Transparency data

Meetings, January to March 2021

Updated 15 July 2021
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Minister Date Name of organisation or individual Purpose of meeting
Brandon Lewis 2021-01-12 Corrymela Meeting to discuss NI legacy issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-01-13 NI Chamber of Commerce Meeting to discuss the NI Chamber's plan for economic recovery
Brandon Lewis 2021-01-14 Malone House Group Meeting to discuss NI legacy issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-01-14 Mary McAleese Meeting to discuss NI legacy issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-01-22 Logistics UK, Road Haulage Association, Cabinet Office, Department for Tranport Meeting to discuss future relationship with the EU
Brandon Lewis 2021-01-25 Robert Shrimsley (Chief UK Political Commentator, Editorial Director) Financial Times Meeting to discuss NI policy priorities
Brandon Lewis 2021-01-26 Hospitality Ulster foodservice supply chain Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-01-27 Belfast Telegraph, Press Association, Irish Times, Newsletter, Irish News Regular engagement to brief on NI issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-01-28 BBC, UTV, RTE Regular engagement to brief on NI issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-02 Derry City Centre Initiative Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol and issues related to Derry/Londonderry
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-03 Families moving on Meeting to discuss NI legacy issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-03 Progressive Unionist Party Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-03 Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-03 NI Alternatives Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-09 Shanker Singham, Eamon O'Cuiv Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-09 Justice for NI Veterans Meeting to discuss NI Veterans issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-09 Royal Black Preceptory Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-11 Foyles Food Group Meeting with SoS DIT and SoSNI to discuss impact of COVID-19 and trade issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-11 Sam McBride, (Political Correspondent) Newsletter Meeting to discuss NI policy priorities
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-11 NI Business Roundtable Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-11 Apprentice Boys of Derry Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-12 Health & Social Care Board Meeting to discuss the roll out of the NI vaccination programme
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-17 Harry Yorke (Whitehall Editor) Daily Telegraph Meeting to discuss NI policy priorities
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-17 Lucy Fisher (Deputy Political Editor), DailyTelegraph Meeitng to discuss NI policy priorities
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-18 NI Business Roundatble, Cabinet Office, EU Commission Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-22 NI Civic society Roundtable, Cabinet Office, EU Commission Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-23 Laura Kuenssberg (Political Editor), BBC Meeting to discuss NI policy priorities
Brandon Lewis 2021-02-24 Larisa Brown (Defence Editor), The Times Meeting to discuss NI policy priorities
Brandon Lewis 2021-03-02 Jewish community leaders Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2021-03-02 Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland Meeting to discuss the NI Centenary
Brandon Lewis 2021-03-04 Belfast Telegraph, Press Association,Irish Times,Newsletter, Irish News Regular engagement to brief on NI issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-03-04 Belfast Telegraph, Press Association,Irish Times,Newsletter, Irish News Regular engagement to brief on NI issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-03-04 Thales Group Engagement surrounding the announcement of a Government contract to Thales UK
Brandon Lewis 2021-03-04 Hendersons Ltd Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol and the recently announced temporary easements
Brandon Lewis 2021-03-05 NI Business Roundtable Meeting to discuss the NI Protocol and the recently announced temporary easements
Brandon Lewis 2021-03-08 NI Civic Society Roundtable Roundtable meeting to discuss NI legacy issues
Brandon Lewis 2021-03-09 NI Civic Society Roundtable Roundtable meeting to discuss NI legacy issues
Robin Walker 2021-01-13 NI Energy Strategy Meeting to discuss the energy sector in Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2021-01-13 NI Chamber of Commerce Meeting to discuss economic recovery from COVID-19 and the Northern Ireland Protocol
Robin Walker 2021-01-21 The Careers Office Meeting to discuss education and skills for Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2021-02-04 Causeway Chamber Meeting to dicuss economic recovery from COVID-19 and the Northern Ireland Protocol
Robin Walker 2021-02-09 ADS Group Meeting with aerospace sector trade organisation to discuss the Northern Ireland Protocol and the sector's economic recovery from COVID-19
Robin Walker 2021-02-23 Alliance for Choice Meeting to discuss Abortion reform in Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2021-02-23 Informing Choices NI Meeting to discuss Abortion reform in Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2021-03-01 NI Business Roundtable Attended BEIS-convened meeting with Northern Ireland businesses to discuss economic recovery from COVID-19 and the Northern Ireland Protocol
Robin Walker 2021-03-09 Retail NI Meeting to discuss retail trade and the Northern Ireland Protocol
Robin Walker 2021-03-10 Conradh na Gaeilge Meeting with Conradh na Gaeilge to discuss the Irish Language and the commitments under NDNA to introduce an Irish Language Bill
Robin Walker 2021-03-11 Amnesty International Meeting to discuss Abortion reform in Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2021-03-23 Belfast Inernational Airport Meeting to discuss airport support during the COVID-19 pandemic
Robin Walker 2021-03-25 Siege Museum Derry Meeting to discuss the museum's plans for marking the Centenary of Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2021-03-25 Veterans Commissioner Meeting to discuss veterans issues
Robin Walker 2021-03-25 SOLACE NI Meeting with Council leaders to discuss economic recovery from COVID-19, the Northern Ireland Protocol, and the marking of the Centenary of Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2021-03-25 Eastside Partnership Meeting to discuss the partnership's plans for marking the Centenary of Northern Ireland