FOI release
DfT: FOI and EIR disclosure log, April 2021
Updated 27 January 2022
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RefNo | RequestOutcome | Summary | DateResponded |
F0019556 | Partially refused | Copies of directives, regarding 'High Wycombe - Old Oak Common Line' (or 'Chiltern Link'). | 01/04/2021 |
F0019564 | Fully met | Information regarding the active travel scheme. | 01/04/2021 |
F0019563 | Fully met | Information relating to vehicles in the GCS fleet. | 06/04/2021 |
F0019546 | Met but some info not held | Information about cycle-rail funding for the Cheltenham Spa station forecourt remodelling. | 08/04/2021 |
F0019539 | Partially refused | A copy of the study on the electric vehicle charging needs on motorways in the UK. | 08/04/2021 |
F0019553 | Fully met | Information relating to HS2. | 09/04/2021 |
F0019567 | Fully met | The number of laptop computers purchased over the last 3 years. | 09/04/2021 |
F0019543 | Partially refused | Information relating to HS2 and projected carbon emissions. | 09/04/2021 |
E0019584 | Met but some info not held | Costs of the Transport & Works Act Network Rail (Suffolk Level Crossing Reduction) Order. | 12/04/2021 |
F0019569 | Partially refused | Information relating to Digital and Retail Technologies. | 13/04/2021 |
F0019583 | Met but some info not held | Information related to the cancellation of the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway. | 14/04/2021 |
F0019595 | Fully met | Information relating to HS2 Wider Economic Benefits. | 14/04/2021 |
F0019633 | Fully met | Information regarding DfT Land Transport Security rail inspectors. | 14/04/2021 |
F0019581 | Partially refused | Information relating to the Dartford Crossing. | 14/04/2021 |
F0019599 | Partially refused | Documentation provided by Oxfordshire County Council in bid for Active Travel Funding. | 15/04/2021 |
F0019580 | Partially refused | Data relating to accidents on a section of motorway. | 15/04/2021 |
E0019667 | Fully met | Information relating to the South East Aylesbury Link Road. | 16/04/2021 |
F0019480 | Partially refused | Technical reports held as part of a Marine Accident Investigation Branch investigation. | 16/04/2021 |
F0019587 | Fully met | Information on whether the Department has awarded a contract to Challenge Consultancy. | 19/04/2021 |
F0019637 | Met but some info not held | Telephone System information. | 19/04/2021 |
F0019654 | Fully met | Copy of accident report for a vessel. | 19/04/2021 |
F0019594 | Fully met | Information regarding call-off contracts. | 19/04/2021 |
F0019601 | Partially refused | Details of meeting with the Road Haulage Association and other hauliers concerning Brexit. | 19/04/2021 |
F0019608 | Fully met | Information relating to the approval of ticketing changes. | 22/04/2021 |
F0019609 | Fully met | Information regarding change of permitted routes from Thirsk to Moorthorpe. | 22/04/2021 |
F0019616 | Partially refused | Information regarding contract awarded to Riveroak Strategic Partnership. | 23/04/2021 |
F0019653 | Fully met | Accidents and incidents recorded by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch. | 26/04/2021 |
F0019626 | Met but some info not held | A copy of Derbyshire County Council's application for Civil Parking Enforcement powers. | 26/04/2021 |
F0019429 | Partially refused | Documents and evidence collected during an accident investigation. | 26/04/2021 |
F0019549 | Partially refused | Minutes/notes of a meeting between ride share company Uber and Baroness Vere. | 26/04/2021 |
E0019572 | Partially refused | Data regarding consultation on ending the sale of petrol and diesel cars. | 26/04/2021 |
F0019625 | Fully met | Information relating to the Active Travel Fund. | 27/04/2021 |
F0019629 | Fully met | Information about contracts / frameworks for Language Services. | 28/04/2021 |
F0019443 | Partially refused | Details of an All Party Parliamentary Group for British Bioethanol meeting. | 29/04/2021 |
F0019562 | Partially refused | Details of an All Party Parliamentary Group on Taxis meeting. | 29/04/2021 |
F0019627 | Fully met | Any cases on record about crews and/or passengers being recovered from lifeboats. | 29/04/2021 |
F0019628 | Fully met | Information about the National Productivity Investment Fund grant to Calderdale Council. | 30/04/2021 |