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FCO Government Major Project Portfolio data, September 2019 (csv)
Updated 9 July 2020
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GMPP ID Number | FCO_0012_1718-Q4 | FCO_0010_1617-Q3 | FCO_0011_1718-Q3 | |
Project Name | Atlas Programme (IPA ID 2410) | Echo 2 Programme | Washington Embassy Refurbishment | Not set |
Department | FCO | FCO | FCO | Not set |
Description / Aims | To support the FCO's Diplomacy 20:20 agenda and the Government's shared services strategy through the implementation of a modern Oracle Cloud based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. | A joint initiative between DfID, FCO and the British Council to re-procure the current Connectivity and Voice & Video services, covering a network of over 500 offices in over 170 countries. | Refurbishment and upgrading of key buildings on our Washington, USA, compound. | Not set |
IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the IPA Annual Report on Major Projects) | Amber/Red | Amber/Red | Amber | Not set |
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the IPA RAG rating. | The IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (DCA) rating at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) was Amber/Red, which has declined since last year’s Q2 1819 Amber, due primarily to the following factors; - Covid-19 caused wide disruption , forcing the team to invoke it's Business Continuity plan and work from home, during a crucial stage in the development of our first system Proof of Concept build. The team have continued to progress design and development, despite the additional challenges - Timescales for approving the Outline Business Case were delayed, causing late on-boarding of our Design and Assurance Partner and impacted our go to market timelines for engaging a Delivery Partner Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber/Red IPA DCA, the following non-project operating environment activities have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - Late approval of the Outline Business Case caused a delay to on-boarding our Design and Assurance Partner, resulting in late start of our first stage of system build. - COVID-19 has required the programme to re-plan with the whole team based off-site and wider PAG commitment waning as they also respond to COVID-19 challenges. The team have adapted well to new ways of working, and some optimisations are being experienced following initial "shock". Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber/Red IPA DCA, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - Remote ways of working, secure onboarding of suppliers and wider programme team, and the technology required to enable team remote working have all been actioned and is now the "new normal". - Escalation to Atlas Steering Group to agree an optimised FBC internal approval path to avoid a protracted series of evaluations over the summer period has been noted and a provisional way forward agreed. | The IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (DCA) rating at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) was Amber/Red, which has declined since last year’s Q2 1819 Amber, due primarily to the following factors; - The original Echo programme was reset in March 2019 following the decision to abandon the Connectivity procurement exercise. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber/Red IPA DCA, the following non-project operating environment activities have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - COVID-19 is impacting delivery of Echo 2 with a large proportion of sites either engaged in critical Covid-19 matters and or directly impacted by the virus itself. - Higher levels of assurance on the programme are required due to higher level of scrutiny from the market following the original challenge to the first procurement. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber/Red IPA DCA, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - The appointment of a Programme Director has enhanced the current capability and reinforced good PPM practices. - The governance has been strengthened (formal appointment of SRO) and the capability in the Programme team is being enhanced. - The last IPA PAR (October 2019) positively rated the programme as Amber. This represented a significant improvement demonstrating that the programme was heading in the right direction. | The IPA Delivery Confidence Assessment (DCA) rating at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) was Amber, which has not changed since last year’s Q2 1819 Amber, due primarily to the following factors; - Good progress has been made on the full business case planned for November 2019. An IPA Gateway 3 Review in September kept the programme at Amber, but it would have been Amber Green if not for contractor bids above pre-tender estimates. The project remains an FCO priority and there is confidence in delivery. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber IPA DCA, the following non-project operating environment activities have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - COVID-19 has forced the closure of the construction site. The project is currently suspended. The timing of any resumption remains uncertain and obviously dependent on the success of the wider response to the pandemic Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) Amber IPA DCA, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 IPA DCA; - Project progress since September remained on track until the COVID-19 impact. The FBC was approved by both FCO Management Board and HMT, the construction contract was subsequently signed with the preferred bidder and activity started on site in early 2020 as per programme. | Not set |
Project - Start Date (Latest Approved Start Date) | 01/05/2016 | 01/09/2015 | 01/01/2017 | Not set |
Project - End Date (Latest Approved End Date) | 31/10/2021 | 30/09/2021 | 12/12/2022 | Not set |
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | The scheduled baseline project end date at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is 31/10/21, has lengthened by 488 days since last year's Q2 1819 date of 30/06/20, due primarily to the following factors; - The programme underwent a full review. This resulted in a radical change to approach, removing previous SI, bolstering of the FCO programme team with specialist resources and generated a revised Outline Business Case that was approved by the FCO, CO and Treasury in Nov-2020 to onboard a new delivery partner. - The programme's base assumptions that re-use of material from the Home Office Metis Programme proved over stated when assessed against the operational needs of the FCO, FCOS, PAGs and overseas government. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) baseline project end date of 31/10/21, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 baseline project end date; - We have maximised Home Office Metis reuse, and significantly augmented this with a full design exercise, driving out a full Proof of Concept for overseas government. - The programme has established a significantly stronger client side function better prepared to manage delivery of multiple suppliers across a multi tenancy model. | The scheduled baseline project end date at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is 30/09/21, has lengthened by 30 days since last year's Q2 1819 date of 31/08/21, due primarily to the following factors; - The abandonment of the previous procurement resulted in the closure of the original programme and the reset of the programme to put in place new arrangements for the provision of network services. The date for completion of transition is now 20/09/23. - The extension by thirty days at this time was due to the previous programme's minor slippage which was superseded by the abandonment of the procurement. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) baseline project end date of 30/09/21, the following non-project operating environment activities have impacted the original Q2 baseline project end date; - The abandonment of the procurement. - The reset of the programme to deliver the new arrangements has slipped the date. Since the Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) baseline project end date of 30/09/21, the following primary project actions have impacted the original Q2 baseline project end date; - The programme has been reset. - A new business case has been produced. | The scheduled baseline project end date at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is 12/12/22, has not changed since last year's Q2 1819 date of 12/12/22, due primarily to the following factors; - Project programme did remain on track following FBC approval, with construction on site as scheduled. The impact of COVID-19 is uncertain, but completion dates remain unchanged at present, as there are opportunities to re-profile construction activities depending upon the changed operating environment (e.g. limits on entertainment/events) | Not set |
Financial Year Baseline (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | £13.28 | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | £8.00 | Not set |
Financial Year Forecast (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | £13.28 | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | £8.00 | Not set |
Financial Year Variance (%) | 0% | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | 0% | Not set |
TOTAL Baseline Whole Life Costs (£m) (including Non-Government Costs) | £93.83 | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | £118.70 | Not set |
Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2018/19 (if variance is more than 5%) | Budget variance less than 5% | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | Budget variance less than 5% | Not set |
Departmental Narrative on Budgeted Whole Life Costs | The baseline Whole Life Cost at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is £93.83 m, has increased by £72.03 m since last year's Q2 1819 (£m) baseline Whole Life Cost of £21.80 m, due primarily to the following factors; - The baseline Whole Life Cost as reported at the end of financial year 2019-20 (31st of March 2020) is £93.7m. A reduction of £0.1m due to non utilisation of costed risk allocated to programme spend in the financial year. | Exempt under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests) | The baseline Whole Life Cost at Q2 1920 (30th September 2019) is £118.70 m, has increased since last year, due primarily to the following factors; - Tender costs were significantly higher than pre-tender estimates provided by the QS project advisers. An increasingly hot construction market in Washington, with the federal government recently issuing a series of significant public building and infrastructure procurements, has put considerable pressure on sub-contractor capacity and rates | Not set |
Annual Report Category | ICT | ICT | Infrastructure and Construction | Not set |
The IPA Annual Report publishes the whole life cycle costs on projects, based on figures from their Business Cases, whilst the National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline (NICP) focuses primarily on the upfront capital investment on a project. Where both documents refer to the same projects, this distinction will be the principal reason for any differences in the data sets published. Other government publications may use different methodologies to derive cost figures | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |