FOI release
FOI 101759 Defects
Updated 1 March 2021
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Defect Description | Activity Description | Defect Type Description | Location Description | Road Name | Network Element Reference | Date Inspected | Easting | Northing |
IRN 39146 Single vehicle RTC. Serious injuries. - HE - FENCING - SERIOUS INJURY | Fences and Barriers-Screens/Walls/Environmental Barrier/Gate | Accident damage | A21, Northbound, between A264 (Tunbridge Wells) and A26 (Tonbridge). MP 44/9 | A21 | 2200A21/481 | 23/09/2018 | 560532.1645 | 144292.6292 |
IRN 40133 2x vehicle RTC. FENCING | Fences and Barriers-Screens/Walls/Environmental Barrier/Gate | Accident damage | A21, Northbound, Tonbridge Bypass, MP 45/0 | A21 | 2200A21/481 | 17/10/2018 | 560658.2004 | 144232.7002 |
IRN 50734 RTC barrier and boundary fence damage. | Fences and Barriers-Screens/Walls/Environmental Barrier/Gate | Accident damage | A21, Northbound, MP 44/8 - 44/9 | A21 | 2200A21/481 | 11/06/2019 | 560530.5507 | 144265.6094 |
IRN 51318 Damage to wicker fence | Fences and Barriers-Screens/Walls/Environmental Barrier/Gate | Accident damage | A21, Northbound, service road MP 45/2 | A21 | 2200A21/481 | 25/06/2019 | 561236.0558 | 143270.019 |
IRN 52724 boundary fence damaged RTC | Fences and Barriers-Screens/Walls/Environmental Barrier/Gate | Accident damage | A21, Northbound, Vauxhall Lane MP 44/8 | A21 | 2200A21/481 | 27/07/2019 | 560294.8208 | 144456.4994 |
accident damage to fencing | Fences and Barriers-Screens/Walls/Environmental Barrier/Gate | Accident damage | A21 Northbound 44/8 | A21 | 2200A21/481 | 20/08/2019 | 560497.4324 | 144303.3774 |
accident damage to fencing | Fences and Barriers-Screens/Walls/Environmental Barrier/Gate | Accident damage | A21 Northbound 44/8 | A21 | 2200A21/481 | 20/08/2019 | 560431.0748 | 144345.6326 |
accident damage to fencing | Fences and Barriers-Screens/Walls/Environmental Barrier/Gate | Accident damage | A21 Northbound 44/8 | A21 | 2200A21/481 | 20/08/2019 | 560473.4681 | 144318.8917 |
accident damage to deer fencing | Fences and Barriers-Screens/Walls/Environmental Barrier/Gate | Accident damage | A21 Northbound 44/8 | A21 | 2200A21/481 | 20/08/2019 | 560440.3522 | 144325.4507 |
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Notes: | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
IRN: Incident Response Number. Defects with an IRN refer to incidents where the Service Provider attended on behalf of Highways England to provide repairs or traffic management support. | All defects logged on the database related to fencing. | Not set | MP: Marker post locations, these are spaced at every 100m. | Not set | 2200: Kent A21: Road name 481: Section of the road. Please note that this is not one specific point but a section that is approx 3/4 mile long. | Not set | Specific location logged by inspector's GPS equipment | Specific location logged by inspector's GPS equipment |
Defects without an IRN indicate defects reported by an inspector during a condition survey, where repair was required. | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
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