Transparency data

Expenditure over £500: October 2021

Updated 18 January 2022
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Transaction date Billed amount Merchant name Description
Oct-21 £1,187.42 QUADIENT UK LTD Fixtures, fittings and furniture: maintenance
Oct-21 £1,016.40 WWW.ACCOUNTS@IIA.ORG.U Training
Oct-21 £998.00 EB *MTPCON LONDONEMEA External conference seminars
Oct-21 £902.28 SUPERMETRICS.COM Computer equipment non HP licence
Oct-21 £880.00 BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING Subscription
Oct-21 £873.60 ALISON HANDLING SERVICES Fixtures, fittings and furniture: purchases less than £1,000
Oct-21 £554.79 PRINT MARKETPLACE Exhibition costs