
Court martial results from the military court centres: January to December 2019

Updated 4 March 2025
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Rank Rank must be in full with no abbreviations Service Unit Trial Court Sentencing Date Charge (s) Charge(s) must be in full with no abbreviations Finding Overall Sentence
Warrant Officer 2 Army 3 PWRR Bulford 14-Jan-19 3 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and military discipline Not Guilty Not set
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs Colchester 15-Jan-19 Ch 1: Burglary with intent. Ch 2: Disobediance of a lawful command Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and œ73 Service Compensation Order.
Ex-Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Benson Catterick 16-Jan-19 Ch 1: Pocessing a controlled drug. Ch 2: Offering to supply a controlled drug. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 6 Months imprisonment to run concurrent with another case.
Ex-Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Benson Catterick 16-Jan-19 3 x Fraud Guilty 6 Months imprisonment to run concurrent with another case.
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Benson Catterick 16-Jan-19 1 x Aiding and abetting burglary Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Ex Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Benson Catterick 16-Jan-19 Ch 1: Possessing a firearm. Ch 2: Burglary. Ch 3: Offence Contrary to section 53 of the investigatory powers act 2000 Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty 18 Months imprisonment.
LLOG(SC) Royal Navy HMS St Albans Bulford 17-Jan-19 1 x Battery Guilty Admonished.
Highlander Army 4 SCOTS Catterick 18-Jan-19 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set
Private Army MPGS (RM Poole) Bulford 18-Jan-19 2 x Failing to perform a duty Guilty œ1,000 Fine.
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs OVS 21-Jan-19 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set
Warrant Officer 2 Army BATUS Bulford 21-Jan-19 Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2: Failing to perform a duty. Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Ch 1 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty Servere reprimand and œ2,500 fine.
Warrant Officer 2 Army 35 Engr Regt Sennelager 22-Jan-19 Ch 1: Common Assault. Ch 2 & 3: Sexual assault. Ch 4: Using threatening behaviour. Not Guilty Not set
ET(ME) Royal Navy HMS Queen Elizabeth Bulford 23-Jan-19 1 x Rape Guilty 5 years and 6 months imprisonment; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, Sex Offenders register for life; to be subject to barring or working with children or adults.
Lance Corporal Army 3 Rifles Catterick 23-Jan-19 Ch 1: Common Assault. Ch 2: AWOL. Guilty 70 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the ranks.
Sergeant Army 7 Para RHA Catterick 23-Jan-19 1 x Misconduct through Alcohol Guilty Admonished.
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS TRIUMPH Bulford 24-Jan-19 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders Guilty œ200 Fine.
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS DRAKE Portsmouth 25-Jan-19 1 x Battery, 2 x ABH Not Guilty Not set
Corporal Army 150 Pro Coy, 1 RMP Catterick 25-Jan-19 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 Royal Anglian Catterick 28-Jan-19 1 x Intentionally Causing Harrassment, Alarm or Distress Not Guilty Not set
Warrant Officer 2 Army 1 RMP Catterick 28-Jan-19 Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2, 4 to 6: Forgery. Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Bulford 28-Jan-19 3 x AWOL Guilty 180 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Trooper Army KRH Bulford 28-Jan-19 2 x AWOL Guilty 9 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Colour Serjeant Army 5 Rifles Bulford 29-Jan-19 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army DHU Catterick 30-Jan-19 Ch 1: Theft. Not Guilty Not set
Corporal Army 22 Sig Regt Catterick 30-Jan-19 1 x Theft. Not Guilty Not set
Corporal RAF RAF CONINGSBY Catterick 30-Jan-19 1 x Battery Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Craftsman Army 13 AA Sp Regt RLC Bulford 30-Jan-19 1 x Unfitness through alcohol Guilty 28 days detention.
Guardsman Army Scots Guards Bulford 30-Jan-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 135 Days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Corporal Army 3 RSME Regt Bulford 31-Jan-19 Ch 1 & 2: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Disgraceful conduct. Not Guilty Not set
Ex Lance Corporal Army KRH Bulford 31-Jan-19 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 4: Fighting Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty. Reduced to the ranks.
Fusilier Army 1 RRF Bulford 31-Jan-19 Ch 2: Battery. Ch 5: Fighting Ch 2: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty 60 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order.
Flight Sergeant RAF RAF Henlow Catterick 01-Feb-19 1 x Theft Guilty 2 Years imprisonment, suspended for 2 years with 25 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; reduced to the ranks; œ26,449.61 Service Compensation Order.
Major Army Army Requirements Managers - ABW Bulford 01-Feb-19 2 x Battery Guilty Forfeit 3 years seniority.
Sergeant Royal Navy 845(SEA) Bulford 05-Feb-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Lossiemouth Catterick 06-Feb-19 Ch 6: Fighting. Ch 7: Having an offensive weapon in a public place. Ch 8: Miconduct through alcohol. Ch 6 & 8: Guilty. Ch 7: Not Guilty. 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Catterick 06-Feb-19 Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2 & 4: Battery. Ch 3: Assault. Ch 5: GBH (s20). Ch 1, 4 & 5: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty. 11 Months detention and pay œ4,000 Service Compensation Order.
Private Army 5 Amoured Medical Reg Catterick 06-Feb-19 Ch 9: Making a false record. Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Private Army 3 Para Catterick 06-Feb-19 1 x Battery Guilty Admonished.
Private Army 3 Para Catterick 06-Feb-19 1 x Causing fear or provocation of violence. Guilty 14 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Craftsman Army 3 Bn REME Bulford 07-Feb-19 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set
Sergeant Army 103 Regt RA Catterick 07-Feb-19 Ch 1: Misapplying service property. Ch 2: Making false records. Guilty 7 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. Pay œ158.40 Service Compensation Order.
Gunner Army 12 Regt RA Bulford 07-Feb-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 200 Hour unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Log (CH) Royal Navy 40 Cdo RM Bulford 11-Feb-19 Ch 1: Sexual assault by penetration. Ch 2: Sexual assault. Ch 1: Not Gulity. Ch 2: Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; two years Service Community Order with a programme requirement for up to 35 days and a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement for up to 30 days; be subject to the Notification requirements for five years.
Private Army 2 Para Catterick 11-Feb-19 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Assault. Ch 3: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty 28 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Private Army 27 Regt RLC Catterick 12-Feb-19 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set
Sapper Army 3 RSME Catterick 12-Feb-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Fighting Not Guilty Not set
Guardsman Army 1 IG Colchester 12-Feb-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Fighting. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 : Guilty. 70 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Marine Navy 4 Assault Squadron RM Bulford 12-Feb-19 3 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF Bulford 12-Feb-19 Ch 3: Battery. Ch 3: Guilty. Six days detention.
Corporal Army 1 R Irish Catterick 13-Feb-19 1 x Using threatening behaviour. Not Guilty Not set
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Catterick 13-Feb-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention and Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Private Army 1 Lancs Catterick 13-Feb-19 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Kingsman Army 1 LANCS Bulford 13-Feb-19 3 x AWOL. Guilty Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement.
Private Army 3 RSME Catterick 14-Feb-19 1 x Fighting. Guilty 30 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Private Army 1 PWRR Sennelager 15-Feb-19 Ch 1: Attempted Rape. Ch 2: Assault by Penetration. Ch 3: Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy COMDEVFLOT ESG EDG FTE Bulford 18-Feb-19 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set
ET(WE) Royal Navy HMS Ledbury Bulford 18-Feb-19 1 x AWOL Discontinued Not set
Sub Lieutenant Royal Navy HMS Sultan Bulford 18-Feb-19 2 x Fraud Guilty 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years; 150 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Corporal Army 2 Para Catterick 18-Feb-19 1 x Battery Guilty 12 Months conditional discharge.
Ex-Private Army 3 Regt RLC Bulford 18-Feb-19 1 x ABH Guilty 2 Year Service Community Order with 180 hours unpaid work requirement, 10 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and pay œ500 Service Compensation Order.
Sergeant Army European Joint Support Unit Catterick 19-Feb-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty œ1,200 Fine.
Ex Able Rate Royal Navy HMS Raleigh Bulford 21-Feb-19 Ch 2: Intentionally encouraging an offence. Guilty Discharged
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS Raleigh Bulford 21-Feb-19 Ch 1: ABH. Guilty 21 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
ET(WE) Royal Navy HMS Collingwood Bulford 21-Feb-19 1 x Fraud Not Guilty Not set
Corporal Army HCMR Bulford 22-Feb-19 1 x Theft Guilty œ1,500 Fine and pay a œ114.06 Service Compensation Order.
Lance Corporal Army ORH Sennelager 25-Feb-19 Ch 1, 3-5: Fraud. Ch 2: Making a false record. Ch 1-4: Guilty. Ch 5: Not Guilty 180 Hours unpaid work requirement, 20 hours Rehabilitation Activity Requirement, œ1,069 Service Compensation Orders, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Lance Corporal Army 1 Coldm Gds Bulford 28-Feb-19 1 x Theft Guilty Reduced to the rank of Private and 28 days detention, suspended for 90 days.
Kingsman Army 2 Bn Lancs Bulford 28-Feb-19 2 x AWOL Guilty 60 Days detention.
Private Army Defence School of Transport Bulford 28-Feb-19 3 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention.
Staff Sergeant Army ASLS Bulford 01-Mar-19 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 1 Mercian Bulford 01-Mar-19 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set
Ex-Trooper Army QRH Bulford 05-Mar-19 1 x Possessing a controlled drug Guilty 60 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service
Flight Lieutenant RAF Brize Norton Catterick 06-Mar-19 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Sennelager 06-Mar-19 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Battery Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty 120 Days detention.
Private Army 1 PWRR Sennelager 06-Mar-19 Ch 2: ABH. Ch 3: Battery Ch 2: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty 6 Months detention and subject to a Service Compensation Order of œ2,000.
Corporal Army 1 Armd Med Regt Sennelager 06-Mar-19 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Misconduct through Alcohol. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty œ1,500 Fine and reprimanded.
Lance Corporal Army 1 RRF Bulford 07-Mar-19 1 x ABH Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal; 6 months detention, suspended for 9 months and pay a œ400 Service Compensation Order.
Corporal Army 2 Sig Regt Catterick 07-Mar-19 Ch1: Voyeurism. Ch 2: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 6 Months detention; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Staff Sergeant Army QRH Bulford 07-Mar-19 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set
Signaller Army 2 Sig Regt Catterick 08-Mar-19 Ch 1: Racially aggrevated harassment. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good oreder and service discipline. Guilty 90 Days detention and a œ500 Service Compensation Order.
Private Army 2 R Anglian Catterick 11-Mar-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy Northwood HQ Bulford 11-Mar-19 1 x Theft. Guilty Reduced to the rank of Leading Hand.
Lance Corporal Army 1 Coldm Gds Bulford 11-Mar-19 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty Reduced to the ranks.
Air Trooper Army 1 Regt AAC Bulford 11-Mar-19 Ch 1: Misapplying service property. Ch 2: Damaging service property. Guilty 80 Days detention.
Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Sultan Bulford 11-Mar-19 Ch 1 & Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: ABH Guilty 10 Months detention and a Service Compensation Order of œ3,000.
Serjeant Army 1 RIFLES Bulford 12-Mar-19 Ch 1: Contravention of Standing Orders. Ch 2: Racially aggravated threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 90 Days detention and reduced to the ranks.
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles Bulford 14-Mar-19 Ch 1 to 4: Sending electronic communications which were indecent, grossly offensive or threatening. Ch 5: Disclosing private sexual photographs with intent to cause distress. Ch 6: Possession of extreme pornography. Ch 7: Conduct predjuicial to good order and service discipline. Guilty 10 Months detention and subject to a Service Restraining Order.
Captain Army 13 AA Sp Regt RLC Bulford 14-Mar-19 Ch 1 to 3: Sexual Assault. Ch 4 to 6: Disgraceful conduct of the indecent kind. Ch 7: Ill treatment of a subordinate. Not Guilty Not set
Captain Army Andover Support Unit Bulford 14-Mar-19 Ch 8: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 Lancs Colchester 15-Mar-19 1 x Manslaughter Guilty 3 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Corporal Army 26 Engr Regt Bulford 15-Mar-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Not Guilty Not set
EX-Guardsman Army 1 Gren Guards Bulford 18-Mar-19 1 x Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply Guilty 12 Months Service Community Order and unpaid work requirement of 80 days.
Private Army 3 Regt RLC Bulford 18-Mar-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty œ500 Fine.
Private Army 3 Regt RLC Bulford 18-Mar-19 Ch 1: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty œ500 Fine.
Private Army 3 Regt RLC Bulford 18-Mar-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty œ500 Fine.
Private Army 2 R Anglian Catterick 20-Mar-19 1 x Disobideience of a lawful command Guilty œ700 Fine.
Sergeant Army 5 REME Bulford 20-Mar-19 1 x Driving a mechanically propelled vehicle under the influence of alcohol Guilty œ1500 Fine
Sergeant Royal Marines 1 ASRM Bulford 20-Mar-19 Ch 1: Disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer. Ch 2: Disobedience of lawful command. Guilty Disrated to Corporal
Corporal Royal Navy MAB 6 Bulford 21-Mar-19 1 x Taking a conveyance without authority Guilty 40 Days detention, suspended for 50 weeks.
Corporal Royal Navy RM Poole Catterick 21-Mar-19 1 x Making a false official record. Guilty Disrated to Marine.
Mr Civilian DIO INTL Catterick 22-Mar-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Sergeant Army 35 Engr Regt Catterick 22-Mar-19 3 x Battery Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal.
Ex Colour Sergeant Royal Navy COMFASFLOT Bulford 25-Mar-19 1 x Perjury Not Guilty Not set
Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 25-Mar-19 Ch 1: Criminal Damage. Ch 2: Taking a conveyance without authority. Ch 3: AWOL. Guilty 120 days detention.
Lance Corporal Army BATUK Catterick 26-Mar-19 1 x GBH Guilty 8 Months detention and reduced to the Rank of Private.
Captain Army 6 Regt RLC Catterick 27-Mar-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty Severe reprimand and œ1,200 fine.
Corporal Army 202 Fd Hosp Catterick 28-Mar-19 3 x Rape Not Guilty Not set
Gunner Army 5 Regt RA Catterick 28-Mar-19 Ch 1: Displaying threatening, abusive or insulting material with the intent to stir up racial hatred. Ch 2: Conduct predjudice of good order and service discipline. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 90 Service Supervision and Punishment Order.
Trooper Army RTR Bulford 29-Mar-19 1 x GBH Guilty 11 months, 3 weeks and 4 days detention.
Gunner Army Royal Artillery Bulford 29-Mar-19 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Private Army 4 Mercian Bulford 29-Mar-19 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service
Corporal Army 4 Regt Army Air Corp Catterick 01-Apr-19 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty œ1,500 Fine.
Not set Army Not set Bulford 01-Apr-19 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set
Not set Army Not set Bulford 01-Apr-19 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 MAB Bulford 01-Apr-19 Ch 1: Theft. Ch 2 & 3: Making a false record Guilty Reduced to the ranks and a œ60.52 Service Compensation Order.
Fusilier Army 1 RRF Catterick 02-Apr-19 2 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and a Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement
Private Army 2 MERCIAN Catterick 03-Apr-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and pay œ2,000 in compensation.
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs Catterick 04-Apr-19 Ch 1: Offering to supply a controlled drug. Ch 2: AWOL Guilty 11 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Corporal Army 32 Regt RA Catterick 04-Apr-19 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Disgraceful conduct of the indecent kind. Not Guilty Not set
Trooper Army QRH att BATUS Bulford 04-Apr-19 1 x Negligently damaging public property Guilty 28 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ840 Service Compensation Order.
Private Army 1 Mercian Bulford 04-Apr-19 1 x Affray. Not Guilty Not set
Private Army Defence School of Transport Bulford 04-Apr-19 Ch 1: Fighting Ch 2: Battery Guilty 90 Days detention.
Private Army 9 Regt RLC Bulford 04-Apr-19 Ch 1: Fighting - Joinder Not Guilty Not set
Trooper Army RL Catterick 04-Apr-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 90 Days detention
Corporal Army HQ JITG Catterick 08-Apr-19 4 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and pay œ3,500 in compensation.
Guardsman Army 1 IG Bulford 09-Apr-19 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Odiham Bulford 10-Apr-19 4 x Sexual Assault Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3 & 4: Not Guilty œ800 Fine.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Holton Catterick 10-Apr-19 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set
Able Seaman Royal Navy MOD NSD Bulford 10-Apr-19 1 x Fraud Guilty œ75 Fine and pay a œ95 Service Compensation Order.
Leading Seaman Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 10-Apr-19 1 x Fraud Guilty Disrated, œ750 fine and pay a œ95 Service Compensation Order.
Lance Corporal Army 6 Regt RLC Bulford 11-Apr-19 1 x Fraud. Guilty Service Community Order with a 150 hours unpaid work requirement.
Sergeant Army HQ ARRC Ops Div Bulford 11-Apr-19 Ch 1: Possessing a controlled drug. Ch 2: AWOL. Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal.
Senior Aircraftman RAF TSW Catterick 11-Apr-19 Ch 1: Under the Influence of Drink and Drugs. Ch 2 & 3: Criminal Damage. Ch 4: Resisting Arrest. Guilty œ2,750 Fine and œ1,231.02 in Service Compensation Orders.
Highlander Army 4 SCOTS Catterick 11-Apr-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 9 months.
Private Army 3 Para Catterick 11-Apr-19 Ch 1: Making off without payment. Ch 2: Causing harrassment, alarm or distress. Guilty 90 Days detention and pay œ9.70 in compensation,
Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 11-Apr-19 1 x AWOL Guilty Admonised
Ex-Private Army ATC P1 Regt Bulford 12-Apr-19 2 x Sexual Assault Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. 2 Year Service Compensation Order with 30 days Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement and 60 hours unpaid work requirement.
Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh Bulford 12-Apr-19 1 x ABH Guilty 90 Days detention.
Ex-Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Vengeance Bulford 12-Apr-19 1 x Offering to supply a controlled drug Guilty 24 Months detention.
Corporal Army 174 Pro Coy Bulford 12-Apr-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ1,200 Fine.
Marine Royal Navy 42 Cdo Bulford 12-Apr-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 60 Days detention.
Warrant Officer 2 Army Tayforth UOTC Catterick 29-Apr-19 1 x Unlawful wounding s20 Guilty 12 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the rank of Colour Sergeant.
Lance Corporal Army MAB 1 Bulford 29-Apr-19 1 x Battery Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal, pay a œ200 Service Compensation Order.
Sapper Army 26 Engr Regt Bulford 01-May-19 Ch 1: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 2: Damaging Service property Guilty 120 Days detention.
Lance Corporal Army RG RR5 OT Aldershot Bulford 01-May-19 1 x Battery Guilty 28 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Guardsman Army Welsh Guards Bulford 02-May-19 1 x ABH Guilty 8 Months detention, suspended for 12 months.
Ex-Trooper Army QRH Bulford 02-May-19 1 x Theft Guilty œ870 Service Compensation Order. Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement.
Lance Corporal Army 26 Engr Regt Sennelager 02-May-19 1 x Loss of Service Property Guilty œ1,200 Service Compensation Order.
Sapper Army 36 Engr Regt Bulford 02-May-19 Ch 1: Battery, Ch 2: Using force against a person on guard duty Guilty 6 Months detention.
Private Army 8 Trg Bn Reme Bulford 02-May-19 1 x Battery Guilty 50 Days detention.
Private Army 9 Regt RLC Bulford 02-May-19 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Fusilier Army 2 Scots Bulford 02-May-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention.
Lance Bombardier Army 47 Regt RA Bulford 03-May-19 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Not Guilty Not set
Lance Bombardier Army 32 Regt RA Bulford 03-May-19 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Not Guilty Not set
Lance Bombardier Army 32 Regt RA Bulford 03-May-19 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 03-May-19 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 9 Months detention and reduced to the ranks.
Gunner Army 32 Regt RA Bulford 03-May-19 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 6 Months detention, suspended for 2 years.
Lance Coporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 03-May-19 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 9 Months detention and reduced to the ranks.
Private Army 1 Mercian Bulford 03-May-19 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty 9 Months detention.
N/A Army 1 PWRR Bulford 03-May-19 1 x Theft Guilty 8 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement.
Sapper Army 21 Engr Regt Catterick 04-May-19 1 x Fighting. Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal of Horse Army HCR Colchester 07-May-19 Ch 1 & 2: Distributing an indecent image of a child. Ch 3 to 8: Making an indecent image of a child. Guilty 10 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and reduced to the ranks. Rehabilitation Programme for 35 days to include particpation in the Horizon Programme. 100 Hours unpaid work requirement.
Private Army ITC 2 ITB Catterick 08-May-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Guilty œ1,300 Fine a œ500 Service Compensation Order.
SAC Royal Air Force 27 ENG Bulford 08-May-19 1 x Using force against a person on guard duty Not Guilty Not set
Private Army REME Bulford 08-May-19 Failing to provide a blood or urine specimen Guilty œ1,700 Fine.
Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Collingwood Bulford 08-May-19 1 x Misapplying Service Property Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 2 R Anglian Cyprus 09-May-19 1 x Wounding with intent Guilty Imprisonment for 16 months, suspended for 2 years. Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement. Pay œ2,500 in compensation.
Corporal Army 2 Yorks Catterick 09-May-19 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 PWRR Bulford 09-May-19 1 x Sexual assault by touching Not Guilty Not set
Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 09-May-19 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service
Corporal Army 17 Port and Maritime RLC Bulford 10-May-19 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Threatening, abusive, insulting or provoctive behaviour Guilty 90 Days detention, reduced to the ranks and pay a œ750 Compensation Order.
Lance Sergeant Army 1 Coldm Gds Bulford 10-May-19 1 x Battery Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal.
AET(M) Royal Navy 815 NAS Bulford 13-May-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. œ650 Fine.
Corporal Army 1 CS Bn REME Catterick 13-May-19 Ch 1: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 2: Damaging service property. Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and pay œ3,000 in compensation.
Able Rate Army HMS Vivid Bulford 13-May-19 Ch 1: Stalking. Ch 2: Harrassment. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. 28 Days detention, suspended for 2 years and 5 years Service Restraining Order.
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Shoreham Bulford 14-May-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Wildfire Bulford 15-May-19 Ch 1 to 4: Sexual assault. Guilty Distrated to Able Rate and 90 days detention.
Leading Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Albion Bulford 15-May-19 1 x AWOL Guilty œ180 Fine.
Guardsman Army 1 Irish Guards Bulford 15-May-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 140 Days detention.
Corporal Army 2 PWRR Catterick 16-May-19 Ch 1, 3 & 4: Battery. Ch2: Ill treatment of a subordinate. Not Guilty Not set
Corporal Army 2 PWRR Catterick 16-May-19 1 x Negligently performing a duty Not Guilty Not set
Corporal Army 2 PWRR Catterick 16-May-19 1 x Negligently performing a duty Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 1 Mercian Bulford 16-May-19 2 x Theft Guilty Ch 1: 120 Days detention. Ch 2: 120 Days detention, to run concurrently.
Corporal Army 1 Mercian Bulford 16-May-19 2 x Theft Guilty Ch 1: 120 Days detention. Ch 2: 120 Days detention, to run concurrently.
Private Army 4 Regt RLC Bulford 16-May-19 1 x AWOL Guilty Service Supervision and Punishment Order for 30 days.
Private Army 2 Royal Anglian Bulford 16-May-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. Sentence activated 18 Oct 19.
Officer Cadet Army Defence Academy Bulford 22-May-19 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set
N/A Civilian ITC Catterick Catterick 22-May-19 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Buying alcohol on behalf of someone under the age of 18 Guilty œ500 Fine and pay œ200 in compensation.
RPO Navy NBD COB Base Executive Office Bulford 22-May-19 Ch 1: Failing to preform a duty. Ch 2 & 3: Misconduct in a public office. Not Guilty Not set
Ex-Craftsman Army 23 Engr Regt Catterick 22-May-19 1 x Using Violence Against a superior officer Not Guilty Not set
Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Nelson Bulford 22-May-19 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty 90 Days detention.
Lance Corporal Army 3 Para Catterick 23-May-19 Ch 5: Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of justice. Not Guilty Not set
Sergeant Army 3 Para Catterick 23-May-19 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Tending or Intending to pervert the course of public justice Not Guilty Not set
Sergeant Army 3 Para Catterick 23-May-19 Ch 2: Tending or Intending to pervert the course of public justice. Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 3 Para Catterick 23-May-19 Ch 4: Tending or Intending to pervert the course of public justice (joinder) Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 3 Para Catterick 23-May-19 Ch 6: Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of justice. Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 3 Para Catterick 23-May-19 Ch 3: Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of justice. Not Guilty Not set
Ex Private Army DMS Whittington Bulford 23-May-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Perverting the course of Justice. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty Service Community Order with a 150 hours unpaid work requirement, a Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for upto 15 days and pay a œ250 Service Compensation Order.
Naval Airman Royal Navy HMS Seahawk Bulford 24-May-19 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army BFSAI Catterick 30-May-19 2 x Fighting Not set 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Craftsman Army 4 Scots LAD Catterick 30-May-19 3 x Fighting Not set 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Ex-Signaller Army 11 Sig Regt Bulford 30-May-19 Ch 1: Sexual assualt by penetration. Ch 2: Sexual assault. Not Guilty Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Cosworth Catterick 31-May-19 Ch 1: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Ch 2: Using violence towards an authorised person. Ch 3: Misconduct through alcohol or drugs. Guilty 80 Days detention.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Cosworth Catterick 31-May-19 1 x Obstructing a Service Policeman Guilty œ250 Fine.
Private Army 6 Regt RLC Bulford 31-May-19 1 x ABH Guilty 8 Months detention.
Sergeant Army 1 Yorks Bulford 31-May-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ2,200 Fine.
Private Army 1 RRF Bulford 31-May-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 150 Days detention.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Catterick 03-Jun-19 1 x Theft Guilty œ870 Fine and pay œ650 compensation.
Sergeant Army 62 Wks Gp RE Catterick 03-Jun-19 3 x Fraud Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the rank of Corporal.
Staff Sergeant Army 11 EOD Regt RLC Catterick 04-Jun-19 Ch 1: Negligent performance of a duty. (joinder) Guilty Reduced to the rank of Sergeant.
Corporal Army 11 EOD Regt RLC Catterick 04-Jun-19 Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline (Joinder) Guilty Reprimand
Lance Sergeant Army 1 Gren Guards Catterick 04-Jun-19 2 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal of Horse Army HCR HQ Sqn Bulford 04-Jun-19 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal of Horse Army HCR B Sqn Bulford 04-Jun-19 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set
Ex-Lance Corporal of Horse Army HCR HQ Sqn Bulford 04-Jun-19 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 2 Para Catterick 04-Jun-19 Ch 1: Battery, Ch 2: ABH, Ch 3: Disobeying a authorised person who orders him into arrest Guilty Service Community Order for 2 years; requirement to attend an accredited offending behaviour order for up to 30 sessions; 10 day Rehablilitation Activity Requirement; 80 hours Unpaid Work Requirement; pay œ150 in compensation and a conditional discharge for 1 year.
Sapper Army 21 Engr Regt Catterick 05-Jun-19 Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 3: Battery. Guilty 34 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Corporal Army AFC(H) Catterick 05-Jun-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Staff Sergeant Army 2 PWRR Catterick 06-Jun-19 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty Reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Private Army 6 Regt RLC Catterick 06-Jun-19 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline . Guilty 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years; 80 hours Unpaid Work Requirement.
Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Richmond Bulford 06-Jun-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery Guilty 100 Days detention and pay œ600 in Service Compensation Orders.
Ex-Private Army 29 Regt RLC Bulford 06-Jun-19 1 x Possessing a controlled drug Guilty Conditional discharge for 18 months.
Marine Royal Navy 45 CDO RM Bulford 06-Jun-19 Ch 1: Attempted possession of a controlled drug. Not Guilty Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Irish Guards Bulford 06-Jun-19 1 x Desertion Guilty 120 Days detention.
Corporal Army DST(L) Catterick 07-Jun-19 1 x Burglary Guilty 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs Catterick 07-Jun-19 Ch 1: Fraud by false representaion. Ch 2: AWOL Guilty 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years; 20 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Sergeant Army 1 Mercian Bulford 07-Jun-19 Ch 1: Theft. Ch 2: Making false records Guilty 14 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years,; 240 hours unpaid work requirement; pay a œ10,000 Service Compensation Order; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Ex-Lance Corporal Army 1 Grenadier Guards Bulford 07-Jun-19 1 x Supplying a controlled to another. Guilty 2 Years detention.
Corporal Army 1 RGR Bulford 07-Jun-19 Ch 1: AWOL. Ch 2: Giving false answers on enlistment Guilty 5 Months detention, suspended for 12 months.
Trooper Army Scots DG Catterick 10-Jun-19 Ch 1: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty œ1,162.98 Fine and pay a œ50 Compensation Order
Ex Trooper Army Scots DG Catterick 10-Jun-19 Ch 1: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Ch 3: Battery. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty œ300 Fine and pay a œ50 Compensation Order.
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 10-Jun-19 Ch: 1-4: Negligently performing a duty. Guilty œ1,000 Fine and reprimanded.
Logistician (Chef) Royal Navy NBCP Catering Bulford 10-Jun-19 Ch 1: Possession of a prohibited weapon. Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders. Guilty 6 Months detention.
Private Army 2 Mercian Cyprus 11-Jun-19 1 x GBH (s20) Not Guilty Not set
Officer Cadet Army Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Bulford 11-Jun-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Officer Cadet Army Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Bulford 11-Jun-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Leading Warfare Specialist Royal Navy HMS Dragon Bulford 11-Jun-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 R ANGLIAN Colchester 12-Jun-19 3 x Battery Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty œ200 Fine.
Trooper Army RL Catterick 12-Jun-19 1 x Improper Use of Public Electronic Communications Network Guilty 40 Days detention
Private Army 2 Mercian Cyprus 12-Jun-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ350 Fine
Private Army 17 Port and Maritime RLC Bulford 13-Jun-19 1 x Failure to perform a duty Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Private Army 1 Mercian Bulford 13-Jun-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline. Guilty 60 Days detention.
Private Army 1 Mercian Bulford 13-Jun-19 1 x Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Guilty 60 Days detention.
Private Army 1 Mercian Bulford 13-Jun-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Guilty 60 Days detention.
Sapper Army 26 Engr Regt Bulford 13-Jun-19 1 x Disclosing a private sexual photograph Guilty 42 Days detention.
ET(WE) Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 14-Jun-19 Ch 1: Stalking, Ch 2: Breach of a service restraining order Guilty 10 Months detention, subject to a restraining order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Gunner Army 47 Regt RA Bulford 14-Jun-19 1 x Battery Guilty œ400 Fine.
Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Henlow Cyprus 17-Jun-19 Ch 1: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs, Ch 2 & 3: Contravention of Standing Orders. Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty œ650 Fine.
Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Akrotiri Cyprus 17-Jun-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Guilty œ500 Fine.
Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Akrotiri Cyprus 17-Jun-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Guilty œ500 Fine.
Lance Corporal Army 2 R Anglian Cyprus 18-Jun-19 1 x Battery Guilty Reprimand
Private Army 2 ITB Catterick 18-Jun-19 2 x Disgraceful conduct of the indecent kind Guilty œ800 Fine
Ex-Private Army 7 Regt RLC Catterick 19-Jun-19 Ch 1 & 4: Rape. Ch2 & 3: Sexual activity with a child. Not Guilty Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Collingwood Bulford 19-Jun-19 Ch 1: Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour. Ch 2: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. œ1,524.04 Fine.
Private Army 2 Yorks Catterick 20-Jun-19 1 x Unlawful possossion of a controlled drug Guilty 60 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Sultan Bulford 20-Jun-19 1 x GBH Guilty 8 Months detention and pay œ1,500.00 in a Compensation Order.
Corporal Army 3 Bn REME Sennelager 20-Jun-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Sergeant Army 5 Rifles Bulford 26-Jun-19 Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: Contravention of standing orders. Guilty œ550 Fine.
Staff Sergeant Army MPGS Catterick 26-Jun-19 1 x Battery Guilty œ400 Fine
Private Army 1 PWRR Sennelager 28-Jun-19 Ch 1: GBH. Ch 2: ABH. Ch 3: Fighting. Not Guilty Not set
Lance Sergeant Army 1 Irish Guards Colchester 01-Jul-19 Ch 1: Ill treatment of a subordinate. Ch 2: Conduct predjudicial to good order and service discipline. Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal and 6 months detention.
Colour Sergeant Army City Of Edinburgh UOTC Catterick 01-Jul-19 Ch 5: Sexual Assault. Ch 6: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 7: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 5 & 6: Not Guilty. Ch 7: Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal.
Major Army City Of Edinburgh UOTC Catterick 01-Jul-19 Ch 1 & 3: Sexual Assault. Ch 2 & 4: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2-4: Guilty. 30 Days imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Corporal Army 16 Air Asslt Bde HQ & Sig Sqn (216) Catterick 03-Jul-19 1 x Fraud by False Representation Guilty 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months.
Sapper Army 75 Engr Regt Bulford 03-Jul-19 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Not Guilty Not set
Lance Bombardier Army 5 Regt RA Catterick 04-Jul-19 2 x Battery Guilty œ1,607.34 Fine.
Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh Bulford 04-Jul-19 Ch 1: ABH Guilty 90 Days detention.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Catterick 04-Jul-19 Ch 1: Damaging property Guilty Admonishment
Ex-Senior Aircrewman Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Catterick 04-Jul-19 Ch 2: Damaging Property Guilty Absolute Discharge
Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Halton Catterick 04-Jul-19 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Using disrespectful behaviour towards a superiour officer . Guilty Reduced to the ranks and 80 days detention.
Lance Corporal Army KRH Bulford 04-Jul-19 Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2: Theft. Ch 3: Fraud. Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 16 months detention.
Corporal Army MPGS, SP Bn ITC Catterick 05-Jul-19 1 x Theft Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and reduced to the ranks.
Sergeant Army QRH Bulford 05-Jul-19 Ch 1 to 6, 9 to 12: Possession of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 7 & 8: Possession of an extreme pornographic image. Guilty Dismissed from He Majesty's Service. 12 months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. 250 Hours unpaid work requirement. Sexual Offender Behaviour Programme for upto 35 days. Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for upto 20 days.
Corporal Army QRH Bulford 05-Jul-19 Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: Criminal Damage Not Guilty Not set
Trooper Army Royal Armoured Corps Trg Regt Bulford 05-Jul-19 Ch 1 to 3: Fraud by false representation Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with 240 hours unpaid work requirement and pay a Service Compensation Order of œ174.34
Marine Royal Navy 45 Cdo RM Bulford 05-Jul-19 2 x Offering to supply a controlled drug Guilty Service Community Order with 240 hours unpaid work requirement and upto 15 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.
Rifleman Army 3 Rifles Catterick 05-Jul-19 2 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention.
Corporal Army ARTD RG ACC Ipswich Catterick 08-Jul-19 1 x Unauthorised access to computer material Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal and 60 days detention suspended for 6 months.
Lance Corporal Army 1 Sig Regt Catterick 10-Jul-19 3 x Sexual Assault Guilty 6 Months detention.
Corporal Army RDG Catterick 11-Jul-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Private Army 1 Mercian Bulford 11-Jul-19 Ch 1 to Ch 4: Theft Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement.
Lance Corporal Army 2 R Anglian OVS/Cyprus 12-Jul-19 1 x GBH Guilty Service Community Order with 200 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Senior Aircraftman RAF TSW MOD Stafford Catterick 15-Jul-19 3 x Sexual Assault Guilty 2 Year Service Community Order with a Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for up to 25 days, 200 hours unpaid work requirement within 12 months. Subject to the sex offenders register for 5 years and subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 5 years.
Marine Royal Navy 40 CDO RM Bulford 15-Jul-19 2 x Wounding with intent - joinder Guilty 6 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
LET(WESM) Royal Navy HMS Collingwood Bulford 17-Jul-19 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set
Rifleman Army 2 Rifles Catterick 17-Jul-19 1 x Criminal Damage Guilty Service Supervision and Punishment Order of 30 days and pay a œ400 Service Compensation Order.
Private Army 2 R Anglian Catterick 18-Jul-19 Ch 1: Wounding with intent . Ch 2: Unlawful wounding. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty Imprisonment for two years and six months and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Lance Corporal Army 1 MWD Regt Catterick 19-Jul-19 Ch 1 & 2: Assault by penetration. Ch 3: Attempted Rape. Not Guilty Not set
Naval Airman Royal Navy RNAS Yeovilton Bulford 19-Jul-19 1 x Possessing a controlled drug Not Guilty Not set
Fusilier Army 2 SCOTS Catterick 19-Jul-19 Ch 1: Failing to attend a duty. Ch 2: Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer. Ch 3 & 4: AWOL. Guilty 8 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Flight Lieutenant Royal Air Force RAFC Cranwell Catterick 22-Jul-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ1564.78 Fine and reprimanded.
Warrant Officer Class 1 Army 1 Regt RLC Bulford 22-Jul-19 Ch 1: ABH. CH 2: Battery Not Guilty Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Conningsby Catterick 22-Jul-19 1 x Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour. Guilty Service Community Order of 80 hours unpaid work to be completed within 12 months.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Coningsby Catterick 22-Jul-19 1 x Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour. Guilty œ100 Fine.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Conningsby Catterick 22-Jul-19 1 x Theft Guilty œ100 Fine.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Conningsby Catterick 22-Jul-19 1 x Theft Guilty œ100 Fine
WS (AWT) Royal Navy HMS Nelson Bulford 24-Jul-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
WS(AWT) Royal Navy HMS Diamond Bulford 24-Jul-19 1 x Battery Guilty œ400 Fine.
Air Trooper Army Army Air Corps Catterick 24-Jul-19 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Dependant of Royal Air Force RAF Police CYPRUS 25-Jul-19 Ch 1: ABH. CH 2: Battery Guilty Service Community Order of 40 hours unpaid work requirement, to be completed within 12 months.
Private Army 4 Regt RLC Bulford 25-Jul-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2 & 3: Battery Ch 1 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. 45 Days detention.
Sapper Army 35 Engr Regt Bulford 25-Jul-19 1 x GBH (s20) Guilty 6 Months detention, pay a œ1,500 Service Compensation Order.
Bombardier Army 14 Regt RA Bulford 25-Jul-19 1 x Fraud by false representation Guilty œ350 Fine.
Corporal Royal Navy Commando Log Regiment Bulford 25-Jul-19 Ch 1 & 2: Misapplying or wasting public propery. Ch 3: Making a false record. Guilty Reduced to the rank of Marine.
Lance Corporal of Horse Army HCMR Bulford 26-Jul-19 6 x Conduct pejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty Severe reprimand and œ1,320 Service Compensation Order.
Corporal Army 1 Lancs Catterick 26-Jul-19 Ch 1: Cruelty to a person under 16. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Mr Civilian 17 RLC Bulford 26-Jul-19 1 x Indecent assault Guilty 15 Months imprisonment and Sex Offenders register for 10 years.
Lance Corporal Army 1 Scots Guards Bulford 26-Jul-19 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty Reprimand and œ600 fine.
Guardsman Army 1 Scots Guards Bulford 26-Jul-19 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol Guilty œ300 Fine.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force II AC Sqn Typhoon Catterick 26-Jul-19 1 x GBH (s18) Guilty 3 Years and 4 months detention in a Youth Offenders Institution and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Captain Army 1 Lancs Catterick 26-Jul-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty Loss of seniority for 2 years.
Rifleman Army 4 Rifles Bulford 26-Jul-19 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 months Service Community Order with 100 unpaid work requirement.
Sergeant Army 32 Regt RA Bulford/Belize 29-Jul-19 Ch 1: Death by dangerous driving. Ch 2: Death by careless driving. Ch 3: Causing death by careless driving. Ch 4: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 1 & 4: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty 5 Years imprisonment.
Fusilier Army 1 RRF Bulford 14-Aug-19 Ch 1: AWOL. Ch 2: Desertion. Ch 3: AWOL Not set Ch 1: 6 Months detention. Ch 3: 8 Months detention. Both charges to run concurrently. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Private Army PWRR Bulford/BFG 15-Aug-19 2 x Theft Guilty 30 Days detention
Private Army PWRR Bulford/BFG 15-Aug-19 1 x Theft Guilty Fine of 7 days pay.
Corporal Army 3 Regt RMP bulford 15-Aug-19 1 x Unlawful obtaining or disclosing of personal data Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal.
Lance Corporal Army 3 Regt RMP Bulford 15-Aug-19 1 x Unlawful obtaining or disclosing of personal data Guilty Fine of 14 Days pay.
Craftsman Army 22 Sig Regt Bulford 15-Aug-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Assault by beating. Guilty 8 Months detention and pay œ250 Service Compensation Order.
Lance Corporal Army 3 Bn Reme Bulford 16-Aug-19 Ch 1: Possession of a dangerous article in an aerodrome without lawful authority or reasonable excuse. Ch 2 to Ch 4: Failure to perform a duty Guilty 30 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Craftsman.
Private Army 6 Regt RLC Bulford 16-Aug-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 24 Days detention
Air Trooper Army 4 Regt AAC Catterick 09-Sep-19 Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: ABH. Guilty 140 Days detention, suspended for 9 months.
Lance Corporal Army 653 AAC Catterick 09-Sep-19 1 x Affray Guilty 80 Days detention, suspended for 9 months.
Corporal Army 653 AAC Catterick 09-Sep-19 1 x Affray Guilty 100 Days detention, suspended for 9 months.
Sergeant Army 8 Trg Bn Reme Bulford 09-Sep-19 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Sexual Assault Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal and 90 days detention.
Lance Corporal Army 10 QOGLR Bulford 09-Sep-19 1 x Criminal Damage Guilty œ600 Fine and œ1,200 Service Compensation Order.
Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Eaglet Bulford 10-Sep-19 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty Severe reprimand
Private Army 17 Port and Maritime RLC Bulford 11-Sep-19 1 x Battery Guilty 90 Days detention and œ200 Service Compensation Order.
Sub Lieutentant Royal Navy Commander Submarines Faslane Flotilla Bulford 11-Sep-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. Not Guilty Not set
Sergeant Royal Navy RNAS Yeovilton Bulford 11-Sep-19 1 x Unfitness through alcohol. Guilty œ1,500 Fine.
Corporal Army 1 RSME Regt Bulford 13-Sep-19 Ch 1 & 2: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty. œ1,250 Fine.
Commander Royal Navy EU OHQ Bulford 13-Sep-19 1 x Theft Guilty Severe reprimand and œ2,500 fine.
Warfare Specialist Royal Navy HMS St Albans Bulford 13-Sep-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Guilty 12 Months detention, suspended for 18 months and reduced to the rank of Able Seaman.
Sergeant Army DMRC SH Catterick 17-Sep-19 1 x Contravention of standing orders Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 3 Para Catterick 18-Sep-19 Ch 1: Resistance to arrest. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. œ387.66 Fine.
Corporal Army 29 Regt RLC Bulford 18-Sep-19 Ch 1 & 2: Making a gift of an air weapon to a person under the age of 18. Ch 3: Contravention of Standing Orders. Guilty œ400 Fine and reprimanded.
Lance Corporal Army 32 Engr Regt Catterick 18-Sep-19 3 x Battery Guilty 60 Days detention.
Warfare Specialist Royal Navy HMS St Albans Bulford 18-Sep-19 2 x Battery Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 6 months. œ250 Service Compensation Order.
Lieutenant Royal Navy Commander Submarines Faslane Flotilla Bulford 18-Sep-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. Guilty Reprimanded and œ2,00 fine.
Sub Lieutentant Royal Navy Commander Submarines Faslane Flotilla Bulford 18-Sep-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. Guilty Reprimanded and œ2,000 fine.
Mrs Civilian d/o 2 R Anglian OVS 18-Sep-19 1 x Battery Guilty 40 Hours unpaid work requirement and up to 5 days Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement.
Private Army 2 Para Catterick 19-Sep-19 Ch 1: Taking a conveyance without authority. Ch 2: Negiligently performing a duty Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. œ400 Fine.
Private Army 7 Regt RLC Catterick 19-Sep-19 1 x Unlawful Wounding Guilty 10 Months detention and œ200 Service Compensation Order.
Rifleman Army 2 Rifles Catterick 19-Sep-19 1 x Battery Guilty œ553.80 Fine.
Staff Sergeant Army 39 Engr Regt Catterick 19-Sep-19 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the rank of Sergeant.
Warfare Specialist Royal Navy HMS Diamond Bulford 19-Sep-19 2 x Battery Guilty 90 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Ex Lance Corporal Army 1 Grenadier Guards Bulford 19-Sep-19 Ch 1: Possession of a controlled drug. Ch 2 & 3: Possession of an offensive weapon Guilty 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Service Supervision Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement and undertake up to 40 days of Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement.
Staff Sergeant Army 16 Med Regt Catterick 20-Sep-19 1 x Fraud Guilty Reduced to the ranks and 12 months detention, suspended for 12 months.
Private Army 1 ITB Catterick 20-Sep-19 Ch 1: Common Assault. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Common Assault. Guilty 60 Months detention, suspended for 12 months.
Lance Corporal Army 1 RRF Bulford 23-Sep-19 Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2: Possession with intent to supply. Guilty 6 Months detention and reduced to the ranks.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Lossiemouth Catterick 23-Sep-19 Ch 1 to Ch 9: Fraud Guilty 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years with a suspended sentence order with 200 hours unpaid work requirement. œ4,200 Compensation Order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Benson Catterick 23-Sep-19 2 x Contravention of standing orders Guilty Reduced to the rank of Corporal.
Fusilier Army 1 RRF Bulford 23-Sep-19 3 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention.
Rifleman Army 2 Rifles Catterick 24-Sep-19 Ch 1 & 3: Battery Ch 2: ABH Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty œ500 Fine, pay œ100 Service Compensation Order.
Warrant Officer 2 Army NIGSU Catterick 24-Sep-19 Ch 1: False application or use of trade marks. Ch 2: Possession or control of articles for use in fraud. Guilty 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Corporal Army 2 Rifles Catterick 25-Sep-19 Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Battery Guilty 90 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal.
Lance Corporal Army 170 Engr GP Catterick 26-Sep-19 1 x Misapplying or wasting service property. Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 170 Engr GP Catterick 26-Sep-19 Ch 1 & 2: Misapplying or wasting service property. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. œ1,230 Fine.
Flying Officer Royal Air Force RAF Honnington Catterick 26-Sep-19 1 x Sexual Assualt Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR Bulford 27-Sep-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Criminal Damage Not Guilty Not set
Corporal Army 27 Regt RLC Bulford 29-Sep-19 Ch 1: Possessing ammunition without holding a current firearm certificate. Ch 2: Failing to perform a duty. Guilty Service Community Order with 50 hours unpaid work requirement.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Northolt Catterick 30-Sep-19 Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2 & 3: Making a false record. Guilty 90 Days detention, pay œ153.44 in compensation and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Private Army 2 Para Catterick 30-Sep-19 Ch 1 & 2: ABH. Ch 3: Using threatening, abusive or provocative behaviour. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty. œ418.32 Fine.
Senior Aircraftsman Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Catterick 30-Sep-19 2 x Using violence towards a superior officer Guilty 60 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order.
Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Waddington Catterick 02-Oct-19 1 x Assault by penetration Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 2 Yorks Catterick 03-Oct-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2 to 4: Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind. Guilty 14 Months detention.
Ex-Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Marham Catterick 03-Oct-19 2 x Misconduct through alcohol Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2; Guilty. œ200 Fine.
Lance Corporal Army 5 FS Bn REME Bulford 03-Oct-19 1 x Battery Guilty 70 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ250 Service Compensation Order.
Private Army Army Foundation College Harrogate Bulford 04-Oct-19 1 x Racially aggrevated assault occasioning actual bodily harm. Guilty œ500 Fine.
Major Army 3 Regt AAC Catterick 04-Oct-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Logistician (Chef) Royal Navy HMS Nelson Bulford 04-Oct-19 1 x Battery Guilty 60 Days detention and pay œ200 in a Service Compensation Order.
Bombadier Army 12 Regt RA Bulford 07-Oct-19 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set
Gunner Army 4 Regt RA Catterick 07-Oct-19 2 x AWOL Guilty Ch 1: 2 Months detention. Ch 2: Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Kingsman Army 1 ITB Catterick 07-Oct-19 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery Guilty 14 Months detention.
Private Army ITC Catterick 09-Oct-19 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Grenadier Guards Catterick 10-Oct-19 Ch 1: GBH. Ch 2: ABH. Ch 3: Affray. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty. 8 Months detention.
Lance Corporal Army 1 Yorks Bulford 10-Oct-19 1 x Theft Guilty 9 Months detention, reduced to the ranks and pay a œ223.96 Service Compensation Order.
Lance Corporal Army 1 Yorks Bulford 10-Oct-19 Ch 1: Negligently performing a duty, Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty 1 Month detention.
Corporal Army 1 Yorks Bulford 14-Oct-19 Ch 1: GBH (s20). Ch 2: Battery Not Guilty Not set
Lance Bombardier Army 5 Regt RA Catterick 16-Oct-19 1 x ABH Guilty Reduced to the rank of Gunner and 8 months detention.
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Catterick 16-Oct-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 140 Days detention.
Bombadier Army 3 RHA Catterick 17-Oct-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Richmond Bulford 17-Oct-19 4 x Sexual assault Not Guilty Not set
Ranger Army 1 Royal Irish Bulford 18-Oct-19 1 x Desertion Not Guilty Not set
Craftsman Army 2 CS Bn Reme Catterick 18-Oct-19 1 x Fraud Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 30 hours unpaid work requirement.
Rifleman Army 1 ITB Catterick 18-Oct-19 Ch 1 to 3: Fraud. Ch 4: Attempting to pervert the course of justice Guilty 112 Days detention, suspended for 18 months with 180 hours unpaid work requirement and œ55 Service Compensation Order.
Gunner Army 19 Regt RA Bulford 18-Oct-19 Ch 1: GBH (s18). Ch 2: GBH (20). Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement and œ1,800 Service Compensation Order.
Lance Bombardier Army 19 Regt RA Bulford 18-Oct-19 3 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel or indecent kind. Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, reduced to the ranks and a Service Community Order with 60 hours unpaid work requirement.
Corporal Army 2 ITB Catterick 18-Oct-19 1 x Battery Guilty œ2,659.88 Fine and œ500 Service Compensation Order.
Private Army 2 Royal Anglian Catterick 18-Oct-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 112 Days detention.
Private Army 4 Regt RLC Catterick 21-Oct-19 Ch 1: Contravention of Standing Orders. Ch 2: Causing bodily harm. Ch 3: Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. Ch 1 & 3: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. 60 Days detention.
Lance Corporal Army 7 Regt RLC Catterick 21-Oct-19 1 x Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. Guilty Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement.
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Odiham Catterick 21-Oct-19 Ch 3: Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Private Army BFSAI Assured Support Army Catterick 21-Oct-19 Ch 3: Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. . Ch 4: Contravention of Standing Orders. Guilty 60 Days detention.
Private Army 4 Med Regt 4 Sqn Bulford 21-Oct-19 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of a Cruel or Indecent Kind Not Guilty Not set
Trooper Army RDG Bulford 22-Oct-19 1 x Racially aggravated intentional harrassment, alarm or distress. Guilty 90 Days detention.
Trooper Army RDG Bulford 22-Oct-19 1 x Racially aggravated battery Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 Rifles Bulford 22-Oct-19 Ch 1: Causing death by dangerous driving. Ch 2: Causing death by careless driving whilst under the influence of drink. Ch 3: Negligently performing a duty. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty. 54 Months imprisonment, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Corporal Army 4 Rifles Bulford 22-Oct-19 1 x Negligently performing a duty. Not Guilty Not set
Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Digby Catterick 23-Oct-19 2 x Rape Not Guilty Not set
Corporal Army 4 Rifles Bulford 23-Oct-19 1 x Doing acts tending and intended to pervert the couse of public justice. Guilty Reduced to the ranks and 360 days detention.
Lance Corporal Army 3 Med Regt Catterick 23-Oct-19 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Assault Guilty œ1,200 Fine and œ100 Service Compensation Order.
Bombadier Army 4 Regt RA Catterick 24-Oct-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Yorks Bulford 24-Oct-19 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 3 Bn REME Bulford 24-Oct-19 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2 & 3: Using violence towards an authorised person. Guilty 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and œ1,000 in Service Compensation Orders.
Lance Corporal Army MAB 7 Bulford 25-Oct-19 1 x Theft. Guilty Reduced to the ranks and 60 days detention.
Senior Aircraftsman Royal Air Force RAF Saint Mawgan Catterick 28-Oct-19 3 x Battery Guilty 60 Days detention
Senior Aircraftsman Royal Air Force RAF Leeming Catterick 28-Oct-19 2 x Contravention of Standing Orders Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Odiham Catterick 29-Oct-19 Ch 3: Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. Guilty 90 Days detention.
Lance Corporal Army 1 Royal Anglian Bulford 29-Oct-19 Ch 1: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders Guilty 50 Days detention and reduced to the ranks.
Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Waddington Catterick 30-Oct-19 2 x Arranging or facilitating commission of a child sex offence Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and a 2 year Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement and to complete 20 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement with 2 years.
Aircraftsman Royal Air Force RAF Halton Catterick 30-Oct-19 Ch 1: Racially aggravated use of words. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty œ750 Fine.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Marham Catterick 31-Oct-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Marham Catterick 31-Oct-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army RG ARITC Catterick 01-Nov-19 1 x Illtreatment of a subordinate Not Guilty Not set
Ex-Guardsman Army 2 ITB Catterick 04-Nov-19 3 x Assault Guilty Community Order with a 60 hours unpaid work requirement.
Private Army 2 Yorks Catterick 04-Nov-19 Ch 1: Burglary. Ch 2: Theft. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. œ500 Fine.
Senior Aircraftsman Royal Air Force RAF Akrotiri Catterick 04-Nov-19 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Not Guilty Not set
Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Akrotiri Catterick 04-Nov-19 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Not Guilty Not set
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army QRH Bulford 04-Nov-19 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty Reduced to the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Private Army 2 Royal Anglian Catterick 04-Nov-19 1 x Desertion Guilty Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Waddington Catterick 05-Nov-19 Ch 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9: Recording another person for the purpose of sexual gratification by himself or a third person. Ch: 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 11 - 13: Improper use of public electonic communications network Ch 1 to 10: Not Guilty. Ch 11 to 13: Guilty. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 12 month community order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement.
Corporal Royal Air Force RAF Akrotiri Catterick 05-Nov-19 1 x Fighting Guilty œ1,100 Fine and reprimanded.
Colour Sergeant Army 2 Mercian Catterick 05-Nov-19 1 x Fighting Guilty œ1,600 Fine and reprimanded.
Corporal Army 1 Rifles Bulford 05-Nov-19 1 x ABH Guilty 6 Months detention, reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal and œ500 Service Compensation Order.
Colour Sergeant Army 1 R Welsh Bulford 05-Nov-19 Ch 1: Possessing ammunition. Ch 2: Failure to comply with conditions subject to a firearm certificate. Ch 3: Conduct predjudicial to good order and service discipline. Guilty œ4,500 Fine.
Rifleman Army 2 ITB Trainees Catterick 07-Nov-19 Ch 1: Racially Aggravated Harassment. Ch 2: Battery Guilty Service Community Order with 60 hours unpaid work requirement.
Private Army ITC 2 ITB Catterick 07-Nov-19 Ch 1 to 5, 7 to 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Ch 1 to 5, 7 to 10: Not Guilty. Ch 11: Guilty. 24 Days detention.
Trooper Army The Armour Centre RAC TR Catterick 07-Nov-19 Ch 1 to 9 , 10 & 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Ch 1 to 5, 8 to 10: Not Guilty. Ch 7 & 11 Guilty. Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement.
Trooper Army The Armour Centre RAC TR Catterick 07-Nov-19 Ch 1 to 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Ch 1 to 5, 7 to 10: Not Guilty. Ch 6 & 11: Guilty. 24 Days detention.
Ex-Private Army 1 MI Bn Catterick 07-Nov-19 Ch 1 to 6 , 7 to 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Ch 3 & 9: Guilty. Ch 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 & 11: Not Guilty Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement.
Guardsman Army 2 ITB Catterick 07-Nov-19 Ch 1 to 7, 8 to 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Ch 1 to 5, 7 to 9: Not Guilty. Ch 10 & 11: Guilty. 24 Days detention.
Rifleman Army 2 ITB Trainees Catterick 07-Nov-19 Ch 1 to 9 , 10 & 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Ch 1, 2, 5 to 11: Not Guilty, Ch 3 & 4: Guilty. Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement.
Lance Corporal Army 5 Rifles Bulford 07-Nov-19 1 x Criminal Damage Guilty 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and a ?4,578 Service Compensation Order.
Petty Officer Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Drake Bulford 08-Nov-19 Ch 1: Wounding with intent. Ch 2: (alternative) Wounding. Ch 3: Battery. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty. œ500 Fine.
Private Army 4 Regt RLC Bulford 11-Nov-19 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. œ500 Fine.
Lance Corporal Army 2 Yorks Catterick 12-Nov-19 1 x Sexual assault by penetration Guilty 6 years and 6 months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Sapper Army 39 Engr Regt Catterick 12-Nov-19 1 x Assault by penetration Guilty 4 Years and 6 months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Rifleman Army 2 Rifles Catterick 12-Nov-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 R Irish Catterick 12-Nov-19 Ch 1: Distribution of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 2 to Ch 4: Possessing an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 5: Possessing an extreme pornographic image. Ch 6: Conduct prejudicial to good order. Ch 1 : Not Guilty. Ch 2 to 6: Guilty. 9 Months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 5 years Sexual Harm Prevention Order
Ex-Private Army 29 Regt RLC Bulford 12-Nov-19 Ch 1: Threatening behaviour. Ch 2: Provocative behaviour. Ch 3: Sending threatening electronic communication. Guilty 18 Months Service Community Order with a 30 day Building Better Relationships Programme, 30 day Rehabilitation and Activity Requirements Programme and 70 hours unpaid work requirement.
Private Army 3 Para Catterick 12-Nov-19 2 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Ranger Army 1 R Irish Catterick 14-Nov-19 3 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention.
Signaller Army 22 Sig Regt Bulford 15-Nov-19 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Nelson Bulford 15-Nov-19 1 x Aggrevated vehicle taking Guilty 6 Months detention, œ1,909.70 Service Compensation Order.
Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Westminster Bulford 15-Nov-19 1 x Taking a conveyance without authority Guilty 40 Days detention.
Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Dauntless Bulford 15-Nov-19 1 x Taking a conveyance without authority Not Guilty Not set
Engineering Technician Royal Navy HMS Dauntless Bulford 15-Nov-19 1 x Aggrevated vehicle taking Guilty 90 Days detention, œ1,909.70 Service Compensation Order.
CPO(HM) Royal Air Force RAF Waddington Bulford 15-Nov-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty Reprimanded
Gunner Army 7 Para RHA Catterick 18-Nov-19 1 x Fighting. Guilty œ413.42 Fine.
Private Army 13 AASP RLC Catterick 18-Nov-19 1 x Desertion Guilty Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh Bulford 18-Nov-19 Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: Common Assault. Ch 4: Damaging service property . Guilty 120 Days detention and œ260 Service Compensation Order.
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles Bulford 18-Nov-19 2 x AWOL Guilty 160 Days detention.
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army 10 QOGLR Bulford 19-Nov-19 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline Guilty œ1,000 Fine
Private Army 1 Scots Catterick 20-Nov-19 1 x Battery Guilty œ750.50 Fine.
Private Army 1 Scots Catterick 20-Nov-19 Ch 1 & 2: Battery Guilty œ905.38 Fine.
Lance Bombardier Army 7 Para RHA Catterick 20-Nov-19 Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. œ670.50 Fine
Bombardier Army 26 Regt RA Bulford 20-Nov-19 3 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army Scots DG Catterick 20-Nov-19 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty 80 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Trooper.
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Catterick 20-Nov-19 1 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Private Army 2 R Anglian Catterick 20-Nov-19 2 x Battery. Guilty 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and œ500 Service Compensation Order.
Rifleman Army 2 Rifles Catterick 21-Nov-19 Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2: Threatening behaviour. Guilty œ614.90 Fine.
Gunner Army 3 RHA Catterick 21-Nov-19 1 x ABH Guilty 90 Days detention and œ500 Service Compensation Order.
Ex-Lance Corporal Army 165 RLC Catterick 21-Nov-19 Ch 1 to 3: Indecent assault on a girl. Ch 4 to 6: Indecent assault on a girl. Guilty 8 Years imprisonment, plus 1 year extended licence.
Trooper Army QRH Sennelager 22-Nov-19 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Criminal Damage Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty œ500 Fine and pay a œ300 Service Compensation Order.
Major Army HQ ARITC Bulford 22-Nov-19 1 x Battery Guilty Reprimand
Warrant Officer 1 Army 71 Engr Regt Catterick 25-Nov-19 Ch 1: Rape. Ch 2: Rape Guilty 14 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Signaller Army 30 Sig Regt Catterick 25-Nov-19 1 x Using force against a person on guard duty Guilty 120 Days detention.
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army 9 Regt RLC Bulford 26-Nov-19 Ch 1 to 3: Sexual Assault. Ch 4: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Ch 1 to 3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty Reduced to the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Corporal Army 21 Engr Regt Catterick 28-Nov-19 Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Assault by penetration. Ch 3: Rape Not Guilty Not set
Private Army 167 Regt RLC Catterick 28-Nov-19 Ch 1: Disobedience of a lawful command. Ch 2: Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer Not Guilty Not set
Captain Army 3 Regt AAC Catterick 29-Nov-19 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs. Guilty Reprimanded
Trooper Army HCMR Catterick 29-Nov-19 1 x Offering to supply a controlled drug Guilty 6 months detention and dismissed From Her Majesty's Service.
Trooper Army HCMR Catterick 29-Nov-19 4 x Offering to supply a controlled drug Guilty 8 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
SAC Royal Air Force RAF Waddington Catterick 02-Dec-19 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set
Lance Sergeant Army 1 IG Bulford 02-Dec-19 1 x Battery Guilty œ1,900 Fine and severly reprianded.
Lance Sergeant Army 1 IG Bulford 02-Dec-19 1 x Battery Guilty œ1,900 Fine and severly reprianded.
Marine Royal Navy CTC RM Bulford 02-Dec-19 1 x ABH Guilty 6 Months detention, pay œ143.00 in Service Compensation Order.
Major Army AGC Catterick 03-Dec-19 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty œ2,228.80 Fine.
Corporal Army 5 Armd Med Regt Catterick 03-Dec-19 1 x Handling stolen goods Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal, 30 days detention and pay œ196.70 in a Service Compensation Order.
Lance Sergeant Army 1 Grenadier Guards Bulford 04-Dec-19 1 x Negligently performing a duty Guilty œ2,000 Fine and severly reprimanded.
Trooper Army QRH Bulford 04-Dec-19 Ch 1 & 2: Distribution of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 3 to 6: Possession of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 7 & 8: Possession of an extreme pornographic image. Guilty 16 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majety's Service.
Lance Corporal Army 17 RLC Bulford 04-Dec-19 1 x Threatening behaviour Guilty œ1,500 Fine and reprimanded.
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs Catterick 04-Dec-19 2 x AWOL Guilty 120 Days detention.
Private Army ITC 2 ITB Catterick 05-Dec-19 1 x Desertion Guilty 60 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service.
Private Army 2 PWRR Catterick 05-Dec-19 1 x Criminal damage Guilty 30 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order and œ932.46 Service Compensation Order.
Corporal Army HQ Armd Inf BDE Bulford 06-Dec-19 Ch 1 to 15: Fraud. Ch 16: Making a false record. Ch 1 to 6 and 8 to 16: Guilty. Ch 7: Not Guilty. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, reduced to the ranks and 9 months detention.
Private Army 10 QOGLR Bulford 06-Dec-19 Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 3: threatening, abusive , insulting or provocative behaviour Guilty 6 Months detention
Lance Corporal Army 10 QOGLR Bulford 06-Dec-19 1 x Fighting Guilty œ500 Fine and reprimanded
Craftsman Army 6 Bn REME Bulford 06-Dec-19 1 x Fraud Guilty 10 Days detention.
Corporal Army 2 PWRR Catterick 09-Dec-19 2 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set
Lance Corporal Army 7 Regt RLC Catterick 09-Dec-19 1 x Fighting Guilty Fined œ1,495.88
Corporal Army 2 Rifles Catterick 09-Dec-19 Ch 1 to 3 & 5: Battery. Ch 4: ABH. Ch 1 to 3: Guilty. Ch 4 & 5: Not Guilty. 6 Months detention, suspended for 24 months and pay a œ150 Service Compensation Order.
Ex-Lance Corporal Army 1 PWRR Bulford 09-Dec-19 Ch 1: Being concerned in the supply of a controlled drug. Ch 2: Possession of a controlled drug. Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: No verdict taken. 4 Years imprisonment
Hldr Army 4 Scots Catterick 10-Dec-19 Ch 1 to 4: AWOL. Ch 5: Possession of a controlled drug. Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 180 days detention.
Ex-Corporal Army 2 Para Catterick 11-Dec-19 3 x Battery Not Guilty Not set
Sergeant Army MAB 2 Bulford 12-Dec-19 3 x Forgery Ch 1 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. Reduced to the rank of Corporal.
Sergeant Royal Air Force RAF Brize Norton Catterick 12-Dec-19 1 x ABH Guilty 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and pay a œ1,000 Service Compensation Order.
Able Seaman Royal Navy HMS Westminster Bulford 12-Dec-19 2 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set
Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS Nelson Bulford 12-Dec-19 1 x Fraud Guilty 4 Months detention, suspended for 12 months, reduced to the rank of Petty Officer and pay a œ539.58 Service Compensation Order.