Transparency data


Updated 16 February 2021
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Minister Date Name of organisation or individual Purpose of meeting
Anne-Marie Trevelyan 2020-07-07 Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria To discuss the priorties of The Global Fund and the effects of COVID-19
Anne-Marie Trevelyan 2020-07-07 Board of Deputies of British Jews To discuss the priorities of the Board of Deputies of British Jews
Anne-Marie Trevelyan 2020-07-07 Conservative Friends of International Development To host a virtual Q&A session with members of CFID, to speak to them about the decision to merge DFID and the FCO, and to answer any questions and address concerns.
Anne-Marie Trevelyan 2020-07-08 Royal British Legion To discuss COVID-19 response
Anne-Marie Trevelyan 2020-07-13 Jewish Leadership Council To discuss the priorities of the Jewish Leadership Council
Anne-Marie Trevelyan 2020-07-20 UNICEF To discuss COVID-19 response
Anne-Marie Trevelyan 2020-07-23 UK-Canada Contact Group To discuss key development issues with development ministers, including covid, food security, education.
Anne-Marie Trevelyan 2020-08-18 USAID To discuss UK/US collaboration on international development
Anne-Marie Trevelyan 2020-08-27 David Nott Foundation To discuss the development of low cost oxygen generators.
James Duddridge Nil Return Nil return Nil return
James Cleverly Nil Return Nil return Nil return
Wendy Morton 2020-07-29 Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Hosting roundtables on UK Scientific International Collaboration on COVID-19; Learning Lessons from Previous Pandemics; and COVID and Public Health
Wendy Morton 2020-08-18 Unilever To discuss upcoming creation of Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Zac Goldsmith Nil Return Nil return Nil return
Tariq Ahmad 2020-07-28 UK-India Vaccine Cold Chain Technology Roundtable - India virtual visit Discusssion on vaccine cold chain technology
Tariq Ahmad 2020-07-28 Neev Fund, SunSource, Green Growth Equity Fund Discussion on green finance/investment
Tariq Ahmad 2020-07-28 Roundtable - Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult UK and National Institute Wind Energy - India Discussion on renewable energy
Liz Sugg 2020-07-01 Water Unite To discuss work on water, sanitation and hygiene
Liz Sugg 2020-07-01 Coalition for Global Prosperity Update on work of Coalition for Global Prosperity
Liz Sugg 2020-07-16 Gender and Development Network To discuss impacts of COVID-19 on women and girls
Liz Sugg 2020-07-24 Roundtable: Bond; Mercy Corps; STOPAIDS; Save the Children; Leonard Cheshire; Age International UK; Gender and Development Network; Railway Children; BRAC UK; Fairtrade; Care International; Humentum; Christian Aid; Oxfam; ActionAid; Humanity & Inclusion UK To discuss civil society organisation response to COVID-19
Liz Sugg 2020-07-30 Jon Wood To discuss global safe surgery
Liz Sugg 2020-07-30 Malala Fund To discuss global education work
Liz Sugg 2020-08-07 Bond To discuss civil society organisation response to COVID-19
Liz Sugg 2020-08-18 Education Outcomes Fund To discuss the Education Outcome Fund
Liz Sugg 2020-08-18 The Five Foundation To discuss work on ending female genital mutilation
Liz Sugg 2020-08-18 Plan International UK To discuss upcoming creation of Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Liz Sugg 2020-08-19 Roundtable: Bond; Action for Global Health; Save the Children; Leonard Cheshire; Age International UK; Gender and Development Network; Railway Children; BRAC; Fairtrade; Care International UK; Humentum; Christian Aid; Oxfam; Mercy Corps; Global Dialogue To discuss upcoming creation of Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Liz Sugg 2020-08-26 Save the Children To discuss upcoming creation of Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Liz Sugg 2020-09-01 Global Partnership for Education To discuss global education work
Nigel Adams 2020-07-06 International Foundation for Electoral Systems' (IFES), People’s Alliance for Credible Elections 2020 Myanmar Elections
Nigel Adams 2020-07-06 Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business Discussion on private sector reform in Myanmar
Nigel Adams 2020-07-09 Marshall Scholars To discuss international education and scholarships
Nigel Adams 2020-07-16 Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Vietnam Paediatrics Association, UK in Vietnam Roundtable to discuss Healthcare in Vietnam
Nigel Adams 2020-07-16 British Corporate Advocacy Committee (BCAC) Roundtable to discuss Vietnam's Business Environment
Nigel Adams 2020-07-20 Nathan Law To discuss Hong Kong
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