Transparency data
BEIS headcount and payroll data for August 2020
Updated 12 October 2020
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AO/AA | EO | SEO/HEO | Grade 6/7 | SCS | Other,Fast Streamers -BEIS paid, unknown, or unspecified | Total Employees | Agency staff (clerical/admin) | Interim managers | Specialist Contractors | Consultants/consultancy | Total | Grand Total | Salary | Allowances | Non-consolidated performance payments | Overtime | Employer pension contributions | Employer national insurance contributions | Total paybill for payroll staff | Total monthly cost of contingent labour: agency (clerical and admin) staff, interim managers and specialist contractors | Total monthly cost of consultants/ consultancy | Total non-payroll (CCL) staff costs | Total costs | |||||||||||||||||||
Not set | Not set | Not set | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy | Ministerial Department | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 98 | 93.51 | 401 | 391.09 | 1867 | 1837.63 | 2058 | 2000.54 | 277 | 264.55 | 88 | 62.88 | 4789 | 4650.20 | 9 | 9 | Not set | 35 | 29 | 8 | 2.26 | Not set | 40 | 52.00 | 4,829 | 4,702.20 | £17,176,520.20 | £945,320.91 | £202,250.00 | £81,180.71 | £4,845,506.12 | £2,049,349.32 | £25,300,127.26 | £532,709.00 | £2,512,619.00 | £3,045,328.00 | £28,345,455.26 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Advisory Conciliation & Arbitration Service (ACAS) | Executive non-departmental public body | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 46 | 39.47 | 341 | 321.71 | 546 | 506.75 | 52 | 47.99 | 6 | 6.00 | Not set | Not set | 991 | 921.92 | 24 | 24 | 4 | 4 | Not set | Not set | 12 | 12 | 40 | 40.00 | 1,031 | 961.92 | £2,408,411.47 | £21,216.00 | £20,450.00 | £9,869.21 | £646,743.48 | £241,681.58 | £3,348,371.74 | Not set | Not set | £0.00 | £3,348,371.74 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Civil Nuclear Police Authority (CNPA) | Executive non-departmental public body | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 1430 | 1401.40 | 146 | 141.65 | 29 | 27.80 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 1605 | 1570.85 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 0 | 0.00 | 1,605 | 1,570.85 | £4,698,745.70 | £121,460.18 | £25,115.74 | £257,993.97 | £877,603.91 | £556,666.71 | £6,537,586.21 | Not set | Not set | £0.00 | £6,537,586.21 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Coal Authority | Executive non-departmental public body | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 12 | 10.80 | 27 | 26.20 | 158 | 154.50 | 57 | 56.60 | 2 | 2.00 | 0 | 0 | 256 | 250.10 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5.00 | 261 | 255.10 | £804,398.81 | £17,301.01 | £2,460.33 | £0.00 | £215,376.97 | £87,856.60 | £1,127,393.72 | £23,228.36 | £0.00 | £23,228.36 | £1,150,622.08 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Committee on Climate Change (CCC) | Executive non-departmental public body | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | 1.00 | 9 | 8.50 | 19 | 17.63 | 6 | 5.30 | 0 | 0 | 36 | 33.43 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 0 | 0.00 | 36 | 33.43 | £143,443.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £39,914.00 | £17,938.00 | £201,295.00 | Not set | Not set | £0.00 | £201,295.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Companies House | Executive agency | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 442 | 384.97 | 282 | 266.91 | 280 | 269.43 | 67 | 66.03 | 6 | 6.00 | 0 | 0 | 1077 | 993.34 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 34 | 34 | 0 | 0 | 40 | 40.00 | 1,117 | 1,033.34 | £2,409,315.64 | £22,909.05 | £1,410,404.87 | £24,892.20 | £653,020.51 | £425,915.10 | £4,946,457.37 | £21,251.90 | £353,010.10 | £374,262.00 | £5,320,719.37 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Competition Service | Executive non-departmental public body | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 5 | 5.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 4 | 3.72 | 8 | 8.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 1 | 1 | 18 | 17.72 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2.00 | 20 | 19.72 | £74,750.95 | £216.66 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £20,903.52 | £8,527.19 | £104,398.32 | £0.00 | £2,750.00 | £2,750.00 | £107,148.32 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
HM Land Registry | Non-ministerial department | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 1633 | 1547.53 | 2181 | 1893.29 | 1258 | 1104.63 | 852 | 787.53 | 58 | 57.33 | 0 | 0 | 5982 | 5390.31 | 0 | 0 | 33 | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 33 | 33.00 | 6,015 | 5,423.31 | £13,518,326.73 | £253,940.16 | £16,803.29 | £1,956,441.44 | £3,930,332.53 | £12,027,006.22 | £31,702,850.37 | £158,382.54 | £189,233.24 | £347,615.78 | £32,050,466.15 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Insolvency Service | Executive Agency | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 576 | 541.64 | 192 | 181.64 | 777 | 743.74 | 139 | 136.02 | 10 | 10.00 | 0 | 0 | 1694 | 1613.03 | 58 | 58 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 67 | 67.00 | 1,761 | 1,680.03 | £4,359,341.31 | £15,904.85 | £63,675.00 | £7,193.96 | £1,187,036.19 | £455,562.24 | £6,088,713.55 | £551,986.26 | £0.00 | £551,986.26 | £6,640,699.81 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
UK Intellectual Property Office | Executive Agency | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 192 | 176.73 | 348 | 323.15 | 440 | 422.60 | 329 | 310.89 | 25 | 24.86 | 0 | 0 | 1334 | 1258.23 | 37 | 37 | 0 | 0 | 76 | 76 | 0 | 0 | 113 | 113.00 | 1,447 | 1,371.23 | £3,985,593.00 | £157,114.00 | £35,752.00 | £105,878.00 | £1,129,147.00 | £450,489.00 | £5,863,973.00 | £436,119.00 | £0.00 | £436,119.00 | £6,300,092.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Met Office | Executive agency | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 2109 | 1986.85 | 2109 | 1986.85 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 152 | 144.72 | 16 | 5 | 168 | 149.72 | 2,277 | 2,136.57 | £6,357,285.44 | £578,652.08 | £0.00 | £0.00 | £744,464.99 | £1,767,411.16 | £9,447,813.67 | £1,242,594.62 | £20,944.00 | £1,263,538.62 | £10,711,352.29 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | Executive non-departmental public body | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 319 | 308.41 | 319 | 308.41 | 5 | 4.6 | 53 | 51.2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 58 | 55.80 | 377 | 364.21 | £1,926,337.31 | £111,621.49 | £5,646.43 | £0.00 | £504,623.87 | £258,646.04 | £2,806,875.14 | £0.00 | £235,610.21 | £235,610.21 | £3,042,485.35 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
UKAEA | Executive non-departmental public body | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 74 | 68.97 | 174 | 170.51 | 716 | 702.32 | 260 | 250.35 | 13 | 12.50 | 69 | 69 | 1306 | 1273.65 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 458 | 458 | 0 | 0 | 458 | 458.00 | 1,764 | 1,731.65 | £4,999,410.00 | £0.00 | £337,130.35 | £85,311.76 | £860,995.90 | £515,590.88 | £6,798,438.89 | £2,149,219.92 | £0.00 | £2,149,219.92 | £8,947,658.81 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
UK Space Agency | Executive agency | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 1 | 1.00 | 17 | 17.00 | 111 | 109.50 | 107 | 104.40 | 11 | 10.50 | 0 | 0 | 247 | 242.40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 27 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 27.00 | 274 | 269.40 | £887,456.74 | £24,562.51 | £21,050.00 | £0.00 | £249,308.80 | £104,307.45 | £1,286,685.50 | £11,480.23 | £427,996.01 | £439,476.24 | £1,726,161.74 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
UKRI | Executive agency | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | 511 | 463.64 | 1072 | 1016.96 | 3863 | 3732.39 | 1230 | 1181.74 | 211 | 199.64 | 237 | 229.877 | 7124 | 6824.24 | 106 | 106 | 61 | 61 | 93 | 93 | 0 | 0 | 260 | 260.00 | 7,384 | 7,084.24 | £22,608,090.14 | £994,911.83 | £1,423,542.67 | £64,702.02 | £5,464,546.37 | £2,507,528.80 | £33,063,321.83 | £1,435,234.44 | £266,544.20 | £1,701,778.64 | £34,765,100.47 | Not set | Not set | Not set |