Transparency data
Defra's permanent secretary's meetings April to June 2020
Updated 29 October 2020
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Name (Permanent Secretary Only) | Date | Person or organisation that meeting was with | Purpose of meeting |
Tamara Finkelstein | 2020-06-23 | FareShare | Virtual Visit to find out more about the work of FareShare, to learn about what FareShare have done to increase their support to charities throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and to see how recent Defra funding has been spent |
Tamara Finkelstein | 2020-06-24 | Sainsbury's | Virtual Visit to hear more about how Sainsbury's reacted to the Covid-19 pandemic and how staff and management have adapted to cope with social distancing measures and to thank Sainsbury's staff for their work during the pandemic |
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*Meetings were conducted in line with Government requirements during the COVID-19 emergency. | Not set | Not set | Not set |
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