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Meetings, July to September 2020

Updated 5 February 2021
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Minister Date Name of organisation or individual Purpose of meeting
Robin Walker 2020-07-01 T.G. Eakin Devenish Nutrition CDE NI Denroy Group D Curran & Sons Ltd Hunter Apparel WD Meats Federation of Small Businesses NI L E Pritchitt Engagement forum with Northern Irish businesses on the Northern Ireland Protocol
Robin Walker 2020-07-02 North Down Borough Council Meeting to discuss economic recovery and City deals
Robin Walker 2020-07-02 ABP Food Group, Almac Group Ltd, Bombardier Aerospace Belfast, Brett Martin Ltd, Federation of Small Business, Carella Laminate System Ltd, Caterpillar NI, CDE Global, Co-Design NI Ltd, Coca-cola, Collins Aerospace, Core Systems, Cubis Industries Limited, Dale Farm, Dalradian Resources Inc, Devenish Nutrition, Dunbia, Echlinville, Edge Innovate, Environmental Street Furniture, Fane Valley Forbes Furniture Group Gen-sys Glen Dimplex Gray & Adams Ireland Ltd Greenfields Ireland Harland and Wolff Heavy Industries Ltd Houston Solutions Hyster Yale Group Interfrigo Jim Nicholson Wine KPMG Mallaghan Engineering Ltd Manufacturing NI Mash Direct MJM Group Montupet (UK) Ltd Moy Park Next Gen Power NI Day Care Owners NI Food and Drink Association NI Grain Trade Association Northern Ireland Meat Exporters Association O'Neills Irish International Sports Company Ltd Precision Gear Company Retail NI Reveal Business Ltd Terex Finlay Thales Air Defence Ltd Ulster Shredders Vision to Value W.D. Irwin & Sons Ltd White Ink Wilsons Country Ltd Webinar with manufacturing businesses to discuss Northern Ireland Protocol
Robin Walker 2020-07-02 Heritage Lottery Fund and Community Relations Council Discussion on planning for the Centenary of Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2020-07-02 Lord Lieutenant for Belfast Discussion on planning for the Centenary of Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2020-07-03 NI Tourism Alliance Discussion on planning for the Centenary of Northern Ireland and economic recovery from Covid
Robin Walker 2020-07-09 Dale Farm Moy Park ABP Meats Karro Foods Allied Bakeries Ireland (Sunblest) Thompsons NI Food and Drink Association Food and Drink Federation British Retail Consortium National Farmers’ Union UK Hospitality PwC Engagement forum with Northern Irish businesses on the Northern Ireland Protocol
Robin Walker 2020-07-22 Denroy Group Manufacturing NI CBI Moy Park Ulster Farmers Union Devenish Nutrition Institute of Directors Engagement forum with Northern Irish businesses on the Northern Ireland Protocol
Robin Walker 2020-07-22 Ards and North Down Borough Council Meeting to discuss economic recovery and City deals
Robin Walker 2020-07-23 Galgorm Group; Chief Executive Mid and East Antrim Borough Council; Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Discussion with key stakeholders on economic recovery from Covid, city deals, development of connectivity and tour of a Northern Irish hotel - discussing their work to ensure social distancing
Robin Walker 2020-08-03 Antrim and Newtownabbey Council Meeting to discuss economic recovery and City deals
Robin Walker 2020-08-03 Queens Univeristy Belfast Meeting to disuss university planning for students returning during Covid
Robin Walker 2020-08-25 Axial 3D Almac CBI ABPI Clonallon Pfizer Astra Zeneca Eakin Healthcare Group Engagement forum with Northern Irish businesses on the Northern Ireland Protocol
Robin Walker 2020-08-26 Ulster Museum Meeting to discuss planning for the Northern Ireland Centenary
Robin Walker 2020-08-26 Belfast Chamber of Commerce Meeting to discuss economic recovery, development and investment of Belfast City Centre businesses
Robin Walker 2020-08-26 NI Chamber of Commerce and Industry Meeting to discuss economic recovery, development and investment
Robin Walker 2020-08-27 Ulster Univesrsity and Derry and Strabane District Council Visit to Ulster Univserity's new medical campus and discussion on planning for students returning during Covid
Robin Walker 2020-08-27 Nerve Centre Meeting to discuss planning for the Northern Ireland Centenary
Robin Walker 2020-08-27 The Siege Museum Visit to the Siege Museum and community engagement
Robin Walker 2020-08-27 Londonderry Chamber Meeting on North-West region development and investment
Robin Walker 2020-08-27 Foyle Port Meeting on the NI Protocol, economic development and freeports
Robin Walker 2020-09-08 Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Meeting on economic recovery, city deals and planning for the Centenary of Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2020-09-08 Causeway Chamber Meeting on economic recovery and city deals
Robin Walker 2020-09-09 Northern Ireland Fintech Envoy Meeting to discuss fintech investment and development for Northern Ireland
Robin Walker 2020-09-09 NI Youth Forum Community engagement
Robin Walker 2020-09-09 Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy Conference to discuss economic investment and development for the Mid South West region
Robin Walker 2020-09-14 Rooney Fish Ulster Farmers Union Bwan Bua Diary Council for NI NI Meat Exporters Association NI Grain Trade Association Mackle Pet foods Engagement forum with Northern Irish businesses on the Northern Ireland Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-02 NI Retail Consortium, Manufacuring NI, Caterpillar, Freight and Transport NI, Asda, Bombardier Aerospace, Finnebrogue Artisan, InterTradeIreland, TaylorYates Roundtable call with business representatives to discuss goods and tarrifs post Brexit
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-07 British Business Bank Call to discuss the Bank's role in delivering government Covid-19 business support and the future of regional funding in supporting economic recovery
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-08 Infrastrata Call to discuss the financial situation of Harland & Wolff and the impact of Covid-19 on the company
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-09 Intercomm Meeting to discuss how Intercomm have been coping throughout the pandemic and to hear more about its peacebuilding work
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-09 Queens University Belfast Medical Biology Centre Meeting to discuss QUB's ongoing research and contribution to the search for a Covid-19 vaccine
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-09 Orange Order Meeting to discuss the group's response to Covid-19 and upcoming plans to mark the Centenary for Northern Ireland
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-16 British Irish Chamber of Commerce Virtual event to discuss the NI Protocol with the Brisith Irish Chamber of Commerce
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-20 Fermanagh Herald Interview focusing on challanges facing local retail and the transition period
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-20 Impartial Reporter Interview focusing on challanges facing local retail and recovery efforts post-lockdown
Brandon Lewis 2020-07-23 Hinch Distillery, Deluxe Group, Environmental Street Furniture, Paper Owls Films, Belfast Distillery Company, Greenfields Ireland Roundtable call to discuss UK Free Trade Agreements and their benefits to Northern Ireland
Brandon Lewis 2023-07-29 Allstate, Hastings Hotels, Denroy, Finnebrogue Artisan, Henry Group, Mash Direct, Axial 3D Roundtable call to hear about the experience of NI business reps during the Covid-19 pandemic and how the government can support them
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-06 Wrightbus Meeting to discuss Wrightbus' hydrogen electric double decker and ambitions for the future
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-06 Dale Farm, Belfast City Airport, Wrightbus, Randox, Cataylst, Belfast City Harbour Discussion on the impact of Covid-19 on businesses and thoughts on economic recovery
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-07 Institute of Directors NI, Logistics UK, Dairy Council NI, NI Retail Consortium, Manufacturing NI, NI Chamber of Commerce, Caterpillar, WD Meats, Karro Foods, Bombardier Roundtable meeting to discuss the implementation of the NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-07 Infrastrata Ongoing engagement to discuss the financial situation of Harland & Wolff, including the impact of Covid-19 on the company
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-13 NI Ambulance Service Meeting to discuss the work of the NI Ambluance Service throughout the Covid-19 pandemic
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-19 Ray O'Hanlon, Editor, Irish Echo Interview with US media to promote plans for NI Centenary
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-19 Ad Hoc Committee to Protect the Good Friday Agreement Engagement with US Stakeholders to discuss plans for NI Centenary
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-19 Friends of Ireland Caucus Engagement with US Stakeholers to disucss NI Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-26 Archbishop of Armagh Meeting to discuss the implications Covid-19 has had on the community
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-27 Catalyst Inc Meeting to discuss the positive impact of technology companies on the NI economy
Brandon Lewis 2020-08-28 Policy Exchange Meeting to discuss the facilitation of an event in NI
Brandon Lewis 2020-09-07 Co Operation Ireland Meeting to discuss matters relating to UK and Ireland links and the work the organisation has done throughout the pandemic
Brandon Lewis 2020-09-17 Prisoner Ombudsman Northern Ireland Call to discuss issues relating to Legacy
Brandon Lewis 2020-09-24 Derry Playhouse Meeting to discuss how the theatre and arts sector has coped throughout the pandemic and any support that could help
Brandon Lewis 2020-09-24 North West Cultural Partnership Meeting to dicuss how the organisation has utilised culture to help young people in the North West, and to hear about any issues impacting on communities in the North West
Brandon Lewis 2020-09-24 Orange Order Meeting to discuss the Order's response to Covid-19 and the plans for NI Centenary
Brandon Lewis 2020-09-30 Infrastrata Ongoing engagement to disucss the company's progress and its measures against Covid-19
Brandon Lewis 2020-09-30 Ulster Hospitality Meeting to discuss the impact of Covid-19 and restrictions on the hospitality sector