benefits they offer, within the local community. Importantly, the project will provide the interest and momentum needed to push for a greater uptake of ecargo bikes – and the infrastructure to support them – as the town experiences transformative growth. | 17,619.31 | 2019/20 |
Bedford Borough Council | 7 | The eCargo Bike project will procure six ecargo bikes. The four ecargo bikes in the council’s fleet will be used by the Sustainable Transport Team (two bikes), Parks and Open Spaces Team and Street Cleaning Team for operational duties and activities. Two more ecargo bikes and a trailer will be loaned to local businesses, namely the University of Bedfordshire and Flamme Rouge Cycles, a local cycle shop. The aims of this project for BBC are to: • Trial the use of ecargo bikes as a practical alternative to a motor vehicle • Assess their impact on reducing congestion and improving air quality The local objectives of having the six ecargo bikes is to: • Reduce vehicle miles by replacing them with ecargo Bikes • Raise awareness of ecargo bikes and their uses • Spread the trial across different service areas and businesses • Develop a strategy for extending the project from the lessons learned log | 27,838.85 | 2019/20 |
Wirral Council | 7 | The Sustainability Central - Wirral’s Left Bank Growth Point ecargo Bike Demonstration Project will procure 5 ecargo bikes and 2 trailers. The project includes: - Try before you buy – events/ exhibitions/short term trials - Leasing – longer term trials - Trial for Council departments The objectives will be to: • Hold a demonstration event for local businesses to showcase the bikes and generate interest. • Work with local businesses to replace motorised journeys with ecargo bike journeys. • Provide continuous support to each business making sure the bikes are working well throughout and being used, including advice to purchase their own eCargo bike. • Provide ecargo bike rider and maintenance training for local businesses, including training and opportunities for volunteers. • Measure the mileage undertaken, journey frequency, loads carried and calculate the carbon savings and financial savings for businesses. • Assess the personal benefits to the riders in terms of fitness, health and well being. • Assess when the bikes are not being used and why not – to assess the barriers to ecargo bike usage with a view to overcoming these in the future. | 36,584.66 | 2019/20 |
Bath and North East Somerset Council | 10 | The ecargo Bike Grant Fund will procure 10 bikes to support demand for ecargo bikes across a variety of organisations and uses. There are commercial businesses, not-for-profit organisations, a charity, commercial last mile delivery companies and a loan eCargo bike scheme. The need for sustainable cargo deliveries in Bath is particularly acute with a range of highway and other measures expected in the coming months all of which seek to reduce or control ICE vehicle movements. The outcomes of these measures are similarly diverse including emission reductions, relief from traffic congestion and supporting active and healthy transport alternatives. | 40,194.46 | 2019/20 |
Derby City Council | 8 | The Cycle Derby E Cargo project will procure 8 ecargo bikes, trailers and accessories to support an ongoing wealth of local active sustainable travel projects The project aims to: • Supply 3 x Urban Arrow (XL) Cargo bikes to existing projects supporting: • Job Seeker offers • Recycle bikes • School delivery 5 x Urban Arrow (L) bikes will be used for a loan scheme to local businesses on a "try before you buy" offer. | 41,824.00 | 2019/20 |
Southampton City Council | 10 | The RIDES project is an ecargo Bike leasehold scheme working with employers in the Southampton Travel Plan network (TPN), internal departments at Southampton City Council (SCC) and Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC), community groups and not-for-profit organisations. We will procure 10 ecargo bikes and 5 cargo bike boxes to enable organisations to trial greener delivery methods. This will lead to a reduction in emissions, complement the new cycling infrastructure and current behaviour change work in Southampton and Eastleigh, and hopefully encourage cargo bike adoption and sales. The aims of this project are to; deliver a modal shift, promote sustainable transport options, support local community events and initiatives, deliver business efficiencies, and test the practicalities of using ecargo bikes in public service. | 47,896.85 | 2019/20 |
Nottingham City Council | 15 | The Nottingham Cycle City ecargo scheme will initially establish a small fleet of 15 ecargo bikes in Nottingham. This project will deliver three trial areas: - Nottingham City Council’s internal fleet: These will be used by the authority to replace journeys around the city and in parks currently done by petrol or diesel vehicles. - Local project delivery partners: Later this year the bikes will be made available to local partners such as Sustrans, Nottingham Bikeworks, Ridewise and the two universities. - Local businesses via the Workplace Travel Service (WTS): These bikes will be allocated for an initial free, try-before-you-buy basis for up to three months. | 47,900.01 | 2019/20 |
London Borough of Wandsworth | 13 | ecargo Bike Business is a project run by Wandsworth Council and aims to inspire change in the way Council services and external organisations go about their business. Through the project 13 ecargo bikes will be given to a wide cross-section of organisations in the Borough for their daily use. The participating organisations will own the bikes and use them to replace journeys currently carried out by motor vehicle. They will act as pioneers in the growth of this exciting new area of transport and bring a breath of fresh air to the communities they visit. Their progress will be closely monitored and recorded to develop a series of local success stories and case studies which will be shared with Council staff and businesses via social media, newsletters and events to inspire others to invest in the change. | 49,250.84 | 2019/20 |
London Borough of Richmond | 14 | ecargo Bike Business is a project run by Richmond Council and aims to inspire change in the way council services and external organisations go about their business. Through the project 14 ecargo bikes will be given to a wide cross-section of services for their daily use. The participating organisations will own the bikes and use them to replace journeys currently carried out by vehicle. They will act as pioneers in the growth of this exciting new area of transport and bring a breath of fresh air to the communities they visit. Their progress will be closely monitored to develop a series of local success stories and case studies which will be shared with Council staff and businesses via social media, newsletters and events to inspire others to invest in the change. | 56,734.51 | 2019/20 |
Birmingham City Council | 20 | Birmingham City Council (BCC) will use the funding to purchase 20 ecargo bikes (13 bikes and 7 trikes) and 13 storage boxes. Of these, 16 ecargo bikes will be given to local partner organisations on long-term loans, and 4 will become part of BCC’s fleet. The partner organisations will demonstrate how the e-cargo bikes can be used for a variety of purposes and trips, rendering this project a pilot phase for the wider take-up of ecargo bikes in Birmingham. Partner organisations include the University of Birmingham, Aston University, two city centre Business Improvement Districts, a local courier company, The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS) and The West Midlands Fire Service. BCC will use the ecargo bike grant fund as a pilot for a broader effort to support sustainable freight vehicles and practices, in line with our city’s response to the climate emergency, the emerging Birmingham Transport Plan, the Emergency Birmingham Transport Plan in response to COVID-19, the Birmingham Walking and Cycling Strategy and measures such as the CAZ. Our objectives are: • Allow different organisations to use the bikes to replace different van or car trips (in terms of distance, purpose, load etc.) and to develop case studies for future sustainable freight initiatives. • Maximise community impact by providing ecargo bikes to organisations that support deprived communities. • Reduce the council’s environmental impact and lead by example. | 57,400.00 | 2019/20 |
North Tyneside Council | 10 | The North Tyneside e-Cargo bike scheme will procure 10 ecargo bikes for use as shared bookable pool bikes to a combination of SME’s via three local chambers of trade and selected larger public organisations, including the local authority, and police force. The focus of the scheme is to provide access to ecargo bikes for locally operating SME’s to use prior to investing/acquiring their own dedicated e-bike. The project aims to: • Reduce NO2 emissions by converting short delivery trips within the local area to zero emissions journeys. • Encourage local SME’s to replace car and van travel lead by example by local public organisations (North Tyneside Council and Northumbria Police). • Increase awareness of ecargo bikes through educating and training local employees, school children, and residents to use cargo bikes to increase longer term uptake of this developing transport mode. | 76,330.03 | 2019/20 |
Devon County Council | 13 | Devon County Council have led on a partnership bid with Exeter City Council, The University of Exeter, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust and Co Delivery to pilot the use of 13 eCargo bikes in Exeter. 9 of the electric cargo bikes will be used by the partner organisations, whilst 4 of the bikes will be used to expand the capabilities of the established Exeter ecargo courier service, Co Delivery. The project has the following aims: • Encourage the uptake of ecargo bikes across each of the partner organisations to support sustainable active business travel as an alternative to car/van use. Throughout the grant funded period there will be opportunities for bikes to be trialled within project partners internal departments. This will enable a “try before you buy” model. • Provide opportunities to trial ecargo bikes and promote their use within community/business sectors following the initial funding round. Any bikes which are poorly utilised will be reallocated with partner organisations where there is latent demand for the service. • Enable new businesses to benefit from the use of ecargo bikes by expanding the operational capabilities of Co Delivery. • Increase the uptake of ecargo Bikes across businesses in the city (Co Delivery role). • Build on the sharing economy and collaborative approach taken by the city to promote shared use of resources and a more sustainable means of transporting goods and people. • Build on the wider strategy for decarbonisation. Priority areas will be operations which currently rely on petrol/diesel powered vehicles to support their daily activities. • Emphasis on testing and learning to support lasting benefits to Exeter. The project hopes to achieve the following outcomes through evidencing the “lessons learnt” from early adopters: • Project partners to identify user case for ecargo bikes within their organisation • Evidence success of ‘try before you buy’ model • Evidence increase in uptake of cargo bikes through utilisation data. • Quantify modal shift as a result of grant and identify future opportunities for vehicle trips to be replaced by eCargo bikes. - Devon County Council estimate up to 15,000 miles a year could switch from petrol vans to ecargo bike. Exeter City Council estimate up to 5,500 miles a year from modal shift from grey mileage to ecargo bike. • Co Delivery to investigate scope to provide on-demand deliveries via eCargo bikes to maximise utilisation. • Co Delivery to expand operation to serve latent demand and quantify modal shift from businesses operations as a result. • Market creation – facilitate the further expansion of ecargo bikes across the city. | 78,998.03 | 2019/20 |
Brighton and Hove City Council | 13 | Brighton & Hove City Council’s ecargo Accelerator programme will set up local businesses with e-cargo bikes and inspire others to start using this form of transport and logistics in preparation for a potential car-free city centre for 2023. The council will lease five e-cargo bikes to urban logistics company Zedify, helping them to expand their existing fleet and increase the amount of first and last mile collection and delivery trips. We will also set up five local Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) with e-cargo bikes and two BHCC teams (post room and parks and gardens team). A total of 10 ecargo bikes, 2 ebikes and an etrailer will be bought using the grant funding from DfT. By increasing Zedify’s ecargo bike fleet capacity, helping local SMEs, and adding ecargo to BHCCs fleet, their use will be fully exploited to increase general uptake of e-cargo bikes via marketing, case studies, engagement and targeted advice. This will enable the acceleration of e-cargo bike usage as part of working towards a potential car-free city centre, which is supported by all major political parties in Brighton and Hove. The use of ecargo bikes will help towards: • BHCC 2030 carbon neutral goals • BHCCs proposed car-free city centre by 2023 • Reducing deliveries by ICE vehicles in the city centre and residential areas • The recovery of the local economy post COVID • Influencing BHCCs LCWIP and LTP | 85,034.52 | 2019/20 |
Plymouth City Council | 26 | Plymouth City Council (PCC) want to support the introduction of 26 ecargo bikes into Plymouth for use in its own fleet and that of 21 other organisations. The Council has declared a Climate Emergency and sees the importance, and practicality of eCargo bikes, in greening logistics in Plymouth through the provision of a sustainable transport solution for urban deliveries. Following a successful three year trial period, where 26 companies benefitted from a two-month ecargo bike loan, achieving a reduction of over 3700 vehicular miles and a 1175 Kg reduction in CO2 emissions, this programme looks to deliver a step change in the number of organisations for whom ecargo bikes are a vital part of their fleet through supporting the purchase of eCargo bikes by these organisations. The project is looking to deliver; improved air quality, reduced CO2 emissions, lower fuel costs and congestion and the health benefits of active travel benefiting the entire City. | 123,500.00 | 2019/20 |
Sheffield City Council | 32 | The Sheffield ecargo boost scheme aims to kick start the ecargo bike revolution in Sheffield. 26 businesses will be allocated 32 bikes in order to undertake their day to day operations. The use involves a mix of food redistribution and delivery, operational use, post runs, transfer of materials between multiple sites and in one instance a start up of a last mile delivery service Key objectives are to benefit those and reduce the financial impact of the introduction of the clean air zone in Sheffield city centre. The scheme aims to take 34 vehicles off the road and reduce petrol/diesel miles by 34,000 pa. | 158,360.00 | 2019/20 |
Colchester Borough Council | 30 | Colchester ecargo bike library This project forms a key part of CBC’s ambitious target to be carbon neutral by 2030, set out after declaring a Climate Emergency in 2019. As part of this initiative, CBC is working towards electrifying our fleet of vehicles. Colchester has three declared AQMAs including the borough’s historic town centre which is perfectly suited for ecargo bikes to replace short journey vehicle movements. The project provides an exciting opportunity to work with local organisations to make ecargo bikes a normal part of the town’s operation. Our 10 external Champions, and 3 enthusiastic CBC teams, will be highly visible in the town, sharing their stories and experiences and enthusing other organisations to try an ecargo bike from our pool. We will have 6 ecargo bikes/trailers available for local organisations to borrow for short term trials and 1 for other CBC teams to try out. The Local Delivery Pilot strand will provide legacy and a focus on involving harder to reach communities within the project. The objectives of our project over and above positive impacts on air quality and reducing carbon emissions are to: . • Break down barriers to ecargo bike take-up • Demonstrate that ecargo bikes are a viable alternative to vehicles for local and last mile deliveries • Encourage healthier lifestyles through ecargo bike take-up among delivery drivers | 135,987.99 | 2019/20 |
Milton Keynes Council | 21 | To provide: 1) Funding to procure e-argo bikes for local community enterprise, Hubbub and the Food Connect campaign, supporting the development of a community fridge network around MK, with sustainable last mile delivery of food from retailers to the charity / community fridges. 2) A mobility solution for a variety of local authority services, including cleansing, highway inspections, events, meetings and tree surveys, enabling staff to undertake planned and responsive investigations with zero carbon impact. The cargo-bike chosen will provide secure space to carry basic tools and survey equipment to resolve issues without deploying larger teams with ICE powered vehicles. The novel design also allows space for branding and seasonal messaging on a range of issues. The bike acts as a mobility demonstrator for local businesses. 3) Funding for an LA owned fleet of e-cargo bikes to lease to local business, as part of our smarter travel business toolkit offer. Our aims are: • To be at the forefront of eccargo bike movement in MK, to showcase the possibility of first and last mile deliveries / journeys and the potential benefits of eccargo bike delivery, encouraging and enabling modal shift of start/stop short journeys, thereby reducing emissions. • Promote MKs amazing Redway infrastructure of 200+ miles of segregated walking and cycling routes. • In delivering the local authority borough-wide tree survey in-house it has been recognised that there is a need to provide a mobility solution for tree inspectiors with the lowest impact on the environment. The inspector role undertakes short journeys with frequent stops which are not fuel efficient with a car. They need to carry equipment excludes the use of a regular e-bike for this activity. • By providing storage for basic tools and equipment, inspectors can undertake basic remedial works themselves on a “See it, Sort it” basis without having to call on ICE vehicles, further reducing emissions. • We see this use as an opportunity to showcase the way we use e-cargo bikes to other inspection services in both local authority (borough, parish and town councils) and wider utility provider uses. This project will support modal shift away from the use of a car from: 3-4000miles per year per tree inspector, based on a similar landscape inspector role. Highway inspections undertaken by eccargo bike supports modal shift with potential for 6–800 miles per year. Hubbubs Food Connect project will support modal shift away from the use of a car by 19,812 miles per year. The business for bikes lease hire scheme has exponential Modeshift potential, at the lowest estimate, 5000 miles per year. Modal shift will be measurable though GPS bike data collection and reduction in business mileage claims. | 148,380.00 | 2019/20 |
Cambridgeshire County Council | 30 | To deliver four initiatives in Cambridge City: 1. First mile deliveries: Removing courier vans from the city centre by using 4 ecargo Bikes to collect packages from small businesses and consolidate them outside the city for onward national distribution. 2. Residential sharing scheme: Targeting young families by providing 6 shared-use ecargo Bikes in residential areas, for families to borrow, replacing car journeys 3. Leasing scheme: A range of 8 ecargo Bikes for businesses and families to “Try before you buy” on one week to three month trials, particularly supporting new or expanding businesses and encouraging modal shift away from vans and cars. 4. Pool eCargo Bikes: 12 ecargo Bikes to be hosted at accessible central locations for use by Cambridge City Council departments, Cambridge University and other external organisations, to book and use on an ad-hoc basis, replacing car and van journeys | 168,679.00 | 2019/20 |
Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire Joint bid | 34 | Supporting 22 organisations, replacing car/van journeys where possible, complimenting existing sustainable travel offers for businesses available through TravelWest via DfT funded Access project. | 160,334.67 | 2021/22 |
Coventry City Council | 5 | The city of ecargo Culture will showcase the use of ecargo trikes and trailers before, during and after Coventry UK City of Culture 2021. This is a unique opportunity to demonstrate to a large audience how ecargo bikes are an ideal last-mile solution in a compact city centre environment. The project will support the purchase of ecargo trikes and trailers by public, private and third sector organisations. There will also be ecargo trikes available to loan. | 32,770.00 | 2021/22 |
West Yorkshire Region | 36 | Project aims to have an impact on all five district authorities. Three elements: Trial fleet available to organisations, grant scheme providing ecargo bikes to organisations who can prove demand and three authorities (Bradford Leeds and the combined authority) using ecargo bikes in their fleets. | 160,000.00 | 2021/22 |
Salford City Council | 27 | The project will act as both an employer-based pool bike scheme, with partner organisations utilising the ecargo bikes for business travel and deliveries , and a ‘try before you buy’ scheme where local businesses can trial a range of ecargo bikes utilising a ‘bike library’. | 132,110.34 | 2021/22 |
Oxfordshire County Council | 14 | Electric Cargo Oxford (ECObike) aims to replace car and van travel with ecargo bikes in Oxford through two schemes, both managed by Pedal & Post (P&P); a local cargo bike courier service. The former incorporates four trikes into the P&P delivery fleet, the second is 10 bikes for a leasing scheme for businesses and organisations. | 71,214.55 | 2021/22 |
Lewes District Council | 13 | Four parts to the project: A bike library offering bikes to micro businesses, community organisations, neighbourhood groups, a loan/leasing scheme, A delivery scheme targeting larger suppliers and retail outlets, and finally wider roll-out. | 102,191.41 | 2021/22 |
London borough of Brent | 1 | One bike for internal council, use at promotional activities and events, cycle training for council staff, internal staff hire for staff visits, trial an ecargo bike scheme. | 2,866.67 | 2021/22 |
West Berkshire Council | 3 | Three bikes available for staff and use by local businesses. Two bikes funded by West Berks for use as pool bikes by staff or loaned on a trial basis. | 26,150.00 | 2021/22 |
City of York Council | 6 | Six bikes in total. Two bikes will be loaned to businesses for them to trial and assess whether they will buy their own. Priority will be given to businesses interested in replacing vans. Two trikes will be lent to the St Nicks charity who pick up kerb side recycling for the Council. The final two bikes will be used internally by Council teams to deliver their services, including consultation around York’s upcoming Local Transport Plan. | 32,950.00 | 2021/22 |
London Borough of Waltham Forest | 27 | Project 1 – ZED Waltham Forest ZED Waltham Forest is a service that utilises ecargo bikes and an electric van to make deliveries for over 50 businesses in Waltham Forest. The service is a partnership between LBWF and Zedify and was set up in 2017. Project 2 – E-Cargo Culture A consortium of sustainability-focused community groups and social enterprises have come together to utilise a pool of ecargo bikes in their day-to-day work supporting Waltham Forest residents. These includes OrganicLea, HEET, Hornbeam and Bright Sparks. These organisations will be exemplars demonstrating to businesses and residents the viability of using ecargo bikes as transport options. Project 3 – LBWF Waste & Recycling Team LBWF’s Waste and Recycling Team, in partnership with contractors, run a frontline resident and community service and are looking to integrate eCargo bikes into their existing work programmes to improve their green credentials. | 147,938.00 | 2021/22 |
Stratford District Council | 12 | Project focus is primarily within Stratford-upon-Avon and specific large employers in the district. Project will facilitate a trial scheme, initially for local businesses with potential for an employer pool bike and public hire schemes in the longer term. | 60,972.00 | 2021/22 |
Manchester City Council | 41 | Introducing a fleet of 23 ecargo bikes and 18 eTrailers for the delivery of council services, voluntary and social enterprises and for cycle courier deliveries in the city. | 173,638.30 | 2021/22 |
London Borough of Hackney | 14 | The London Borough of Hackney is driving the increased uptake of ecargo bikes within its own fleet and by local businesses and residents by: - increasing the number of ecargo bikes in the Council's fleet - creating public cargobike sharing stations across the borough for use by businesses and residents - providing funded e-cargobikes to businesses for use as delivery vehicles. The cargobike expansion project will benefit the local community of Hackney by: - improving air quality and reducing emissions from business and Council trips - providing free and low-cost access to e-cargobikes to residents and businesses as a sustainable transport mode. | 71,549.00 | 2021/22 |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | 6 | Six bikes for use within Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. Used to encourage modal shift, allow for sustainable travel and move goods/food in the town centre. | 34,531.05 | 2021/22 |