Court martial results from the military court centres: January to December 2019
Updated 4 March 2025
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Rank Rank must be in full with no abbreviations | Service | Unit | Trial Court | Sentencing Date | Charge (s) Charge(s) must be in full with no abbreviations | Finding | Overall Sentence |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | 3 PWRR | Bulford | 14-Jan-19 | 3 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and military discipline | Not Guilty | Not set |
Kingsman | Army | 2 Lancs | Colchester | 15-Jan-19 | Ch 1: Burglary with intent. Ch 2: Disobediance of a lawful command | Guilty | 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and œ73 Service Compensation Order. |
Ex-Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Benson | Catterick | 16-Jan-19 | Ch 1: Pocessing a controlled drug. Ch 2: Offering to supply a controlled drug. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 6 Months imprisonment to run concurrent with another case. |
Ex-Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Benson | Catterick | 16-Jan-19 | 3 x Fraud | Guilty | 6 Months imprisonment to run concurrent with another case. |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Benson | Catterick | 16-Jan-19 | 1 x Aiding and abetting burglary | Guilty | 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Ex Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Benson | Catterick | 16-Jan-19 | Ch 1: Possessing a firearm. Ch 2: Burglary. Ch 3: Offence Contrary to section 53 of the investigatory powers act 2000 | Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty | 18 Months imprisonment. |
LLOG(SC) | Royal Navy | HMS St Albans | Bulford | 17-Jan-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Admonished. |
Highlander | Army | 4 SCOTS | Catterick | 18-Jan-19 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | MPGS (RM Poole) | Bulford | 18-Jan-19 | 2 x Failing to perform a duty | Guilty | œ1,000 Fine. |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | OVS | 21-Jan-19 | 1 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | BATUS | Bulford | 21-Jan-19 | Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2: Failing to perform a duty. Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Ch 1 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | Servere reprimand and œ2,500 fine. |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | 35 Engr Regt | Sennelager | 22-Jan-19 | Ch 1: Common Assault. Ch 2 & 3: Sexual assault. Ch 4: Using threatening behaviour. | Not Guilty | Not set |
ET(ME) | Royal Navy | HMS Queen Elizabeth | Bulford | 23-Jan-19 | 1 x Rape | Guilty | 5 years and 6 months imprisonment; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, Sex Offenders register for life; to be subject to barring or working with children or adults. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 3 Rifles | Catterick | 23-Jan-19 | Ch 1: Common Assault. Ch 2: AWOL. | Guilty | 70 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the ranks. |
Sergeant | Army | 7 Para RHA | Catterick | 23-Jan-19 | 1 x Misconduct through Alcohol | Guilty | Admonished. |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS TRIUMPH | Bulford | 24-Jan-19 | 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders | Guilty | œ200 Fine. |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS DRAKE | Portsmouth | 25-Jan-19 | 1 x Battery, 2 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 150 Pro Coy, 1 RMP | Catterick | 25-Jan-19 | 1 x Fighting | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 2 Royal Anglian | Catterick | 28-Jan-19 | 1 x Intentionally Causing Harrassment, Alarm or Distress | Not Guilty | Not set |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | 1 RMP | Catterick | 28-Jan-19 | Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2, 4 to 6: Forgery. | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | Bulford | 28-Jan-19 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | 180 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Trooper | Army | KRH | Bulford | 28-Jan-19 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 9 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Colour Serjeant | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 29-Jan-19 | 1 x Theft | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | DHU | Catterick | 30-Jan-19 | Ch 1: Theft. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 22 Sig Regt | Catterick | 30-Jan-19 | 1 x Theft. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | RAF | RAF CONINGSBY | Catterick | 30-Jan-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Craftsman | Army | 13 AA Sp Regt RLC | Bulford | 30-Jan-19 | 1 x Unfitness through alcohol | Guilty | 28 days detention. |
Guardsman | Army | Scots Guards | Bulford | 30-Jan-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 135 Days detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Corporal | Army | 3 RSME Regt | Bulford | 31-Jan-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Disgraceful conduct. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex Lance Corporal | Army | KRH | Bulford | 31-Jan-19 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 4: Fighting | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty. | Reduced to the ranks. |
Fusilier | Army | 1 RRF | Bulford | 31-Jan-19 | Ch 2: Battery. Ch 5: Fighting | Ch 2: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty | 60 Day Service Supervision and Punishment Order. |
Flight Sergeant | RAF | RAF Henlow | Catterick | 01-Feb-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | 2 Years imprisonment, suspended for 2 years with 25 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; reduced to the ranks; œ26,449.61 Service Compensation Order. |
Major | Army | Army Requirements Managers - ABW | Bulford | 01-Feb-19 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | Forfeit 3 years seniority. |
Sergeant | Royal Navy | 845(SEA) | Bulford | 05-Feb-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Lossiemouth | Catterick | 06-Feb-19 | Ch 6: Fighting. Ch 7: Having an offensive weapon in a public place. Ch 8: Miconduct through alcohol. | Ch 6 & 8: Guilty. Ch 7: Not Guilty. | 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | Catterick | 06-Feb-19 | Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2 & 4: Battery. Ch 3: Assault. Ch 5: GBH (s20). | Ch 1, 4 & 5: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty. | 11 Months detention and pay œ4,000 Service Compensation Order. |
Private | Army | 5 Amoured Medical Reg | Catterick | 06-Feb-19 | Ch 9: Making a false record. | Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Private | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 06-Feb-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Admonished. |
Private | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 06-Feb-19 | 1 x Causing fear or provocation of violence. | Guilty | 14 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Craftsman | Army | 3 Bn REME | Bulford | 07-Feb-19 | 1 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 103 Regt RA | Catterick | 07-Feb-19 | Ch 1: Misapplying service property. Ch 2: Making false records. | Guilty | 7 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. Pay œ158.40 Service Compensation Order. |
Gunner | Army | 12 Regt RA | Bulford | 07-Feb-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 200 Hour unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Log (CH) | Royal Navy | 40 Cdo RM | Bulford | 11-Feb-19 | Ch 1: Sexual assault by penetration. Ch 2: Sexual assault. | Ch 1: Not Gulity. Ch 2: Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; two years Service Community Order with a programme requirement for up to 35 days and a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement for up to 30 days; be subject to the Notification requirements for five years. |
Private | Army | 2 Para | Catterick | 11-Feb-19 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Assault. Ch 3: Misconduct through alcohol. | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | 28 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Private | Army | 27 Regt RLC | Catterick | 12-Feb-19 | 1 x Fighting | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sapper | Army | 3 RSME | Catterick | 12-Feb-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Fighting | Not Guilty | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 1 IG | Colchester | 12-Feb-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Fighting. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 : Guilty. | 70 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Marine | Navy | 4 Assault Squadron RM | Bulford | 12-Feb-19 | 3 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Fusilier | Army | 1 RRF | Bulford | 12-Feb-19 | Ch 3: Battery. | Ch 3: Guilty. | Six days detention. |
Corporal | Army | 1 R Irish | Catterick | 13-Feb-19 | 1 x Using threatening behaviour. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | Catterick | 13-Feb-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention and Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Private | Army | 1 Lancs | Catterick | 13-Feb-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Kingsman | Army | 1 LANCS | Bulford | 13-Feb-19 | 3 x AWOL. | Guilty | Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Private | Army | 3 RSME | Catterick | 14-Feb-19 | 1 x Fighting. | Guilty | 30 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Sennelager | 15-Feb-19 | Ch 1: Attempted Rape. Ch 2: Assault by Penetration. Ch 3: Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | COMDEVFLOT ESG EDG FTE | Bulford | 18-Feb-19 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
ET(WE) | Royal Navy | HMS Ledbury | Bulford | 18-Feb-19 | 1 x AWOL | Discontinued | Not set |
Sub Lieutenant | Royal Navy | HMS Sultan | Bulford | 18-Feb-19 | 2 x Fraud | Guilty | 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years; 150 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Corporal | Army | 2 Para | Catterick | 18-Feb-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 12 Months conditional discharge. |
Ex-Private | Army | 3 Regt RLC | Bulford | 18-Feb-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 2 Year Service Community Order with 180 hours unpaid work requirement, 10 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and pay œ500 Service Compensation Order. |
Sergeant | Army | European Joint Support Unit | Catterick | 19-Feb-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | œ1,200 Fine. |
Ex Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS Raleigh | Bulford | 21-Feb-19 | Ch 2: Intentionally encouraging an offence. | Guilty | Discharged |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | HMS Raleigh | Bulford | 21-Feb-19 | Ch 1: ABH. | Guilty | 21 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
ET(WE) | Royal Navy | HMS Collingwood | Bulford | 21-Feb-19 | 1 x Fraud | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Army | HCMR | Bulford | 22-Feb-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | œ1,500 Fine and pay a œ114.06 Service Compensation Order. |
Lance Corporal | Army | ORH | Sennelager | 25-Feb-19 | Ch 1, 3-5: Fraud. Ch 2: Making a false record. | Ch 1-4: Guilty. Ch 5: Not Guilty | 180 Hours unpaid work requirement, 20 hours Rehabilitation Activity Requirement, œ1,069 Service Compensation Orders, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Coldm Gds | Bulford | 28-Feb-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Private and 28 days detention, suspended for 90 days. |
Kingsman | Army | 2 Bn Lancs | Bulford | 28-Feb-19 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 60 Days detention. |
Private | Army | Defence School of Transport | Bulford | 28-Feb-19 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention. |
Staff Sergeant | Army | ASLS | Bulford | 01-Mar-19 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 01-Mar-19 | 1 x Affray | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex-Trooper | Army | QRH | Bulford | 05-Mar-19 | 1 x Possessing a controlled drug | Guilty | 60 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Flight Lieutenant | RAF | Brize Norton | Catterick | 06-Mar-19 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Sennelager | 06-Mar-19 | Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Battery | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty | 120 Days detention. |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Sennelager | 06-Mar-19 | Ch 2: ABH. Ch 3: Battery | Ch 2: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty | 6 Months detention and subject to a Service Compensation Order of œ2,000. |
Corporal | Army | 1 Armd Med Regt | Sennelager | 06-Mar-19 | Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Misconduct through Alcohol. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty | œ1,500 Fine and reprimanded. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 RRF | Bulford | 07-Mar-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal; 6 months detention, suspended for 9 months and pay a œ400 Service Compensation Order. |
Corporal | Army | 2 Sig Regt | Catterick | 07-Mar-19 | Ch1: Voyeurism. Ch 2: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 6 Months detention; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Staff Sergeant | Army | QRH | Bulford | 07-Mar-19 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Signaller | Army | 2 Sig Regt | Catterick | 08-Mar-19 | Ch 1: Racially aggrevated harassment. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good oreder and service discipline. | Guilty | 90 Days detention and a œ500 Service Compensation Order. |
Private | Army | 2 R Anglian | Catterick | 11-Mar-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | Northwood HQ | Bulford | 11-Mar-19 | 1 x Theft. | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Leading Hand. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Coldm Gds | Bulford | 11-Mar-19 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks. |
Air Trooper | Army | 1 Regt AAC | Bulford | 11-Mar-19 | Ch 1: Misapplying service property. Ch 2: Damaging service property. | Guilty | 80 Days detention. |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy | HMS Sultan | Bulford | 11-Mar-19 | Ch 1 & Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: ABH | Guilty | 10 Months detention and a Service Compensation Order of œ3,000. |
Serjeant | Army | 1 RIFLES | Bulford | 12-Mar-19 | Ch 1: Contravention of Standing Orders. Ch 2: Racially aggravated threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 90 Days detention and reduced to the ranks. |
Rifleman | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 14-Mar-19 | Ch 1 to 4: Sending electronic communications which were indecent, grossly offensive or threatening. Ch 5: Disclosing private sexual photographs with intent to cause distress. Ch 6: Possession of extreme pornography. Ch 7: Conduct predjuicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | 10 Months detention and subject to a Service Restraining Order. |
Captain | Army | 13 AA Sp Regt RLC | Bulford | 14-Mar-19 | Ch 1 to 3: Sexual Assault. Ch 4 to 6: Disgraceful conduct of the indecent kind. Ch 7: Ill treatment of a subordinate. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Captain | Army | Andover Support Unit | Bulford | 14-Mar-19 | Ch 8: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 2 Lancs | Colchester | 15-Mar-19 | 1 x Manslaughter | Guilty | 3 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Corporal | Army | 26 Engr Regt | Bulford | 15-Mar-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Not Guilty | Not set |
EX-Guardsman | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Bulford | 18-Mar-19 | 1 x Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply | Guilty | 12 Months Service Community Order and unpaid work requirement of 80 days. |
Private | Army | 3 Regt RLC | Bulford | 18-Mar-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | œ500 Fine. |
Private | Army | 3 Regt RLC | Bulford | 18-Mar-19 | Ch 1: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Guilty | œ500 Fine. |
Private | Army | 3 Regt RLC | Bulford | 18-Mar-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | œ500 Fine. |
Private | Army | 2 R Anglian | Catterick | 20-Mar-19 | 1 x Disobideience of a lawful command | Guilty | œ700 Fine. |
Sergeant | Army | 5 REME | Bulford | 20-Mar-19 | 1 x Driving a mechanically propelled vehicle under the influence of alcohol | Guilty | œ1500 Fine |
Sergeant | Royal Marines | 1 ASRM | Bulford | 20-Mar-19 | Ch 1: Disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer. Ch 2: Disobedience of lawful command. | Guilty | Disrated to Corporal |
Corporal | Royal Navy | MAB 6 | Bulford | 21-Mar-19 | 1 x Taking a conveyance without authority | Guilty | 40 Days detention, suspended for 50 weeks. |
Corporal | Royal Navy | RM Poole | Catterick | 21-Mar-19 | 1 x Making a false official record. | Guilty | Disrated to Marine. |
Mr | Civilian | DIO INTL | Catterick | 22-Mar-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 35 Engr Regt | Catterick | 22-Mar-19 | 3 x Battery | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Corporal. |
Ex Colour Sergeant | Royal Navy | COMFASFLOT | Bulford | 25-Mar-19 | 1 x Perjury | Not Guilty | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 3 Rifles | Catterick | 25-Mar-19 | Ch 1: Criminal Damage. Ch 2: Taking a conveyance without authority. Ch 3: AWOL. | Guilty | 120 days detention. |
Lance Corporal | Army | BATUK | Catterick | 26-Mar-19 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 8 Months detention and reduced to the Rank of Private. |
Captain | Army | 6 Regt RLC | Catterick | 27-Mar-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | Severe reprimand and œ1,200 fine. |
Corporal | Army | 202 Fd Hosp | Catterick | 28-Mar-19 | 3 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 5 Regt RA | Catterick | 28-Mar-19 | Ch 1: Displaying threatening, abusive or insulting material with the intent to stir up racial hatred. Ch 2: Conduct predjudice of good order and service discipline. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 90 Service Supervision and Punishment Order. |
Trooper | Army | RTR | Bulford | 29-Mar-19 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 11 months, 3 weeks and 4 days detention. |
Gunner | Army | Royal Artillery | Bulford | 29-Mar-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Private | Army | 4 Mercian | Bulford | 29-Mar-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Corporal | Army | 4 Regt Army Air Corp | Catterick | 01-Apr-19 | Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Battery. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | œ1,500 Fine. |
Not set | Army | Not set | Bulford | 01-Apr-19 | 1 x Theft | Not Guilty | Not set |
Not set | Army | Not set | Bulford | 01-Apr-19 | 1 x Theft | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 MAB | Bulford | 01-Apr-19 | Ch 1: Theft. Ch 2 & 3: Making a false record | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks and a œ60.52 Service Compensation Order. |
Fusilier | Army | 1 RRF | Catterick | 02-Apr-19 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and a Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement |
Private | Army | 2 MERCIAN | Catterick | 03-Apr-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and pay œ2,000 in compensation. |
Kingsman | Army | 2 Lancs | Catterick | 04-Apr-19 | Ch 1: Offering to supply a controlled drug. Ch 2: AWOL | Guilty | 11 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Corporal | Army | 32 Regt RA | Catterick | 04-Apr-19 | Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Disgraceful conduct of the indecent kind. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Trooper | Army | QRH att BATUS | Bulford | 04-Apr-19 | 1 x Negligently damaging public property | Guilty | 28 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ840 Service Compensation Order. |
Private | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 04-Apr-19 | 1 x Affray. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | Defence School of Transport | Bulford | 04-Apr-19 | Ch 1: Fighting Ch 2: Battery | Guilty | 90 Days detention. |
Private | Army | 9 Regt RLC | Bulford | 04-Apr-19 | Ch 1: Fighting - Joinder | Not Guilty | Not set |
Trooper | Army | RL | Catterick | 04-Apr-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 90 Days detention |
Corporal | Army | HQ JITG | Catterick | 08-Apr-19 | 4 x Negligently performing a duty | Guilty | 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and pay œ3,500 in compensation. |
Guardsman | Army | 1 IG | Bulford | 09-Apr-19 | 1 x Affray | Not Guilty | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Odiham | Bulford | 10-Apr-19 | 4 x Sexual Assault | Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3 & 4: Not Guilty | œ800 Fine. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Holton | Catterick | 10-Apr-19 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy | MOD NSD | Bulford | 10-Apr-19 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | œ75 Fine and pay a œ95 Service Compensation Order. |
Leading Seaman | Royal Navy | HMS Drake | Bulford | 10-Apr-19 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | Disrated, œ750 fine and pay a œ95 Service Compensation Order. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 6 Regt RLC | Bulford | 11-Apr-19 | 1 x Fraud. | Guilty | Service Community Order with a 150 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Sergeant | Army | HQ ARRC Ops Div | Bulford | 11-Apr-19 | Ch 1: Possessing a controlled drug. Ch 2: AWOL. | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal. |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | TSW | Catterick | 11-Apr-19 | Ch 1: Under the Influence of Drink and Drugs. Ch 2 & 3: Criminal Damage. Ch 4: Resisting Arrest. | Guilty | œ2,750 Fine and œ1,231.02 in Service Compensation Orders. |
Highlander | Army | 4 SCOTS | Catterick | 11-Apr-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | 90 Days detention, suspended for 9 months. |
Private | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 11-Apr-19 | Ch 1: Making off without payment. Ch 2: Causing harrassment, alarm or distress. | Guilty | 90 Days detention and pay œ9.70 in compensation, |
Rifleman | Army | 3 Rifles | Catterick | 11-Apr-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Admonised |
Ex-Private | Army | ATC P1 Regt | Bulford | 12-Apr-19 | 2 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. 2 Year Service Compensation Order with 30 days Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement and 60 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Fusilier | Army | 1 R Welsh | Bulford | 12-Apr-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 90 Days detention. |
Ex-Engineering Technician | Royal Navy | HMS Vengeance | Bulford | 12-Apr-19 | 1 x Offering to supply a controlled drug | Guilty | 24 Months detention. |
Corporal | Army | 174 Pro Coy | Bulford | 12-Apr-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ1,200 Fine. |
Marine | Royal Navy | 42 Cdo | Bulford | 12-Apr-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 60 Days detention. |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | Tayforth UOTC | Catterick | 29-Apr-19 | 1 x Unlawful wounding s20 | Guilty | 12 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the rank of Colour Sergeant. |
Lance Corporal | Army | MAB 1 | Bulford | 29-Apr-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal, pay a œ200 Service Compensation Order. |
Sapper | Army | 26 Engr Regt | Bulford | 01-May-19 | Ch 1: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 2: Damaging Service property | Guilty | 120 Days detention. |
Lance Corporal | Army | RG RR5 OT Aldershot | Bulford | 01-May-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 28 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Guardsman | Army | Welsh Guards | Bulford | 02-May-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 8 Months detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Ex-Trooper | Army | QRH | Bulford | 02-May-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | œ870 Service Compensation Order. Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 26 Engr Regt | Sennelager | 02-May-19 | 1 x Loss of Service Property | Guilty | œ1,200 Service Compensation Order. |
Sapper | Army | 36 Engr Regt | Bulford | 02-May-19 | Ch 1: Battery, Ch 2: Using force against a person on guard duty | Guilty | 6 Months detention. |
Private | Army | 8 Trg Bn Reme | Bulford | 02-May-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 50 Days detention. |
Private | Army | 9 Regt RLC | Bulford | 02-May-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Fusilier | Army | 2 Scots | Bulford | 02-May-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention. |
Lance Bombardier | Army | 47 Regt RA | Bulford | 03-May-19 | Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Bombardier | Army | 32 Regt RA | Bulford | 03-May-19 | Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Bombardier | Army | 32 Regt RA | Bulford | 03-May-19 | Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 03-May-19 | Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 9 Months detention and reduced to the ranks. |
Gunner | Army | 32 Regt RA | Bulford | 03-May-19 | Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 6 Months detention, suspended for 2 years. |
Lance Coporal | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 03-May-19 | Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 9 Months detention and reduced to the ranks. |
Private | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 03-May-19 | Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Causing fear or provocation of violence. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | 9 Months detention. |
N/A | Army | 1 PWRR | Bulford | 03-May-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | 8 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Sapper | Army | 21 Engr Regt | Catterick | 04-May-19 | 1 x Fighting. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal of Horse | Army | HCR | Colchester | 07-May-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Distributing an indecent image of a child. Ch 3 to 8: Making an indecent image of a child. | Guilty | 10 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and reduced to the ranks. Rehabilitation Programme for 35 days to include particpation in the Horizon Programme. 100 Hours unpaid work requirement. |
Private | Army | ITC 2 ITB | Catterick | 08-May-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. | Guilty | œ1,300 Fine a œ500 Service Compensation Order. |
SAC | Royal Air Force | 27 ENG | Bulford | 08-May-19 | 1 x Using force against a person on guard duty | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | REME | Bulford | 08-May-19 | Failing to provide a blood or urine specimen | Guilty | œ1,700 Fine. |
Chief Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Collingwood | Bulford | 08-May-19 | 1 x Misapplying Service Property | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 2 R Anglian | Cyprus | 09-May-19 | 1 x Wounding with intent | Guilty | Imprisonment for 16 months, suspended for 2 years. Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement. Pay œ2,500 in compensation. |
Corporal | Army | 2 Yorks | Catterick | 09-May-19 | 1 x Theft | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 4 PWRR | Bulford | 09-May-19 | 1 x Sexual assault by touching | Not Guilty | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 3 Rifles | Catterick | 09-May-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Corporal | Army | 17 Port and Maritime RLC | Bulford | 10-May-19 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Threatening, abusive, insulting or provoctive behaviour | Guilty | 90 Days detention, reduced to the ranks and pay a œ750 Compensation Order. |
Lance Sergeant | Army | 1 Coldm Gds | Bulford | 10-May-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal. |
AET(M) | Royal Navy | 815 NAS | Bulford | 13-May-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. | œ650 Fine. |
Corporal | Army | 1 CS Bn REME | Catterick | 13-May-19 | Ch 1: Contravention of standing orders. Ch 2: Damaging service property. | Guilty | 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and pay œ3,000 in compensation. |
Able Rate | Army | HMS Vivid | Bulford | 13-May-19 | Ch 1: Stalking. Ch 2: Harrassment. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. | 28 Days detention, suspended for 2 years and 5 years Service Restraining Order. |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Shoreham | Bulford | 14-May-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Wildfire | Bulford | 15-May-19 | Ch 1 to 4: Sexual assault. | Guilty | Distrated to Able Rate and 90 days detention. |
Leading Engineering Technician | Royal Navy | HMS Albion | Bulford | 15-May-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | œ180 Fine. |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Irish Guards | Bulford | 15-May-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 140 Days detention. |
Corporal | Army | 2 PWRR | Catterick | 16-May-19 | Ch 1, 3 & 4: Battery. Ch2: Ill treatment of a subordinate. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 2 PWRR | Catterick | 16-May-19 | 1 x Negligently performing a duty | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 2 PWRR | Catterick | 16-May-19 | 1 x Negligently performing a duty | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 16-May-19 | 2 x Theft | Guilty | Ch 1: 120 Days detention. Ch 2: 120 Days detention, to run concurrently. |
Corporal | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 16-May-19 | 2 x Theft | Guilty | Ch 1: 120 Days detention. Ch 2: 120 Days detention, to run concurrently. |
Private | Army | 4 Regt RLC | Bulford | 16-May-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Service Supervision and Punishment Order for 30 days. |
Private | Army | 2 Royal Anglian | Bulford | 16-May-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. Sentence activated 18 Oct 19. |
Officer Cadet | Army | Defence Academy | Bulford | 22-May-19 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
N/A | Civilian | ITC Catterick | Catterick | 22-May-19 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Buying alcohol on behalf of someone under the age of 18 | Guilty | œ500 Fine and pay œ200 in compensation. |
RPO | Navy | NBD COB Base Executive Office | Bulford | 22-May-19 | Ch 1: Failing to preform a duty. Ch 2 & 3: Misconduct in a public office. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex-Craftsman | Army | 23 Engr Regt | Catterick | 22-May-19 | 1 x Using Violence Against a superior officer | Not Guilty | Not set |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy | HMS Nelson | Bulford | 22-May-19 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind | Guilty | 90 Days detention. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 23-May-19 | Ch 5: Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of justice. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 23-May-19 | Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Tending or Intending to pervert the course of public justice | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 23-May-19 | Ch 2: Tending or Intending to pervert the course of public justice. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 23-May-19 | Ch 4: Tending or Intending to pervert the course of public justice (joinder) | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 23-May-19 | Ch 6: Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of justice. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 23-May-19 | Ch 3: Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of justice. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex Private | Army | DMS Whittington | Bulford | 23-May-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Perverting the course of Justice. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | Service Community Order with a 150 hours unpaid work requirement, a Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for upto 15 days and pay a œ250 Service Compensation Order. |
Naval Airman | Royal Navy | HMS Seahawk | Bulford | 24-May-19 | 1 x GBH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | BFSAI | Catterick | 30-May-19 | 2 x Fighting | Not set | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Craftsman | Army | 4 Scots LAD | Catterick | 30-May-19 | 3 x Fighting | Not set | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Ex-Signaller | Army | 11 Sig Regt | Bulford | 30-May-19 | Ch 1: Sexual assualt by penetration. Ch 2: Sexual assault. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Cosworth | Catterick | 31-May-19 | Ch 1: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Ch 2: Using violence towards an authorised person. Ch 3: Misconduct through alcohol or drugs. | Guilty | 80 Days detention. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Cosworth | Catterick | 31-May-19 | 1 x Obstructing a Service Policeman | Guilty | œ250 Fine. |
Private | Army | 6 Regt RLC | Bulford | 31-May-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 8 Months detention. |
Sergeant | Army | 1 Yorks | Bulford | 31-May-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ2,200 Fine. |
Private | Army | 1 RRF | Bulford | 31-May-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 150 Days detention. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Brize Norton | Catterick | 03-Jun-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | œ870 Fine and pay œ650 compensation. |
Sergeant | Army | 62 Wks Gp RE | Catterick | 03-Jun-19 | 3 x Fraud | Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the rank of Corporal. |
Staff Sergeant | Army | 11 EOD Regt RLC | Catterick | 04-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Negligent performance of a duty. (joinder) | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Sergeant. |
Corporal | Army | 11 EOD Regt RLC | Catterick | 04-Jun-19 | Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline (Joinder) | Guilty | Reprimand |
Lance Sergeant | Army | 1 Gren Guards | Catterick | 04-Jun-19 | 2 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal of Horse | Army | HCR HQ Sqn | Bulford | 04-Jun-19 | 1 x GBH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal of Horse | Army | HCR B Sqn | Bulford | 04-Jun-19 | 1 x GBH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex-Lance Corporal of Horse | Army | HCR HQ Sqn | Bulford | 04-Jun-19 | 1 x GBH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 2 Para | Catterick | 04-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Battery, Ch 2: ABH, Ch 3: Disobeying a authorised person who orders him into arrest | Guilty | Service Community Order for 2 years; requirement to attend an accredited offending behaviour order for up to 30 sessions; 10 day Rehablilitation Activity Requirement; 80 hours Unpaid Work Requirement; pay œ150 in compensation and a conditional discharge for 1 year. |
Sapper | Army | 21 Engr Regt | Catterick | 05-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 3: Battery. | Guilty | 34 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Corporal | Army | AFC(H) | Catterick | 05-Jun-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | 2 PWRR | Catterick | 06-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Battery. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty | Reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Private | Army | 6 Regt RLC | Catterick | 06-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline . | Guilty | 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years; 80 hours Unpaid Work Requirement. |
Engineering Technician | Royal Navy | HMS Richmond | Bulford | 06-Jun-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery | Guilty | 100 Days detention and pay œ600 in Service Compensation Orders. |
Ex-Private | Army | 29 Regt RLC | Bulford | 06-Jun-19 | 1 x Possessing a controlled drug | Guilty | Conditional discharge for 18 months. |
Marine | Royal Navy | 45 CDO RM | Bulford | 06-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Attempted possession of a controlled drug. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Irish Guards | Bulford | 06-Jun-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | 120 Days detention. |
Corporal | Army | DST(L) | Catterick | 07-Jun-19 | 1 x Burglary | Guilty | 6 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Kingsman | Army | 2 Lancs | Catterick | 07-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Fraud by false representaion. Ch 2: AWOL | Guilty | 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years; 20 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Sergeant | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 07-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Theft. Ch 2: Making false records | Guilty | 14 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years,; 240 hours unpaid work requirement; pay a œ10,000 Service Compensation Order; reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Grenadier Guards | Bulford | 07-Jun-19 | 1 x Supplying a controlled to another. | Guilty | 2 Years detention. |
Corporal | Army | 1 RGR | Bulford | 07-Jun-19 | Ch 1: AWOL. Ch 2: Giving false answers on enlistment | Guilty | 5 Months detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Trooper | Army | Scots DG | Catterick | 10-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Ch 2: Battery. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | œ1,162.98 Fine and pay a œ50 Compensation Order |
Ex Trooper | Army | Scots DG | Catterick | 10-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Causing fear or provocation of violence. Ch 3: Battery. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | œ300 Fine and pay a œ50 Compensation Order. |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Drake | Bulford | 10-Jun-19 | Ch: 1-4: Negligently performing a duty. | Guilty | œ1,000 Fine and reprimanded. |
Logistician (Chef) | Royal Navy | NBCP Catering | Bulford | 10-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Possession of a prohibited weapon. Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders. | Guilty | 6 Months detention. |
Private | Army | 2 Mercian | Cyprus | 11-Jun-19 | 1 x GBH (s20) | Not Guilty | Not set |
Officer Cadet | Army | Royal Military Academy Sandhurst | Bulford | 11-Jun-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Officer Cadet | Army | Royal Military Academy Sandhurst | Bulford | 11-Jun-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Leading Warfare Specialist | Royal Navy | HMS Dragon | Bulford | 11-Jun-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 2 R ANGLIAN | Colchester | 12-Jun-19 | 3 x Battery | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty | œ200 Fine. |
Trooper | Army | RL | Catterick | 12-Jun-19 | 1 x Improper Use of Public Electronic Communications Network | Guilty | 40 Days detention |
Private | Army | 2 Mercian | Cyprus | 12-Jun-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ350 Fine |
Private | Army | 17 Port and Maritime RLC | Bulford | 13-Jun-19 | 1 x Failure to perform a duty | Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Private | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 13-Jun-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline. | Guilty | 60 Days detention. |
Private | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 13-Jun-19 | 1 x Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. | Guilty | 60 Days detention. |
Private | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 13-Jun-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | 60 Days detention. |
Sapper | Army | 26 Engr Regt | Bulford | 13-Jun-19 | 1 x Disclosing a private sexual photograph | Guilty | 42 Days detention. |
ET(WE) | Royal Navy | HMS Drake | Bulford | 14-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Stalking, Ch 2: Breach of a service restraining order | Guilty | 10 Months detention, subject to a restraining order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Gunner | Army | 47 Regt RA | Bulford | 14-Jun-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ400 Fine. |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | RAF Henlow | Cyprus | 17-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs, Ch 2 & 3: Contravention of Standing Orders. | Ch 1 & 2: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty | œ650 Fine. |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | RAF Akrotiri | Cyprus | 17-Jun-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | œ500 Fine. |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | RAF Akrotiri | Cyprus | 17-Jun-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | œ500 Fine. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 2 R Anglian | Cyprus | 18-Jun-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Reprimand |
Private | Army | 2 ITB | Catterick | 18-Jun-19 | 2 x Disgraceful conduct of the indecent kind | Guilty | œ800 Fine |
Ex-Private | Army | 7 Regt RLC | Catterick | 19-Jun-19 | Ch 1 & 4: Rape. Ch2 & 3: Sexual activity with a child. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Collingwood | Bulford | 19-Jun-19 | Ch 1: Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour. Ch 2: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. | œ1,524.04 Fine. |
Private | Army | 2 Yorks | Catterick | 20-Jun-19 | 1 x Unlawful possossion of a controlled drug | Guilty | 60 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy | HMS Sultan | Bulford | 20-Jun-19 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 8 Months detention and pay œ1,500.00 in a Compensation Order. |
Corporal | Army | 3 Bn REME | Sennelager | 20-Jun-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 26-Jun-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: Contravention of standing orders. | Guilty | œ550 Fine. |
Staff Sergeant | Army | MPGS | Catterick | 26-Jun-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ400 Fine |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Sennelager | 28-Jun-19 | Ch 1: GBH. Ch 2: ABH. Ch 3: Fighting. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Sergeant | Army | 1 Irish Guards | Colchester | 01-Jul-19 | Ch 1: Ill treatment of a subordinate. Ch 2: Conduct predjudicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal and 6 months detention. |
Colour Sergeant | Army | City Of Edinburgh UOTC | Catterick | 01-Jul-19 | Ch 5: Sexual Assault. Ch 6: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 7: Misconduct through alcohol. | Ch 5 & 6: Not Guilty. Ch 7: Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Corporal. |
Major | Army | City Of Edinburgh UOTC | Catterick | 01-Jul-19 | Ch 1 & 3: Sexual Assault. Ch 2 & 4: Misconduct through alcohol. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2-4: Guilty. | 30 Days imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Corporal | Army | 16 Air Asslt Bde HQ & Sig Sqn (216) | Catterick | 03-Jul-19 | 1 x Fraud by False Representation | Guilty | 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Sapper | Army | 75 Engr Regt | Bulford | 03-Jul-19 | 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Bombardier | Army | 5 Regt RA | Catterick | 04-Jul-19 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | œ1,607.34 Fine. |
Fusilier | Army | 1 R Welsh | Bulford | 04-Jul-19 | Ch 1: ABH | Guilty | 90 Days detention. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Brize Norton | Catterick | 04-Jul-19 | Ch 1: Damaging property | Guilty | Admonishment |
Ex-Senior Aircrewman | Royal Air Force | RAF Brize Norton | Catterick | 04-Jul-19 | Ch 2: Damaging Property | Guilty | Absolute Discharge |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | RAF Halton | Catterick | 04-Jul-19 | Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Using disrespectful behaviour towards a superiour officer . | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks and 80 days detention. |
Lance Corporal | Army | KRH | Bulford | 04-Jul-19 | Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2: Theft. Ch 3: Fraud. | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 16 months detention. |
Corporal | Army | MPGS, SP Bn ITC | Catterick | 05-Jul-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and reduced to the ranks. |
Sergeant | Army | QRH | Bulford | 05-Jul-19 | Ch 1 to 6, 9 to 12: Possession of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 7 & 8: Possession of an extreme pornographic image. | Guilty | Dismissed from He Majesty's Service. 12 months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. 250 Hours unpaid work requirement. Sexual Offender Behaviour Programme for upto 35 days. Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for upto 20 days. |
Corporal | Army | QRH | Bulford | 05-Jul-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: Criminal Damage | Not Guilty | Not set |
Trooper | Army | Royal Armoured Corps Trg Regt | Bulford | 05-Jul-19 | Ch 1 to 3: Fraud by false representation | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with 240 hours unpaid work requirement and pay a Service Compensation Order of œ174.34 |
Marine | Royal Navy | 45 Cdo RM | Bulford | 05-Jul-19 | 2 x Offering to supply a controlled drug | Guilty | Service Community Order with 240 hours unpaid work requirement and upto 15 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement. |
Rifleman | Army | 3 Rifles | Catterick | 05-Jul-19 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 6 Months detention. |
Corporal | Army | ARTD RG ACC Ipswich | Catterick | 08-Jul-19 | 1 x Unauthorised access to computer material | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal and 60 days detention suspended for 6 months. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Sig Regt | Catterick | 10-Jul-19 | 3 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | 6 Months detention. |
Corporal | Army | RDG | Catterick | 11-Jul-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. | Guilty | 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Private | Army | 1 Mercian | Bulford | 11-Jul-19 | Ch 1 to Ch 4: Theft | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 2 R Anglian | OVS/Cyprus | 12-Jul-19 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | Service Community Order with 200 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | TSW MOD Stafford | Catterick | 15-Jul-19 | 3 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | 2 Year Service Community Order with a Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement for up to 25 days, 200 hours unpaid work requirement within 12 months. Subject to the sex offenders register for 5 years and subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 5 years. |
Marine | Royal Navy | 40 CDO RM | Bulford | 15-Jul-19 | 2 x Wounding with intent - joinder | Guilty | 6 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
LET(WESM) | Royal Navy | HMS Collingwood | Bulford | 17-Jul-19 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 17-Jul-19 | 1 x Criminal Damage | Guilty | Service Supervision and Punishment Order of 30 days and pay a œ400 Service Compensation Order. |
Private | Army | 2 R Anglian | Catterick | 18-Jul-19 | Ch 1: Wounding with intent . Ch 2: Unlawful wounding. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | Imprisonment for two years and six months and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 MWD Regt | Catterick | 19-Jul-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Assault by penetration. Ch 3: Attempted Rape. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Naval Airman | Royal Navy | RNAS Yeovilton | Bulford | 19-Jul-19 | 1 x Possessing a controlled drug | Not Guilty | Not set |
Fusilier | Army | 2 SCOTS | Catterick | 19-Jul-19 | Ch 1: Failing to attend a duty. Ch 2: Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer. Ch 3 & 4: AWOL. | Guilty | 8 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Flight Lieutenant | Royal Air Force | RAFC Cranwell | Catterick | 22-Jul-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ1564.78 Fine and reprimanded. |
Warrant Officer Class 1 | Army | 1 Regt RLC | Bulford | 22-Jul-19 | Ch 1: ABH. CH 2: Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Conningsby | Catterick | 22-Jul-19 | 1 x Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour. | Guilty | Service Community Order of 80 hours unpaid work to be completed within 12 months. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Coningsby | Catterick | 22-Jul-19 | 1 x Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour. | Guilty | œ100 Fine. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Conningsby | Catterick | 22-Jul-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | œ100 Fine. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Conningsby | Catterick | 22-Jul-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | œ100 Fine |
WS (AWT) | Royal Navy | HMS Nelson | Bulford | 24-Jul-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
WS(AWT) | Royal Navy | HMS Diamond | Bulford | 24-Jul-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ400 Fine. |
Air Trooper | Army | Army Air Corps | Catterick | 24-Jul-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Dependant of | Royal Air Force | RAF Police | CYPRUS | 25-Jul-19 | Ch 1: ABH. CH 2: Battery | Guilty | Service Community Order of 40 hours unpaid work requirement, to be completed within 12 months. |
Private | Army | 4 Regt RLC | Bulford | 25-Jul-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2 & 3: Battery | Ch 1 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. | 45 Days detention. |
Sapper | Army | 35 Engr Regt | Bulford | 25-Jul-19 | 1 x GBH (s20) | Guilty | 6 Months detention, pay a œ1,500 Service Compensation Order. |
Bombardier | Army | 14 Regt RA | Bulford | 25-Jul-19 | 1 x Fraud by false representation | Guilty | œ350 Fine. |
Corporal | Royal Navy | Commando Log Regiment | Bulford | 25-Jul-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Misapplying or wasting public propery. Ch 3: Making a false record. | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Marine. |
Lance Corporal of Horse | Army | HCMR | Bulford | 26-Jul-19 | 6 x Conduct pejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | Severe reprimand and œ1,320 Service Compensation Order. |
Corporal | Army | 1 Lancs | Catterick | 26-Jul-19 | Ch 1: Cruelty to a person under 16. Ch 2: Battery. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Mr | Civilian | 17 RLC | Bulford | 26-Jul-19 | 1 x Indecent assault | Guilty | 15 Months imprisonment and Sex Offenders register for 10 years. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Scots Guards | Bulford | 26-Jul-19 | 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Guilty | Reprimand and œ600 fine. |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Scots Guards | Bulford | 26-Jul-19 | 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | œ300 Fine. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | II AC Sqn Typhoon | Catterick | 26-Jul-19 | 1 x GBH (s18) | Guilty | 3 Years and 4 months detention in a Youth Offenders Institution and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Captain | Army | 1 Lancs | Catterick | 26-Jul-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | Loss of seniority for 2 years. |
Rifleman | Army | 4 Rifles | Bulford | 26-Jul-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 months Service Community Order with 100 unpaid work requirement. |
Sergeant | Army | 32 Regt RA | Bulford/Belize | 29-Jul-19 | Ch 1: Death by dangerous driving. Ch 2: Death by careless driving. Ch 3: Causing death by careless driving. Ch 4: Contravention of standing orders. | Ch 1 & 4: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty | 5 Years imprisonment. |
Fusilier | Army | 1 RRF | Bulford | 14-Aug-19 | Ch 1: AWOL. Ch 2: Desertion. Ch 3: AWOL | Not set | Ch 1: 6 Months detention. Ch 3: 8 Months detention. Both charges to run concurrently. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Private | Army | PWRR | Bulford/BFG | 15-Aug-19 | 2 x Theft | Guilty | 30 Days detention |
Private | Army | PWRR | Bulford/BFG | 15-Aug-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | Fine of 7 days pay. |
Corporal | Army | 3 Regt RMP | bulford | 15-Aug-19 | 1 x Unlawful obtaining or disclosing of personal data | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 3 Regt RMP | Bulford | 15-Aug-19 | 1 x Unlawful obtaining or disclosing of personal data | Guilty | Fine of 14 Days pay. |
Craftsman | Army | 22 Sig Regt | Bulford | 15-Aug-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Assault by beating. | Guilty | 8 Months detention and pay œ250 Service Compensation Order. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 3 Bn Reme | Bulford | 16-Aug-19 | Ch 1: Possession of a dangerous article in an aerodrome without lawful authority or reasonable excuse. Ch 2 to Ch 4: Failure to perform a duty | Guilty | 30 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Craftsman. |
Private | Army | 6 Regt RLC | Bulford | 16-Aug-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 24 Days detention |
Air Trooper | Army | 4 Regt AAC | Catterick | 09-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Affray. Ch 2: ABH. | Guilty | 140 Days detention, suspended for 9 months. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 653 AAC | Catterick | 09-Sep-19 | 1 x Affray | Guilty | 80 Days detention, suspended for 9 months. |
Corporal | Army | 653 AAC | Catterick | 09-Sep-19 | 1 x Affray | Guilty | 100 Days detention, suspended for 9 months. |
Sergeant | Army | 8 Trg Bn Reme | Bulford | 09-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Sexual Assault | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Corporal and 90 days detention. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 10 QOGLR | Bulford | 09-Sep-19 | 1 x Criminal Damage | Guilty | œ600 Fine and œ1,200 Service Compensation Order. |
Chief Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Eaglet | Bulford | 10-Sep-19 | 1 x Negligently performing a duty | Guilty | Severe reprimand |
Private | Army | 17 Port and Maritime RLC | Bulford | 11-Sep-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 90 Days detention and œ200 Service Compensation Order. |
Sub Lieutentant | Royal Navy | Commander Submarines Faslane Flotilla | Bulford | 11-Sep-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sergeant | Royal Navy | RNAS Yeovilton | Bulford | 11-Sep-19 | 1 x Unfitness through alcohol. | Guilty | œ1,500 Fine. |
Corporal | Army | 1 RSME Regt | Bulford | 13-Sep-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Sexual Assault. Ch 3: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs. | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty. | œ1,250 Fine. |
Commander | Royal Navy | EU OHQ | Bulford | 13-Sep-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | Severe reprimand and œ2,500 fine. |
Warfare Specialist | Royal Navy | HMS St Albans | Bulford | 13-Sep-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. | Guilty | 12 Months detention, suspended for 18 months and reduced to the rank of Able Seaman. |
Sergeant | Army | DMRC SH | Catterick | 17-Sep-19 | 1 x Contravention of standing orders | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 18-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Resistance to arrest. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. | œ387.66 Fine. |
Corporal | Army | 29 Regt RLC | Bulford | 18-Sep-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Making a gift of an air weapon to a person under the age of 18. Ch 3: Contravention of Standing Orders. | Guilty | œ400 Fine and reprimanded. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 32 Engr Regt | Catterick | 18-Sep-19 | 3 x Battery | Guilty | 60 Days detention. |
Warfare Specialist | Royal Navy | HMS St Albans | Bulford | 18-Sep-19 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | 90 Days detention, suspended for 6 months. œ250 Service Compensation Order. |
Lieutenant | Royal Navy | Commander Submarines Faslane Flotilla | Bulford | 18-Sep-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. | Guilty | Reprimanded and œ2,00 fine. |
Sub Lieutentant | Royal Navy | Commander Submarines Faslane Flotilla | Bulford | 18-Sep-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. | Guilty | Reprimanded and œ2,000 fine. |
Mrs | Civilian d/o | 2 R Anglian | OVS | 18-Sep-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 40 Hours unpaid work requirement and up to 5 days Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement. |
Private | Army | 2 Para | Catterick | 19-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Taking a conveyance without authority. Ch 2: Negiligently performing a duty | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. | œ400 Fine. |
Private | Army | 7 Regt RLC | Catterick | 19-Sep-19 | 1 x Unlawful Wounding | Guilty | 10 Months detention and œ200 Service Compensation Order. |
Rifleman | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 19-Sep-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ553.80 Fine. |
Staff Sergeant | Army | 39 Engr Regt | Catterick | 19-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and reduced to the rank of Sergeant. |
Warfare Specialist | Royal Navy | HMS Diamond | Bulford | 19-Sep-19 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | 90 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Ex Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Grenadier Guards | Bulford | 19-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Possession of a controlled drug. Ch 2 & 3: Possession of an offensive weapon | Guilty | 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Service Supervision Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement and undertake up to 40 days of Rehabilitation and Activity Requirement. |
Staff Sergeant | Army | 16 Med Regt | Catterick | 20-Sep-19 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks and 12 months detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Private | Army | 1 ITB | Catterick | 20-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Common Assault. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 3: Common Assault. | Guilty | 60 Months detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 RRF | Bulford | 23-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2: Possession with intent to supply. | Guilty | 6 Months detention and reduced to the ranks. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Lossiemouth | Catterick | 23-Sep-19 | Ch 1 to Ch 9: Fraud | Guilty | 6 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years with a suspended sentence order with 200 hours unpaid work requirement. œ4,200 Compensation Order and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Sergeant | Royal Air Force | RAF Benson | Catterick | 23-Sep-19 | 2 x Contravention of standing orders | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Corporal. |
Fusilier | Army | 1 RRF | Bulford | 23-Sep-19 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention. |
Rifleman | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 24-Sep-19 | Ch 1 & 3: Battery Ch 2: ABH | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty | œ500 Fine, pay œ100 Service Compensation Order. |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | NIGSU | Catterick | 24-Sep-19 | Ch 1: False application or use of trade marks. Ch 2: Possession or control of articles for use in fraud. | Guilty | 120 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Corporal | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 25-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Misconduct through alcohol. Ch 2: Battery | Guilty | 90 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 170 Engr GP | Catterick | 26-Sep-19 | 1 x Misapplying or wasting service property. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 170 Engr GP | Catterick | 26-Sep-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Misapplying or wasting service property. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. | œ1,230 Fine. |
Flying Officer | Royal Air Force | RAF Honnington | Catterick | 26-Sep-19 | 1 x Sexual Assualt | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 1 PWRR | Bulford | 27-Sep-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Criminal Damage | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 27 Regt RLC | Bulford | 29-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Possessing ammunition without holding a current firearm certificate. Ch 2: Failing to perform a duty. | Guilty | Service Community Order with 50 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Northolt | Catterick | 30-Sep-19 | Ch 1: Fraud. Ch 2 & 3: Making a false record. | Guilty | 90 Days detention, pay œ153.44 in compensation and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Private | Army | 2 Para | Catterick | 30-Sep-19 | Ch 1 & 2: ABH. Ch 3: Using threatening, abusive or provocative behaviour. | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty. | œ418.32 Fine. |
Senior Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force | RAF Brize Norton | Catterick | 30-Sep-19 | 2 x Using violence towards a superior officer | Guilty | 60 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order. |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | RAF Waddington | Catterick | 02-Oct-19 | 1 x Assault by penetration | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 2 Yorks | Catterick | 03-Oct-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2 to 4: Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind. | Guilty | 14 Months detention. |
Ex-Sergeant | Royal Air Force | RAF Marham | Catterick | 03-Oct-19 | 2 x Misconduct through alcohol | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2; Guilty. | œ200 Fine. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 5 FS Bn REME | Bulford | 03-Oct-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 70 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. œ250 Service Compensation Order. |
Private | Army | Army Foundation College Harrogate | Bulford | 04-Oct-19 | 1 x Racially aggrevated assault occasioning actual bodily harm. | Guilty | œ500 Fine. |
Major | Army | 3 Regt AAC | Catterick | 04-Oct-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Logistician (Chef) | Royal Navy | HMS Nelson | Bulford | 04-Oct-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 60 Days detention and pay œ200 in a Service Compensation Order. |
Bombadier | Army | 12 Regt RA | Bulford | 07-Oct-19 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Gunner | Army | 4 Regt RA | Catterick | 07-Oct-19 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Ch 1: 2 Months detention. Ch 2: Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Kingsman | Army | 1 ITB | Catterick | 07-Oct-19 | Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery | Guilty | 14 Months detention. |
Private | Army | ITC | Catterick | 09-Oct-19 | 1 x Affray | Not Guilty | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | 1 Grenadier Guards | Catterick | 10-Oct-19 | Ch 1: GBH. Ch 2: ABH. Ch 3: Affray. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty. | 8 Months detention. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Yorks | Bulford | 10-Oct-19 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | 9 Months detention, reduced to the ranks and pay a œ223.96 Service Compensation Order. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Yorks | Bulford | 10-Oct-19 | Ch 1: Negligently performing a duty, Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | 1 Month detention. |
Corporal | Army | 1 Yorks | Bulford | 14-Oct-19 | Ch 1: GBH (s20). Ch 2: Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Bombardier | Army | 5 Regt RA | Catterick | 16-Oct-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Gunner and 8 months detention. |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | Catterick | 16-Oct-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 140 Days detention. |
Bombadier | Army | 3 RHA | Catterick | 17-Oct-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Richmond | Bulford | 17-Oct-19 | 4 x Sexual assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ranger | Army | 1 Royal Irish | Bulford | 18-Oct-19 | 1 x Desertion | Not Guilty | Not set |
Craftsman | Army | 2 CS Bn Reme | Catterick | 18-Oct-19 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | 12 Month Service Community Order with 30 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Rifleman | Army | 1 ITB | Catterick | 18-Oct-19 | Ch 1 to 3: Fraud. Ch 4: Attempting to pervert the course of justice | Guilty | 112 Days detention, suspended for 18 months with 180 hours unpaid work requirement and œ55 Service Compensation Order. |
Gunner | Army | 19 Regt RA | Bulford | 18-Oct-19 | Ch 1: GBH (s18). Ch 2: GBH (20). | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. | Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement and œ1,800 Service Compensation Order. |
Lance Bombardier | Army | 19 Regt RA | Bulford | 18-Oct-19 | 3 x Disgraceful conduct of a cruel or indecent kind. | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, reduced to the ranks and a Service Community Order with 60 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Corporal | Army | 2 ITB | Catterick | 18-Oct-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ2,659.88 Fine and œ500 Service Compensation Order. |
Private | Army | 2 Royal Anglian | Catterick | 18-Oct-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 112 Days detention. |
Private | Army | 4 Regt RLC | Catterick | 21-Oct-19 | Ch 1: Contravention of Standing Orders. Ch 2: Causing bodily harm. Ch 3: Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. | Ch 1 & 3: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. | 60 Days detention. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 7 Regt RLC | Catterick | 21-Oct-19 | 1 x Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. | Guilty | Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Senior Aircraftman | RAF | RAF Odiham | Catterick | 21-Oct-19 | Ch 3: Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. | Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Private | Army | BFSAI Assured Support Army | Catterick | 21-Oct-19 | Ch 3: Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. . Ch 4: Contravention of Standing Orders. | Guilty | 60 Days detention. |
Private | Army | 4 Med Regt 4 Sqn | Bulford | 21-Oct-19 | 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of a Cruel or Indecent Kind | Not Guilty | Not set |
Trooper | Army | RDG | Bulford | 22-Oct-19 | 1 x Racially aggravated intentional harrassment, alarm or distress. | Guilty | 90 Days detention. |
Trooper | Army | RDG | Bulford | 22-Oct-19 | 1 x Racially aggravated battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 4 Rifles | Bulford | 22-Oct-19 | Ch 1: Causing death by dangerous driving. Ch 2: Causing death by careless driving whilst under the influence of drink. Ch 3: Negligently performing a duty. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty. | 54 Months imprisonment, reduced to the ranks and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Corporal | Army | 4 Rifles | Bulford | 22-Oct-19 | 1 x Negligently performing a duty. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | RAF Digby | Catterick | 23-Oct-19 | 2 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Army | 4 Rifles | Bulford | 23-Oct-19 | 1 x Doing acts tending and intended to pervert the couse of public justice. | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks and 360 days detention. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 3 Med Regt | Catterick | 23-Oct-19 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Assault | Guilty | œ1,200 Fine and œ100 Service Compensation Order. |
Bombadier | Army | 4 Regt RA | Catterick | 24-Oct-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Yorks | Bulford | 24-Oct-19 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 3 Bn REME | Bulford | 24-Oct-19 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2 & 3: Using violence towards an authorised person. | Guilty | 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months and œ1,000 in Service Compensation Orders. |
Lance Corporal | Army | MAB 7 | Bulford | 25-Oct-19 | 1 x Theft. | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks and 60 days detention. |
Senior Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force | RAF Saint Mawgan | Catterick | 28-Oct-19 | 3 x Battery | Guilty | 60 Days detention |
Senior Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force | RAF Leeming | Catterick | 28-Oct-19 | 2 x Contravention of Standing Orders | Guilty | 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Odiham | Catterick | 29-Oct-19 | Ch 3: Doing an Act Tending and Intending to pervert the course of public justice. | Guilty | 90 Days detention. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 Royal Anglian | Bulford | 29-Oct-19 | Ch 1: Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Ch 2: Contravention of standing orders | Guilty | 50 Days detention and reduced to the ranks. |
Sergeant | Royal Air Force | RAF Waddington | Catterick | 30-Oct-19 | 2 x Arranging or facilitating commission of a child sex offence | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and a 2 year Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work requirement and to complete 20 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement with 2 years. |
Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force | RAF Halton | Catterick | 30-Oct-19 | Ch 1: Racially aggravated use of words. Ch 2: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | œ750 Fine. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Marham | Catterick | 31-Oct-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Marham | Catterick | 31-Oct-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | RG ARITC | Catterick | 01-Nov-19 | 1 x Illtreatment of a subordinate | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex-Guardsman | Army | 2 ITB | Catterick | 04-Nov-19 | 3 x Assault | Guilty | Community Order with a 60 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Private | Army | 2 Yorks | Catterick | 04-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Burglary. Ch 2: Theft. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. | œ500 Fine. |
Senior Aircraftsman | Royal Air Force | RAF Akrotiri | Catterick | 04-Nov-19 | 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | RAF Akrotiri | Catterick | 04-Nov-19 | 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. | Not Guilty | Not set |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | QRH | Bulford | 04-Nov-19 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Staff Sergeant. |
Private | Army | 2 Royal Anglian | Catterick | 04-Nov-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | RAF Waddington | Catterick | 05-Nov-19 | Ch 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9: Recording another person for the purpose of sexual gratification by himself or a third person. Ch: 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind. Ch 11 - 13: Improper use of public electonic communications network | Ch 1 to 10: Not Guilty. Ch 11 to 13: Guilty. | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 12 month community order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | RAF Akrotiri | Catterick | 05-Nov-19 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | œ1,100 Fine and reprimanded. |
Colour Sergeant | Army | 2 Mercian | Catterick | 05-Nov-19 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | œ1,600 Fine and reprimanded. |
Corporal | Army | 1 Rifles | Bulford | 05-Nov-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 6 Months detention, reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal and œ500 Service Compensation Order. |
Colour Sergeant | Army | 1 R Welsh | Bulford | 05-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Possessing ammunition. Ch 2: Failure to comply with conditions subject to a firearm certificate. Ch 3: Conduct predjudicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | œ4,500 Fine. |
Rifleman | Army | 2 ITB Trainees | Catterick | 07-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Racially Aggravated Harassment. Ch 2: Battery | Guilty | Service Community Order with 60 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Private | Army | ITC 2 ITB | Catterick | 07-Nov-19 | Ch 1 to 5, 7 to 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Ch 1 to 5, 7 to 10: Not Guilty. Ch 11: Guilty. | 24 Days detention. |
Trooper | Army | The Armour Centre RAC TR | Catterick | 07-Nov-19 | Ch 1 to 9 , 10 & 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Ch 1 to 5, 8 to 10: Not Guilty. Ch 7 & 11 Guilty. | Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Trooper | Army | The Armour Centre RAC TR | Catterick | 07-Nov-19 | Ch 1 to 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Ch 1 to 5, 7 to 10: Not Guilty. Ch 6 & 11: Guilty. | 24 Days detention. |
Ex-Private | Army | 1 MI Bn | Catterick | 07-Nov-19 | Ch 1 to 6 , 7 to 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Ch 3 & 9: Guilty. Ch 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 & 11: Not Guilty | Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Guardsman | Army | 2 ITB | Catterick | 07-Nov-19 | Ch 1 to 7, 8 to 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Ch 1 to 5, 7 to 9: Not Guilty. Ch 10 & 11: Guilty. | 24 Days detention. |
Rifleman | Army | 2 ITB Trainees | Catterick | 07-Nov-19 | Ch 1 to 9 , 10 & 11: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Ch 1, 2, 5 to 11: Not Guilty, Ch 3 & 4: Guilty. | Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 07-Nov-19 | 1 x Criminal Damage | Guilty | 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and a ?4,578 Service Compensation Order. |
Petty Officer Engineering Technician | Royal Navy | HMS Drake | Bulford | 08-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Wounding with intent. Ch 2: (alternative) Wounding. Ch 3: Battery. | Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty. | œ500 Fine. |
Private | Army | 4 Regt RLC | Bulford | 11-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs. | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. | œ500 Fine. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 2 Yorks | Catterick | 12-Nov-19 | 1 x Sexual assault by penetration | Guilty | 6 years and 6 months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Sapper | Army | 39 Engr Regt | Catterick | 12-Nov-19 | 1 x Assault by penetration | Guilty | 4 Years and 6 months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Rifleman | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 12-Nov-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 1 R Irish | Catterick | 12-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Distribution of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 2 to Ch 4: Possessing an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 5: Possessing an extreme pornographic image. Ch 6: Conduct prejudicial to good order. | Ch 1 : Not Guilty. Ch 2 to 6: Guilty. | 9 Months detention, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 5 years Sexual Harm Prevention Order |
Ex-Private | Army | 29 Regt RLC | Bulford | 12-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Threatening behaviour. Ch 2: Provocative behaviour. Ch 3: Sending threatening electronic communication. | Guilty | 18 Months Service Community Order with a 30 day Building Better Relationships Programme, 30 day Rehabilitation and Activity Requirements Programme and 70 hours unpaid work requirement. |
Private | Army | 3 Para | Catterick | 12-Nov-19 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Ranger | Army | 1 R Irish | Catterick | 14-Nov-19 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | 6 Months detention. |
Signaller | Army | 22 Sig Regt | Bulford | 15-Nov-19 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Engineering Technician | Royal Navy | HMS Nelson | Bulford | 15-Nov-19 | 1 x Aggrevated vehicle taking | Guilty | 6 Months detention, œ1,909.70 Service Compensation Order. |
Engineering Technician | Royal Navy | HMS Westminster | Bulford | 15-Nov-19 | 1 x Taking a conveyance without authority | Guilty | 40 Days detention. |
Engineering Technician | Royal Navy | HMS Dauntless | Bulford | 15-Nov-19 | 1 x Taking a conveyance without authority | Not Guilty | Not set |
Engineering Technician | Royal Navy | HMS Dauntless | Bulford | 15-Nov-19 | 1 x Aggrevated vehicle taking | Guilty | 90 Days detention, œ1,909.70 Service Compensation Order. |
CPO(HM) | Royal Air Force | RAF Waddington | Bulford | 15-Nov-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | Reprimanded |
Gunner | Army | 7 Para RHA | Catterick | 18-Nov-19 | 1 x Fighting. | Guilty | œ413.42 Fine. |
Private | Army | 13 AASP RLC | Catterick | 18-Nov-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Service Community Order with 80 hours unpaid work requirement and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Fusilier | Army | 1 R Welsh | Bulford | 18-Nov-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: Common Assault. Ch 4: Damaging service property . | Guilty | 120 Days detention and œ260 Service Compensation Order. |
Rifleman | Army | 5 Rifles | Bulford | 18-Nov-19 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 160 Days detention. |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | 10 QOGLR | Bulford | 19-Nov-19 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline | Guilty | œ1,000 Fine |
Private | Army | 1 Scots | Catterick | 20-Nov-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ750.50 Fine. |
Private | Army | 1 Scots | Catterick | 20-Nov-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Battery | Guilty | œ905.38 Fine. |
Lance Bombardier | Army | 7 Para RHA | Catterick | 20-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2: Battery | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty. | œ670.50 Fine |
Bombardier | Army | 26 Regt RA | Bulford | 20-Nov-19 | 3 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | Scots DG | Catterick | 20-Nov-19 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | 80 Days detention and reduced to the rank of Trooper. |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | Catterick | 20-Nov-19 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Private | Army | 2 R Anglian | Catterick | 20-Nov-19 | 2 x Battery. | Guilty | 80 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and œ500 Service Compensation Order. |
Rifleman | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 21-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 2: Threatening behaviour. | Guilty | œ614.90 Fine. |
Gunner | Army | 3 RHA | Catterick | 21-Nov-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 90 Days detention and œ500 Service Compensation Order. |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | 165 RLC | Catterick | 21-Nov-19 | Ch 1 to 3: Indecent assault on a girl. Ch 4 to 6: Indecent assault on a girl. | Guilty | 8 Years imprisonment, plus 1 year extended licence. |
Trooper | Army | QRH | Sennelager | 22-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Criminal Damage | Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty | œ500 Fine and pay a œ300 Service Compensation Order. |
Major | Army | HQ ARITC | Bulford | 22-Nov-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Reprimand |
Warrant Officer 1 | Army | 71 Engr Regt | Catterick | 25-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Rape. Ch 2: Rape | Guilty | 14 Years imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Signaller | Army | 30 Sig Regt | Catterick | 25-Nov-19 | 1 x Using force against a person on guard duty | Guilty | 120 Days detention. |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | 9 Regt RLC | Bulford | 26-Nov-19 | Ch 1 to 3: Sexual Assault. Ch 4: Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Ch 1 to 3: Not Guilty. Ch 4: Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Staff Sergeant. |
Corporal | Army | 21 Engr Regt | Catterick | 28-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Sexual Assault. Ch 2: Assault by penetration. Ch 3: Rape | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | 167 Regt RLC | Catterick | 28-Nov-19 | Ch 1: Disobedience of a lawful command. Ch 2: Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer | Not Guilty | Not set |
Captain | Army | 3 Regt AAC | Catterick | 29-Nov-19 | 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs. | Guilty | Reprimanded |
Trooper | Army | HCMR | Catterick | 29-Nov-19 | 1 x Offering to supply a controlled drug | Guilty | 6 months detention and dismissed From Her Majesty's Service. |
Trooper | Army | HCMR | Catterick | 29-Nov-19 | 4 x Offering to supply a controlled drug | Guilty | 8 Months detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
SAC | Royal Air Force | RAF Waddington | Catterick | 02-Dec-19 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Sergeant | Army | 1 IG | Bulford | 02-Dec-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ1,900 Fine and severly reprianded. |
Lance Sergeant | Army | 1 IG | Bulford | 02-Dec-19 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | œ1,900 Fine and severly reprianded. |
Marine | Royal Navy | CTC RM | Bulford | 02-Dec-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 6 Months detention, pay œ143.00 in Service Compensation Order. |
Major | Army | AGC | Catterick | 03-Dec-19 | 1 x Negligently performing a duty | Guilty | œ2,228.80 Fine. |
Corporal | Army | 5 Armd Med Regt | Catterick | 03-Dec-19 | 1 x Handling stolen goods | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal, 30 days detention and pay œ196.70 in a Service Compensation Order. |
Lance Sergeant | Army | 1 Grenadier Guards | Bulford | 04-Dec-19 | 1 x Negligently performing a duty | Guilty | œ2,000 Fine and severly reprimanded. |
Trooper | Army | QRH | Bulford | 04-Dec-19 | Ch 1 & 2: Distribution of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 3 to 6: Possession of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 7 & 8: Possession of an extreme pornographic image. | Guilty | 16 Months imprisonment and dismissed from Her Majety's Service. |
Lance Corporal | Army | 17 RLC | Bulford | 04-Dec-19 | 1 x Threatening behaviour | Guilty | œ1,500 Fine and reprimanded. |
Kingsman | Army | 1 Lancs | Catterick | 04-Dec-19 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 Days detention. |
Private | Army | ITC 2 ITB | Catterick | 05-Dec-19 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | 60 Days detention and dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. |
Private | Army | 2 PWRR | Catterick | 05-Dec-19 | 1 x Criminal damage | Guilty | 30 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order and œ932.46 Service Compensation Order. |
Corporal | Army | HQ Armd Inf BDE | Bulford | 06-Dec-19 | Ch 1 to 15: Fraud. Ch 16: Making a false record. | Ch 1 to 6 and 8 to 16: Guilty. Ch 7: Not Guilty. | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, reduced to the ranks and 9 months detention. |
Private | Army | 10 QOGLR | Bulford | 06-Dec-19 | Ch 1: Fighting. Ch 3: threatening, abusive , insulting or provocative behaviour | Guilty | 6 Months detention |
Lance Corporal | Army | 10 QOGLR | Bulford | 06-Dec-19 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | œ500 Fine and reprimanded |
Craftsman | Army | 6 Bn REME | Bulford | 06-Dec-19 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | 10 Days detention. |
Corporal | Army | 2 PWRR | Catterick | 09-Dec-19 | 2 x Fighting | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | 7 Regt RLC | Catterick | 09-Dec-19 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | Fined œ1,495.88 |
Corporal | Army | 2 Rifles | Catterick | 09-Dec-19 | Ch 1 to 3 & 5: Battery. Ch 4: ABH. | Ch 1 to 3: Guilty. Ch 4 & 5: Not Guilty. | 6 Months detention, suspended for 24 months and pay a œ150 Service Compensation Order. |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | 1 PWRR | Bulford | 09-Dec-19 | Ch 1: Being concerned in the supply of a controlled drug. Ch 2: Possession of a controlled drug. | Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: No verdict taken. | 4 Years imprisonment |
Hldr | Army | 4 Scots | Catterick | 10-Dec-19 | Ch 1 to 4: AWOL. Ch 5: Possession of a controlled drug. | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and 180 days detention. |
Ex-Corporal | Army | 2 Para | Catterick | 11-Dec-19 | 3 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | MAB 2 | Bulford | 12-Dec-19 | 3 x Forgery | Ch 1 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. | Reduced to the rank of Corporal. |
Sergeant | Royal Air Force | RAF Brize Norton | Catterick | 12-Dec-19 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 90 Days detention, suspended for 12 months and pay a œ1,000 Service Compensation Order. |
Able Seaman | Royal Navy | HMS Westminster | Bulford | 12-Dec-19 | 2 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Chief Petty Officer | Royal Navy | HMS Nelson | Bulford | 12-Dec-19 | 1 x Fraud | Guilty | 4 Months detention, suspended for 12 months, reduced to the rank of Petty Officer and pay a œ539.58 Service Compensation Order. |