Transparency data
MHRA Spending over £500: data for March 2021
Updated 19 July 2021
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Date | Merchant name | Amount | Type | Description |
08/02/2021 | BRITISH TOXICOLOGY SOCIETY, LICHFIELD | -583.00 | Conferences and events | Refund for cancelled attendance at 2020 Annual Congress |
12/02/2021 | LABORATORY SERVICES LIMITED, HARTLEPOOL | 2,270.40 | Laboratory supplies | 7,680 x pipette tips for epMotion Workstations |
15/02/2021 | 2U GETSMARTER (US) LLC, LANHAM | 2,350.00 | Training and development | "Oxford Artificial Intelligence Programme" training course for one person |
15/02/2021 | 2U GETSMARTER (US) LLC, LANHAM | 2,350.00 | Training and development | "Oxford Artificial Intelligence Programme" training course for one person |
17/02/2021 | AMAZON UK, INTERNET | 1,023.98 | Erroneous transaction | Transaction made in error; repaid by bank transfer |
03/03/2021 | REDACTED | 860.40 | Stationery | 4,000 x yellow stock cards & 1,000 clear PVC holders |
08/03/2021 | CARL STUART UK LIMITED, CAMBERLEY | 961.56 | Stationery | Storage boxes |