Transparency data

BEIS pipeline register, November 2021

Updated 4 November 2021
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ID Business Area Nature of Procurement Title of Project Project Description Est Project Value Spend Category Proposed Sourcing Route Agreement Start Date Agreement End Date
212 BEIS Re-Procurement (Different Scope) National Household Model: 2018 EHS Stock Creation Create of an input dataset ("stock") for the NHM based on the 2018 English Housing Survey and compliant with fuel poverty statistics methodology £100,000.00 Research Framework (Competed) 01/02/2022 01/06/2022
107 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) End User Compute Managed Service Technical assistance for end users £6,629,832.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 31/03/2023 03/03/2023
108 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Operational Support (Services) Managed Service Operational assistance as required throughout life of system £7,952,952.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 31/03/2023 03/03/2023
109 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Onboarding New Services Testing compatibility of new services within existing system £1,000,000.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 31/03/2023 03/03/2023
120 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Networks, Telephony and Infrastructure Managed Service The provision of a Managed Service for Operational Support for Networks, Telephony & Infrastructure £2,626,464.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 31/03/2023 03/03/2023
157 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Internet Access IPVPN Service Provision of Internet Access to BEIS £1,200,000.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 31/12/2023 12/12/2023
175 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Gimmal records appraisal software Records Management services for BEIS £401,488.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 31/03/2022 03/03/2022
176 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Managed Print Service Supply of printers within BEIS offices £500,000.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 31/01/2022 01/01/2022
455 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) IT Equipment Recycling (Mini Comp) Recycling unwanted old BEIS laptops £50,000.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 16/08/2022 08/08/2022
339 BEIS Re-Procurement (Different Scope) University of Derby FY21/22 Research by University of Derby FY21/22. The output from the previous activity by the University (FY20/21) is being reviewed. Once completed the new scope will be drafted. £150,000.00 Research Framework (Competed) 01/01/2022 01/01/2023
328 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) UK Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Independent Administrator Independent Administrator to collect, analyse and reconcile data for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative £375,548.78 Research Framework (Competed) 15/06/2022 06/06/2022
448 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Queen's Awards for Enterprise Assessment Contract Lot 2 - International Trade Appraisal of International Trade category applications £162,750.00 Not Common Goods & Services OJEU Competition 14/08/2022 08/08/2022
449 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Queen's Awards for Enterprise Assessment Contract Lot 4 - Sustainable Development Appraisal of Sustainable Development category applications £96,600.00 Not Common Goods & Services OJEU Competition 14/08/2022 08/08/2022
450 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Queen's Awards for Enterprise Assessment Contract Lot 1 - Innovation Appraisal of Innovation category applications £179,214.00 Not Common Goods & Services OJEU Competition 14/08/2022 08/08/2022
451 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Queen's Awards for Enterprise Assessment Contract Lot 3 - Promoting Opportunity Appraisal of Promoting Opportunity category applications £45,120.00 Not Common Goods & Services OJEU Competition 14/08/2022 08/08/2022
328 BEIS New Requirement Peer Networks Programme Evaluation Peer Networks Programme evaluation Launched in 2020, the Peer Networks Programme is delivered through 38 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) across England to support SMEs to improve their productivity and their ability to recover from the impacts of Covid-19. Businesses are allocated to their nearest LEP who build cohorts of 11 SMEs. They then take part in 18 hours of action learning sets (ALS) and one half day’s worth of 1-1 coaching – all delivered virtually. In the first year of the programme (between October 2020 and March 2021), around 4,500 businesses of a target of 5,700 SMEs will have completed the programme. The programme will continue to recruit up to 6,000 SMEs each financial year (although funding is currently only confirmed for 2021-22) with delivery in a virtual format, with a view to consider face-to-face sessions when it becomes feasible. Following from the 20/21 evaluation, this new, multi-year evaluation will continue to monitor and evaluate the early outcomes of the programme to inform future programme design and funding decisions and to inform the longer-term strategy of business support policy. The aims of the evaluation are to: • Understand performance levels of the programme across LEP areas • Understand how the Peer Networks project is being delivered in practice, gather evidence of how to make improvements to delivery through LEPs • Test the theory of change to understand whether the desired outputs and outcomes are being achieved (e.g. SMEs making positive changes to their businesses) • Understand how, and to what extent, the programme influences business behaviour • Provide evidence to inform future funding decisions £714,000.00 Research Framework (Competed) 27/09/2021 30/09/2024
329 BEIS New Requirement Subscription to an international equity trade database Subscription to an international equity trade database - Low Value. The original requirement was for a Pitchbook subscription renewal (under £10k) but the scope has now expanded and the customer wants to look at other providers with potentially some market engagement Commissioning form to be completed £11,000.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 31/12/2021 31/12/2022
332 BEIS New Requirement Feasibility Study - Both HTG schemes Feasibility Study - Both HTG schemes Review of HTG Schemers to-date. £400,000.00 Research Framework (Competed) 01/01/2022 30/06/2023
333 BEIS New Requirement Enterprise Research Centre Enterprise Research Centre - Providing analytical support £65,000.00 Research Framework (Competed) 01/10/2021 31/03/2022
108 BEIS Re-Procurement (Different Scope) Invitation to Tender for the Administration of the Biomass Suppliers List (BSL) The Biomass Suppliers List consists of suppliers of solid biomass fuel (log, chip or pellet) who have demonstrated that the fuel they have listed on the BSL complies with the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) sustainability criteria. It also includes self-suppliers of woody biomass (both groups are defined later in this document). £2,600,000.00 Prof Services - Other Open Procurement (FTS) 07/01/2021 31/03/2023
1 BEIS New Requirement Green Heat Network Fund £270m Grant funding for decarbonising heat networks using low and zero carbon technologies £15,000,000.00 Prof Services - Other Framework (Competed) 03/01/2022 31/03/2026
170 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) BEIS intranet support Provision of the BEIS Intranet service £100,000.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 21/11/2022 11/11/2022
482 BEIS Re-Procurement (Same Scope) Media Planning Agency Media planning agency £750,000.00 Communications Framework (Competed) 03/01/2022 02/01/2023
29 BEIS Re-Procurement (Same Scope) Coal Liabilities - Provision of Legal Support, Advice and Claims Handling Services Legal assistance for coal-related health compensation claims. Re-procurement of existing contract held by CMS. £27,000,000.00 Prof Services - Other Framework (Competed) 01/08/2022 31/07/2026
260 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Oil & Gas Marine Environmental Programme [MEP] Provision of specialist environmental and decommissioning advice to the Department so that it can effectively and comprehensively fulfil its offshore oil & gas regulatory functions £1,620,000.00 Prof Services - Other Find A Tender Competition 31/03/2026 03/03/2026
261 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Provision of Project Management for the Maintenance of Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), including the provision of a new SEA to support Offshore Energy Licensing/ Leasing Rounds Project Management for the Maintenance of Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), including the provision of a new SEA, to support Offshore Energy Licensing Rounds to the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy £5,750,000.00 Prof Services - Other Find A Tender Competition 31/03/2023 03/03/2023
263 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Purchasing, Distribution and Administration of Solid Fuel Benefits to Former BCC Employees under the National Concessionary Fuel Scheme Agreements Distribution of solid fuel entitlements (coal) to eligible employees of British Coal Corporation £22,000,000.00 Prof Services - Other Find A Tender Competition 28/03/2025 03/03/2025
268 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Administration and Delivery of Benefit Services for Former BCC Employees under the National Concessionary Fuel Scheme Agreements Management of Concessionary Fuel Entitlements £10,650,000.00 Prof Services - Other Find A Tender Competition 31/03/2023 03/03/2023
271 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Provision of Legal Support, Advice and Claims Handling Services Legal Assistance for Coal Health Compensation Claims £19,770,000.00 Prof Services - Other Find A Tender Competition 31/07/2022 07/07/2022
272 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Supply of Vehicle Fleet for Fuel Contingency (training vehicles) Supply of Vehicle Fleet for Fuel Contingency £5,500,000.00 Fleet Framework (Competed) 30/09/2022 09/09/2022
273 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) CLU Records Management Coal Health Claim Records Archiving / Management £28,000,000.00 Prof Services - Other Find A Tender Competition 31/05/2024 05/05/2024
278 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Reserve tanker fleet Contract to store vehicles and provision for onward rental £18,033,914.35 Fleet Framework (Competed) 30/09/2022 09/09/2022
279 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) provision of offshore renewables decommissioning technical advice Technical advice on industry proposals for decommissioning a range of offshore renewable energy infrastructure £75,000.00 Prof Services - Other Find A Tender Competition 05/03/2022 03/03/2022
274 BEIS New Requirement Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund - Wave 2 SHDF delivered through multiple waves. Wave 2 delivery to start in 22/23 and to be completed by end 24/25. Wave 3 and 4 in development. Wave 3 forecast - be £1.1b (initial year 22/23 £280m. Unclear future funding due to spending review. Value reduced 90% as route to market not yet determined (S Gregory 28/07/21) £110,000,000.00 Energy & Fuels Find A Tender Competition 01/07/2022 31/03/2027
401 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Green Deal Ombudsman and Investigation Body (GD OIS) Provision of independent redress for GD consumers £100,000.00 Prof Services - Other OJEU Competition 13/06/2022 06/06/2022
231 BEIS New Requirement Net zero public buildings Ratings Administrator Professional services supplier to develop, implement and manage the public buildings ratings scheme £11,000,000.00 Prof Services - CCL Framework (Competed) 01/01/2022 31/12/2024
247 BEIS New Requirement Building performance ratings scheme administration Procurement of a ratings scheme administrator to support the development and roll out of a new methodology to provide ratings and guidance to private building owners (for buildings that are >1000m2) £10,000,000.00 Prof Services - Other Framework (Competed) 01/04/2022 31/12/2024
118 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Licences - EPM system Licences - EPM system £149,177.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 31/12/2022 12/12/2022
481 BEIS Re-Procurement (Same Scope) L7 Senior Economist Master's Apprenticeship Contract for delivery of the Level 7 Senior Economist Master’s Apprenticeship Programme (EMAP) which will be available to Civil Service and wider Public Sector organisations £5,000,000.00 Learning and Dev * Other (Please specify in next column) 01/09/2022 02/09/2024
395 BEIS Re-Procurement (Same Scope) CASA v2.0 Re-procurement of the CASA programme services procurement. £5,000,000.00 Prof Services - Other * Other (Please specify in next column) 01/04/2022 01/04/2025
104 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (“UK PACT”) Lot 3: skill-shares and secondments management of Skill-shares & Secondment roster of experts. Logistics and support in delivering these placements abroad. £7,121,364.00 Prof Services - Other TBC - Market engagement currently 31/03/2023 03/03/2023
93 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (“UK PACT”) Lot 1: Bilateral country programming and external communications Grant Management programme as well as in country communications £7,769,611.50 Prof Services - Other TBC - Market engagement currently 31/03/2023 03/03/2023
95 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (“UK PACT”) Lot 2: Global Challenge Fund Grant Management programme £4,677,750.00 Prof Services - Other TBC - Market engagement currently 30/06/2023 06/06/2023
155 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate – Workpro Case Management System CMS will support Labour Markets to have a greater oversight of the work being undertaken £186,950.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 24/03/2023 03/03/2023
299 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) OSPAR non-nuclear installations radioactive discharges monitoring and reporting Collation and reporting of data on radioactive discharges from UK non-nuclear installations £20,928.00 Prof Services - Other Other 31/05/2022 05/05/2022
301 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Insurance Adviser - Nuclear Projects Review relevant contract documents in respect of insurance relating to the project. Undertake a risk review of the project and identify the major exposures and how they can be mitigated by insurance, where possible. Review and advise on the scope of £250,000.00 Prof Services - CCL Framework (Competed) 25/04/2022 04/04/2022
138 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Nuclear Security Culture Programme Contract to deliver an international capacity-building programme to ensure effective nuclear security culture at facilities holding civil-use nuclear and radioactive materials £6,000,000.00 Not Common Goods & Services OJEU Competition 31/03/2022 03/03/2022
520 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) NERIMNET AMS Management of the application to monitor nuclear environment £8,000,000.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 09/12/2026 12/12/2026
98 BEIS New Requirement Nuclear Monitor Maintenance and Feed Review of the existing nuclear radiation monitoring system including asset maintenance and replacement. The service is currently managed through an MOU with The Met Office, who manage the incumbent supplier. The tender aims to procure a supplier under a new contract, managed by BEIS, which will be more fit for purpose and deliver best value and performance. £12,000,000.00 ICT Find A Tender Competition 01/07/2022 30/06/2028
154 BEIS New Requirement Future Pipeline Advisory Requirements - Surge Type Contract 02.09.21 - Initial outlines have been covered. More detail will now be needed post spending review to shape this up - circa £3-£5m estimate Considerable amount of advisory service capability will be required to build (SMR, AMR and Large Scale Nuclear) a financial model, advise on regulations, construction, legal and contract award etc. This service will be the initial stages in supporting the construction of the first SMR in the UK under the committee being led by Rolls Royce £3,000,000.00 Prof Services - CCL Framework (Competed) 03/01/2022 30/09/2024
443 BEIS New Requirement SMR Roadmap - Post Delivery Optioneering (Secondment) A secondee is being considered to take the initial delivery plan for SMR, beyond Spending Review with a roadmap to enable delivery £200,000.00 Prof Services - CCL Framework (Competed) 01/12/2021 30/06/2022
58 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (same scope) Provision of technical advisors for the New Nuclear pipeline Technical advisory services in relation to the development of new nuclear projects in the UK. £3,500,000.00 Prof Services - Other OJEU Competition 15/02/2023 02/02/2023
307 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Provision of Gas and Electricity Meter Testing Services Testing the accuracy of disputed gas and electricity meters This is a statutory services £4,000,000.00 Not Common Goods & Services OJEU Competition 28/11/2028 11/11/2028
329 BEIS Re-Establish/Re-Procure (different scope) Fork Lift Truck Provision of fork lift truck and 3 years maintenance £20,395.00 Fleet Other 13/03/2022 03/03/2022
298 BEIS New Requirement Developing Construction Products Developing Construction Products digital capability within the Product Safety Database (PSD) by extending specialist capacity via G-Cloud framework £750,000.00 ICT Framework (Competed) 01/03/2022 31/03/2023
301 BEIS New Requirement Strategic update of lab applications and infrastructure Strategic update of lab applications and infrastructure £100,000.00 Research Framework (Competed) 01/02/2022 31/03/2022
420 BEIS New Requirement Level 5 SFIA Developer for Primary Authority Register Level 5 SFIA Developer to work alongside the existing Devops to deliver user centred functionality for the Primary Authority Register. £162,000.00 Prof Services - Other * Other (Please specify in next column) 01/04/2022 31/03/2023
255 BEIS New Requirement Heat Pump Ready (HPR) This is a priority NZIP innovation programme to support the Government’s 10 Point Plan ambition of deploying 600,000 heat pumps per year by 2028. The proposed ‘Heat Pump Ready’ (HPR) programme will address key deployment barriers, including: consumer acceptability, technology performance and cost, home suitability, network suitability; installation quality and availability of financing options. Critically, HPR will also develop and test innovative co-ordination solutions that pull together the many players involved in the heat pump landscape to provide an efficient and effective consumer journey. £64,000,000.00 Research * Other (Please specify in next column) 01/04/2022 30/03/2025
343 BEIS New Requirement H2 BECCS Conversion Components The programme will be supporting development of technologies which will improve efficiencies and reduce costs in the Bioenergy value chain, supporting the delivery of H2 BECCS at scale to meet the Sixth Carbon Budget target of achieving 3 MtCO2/year captured through H2 BECCS by 2035. £30,000,000.00 Energy & Fuels Find A Tender Competition 17/03/2022 30/12/2022
404 BEIS New Requirement Heat Pump Ready: Stream 1 - Solutions for High Density Heat Pump Deployment Stream 1: Solutions for High Density Heat Pump Deployment This is a priority NZIP innovation programme to support the Government’s 10 Point Plan ambition of deploying 600,000 heat pumps per year by 2028. The proposed ‘Heat Pump Ready’ (HPR) programme will address key deployment barriers, including: consumer acceptability, technology performance and cost, home suitability, network suitability; installation quality and availability of financing options. £30,000,000.00 Research SBRI Competition 04/04/2022 30/03/2025
405 BEIS New Requirement Heat Pump Ready: Stream 3 - Trial Support and Levelling Up Learnings Stream 3 - Trial Support and Levelling Up Learnings This is a priority NZIP innovation programme to support the Government’s 10 Point Plan ambition of deploying 600,000 heat pumps per year by 2028. The proposed ‘Heat Pump Ready’ (HPR) programme will address key deployment barriers, including: consumer acceptability, technology performance and cost, home suitability, network suitability; installation quality and availability of financing options. £5,000,000.00 Research Find A Tender Competition 14/02/2022 30/03/2025
412 BEIS New Requirement Heat Pump Ready: Stream 2b - Developing Technology and Tools Stream 2 (a and b) of the Heat Pump Ready programme. This is a priority NZIP innovation programme to support the Government’s 10 Point Plan ambition of deploying 600,000 heat pumps per year by 2028. The proposed ‘Heat Pump Ready’ (HPR) programme will address key deployment barriers, including: consumer acceptability, technology performance and cost, home suitability, network suitability; installation quality and availability of financing options £2,000,000.00 Research Find A Tender Competition 01/03/2022 30/03/2025
413 BEIS Re-Procurement (Same Scope) Greenhouse Gas Inventory Verification Programme - (for 2022) This is a continuation of our programme to verify the GHG inventory through scientific measurement and modelling of gases in the atmosphere £3,500,000.00 Energy & Fuels Find A Tender Competition 01/04/2022 01/10/2025
246 BEIS New Requirement Industrial Fuel Switching NZIP IFS_SICE. Feasibility study and demonstration of industrial fuel switching: funding technology developers and industrial sites to demonstrate fuel switching and fuel switch enabling technologies. This will include fuel switching from fossil fuels to electricity, hydrogen, biomass and waste. The competition will run in two phases: Phase 1: funding feasibility studies into potential demonstration projects. Phase 2: funding demonstration projects of fuel switching or fuel switch enabling technologies. £40,000,000.00 Energy & Fuels Find A Tender Competition 01/01/2022 01/03/2025
399 BEIS New Requirement Flexibility Innovation Programme - PMC Programme management contractor for the flexibility innovation programme £5,800,000.00 Prof Services - Other Find A Tender Competition 01/01/2022 30/03/2025
400 BEIS New Requirement Flexibility Innovation: Programme Evaluation Contractor Flexibility Innovation: Programme Evaluation Contractor £500,000.00 Research Framework (Competed) 01/01/2022 30/03/2025
401 BEIS New Requirement Flexibility Innovation: Real World Demonstrator Design (WP6A) Flexibility Innovation: Real World Demonstrator Design (WP6A) £1,000,000.00 Research Find A Tender Competition 01/01/2022 30/03/2025
402 BEIS New Requirement Flexibility Innovation: I-DSR Flexibility Innovation: I-DSR £5,000,000.00 Research Find A Tender Competition 01/02/2022 30/03/2025
406 BEIS New Requirement Engage 2: Pillar 1: Knowledge Capture - Project 1 Knowledge Management Development of a knowledge management tool to collate, house and provide data information £200,000.00 ICT Find A Tender Competition 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
407 BEIS New Requirement Engage 2: Pillar 1: Knowledge Capture - Project 2a - UK Historical R&D Programmes Data collection £1,425,000.00 ICT Find A Tender Competition 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
408 BEIS New Requirement Engage 2: Pillar 1: Knowledge Capture - Project 2b: UK Historical R&D Programmes Data collection £1,425,000.00 ICT Find A Tender Competition 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
409 BEIS New Requirement Engage 2: Pillar 1: Knowledge Capture - Project 3: International Historical R&D Programmes Data gathering from international R&D nuclear programmes £950,000.00 ICT Find A Tender Competition 01/04/2022 31/03/2025
411 BEIS New Requirement Engage 2: Pillar 3: Tech Support for AMRs (Advanced Modular Reactors), Project 1: Provision of Technical Support to AMR Memo Provision of Technical Support to AMR Memo £250,000.00 Prof Services - Other Other 01/01/2022 31/12/2023
283 BEIS New Requirement COVID-19 research stabilisation response: Evaluation This requirement is for the evaluation of BEIS and UKRI’s efforts to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the research sector. The policy scope for this evaluation is, specifically, the set of policy interventions launched by BEIS and UKRI to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the research and knowledge exchange undertaken by universities, research organisations, research funders and researchers and does not include support given directly to businesses. £240,000.00 Research Framework (Competed) 16/09/2021 31/03/2025
91 BEIS New Requirement Smart Metering Cyber Security Incident Exercise Delivery of a comprehensive, multi-scenario, cyber exercise for the purpose of testing and improving the response of Smart Metering eco-system to a major cyber-attack. £250,000.00 Prof Services - Other Cyber Security Services 3 Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) 03/11/2021 31/03/2022