Transparency data

Meetings, January to March 2020

Updated 30 July 2020
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Minister Date Name of organisation or individual Purpose of meeting
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 03 Turas Stakeholder engagement to discuss Turas, and Irish Language Belfast based organisation
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 03 Conrach na Gaeilge Stakeholder engagement to discuss Irish Language legislation in Northern Ireland.
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 08 Sebastian Payne and Roula Khalaf, Financial Times Andrew Parker General discussion on Northern Ireland matters
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 08 Orange Order Stakeholder engagement to discuss the restoration of devolution.
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 09 Trade Unions Stakeholder engagement to discuss the nurses dispute.
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 09 Speaker of the NI Assembly Stakeholder engagement to discuss the first sitting of the Assembly
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 27 Orange Order Stakeholder engagement to discuss New Decade New Approach
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 28 Media after Joint Ministerial Council EN Discussions with media after the Joint Ministerial Council on EU Negotiations
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 30 Meeting with Jo Bamford / Ed Lister Stakeholder engagement with the new Wrightbus owner to discuss future projects.
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 30 WAVE Trauma Centre To discuss matters relating to legacy legislation
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 30 Mark Davenport, BBC General NI matters with local media
Julian Smith 2020 - 01 - 30 Orange Order Stakeholder engagement to discuss NDNA
Julian Smith 2020 - 02 - 01 CEO, WAVE Trauma Centre Dennis Godfrey Alan McBride Peter Heathwood Robert Barfoot Mark Kelly Cathy McCann Jennifer McNern Margaret Yeaman Paul Gallagher Alex Bunting To discuss matters relating to legacy legislation
Julian Smith 2020 - 02 - 05 Chief Constable, Police Service of Northern Ireland Regular engagement with the Chief Constable of the PSNI
Julian Smith 2020 - 02 - 07 David Girvan and Terry Brown Stakeholder engagement to discuss the Northern Ireland economy and investment
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 02 -15 Vice Chancellor Ulster University Introductory meeting with key Northern Ireland stakeholders.
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 02 - 21 Mrs Finucane To discuss matters relating to the Pat Finucane case
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 02 - 24 Unity of Purpose Group Introductory stakeholder engagement to dicuss Magee Medical College and a potential Free Derry Port
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 02 - 24 Mayor and CEO of Derry City Council Introductory stakeholder engagement to discuss Derry City Deal
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 05 NI Retail Consortium, Freight Transport Association, NI Meat Exporters Association, Ulsters Farmers Union, Manufacturing NI Introductory stakeholder engagement to discuss the New Decade New Approach and implementing the Protocol
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 06 Sarah Ewart, Abortion Campaigner To discuss changes to Abortion law in Northern Ireland
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 18 Chief Constable, Police Service of Northern Ireland Regular engagement with the Chief Constable of the PSNI
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 18 Chris Hope, Chief Political Correspondent and Assistant Editor of the Telegraph Discussion on general Northern Ireland matters
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 19 Confederation of Small Businesses, Federation of Business Industry, NI Chamber of Commerce, NI Tourism Alliance, Hospitality Ulster, Manufacutring NI, NI Retail Consortium, Retail NI To disucss the impact of COVID - 19 on businesses
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 19 Chief Executive of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Stakeholder engagement with the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives chair
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 19 Healing Through Remembering To discuss matters relating to legacy legislation
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 19 WAVE Trauma Centre To discuss matters relating to legacy legislation
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 25 Acting NIAC Chair To discuss matters relating to legacy legislation and Covid-19
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 26 Confederation of Business Industry, Federation of Small Businesses, NI Chamber of Commerce, Institute of Directors, Ulster Farmers Union To disucss the impact of COVID - 19 on businesses
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 26 Freight Transport Association NI, Dairy UK, Hospitality Ulster, Manufacturing NI, NI Food and Drink Association, NI Meat Exporters Association, NI Retard Consortium, Retail NI To disucss the impact of COVID - 19 on businesses
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 30 Andrew Parker To discuss matters relating to legacy legislation
Brandon Lewis 2020 - 03 - 30 Jon Boutcher To discuss matters relating to legacy legislation