National statistics

Metadata for Long-Run Series in CSV Format - Individual Insolvency Statistics April to June 2021

Updated 30 July 2021
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Dataset Individual Insolvency Statistics 2021 Q2 (April to June)
Release date 30/07/2021 Not set Not set Not set
Expiry date 29/10/2021 Not set Not set Not set
Licence Open Government Licence 3.0 Not set Not set Not set
URL Not set Not set Not set
Not applicable [z] Not set Not set Not set
Not available [x] Not set Not set Not set
More information Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Variable Description Nation Is_Seasonally_Adjusted Publication_Table
Period Concatenated calendar year and quarter All All All
Year Calendar year All All All
Quarter Quarter All All All
EW_total_individuals_SA Total individual insolvencies England and Wales Y 1a
EW_bankruptcy_SA Bankruptcies England and Wales Y 1a
EW_DRO_SA Debt relief orders England and Wales N 1a
EW_IVA_SA Individual voluntary arrangements England and Wales Y 1a
EW_total_individuals_NSA Total individual insolvencies England and Wales N 1b
EW_bankruptcy_NSA Bankruptcies England and Wales N 1b
EW_DRO_NSA Debt relief orders England and Wales N 1b
EW_IVA_NSA Individual voluntary arrangements England and Wales N 1b
EW_individual_rate_per_10000 Individual insolvency rate per 10000 adults England and Wales N 2
EW_bankruptcy_rate_per_10000 Bankruptcy rate per 10000 adults England and Wales N 2
EW_DRO_rate_per_10000 DRO rate per 10000 adults England and Wales N 2
EW_IVA_rate_per_10000 IVA rate per 10000 adults England and Wales N 2
EW_creditor_bankrupt_SA Creditor petition bankruptcies England and Wales Y 3a
EW_debtor_bankrupt_SA Debtor application bankruptcies England and Wales Y 3a
EW_creditor_bankrupt_NSA Creditor petition bankruptcies England and Wales N 3b
EW_creditor_percent_NSA Creditor petition bankruptcies percentage of all bankruptcies England and Wales N 3b
EW_debtor_bankrupt_NSA Debtor application bankruptcies England and Wales N 3b
EW_debtor_percent_NSA Debtor application bankruptcies percentage of all bankruptcies England and Wales N 3b
EW_self_employed_bankrupt_SA Trader bankruptcies England and Wales Y 4a
EW_other_bankrupt_SA Non trader bankruptcies England and Wales Y 4a
EW_self_employed_bankrupt_NSA Trader bankruptcies England and Wales N 4b
EW_self_employed_percent_NSA Trader bankruptcies percentage of all bankruptcies England and Wales N 4b
EW_other_bankrupt_NSA Non trader bankruptcies England and Wales N 4b
EW_other_bankrupt_percent_NSA Non trader bankruptcies percentage of all bankruptcies England and Wales N 4b
EW_IPO_IPA_by_insol_date_SA Bankruptcies resulting in IPO or IPA by bankruptcy date England and Wales Y 5a
EW_IPO_IPA_by_insol_date_percent_SA Bankruptcies resulting in IPO or IPA by bankruptcy date as percentage of all bankruptcies England and Wales Y 5a
EW_IPO_IPA_by_insol_date_NSA Bankruptcies resulting in IPO or IPA by bankruptcy date England and Wales N 5b
EW_IPO_IPA_by_insol_date_percent_NSA Bankruptcies resulting in IPO or IPA by bankruptcy date as percentage of all bankruptcies England and Wales N 5b
EW_IPO_by_insol_date_NSA Bankruptcies resulting in IPO by bankruptcy date England and Wales N 5b
EW_IPA_by_insol_date_NSA Bankruptcies resulting in IPA by bankruptcy date England and Wales N 5b
EW_IPO_IPA_by_income_date_NSA Bankruptcies resulting in IPO or IPA by IPO or IPA date England and Wales N 5c
EW_IPO_by_income_date_NSA Bankruptcies resulting in IPO by IPO date England and Wales N 5c
EW_IPA_by_income_date_NSA Bankruptcies resulting in IPA by IPA date England and Wales N 5c
EW_total_breathing_space Total breathing space registrations England and Wales N 6
EW_standard_breathing_space Standard breathing space registrations England and Wales N 6
EW_mental_health_breathing_space Mental health breathing space registrations England and Wales N 6
SC_total_individuals_NSA Total individual insolvencies Scotland N 7
SC_sequestration_NSA Bankruptcies Scotland N 7
SC_LILA_NSA Low income low assets or minimal asset process bankruptcies Scotland N 7
SC_PTD_NSA Protected trust deads Scotland N 7
NI_total_individuals_NSA Total individual insolvencies Northern Ireland N 8
NI_bankruptcy_NSA Bankruptcies Northern Ireland N 8
NI_DRO_NSA Debt relief orders Northern Ireland N 8
NI_IVA_NSA Individual voluntary arrangements Northern Ireland N 8