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DfT’s ePCS spending over £500 for July 2020
Updated 29 October 2020
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03/07/2020 | BLS SHAREGATE188844431 | £3,958.28 | Migration software necessary to migrate CCAV shared documents to the DfT TiME system |
29/07/2020 | P T R ASSOCIATES LTD | £3,420.00 | Virtual Azure SQL Server Admin Course |
10/07/2020 | STATIONERY OFFICE BOOK | £2,700.00 | Payment of New legislation publishing contracts and charges |
27/07/2020 | WWW.BONDSOLON.COM | £2,400.00 | Training course (witness familiarisation factual course) |
22/07/2020 | MSFT E0100BLRAM | £2,316.32 | Office 365 for DfT expert committee use |
08/07/2020 | WWW.THEMINDGYM.COM | £2,000.00 | Specialist security training |
15/07/2020 | INFORMA UK MOTO GB | £1,999.00 | Course Cancellation Fees due to Covid 19 |
14/07/2020 | CMT EQUIPMENT LIMITED | £1,976.64 | Covid 19: Personal protective equipment |
28/07/2020 | CAA INTERNATIONAL LTD | £1,548.00 | Training course- risk management system |
07/07/2020 | CAA INTERNATIONAL LTD | £1,548.00 | Training course a human factor application in aviation course |
27/07/2020 | WWW.LEEDS.AC.UK | £1,500.00 | 5 Day Course at University of Leeds |
17/07/2020 | WWW.INPD.CO.UK | £1,500.00 | Professional Development Training Course for one |
07/07/2020 | AUTODATA LTD | £1,411.20 | Vehicle Data Software Annual Subscription |
10/07/2020 | STATIONERY OFFICE BOOK | £1,326.50 | Payment of New legislation publishing contracts and charges |
27/07/2020 | ROSPA | £1,296.00 | Training course managing safely |
27/07/2020 | WWW.KPMG.CO.UK | £1,180.80 | Training course development |
28/07/2020 | DATAMAN PROGRAMMERS | £1,050.00 | Specialist IT software for accident investigation purposes |
13/07/2020 | BATES OFFICE SERVS | £959.20 | PPE equipment for maritime compliance inspection |
13/07/2020 | BATES OFFICE SERVS | £900.00 | PPE equipment for maritime compliance inspection |
21/07/2020 | SURVEYMONKEY | £791.93 | Service fee for programming, data processing and integration surveys |
24/07/2020 | WHITEHALL & INDUST | £780.00 | Understanding yourself seminar fee |
22/07/2020 | CMT EQUIPMENT LIMITED | £769.56 | Covid 19: Personal protective equipment |
10/07/2020 | HELIGUY.COM | £749.97 | Training course online access for one year (a2 certificate of competency drone training) |
01/07/2020 | WWW.ONEWEIGH.CO.UK | £740.40 | Specialist equipment for accident investigation purposes (measurement tool) |
28/07/2020 | POSTURITE LTD | £718.80 | Dyslexia Assessment and Assessor |
29/07/2020 | STATIONERY OFFICE BOOK | £653.00 | Statutory Instrument costs re CAA Aerial Advertising Charges |
06/07/2020 | FAST KEY SERVICES LIMI | £618.78 | Locksmith services |
15/07/2020 | PIX4D SA | £609.75 | Specialist IT software for accident investigation |
03/07/2020 | HEMSLEY FRASER GROUP L | £600.00 | Training course minute taking course |
24/07/2020 | ROYAL MAIL GROUP LTD | £596.54 | Stationary |
29/07/2020 | PARLICENTRE.ORG | £588.00 | Training Parliamentary Studies online |
24/07/2020 | PARLICENTRE.ORG | £588.00 | Training Parliamentary Studies online |
09/07/2020 | PTRC-TRAINING.CO.U | £570.00 | Training course for PTRC Education and Research Services Limited |
17/07/2020 | TRUSTFORD | £530.24 | Vehicle Maintenance & repairs |