Transparency data

MOJ headcount and payroll data for February 2021

Updated 5 December 2024
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Year Month Organisation Name Organisation Type Main, parent or sponsoring department Payroll staff; AO/AA; Headcount Payroll staff; AO/AA; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; EO; Headcount Payroll staff; EO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Headcount Payroll staff; SEO/HEO; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Headcount Payroll staff; Grade 6/7; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; SCS; Headcount Payroll staff; SCS; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Headcount Payroll staff; Other, unknown, unspecified; Full-time equivalent Payroll staff; Total; Headcount Payroll staff; Total; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Agency Staff; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Agency Staff; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Interim managers; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Interim managers; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Specialist Contractors; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Specialist Contractors; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Consultants/consultancy; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Consultants/consultancy; Full-time equivalent Non-payroll staff; Total; Headcount Non-payroll staff; Total; Full-time equivalent Grand Total (workforce numbers); Headcount Grand Total (workforce numbers); Full-time equivalent Payroll staff costs; Salary Payroll staff costs; Allowances Payroll staff costs; Non-consolidated performance payments Payroll staff costs; Overtime Payroll staff costs; Employer pension contributions Payroll staff costs; Employer national insurance contributions Payroll staff costs; Total paybill Non-Payroll staff costs; Contingent labour: agency staff, interim managers and specialist contractors Non-Payroll staff costs; Consultants/consultancy Non-Payroll staff costs; Total staff costs Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs Comments
2021 February Ministry of Justice Ministerial Department Ministry of Justice 273 259.77424 779 754.72448 2720 2658.64274 1418 1380.03362 155 150.31862 28 26.41893 5373 5229.91263 23 22.4 5 5 227 224.75 1 0.2 256 252.35 5629 5482.26263 17280375.1 548491.9 194018.08 100118.27 5015109.61 2846830.5 25984943.46 3217925.08 1093667.13 4311592.21 30296535.67 None
2021 February Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority Executive Agency Ministry of Justice 113 102.20542 98 92.84379 88 85.89324 19 14.4054 2 2 0 0 320 297.34785 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 320 297.34785 752221.81 0 0 0 0 0 752221.81 0 0 0 752221.81 None
2021 February HM Courts and Tribunals Service Executive Agency Ministry of Justice 10411 9144.33041 2605 2447.54051 2717 2560.88162 665 647.66356 74 72.96397 0 0 16472 14873.38007 2604.1 2604.1 0 0 46.69 46.69 0 0 2650.79 2650.79 19122.79 17524.17007 31673990.99 501004.57 375018.41 1051374.4 8626348.79 3070429.53 45298166.69 7197133.14 121196.35 7318329.49 52616496.18 None
2021 February Legal Aid Agency Executive Agency Ministry of Justice 452 416.66008 331 310.29263 300 288.38105 95 94.05627 11 9.75278 0 0 1189 1119.14281 12 11.65 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11.65 1201 1130.79281 3146184.71 13525.91 118495.43 78270.09 682496.39 265418.85 4304391.38 26686.2 0 26686.2 4331077.58 None
2021 February Her Majesty’s Prison & Probation Service Executive Agency Ministry of Justice 28255 26711.76583 6209 5947.23923 6428 6148.70606 773 754.26458 84 82.92381 12094 11177.95574 53843 50822.85525 965.39 965.39 0 0 0.4 0.4 1 1 966.79 966.79 54809.79 51789.64525 120863802.1 13745346.54 -2591.36 8571901.26 35617874.77 13886504.3 192682837.6 3901966.04 1011995.44 4913961.48 197596799.1 None
2021 February The Office of the Public Guardian Executive Agency Ministry of Justice 867 786.55814 370 352.08646 176 167.07918 21 21 3 3 0 0 1437 1329.72378 149 139.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 149 139.4 1586 1469.12378 2483096.36 69827.48 105575.96 82071.54 594685.51 211022 3546278.85 357291.05 0 357291.05 3903569.9 None
2021 February Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Services Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2110 1930.940709 2110 1930.940709 145 145 2 2 0 0 0 0 147 147 2257 2077.940709 10501809.98 0 0 0 0 0 10501809.98 850862.38 0 850862.38 11352672.36 None
2021 February Criminal Cases Review Commission Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 84.9 90 84.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 84.9 403200 0 700 0 0 0 403900 0 0 0 403900 The Commission employees are not Civil Servants and therefore Civil Service grades are not applied to their roles
2021 February Judicial Appointments Commission Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 3 2.8 14 13.2 49 48.4 8 7.6 1 1 1 0.4 76 73.4 26 26 0 0 3 3 1 0.1 30 29.1 106 102.5 243141.08 8529.44 1050 0 59000.27 26468.35 338189.14 127758.99 1848 129606.99 467796.13 None
2021 February Legal Services Board Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 33.7 35 33.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 33.7 245856 0 0 0 0 0 245856 0 14385 14385 260241 None
2021 February Parole Board Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 14 12.7 100 97.2 36 35.2 9 8.4 1 1 0 0 160 154.5 12 11.73 0 0 0 0 1 0.6 13 12.33 173 166.83 426075.45 2458.17 1580 2231.92 110306.08 44402.29 587053.91 32220.57 0 32220.57 619274.48 None
2021 February Youth Justice Board for England and Wales Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 3 2.7 18 17.4 41 39.77 34 33.08 2 2 0 0 98 94.95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 94.95 483217.44 -7235.48 750 0 88799.53 38724.51 604256 0 0 0 604256 None
2021 February Independent Monitoring Authority Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 12 12 5 4.8 18 17.8 8 7.9 4 4 0 0 47 46.5 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 51 50.5 165051.91 -238.39 1800 0 37748.69 14808.96 219171.17 21033.54 0 21033.54 240204.71 None