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DHSC Government Major Project Portfolio data, March 2021 (csv)
Updated 15 July 2021
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GMPP ID Number | Project Name | Department | Annual Report Category | Description / Aims | IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | Project - Start Date (Latest Approved Start Date) | Project - End Date (Latest Approved End Date) | Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | Financial Year Baseline (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Forecast (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Financial Year Variance (%) | Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2020/21 (if variance is more than 5%) | TOTAL Baseline Whole Life Costs (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs |
DOH_0017_1112-Q1 | PHE Science Hub | DHSC | Infrastructure and Construction | To create a state-of-the-art campus for applied public health science, as a platform for future generations of national and international scientific expertise, and help enable the transformation UK health protection and security. | Amber/red | Compared to 1920-Q2, the project's Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating remained at Amber/red. This is primarily due to the following factors: Following Spending Review 2020, a review of the Programme Business Case (PBC) has been initiated with HMT and DHSC. This will take into account factors arising since the PBC was submitted - the creation of UK Health Security Agency and lessons identified from the COVID-19 response. The programme team is working closely with the UKHSA operating model design team to ensure alignment. Site works continue with funding for 2020-21. | 2013-06-28 | 2025-06-30 | Compared to 1920-Q2, the project's end-date remained scheduled to finish on 30 June 2025 . This is primarily due to the following factors: The PBC was submitted in December 2019 and was approved in principle at the Major Project Review Group in July 2020 subject to Spending Review conditions. The SR condition specified a review of the OBC options to ensure the robustness of the options appraisal. | £464.03 | £262.92 | -43% | The budget variance exceeds 5%. New Capital DEL expenditure reflects delays in letting main works contracts originally planned for 20/21. | £2,656.34 | Compared to 1920-Q2, the projects Baseline Whole Life Cost increased from £2656.32m to £2656.34m. This is primarily due to the following factors: Outturn cost projections remain consistent across both years with a only a minor change in WLC values |
DOH_0062_1819-Q3 | Local Health and Care Records | DHSC | ICT | The development and implementation of local standards-based integrated health and care record solutions across England. | Amber/Green | Compared to 1920-Q2, the project's Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating decreased from Amber to Amber/Green. This is primarily due to the following factors: The programme received an amber at its gate 5 IPA review. All recommendations have been reviewed and are being addressed to support with the successor Shared Care Records programme | 2018-03-31 | 2022-03-31 | Compared to 1920-Q2, the project's end-date remained scheduled to finish on 31 March 2022 . This is primarily due to the following factors: The programme has closed one year, 31 March 2021 rather than 31 March 2022 with the Shared Care Records programme being initiated instead | £117.37 | £27.50 | -77% | The budget variance exceeds 5%. Changing priorities due to Covid activities and reduced travel has resulted in the in-year variance | £249.76 | Compared to 1920-Q2, the projects Baseline Whole Life Cost decreased from 763.93m to £249.76m. This is primarily due to the following factors: changing strategic priorities resulted in the LHCR programme closing earlier than expected means that there is a variance on budgeted WLC |
DOH_0031_1314-Q1 | National Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) Service Development Programme | DHSC | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | Develop two NHS Proton Beam Therapy centres to treat patients for whom evidence supports proton therapy as the most clinically effective treatment. | Green | Compared to 1920-Q2, the project's Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating decreased from Amber/Red to Green. This is primarily due to the following factors: Service Development at The Christie: The Service development at The Christie (TCFT) continues to progress well, while managing challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. TCFT staff are still receiving COVID-19 vaccinations. The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) completed a Gateway 5 review at TCFT, during wc 18th January 2021. The IPA review team provided very positive feedback and gave the service at TCFT a delivery confidence rating of "Green". UCLH Build: The build continues to progress within budget, while mitigating continuing issues caused by COVID-19 where possible. The project has been impacted by COVID-19 related issues, such as staff isolation. However, social distancing measures remain in place and staff vaccination continues. | 2012-01-01 | 2018-05-30 | Compared to 1920-Q2, the project's end-date remained scheduled to finish on 30 May 2018 . This is primarily due to the following factors: The Programme End Date has been extended due to the challenges at UCLH caused by a number of inter-related issues, arising from the concurrent running of the construction and equipment installation programmes. The UCLH programme plan has adapted to manage any challenges that emerged during construction and installation. The build continues to progress within budget, while mitigating ongoing issues and further delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. | £45.82 | £46.06 | 1% | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. | £1,247.24 | Compared to 1920-Q2, the projects Baseline Whole Life Cost remained at £1247.24m. This is primarily due to the following factors: The forecast costs for the programme are £1,264.6m compared to £1,269.9m. We now have two years of actuals from The Christie and these costs are marginally less than forecast. |
DOH_0063_1819-Q3 | GP IT Futures Programme | DHSC | ICT | The GP IT Futures programme will deliver a new procurement framework, to replace the General Practice Systems of Choice (GPSoC) procurement framework. The new GP IT Futures framework will enable buyers of clinical IT systems, for use in general practice / primary care, to compare and procure centrally assured systems. Initially this will achieve continuity of clinical IT system delivery beyond the expiry of GPSoC. During the course of the programme the GP IT Futures programme will achieve four strategic objectives of i. real time a secure access to data, ii. through interoperable systems, digitised work flows in and between care settings, iii. a relevant, resilient and plural ecosystem of GP and primary care IT systems, and iv. allow data to be easily and consistently captured to enable comparison of activity and clinical outcomes. | Amber | Compared to 1920-Q2, the project's Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating decreased from Amber/Red to Amber. This is primarily due to the following factors: The actions from the last IPA Gateway review (Gateway 4 review in Feb 2020) have been addressed. The IPA actions, and progress against their action plans, have been presented to the programme board for information on a regular basis. In October 2020, the SRO, along with the Programme Board, accepted that the Delivery Confidence Assessment could be moved to an Amber rating as action plans had progressed sufficiently. The programme has liaised with the IPA on scheduling a follow up gateway review of the programme. This review has been scheduled to take place in June 2021 where the Delivery Confidence will be assessed | 2016-09-01 | 2023-03-31 | Compared to 1920-Q2, the project's end-date remained scheduled to finish on 31 March 2023 . This is primarily due to the following factors: The programme end date remains the end of March 2023 and is aligned to the end of the programme's business case. | £129.29 | £135.05 | 4% | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. | £447.57 | Compared to 1920-Q2, the projects Baseline Whole Life Cost increased from £423.00m to £447.57m. This is primarily due to the following factors: There has been a slight increase in programme costs forecast through to the end of the programme in March 2023. This can be explained by an increase in knowledge in cost information and programme scope from what was submitted in the Full Business Case in 2019. The programme has submitted an up to date cost envelope into the Comprehensive Spending Review funding allocation process in Nov 2020 and received provisional approval in March 2021. The programme is now in the process of drafting an addendum to the Full Business Case to secure investment approval for the updated programme costs and scope. The addendum is due to be submitted and approved by Q2 2021 |
DHSC_0066_2021-Q2 | New Hospital Programme | DHSC | Infrastructure and Construction | Through the delivery of 48 new NHS hospitals, The New Hospital Programme (NHP) aims to transform the delivery of national healthcare infrastructure across the NHS to provide world leading experiences for as many patients and staff as possible. | Amber/red | The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is Amber/red.This is primarily due to the following factors: The feedback from the AAP review acknowledging the significant progress that the programme team have made to set this complex programme up properly with robust governance is very welcome, as is the recognition that the programme is still in the discovery phase. The Delivery Confidence Assessment of Amber, in line with the new 3 tier rating system, is one that I agree with, and I recognise that there is still much work to do. The next Gateway 0 Review this summer will be an opportunity to demonstrate further progress against the IPA's recommendations, including the latest work on the programme's delivery strategy and how the operating model will support it. It is pleasing to read that there are no urgent recommendations but an acceptance that the programme team are working through in order of priority the remaining recommendations from the gateway review and that the level of progress has been reviewed as appropriate | 2020-01-01 | 2030-12-31 | The project end-date is 31 December 2030. This is primarily due to the following factors: The Government announced the date in September 2019. There is no change to the scheduled project end date | £0.00 | £749.48 | Cannot calculate variance percentage as baseline is zero | The GMPP project did not provide data | £0.00 | The Government confirmed that 40 new hospitals will be built by 2030 and released £3.7bn of initial capital funding to support activity between April 2021 and March 2025. In addition, the Prime Minister announced an open competition for 8 further schemes to be built by 2030. We are still in discussion with HMT about whole life costs, as the programme does not yet have a confirmed funding envelope beyond 2025. |
DHSC_0067_2021-Q3 | Integrated Single Financial Environment | DHSC | ICT | The objective of the project is to procure the next generation of the NHS England group and NHSI Integrated Single Financial Environment (ISFE) and associated financial services. The procurement is for a managed service provision which must include a Financial and Accounting system as part of the service to commence in April 2024. | Red | The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is Red.This is primarily due to the following factors: While we consider the overall delivery confidence for the project to be amber/green, there are some areas that need to be urgently addressed in order to achieve delivery, specifically in relation to access to sufficient resource in some key areas such as commercial strategy and project management support | 2018-08-01 | 2024-10-31 | The project end-date is 31 October 2024. This is primarily due to the following factors: The project end date remains as 31 October 2024. There have been some delays in the Outline Business case reaching the approvals stage as a result of further work required on the content based on feedback received, however we don't anticipate any change to the forecast project end date | £0.23 | £0.23 | 0% | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. | £300.69 | The projects Baseline Whole Life Cost is £300.69m. This is primarily due to the following factors: The budgeted whole life cost for the project is based on financial modelling of the re-provision of the Integrated Single Financial Environment service. The service will be subject to procurement and potential variability depending on supplier pricing. |
DHSC_0068_2021-Q4 | AI Labs | DHSC | Government Transformation and Service Delivery | Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to make a significant difference in health and care settings through its ability to analyse large quantities of complex information. The NHS Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AI Lab) was created to address that challenge by bringing together government, health and care providers, academics and technology companies. | Amber/Green | The Infrastructure Project Authority's Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is Amber/Green.This is primarily due to the following factors: In it's first year the NHS AI Lab has taken significant steps to assure the delivery of the objectives and benefits outlined within the Programme Business Case. Based on the current delivery and taking into account the processes and governance procedures put in place, the NHS AI Lab currently has an overall Delivery Confidence of Green/Amber. | 2020-07-01 | 2024-03-31 | The project end-date is 31 March 2024. This is primarily due to the following factors: The project schedule is planned to increase from three years to four years to allow for the full delivery of planned objectives. | £18.23 | £17.40 | -5% | The budget variance is less than or equal to 5%. | £185.50 | The projects Baseline Whole Life Cost is £185.50m. This is primarily due to the following factors: Baseline Whole Life costs remain as planned. |