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BEIS pipeline register, September 2020

Updated 30 September 2020
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Title Description Value Range Procurement Category Estimated Start date of requirement
Committee on Fuel Poverty annual research project The Committee on Fuel Poverty has a budget for research which I expect they will use for a project to be completed by March 2021. >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
CfD market reference price project Research/consultancy project on the role and impact of the CfD market reference price. £0 to £100k Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
FAME Renewal of subscription to the FAME database £0 to £100k Research 0 to 6 Months
Fossil fuel prices expert panel External advice on fossil fuel price assumptions £0 to £100k Not Common Goods & Services 0 to 6 Months
Inter-departmental Business Register Quarterly extracts from the Inter-departmental Business Register £0 to £100k Research 6 to 12 Months
Renewable Energy Statistics (RESTATS) Provision of Renewable Energy Statistics >£500k to £1M Research 0 to 6 Months
Ad-hoc development support with National Household Model The National Household Model is a software application developed for us by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), with final handover planned for 31/08/2020. As we bring the development and use of the tool in-house, we want to reserve some CSE developer time for ad-hoc support (total 16 person-days from Sep-Dec). Direct award since we are procuring assistance with a product CSE has just developed for us. £0 to £100k Research 0 to 6 Months
Public Attitudes Tracker Long term survey monitoring public attitudes towards BEIS policies such as energy sources, climate change and consumer issues >£1M to £5M Research 6 to 12 Months
National Household Model: Scottish and Welsh Housing Stock Creation Creation of input data for the National Household Model based on the Scottish Housing Condition Survey and Living In Wales Survey, in a format compatible with the NHM and existing EHS-derived inputs for England. >£100k to £500K Research Start data not yet confirmed
Building Materials 2021-22 Building materials surveys >£100k to £500K Research 6 to 12 Months
Future Shared Services Programme Replacement of the exisiting Oracle ERP solution and transformation of the end to end finance, H.R and procurement processes to align with Cabinet Office Global Process Design >£300M to £400M ICT 0 to 6 Months
VM Ware Licences for ALBS of VM Ware >£1M to £5M ICT 0 to 6 Months
Symantec Endpoint Protection Contract Value: £160,392 Symantec Endpoint Protection >£100k to £500K ICT 6 to 12 Months
Vodafone - Line of Business Application Hosting Vodafone - Line of Business Application Hosting >£10M to £20M ICT 0 to 6 Months
Assistive and Productivity Software Contract Value: £400,000 Assistive and Productivity Software >£100k to £500K ICT 0 to 6 Months
USB-C Port Replicators Contract Value: £250,000 USB-C Port Replicators >£100k to £500K ICT 6 to 12 Months
Telephones - Data and telephony Re-Procurement of the current Vodafone contract. >£1M to £5M ICT 0 to 6 Months
BEIS Laptops ( a new supply) BEIS Hardware and Software >£100k to £500K ICT 0 to 6 Months
] Discovery phase to gather evidence of business needs for a solution to help them find their way around the regulatory landscape £0 to £100k Research Completed
Improving digital support for business growth - BETA Procurement of digital specialists to build a live version of a new digital 'front door' for HMG business support >£1M to £5M Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
Economic impact of RAS (robotics & autonomous systems) in the UK  Not set £0 to £100k Research 0 to 6 Months
Identifying commercialisation opportunities for R&D intensive technologies in the UK.  Not set £0 to £100k Research 0 to 6 Months
Renewal of enhanced company intelligence source   Not set £0 to £100k Research 0 to 6 Months
Strengthening Business Networks Not set >£10M to £20M Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
Small Business Leadership Programme Not set >£10M to £20M Prof Services - Other Start data not yet confirmed
Net Zero Citizen Research Qualitative research relating to net zero pathways £0 to £100k Research 0 to 6 Months
COVID-19 Household Research (Energy and Net Zero behaviours) C >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
Biomass Supplier List The BSL is a list of accredited wood fuel used in conjunction with the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme. The BSL administrator's contract is due to end in June 2021. This tender is to amend the scheme and appoint an administrator for the next two/four years. . >£1M to £5M N/K 6 to 12 Months
Boiler efficiency Research £0 to £100k Research 0 to 6 Months
Development of heat network database for future heat network regulator Investment in building the standard of the government's heat networks database to ensure its robust and of sufficient quality for a new heat network regulator to use it for purposes of regulating the market >£100k to £500K N/K Start data not yet confirmed
Qualitative and quantitative research on heat network consumers ahead of regulation Building on our 2017 Heat Network Consumer Survey to further develop our understanding of the consumer experience of heat networks in terms of pricing and quality of service. £0 to £100k Research Start data not yet confirmed
Stakeholder Engagement As we develop more detailed secondary legislation over 2021 we will be looking for support in stakeholder engagement to ensure we're speaking to a wide cross-section of the heat network market and gathering well-evidenced conclusions about the future path of regulation £0 to £100k N/K Start data not yet confirmed
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Reprographics Provision of reprographic services >£100k to £500K Print Management 0 to 6 Months
Catering Provision of catering services >£10M to £20M Facilities 6 to 12 Months
Security screening of post. All post destined for 1VS, 10VS and 151BPR are security screened before they reach BEIS offices. The purpose is to remove hostile postal items, eg, anthrax. Thus protecting Ministers, staff, contractors and visitors. >£100k to £500K Facilities 0 to 6 Months
Media monitoring and related services Media monitoring and related communications services >£100k to £500K Communications Start data not yet confirmed
RPC Communication Advisor To consult on comms advice throughout 2019/20 £0 to £100k Prof Services - Other Start data not yet confirmed
Consumer detriment survey Research - a survey of consumers to assess problems and detriment levels in a broad range of consumer markets £0 to £100k Research 0 to 6 Months
Update of Resolver database This is an update of the consumer comlaints portal to ensure data is up to data £0 to £100k ICT 0 to 6 Months
EU Exit & Trade Legal Expert Panel Rapid access to expert legal advice and analysis, to support negotiations. >£500k to £1M Prof Services - Other Start data not yet confirmed
Smart Data research projects Technical research projects to support the work of the Smart Data Function cross-sector working group, led by BEIS £0 to £100k Research Start data not yet confirmed
Evaluation of the Energy Company Obligation scheme Evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of the Energy Company Obligation scheme to date, as well as the delivery under the scheme through to 2022 >£100k to £500K Research 6 to 12 Months
Green Deal Ombudsman and Investigation Body Provision of independent redress for GD consumers £0 to £100k Prof Services - Other 6 to 12 Months
HLE IT Project (GD Register, DRHI Interface, PRS exemption Register) Provision of the IT systems for the GD and PRS exemptions >£1M to £5M ICT 6 to 12 Months
Greening Government Commitments - Technical Support Technical support for GGCs. Collating and QA-ing gov't departments' sustainability data, and any re-baselining needed. Ad hoc advice on energy reporting, support for Defra using data in GGC annual report. >£100k to £500K Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance Programme Contract to conduct Quality Assurance checks to issue SoS certificates for Good Quality Combined Heat and Power Schemes to claim tax exemptions. >£1M to £5M Energy & Fuels 6 to 12 Months
Research project for operational in-use energy scheme This is a proposal to commission some external research to provide additional, up-to-date evidence on the non-domestic building stock to help inform the policy development and Impact Assessment for this policy. >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
Review of Reliability Standards and Value of Loss Load A Review as part of the 5 Year Review of the Capacity Market into the Reliability Standard and the Value of Loss of Load >£100k to £500K Research Start data not yet confirmed
Review of direct foreign participation in other Capacity Markets The Clean Energy Package introduces a requirements for direct participation by foreign generators in capacity markets. This project would review the experience of capacity markets that have undertaken this to learn lessons >£100k to £500K Research Start data not yet confirmed
Contract drafting and guidance notes specialist advice Not set >£100k to £500K Prof Services - Other Start data not yet confirmed
Auction design specialits advice Not set >£100k to £500K Prof Services - Other Start data not yet confirmed
Cumulative Environmental Impacts of Offshor Wind Looking at what the cumulative impact of Offshore Windfarms is on the Environment. >£100k to £500K Research Start data not yet confirmed
FITS Consultancy on impacts on supplier route to market for small scale renewables £0 to £100k Prof Services - Other Start data not yet confirmed
Fixed Price Certificates analysis Not set £0 to £100k Prof Services - Other Start data not yet confirmed
Contribution towards updating the UK Content Methodology Not set £0 to £100k Prof Services - Other Start data not yet confirmed
Wind Noise Future procurement of research specialist to examine whether wind noise measurement guidance needs to be assessed £0 to £100k Energy & Fuels 0 to 6 Months
Barriers to deployment of renewables Procuring expert to gather evidence on barriers to deployment of above £0 to £100k Energy & Fuels 0 to 6 Months
Renewable Energy Planning Database reTender for the Collection and Collation of Renewable Development data and the administration of the database. >£500k to £1M Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
CfD market reference price project Research/consultancy project on role and impact of CfD market reference price £0 to £100k Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
Retender for the Renewable Energy Planning Database To continue the administration, and upkeep of the REPD, the database tracking renewable (and storage) projects through the planning system. >£500k to £1M Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
EU Exit & Trade Expert Panel Rapid access to expert advice and analysis, e.g. rapid evidence reviews, secondary analysis, briefings, peer review, quality assurance, insight into business response to policy options, Town Hall events and workshops. £0 to £100k Prof Services - Other Start data not yet confirmed
EPM: IBM TM1 & BI Licenses 2021 User & Server licences for EPM >£100k to £500K ICT 6 to 12 Months
EPM: IBM TM1 & BI Licenses 2021 User & Server licences for EPM >£100k to £500K ICT 6 to 12 Months
CDM Licenses 2021 User & Server licences for EPM £0 to £100k ICT 6 to 12 Months
CDM Licenses 2021 User & Server licences for EPM £0 to £100k ICT 6 to 12 Months
Government Procurement Card The contract for GPC cards has expired, while the cards are still in use we aren't benefitting from the rebates available under CCS RM3828 Framework. >£5M to £10M Office Solutions 0 to 6 Months
Digital Performance Management System Digital Performance Management System £0 to £100k ICT Start data not yet confirmed
Finance Profession (Accountancy) Apprenticeships A provider(s) will be required to deliver Level 3 to 7 Finance apprenticeships >£100k to £500K Learning and Dev 0 to 6 Months
Level 7 Senior Leader Masters Degree Apprenticeship A provider(s) will be appointed to deliver a Level 7 Senior Leader Masters Degree Apprenticeship to BEIS staff. >£500k to £1M Learning and Dev 0 to 6 Months
Levels 3, 5 and 6 Leadership & Management apprenticeships A provider(s) will be required to deliver Levels 3,5 and 6 Leadership and Management apprenticeships. At this stage, it is not known whether we will use one or more providers for the different levels. Procurement will be via CCS Digital Marketplace for apprenticeship procurement >£100k to £500K Learning and Dev 0 to 6 Months
Industrial Energy Transformation Fund - Phase 2 - delivery partner The Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) is a £315m fund intended to increase industrial energy efficiency and reduce industrial GHG emissions. Phase 1 will launch in 2020 and disburse up to £30m of this funding. Phase 2 will launch in late 2021/early 2022 and disburse the remaining approx. £285m. Some/all aspects of delivering Phase 2 could potentially be outsourced. However, the policy is still under development and any decision on the delivery model (including whether to procure a delivery partner) will not be taken until mid 2020 at the earliest. >£5M to £10M Prof Services - Other 6 to 12 Months
Industrial symbiosis Not set £0 to £100k Research Start data not yet confirmed
Industry Competitiveness Model Development Phase 2 of the 'UK business competitiveness and the role of carbon pricing' research tendered in 2019 >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
MEL for TEFOS programme Monitoring and evaluation for FoRTREES programme >£500k to £1M Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
Climate Finance Accelerator - Monitoring & Evaluation Partner A M&L Partner for the CFA programme >£500k to £1M Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
Nuclear Innovation and Research Office (NIRO) Provision of the Nuclear Innovation and Research Office (NIRO) £0 to £100k Energy & Fuels 0 to 6 Months
Civil Nuclear Cyber Security Benchmarking Exercise A cross-comparative assessment of cyber security maturity of the main duty holders across the sector >£100k to £500K Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
BEIS Legislation Digitalisation Tool. Not set £0 to £100k ICT 0 to 6 Months
Recarbonation modelling programme This project will establish a Tier 2 methodology to model the re-carbonation process of concrete in the UK and is part of the greenhouse gas improvement programme. £0 to £100k Research 6 to 12 Months
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Verification Programme Contract for delivery of the GHGI. >£5M to £10M Research 6 to 12 Months
Fuel Switching in the Distillation Industry SBRI competition to explore industrial fuel switching innovation in the distillation/spirits sector. >£5M to £10M Energy & Fuels 0 to 6 Months
Evaluation of Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage innovation programmes The expertise and resource of a social research contractor is required to carry out the evaluation of three carbon capture, usages and storage (CCUS)-related innovation programmes in the Energy Innovation Portfolio (EIP). The evaluation of these programmes intends to assess the impact of BEIS funding on technological developments, barriers encountered and their resolution, and the process of programme roll-out and management. This aims to provide accountability on the funds spent and capture learning for both policy and future innovation programme management. >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
Evaluation of Industrial Fuel Switching and Hydrogen Supply competition The expertise and resource of a social research contractor is required to carry out the evaluation of two innovation programmes focused on Industrial Fuel Switching and Hydrogen Supply in the Energy Innovation Portfolio (EIP). The evaluation of these programmes intends to assess the impact of BEIS funding on technological developments, barriers encountered and their resolution, and the process of programme roll-out and management. This aims to provide accountability on the funds spent and capture learning for both policy and future innovation programme management. >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
Non-Domestic Buildings Survey This project will aim to strengthen our evidence base of how energy is used and the abatement potential in the non-domestic building stock across the UK. >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
Space Based Solar Power as a Contributor to Net Zero Target - Engineering Feasibility Not set >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
Clean Growth Fund Evaluation A baseline, early process, and interim impact evaluation of the Clean Growth Fund >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
IPCC Data Distribution Centre Provision of the UK component of the IPCC Data Distribution Centre >£100k to £500K ICT 0 to 6 Months
Evaluation of the Nuclear Innovation Programme The Nuclear Innovation Programme is part of the Energy Innovation Portfolio and requires a multi-year evaluation. >£100k to £500K Research 0 to 6 Months
Provision of Legal Services for Smart Metering Regulation Support development of its regulatory framework for the Smart Metering Implementation Programme by providing legal drafting services, reviewing material and providing advice. >£100k to £500K Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
Smart Metering Engineering Services Technical advice on the operation of smart meters and their protocols. >£100k to £500K Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Smart Metering Cyber Security Incident Exercise Delivery of a comprehensive, multi-scenario, cyber exercise for the purpose of testing and improving the response of Smart Metering eco-system to a major cyber-attack. >£100k to £500K Prof Services - Other 0 to 6 Months
Digital Regulation Navigator Procurement of a supplier for alpha phase of delivery >£100k to £500K Digital Delivery 0 to 6 months
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
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