Transparency data

Meetings, October to December 2020

Updated 7 May 2021
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Name (Permanent Secretary Only) Date Person or organisation that meeting was with Purpose of meeting
Madeleine Alessandri 2020-10-20 Archbishop of Canterbury Engagement on NI issues
Madeleine Alessandri 2020-10-22 Derry & Strabane Council Engagement on COVID-19 and economic recovery in NW of NI
Madeleine Alessandri 2020-10-30 Ulster University Engagement on Covid and higher education funding
Madeleine Alessandri 2020-11-02 Roundtable Seminar at Lambeth Palace Engagement on NI issues
Madeleine Alessandri 2020-11-30 Finucane family Engagement related to inquiry decision
Madeleine Alessandri 2020-12-01 University of Liverpool Discussion around NI centenary
Madeleine Alessandri 2020-12-09 City Centre Manager Derry Engagement on the impact of COVID-19 and wider NI issues
Madeleine Alessandri 2020-12-11 Civic conversation event with SoS and stakeholders Meeting with civic society representatives to discuss future relations with the EU