Transparency data


Updated 16 February 2021
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Minister Start Date of Trip End Date of Trip Destination Purpose of Trip Mode of Transport Cost of private jet or RAF plane hire, if relevant (£) Number of officials who accompanied minister if non-scheduled travel was used Accompanied by spouse, family member(s) or friend at public expense? Total cost (for minister only) including all visas, accommodation, travel, meals etc (£)
Anne-Marie Trevelyan Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Wendy Morton Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Zac Goldsmith Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Nigel Adams Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil Return Nil return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
James Duddridge Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Liz Sugg Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
James Cleverly Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return Nil return Nil Return Nil Return Nil Return
Tariq Ahmad Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return Nil return
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set